Flesherton Advance, 12 May 1892, p. 6

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THE WEEK'S NEWS OA. Th In** by Sundsy'M tiro in \Viuuipvg was VXO.IKM) -, in.tii.n.-e (f.'iO.lXXt. I'eleboro' ha* a popiiUli.in of lO.-'IOii. an nii-ii-at- I lia>> tuic the general cetiku*. The Hell Origin and I' .inn < "iii|iiy. of (iuelph, turned out over li,H U in-tiun nnts last year. "1 "ill University, Montreal, has bri-n prejente I with a portrait of ita distinguish- ed pMin ipal. Sir W ilium Dawsou. M..II! i il i . i! e<i tie owners have or(.'.m ril to prole. I tm MI int. n- in and secure pi op er i -presentation in the'it\ ( '..in:, it At the big frui' mile in Montreal tin! other day prices were lowei than at tho first sales of Issl year, yet higher than pres- ent Unit.! I States quotations. Assistant City Clerk liosaelin. of Mmitn d, who mysteriously disappeared a week aijo, has returned. Ho had taken .1 trip to Itos K .1 M.I'. per, barrister, und unity ?lerk of trillion nii'l Addingloii, dird the other day at N'tpanee. l>eceavd was atone lime M IM'. for Ad.li.vton. Samuel Kolil., eleven year* of age, was v I'l'iit ill\ m i .tolled while twisting a towel around hit m k .it Inn In. me near Qu'Ap|>ellr>, N. .ill' Went Territories. William I'lirdy, on of John I'm.ly of St. Thomas, had hi- le^ mitii|..|cd in an ac.-idont on the \v-t Shot.- U.uli'iitd and died Wed- nesday night in H.nUln. Mr. ('lillor.l Sifton, Attorney fiener.-il for Manitol*, has l-n renoinmaletl for North I'., in. Ion. The Allsn liner. Haidinian, just arrived at (Jucl*-'' In in Liverpool, hrought out over I 6OO settler* for the Ninth-west. linlge Tasch. nan in Mmit.ea! on Tuef , day decided that ; corporation cannot he . i.n.peili'd ti, i n/c.r. r its own by-laws. Mure (iiHi'd Trunk cmuloye* have lieen ' diniieii from tho car shop* and round- houses in Indon. The rtritish war "hiti,l!nr/:ird and Kim r- aid, have arrived at Halifax from llerinmU. I U minpeit ban a total po|>nlalioo of 11i.lv. 1 , including a floaiing population of :i,l*xi. Starvation and wretchedneai are said lo prevail on th* northern coast of Newfound- , laud. The Irel.indic lull .urprs employed in ion-.true.lion in U .niii|.e^ mriii k on I'uciuluy for an increitse of pay from seven , leen ind a, half cent* to twenty rents an hour. Fifty men went out on striko at Thack- ay's pi. lima 1 nulls, ( lltawa, the oll.er morn- ft^ >. aiiii- a demand for two Imurn nf leu 4re on Saturday afternoons waa tefuited. It is pn>p'i*ed t.. iie't in Winnipeg a ^iinment to the mi ni'. ty of Col Kinney, Is'Hi. married a l'.[r)i lira Msegrm i' sin- hid given birlk I ^ussiii I'l'lm H.;l iir i Home of IxinU hu iliceKiltl thw nt llnasuci Wa* illi-jitn: ai', in .1 lUt-lif niimiss.it i pa>seii to >Villiainlii- ty.v, nrftl{ ) ir liitl'. v . Win. l.ny, lirolhcicuultj ibiieli'M h eatl. rsmi.Burwiin. Tlit 11 OHM' of RlpDpnMSWI- ivrari at IV*,I> in^'tun lias ua*dtti.K<( ICiinfnliiix T" in bill l>y a votu of IS.1 it (> tot. _ There were IX,:1IH Xnini|faan^*u4 Itndrrl a, t New York last w*lo,!ijlWig;liwitriiinilie rim on woek on rvci.nl. iiiii;nl il KirlSim tl, Ark., for the ninniea rifilil(|>uly<y uimha. 1 i ' HEAD HUNTEHS. Thrill in* Sceneo Among tte Malaji of Bornso l l: I mill tllMIIOIIlMllK.III ' (Wdlaiilers! Well, Dick ! 1 never law a*v in. in- f;i- iit],'lnnl y linking lot of murd*-reri in my life !" I fell coinlranifxl lo anjs* to my friend, si I lay ba.-k luxuri- ously upon the aplit ham boo flooring of the nativea hniiH in which the villagn I>atuh,nl just feasted us with grave decorous cere- mony . Ind.... Territory. V^ 011 '" , v< T y T" *"' U1 ""l th " 1 l led in th*3 way>f ttasbtsUMMl, evidently, re- CbarlesCoppetl%im^ti| . bwitwlle y p|,,,, ,.. ,,,,. ut irlfu ^ oonluuiog calmly, oartaBabloaadiBiiUfliilly Ul ile,l,th re- i, t h,, ..j^.r, ,,,,| oHio louri*.