THE F L E S H K K ADVANCE OVHCL \oi GEO. MITCHELL, KLSSHBRTON. I 'irl btnkin^ kiune** tr*n<eti Dr*rt* ''il I i- I ID* at aal ia* Uonn\ siwyi stuitliU tr leftiuuiat* *oi. It . K (wo toon north of Ki'.hanlwr. A Co'i. Vicinity Chips. t'hara.-trrfstlrs of the Past Week < urrfull) fulled for tb Curious. ftmiH''** wW*<r<* HHvt^i bf&ft tf Jc n? ./i ir/' / !< tkr r'llf nf !'>< fr U* far m i-b . ri,,<tr,ict* far /"'' U~rt r o*r. Special Notice. li-v L''- S -i'- iu h< eunujn'ed to re- ia f tr an .ther Sabbath. He ill preach in t!." M'"h.iit church, illuming and i-rrMnj. Subject* (A. ni c . aid, hut Wlmher'' ; (p ni ) "Sc- in/ the Invisible. Special -'4Kr. >ns. Mr. H.I^WT*. i'ar-w-'W, B) Pr>*t"n, haa a j i-a r i |'>M etrcrm which li(>[>ed j tlt-.< at X.'h>' 16*. lait Sat'ii.Uy in' II -vilk. T!.n I* an -nt..r.iiiiary -n avtraze .f 16-ttJ IU each. "I would highly rciuiiienJ all cheti* :.i .*rr* who can, t-i avail then<*<;lve* of t/ie <iairy *ch'x>l, under th* inatructn n of Mr. licit, a* I <>o my ucce a* ehtftr* -malinr to him." A bad runawxy ..x-urrnd at the itati- .*i 1 nfly. A hr*e owucd and <ln>i n l,y Mr. K..l,ert Hawkiu* became i: ened >t a inun aiiU<r a darh,ii|etirg tli< bu'.ay and (Miching Mr. H*wk:n .t. The hvgry tlltl1 iih'!i itir f >i.<i the li'TW ran furiou*ly toward* (I \>l.a^e. Wlieii near Fle*hr * r*.i d ioui.;"i,e attetnptud to t";> the ai.ima 1 , hiuh veered 9 and mi into the buH, iinail\tn-.' the bujj-jy all to piec an-l dri\- iiiK a stick into tli imide of tk fro it lr*,ue>ar the Uiy.nikin^ iMuty wi,und, lnc.'i re<j<iired th Mtvicc* of *u-. Oltewell. The borM ilid nwt Mp uut 1 it reached MunihaiT* hotel itabUa. I* . n i'. neatly tune th\t "tir path uias'.e:* were .'i-ttiu^ down rn liiuir work of r^;> uriii/ udwalks aiitl strrtt* J It i* 1:1 i. tli anJ a lulf jiuueprv^prr authority - 'i jiiJe.l t'jeui. Mr J lin bealliani Di<l "ii Tuesday III..:M:IJ of this week, a^ed 3-i year*. I u-><J liu* bevti a sufferer fn.m heart affliction fr * kmg time. T'.o t... i; |4ac on \\V,ii,ed.\y after MOOD tj r't-*hertxni cemetery. .V .Mini"., her little boy i. "Now IWn- iih . if V'.u'il I* ^><>U aiid K. to Wp. ii.tiuiii* II irive y<>u one nf I>r Ayet't nice i;jrr 0'tt-J Cathartic Fill*, iirxt tun.- y..u i..ed med.eine." Heiiiue. uiiliiu; iwirtly. dn.;<i<r4 off to *!ev;i. A m.-ei n-_' *>f Artetnetia Young Li>*Tl Ci>ii.-rrative* wil 1 he held in tht Town Hall to i.iort", Friday cvetuui;. f'-r the )>ur;.e i if appoint iu'.; delegat***, etc. A lrff- ueiidncw; i* eijc'.d. Meeting at t> _ A nn'etin/ f fanner* will b lield in the cli.Hil hu* <>f N". 7. Arfeinraia. un,r. 14th m*t , for ihe |iur|>. f Ulkiti* over matter* in C"i>iucti"ii with farming. All iiitereled are ri-, ic*tcj to 4. l.ll. LucavbarrUtcr, Markdale. lia* ?10,(X4) j.nvate fund* t> lend on I.f in in. i '/*!; oitlnii the (MMt few nmnth* at !".