Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1892, p. 1

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jtitiranix TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, SOT MEN. 370L. XI., NO 566. PLESHERTON, ONL, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1892. W. H. THURSTOH, EOiTC* a WATCHES AWAY aoille *W@ Will S6ll A 3 OUNCE. OPEN FACE, SILVERORE, SXAP BEZEL. WITH HEAVY, FRE.NCH- CUT CRYSTAL, WATCH, FILLED WITH A SPLENDID, n JEWELED AMKKICAN MOVEMENT, KEY WIND. FOB $476 WE WILL FORWARD THIS SPLENDID WATCH TO ANY ADDRESS OS RECEIPT OF THAT AMOUNT ARMSTRONG BROS. FLESHKRTOS WATCHMAKERS Jt JKH'ELEBS. D W N Goods must he sold ! > IKIC i ; GROCERIES. No. I Cooking Raisins, twenty-eight Ibs. in box for Si.oo > The best Rice, 24 Ibs. for $1.00. 4 Ibs. of the finest Japan i Tea for $1.00. If this tea docs net suit, your money' reiunded. PROVISIONS. No i Lon.^ Clear Bacon, only nine cents per pound Spiced Rolls, eleven cents. Smoked Flams twelve cents. "BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies' Buff Shoes, hand made at one dollar a pair. Gent's Buff Shoes, hand made, at one dollar. MILLINERY. No time to say anything. Every person busy getting orders ready. I K I M III .1 . Another eiiiien left oar Tillage Mr McKnight. Mr. Hamilton Allen, we learn, has located near Brandon. Manitoba. He bat sent for hi* blackamilb a kit ait he is starting into baainm oat there We wish Lain socceM. Mr. Artdal had the misfortune to low a valuable ox. It WM choked by a piece of tut nip. Mr. Andrew Dingwell ha* a yoke of oxen wliich weigh 565 Ibe. ; also a eow weighing 1400 Ibs. TLeae we tliink will compare favorably with fatted cattle of any part of Ontario. The tjuren's birthday is to be cele- brated here a* usual or sports of vari- ous kinds. Hitherto immense crowds hive come and many look forward to a like attendance lias year Mr. Jos. Black Las got a little boy from the orphans home in Dundee. Scotlaud. If Le it a sample cf the children of that institution we think it deserves the name cf "Ham*. " as is rv :.cl by tu* rosy che*kind bright intelligent counttuauo* of the .s-i Tlie Mises Speuce are saul tj be .Iviug tine work in the dreti-makiug .ii.r. and as a :al: are receiving the p:ioi:.;e of a number of the ladies >f tins eoinmuuity. b*diug ii a thing of the past with tnost of the farmers fur another year. VI IM MaKgK VlcEachnie is a little better Sue Laa beu and is stiii nuusly i.l with some affliction of the heart, but h tpes are entertained for her recovery. Mrs. Arch. Fegtison who haj been ' laid up with iudammation on the uerves i again ablv to be out a little. Mr. Jjhu Campbell is also re- covviing. Mr and Mrs. Jas. Black are vis- iting fiieuds ui Shrigley. Mr 1>. K. McAituur was made liai'pr las* week oy the arrival of a little boy. Mis LWile Fergufon i home from Toronto. ADVERTISE BECAUSE \VE CAN reach you through this medium better than any other. We pay ham cash tor advertise- ments, and ask you as a favor to read then- net to note how badly or how well they may be worded ; not to see if there are any funny points to make you smile, but to see if what we are offering will not benefit you when you next come to Flesheiton. Keep the store on the hill in your mind when you come, and if there isn't any word in the advertisement for you a call will convince you that we study the interests of our customers much more than the lining ot Our own pockets. Don't let any smooth-tongued shoddy pedlar, tea agent or Jew talk you into something you don't want, but trade with the men who are always with you, then if tin tea don't come up to what it is represented, or the roods to wear to your entire satisi?ction, you can get even by cussing them to their face instead of behind the pedlar's f back. No satisfaction in that. We keep full lines in the following departmets : Scwa- rVwm our <ncn '.'vrmpvtttleiit. The U. F Ji Co. held a meeting la.