Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1892, p. 4

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h fc FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. t publl.bed f * ran OrriOB On( T Kit. Mi Or BUBSCRIPTION. %l Vi aundln when pal'l itrlctly ID advance I ** I".' aniiiiiii wlie,ii uot o IIKI-! ADVKUTIBI.NU HATES. Oft* column. 1 year, aso; half col., do., (27 %'iirt. i c..l do., (15 Tr..i. n t 4i1vurtiaoini>iitii eliarnwl at the rat* f *< i>r hue for Bret Inwrtlon and .kt- |..-r l* *- mitpri*i<iat Ibiurtioti. W. H. THUKSTON, and Proprietor M"i.'f(m/of Tht A dtanct. IT. -i. 1 1. -al I'oulir* Raining. By T. A. WILUTTH, WKKTVil, OHT. 'The aunusl value of thi poultry aud ! cuiiaumed per capita under auch t.-uuitious, aud at these prices for sub- aistauce is 90.44 |>er adult. Unarm* in mind th* relatively large consumption of the product of lu* hen- yard* in the louth, and |,.v i lisps in the west, this may be cuimdered at least an fuii^e *taudrd. Our present popu- lation of about liity live million*, C4>unt- IUK to children of ten years or under, qnJ tu una adult, ha* the consuming I .,i-r .pf aixty million adult*, at $044 iacl>, the coniumptiou of p..ultiy aud ew in round figure*, U '*- T therefore tome to IWHti.OOO.OOO per annum. At the present lime thi* *uin i* *qual to Uiut three times the annual value of the product of pig >. tour to five i,n, n the annual value <>f the wool clip, ait t<i seven times the value of the entire product of al! our silver inincs.aiid about euual to the value of tlie col tun crop. But w* depend for a part of ounupply 4.f eat*-* n the hens uf Canada, Denmark ..... IMland. Whether thi* standard of the con- sumption of p4iultry and egK* a fsir ..ne, oath reader may judge fur himself. The .slue of tin n product only <>f i >Li>p, coinpuled from the product accord- i'. the data collected by llie as*e*.-<or* f cadi town and city.i* greater than the %lue of the wool of Oluu.' 1 Mr. J. K. Ketch, in hi* excellent work, -I'.iultry Culture," in eelimatini thi-o.n numi.ti.in of UKK", y : lf e * t: " P ert " n lu lb I'l.ilnl Slatee were la eat onu ejjK, lliet ..u!il be f 1.000,000 wotth con- uuiird at average price ; and if each per- k-Hi were to eal an etfx each d*y for vai tin- r<>ii*inii|>ti:>it of thi* one article I )..<! wu d amount in the api'i.-.au- to $:6,0<H),000 But *"ie "doulitim 'llii.inaa" willaiy that there are th..u- e*ud i. f "Ur people who do not eat an *. e^li ily. tiranlinx thi* to be true, we iir it fc the fa;t that many other tliouaand* rt from two In four daily ,and thai eng* " 1 " rur y l mr "'y '"'" ll ' c c "!"" p.itioii of many article* of food winch we coiiauiuo each .lay, melt * c*ke,|>ie, aaUU>, i. H. e, t uatard* and pudding*. A.|,|>lyii.|r the aame hgure to Canada, m., I ealliiiittiliK our (Hinulation at tie u.illion*, ai.d K l > averafe price of ytc. pel U>'Z n, if each |iinn in OftMM .. jr t.. al an eg today, there would Iw till Ui. d../.cn enH cuinumed rrpre*elit uiX an Kiret;ate alue of 9HCI,'UI3. Tli.-n if -cli ixjrwiii in ("miada were to ...i *n pero'ay for a year, the con uniftioii would Biiiounl to the eimrin.m* umof fJO,410,64ft. It i* tUe "ipinion of the larxet IMMWI Ui table poultry and Kg in New Yolk W uJ Hoatuli, that a con.Unt Hunply of iai olaaa K IH >di, ha* a tunduncy tu coll luinly uicrra*e the denianil, an that the f.r.il".ility of over *tockuiK the market it vry remote Mr. J*ine* Kankin.who u prolmbly the lar.-*t breeder of market duck* in America, *ay* thai yearn X". win n hf irt wenl ml" the thu MHI4MHi l)e hd to K ' 1 " I' 1 "'"". 