-.! I* k maun being terriMy - DI ,n*ld. w . r( j on ,| R . .p,-,,,^ floor, "Ihc- bland an. I Kp'i. fin/rani, III-'(M-I .'"iii-it" .-,| wiibenirs). ailent- Mauy, moving with the deadly grace pin it) in a criminal ,u*i..'l, vjISBal BMBjsl h y'ot ihcs .Icitioy iiag nrpent , is ai yet unknown a m.. I. near N'.uhtill le, " hi. t.y>i. Olm-rve tin young man nearly r'erdiii.uiil W.ml w isjuii!a.e.I.I fr,!*ii q opposaitc ymi liv.Mth the red am! yellow .n Mom l*n j>vn/ 'ti*l H -. in siii-trm ' T'li-liCj MI \ft**\f\<<. Nfctw Yntk hi* ii'iin. Marine On Miniilay ntlli- vrnri!(, tlavc in turlua>n twilled on his hosvd," I I- x.ke.l upon nlenitr lat rliniied youth of link the preit.'iiee uf llioua.MsiiiiU'areisi-ideiilrlskrr i ton mi<l the corner tealoueirf Une I i rail iraosn umenl. The latest mov ool "l'n " Mi,>havel ' follower* lauu appeatalt) ton III ini;-liMi 111 a ter at Washington, dining; thurmt, liity atre British subjectH. Hv an explosion otltH .kit kcK;of |t*rdr paati at Bin Si.ine, I Jap. * Titoni, t li otliir i i*y, wh<ua Urjjtblauk liquideyel beautifully ange. I.. i'-. and softly kirleas face would luve pro- nii'iii .-! Iain woman to the 'ye* of the. un initialled in the physical peculiarities o' tl DyaLc rate. sVSJMl bus heml WAI thr B Innli-r tiii-lmnuf the Mtliay races, a hand kerchief of brilliant red aud orange hues. Thrown catreleisly acrouuia shoulder, acrnas sand around hit body was a __ yoolored sarong. Tight, d lit IlinaesU, lin|{ trouwrt of white cloth tlii'-kly covered est became redoubled in the deadly combat which was taking place (afore me. Step by lep \ usuf circled round hi* enemy, closing in nearer and nearer to the fray. His eyes never left their coucentrated tiire ti|>on the other's orbs. His adversary stood springy at *t' el, wati.'hing every movement, keeping ever tiiinrd towanU ih foe his deadly kut and daiixer. They *tood within six feet of each other. Kachijuivered and sho-.K with ti.- iriuton of strained muscle and contracted tendon Suddenly the enemy made a bound their sledge hammers day after day <ttil they had beaten down these pinnacle* into a smooth pathway six fet wide. It wa* perhapa the molt laborious engiceering work ever done in the country, for the climate and the location, far from civilized habita- tion", combined to retard the efforts of th* workmen. The roadway, when eotnpVsled, led over what may be properly called a naturally formed bndg* of slit eight mils* long the only bridge of the kind in the world. As one enter* the eisttrl v end of th-t road _ _ toward YuYuI~A rapidly the other'sprung | two unmarked grave* are seen in the salt ai.| nd .wung hack hij kris in springing. crutl n * r lhe lnck - * re T f Veils and Im i ntg-p>, were fal*lly buriini U. Therain maken I hi..,l> n w trying tli ir IUD1 *' " klch "' oa| y lo thr " w lnl0 hnnds again in TIIDW, knvitllimii in nl *, " tr '" *** the jl Mack liair and pal*>. tad the people an hoHinUfX t*K tliik tr P ur<> - !> !* orang* skin. About In* , , *< iwilii dark red flowering completed his coei- arm . a>>vr lh llbow. wert circled ,,,,, , .,, |u . av Und , o , ^ rf Y , j Near And,.,s.M,,lnml -J*r#l IV.yHi.wed _,,, t , uk( . ( | ,;',, lrolll , er , were lbt ^3 - Mr. K u 1 Mdhl . ,-i*.i r.vu t, K , du|ld , km an< , ^^ , iu|e A her hii.Un.l. 1 uJ l IJ.|..,lieri revok.r auid | l^ofcrf toqwirtagh t Ihck. whomulcd ' and r.-ii,rk.-d, la/ily. Watch hi* face aa 1 Mi, |KII-| Mriirun* dJUBk. Asi mlruki wesn adur^ him. How you see the Iwautei u* i-. MIII; the tra.'lt-f lH-lir(n V"*'nrkt' tr al \<*l n^iDnke. Take note of the cluugc* Mt line at Bnffilo oUt iauida>i'.noo*n, in ilsa IMKU ' when they wrrr itn utU li) .he Biigim vl "CJh, Yiwuf !" murmured (jently hyllick, fr< -'B l11 l r ' andk. ,llsi Kufus .lenkini, i>l(pj pi WJIK wtir,ij"i 7 41, "' Kiioxville. <Vnn.. . nk.