THE WEEK'S NEWS. Winnipeg U infested with tramp* and va grants. Bishop Anicn, of Qu'Appellf, has "esign- ed ami will remove to Knslaud. The High Court, of Canaditn Foresters will meet, in Ottawa next year. Dakotan* who reached Winnipeg nn Tues- day pui chased 6,000 acre* of C.P.K. land*. Knglish buyer* are shipping a large num- ber of horses from the Potertioro' ilutrict, I lay Simpson, teller of tlie Bank of Com- merce in Montreal, was drowned on Satur- day night. Kngliih broken hare entr"Sted an agent in Winnipeg with $1,000,000 for investment in mortgages. William Stephenson, a printer, commit- ted suicide .HI Monday mght in Toronto by cutting hi* throat with a razor. There are at present 357 Courts of ill Canadian Order of Foresters in the Domin- ion, with a memlieiihip of 15,000. A telephone company in opposition to the Bell company liu been organized at Mont- real with a capital of (500,000. A farm hand named Alexander Scott was killed on the London anil Port Stanley rail- way track near Glaowortb the other night. Two boys were drowned while bathing in Toronto Bay on Friday night Albert Bcales. agd fifteen, and Christopher Madden, agod fourteen. The C. P. R. Company have announced the location of their terminus in the Suuria district and a rush of settlers has begun. Thomas Spellman of Vienna, aged 73, will spend the remainder of his life in peniten- tiary, having been found guilty ot anon. Th<i British House of Commons has an- Ihori/ed tlia Government to purchase the leiopftoae trunk lines throughout the coun- try tor 1,000,000. The marriage of Princess Marie of Edin- burgh to Prince Ferdinand, the heir ap- parent to the throne of Huumuiia, has been fixed to take place IB October next. Referring to the invitation extended to Mr. Kdward Blake to enter Imperial Par- liament, tbo Pull MalKla/ette suggests that other leading colonists be invited to stand for scats in the coining elections. It is reported that during Prince Ferdi- nand's stay in London he asked I he Prince of Wales for the hand of Princess Maud in marriage, aud that the Prince of W.ii.M promised to give his consent as soon as Ferdinand is recognized as the Prince of Bulgaria. rv.rru STATES. The late Sidney Dillon of Nw York, left an e.Hate worth between $3,000,00.,' and i. - 000,000. Four Italians have been lynched for mur- dering a section foreman near Seattle, Wash. Six men were drowned at Napoleon ville. La., the other day by the sinking of a small ferry-boat. Crops in the Deep Creek Valley, near Aih- land, Pa., were much damaged by a terrific storm on Tuesday night. Prince Michael was sentenced on Satur- day at Ann Arbor to five years' impris- onment the full penalty of the law. In a fight between union men and "scal" at St. Louif on Wednesday nig lit, a negro striker was killed. No arrests. George Fisher of Ashley, Pa., killed his wife and John Washington the other day. The .voui.ui had been unfaithful At Forsyth, Mo., on Thursday, John Net- A plague, supposed tn be cholera, has broken out in Mesopotamia, the country be- tween the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Johann Most, the German Socialist, has abjured Socialism and lias become a cautam in Hie Salvation Army. The rumors that Km in Puha w;is dead were nnti ue. He has arrived at Bukabe, Xaimbar, and is enjoying good hoaltii. King Hehanzin of Dahomey refuses) to rec- ognise' a French protectorate over his king- dom and has placed himself in the bands of Germany. Gen. Ancram, aide-de-camp to the Earl of Jersey, Governor of New South Wales, was accidentally shot iead while out shoot- ing on Thursday. The Russian Government tried unsuccess- fully to make Grand Duke Const ant ine's vimt to Nancy a lever to obtain from Paris bankers a loan of v.>uO,(XK),000 The relations Between France and Great Britain are rather strained at present, and Lord Dufferin has some delicate diplomatic work before him regarding the possessions of the two countries in Centra! aud East Africa. It is likely that a conference will shortly take place between the Czar and Emp-ror Francis Joseph, and the fseling prevails in Berlin that the result of tho interview oi the two monarch* will be a weakening of the entente lx-teen Russia aud France. Negotiations have been opened between T*r it. untie, r *4 ose who dwell iu tii iKine nM little of that special Vguit> cll0 ' : " "** "' Q.-illflri!im Ine FrsusrhUe. . ..- ......,-. ._,. The If umanitariiinisa now monthly dated To those who dwell ui thucisV the m 1 - 1 ' J from New York, and under the editorial carry charge of Mrs. Victoria Woodhall Martin, vouchsafed to those who tread the Theaim of the new journal is, the editor says, seek tho luddeu beauties of the f " to discuss all subjects appertaining to the shade. The culmination of the beautif well being of humanity." W e take f loin the nature is fouud, if found at all, on a per feet first issue of the Humanitarian the follow- j day in summer, and the appreciation of the ing remarkable article on "Qualification* fur beautiful in flower and tiuld, in 'distant Mill the Franchise :" " When does a man ac- and glowing sky is more widespread to-day quire tho capacity of judging for whom to ; than ever iu the history of the people. This vote? Why does the age of twenty-one appreciation has broadened with our scieii- qii.-ility for votnii, ? In no other department j line knowledge since it has become clear would the fact thai a man is legally of age thut where ignorance is once the moim-r of alone decide capacity. If I call in a physi cian to see a sick person, it is because I think him qualified to cure, not because his admiration, knowledge is a lium.