1 " 1 'l" l ayorry ll-e dealer* to buy hi* duck*, but tiMlay with a Heck of twelve hundred t.rerdiny bird., lie tiiule it dillicull to (ill I,,H order*. Other lan<e ^rotlucen i,r.i iiiiuUr Ueiiuiony lo the denmnd for chuicj Rood*, *nd coiiiiiiiaeion merchant* find no dirticulty in placing all that I* of fered at ood priut-a.but them n no room f 01 IN, ,,r ii< Hid*, and no money in it for anybody who handles auoh *tuff. lu Canada at the preaent tune ItMN 'a uii fortiniHtely v.ry little HM I" 9t {""'. licnc* the low price* of dre*ed poultry. do on the maikeuof Toronto and Montreal at tin* *ea*.m of the year and you find little *lae but a lot of MlMTMM crul< heiia, from one to five yeara old, i),, rfue of poultry yard* all over the land, too old, many of them, to lay. and other., aflur laying all winter art. *ent to inurket becauae they ar now l.roo.lj- and have ceaed to lay. Verily UMM ! toi.otli .oine birdi (0 for an epicure. (7'(> IK ,,'l,tllillr,l I ertou waa the occasion of a general darn- nnitration throughout tlie length and breadth uf the Uniled St.-itrn .July 4lb. The fu** was not about th* departure, you will notice, but uln.ut the day when, as Home people suppose, the British Lion suffered a severe wrench at hit tail. Pcr- liaps many of your readers know lume- thing of my fueling* as the train drew out from the Union Station, Toronto, inl the laat familiar face I expected to see for several month* faded from view. My limit iu Montreal was well occu- pied in vititing the tfre.it boot and ihou factory >{ Jas. McCready & Co., in one room alone of which was stored $50,000 wi.rth of Dongola leather. From th* top of the towers of Notre Dame cathedral I enjoyed a splendid view of the city, river St. Lawrence and surrounding oriiitry as far a-, the White Ml*, of Vermont, while beside me hung the lariat bell in America- the great Bourdon weixhini; over 24,000 Ibs. But the driv* up Mount Royal and through the park and oma- terie* i* the chiof point of interest to vititor*. Yet shouting the Lachine rnpid* was my most thrilling experience. Quietly we (teamed down from l.a< luiie till we were among contending curronta which *wayed 4iur itaunch little boaln<>w thia way, now that. At timei w would pinnae straight toward* some treacher- ous reef or projecting rock. Involun- tarily we brace ourselves for the shock and glance at the whelhou>e t-> sec if the pilot has deserted. But lliere h stands with st.-a.ly norve and eairle eye, and just when destruction seems inevit- able, down goes tli" helm, and we swing past the danger at little more than arm's leneth. At night I went aboard oue of the most weather-defiant boats Irsvini; Mont- ii-.il,thu Oregon, Dominion line, of which Mr. K. J. Suroule u agent, in Flcsliur- ton. The sail down tl.e St. Lawrence wa* too full of interest to admit of detailed description. One marked feature was the number i.f tiintll white -washed hou-tes and occasional elegant churches, the lr-.'i;i towns alone displaying fine building* of other olatie*. \V,-ll might the Krench discoverer, have ex- .Unned. '' Quo b*c !" a* the bnl<l bck like prom, ntory on which Quebec is built, awung into view. After two dy* rail we were within ccent of the "briny," mid two day* more brought u into lint trait of Belle Ule, amid a tlm.il of ice- berg., having patsud on our way thu barren Ial of Anliowti, and the Irene of the wreck of the City of Mont real, mid i< itchool of of whitleH, which a friend and I were lint to discover, while our fel- lo paaaengors had gone below for tea. (Tu I" rmifiMUttJ.) Our IT M , ill.