-. -,. i, ., UU hou Tues-Jay nigh, it I ', ' I ,ps cowlnded so bruiill; yl Illilli^ ISMSiexntlod , I tir.ct r _a the young mam attention t., ung r>ack hu kru in springing Not a sound betrayed the i eault, but a* the enemy now tin led round younp Yusuf 1 saw the dsrk red stain acres* his back which betrayed the kris' deadly work. Again and again tli- dark blue sprang upon tiie orange red. Again and again Yuauf nimbly sprang aside, aiidtcortd a deadly cut each tirn- . And then the dark blue weakened. A pause of tive m m nt <, while- Yusuf slowly circled round bis adversary, spent all the Istter's strength, wasu-d with the running life Mood. (le itaggered backward, and, like a panther, Yusut wa* >i|>on him, cut- ting and stabbing with all the Hercenen* of a maddened bea.it. The dark blue tank a fainting heap hetore him. \o cry for quarter, no screnm or whimper from the heroic warrior soul. H" had fought and lot'. TheVe was nothing lo bo laid. Vusof bent over him, busied for some moment*, while 1 rose, and, descending the hill, advanced to see what help I could ren- der. Before I haul taken in paces Yu*nf suddenly straightened up, and, with half a dozen bounding springs, had disappeared into the jungle. I advanced towards the fal- len man and then stopped short in Hidden h'.ri'.r. H in head w as gone. The bleeding trunk lay hideou* in the morning sun. His enemy had cnt and taken off bit trophy, the cuatoip of the head hunters. " Let the dead bury theirdead," I turned away and walked rapidly back to the vil- lai of Talang. l)ick was sitting chatting with the na- tives, awaiting the arrival of Kajah Rah- man. " I >ick, there's going to be trouble here presently ; let's start away on the best ex- men who died there from the heat, aud, after the faihi.m of the country, were "V buried where they fell. They were covered over with pieces of salt broken from the pinnacle* uear by. The crust was too hard to warrant digging intoiL On* mutt travel a long ti-re to find two more grave* hk* those, if, indeed, two more can be foun I in the world. 1 1: i: 1 1 I 11 i i:-it Till i " M.I. Oar eflkr Maul -arrr..rl e." llrl. i Pl wrr. .iiitl I \plurrr straeket Cure**. ('apt. Van Cele, who h%* been engaged for ten years in most responsible work on the < '-.ng > and its tributaries, hai returned to Brn**els. Van liele wa* a favori-.e lieu- tenant of Stanley, who speaks of him in one of hi* hook* in the most complimentary term*. He has been foremost in lecent ex- plorations in Congo land, and it wa* be who finally settled the vexed question of the identity of the Welle Makiu with the Mo- bangi, the Congo's greatest northern tribu- tary, by ascending the Mobangi, in spile of the hostility "f the na:ire*, until he nearly ;oiued his surveys from the west with those of Junker, who had descended tlie Well* Makua. Van Self's last few year* have wholly been devoted to exploring the vast and populous territories along the Mobangu Since 1889 he ha* studied the principal affluents of that river, and secured the friendship of the natives. The prosperity of hu work may be inferred from the fact that the station of Hauzyville, which he "'t iav >'",u^ iii*i)ii s>VkVUtiuu .* i a 1_ II 1 1_ J II IUUUU*^A - (l him. 11. lifte.l hneyel>row, lazily. Tht " you ctn make 1 remarked ca.reles.ly. Utijn o ' founded on the Mobangi, has now a popu- .