-st current rate* No t>Miiailx- .' d>-lav. expeoce* k.w. Apply l - IM Xlitrka^W lnn.' t'u week or at uttice <> Saturday*. The Brewstcr La!.e FIMII^ Club bad their tint outing hut wek at (heir pre- *erre near Flehertuii. JI>i-Je who en- j'-yed the can>f> !<fe and tithing wr Meaaan Le- A \.a<<- . . .'., J. E. Kemj., B. E. Walker. J -SVrl M.Maitei. E. R f. Cltrk-w.n. F J. Stewart. \' MittVris, D. E. Th.HiiS4 n, ..f Tor, nt. .. and Mr. W'o*iU"ii, of Shelburtie. Th- trouting SJ fairly Kuod, th'.u.'h tb*> wea'her wa "-" 1 was exc*llei.t. T >Hbf (wit* wt net e ma a ncc, : It 'i. *A.. :ij (Oud On.- at tb*i< w- -> stout be lo hi* pace. ' Tlie |*-tr7 ms 1- * noiiceaSle f"-r ex- celtencc than the leap ti(tf, but it t* said that tbc U. L. K j lly 15... ,d time . [T.>ruiito Stur'J*y Ni Iiat Tueolay evening t!ie ineinK--- of r UMi.iin I '"Uncil. K.T. <>f T. mvitvd a n number of fnerul* In their 1<*U r to Hacirt HI a talfy fe*iil, winch h<<l K-en pnirided by tli* oriler. The talfy w well made. ami win uuickly dUpeineq with by the uiaiiy anthunaxtic "j UiU-r- . " A I^nithy letter in thu i*u fr^iu \V. > McKarlar.e, Kn| , of >I*rkdalr, ai'i-ut th |x>orhouse i|ueti< n. will be read with interxit. It sound* the ri.'lit it. tf uu <li*cu*e* (ho '|iiet;on in a bt"^ 1 uiJ convi.: :in< uianiier. We aie in enUro jru>{azliy with <* wntiuieuu *X[>reB*d. N t many phy*ician* make great <hrr:i|>-utic diC"Tenet. F>? the ui'*t j'rt t'ley content theru*elvei with a<l- UMMtat<rii; JHirteiouily what u | roiori ed in t*if l4*. To Dr. J C. \>.T. however, in due tlu crviiit of di.v>veriiii( that ^re.ttiN>t of b!>--l puriticrs - Aver * Tho Suvtli lirey Ti-achen' coiiTeiition will he held in >!aik>lal on Th irs.lir Mini Friday. Juno'.'nd and 3rd J. \V IW'i L -fli, CiUiada'i well known cari- catuimt. *ill ".ve lui celebrated lecture n the eve-mi^ of Thtindy. entitled, 4 'l\-(>le you Kiniw." Thi ain>uiK-e- iiient will nu d'-ubt be sufficient to draw a ci< wded house. Tin- Omen .- -ui.d tiiur of Ut wet-k ha* (hi* to uy of the i'.tiks Kilbourn t-ax. whvch * r>-!\ r-<i t. i- uj-le "f weeks a^o : "SNtiml.ty morning tSr' I'artiik. "4 F'.e^liejtt.n Elation, who \^ rr-td some tinm a.; ohar<vd by Ivi- Kilbourn with *n oiWue under t!ie Act. wan ictai\'<4 by the. ma<iirate, Mowat ' urTIU'J to a settlement by Vnrks TV< ll MwU and ,-ue* tho .jni -irl Dr. Sextno'* Memo is in the Mcl'uodnu church un Sunday but were wcy much eii)<>yd by larue cmi2r<aU-<s. ill* lecture ii M :. e\ei.Mi< vu ''Ihe folly of Atheism and the fallacy of A . it''.icuui a ^rand ei|iti >u of tLiv i|wr*tn-n. ar.'l (he Ur., t.. thu MUitfadiuas uf a great in >j r:'v "f hi* hearers, uo ceedet' 111 placin,' chruti.n.ty where it iiutfkt t b, upon ihr aanie plane a* .iy I (he *ciice. Th lecture a.i* a KIII lilic one I'M u^houu a *^*ns t!i m^klful argument preaeiileU i:< Mi af.rctire and .n.; ic f itn, ' I'Uiu that ail Could ihoruUtthly understand. The auJ.euce was fairly lr*e. and lutvned witU iuu<.h interest to the Dr't able exp<'itii.n . r irml truilin It u a l-":i{ time nines) FleahertoD lia* U-eti so honored as it waa by tlus aU cham^ou <4 ci.n-im li^i.t and liberty. T!.e question drawer at tue cloie of the lecture was a feature of ci.i,. i'ier.