- It ml- r I All copy must ri?cli tins office on Tnefl'Uy to ecure iii8-.ii<m. ED ADVANCB.] In my urjiloraeiueut of Anti-Dandruff I "n say n.'iii.-tliilii; tljat I never c.iul'l berore. wliu-li thaltliii preparation u a |H.rli -c . >.. >.p l>n.lrufT. not only ill tlm flint HKC' 1 -. * where the plague ha* become OOroaM, ''"' wrfed iifRlr into a dioae. sean | S^e | ajaiaTl- fi|>erliiiBiil with every rocoimiioinl'i I pn-p rttlon. not one baaluor, I uilKlU ay. ev.-ii ll put toiietlicriKlveu the alif4.-tioll that Autl It pohitivulr remove* Dandruff It tope fall- iDg of the hair. It oooln tile liee, I It inku I an .-ii-iiunt hairdreMiug, witliuiit leaviiiu a tract, of Itu UKO. 1 line it ilail> ill my llalr-dreKsiui,' pltti at lialiiini-al HutHl. and bave yet t<i tin. I tlie nrt cuatomur who was nut pi. -i-'i with it J. T KiiS'l AINK. Proprietor barber ihop, Halm >ri Motel, Montreal, f Q Married BUST -PLKWEB At th renidence of tbe bililu'i inutlier. by Bev. i. W. TI>K, May 17th. 1HW. Mr Kre<l.>rick Hunt to Ml Charlotte rii-wp-s. both p'f Kl.--.li ei ton KKID HASKKKVILLK -At the renidence or tin- Ipiirle'ii Diothur.by Ke A. W. Tont!.on Wed n.-. ( U.. llth, Inxt.. Jamei HurUn K.-I.I. M. D , of M.iniiuK* 1 Mills, to Ul >a4l. Hankerville. tlor.l .lankier of thu late MeV Jainee lluker- ville, of Klwherton, Out. Ayer's Hair Vigor IS the "Ideal* Halr-dreMlng. U re. 1 itores tbe i ol > r to gny hair ; prooMMM a fresh aad vigurou* growth ; prevent* the formation of dandruff; makes the hair soft and illken; and imparts a deli* rate but lasting per* fume. Several month* 'ago my hair rom- IIII-TH-I..! falling out, and in a lew week* uiv liratl was aiinoit . bald. I tried many rcnuxlies, but they did no cood. I ftnal- IT bought a bottle of Ayer s Hnir \ igor. and. aflor using only a part of the con- teats my beau was covered with a heavy growth of hair. I rw-omrnen.l your preparation a* the best in the world. ' T. Munday. Sharon Grove. Ky. " I have ustvl Ayer's Hair Vigor for a mimt.cr of years, and It lias always eiveo tne satisfaction. It ii an excellent tlrrss- Ing, pr.-vants the hair from turuiug gray, insures its vigorous growth, and keeps th.- sralp white and clean. Mary A. Jackson, Saleiu, Haas. t_ i< Tt. our OICH The ae*.or |uud hi. annual vi.it to this hurt" laat week. No doubt m.iny ilog* will find a prumittiire grave ere the tim gather, r mitkt*. his appenrance. Mr Kobi. McCiowan, of Oakvillo, waa in town laat w>-ek. Mr. and Mr*. Uobt. \Vat.oii, Walters Fall*, are the gueat* of S,|uir r-'.-i ^m. n Mi Mcl'hall, of Klenbt-rtuti Station, i* .taying with Mi** M. Watioit ut | n a- ent. Mi Al Wataon, of Wulkvrton, ,.. .1 a vitit to In* friend* in thm village on hi* way tu I'heybotfan, whtrthd h >. clued H good iituati'in. DIEII At trangevillo, on May I'-'tli, at tin- M.'I- of _"_' year*, 6 nuiiith*. Miaa Annii- Alt It.ir, daiiithter of Mr. Ji'hn M. I:...-, of thi* village. The ru- innin* wore brought home on Kinlav and interred in the Tie* liyi.-rian graveyard the f.illowing day. A number of fi lend* fnllowtid tl> renmin* to thuir hut reating |>laci>. Thu Iwreaved family have the unci-re -.MII pailne* of the connnunity ill thuir dttsp aflhction. I>IKI> On Isat Siindy morning, widow Kennedy, aged 43 years. A i i. >h. rton B*y Abrund A 'mill i PMC I'll-H l'ftrr*l*i:l' i-t. Thu ycuinanry of tins vicinity are complaining uf ilo- ici-.