-. - - i lalun of 30,000 peo le, made up jf natives ist fine km trial Yusuf carriea." Will he " l walked into th* Mlla K e. prewrving an ' ho ^^ bfea ^ irKtt ^ to , he ix-.t from show it to my friend, who it ignorant of , ou'*rd air of unconcern, for the beneht of ; f%r g^j. nmr Though he wtablished Dyakc weapons, and would like to exsmiue | l ^ na *^* t> , u _, ^ _ >t _ Ban/yville only two year* ago it u now quite au African city. Th* greatest chief in all this region in me leeiin,- n ji-ruw irj u ivauu;i.ii - -- 'many more places to visit. Kepeat my B"gasso, the King of the Sakarat, who live that, notwuh.taml ui. -.t ncn to t l,e lll -- * 1H l>out tho room, ,t . ' ,{" h R.^,,,, when hTcomes along the big M Bomu River, a norUern i . . .1 . ntftf a/l Ih AMlfJB V ii". tit at > r.ifl ^lnHflu V. i to wttl tilt ,'i,kln luldH nt l,'-| WnlIIUII. The feelin,; ii it-jornf mthlauil . ma; j ill Srcietaryv HiKir wnlH Kepuldlc.lll lioliniii'B rlDtii'ltlr aid Htll t. A Nebraska lid thenr* fr,.nicurioii:y" I Dick was a cool hand. Turning to the i n_ >.. 'native*, he addressed them gravely : Men lit a lament t ,eh.n. Isome young I)yak .. , T , my time u valuable 1 have He look**d to hm fellow na- I . face :lu''rd. aiesxt met tares. Slowly hi* and tell him to come to vitit i .... jou.an.l tell mm to come to vmt , rtlnt of the Mobangu Bangatw had heard hau-l-ionKht h,.kn.,an action never l.kc-n , Ko, n p.n chief, at S.nd.kan when I ' % * "" o nisi, hu a,- !:.;: p v::: a : no f ! . p .' i : r !^ r . t J t , o . d . r ?r ^ **i h.c u . 1 r o y ai ehi*>. w,ub.fea.td.nd ?"' t " c - i s c 'r' r n v a ^" d 1 o " committed suici'leaBa'in ni"[ his property animinsnlii i nj h the will in courliii ail nt needed in f i-.i.r nt n ni'itlii m. .-. It ha* Ix-en loiu:enl Ilil Sti.kcs, nf New V- iU Mit . n* rw-sje-ctnl lower upo a lot, and wk-mrdly the kris and cut inct handed to " The Montreal ('iii/eni League is actively Anhing itscruKAilei againit lot terien. Over Jiirty actions were taken out yesterday . 1,'aiiiit parties who have l.t-.-n x-lling tlcketa. l'.\ K return laid on the talde nf the I)o- ! ii I.M..II llniiT of ( 'OIMIIIOIIII the other day, j It appears that from ('niitedi-ruliiiii lo .In I .'I' >, Iv.m, there waa expended for put. lie wuiks in Ontario the sum of *rj,nsj,-j|| The body of a deaf mule named llui;h FraM-r wnn found in the dam at (".uLe'n null, ll.iiiiiliiin, id-- other morning, and it m f"p|ii-e.| the untortiinatf. nmn, l.r.n. lin^' i.M'i Inn ullli. II..IIH, . ..n nutted suicide. Andrew Allle.'k, a farmer of Carlwright, M .int.. I*, started t" drive home from Win- nipeit a week ago and was missing until i.iit Mi.i.dny when Inn body wai found in the i IM r near Winning. His horse also periih ed. John I lo.'kton was employe<l in an exca- vation at the lli-H p.iHI l-ll'ilUC III illUIHO of i . ..11-11,1. tu. ii t. i the Huinilti.n Sue. l llail way Company, when the hank caved in up.ni him, l.rnaknm hit collar bone itn.l dulo.-.it- ing his ahouldrr. A rili/i-n of llainilton lerentlv piiri'liased one hundrrd and forty a. nw of land on llur- I linijtoii I'lams, and has sineu been gratified ! to learn that a portion o' th. h.n to analyam ronUmrd twenty two p.. ageof aluminum, fifty. four of silica, and! fourteen of mm. A writer in the Mon'rral Witiiexisayi the exodus of Fren. h I 'jtnadinns tu the New Kngland Sta'eii | priiiinitt'd by denu !, rscapo the heavy taxes imponed ninm (hem l.v the priests who urn \ i, intf with eiich i.ilier in ha\ inj; nia^'niiiient . I. in .lies and convents in their p<trihes. 1.1 vr IIIIITIIN-. U is computed that no less a sum than ITi.KMi.o II H annuiillv upenlim .Minday in iiii.mg alone in llio I'nited Kiii^il.un. Sir Arthur Sullivan has hd a relapse and was very low on Monday. l.niet .1. counts report a slight improvement in the, x"'' 11 musician'* .-on IHI..II. Un Thursday night the \lai.|in nf Lon- doadtrry, iptaking ! Dublin, MH| that if II K'.ih! is i uri iei! there ill lie , ml M r '.. 