Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1892, p. 5

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TM1 FLESH ERTON ADVANCE B.4XKIMG OFFICL OJ GEO. MITCHELL, FLE3HBRTON. * A fe'iint banking buainaaa transacted Drafts iM il and ubaujas caabed at uaual rata afonav alwaya available for lasn'tiniata businaj* aitcrnriite. fa K two iloon north of Rickaninon t Oo a. and Chicago. Rev. Mr. TOOK* *u tb* officiating dvryvnian. Th weddiiiK * private. The well wnliM f tiiany fricniii accompanied the contracting parti**. Mr. DauiuJw cuinpluUr.1 his eeaat'ii cut "t tav<i bolt* on Monday evening VicinityJ3hips. Miar.i. I.T..II.-> ,.r ihr Past Week Carefully < u!l-l for the w notice* ammg local* tcill be rjtaryd it the rutr uf 10e uer lit* fr CttcA iiucrtum. A rfln^im vnlt be made <>n mutriictt for L<K>luvc or oerr. Sidewalk repairing i* now being pro- with. CART rot < * (.a -Apply to Bellamy & Menders- n Small cook stove in good conditioner sal* cliav. .* | ; I v at tins < rhce. Tu any one wanting Rape Send, I bar* it <m hac.L Wm. Richard*. n. ICB CKEAM w,|l be ou hand on the ^4th of May and each veiling hereafter during the season at MIM Hind'* parlor*. Mr Jaa. >K Mullen left tbis station on Tueeday ntoming fur the Nortliweat with a car load of cattle, hi* dvatinaliuu being the ilai'le '-reek diitrict. The Oeprey Farmer* Milling C. di- rector* will banquet the director* -if Dun trwou Fanner* Milling Cu. at Mc<jirr hotel, FeverWiam, on Thursday, tj-d*y. An average .f about 4000 Ib*. of milk is being delivered at Fleabertmi cheese factory daily, e^ual to about 500 Iba, uf chine Tli it la away in advance of the corresponding *ea*en laat year. Remember the phonographic concert iu it a Town Hall to-morrow (Friday) r venire; under the aoapic** of the Ladiea Aid f the Preebyteriaii church. K. Mr. Juuaaon, uf Singhamptuo, will give chalk talk. A meeting <>f Artemeaia Young Liberal iVtiurvative Aaaocutiou will be held in the Town Hall one week from to-night (Thursday). A full attendance la re- quested, aa buauieM uf iaipurtanoe will be> tranaacted. I have on hand a quantity of ground and whole Oilcake. Wra. Richaidaon. Ptotholden are request td by Fleaher- ton Cemetery Truat to bt present on May 24th to aaaiat in improving and beautifying the cemetery ground*. It ta sioped that there will be a large turnout. Hi 10* it u now a well-etal>lihed fact that f .rh u a Mood diaeate, medical men ..re quite generally preeei ibiu Ayer's Saraaparilla for that loathsome Complaint, and the result, in nearly every inatance. proves the wiadoui of their axlvice. Mr. Fred A. Bunt. laU with J. H Heard. b&* reru-d the blacksmith shop owned by Mr. Whiitru, oppoaite Rich- axdst'ii' hardware (tore, and it l>rparde>i fi>r a deluge of work. See l>ia advertisement elaewherv Never had preparation a nvre appro lciat mine than Ayer'a Hair \ r When the capillary gland* become en- feebled hy dueaae, axe, nr ne^lec', thia ilreamu inipaita renewed life to the acalp. that '.he hair aaaume* much of its full- neaa and beaut v. i. K. Lurax. barrister. Varkdalr. haa #10.0(4) private funds to tendon f*r in *nt>rtKai(ra within the neit few months al lowest current rate*. No c<>iiimi*t- ii*. i"> * (flay*. I'^piMises l<-w. Apply at <i(tic>' in Markditle durini; the week or at a>uniinlt ottk-e on Saturday*. The Advance took a "apin" out to V*Ttr<:.