-nt \%vt and >li^;ii_;n i iililf weatlier, but notwith- standing tlieao (Iruwbuckn tin- ma- jority of i In in are well advanced in In bY K. K. RU HAKIMION. attumpting to write a few readable artlcliw .!.. II|.IIM of my recent trip acrou tli A. Untie, f <> aot prrauine t<> Mo judice to ll.-- *ubjeot. For in. but a pout and hittorian omld tund ih>' |.ri\i.vi. and tell the )<ruatiiei* of thoae I.IHI..I u l.u.di whure 1,. i... foiixht, and and batd* *ang amid icune* that wake H.ri.u! to n.il.L- .l...!4 and thoughts v day uf my departure (rum Klr*h M:-. \\in. (iialiani lui the ii on the (^n mini for a brick houae which In 1 lull-nils binl.liiip,' this Kt:a son. Wi- Hinl. istic d Mr. \V'ri>>lit, of I IH-IU-UOII. will Mii'i'iiuti'iiil tin- brick work. Mr. 8. Itosolurouyli and Miss E. Joliutiton, who uiu mi. mini:,' the Owvn Hound Collegiate Institute, spent Kasior vacation with their par- cnis here. Mr. liicliattl lai.llow, HI-., II. Jolin- btun and Hubert Mi-Quay who Imvo bft i. on the tick list are un tho way to recovery. Mis. A. Ntiilson, of Maiiitowaning. is viiiting In if. Nome of the farnuira liuif are com- plamiug uf the scarcity uf cattle feed cm account of llie lardy growth. Urn nod too late for last I have need Ayer'* Hair Vigor for promoting the growth of the hair, and think It unmnaled. For restoring the hair to its ordinal color, and for adre**- Ing. It cannot b* snr|>aiifl." Mra-Oeo. I* Feve,r, Eaton Kspnls, Mich. "Ayer's Hair Vigor U a most excel- li nt pr.-paration for the hair. I speak of It from my own ftpcrience. Ita use promotes the growth of new hair an.l makus it gli-ssy and f.ofu The Vigor 1* also a cure for ilondruff." J. W. Bowen, EdiUir " Euqulrer," McArthur, Ohio. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past two years, and found It all It Is ri'pr.senttid to b. It restores the natu- ral color to gray hair, causes the hair to grow freely, and ke-| It soft and pliant. "-Mr*. M. V. Day, Cohoea, N. V. "My fail. <T. at about the age of flftv, lost all the hair from the top.'f Ins bead. A!i.-r .. nn mouth 1 * trial of Ayer'* Hnir Vigor tli hair bugan oniuuu, and. In threo months, he hsd a finfi growth of hair of the nalural color." 1". J. Cullen, Saratoga Spriuga, N. Y. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Or. J. C. Ayer ft Co., LowMI, Mata. Bold by nrwfflJl* aod rerfiotem. DR.WILLIAMS ALE EOPLE AKKNOTaPnr- ** (iittlie ill .11 n>i- Tbey we a UI.IMID Ht'l!.l. TUN I.* aixt liK. * N arm c-rxin, a* Uie iii|>pl\ in a ooiiileneeu 'ortil the eiilpfttalicea tuellv ueedtsl to aa- u-li lliu UliMMi, curlug ill dxeaiea 4X>tninf DIII 1'iM'U and u i ; HT Hl.piiPli. or tliplll H I I 4 I Kl> 111 W .11. ID he IIIXMIII, aud alao nvi^orate and BUILD ,- the Hi in. and bTffTKii. when brokea down I v .iverwoik. i>rT) . aud iiiiliori tlona They bava a Hrit4-ino Ai-riipN on be s.xi 41. sti m if >th men and reatoriiiM LtmT VIOOH and 4xiiTtiug all KHKOl [ IKI 1 IL.-4 EVERY MAN bin phyaici.1 p -were Win. fliMs bl< mental fae- n K. ah 'Ml. I tnke tli --- _. I'n i ThuY will rsture bn loat euer^iee, U>ta phyiiral ai.il mriital. CUCDV IfifnillH fhouM Uk them. ClCltl nUMMR TI..-V i-ur.. all iiii.- praMlon* i>nd Irin^uUritiea. wbku luevitalily entail Biokneaa vlian ne|l*ct<Hl. take Ilio4e 1'iuj. They will aura the r- p( yuiuiil.'i i iul bklnu, aud ilreiigthuu tbs ybtem. VAIIMA UfflllCII 'ri.nild take tbeuv YOUNa WOHcM in.ik.i tliuui r.