> ' - lectured at the Meaford Road on Tuesday rveniii/, and A^III in tlie Methodu>t chutx-ii tier* on Wednesday eniu^. !u his subject beiiii! : "S-ieiuia-L- Ai;cta f Prayer. The many friend* of MIM Aniiu Kelt*. daughter >/ Tiioma* Ke*4s, K | . \ jnue leur, < >ue <f Arteiuesia s ur/st suocea*)- ful. liberal, and ei.t.-r..r :i^ faiuion will be glad tu le^ru fp ! a note u on l.ard the vetael at I'-it .in j. M*. to K. J SjT'-u'.e. Fleslierton, a_*ut o( the IK.iuinioii line steamship cowpauy. who booked her for ltlf*ft, Ireful, by . :: t.-ni:ic.tiit steel t..uier. Labrador. thai she h.wl arrived on board, and speak* in ctxnpliiiMfiitary ternit ..f the kind at- tri'tioti ..f the company'* ayent* at i'ort- lai.d. Mea.r*. IWnd Torranco .V who, in compliance with the request troni their Kioslittlon a^ent. uitt bvr on arrival at Cortlaud. ha 1 her ba^ax*) tiansferrrd. and escorted her u U>ard ihe ve*el, where she had been as- >ign4 a lovely and comfortable slato- r - in. and she anticipated a Tery ell joyable tnp acroM"old bnny," especially if she could manage 0'? s'ealth or strataxeni) to cheat the 'old lady' out of her U>ASted compulsory ''casting > counts' w'u-n . iu.- within bvr embracw. Miss Kells will make a )ToU>ii^d via t with her Old (.'ountiy friend*. Personals. Mr NewtuD Lance, uf Duudalt, spent SLIT. .lav on': hi* parent* in Flewhertou. Mr. F.d. Thomtaoii left t'us week to lake a poaitioii a* butcher m Thaiueiford, i 'x'.'id coiii.ty. J>r H .sei^orou^'nif DumU'k ,vi J Mi Aunie Itaiin 11 _i.t S<nidny in towu with Mr ai .1 Mrs. Will Aruisironjj. From tl-e boniiiniiiu of it* nikiiufacttire Until now ii"t a single ounce of any but |nirv Virginia leit of the linest <r ha* hevu lined in the "Myrtle N it Tho nmiiufiictiirvfS of it hale a ftt't'led Wlif that ll.e puUic c.tniiot K' misled on tin* |>int, and tlul an\ t t n V*nms 'th the quality of the 1 I he a monetary low tu them Tb"iuand* of dollars year naved by lUixinK with an nifemir letf. woul-l nut repay them for a doubt i-n ;lii> part of tbe pu'olic as tu tlv tiuaJity uf tbeir Phonogiaphic The Li.lies' Aid of the Pre*by'eMAii church will uive a ph'>notraphic Co 1 cvrt mi Fnd.yv e-tenm-i, 'th n-t. Atthi* is inniethiiij entirely uew. |.o.,e ,'-, i lo* tl < opportunity of hearing this wonderful i 'truinent. Local tnWut will >c:t. Ad mission L'5 ounl*. I r .-r In in >t ei|.>ii cheeta f.v-tonr opened .> MoiuUy with a patronage fully up t latt ye*r, 'i.