-: Niturdav aud elected Mr K. J. Sproule. of Fl*jhilon. M president. We consider their choice wise aud good. A meeting waa also Leld by the (i rangers last Monday to elect a man- ager. We have not heard. . what llitrir weighty deliberation* amounted to. but it h reported that Mr Geo. Alhstei was the choice If sucu M the ease it must be a heavy blow to! Jdll! i. Mr. Tliurston. of Tbe Advance. paid ; a visit to Feversliaui. and look iu a few hours fishing. No doubt he will 1 be able to tell sonic uty rishy stones. At present F. C. Inuce st..iud at the bead of the class, claiming to have caught one weighing 1} (be. Tbe mil If lakes a weekly drive. He claims that Ueaford U a very Cue ! Paul Bros are doing a rushing business. Some days as many as four new rigs leave. Lately I was iu Feverliam Presbyterian burying ground*, and saw several memorial stones of great value erected to departed friends It occurred to tlit writer that if a little of tlie coet had been applied to securing a gool fence- and keeping the hungry village cows oat it would have been better. ' Everything seems out of rtfiair but ibosw costly stoues.some of which are tine specimens of artistic skill. days ago. Who says that oar popu- lation is not increasing ? Mr. William Honsie has erected a very neat boas* on Lis place. I think we will toon have one bachelor less at Eugenia. The saw mill, grist mill and sLingle mill here are all doing a good ran of work. That (peaks well for the pros perity oi the sown. Mr. Samuel Pedlar, E>] , sold six head of fat cattle a few days ago. Tuey were in splendid condition for so early in the staeon. whisli shows that it pays to feed well. Mr. Daniel McMullen Las purchased a steam well drill. He has drilled a well for Mr. Hiram Bowermao ; also one for Mr. F. T. Carr. Mr. Middaagh, of Toronto, fomer- Iv oi Eugenia Lou**, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Sheirholtx, at present. Mr Andrew Sample, jr., has gone to Collins' Iclet to work for the sum- mer. His brothers. John and Chas.. went along with Lao. Mrs. Sample is now residing at Eugenia. Seeding u pretty near finished in this part. Mrs. Henry Fviiwick is visiting her aister, Mrs McNally, near Zion, at present. Miss Ester Hopps is residing in Fitfsherton at present. Mr. Jooalhau L-iumer is just as happy as a big saodower, aud DO one wouders at it for a beautiful ht:le girl arrived at his house a tew days ago. Mrs. Thomas Crowe has goo* ou a visit to her daughter at Mallorv- town, near Brcckvuie. Mr Crowe has gone to visit Lis .i the Northwest. Our enterprising store-keeper*, Messrs. He.-.- i Oi.rus. have pal in a weigh -scales. Ii will be a great ad- vantage to the farmers around this part of the country. Mr. and Mrs. o-.o. Pedlar were vis- i. Mr Smart s on Sabbath hut. H *.,|| from </rwcw ' ~t. Farmers trouuu .. pretty nearly througti seeiiiu^ u^w ; aad al- though we had ha\y froau at night daring most cf seeding time, yet we believe it is or will be over as so jn as any other spriug for some lime. Tin 1 Kev. TL'Xiipsou. of Eugenia, occupied tlie in. pit of the UelL church here ou S. in lay, >;h. Tbe remains cf the late MM. Gra- ham *<.! \. <e Presby an ceuuu-ry on Wednesday, the 11:... Mr. Sam Ltuley left for tie west on Tuesday of last week. W* wish him success ID whatever he nuy undertake. Arbor day was duly observed by readier and