^ular. I ..r iialu l>v all drugKliti, ' "I" >> sent a poo receipt o( prlfe (5Oo. |>er hoiX by ad>lru*ain( run 11R. WILLIAMS' Mhlt. CO. . On4 ea VAIIUO MCH i-li lUUHtl VlCn T .iiRpi >p( yuiuiil.'i i iul bkl TO THE PUBLIC. . NovOtb 1801. Da L. A. SUIT* * Co. OMTUIMSX. Your Aoti Dan Iruff nlioiil.1 be UMJ-I by all who are troubled witb Damlru* an 1 filling of the hair. I bave u>ud It only a tarn time* and it haa wrouiilit a wou.lerful chauue I alo am fully r.mvHnvl tbat A utl Dandruff proiuutvi growth of the hair M < IIU.I. HF.NCHKY. iUncli.y Hotel, Quuboc NE R VH 4 ^*-*^ * RP AMC LJ 1.. f\ It *J **XYB BKAXB an a *rw dkv rrtaMout. U. wume>MU .ua UetMUlf, Loot Vi*ur awl Mauh..t; r,r7-. >t> -f 1 Ij i mi 1 niiui< I tij intr-work. or UM m r. ur ev luMMof jruiiU). Tfcta lteo<ljr at* lulutcif our*-* UM mupp) oLujaatc CAM* bi ail other TRUTH KKT* D*e faded even lo rvitrv*. '*jld by drvg- jlju aft $1 prr parka*.. uf ti i f or IS, or arm by *MU oa ' ire hy aiOr^inf THCJ AMB8 MCDICIVlc wrrpt f>f price hy OO-. TuruDM. UM. Wnw fur to>i,lue. ItuU llavlnti runted Wbltt.n Iplaokimith eh|> for a term of >.'r, I atn now lu a* tHMltiou to oatei to all waJiln lu my lino. Horseshoeing a specialty S.i I ll i (ion t,ii.ir.iiil. . il FOR ANYTHING IB TUB HI.ACK SMITHING LINK CALL ON P. A. BUNT. i>ll-.>iu Kiclitriltvutllfu.'wsia Stor*. Hr.herti.:. by Wm. Blcbardfon. The Sho.v rooms of H. E. McNea's Furniture Estab- lishment on Durham St. are completely filled with all kinds and styles of the most HANDSOME FURNITURE That has ever entered Flesherton. They contain the CHOICEST FURNITURE In the furnishing market of to-day, such as Bedroom Sets * Parlor Suites Dining Room Furniture Kitchen Furniture Baby Carriages Hall Mirrors Sideboards Bureaus Etc. It is useless for us to enumerate all of our stock, but we would just say, and you will too, when you see it, that the show it makes is simply immense. ARTISTS. When you are in need of any supplies in yen rliic, such as Paints, brushes, Canvas, etc , don't send aw.iy lo: them but come to me. I keep everything oi that style expressly for your own use, enabling you to get your supplies at home. H. E. M c N E A. The undersigned begs to announce to the public that he has opened up a full stock of Men's and Ladies' Boots and Shoes. Consisting of both fine and coarse, suitable for wear indoors and oat. Our goods will be Sold at a Low Figure, And >,ve are determined to satisfy our customers. A s\ lendid assortment to choose from just to hand from best manufacturers. Hoping to icceive a fair share of the publi; patronage. JOS. SMITH, . Flesherton. RrpalriiiK ami i'u*l*iii Work nUrndrd to u* of old New Blaeksinith Shop. Ttie nnJrraiKU.il bg leaf* to aoquaiut lh.- public with the fact that thT have oponetl ti| a new carriage au.l blackmuith thi>p iu FleiberloD, whr everything m our , liur w.ll he uttoiuU'il to in * prompt luitiiiu-r ikii'l ^ooj workiuauablp \\ .- make a p. vulty uf HORSESHOEING. O(<MI tu buvit a mcoluuiii- who giTe* entire MtiafitotioD r\<<\ tiiur. Special tiou lo tondttr or contrarte.l (wt. lulrihiriii^ ponilivclT p rrenu-d WOODWORKING In all Its branohei. Wn^on*. buugieii, dpmocraU made to order. We be|iT* we uno work up a goo.1 h.iuif8 in Klenlmrtiui t>y (air and active Hi-,.liu K - aud oareful workiuauuliip, .....| oliiit the public to t,.t our merits in our Tn.pu linen SHOP oprosirr. n KMTIKK HAKKKOOMS, IHKHAMST R. T. WRITTEN. APPLICATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES GUARANTEED .at rUMmiM A, fc**tv Attu l**vJfuRUi>*fWt<.ri if uf tW t ilon 14 mwT*>kkUs> l.ii l color. Stop* Ijlling ol hi th. gcalp Makt* kalr *oR M pfrenolM Crwrth.

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