> which will be <lded to. owui^ to the xnTiaMe name tlie maker, Mr. t'S-<* Stewurt, h inatle fr limivlf in the -.t Mr Strt spent f^-ur day* U.t we-k at the Ti^ dairy K-houl nr'tn'K *<>ni new wrinkle* ID the manu lure of clues*. Mr. S'.ewatt Mjr . a ii{:i up. all. We extend our lympathy to hi* wife and family in their aad bereave- ment. Mr. Gen. Davidson, of the Grange, patted away after two week * illnea*. H- was a man wb<>m to kauw wa* to r- pect He had lired in thia part f the country fur a long time, and wa* liter of the <rai>fe f./r a number . I year*, and wat kjved and revered by all. Ui* head was clear and hi* heart m warm. He will be sadly tni*a**i in and ari.und Fevenham by "Id aad young alike. The funeral trik place yetttrday, Wednesday, May Hth, t. r**erham, and wa* largely attended by friends, anxiuu* to pay the last mark of respect to the departed. BOOT AND SHOE DEALE.1, FLESHEKTON. A LARGK ASSORTMENT OF Boots, Shoes, SDppers, Rubbers, Orershoes. Trunks, thutLiepnwanueou s pcr Daodrufl.aotoalj in th* Bra* whreth*pls*^eba become iSMlf Tata a ID my nanr*wmwat of Aati-DandnnT leap aay MOMthiaw, eh** I oewer eoadd before, which is tbat On* preparation i> a perfect r*K>* of .hot wren etir'joit. aad has Ywan Of xpn- nee i* a bur dneserdannc which tisse I nav* ipvrinuated with ercrv reomaea<tsd p*wp- antlon. not oaw ha* 'sor. I mucht wi v*n all pot ln*^tnr. (ivea the tatisfaeuon that Atti- Ii posiUTely remove DajalrnaT. It stop* falS in(afthhair It oool< the Bead. Itmakeian lafant hsirireasinc. witaoat lae.Tia a trace of tuns*. I use it d*ufy in nv hair-drmina; niaea at Balokeral Hotel, and have TM to lad the list cuwlouiei who was not ptoaawd with it. J T FONT < Froprietor barber ihop. BeOasotal HotwJ. Muotnal. P. Q Executor's Notice. HOTICI n srbi n- panuani to chapter 110. wsc. 3B. R. S. U . 1*7. to to crviitora ao i all otlkwn harto* claims aaiast th* (State of Andrew Wtnt*n late of the illa*j of Fl<h*r* too. in to* Coooty of Or*jr._wwUetnaa. who died on r about th. third da; of Fvbriiary^MI. they ar Seasonable l,'::i-v.'i .;.!'! j 1'n..- Custom work and repairing promptly attended to BICYCLEH TIIL- JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. "COMEF Bicycle < riiY. r "' * -itnl LEiDS TUE \ . - adi. . j . . ciotj HtMy t. ; . . b; tnns Iikiiit v XAi_ ! - ih third la; ofFebniarT. Ml that a or before the Vth > i Mn-i by post, prepaid, or d*n*sr | Jan*. 1MM. to wnd by post. to tbs an.lrucl olicitor.'for Thoeaa* Whit- Un. of the rilla** of Shelbarme. *xawawr of th lst will ud t*etaioat of U> eakl* nsmsm. ddneaea and dMcnpttoa*. a lau<iMDt of thr aeeoanta. vanned y stataarr drclara *swnd\la*> wsakllUV Ol tii4*Lr sataVnritlBwal 'if aUl V t Vthe^^S.oitoruh.r.brliT.n th.t *w>tsM***JwMvwia,a***rtb. Jui*. WK. proe*J to distnbete tb s**rtt of Uis eatd derwaMd amoiui th. partM* eottthxl thereto, hannf re*>rd only to the elafm* of which socb esaeotor *han then have bad nottouadtfaesaid