scholars, and a ^ood deal of repairing aud cleauin^ was done. Mr. Madill hat planted aome beautiful shade tries around hi* lot at the ooruer of Mam aud Seam streets, and pruned hist fruit trees. which adds greatly to the appear- ance of ocr village. At every spare moment Dr. > is adding to the beauty of bis beuti- ful lot. l"!ie ro iJ sides on Church street are plowed aud are thus ready to be sowed. Tins plowing was all d >n by means of a SIMVII pSw which is very c 1 ieap. The Presbyterian ceme- tery tliared the $amt fate. VV< re expecting a foot-ball match here on the 34th, txtwveu our juniors and Mclutyre j-iu: >r Come and C. J. LEITCH'S You will find a full line of all the latest woollens, and you will find it to your ad- vantage to purchase your ordered clothing at the Mer- chant Tailor's. EUGE1TCA MILLS \ H%T n( UMd tb W nilU for a Urn ot Tran. w d*ir to inforwt th public that auo I'nctur" and keep :u task tSM b& . Shrrtinx ^rwrll l*..r. rn ll.i.ni Kailtiiic writer l.i.-kv ili.- br( i.i Sprurr Laih. No I * U Shiuxlrv "!< k Nti::ii:lr.t rr.iinla PC*!*, . r in.i.i Hulas;*. *iilin::. >cr k vvkr* and H Turnings of all kinds done to order. All kiafe of il kept OB W<, hT the lmlM Jm^oM in buo* tnjf*. Cell *n4 M a* Wfurv plcio, H fiog by alnuxhlforwmnl. hoar to r*ci<r iur<r uf th pabue p; * mf tear* trul, 4 I .ir^. Quaiuar "I >>. I >i>ru. r Lalh on h.ind. Vakr yuyr of us . ftin; f: -*r Charge vof v rT to . iohtbiUot.>f K:>.*bertea ntry '.L; h tir KU>ur. FU u.J GrMi> 'r m RicharJ PrJIar. brr h will to keep op h*c<l * fwd urv ; . f sr Flour, FttJ uia Gruovrirt.M L'.V . Courtesy lud 8^nir tW*hu will the .-rJr of tbe vv hv| will ctntinB U> pwrvou* i ao<l t tpni-k Uog ul D* one*. Eggs Taken in Trade. Plewes' and Fords Floor AJwaye on mrflflRC Ceitaiatinjc of Dreea Uoodt, Uut' Furuiaaiiig*, T**tMU aud UUUDJ Wont4Mi. Cuttonade* and Shirtiugi.PrmU and Qip|h*gu,GlovM and Hi*:ery, and all m.valtwa iu tmall ware*. I80IS & SHOES >U "''' Won> " ' MlMM ** "ulJr.ru iu larp anlie.. ilL) F <ah, full and eonii-lete. Bring !i-na yoor K? and BatUr TH STORS CM THE HILL. B.C. from vur Mm Cvrrti*tiuit*t. Fine weather for tlie paat week. Tbe country begins to look good in its covering of bright gretn. What a ' contrast to the dteary wilderueas of ; snow that we had so long. There are still koine caaet of Gcr , man meaaeU around. Mi. J. .:. . Slo*ii has been sick witit them. Wt eongiatulate Mr. Wlkur Sloati on tbe happy event cl WM art ival of a tine baby ay at bta reaideuc* a lew' j and IIOUM oleaaiug the oid<r during tl e past week. Mi.-s Ai;-.-ie Mrachaa has heu uu- wvll fot a tiiuf Mrs. Austeth, of Buffalo, also M -t Hattie Hfi'-n. vave us a call last week. The firmer returned to hr hvnue on SJktu;\l i_. . but the latter ig remaining for a tune. Ye Editor created qiute a senMtioii in town on Friday, as we liave not seen any one ou a bicycle for some time. Mr. Fred Gaiu-.y w *> Owen Sound last wek atten.l the 1 i oess Collv*. nJ Mr. Fergu&m r- MI tie J to his duties after spending a fcw days at home. A Sunday school Las been com- menced iu connection with the Eng- lish chureh. Wm. Henderson. S, Oaiwtfslbtif Ms fir Sib, Why rt-nl a Farm whrn ..n . an > ai lmir>alr and e f |Mi>Mrsit ! Mill >o ? 100 or . rrcl Sq. -.Lo IOU Coo 4 ttt* 10<:rT. c:ir-,l oud cl> nd >Ubl - ' for v rrv.-. N.- < 1.. .u to ii 1 ' Wf. TO J<M bourn* ~r SJSJBO. Prc... S.i. A-IxxtJ. coo T nd lo M. aa. a. JlV KFOT. JOod UUbM fkr. \.lf J No. T-Soulh hlf of lota VL 1 D .| on. M. iKj-r > . wWI Ua.br*d with hard ^-. . s --Lot e. . n. niiii ' For liiormMfeM nftntlBC a* of UM b. .. *pfJj -

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