*in on Friday laat and enjoyed the 1 . ititlity of mine host Mitiirr over nigh' Merchant Itruce and ouraelvea veut i i.my The largest trout caught i|;lh.. exactly 1^ Iba and waa hooked by ll< i ; i iuv,ho i* champion balierman aa w>'ll - busiiiea* man. s.i, toville Review aay* : "Bn>. ' i , .-f the Pleaherton Advance, ridea i >J. How in thunder did you I'Ain t> ride the peaky thiiiK, Will '" By a i "'> peraeverance. and the poa- aeaion . .f A level head. Rut ploaae don't call out >tev4 a "peaky thinx," ita a I>r I!. Reid and M.aa Sadie Baak- ervil,- . i > united in the tx>iidi uf matri- mony M Wfiliieaday of last week, at the reetdfiu-o ,,f the bride'* mother, KU*her ton. I nrundiately after the ceremony the Vu| o-uj'l* left fora trip to New Muter Myrvin Vaiiuut met with a very painful accident laat Tuesday ven- IU|{. Tw avnu were bviiig driven alonK th road, on* faatened behind the tl.tr, and 111 attempting tu iram a aeat on the t"iixue of the rear one, tho little fell-iw lo*t hi* balance and (ell. Tlie whyla <>f the waggon paawd over hi* heau, bruiaiuK him Kverely, and causing large lump* to ariae. He will be con- fiovd to th houe (or aonie time. Few people have any idea of the care with which tobacco ha* t be attended afttr it ia grown. It will imbibe odor* of alniott any kind if placed near the aource of them. A pu at/, for uutance, near the place wuere the planter *tora hi* cro|< will impart a diaaj{reabl flavor, which no care afterward* will divea* it of . Among the many precaution* taken to obtain a faultlea* leaf for tlie "Myrtle Navy' brand, ia to aacertnu carefully the methods which every farmer adupt* with las cn><* iu the eectioua of Virginia where tlie "Myrtle Navy" U af i* grown. preached twu iu >*t iiitenaely intercitiiii; terinoii* in the Metiiodiit church on Sunday laat. Hi* evening ubjecC "Seeing th* Inviaibla waa moat faacinatiog in it* atyle, aud gave hi* beat er nnuething to think and talk abvut for a lung time to come. It is nn- pomble to jife even a lyuopai* of the aeruiou *vud do it any kind uf juatice. Th* Dr. ha* a *troi>g antipathy toward* the higher anjlican church, and dealt in xime bitiUK tarcaaoi. Iu apeakm^ of it he mentioned "It* candle*, it* mummery and it* millinery," and proceeded : "It may require iiich, exhibition* to imptejM the uuuila uf wine people, but I have a mighty p-.r opmiu uf their intellect* 11 the To Farmer*. All my turnip *ceda are freeh, not hav- ing had any left uver from lait year. Win Ricliartl"ii. A. Sudden Death. Miw Minnie Young, *lde*t daughter of Mr. Johu Young, Thornlury, did very udJonly iu New Jr*ey laat week, where ill*) wa visiting with her couain, Mr*. H. H >we. The body wa* brv ujht to Thorubuiy, where it waa interred on Saturday latt. Miaa Young wa* a couain of Mr*. W. H . Thurmton, of FleherU>n. Vandalism. Arnttrung Broa. ' buat house at C'ul- lna' Lake) ha* boen Srvkeo into ou two or three otfcaaioun of late, the lateat be- IIIK on Friday or Saturday ni;ht laat, when the door waa brvkeu "pen aud every movable *mall article uf value atoten, luch aa fish pole*, rope*, etc. Tlie owner* offer a reward of tn Jvllara for the apprehension of the iinaorranta who did the deed. There ap- pear tu be aouie individual* out iu that vicinity W|KI ihould net be uutaid* peni- ti-ntary wall*, and they will et inaide oin* i'ay if th*y keep on. Personals. Mi.