Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1892, p. 8

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THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE AT IIIIMi: AGAIN, i fiui. k ,,t u, > i:rw prentlaes fitted np and asa p. c)are<i to do all business ID uiy line with Maine** and dwpati-h.audam in better |>osltlon Man .-. lo attend to the want* of my curtom- n. Axrowiug builne** aliom a growing con- Menre Ciot y, ,ur buuu aud auow ued* al lh eek*>b . B- We garvrantce satisfaction. DON'T READ THIS, THE OLD RELIABLE iiam Mutual Fire Inturance Co., M yeart liefore lh people. It SO per cent cheap- er tb in the unit cha|wat. and aa safe an the safeai The only |>urelt Farmers' Com- pany li< tliii part ! (irev. :iT4>'nit en tli- ei'O for 3 year* i> (lie Mlit Ita J'oliry Boldrri !>* evor'paid The Myaenhaiu limuro I two tliirdntlieartual value.and iniaaeof loai pay* tl- full amount of the rlak. Wil A IHYMAV A... nt Willt. r'. Klli Dili CM COPYRIGHTS, etc, ter Inf.iraalloB and free Daainmok write to TkuNN a tx)_ > i in.-.. i w, T. wsw rou. Qdeet tioreae for eeenrlne ptot la A merles. rwry relent taken oat br as Is broujbt before Sepul He by notice 4rt*" (tee of abarre Is the fcientiftc Lerceet Mrrvlatlon of r scteaufn paper In the llr Illustrated. No lnl*lly*nt h.,ii'!<i be wltbowt It. Weeklr, M.4KI a Kir. II. ju ill niontb*. Aildree* tfUlfS 4* OOw ... ..... T m Bruadway. Hvw Tork. Good News TO MANY I dcbirc to call tire attention of the public t'i the fact that I have opened A General Repair Shop III CMiiinrlHMI \ritl) \Vi, .||i ii Mill, and lo du fill the Flenlicrton am prepared kinda of Iroa and Wood Turuiug- I'atti in mad'!, ami ca.stiii^K got on b'i: t notice I liuvt not xpacc to tBeiili'Hi in detail llic variety of work I can <l ', bnt anytliing you have in iron or woixi thai rr<|tiircs luin it to the Flonlicrtou wln-n V" 1 " m y l *i'|M'ii(l on f{fttiii(,> your woik iluini iic.itly and suh-tmi tially. Hu\ing emery wheel* uiuhle fir f?>V\V CjiLJ^MI I will make that a Ki^cialty for Cliurgi'i low, but YOIIII truly, a few tcrniri trictly cavli. W.H.PLESHER '1 l.i confidence of the public ia loitn-iliin.' i\.-i) man must get Ii Ion- he c.in BiicctHifdlly rrve the mujnity. Last Tear It was my one urea', objeH to pnl rich win kinanihip on every garment nmilt in 0,1111 the favor and confidciice of every wearer. My Ambition . Tin - ' - .11 it to turn out Iwo mils for I'Vi'i v out- latt yar. My System Of ciittmx IB niich that it guaiaiitee* a tit rvt-iy tim. No need for alter tii i. n ; No need to replace by an Othi r Mill l'ii 1 ha\r failli in Uiyitlf to In all < to give Batisfactiun each Ull I'M 1) Illllt. 1'iintf ynir cloth ,nierchant, and e- tahli-;. a r IM! Inn;,' trade for yourBelf, iievri b< fon. known in Fleaherton. Jlrii^' yum clulli farm*!*, try uie and yni will ii 'urn HttlmUVil. F, A. Baker, TAJ LOR >-. In Position - FOK - I'liivromi'iini, -AND - Position is Everything. < . \ I I l ic V Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out 9 per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Frainin<; done in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to ^el taken on the same day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- tention will be fjiven to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. Owrn Huuiul, Ontario, [^ IV Very 1'l.ACK IN CANADA TO (IKT A Thorough /.'.,-,, t.',lu<-n/i"n. Take a MouuTfrip .^.'