Jfiesfcrtmt TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPELES, HOT MEN.' 2 VOL. XL, HO 567. FLESHERTON, OUT., THURSDAY, 1L4Y 26, 1892. W. H. THURSTON, "; T R C 7 R , ETC , WATCHES AWAY We will Sell A 3 OUNCE, OPEN - FACE, 8ILVERORE, SNAP BEZEL, WITH HEAVY, FRENCH- CM T CRYSTAL, WATCH, FILLED WITH A SPLENDID, 11 JEWELED AMERICAN MOVEMENT, KEY WIND, FOR $4 75. \VE WILL FORWARD THIS SPLENDID WATCH TO ANY ADDRESS ON RECEIPT OF THAT AMOUNT. ARMSTRONG BROS. FLESHERTOy tTATCHMAKEJiS Jt JEWELERS. D O W N injj a few weeks flatting sum* of the American cities, returned last wek. control of from our nwn Business rs improving all aroimml this summer in thfs vicinity. Both 1 n , i i i n i Et isto b* linped that th weather will the lumber and shingle mills Lave aa ' increase of work. **" " lck U P Mthe old folk ' but Sverl buildings are bamg eracUil ., ] ' "'"^^ " g h blld th.ry*t Mr. Geo. lloiwood in preparing to bnild a solid brick house. The new church building it prro- greasing very well. Wm. Bailey krns the stone work by contract. Mr. J. Wood, the lucky tenderer for the church, has since secnred t_J:>< AT f " r /I T fl T IT /I TT > d IJ , h I lli H X ' J J*J**ViJ. U ful1 Iin (jioocls must be sold ! IS'OTK 'I'll!- GKOCBEIES. No. i Cooking Raisins, twenty-eight Ibs. in box for $1.00. The best Rice, 24 Ibs. for $1.00. 4 Ibs. of the finest Japan Tea for $1.00. If this tea does not suic, your _money refunded. PBOVISIONS. No i Long Clear F3acon, only nine cents per pound Spiced Rolls, eleven cents. Smoked Hams twelve cents. ~BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies' Buff Shoes, hand made at one dollar a pair. Gent's Buff Shoes.hand made, at one dollar. MILLINEKY. No time to say anything. Every person busy getting orders ready. w. *rit i > E ADVERTISE BECAUSE WE CAN reach you through this medium better than any other. We pay hard cash lor advertise- ments, and ask you as a favor to read them not to note how badly or how well they may be worded ; not to sec if there arc any funny points to make you smile, but to sec if what we are offering will not benefit you when you next come to Flesherton. Keep the store on the hill in your mind when you come, and if there isn't any word in the advertisement for you acall will convince you that \vc: study the interests of our customers much more than the lining of our own pockets. Don't let any smooth-tongued shoddy pedlar, tea agent or Jew talk you into something you don't want, but trade with the men who are always with you, then if the tea Uon"t come up to what it is represented, or the goods to wear to your entire satisi?ction, you can get even by cussing them to their face instead of behind the pedlar's back. No satisfaction in that. We keep full lines in the following depart/nets : <.<( Ureaa , t!ent' Kurniahiitgit, Tweeda aw.i TIDV r nflIK Cwmstinn UQI UUUUJ \Vursteda, CutUmadea and Shirting, Prints and IS Hosiery, and alt novel ties iu small wares. BOUTS & SHOES M*n*, Women's, Miasea 1 aud C'hildrt-ir in Ur((* varitiaa. h ' fu " T ur TKE STORE CN THE B, G. EVANS Tu..d.y last all th. Methodist Y ? U wil1 find mil list. of th* Markdaia district c.,,,. O f all the latest woollens, and veiBd ill th church htire : Present, Row. R Oar y, district chairman, pro- J'OU will find it tO your ad- contract for erecting a chm-cL u, !"; Rersv A. W. Tniuse, Fleshertun ; Lynes appointment, Holland *_ndl R J- Husband, Pricevill. ; J. W. 8an val purchase your Euphrasia, $1650 being the low-til' deraon, Melaucthon ; G. H. Cobblediclc, ,_,i^ _ i ^i^4.u- r figures. Ed. Wilcox will go iu , F W. Thompson, Eugenia ; T. R. Ordered cJcthag aC the