ctorwU! not b reeaoa- fele for the *siti. or any part thereof, to SAT (Mrsen or pwnoo. of wbos* claim nnie* whaA not havw beea reeeind by said xscutor at ths lime of such iiesnbatloB. I i noacttor tor said Esacutor. DsUdthisIUday efXsy. UH. MarkdaM. Hkaayu All the best riders io the country ride the "COMET" MONEY TO IT IS THK >THi>Ni.K~ " IT IS THK KVSIKST RUNNING. IT i.i TII:; i.: .JITGST Ft; LI. BOADSTEB FITTED \VITI! SOI.II) CTSHMN M OOIIE & N ui; PXKCMATIO nut-:. ;rs an. 1 Dealer* in all kind* of Boilding MatenaJa. Rou^h and Jressfd lumber al- $ on hand ; also all kinds of .' , r &, . ,-y AV . fliind > ! : en f-L-kt s, iu fact r fr\ needed in bui'dtn^ or re ing. Sen Comet Cycle Co. 2 .Adelaide St., Toronto. w. u. Tb iu j'-rsigW haa s org* amcm,t c ***"*} W. J BELLAMY. Tw Clvk ArUrneaia. C.,L aee ac*cl, etc. !><-d-. o..>i . el.. prvpartd and |)!y i*ce aff.ctrd uj Dnt cla\a i. Money Io l*Ml a lowest rates. Alwji fon<nli T..U itart at wort. A lrx q'i.> riu* ; ! pi'.* lih m 1 ! '. - - . Flssksrtoo .ask i Hoar Factory BUYERS ar, ^nxne. feed, etc.. thould ex- Bill Wyvill's Stock sMaCw purcba*iu<. He keep* oottautly >4i baud, N.- I F1oa*>*4 20 II.T bbl Tras ;t low a<> ihr !.:. tin to. DR. HDTTON ' H - ; . -.*. BeMd^nc. abd Otu* one j i>f th* Methoiiut Chareb. Kmr.,-> Til-. *d*Ti i - .,,. DR. CARTER M. C. I'. A S . i ,, : ; i . .. CI4B . Iriilt* in WILSON. Hour and fretJ .mil. d ..nilv onfr, II,.IITV fir.. All tbc b ?: goods at right price*, wuicb I am anxious for ail to tt. T. WYVILL. STK\IS < r.L'-i'K. HtSHERI-'N taara ia eMBanfe for foode. M .,'""d 111 K.'vorslktm thia sjirin ~"lv ^tti^Teii. Mi*s Liunt Brwn *(rnt Sumiiy iu ' mi .Mr R l'.tul ha* returned, but Mr*. Paul S* n. t .-..I twu-k yet Mr. J'.lin t'Mik* Kan iriurved to hi* 1 . nhrte he u at- tending the !vli.-.-l. Uf fMA his . < <i * fX.iui. itli hi.iora. \v,n a-..-. .1 -iii- Mr H Aleiftiider I..-.-. It Io '- Serimu l aK'iit "> in this fM-i. The null 1 . t<een Ulle fr a wvek.on ao-.-"'int . f a l.rAen h.'rl. \\ n.lrr it J<- and Kli lik to ply I Truly, death i rs]>iu* a bouutifal hatveat. Mr C. IkUaM* r*Hl * ay after a in^erinc tUiie**. Th*u Mr T. j Hawt.>o, ( TI lent f th < a.>ny Kir er' Miirinc i' . dil ft"- * trw H 5 i illneea. Tie totter was a nn .'f t- . U-.5 pnucipiea, and at rtspcvted 17 Amanda B. JI JMC.. writes : me WHY COUGH, WHEN a few doatt) of Aywri Cherry l*ev torol w :'.l re...- v a jvu .' Try it. Keep it m the hctuo. \ a are liable to hare a cough a> any tuue. aad nu tem^V * to t' as thi* worlJ- I renowned prrpara. 