.rS^^ ^ ^-^e ^ P ^^ ^ < . .) ll-t,'i-i* B llJ 'oimrirn-i'il 1 i-|>rt iiinnt* ID Can^ia, iticii vlnit tin \MitliT*i hn- iiir- * < 'nil fit** , Kami ne vry thinu thoiciiu'hly If wi fail to I<XN|UI - 1 1 . 1 1 n -i Di'iiiiu^li. i <>ut|>li tt*. |u nt ti< Hi ami vilen -ii.c roiiiHi- "f tnly . Ih* b*hl CO))I*KU pretui^Mi t Mi,.)4'-l- ii<l mo*l mt aitfl th,. ttUHt Hint lil furiiitur*- n full cnui h in. n. t, t;i\/ri; full Fur C. A. Ahuual AMIIOUIIC'I* , fni. &>MreM FI,KM1N(;, I'l-lll. lll.ll. The HI .ni SOCIETIES. OK TKMTItKArn'K. Thla eoHetjp tH in l)r I'lirletiMi'n Hall every Weiwea- day eviiini; at |> u) Vixilitid bratbern Invited. Invuranu.1 in cc'iineotloB. SONS moe RinU. TBMrl.AllS nK ItMlular l'iniii<:il meeteery I . .<i> -.. n i IliMuroule'l lilocfc *t p. in Sfleci degree UaViraaeel i ..... ni"iitli>y. <li Wednndaj reoti .MI*. tl' -f' 1 "' "' e *' :h "'"""' Orthe Lnbon Mt-.li.-al Compaoy I* now at Tor- onto. Canada, and may i< coniulted eltlixr In l>crx>n in bjr letter on all clirnnle dlaeaien |>e- t-uliar to man. Men. yfililif,'. uld.nr litlddU ayrd. who nil. I tlieuiMlven unrvnnn.wuak and eiliaimt jj, who am broken down from eice** or oter- wnik, n'nliiiiii m many of the following >ru ptoiin : Mental deproiilon, prematiiro <>M tge. loMiof vitality, IOM of memory, bail dream*, lllllllI'Mof Hlllt plll|Ml*t|oll of tile Ill-lilt, rill Mioni, lack of oueriiy. pain In the klilneyi, In'a.Ui IHI, |iini)'lc nn III. fact) or body. Itchllis nr (lecullar enaalli>u atmtlt the acrotum, walut ii.il uf the organ*, dltzinaa*. i|ieck* baforo the eye*, twltehlng of llu- munclee, eye lldi, and elHewliere. Iwahfulncmi, deposit* In the orlnc, on of will power, tendrne of the Bealp and pine, weak and tlaliliy ii>ncle, ilri.li to l-wp. failure Uit> rt.lliv *le|>. oonnlipatlon. Mull lien* nf liearlnR. IOM of votcn.deeiie for *olitnil>-. enritaliilltv nl t, -n. |N. i Mink, n yea *iirroiinil<'>l with I.KAMKN riBil.lt. oily lonkluK nkln. ntc , are all nyinptiMii* nf nc-rvoun drlnlii v tint luail to Innantv and rlvath unlmii .MI,, I II. ipilnR or sii-il loroeliavInK lot Itn t n^i,.n wnrv four Mon w*iienlnroiiiiei|iii>iii<- Tln-iir who lliroll||li bue coinmltlc I In lifiioranre may IHI pernian out)* mrnd. Kend your aildr<*HH foi hook on all iliroaM'ft pttcnhar to inuii llnok* Kent free Heal- ed Hi-art di*eane, the symptoms of whirh are r*nit upollB, piirpln li|>, "iiiirahnra*, palpitation, ki|t ItiMitN. not flliklMi*. rni.li of blKMl to the head.ilnll |>aln In lliuh-art with IwaU utronR, rapid and irreKular, the >e*'on<lhimrtbimt quicker than the flrit. pain alx>ut hi- brraxt bone, etc , r*n |-oHltlvly be ourft No cure, no pay. Heml for hook Addre** M. V. l.liHtiN, M Mao- dniu-ll Ave Toronto, Canada. TJauly'Ui. SHILOHS CONSUMPTION CURE. EBIN - !l1 " M AKTHl'H I,(I>0 so meolln tl.e Ma.ilc Ball. *, '; * Htrain a Tlirt OHKAT Ctiriiil ( '.'UK.tlii (ill CONSIJMJ'TIDN CUKE, U wilhont a |"il. .11' I in 111'- blktorT "I III'-' linir All ilnv^'lsl* am m)ioii/.<-il t" (.ell it Oil t poei- tivi- guarantee, a teit that no other cur* run iiioini.Hfiillj etaml. If you li* Couxb, More Thruet, or Hi, nrtmiH, ate it, fur it will cure TUU. If Tur i l.ilJ IIMH the Croup, or Whooping Cenli, uee it promptl^.aiiil relief in tore. II Jon -Iread tli.it iu*idloui iliimHae CONSl'MtTUiN. IK.H'T riii. U> ue il.it "ill enre Ten r o*t fiotbing. ilk yi>ar l>rig met f-.i flliaOUK 'i UK, Price 10 eti., to et<. and |l.<>(', II your Lungt areiureor .aiua.ni* HMlou i 1'erOIU Prom our own Comipondent. Word wu mcuirud here on We.lnetday last of tin: death in Tnnmto nf Mr*. Mary ball in her eighty-ninth year. The Ixxly wi bnnitfht up t" Mount Ziii bur}ini< Krouuit f"r tntrriiii nt. oeiniipaiiied by In-r sou*, Mears. Ki. hard, Jof.n and Edwin Hall.'