'i Ian I. Mm Kathrrimi Am. .1.1. d.iughter of Sir . r.dmn Ann .1.1, wits married on Satnrday! in l.nndon to Ivlwanl, son of Virr Adiiural s n Ki, h ii'il lli.niilii.il The link, ul Hi v.Mi-lme will fo to Wind- sor shortly t" deliver up tin- IIIMUH u ,,, |,,, falbei i Knlghtbood ,it the tiuiter. It n nndertt.i.il tint 'ho t.hneii will confer the h. p., ir upon thnpresun! Duke. ugh llm r.'nt skirt-dancing perfoi m an e of the l i.iuilwtH Ivustrll in an amateur lepiiM. .iixtinn in'. .iMuiied iiiurn comment than ooini.ii'iid'tti .m, I'H _',iy ymmg woman appeal R very well mititied, and haa deter- in ne.i in KH \HH.II tho Iwardi as a |irofcasion- al. It is said sha will shortly sign . tra.-t i 'i M.uuttjer Kdn'anU 1,1 ti dancer at the lii>. \l Tri'i.i... lUbjjrne, re'il lie. I in.., i {,, nient for the Cheli (ill the v.nnui'v causnd by th" deith l M, \\ . J. liLM.Iel, I iniier\nli\ e. A -. 'i frnni London ssy* tin! f|iirt "ii nf I 'h'n.'h dl*fi' , Will lie III.' ilntiilli.il. I .lie III III II '-i iifier I' 1 1 * ha* hi 'i. . "' wny, and one on which the liberal party is 'it . oigtith. liar. '' Jtanir.ii .1, who Ji. d in the Youngson, who ( 'i <ili\l'tte, MlSS., II I" iulkj I.. i thin over to his friemli way t. the thll'.(t|. up kclatimni Un. Ililen L UennM>. of Ma, W r .all scalbard rts drawn Tsie. yoiin^ nun's svspert was entirely chastiged. Tm? Im^lit sand sunny look had van a-hedand ts> dull, milieu, lowering mien hail now tepla< -edit. Holding theKabtiard l roy made wel.-ome when they come to see u*. Wit h ceremonious salutes and courtesiei we were escorted to our boat, and in a few minutes were piddling rapidly dowu the stream. 1 told Dick of aU I had seen that morning. l>ick min!ed a* ho answered, "Three wet-ks n in, ilk i, wi lit Mima IM M wji havnt IMHI literniameii I. list ryl MnosDfei^re.l weapon n.y rig! . u i. \ '. , !. .-' tn the negro monarch, and appointed a day for an interview at Yakoma on the Moban- gi. Bangasao arrived in July, I '.", accom- panied by his brother and twenty six of his chief*, and made hit entry into the itatioo preceded by his band of musicians, and fol- lowed by hundreds of women and slaves bearing provisicni and preeents. He it very ds of thousands of ncu, and u mival sVnul vrl-ll. At an r.irly h,,iir*rnn-ililtar'lss ay muni u f\ lire In.*" out mil lit i lit l'i . .11 tiHna.sn*Dof In.liiitry in N' V^'miwi, liail lo rial I a it lily drilled were thu ixlt i ilim ll.aaal truly w hundred liltle ftt \ttt jJiia>iiri-' tlimo. Ii mi- dred U>y got out*) ol li, left - tin'i'l"- m: i..i;. mid inari'lire-do'cullL*! BltrcC*! tl> out tin; least pa. uc ut ciniMWai. l'i It HMUI _ Th 1'ope hu .iilfi' lil an|a.4aiiiat |ai~9tr school* for ihul'naiih -jtiflaCfi. _ Th" cniigraliun lro-lioniinrijiiii yeir has I.--, n heavier tJlln uii an, ; any |ire?% a ui year. Worth, the frlr - r, 'I* . i-Si llilllino r, hu alwlidiud the iml i h ^ ;.,:t In sritntlgot^ni, nnd lias also cntiiig jmatJir ani.Iliuc k dliv ion. cheeii wi'lfat trie hilt, tsaperDK v *ry gradual ly l itspuiiit. Tne rian.lle waa ofcarvexl ivory, ir...^-'\ w'pped with well waxed cri 1 ami itu.l -I. I Hiiti ^..lilm Vr>ne. The l)Cs wue as keen a* ra/nriand aliced the ilir i frumihe tipofmy tingrrat theli|(htat . llajah Rahman usited the village of. It WM oneof the :>!.{ . the early morning and carried ' lcn - avy.bla. led, double- ' aw . y the head of Yntufa father fn in th<- P> lrll>ute to , h ! nl ' 82* 1 ': U ? >; 7' ".*** I long and three in ver / portal, ot hu house, where h was I P~"'" ' il v - "i* forefather, htve It wsui a d.'i r\ ij> ,n in n> >th. itl.uk %ith a Hinile, hamlle ,.im! urineinl will renn.ve hii eye* from yon and Ilia left raand from his.lac^i-r. lie careful ! Frewnt the |'iut and you 11 have i i yoiar boily in a imuute mnt welllxttri bedeail men, " remarked l>it-k returning L'uide. Dac.