1 tion. N p > hoiuehold, should be w:t:. >ut K. Score* of Uvrs are saved every Jtrar ly it* timely us*. Jenner. Northamrton, " CoiniariB ratiluile in>. ow>dge tkM rreat beuv flu I have derlM'd lai my .hiurea from thw as* of Aver s mo*t xcll*t Cherrr Pectoral. I had loet two dearohiUrea from croup and consumption, and fcsd the create** fear of losing my only le- mainsnf 4ao(hter ami son. a* they were/ delicata. Bappily. I find that by ;n inj them Ajrer'a 5herry Pectoral, on the first symptoms of throat or luug tn>ubK-. they are relieved from tlan^-r. an.l are bo Cviniag robust, healihy rhilJren." "In w> winter of isss I took a had Md whirfc. in spite of every known r grew won. so that the family in eowjIOered me in. urable, cup. noaiag me to be in consuuiption. A* a Ut re-or* I tried Ayer'a Cherry Pectiw ral, and. IB a abort time, the cure wa* complete. Sine* then I bare never beea without thi* medicine. I am fifty year* of asre, weigh over 1W pound*, and at- my p>l health to the 0*0 ot Cherry Fecwral." O.W.Vuuher, UwflBj N J. "Last winter I contracted a tever* cold, which by repeated ezpocnre. be- came quite obntiuate. I was much troubled with hoarsr ne*a and bronchial n. A(:>-r tr. 4 vinous rueUi- aiaea, without relief, I at last purchased a bottle of Aver'* Cherry lYctoral. Oa taking this medicine, my coufh cea*--.! almoat tmmettiately, at. 1 I hare been well eTerrncv." K.-T. Tho*. B. Rnavell. Becrv tarr H.>lt>n C>nf>"ence and P. B. f the wawtirilki DUtrict. M. K. C., Joowboro, Tvan. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FLE3HERTON GREENHOUSE .V 11 ii > >i 11 c t- in e ii t . : your Cabba^f. Ttuato. Cauli- r, and all kind* of - . .-r.oil (iitv:. iuuv. \Vt bae iu stocl; u of iu;\i.i ii^-i!n roou li x.i will tv fat low n \\ c Live a li;ic variety of ill kind< AllUU) cllO'Wr floU. All luouiptlv MU'tldtd (0. MRS j i> ::: : : i: >i i Ion Apr.: A Us, Jutos DRS. SPROULE & ECC. . OLt. Oflio r. 8. Bpr-ul*. If !>.. ] *t*. >l -:c . ( i lr Kgo mill be Kuod at U. J- P. OTTEWELL. . .. .- * -. . ... __ .' L^KJ utlar s*. p. ! flrutistni. J. P MARSHALL. t .1 - ; -. ... .trd FUmbcrt^u J. W. FROSI, Bir - fU>u y* t -- " I uAww FruM P McCDLLODGH, .V^- s.u.r,, Markdal*. .\ln\i. WRIGHT & t A I T I \. EM H i'i n. OF Tin ilRTLE NAVY It TQr , o IX GENUINE Dr. J. C. Aj* Co.. Low**, Ms. t*h>*g !>.-> Bull for Service. Tc* ude*w*w< h * well-brs.1 *'' J halt arMTTieVM lot 1& *d <*xt. r A - IMUM U CttU^. J*COB N- . Moae) to loan at to*** i - <r. tx K. LiM^ii H* J. Sprouic, I ) K *...->-. - - " - i l<. V,.. Liotntiw A:IC:I-.I.. .- eyano v . r scd > Real K.'.atK and lu'Qranov At- . t^ea. Lease* atvi Wilta drawn up wvj VA]:: iti..u m*<l* on >)ior'.'i notme. ASC- - U-' att.i.Jft to in any pury County, y.u.y to MU .: i- irf t. laterett. 1. iictioui tttritde<l t.> wua proiaptae** aiiJ ,i.-pie'i. (.h>-. * I. . Ageotfnr tbelVmioio: . i . GJaagow. I.. nJ.'u OT sue- of th> i-- n-b r-ttmrnit t . i.-k>i, I .-(Wild, villplftaa* wwarw. .i IKS I -j l.i t tin r,- h. H.-Oi.-n ..u rt to woasptl- . G*wtIwM' s .. asadetyin *.! ttyles k*a clot* i* brn| t reedy***, I V* ""< vcn'ii from Maja* * >imn'l| the s*SBy lot s tupwrior line ,-f *> are4 terweta. a><ril t 4 .V