.f Turout<i,and h.-r bmthere, Mr Sniiiiii-l Piper, and other frieivli of lleaford, and there laid her away hy the remaini nf her hutband, whn died more than furty yenn n.-". Mrn. Hall Wai a native of Ireland, and came to thi* country early in life, settling tint iu the t-i nlii|i of East Owillimbury, York Co. , nrnr forty yan KO. Hhe.with her liua linnd, came to thil townehip and settled mi ihc farm la*ely *<>ld by her aou. where he lived uutil iilmut twu yt<araat('>, when lir i nio-vi-il with her mil and family to Tnroiitii. Mr. H.-ll MTH well Uii'.wn and much teapected in thm towimhlp, and a UIUH! y iiiiinrK-r i>f her "Iti n<rif1)bi<rg went up to M-nirii /inn on Thiii 1 "! iy lait to |iay H laal tribute of re*pct to thil vea- eiadlv lady. Misa .Nfiittie (Jilray, who haa been in Toronto uiiili-r^'i'ink' a counie "f nitdical tr- iJmt-nt, haa n-turned much iuipruved III llt-allil. Mr K. Ball, uf Toronto, ai>iit a few il.iy-i lait wei-k with hie daughter, Mia John Mathewaon Mr. Wnlpy K. Jori)>m riaited hie mother on Sunday. The Patrons "f InJttstry had their tatfy party last WeilrrfsnUy. The lailiee aUn provided tea and mkri.a'id they had a n-'.Miliir old fashioned tea splaah. ThiNN! who were preeenl n-pi>rt hating had a unod tune. We are Kind t" eee that your Kiniber- ley cur. has Hi last irl his eyne open, tht hi- doi actually realize that epriiiK ie with us. Wu sti|i|>iiae lu- had to undergo a regular MI-^H of iniiai|uilo bi'r* bufre his alugyish brain could orasp the fact. Lady Bank. from intr nivn Cinrffpoinl: .if The IHII^II i f news froto 1 ere lia> not been very full for toroe tiiut-. \Vtulhi-rhu.sbecn cold. Full wheat and Kiiios are ipiiii^ing up nicely in ruiist inii nri- of lira.Minable ruins. Tkte pro|H'Cts are becoming better than our u ai -. I -- ii |"i - I't-iMii-i- ne arc naturally cowards, or wo du not triiHt implicitly tin ,'iuiui-x ilint time and barTe*t shall not The harvest of death uccins to have Inn uiiitMtully k{reat aiuoii^ UH. KiUaid liuwton. Mr. Milli^au and Mr Davidson have been gathcn-d home to Bleep with tin ir father!'. VV in.- tmvrll, i.-, mi ,i joiiiney that can inly be travelled once. We dn>| duwn turd, i xlutus'.iil and dead ; one Inn', another there , none of u-. knowini; who will he iieit. Mrs. Hicklin^ has been seriously ill, and one of Mi Mil linn's cliiltlren .lU.' The world'* broad fitld o battle contains many heroes.but none ate more heroin than our enfeeble mothers and daughter* who wait 01 and watch ovt-r the xii-k at the peii of their own livd. Uod will nwarU them The late (iro. Davidaon and In wife . .1".' from Abeidi'fiiahire al>on I'nriy years it^o und oetlled iu Tick uring about !C yenrs since. They tin i nettled in Usprt v a id cleaned up i Inmli fiuin, lot 17, cou. H, where h haa continuouHly leHidcd sine*. Hi wife wai a largo hearted neighbor mother nnd fin ml. Uu 0110 occa>iui win n carrying succor to the sieU slit burst a blood vessel. Her hlp in M'awins of mi il was ofU'ii iii'tant anc iniR'.inted. They loat their souJaiues ;it 27 yrnis a very proimtiiiiK' yotui( man. The late Mr. l>avidou W.IM si-i-i t-tiiry and treasurer of the FeTor- shain l'ir li> in i in church, and for long lime manager and secretary o the Fi vi-isliiim (irange, which has - ii- i.in.i .1 in hi* death a serious loss Uh bnaiueas he transacted to withir about a week of