* McCouurll, of St. Thouia*. ia viaiting with hr aunt, Mr*. Baakerville. MIM Kilith Hichardon haa returned hnoi* from a pmloui{d itay in th* city. Mr C. W. Smith left on Monday to viait hi* brother at >Vybrid|fe, Simcoe county. Mr. Jaa. Oaborne, of N itawa. wa* vimtnn relative* here thu week and * v < the .Wvanoe a call. Mr. D. McTavith has erected a neat and commodious paint and carriage ahop in rear of hi* black autith shop. Mr. Thuex 0*borne and wife, of Nottawa*ai<a townahip, are viaiting rel- ative and fritnJi ID and arwund Fleah- ertoo. Mr. R. Bakerville, Owen Sound ; Mr*, lleid and Mr. Oharlea Reid, of Port Perry, wer iu Fleeherton Uat week at- tending th wedding of Mia* Baakerville and Dr. J. H. Reid, ef llorninga'i mill*. block between 170 and 180 side road* ah.'ulu be divided a* indicated by the field note* fyled in the Crown Land* de- partment, and 170 (a* rx.tended by Mr, CjiMilaiid) and not 180 (idemad i* the governing line. The line ran by Mr. TrayiK.r, having been run by the bearing jf I'M *ideroad,i* not correct.and an< tlier nauat bp run oorr*ponding with 170*ide- road. The defendant, Wauchob, ia en- titled by lenitth of ix>**ea*ioii to the land he claimed, except a narrow *tnp (about I of an acre) commencing at 2718 feet from the front of laa lot. Bach party to pay Ins own ouets. Wright A Lindaay were council for plaintiff, and J.W.Froat, council for defendant. Oh, W bat a Cough ' Will you heed the warning. The *ig- nal pvrhr of the sure approach of that more terrible dwciue. Conaumption. Aak youraelvm if you can atford for the *ake of aavinu 3Oc., t run the ruk and do nothing for it. We know from experi- ence that Shiloh * Cure will cure y< ur cuugh. It never fail*. jui.e24 The Safest AND most powerful alterative I* Ayer Saraaparilla. Young and eld ar* ai.ko lMntltd by ita use. For tho eruptive di*- eaae* peculiar to children nothing lae i* *o effective a* thia medicine, while ita agreea- Ll flavor makea it easy to f-''""t- iater. "My Uttle boy liaJ l.".rt;e *cr"fu- lou* ulcer* on bt* Deck and Uiroat from whirh he suffered terribly. Two phyaiciaua him, but he grew continually urs liu.ler their care, and evervtxxly .1 he would Jie. I bl bear'i of h remarkablo cures effrcU-il by Ayer's rt^;-a ilia, auJ dec-IUuU to i ivo my HIV try i;. Shortly a/ttr b brgan to t^tu tills mulioiije, tho ulcer* com- iuil. after nuing aevetai . h aa t-utirc! v curetl. Be i* r.ow u healthy an, I at ring a* any boy 'f hi* ai(t; " \VilUain JT. l>ougberty, Ilaa^iiun. Va. "In May (ant, my yonngea: child, fourteen ruontba u!d, l-rvan to have sore* ;-i::.er uit i'jt liwj and body. We ap- ! vj . - rpmrdie*) with, ut avail. The aor* incrfaxevl la number nil dt. l.arijeil "oi'K'Uslv. A pliys., iau wn* eallttl. bin t!:e *ore* continued to -,y until In a few tLOOtb* they j ....-,..;;..,.: it'* head and body. . ' it <j Iw^nu the uae vt A j IT'S 8ar- :a. Iu a few day* a maiked 'or i in* Ix-tttir waa manifest. TI.e . -Minn ! a Hi' ro healthy i-ondiiion, .. .(iM-l :r'.-'^ were ^ni'ii.i'lv d:nim- ... . y i curd altosrther. The rhil.l is -.