Met- partner en this church. K yU.ll. Euphrasia ; H. D M..yer, Walt- chant Tailor's. The public school ground is sorrai.i , f^ and j ohn Hepl)erj B . A Hol . what beautiful by the addition of i' ll|icj ClBtw- The minist , nil ,. M1U11 WM w maple and evergreen trees.tha,, ks MU j um t hfl aft . rll()0 ,, Ip tlw . to a few kiud and thoughtful persotni. . The Misses Lawson are home frran l " s ' "f, 1 * 1 * 111 c "'"" t " 1 * of "< ll ut Toronto. They will probably S F J ,^ r * ^Jress^ by a number of th* the summer at home. clergy uwu interspersed itli music by Mr. J. Wood takes a holiday tl_iii thc ^'oirwaa reuuvrad and much ap. , week and goes to the city to bsEijtPf* ' 111 * 11 b y the audience. *" TQ'RTNrTA. for the chinches he is buildia(j. "w W c daeday the followiinj lay drle- " *' VHiJ^iN 4^^ We heard that there waa to be ( t?* wre prevent : J \V. Vriuttnuix, shooting match 111 Kmiberley ou tMi t'Whvriun , J. D. Sloan, Eugenia ; C..C 24th of May. We don't play iu ti i; J,,,, I'nceviile . (iu-.ii^ Nix.,u, DUII- Buch games and thought best to aaj d lk ; J.M. Clarke. Melanciln.u; C.W Rut- me. 1 well NBMftM " e 'ood ,K_J{ lwi Mrkdale ; U.K. Ell.s. Euphrasia : ' I ' ' The K.I. Advance K ave our baml~et ^"!L"" "TTL**L W ' 11 " *'*"* tlul Hrin leased tl,..,i,,,,, m.ll. for a ftiendly call last week. Ho had a u two-wheeled "da;'liug" with him. MILL! a terra of vear*. we Ji-sir lo inform thu uuliiic that e ui.ii. ifa. tur" unil k-p in Nillowiag : Our I'l-ic. :!!.- /'/iii viir 'urn i.'iii-nsponJfnt. A chopping match took place Tile full.jwnii; Umuilury i'li:ui wer Tuesday lit last wij!i between JI r. recoaumended. viz: !> put Be'hel appofcsfci Alex. McMillan, of the sontli line, aiixl inmit, Dunda.'k ciu-un. PH. Malancthon Mr. Arciiie MoMillau, lately nf t'i!i. and sc-nJ a you'u man tu aaaiu thu fornia. The stakes were 31O. Mn' .uivrinteiiaant uf Mulanclli.ni circuit ; Alex. McMillan camo out victorioua*j to ,, Kuphruta and Eugenia. He knocked off a "cut" 19J inche* i I'u.akins ,,n circuit, with Kimbsrle, a. i ., j iii <pi i and to hive an ordniiifd minister and a vuo . t" add t'lvaaant Valley. ll"i l.tud township, tn HolUinl <'ntr, and While two or three fellows wcr-t l " <rasfr Xion a|>uuiiituMiit, Walter* having a rather unfriendly scrap ouaei^""* cKim,t<j 0*vu Sound district. eveuiiiL; lai'. week, a bystander sut_!- t'i M-KKKN\-B aMOdrnun JUr.G U E. Ewart, Holland CenT" K.*. J l'e|>pr was elected secretary and K. K. \V. Trxuii[>i'ii tismntaut. Trie statistics shuwod a jjnt'ifTini; in- both iu th iii.-iiiM,rxii,|, snd the Baliioirrs Hand Kailmi; t'orncr .ioual funds of the district. Bl.wk*. lll- tM-t of Lain. >u I A t Slun^lc*. <'k SIiiiiKlfs. VrraiMlit Verunda l'ittinir>. Sidin; Neek;ke and WufcitCrecs. Turnings of all kinds to order. ouds. His opiHjiient pl.ired out boa- fore linisliing the job. Th maiL- 1 was the outcome of an aiyvueut o n All kiiuU uf MuuldiugK kept un hnd. Mouldcil cBsings f.ir iuid- tinialj a fptcialty. " ill'' "ii> - m buUHu tiuikii- injlt. LV1I ami MVII us bvfure plut-inx Your H.I|.III,; b.T atruxLitforwiiril. li.ii>,.. i iliaic uJ tLlu pubilc ;ml- ruuiige, we are yours truly, di-iily put a stop to (be proceed iugl>) CnbU'etlick on ('iiiiniUee i ttr. A. W. T..iij{and C. W. iS. S. d.iu. : Rer. U. J. ,^ j. w . Anu.tr,, Mg u,i Epw.,rth L;ic|uo Coin. ; J. \V. Aruulonif ou Mia- drawing a "bead" on tLa pug l ; i with a "barker." It is nucdltss I say that the request was with. Mr. Alemeron Husband, who b been attending Toronto University, home for his vacation. Mi Martha King, of Orange villa* I N HMISOB, DnnJalk : is renewing old uccinaintauce i a;*'* rlc w i!liiin,Melaiiotli..u ; K. yunc. L'licevillo and vicinity. Wlt r S'll*; J.. t |,h Richardson. Wiss (irace Johnston and Mastf-r Price vi lie; Wm.Nnrt m. Upland Ceiitro ; Regie Grier, of Pn'ceville P. S., iu D. . Ellis, liuphrasia ; J. B. S!