-re u he lay watching us both. 1 ha I "Kajah Hahman's" very port mending tih nets. Yusuf has cuinmen e 1 hit revenge. It will take in many a day to itraii(hten out and balance account* be- tween these head-hunter*' vendetta*." Toward evening we reached the village of Manang. Upon a pole before young Yuiuf's reigned for 'JUO years i-pon th* shores of the XI'Bomu. Hi* people are to powerful that the Soudanese, who oppreft* and enslave aU i the other tribes in this part of Afiica, dol 1 not dare attack them. Hefore Hangasso arrived at th* place ap- pointed for the interview >mr hundreds of his men were sent there, and u took them eight dayt to build the camp which their house was the freshly decapitated bead of hit enemy. We teiilour interpreter ashore for some . bacanaa and a fowl or two before returning King was to occupy, which comprised not down the stream. I les* than HOD huu. Kor fifteen days Bangs***) \\ 'hnnhead watit " asked l>ick of the and Van tlele had long interview* which re- sulted in the King placing hu territory un- j the unconcerned der the protection of the sovereign of the rly mode the nnit-ake which inr,in war answer, lo k.be li^itin^ Malay wrhen Dick reminded .trcatn. in ttm to aate tcBVtaatrnphr. mistake whioh menu war , niW e r . u we ouce more glided di-wu the (in- - 1.1 i i Ille i >n. e >||.iiii u poseasion of dia kris the SSJBJSW Dfak'a face resumed ita pleasant ex- >>ii,iuud he iimlt-d as Dick jouliniied . ly inMiality : ' * There re> few mrn in Borneo whor.nild la ml M.i.-e Vuiuf a k ri* fur more thiu tive iiiis-iutei" Bui liaj i h lUlitnsan " Withone l>oyndilic> Dytk rat upon Ins feet. With sa tier..' hiss Ina hands fell mi Two |iirls, Sik'i.iiliaiiit.haave eheenirsreawtel in K.ittrrdam l..r - J.lnli <i:iam k ' pmi .! Idi hi kriiand tla^er, ixnd h itooped crouch- containing; iutullw >|{i ;mi!BOce:eitUe CJtatn j m^ij andqmvtsriiii; with leuie niiisclft and \ r. i: I:M.I o M nrl ..Hi rartljr Nn.ur.il and I'arilt Ir IIMrlal. I ,,,,.| IB it. ul. t ,n, . The natural wondfr* of Death Valley Col., hav probably been more minutely and extensively dencnbt-d by prnfest'onal way eacap- In 1 vxa ,,,. CongoSlate. When he departed for his ov "I II. .ll.in-l. lauatpreawd |Muin.n. Tin muscles of In. |. leen i;,'^x.'iniiiih |iiaii iliui,- i IB ,in u . In, i dnawn im-i and hideous . . !l,niiii;^j;lil u '-tl V4nlr;,i lx >ut lui vmsagf. peopl. -who mrvd f I., re -avail* t feared Ansrciii.tsi riolot An engine atnkexrl U *I"IT'* mite I'lirtridgeitn an iWBof T . just alKiul to IwtB In, t .',,,! hi 1 1- 1 i*il.iv ntatioiut 1 A: An, kr'uiauc day. Tho nun 1. 1. - I and A^nea I leitit. a|, inenli'.l up Ul ' ': tirst a!li.tiici) ol tllln ' many. (iooilwin lialtsM, life iir.piisi.iiiiini ait* ill.* ni film. )li,- I.. Isii'J, fur tl nail 1 1 In of hw IK ItroHiesr, l!ii pardoneil . mi i r(ii l .'I'lIU IIIII4 . prison at the <(f ul i. 1 II., i, . ii sir l In i. w- "* her I,: I -i, ,, ik Hun .UK MM, u'!tr~llli , \m knij^ > -niu i . .. Tlii. i I lie Utaviiii*,iuiiilii ,n ituwu m senlriit-. 1 :, IIM "" as* ticsrce-hreat lied agilat ion. ' Ih.-rrwu* nn tn^ry rustle in the room as mm looked iri iti nii^in-:ic sympathy with the n ragged buy. mi.l lingered fretful- ly Ml bskrta. Anoimnoui tilenoefell iip- ! lo lie I ...mil I II *1Miisi;ii A \er\ pouipni siiiUttin| *siir^ genn tasi ttnt to a recruiting ill -, m lu Hj|UtBxlas to I'xainine a batch uzii Id tar lio hadukan the l.llll'l'li M n(lllllll K ' I ll>ll>TII||lt, lrrl.'..IIIIU niaiiiier of I lid |H-> i'!n <n i fl-i(lwlllP, lir'oi i. V..IIH 1 1 n nit i lui in' fiu HUM aldelo sansnwer the liisi question 11 ni.inn ntmtud | t]i, i.l l.nili Why don't; ymeiiM-^Kn r!'