< .kin m treaher. and u appr ; an we bare ob- t- rve<' .is it-i'-i 1 ia." Kruik M. Griffin, l.oiiji rVint. !' \ n. "The fiTriiui* of Ayr' Sar^apariila p.-c^ruu, :. .'.iicaiM* o( a)uia! verv kKi!. . r -rwUv ki <>wn u.' the me4li. ul M U.. Vijy^. A. ail w E HAVE NOW THE BEST and Cheapest stock that ever we have had in Men's, Ladies', Childreos' * Custom work promptly attended to. BICYCLES THE- "COMEr Bicycle LEADS THE Y4.Y Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Or. J. C. Ayer * Co.. Lowed, Ma**, Executor's Notice. KTIOI iiberehy iiifvii. punuaot tocba|>tr 110. we .. K. S O . liafT. u. thf ,-i-.lit..r. an. I a! eeaMr* kaviat] lalaa* auuat the wtate of An lrw Wbi'Mu. !*! of th vil)K<> >' KN^hvr- ton. io tha Coitntv of itrev .tfei'tltfiiiAii. ho Jid oa or abootth* third lav of F**rarv i*.>.'. that they arerequlrvd. on or Dvfuretba *)th <la> it June, IHM. to *nd b rout. |>r<|>.l. or .Ivllvor tu lb in |M<I C O.\ ..']. v.,r fur 1 honia.i Whit if that Binnle vs Wauchob. Thi* caae, which haa excited consider- able local interest, a* both partie* reaide near Proton Station, wa* tried at the recent Mttiug* of Aaai.ce* at Owen Sound by Chief Juatice Armour without a jury. Judgment wa* reserved, and haa recent- ly been delivered by th jud s -f, of >.hich th following U a brief syuopti* : There are) no original po*U on th* concetsiou line ia th* locality \nul.-r concideratioa. The Wilson liu i* uot wtsblwhrd. The , of th vill4i , f Ahu.burntt, t xvcutor of th la*t will am) rit*iui>iit of the MH! U^-o naniffl. %.Klrj.* H ai)<l luncriptioiM. a st of thir arcouut*. verifll b* -tmt.^rv u->ti anil th tiaAura- uf ihoar t*vuriti**<* h*ld by tboui. Vn I u.,tir ia h*'b K' th l I exwutur wMI after tha ul'l Hh lav uf June. I"**, pr.Hvl lodl^tribuw tb a,. *ke eaU deaeaaeal aiuonii th prtu- rimtl*! '. having rananl joly to the clairim ,.f ' b 1'icli rx -ouwr hll then have bad notic* anj ih aai<l *soutor wit! not b,- ru|H>a- iblo fur ()) a.ta. >r Ar v part tboro.'f. '. ai)> pereua er penoo*, ol wi..- .-.aim notice >baJI not hav btn rvcvivwl by *a.iJ c I IK u tor at tho time of .uch Jutrihutlnn! I M I.lV.vs. ' Tai,l Kx* Dated thi>9tb day of May. lM. l-'iuay M N CORE & \Vlhso Manufacturers anc* Dealers in all kinds of Building Materials. Rough and dressed lumber al- \\i\s on hand ; also all kinds c/ Moulding, Scroll work, Balusters Newell posts, Hand railing, Fence pickcs, in fact everything needed in building or repairing. Alway* fontolt pa before you itart at work. A laise qnmiity of seaaoned north hir- pine ; :< pine lath an I All the best riders in the country ride tne "COMET" IT IS THE STKUXOKST. IT IS THK EASIEST RUNNING. IT IS THE LIGHTEST FfLL FITTED WITH SOLID CUSHION OR t'XEL'MATIl' TIKE. Send for Catalogue. Comet Cycle Co. 24 Adelaide St., Toronto. W. H. THt RSTUS, A.-eni.Heaherton. BUYERS Of flour. ^roceTie*. feed, etc., (hould *x- auiina Wyvill's Stock Before purchaauiv. He keep* constantly on hand, No | Hour #4 5V I" r I.I.I I i-a. a- low a Ih. !,. , t . . .roi . ru-. Hour and i.-.-ti l'rult> in N-^n Vrgrlable-*, a n n (I .oo,U. All the best goods at right prices, wbicn I am ajuxiouaj for all lo tat. T. WYVILL. STRAIN'S BLOCK. FLESH ERTON. for ooJ*. FLESHERTON GREENHOUSE A. n ii > n n e e 111 e n t . at Klnn*t.