<n, tend writing foi 3rd class certificates Eugenia; J. W. Arnistroiijf.Klwsherton ;| next July. We trust they will sues -and CJ. \V. Kutladije, Wark.lnle. Kloshocton wiw ,i|i|)oinUil us ihe place : 1 Laru<- QuantilT if *o. I Spruce Lath on lianu. Make ywur i*ur-lia>fs of ii* uw. of* The ration! of Industry have 01-. ior h ganued a lodgK iu b. S. No. 7" ( Artomefi*. /'V'n our \ . >-. -. <\>ri'-*ii'iintent. 'Utm.; tliu fall district ind*tiii|{. At 5 o'clock p.m. after a unmt KM . - L Stiaudanl. ad- Harried. V. V EA-MEA.LiIA-Al tho rui,lcnoo ol the I t>ri I. '- fnthor. FleMhurtoti 8( :i ttw IMh int l-v tii.Kev. John W ._-]N. M A . The 'J4t!i dani! l>nht ami clear. an<-J >.. tv tli.H Juliii M..-MMUJ Ellon, WoHt Jti^litur ul lit. tools who arose .>arly th.tt morning, un Jobn Jkio]|. loss tlu-y wt-re ery wise, n JnuliSl r "*" * thought it was ((..ing t,, lx> a 1,-rely da,_ '''^'""><, tl.o wifo murdurer, was ex- lOUMd at Melbourne, Australia, on But they were (HOHIsd t>i disaiiponui lj( <in j ay mem. (.'I'd. Is u<'ii obscure') the auita lii'in view. It rvimiineil cloudy all <.lay_ with livjlit sliowvrn in tli evening. X witlist.tn.ini'' that it wa.i anylhinx but: an idcnl day foi nut i UK <>r pluuuiu. .Many took advantage of tlic li^lulay. Sumo went fishing and a great minihtr from tliis ueigbborhood took in tho Put runs |iienic at Kiniberley, and the i_;]it of thtf steady stream of veliiclea with., tnitant llieir Suds f luippy humanity inadi) almiitt wish that we were young a^aiu . and could i>i ii-larkiui( with th* re*t. ., ...... Ulli, Mfc ,., ... , f ilu I lie crnps in tins vitfiiutv are 1< >ck inir~ ' "iflj. mu. BrMtvaomiM wkk , us at HMm<c Undn4 i) well, rail wheat as a rule promise* a rvch harvest. New* is *.in hat scarce as people are too healthy to diu and too busy tu utt married. There is some wliwp*m of t marriage, SIKIII to take place, by whicli Epping will los* on* of its moit cli.u iniiik. younir ladies. Miss Alice CiilrHy.K'lio has been spend- Rttief, Permanent Cur, failure /mpessMe, TM tit limply . ueh hcu). H E uuilcrni^iiKil U'tju learo to ac> i|uaint the mh/iLitiiiiUuf l-'lesliurivn an.! siiiroiiuJniK eonntr.T Urn; be tl o r'luur. Feed and '-Hcery :"r(jui Hict-iird IVillar, lir he iil ooniiiiiie t<. knp on liud a good supply of Choice Flour, Feed and Urocritii,at Luweil Prices. Cuurteay ad Squire Dealing ..! be l>w order of the dav at Hmdcrse)!!'* More. We ho|.f tLt th* Old tut..u,. 4 will cuntinue (o putrouize UK and a sjintk ling ot new Eggs Taken in Trade. Plewes' and Fords' Flour Always on Hand. Wm. Henderson. S. iHb's List if Laiis fir Sab. Mhy mil a Farm whrn voiirnu bliv at liill ;ilur and Kei l< nn. of pavinciit l Milt you '.' . : No. I r.ul -Jtieun. B. Mvlaiicthon. N' S. >L,'ly i-lii-iip. PttMlNo I.-. IMCon '.. MclmicUian. *> cri. ID ncn J. .u .! ^ouJ cl*> Uxiui.loti bouw ami stnMo ft'lfor^u*. I'm, ., N., i 'f- .Vtn,l.vH.s. \V i' A S.roH. H..IIII.I l"0.vn^.7O aorw olonnvl. ^Inv loui n>Hi~,-. rranu barn a On* term. tvJso. "arecl No. I Kut half 10% Mo. l>,eon '< \m rvramh. nxi ftoros. .> Herat cloartxi. 70 turua nuud . i.l barn. *inm N.-.'i I ..i iVUcou. ), Holland, 90 acrM il>t-r. *. .-. ron. 7. a.il lot U, coi. rt timber frm \,,, of lota No. 1 tiniburoil with bard PHrci.lSo.7 j. IWaore*. *iaoo. I'uu. I N". s -Lot 33. ooa. U. ArtcniMia, luk aorvtwell tiinlwrwl. tlOOO. ..riiiti,^i.. rf rding itT of lh ho. to 8. UAMl'DB. '