his death fur too long. Hut it may l> said that he pu "H the harness of work with ro luctance. About a year ago heart luiiiin- ln-cftim- manifest, aud reap peaied lately .nnd cut him off in a wa; itmiilar to that of his wife six year ago. Everything that affection oouli suggest was done by l'is daughters t auBiiagi th* panga of his final mo uu nis. He was quiet, intelligent anc obterviug, but somewhat resorted manner. Ho had the faculty of see ing the inwardness of most thing submitted to liiH judgement, and In natural tdircwd sense was many time a match even for college bred sharp ers. He won and held for long th confidence and esteem of a widecircl' His defects will he forgotten in hi public worth and uprightness ; a kin neighbor and a constant friend. H will be sincerely regretted and Ion, remembered by the many who ha tin- pleasure of his acq.iaintauoj. HEALTH FOR ALL. llolloway's Pills and Ointment T HE PILLS Purify the liloud. correct all Dwerwers of I -I >!. Ntomach, lv nln \\ - and IJovrelMe hey invigorate an) restore te k>ea*M Ueferttteted Constitutions, and are invaloal !i- in i ose pleiiiUinol.leut> vyXofuwJ** of all atpm. For Children and the aged they am |>ricvle> THE 01 N THEM T ill I a fallible < erneny for Had Leg*. Kad llrua*U. ol.l W</inds. Kores and fleers. It Is f auoai for Uuat and Kheuiuatlain. For disorders ol tue Cbwit It baa BO eijul ror.WRK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS .tlandular Swellings, and all Skin Die.p it ban no rival ; aud for contract*! and tiff jointi it cti like a charm \Itnufactured only at Prof M nor HOLLOW AY K.tUjlUhim-nt. 7X, > . M a \ for * st r r i < lat r S33, Oxford tttrect K I iwU .. 4 arc told at lc IJ.,.2i 9d.. . M . ll , 2S . and Tin. each Hoi or Fbt end* aia? 5 bad of airVi I'-inr Vatvlort throughout the World. **- r*trrhti*rr* ihvuld look U lAe Labtl on C.V PotU and BOOKS. If iKt cMrrtm i* ** 555, (*tf*ird Streti, Londm^ thr\i are sp*fr*w*. Court of Revision. Notice I* h*rl>> KIVUII Hint e I'ourt of R vislou uu itir eseMine.it of the Towueliip i Oli.i.y (or the year INUH, will he lu.1,1 in II Orange Hall, at Maiwell, on Monday, the M day ol May. IMW, t 10 o'clock. m. All partiii Intereatvtl will govern tbemselvM actoidmifl THOU AH WOTT. t. lot K ol Ospre UK Wli'S CAIlRIAGi: WORKS Naigfactgriis if Saps t Kow on hand a number of Waggon*, Bug^x-s, Cart* ami Deinncr>t> We mre alto manufacturing; a urt-at inany taor* of tho latest the latent patterns aod bet finish, wliich we *if nffajinz for aale at the Went price eoDiutU'tit with <Ju< rrftanl to workniaDiibip auj quul tjr. Poaeiujj iioprrior faeilitin for manafactining Carriagei, we iuleurl to aril vor j chrap for cub or opprorrd credit, an I bv so doing we hope to grratly iiicreaae our number of ulei. All kiuJi uf vehicle* rvpairrd at the ibi>rtel notiev, paiotol and tr uiiuf4 if deairfJ. Hone shoeing a [iwiiiltT. A tirit daft wood worker hi BOW hi onr emplov. We want a two or a fonr hois* pw*r ia t ictiange oa a tig. J II III (Kit. NEW DISCOVERY ACCIDENT IacuiopouD<ltu a >lutlon pri waa a' a #nti)r ptUnl ua t:. lu itnd on wwiljh'f afirrwk 4 u M dkarv*rr<l tbac IB* hftlr wu en markri ami Mgrrai na Ur-n thr ilviuaiiil Ibat ar* now inir* <Jurin( It Utruufbuui ih wurld ULdtr Ibr name > f (*|ur*u'a A nil -It air In*. IT 18 PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND 80 SIMPLE ANY CHILDCAN USE IT. I JIT the hair erer and epr > i> * ml i tar* fur a few nitoutre. an.1 tae b*ir dtap|>r*r* a* if by fii*|l< ubi/ui the i.l ft :.lr*l vainur la Jury I e?i ai>pii*^l of *v*r afterwanl Ii uonlUieany vtier prrpaifti nr\ruM-4 f>.r * like pwrptMtr. Tfaf^Mand* (.