* nrd, the ; " w lut '<(''' *rai *', I'u S'lll the puiucacitJ.litltsi la.ad nmUl only stare |n i' H' ' i i i . . Ii . < 1 1 a|iieiline r whu . \ ' inn . I : Why, 1 Miswi W:'fllo-'.r'iliie. d >f" and, taking lui wviUi.!li mu - Ii i- |n ke^l he lull il t.. th'i bl'tt (p*BiM'tl it i i ifi-ril,*j- in|j : MkKTii lll(! g?" 'lli yinitli ill owlotto tieaJHil. Tin! watch *ji m :uV. I i t,. 1 1,,. i.t JK- r ur witli the. saint till- Mils In-. id ul tin! ivmi i '.ii own ihr.t viiluelis*" ^Vitha sinothirp,! He ehonld have .. ..iintry. Kangaaso made the Captain prom- ise that he would return hw visit. Atsooa as convenient Van Hele ascvn.led the) M liniiiu Kiver to Baugasso's chief town. What wa* Van Cote'* attonishuteut to tinj. when he left his boat at the ri\er bank, that in a tingle day the King't men had levelled to the ground all the jungle fur a distance of ten imlei, making a path about sixteen feet in width. This big work waa carried out m order that the white man might travel a* easily at possible to the capital. The latest achievement of Van tiele waa th* repulse of the Arabs who attacked ihe I'ongo State station at hjabbir on the Mo- hangi. This fore* .. a party of slave 1 trader* from Khartoum, and Van tiele oom- ; pleteiy defeated them and stopped their ties, and then had | operations in that part of the country. Van the west side because no i ,j e | e . bnkv , salfilw. and was born to sue- hut one wonder ed these untravellnl scribes. U.t.ix umks were built on the east tide of mouth of Furnace I 'reek (.'anon. The rood railroad led d.iwn the east side drinkirg water can be bad on the east side Wlow rurnaoe Creek. Morwver the land | whlch in jutt , uch mi tho weit side net much better fora liut how to get the wagons acroa* tlie valley wa* a problem. Kmni end t.. end th.- centre of the valley i* one long salt marsh, and in molt plaits it i* so toft and wet that even a man wnuld need snow shoes to ensure his enterprise! as conspicuous. those ia Tee <M J I* '- 1 1 HI. ! "nil un the room, which was hrok en by Diok't ovll vi.ii-e o 1 was i while Y uiuf lirea his hie i safety. Klaewher*. however, the oo*e ha* i-.ii crusted over. This crus* U in places sob the Dyak flung very hintnd treacherout, and only in one of the table, a brav* and acoomplnhed ott- lirt sins hu hall iI.'Awn Itrisint.. ita scnbbard t.. ..i.t . .1..-. .t .. v .. n'u i i i ._ .1 i .111 " to Ki iiuiil, Mini- ten feet below, and in a tio- An old army surgeon, who was very fond of a joko 'if not perpetrated at his own el- pense), was one day at meat ; alter the de- canter had performed several perambulations ... Jity does it sejra to be firm. W'herever .1 looking Bsroth n lund Ihe room strode tin. crust bo* been cut through a thin slimy theduoi w y. Hi li;a|*l lightly to the wit mud has been found to I* of unmeasur- depth unmeoturalde with any line or pole. Dr. i . Hart Merriam'* corp* of iu9iit hhldiaaappeftirtl into the juagle. JV fcwdityn later I wai in the jungle, hu ntiii,! \Vnl.ailvaiice.l nllc and finger i .. M trigger. I lay at full length wat.-hm^ foar a lucky r tuner at deer i.r pig. For ten m i niite< I lay iiiotu.nlcys, when a chatter in3 of I ho inonkryndn'W my attratioii to lU j iinjlo lit-neath itim, In the left of the (l_-arii:|(. <mii' '.1m fvet away. A young M winy >loppd out in to the open. He was a saineut yotinn i|ii'.-inieii i.f manhood, as lii .. .1 My.ik as I Iml ul se-ii. In dark bl ie tiouaer tiglit^, wvith limilarly culoreil in -sn juckat mm) lurhnii, theriaingtun tint eift Ir.i i.r.vnwce luifil akin until il hon>- in ii. h .'