-a tiv-n. Fl8siifli Sis& & Dior Factary. MOORE A WILSON. Get your Cabbage. Tomato, Cauli- flower. IVpper, and all kmJs of plants for spring pUiuiug at the Fleitheriou Gteeuliuute. We bavc HI stock a large quantity of mixed dahlia rooU which will be ed of at low rates. We have it fine variety of %ll kinds of plains to choose from. All orders promptly attended to. MRS M> Id i i KM I I Flvabartoo April *<. 1>i 3uio* C A t T I X. I u ii ri it, OF TIE HURTLE NAVY IS M4KKKL) T.&B. IN BR*'C LETTERS. JWTE OTHER 6EHUINE Bull for Service. Th* iiM.temlfua,! baa a well hrxl mllowav bull for Kiu-vio* on lot 130. Ind .'at. T Jt t. Tttatt TJ ceal*. JAtVU HOLLET JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. FLIKHJEKTUH, Co. Qair. DfVISION COl'BT CLELH. CUMMISSIONIB , , *". Co "'yancr Ac Aeaiterpuc*taM " !^D=' tmaa '- *tt'*"" '-'<- L. C.Ccm. B.b. Society Mon.> tuUau on U>. MONEY TO LOAN. The an<lifnign..-U Ua* a large amuuiit ef money to loan at fo,e on town ur f^r^, property. 8. DAllCDE, FlrhrU.n. W.J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk. Artemaaia. Cuove\ancer Iiuuraiiee agetl, U. l)eed. iuorVae le**e*. etc.. prepared auJ propeny ,!, -cuted' In>unu,ce *9eeid in tirst claa* 'oumi>auie* Money to bmd at k>we*t ratev. IHrtUcal. DR. HOTTON M. p CM.. M. C. P. * s. OLI.. t-riee rrlle. Rewdeuco aui Offle ou a u ,.r w.at of th* Metbudut Church. Kinrow St tce day*, Taenday* and SaturOav*. DR. CARTER. M. C. P. 4 S , Out. 1'bv r*- Office Monahaw * Lc DRS. 8PROULB A 00, Markdal*. Chit. Offlee Mai.;>. Jro. "u ^ S r 8pr " u: *' M 1V ' K: - A"*"- go. M. D.. Etc.. late u / Ti.tuuhiu. i>ui. I'r KHO wUl b fcund al llii Markii.it iioue* at oigot. J. P. OTTEWELL, Vtterinarv Surgeon. (ir..dn.i, , ( i >ntari> VetennaryColK-ge. Rmdenoe- i-'u.t door onih of Ltli Ualor joop. Kie.a J. P MARSHALL, L. D. 8.. M. 1\ S.. D-uti*!. \ ,i, M,k.l dale tha 1st and rd \VeJ Ut -d rath mouth. Kleaoertou Kacliirip i, ibe day' J. W. FROST. ^ Barrister. S, ;u-it..r. t'onveyaucf r. Etc FletbrU>u o(Bo Xnt Iht) MM c ffiee Sproul.'* MUiog, uu Thuredaj*. Owe* Sound office fruat'a buildiog. P McCULLODGH, Barriater. Micitor. Ew. Olfi->ivrr Mo. ' rarlud > *tor, MaikJale. \K,uey u. l.uaa. WRIGHT & LHiDS\Y, Brritrm. t.-aeitora. etc.. Oweu Soiiu.l On* He.herton ofllcaat MltvlK-ll * bank of Mcb week Mou.y to Itiau at lo : -t rate* W H WHIUBT. B . K . m jura R. J. Sproulu, STM ASTER, Fle.b.rion. foe, Bj,.ion. t lit B. B., Lioeui-d Auolu.i,,., r i; o n veyancer, Apprauer ami Mane l.nJei. Real KUU auJ Inauraui'v Ac>.nt. l>ec>d*, Mortirage*. Learn* and Will* drawn u v . and Valuations made ou li.>r'i u.>tvr .Aic. tion 8alni attended to in any p*ry it tL* County. Uoney to l>*n at Imtrar rate* of interest. Collection* alttude.l to with proiaptDca* aiiJ Jenp.tteii. Chrtr^.s low. Age nl (or the l<ouiimn Suaa-alM) .Company, Cheap ticket? from PU-htrl<>n l<- livan.ool, li'.aago*. LoudvD or auv of th- F itiskj ort* . Partie* lutenJ'ng to vii- VT-rlana. Scotland or Irelaud, illyjai- " V r itt be. fore pi rcau'< lhair tickt cl.-L. > liun-h. Drewi ti.l n<atitl.> tualti ng Iu all Bovnao'l Kirla >uit> *tt..n,litv p".> a.n.U , K.inrai.t^d. li J.-nwi, nia.l U |> m *ood ittla. whan cloth t h raajili cut. 1 hava alao secured r>om alt.u' Uaaotuali tha aao; for a trrior lina JaraJ i..>. . ' . , m A

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