( LA III * bo n* l.*a arnuyiKl wilh hair onlbtir F 4' . Nri l ai .1 .4. KM > t'.- II* mem*. > N r I I M r N i..j <!.- uol nirn l(r brrr'I or li*ir nn Ibelr nrc*. w -. T .,.^w... r-- i ev*rv *ord > h*ln> We InVli* ymi t-i i1l wnh o an>l yt'o will BnTi eryilnii a rrfrnnTird <Mt_ tbf* . 'it *nJ > n.I i .!. Addrtun QUCCN CHEMICAL CO.. 174 ire Street, CINCIMNATI. O r-j nr your ltlr al or I'.^i (im.-e U) Ineurr it* *af* dli.rT Wr 111 py a; OO for au w ef failure or allKhleet Injury to Mr parehawer. r .-i r bnttlr (iiaraiuti rd. their fnaito it >ui*e or "". *"- - Away from bad I..-rti aa a trulli what R. A. PEATTlE.the D. C. Painter says about work. I louse, Sign, Carriage aud Ornamental Painter, Frisco, Can- vas, and Clays Painting- All work GUARANTEED. Next Door to Baptiit Church Farm for Sale At Banal* Lot I. con. 4. Kuphratla. containing liR aorea, IJU acre* clare<l, Hpleuilid frame barn 40x0), with >tahle un.ler Orchard. oo<l water, log boue. frame kitchen lAiiD. About Bo aorea MaMe for reaper Will be told iiunmhali-lv at a aacrinee Any pr*on duilrlni: a good place WtlMtoJOBS MARtlN Kn(eDla 1'. O The Markets. an Hill* Flour i i Wheat.. .. HurillK Whi-at Ha ley Gate Paa hull. -i EMI., fresh KGaeoei i'a Hav par ton. Barh Wrrk. ,.. 4 SO 85 Hhpklna. ............ Oeeiee.. ......... . ....... Turkey! ................. riiiokuiii pr pair. . Ditok* per pair ...... Weol 67 14 K too Ml I 00 M 6 S 40 SO IS to fo to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to < 50 as M 14 A IX 10CD 3 1 M 10 $50.00 for a Chicken. To create an interest In U. bree>liBj of high class |ioaltr> I will awanl a i|>. il urlie of e.vo.oo ua*h to the per*on raining thu neaTieet I'hu'k.'M hatrhe<l from DKRH purenaned from aie. rivnioiith Korku are uu<iuu*li<>uahlv the beat lin-ti I of fowls known tin the Canailian farmer. Si.nil for 1..-.OI i|.n elroular of thl* raluable IIM-I"! of fowla. KKK* for iiatrhinii. Kuarantee'l frnh and true to name, carefully |>okil in baskete and de- of to name, careuy |>oi e llveretl to ei'ro comiianv. SUllO imr 13. Address T i Wll.LITH. Breeder of flymouth Kook fowls, Weston, Ont. DRESS MAKING- MUH (iJKKDKCM di" ,r* to anaounce lu thepuoplouf Meallnrt- .1 an. I icfnilv tl.*t *h- t* pieparml to <lo dn-^vinaUiai,* t4> the natiafae- Uon of tliuee whou*v Milrui her with their ordan Thu UU-*t faoliton plat alwaya on luukl Sall'actJon nuarKiiti-.-d. Vrrv rt-aaoD *M, prlcna. Shop aim i --M u-in-e " vi-i M.trhell'a Hank. Idchardtoa'i block. Fleihvrtun Initrue- lioimii.tuu in flttiuil an>l cutting hy .U D. McTavish, HORSKSHdKK AM> GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. ManufactiirlnRof WaKk-oni. Sl.-ixu. H satis* Democrat*. K.tc Horn nhoi'iuK I'lcuirlly at- tended to. S|>iH-iai attention (jlven to coniraet- r I ,.i tender feet. and Plow ('hnioi OB hand. SA Y!, Farmers ! Business Men! Everybody I The nndernlgiKMl ha* atartoil a new carriage mannfactur> and ropairlnK Hhop iu Klubberton, where you can get viir repair* done uu tbcut not ten autl on reasonable tern^a. Triniiiiin-. . epairing. and ererythkng in the carriage maklof hue Olre meacall. Batisfactlon Kuar\utce4 Shop over McTavish'* smith Shop. Bltack i: T. Hamilton. Fleaherton. Jan il. 1001. Lands for Safe Farm properties, luiproTed anrl unlmareeed. ropertiM Apply to J. W AKMKTKON<4. ri*sb<rrtoa f .

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