..n'.i.ist to hu *ombre clothing. The n> t-vittlile dlagger and kns wer at IIM WSBJtt. SiuliKuly I iiwhiin turn tiix hul and K| iiriiiiiitolceenatteiitii.il. The next ino liacnt limpi HIIK u|>on his ft'et, twilled In- Uarlian tightly rmiiK.1 hit hed anil stood ini; Ins rftTfuiin ill" ihesitlK .1 ...tnr ill 111 1 lull I l.u ,|,i,|l in l Ihe \ lii t thi 1 an ilniilui :in-.;iui|,| hj^T,)!!. I . . I, I .... w itli knt i\nil ili.i^ir .luwii facing the ji iile, wi' U eye- i i > lol n|><>noB apot. P iiriiing my eyis HI t h >t ilii.'.'tioii I hchVd a tighlUMat held me fascinated. At tii -t I M ',iv iithiiit,'ole>nrlY,but a cer, and a great wag, remarked to the doc- tor (who h.u) been somewhat se.-ere in his remarks on the literary deficiencies of some of the orticrr* : "Doctor, are you acquainted wit ii C'aptaio ti. ?" Yes, I kti"W him well," replied the I'hcr*- is no guessing how much deeper the doctor : but what of him t" ' Nuihin; in particular, only I have just a road mutt be had, rtnd so the received a letter troui him, and 1 will wager h-ientists cut through in one place and easily shoved a pole down fifteen feet. ' limit- workmen went alout over thr in ir-li where the crust seemed to lie thickest and sounded i,\ ,- K with aledge hammer*. They found the crust was a mixture of aalt and sand, and rtentually a route was deiided upon. The road was then to be graded, and probably tur the lint rune in the world a road of the length of this on a was graded exclusively with sledg* hammer*. U -re was a stretch of solid aalt some eight miles scrors. Intsemteit was level there were no hills or valleys. In another sense there was tc-trce a level square inch on the whole bed for the salt crust had probably, tlnough the intlnciu-e of heat from above and i>f in. nature from below, been torn aud .,, It'sjsBj keUrt>k the dim Illllll illllll 11 i II. 1 III',. .,,., I. Hi" rnili t. i II |i|wu. ,''. ''illll in'. I I . Illllll - . % nsivn tlioiijb a lillii'tj<ni-:mlijni liaur.ly w >*. of a man. to tli< crouching Steadily . step ov utep, he e v -!ii|iriliut < IIK. UsU ft oat he toward liia adversary. Hith men .rise*. urm, dag- yei ttivsh ' o-i I rtmieinhereil Yi-u!'- sunl t Inn Vu*f iiimicll. ill iiitet v 1 1 vd (orwsvrd grasp 1111; theii k rides it i tlmr r in hi hand :, - t lie I, It tVtrowi aerotN tk i. uly, iltitchel the jC*r immtinx niiU.ii . I. Kj-h had hit l ,i|H>ti t h other 'sorba Wiih a ! f If twistcii and tin own up into the most jagged peak*, pyramids, and criscrossrd ridges im- ogiiialile. They wero nnt high none more than four feet- Im! there was not level Sluice even for a tuau'i foot between them. K\ ei y itep made wot on a ragged point or edge of some kind. The nearest approach lung like that I have ever seen o! old port that you cannot sty im t how he spells cat." 'aid the doctor - it's a wa- ger. " "Well commence guessing," said the otlicer. -K a double t." X..." " Kate." " No, try again." T-s t-t-e.' r " X", you have missed it again." " Well, then," returned th* doctor, dimldet," N.I," laid the wag, " that's not the way. Try sgain ; it's your latt gueas." Cagh-t" " Xo," said the wag, " that t not the way; you have lost the wager." " Well, aaid the doutor, with great petu- lance of manner. " how doet he spell it ? ' "Why, he spell* it, C-a-t," rvplied the wit, with the utmost ur.ivity. Amid the v.-v of the mess, almost chok- on the i.eoii Lake Krie wlieie two tields i,, B w,;h raae, th* doctor spring to Ina fet had been jammed together by the wind aud held so by the frost. The ragged ice masses were somewhat like these salt masse*. They were larger, but they were not so sharp or iu uny way so dinVult to crust, .luduin, th.it the crn*: would nustatn the weight of the wogoui, th* workmen twun e exclaiming U.ntleman. I am too old U> bo trifled with in this m.u uer !" The choir of the Mormon T*. inlc at Salt Lake City U 900 strong.

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