-au.i tunes its quickeiier. There are a few, however, who do not believe this. Their view is age is s guarantee. The law insists that lie , voiced by the following words : "Mr. Rus- snail have a diploma showing capacity, which gives him the right to practice. This diploma is a guarantee lhat he knows .some- thing about his profusion. A man exer- cises the franchise Without any guarantee, except that he has arrived at the age when the law allows him to vote, tiiough be may have nu capacity to judge who should l>e put into office. What liberty have we in the majority vote of toe uneducated, the unfit or defective individuals' Instead of send- ing an ignorant man to pass laws, kin burns to white heat in dealing with the scientific botanists who cover the flowers of God's world with a contemptible Latin jar- gon and call that an explanation of the flora of the earth. Fortunately or unfortunately he finds no more comprehensive satisfaction in the treatise* of the mineralogists ou dia- monds and i-rystal>. My own experience, covering a period of over thirty years of constant and loving intercourse with nature, teaches me that I always get more enjoy- ment, and a belter understanding of the instead of expensive elections and appeals . flowers, the mountains, the dawn, and sun to party interest, a law should be discussed s.-t and thu stars the less I encumber my- by experts on thu subject, every side of the question given full publicity, and then a vote taken on the merits oi tiie measure pro- posed, which would take it out of the hands A fierce rainstorm between C aud 8 tleton ^ R ; ( . uar j Meyers fought a duel o clock on Sunday evening did damage iu j with butc | ler kDivee . n^i, wera k ,u ad< Toronto by flooding, estimated roughly to amount to $100,000. Judge Bright Morgau of Hernandez, The Dominion Government has d*cidd Miss., was shot dead at Memphis. Tenn.. that electric railways sre classified as tram- I ou "* b y H nr y F< >^. I w y- ways, aud that the rails for such are dull- The wheat harvest ism full blast in south able Wesley Reid while driving across the M. C. K. track at Woodslee, Out., the other day, was struck by au express train and in- stantly killed. The old whaler Progress, which was built in 1843, has pasted through Montreal on its way to Chicago to be exhibited at the World's Fair. Mr. George Dnhamel, who was Commis- sioner of Crown Lands in the Merrier Cabinet, is lying dangerously ill in his resi- dence in Montreal. A bell boy named Robert MeWilliams, aged 17, was caught between the elevator and flooring at the Kussell house, Ottawa, the other morning and killed. The first Methodist church in Canada was erected at Adolphustown 100 years ago, and the Methodist of the Bay of Quint* dis- trict will celebrate the centenary. Lieutenant Governor Angers of Quebec, Sir Leonard Tilley and Lady Tilley are, among recent contributors to the Macdonald memorial fund of Kingston. A barge load of coal from Newcastle, Eng., has arrived at Ottawa. It is said this coal can bs put on the market in Can- ada cheaper than all rail American coaL The number of fatalities throughout the , ern Kansas. The yield is said to be larger ' than last year's, and the quality excell-nt. Lucifer Durand, Prince Michael's succes- I sor, was pounced upon by three men in De- troit on Suuday night anu shoiu of his long ' hair. The Order of Railway Telegraphers of the United States has decided to hold their next annual convention in Toronto nexl May. During a hailstorm at Gilboa. Scboharie county, X. Y., on Tuesday, hail stones are reported to have fallen which were nine inches in circumference. Henry K. Abbey has signed a contract with Henry Irving and Kilen Terrv and their entire company to make a tour in the United States in 1S1M. Thirty wo-kmen were drowned by the collapse of a bridge they were constructing over the Licking River, near Coviugtou, Ky., thc other day. Joe Wallace, who murdered Henry Cote, England, France, Belmum, and Germany ' of professional politicians and put it into for ihe purpose of defining their respective j thu hands of scientific authorities, working spheres^f missionary influence in Africa j for Ihe u -netit of humanity. An action or measure is either good or bad ; if bad, an act of ihe legislature will nor, make it good : j r . !-- l ... with a view to preventing collisions between the missions. A woman of St. Pelten, Lower Austria, self with or try to apply to these living, burning, ever-changing divinities tlie dry and sapless nomenclature of so-called scien- tific literature. There is no true science or poetry but that which feels, touches and pictures thu soul and m.-amug of things. " No doubt this writer is sincere, but he will hardly claim he has a monopoly in en- joying the beauties of nature ; aud if his if it UK' ! itisso because of its own intrinsic mind is so constituted that botany, geology, accused oi levying blackmail upon sixteen merits, not because uf the number of voles and astronomy throw no new light ou the inhabitants of the town on the charge of given it. The discovery of electric light j glories of the universe, that is his mistor- having immoral relations with her daugh- ! benefits the German as well as the Amen- i tune. The true students of nature, aud their ter, aged thirteen, has been sentenced seven years imprisonment. to can. So with a law ; if it is just, it is so name is legion, find the lieaut ies become m- independent of the fact that a Republican ' creased a thousand fold as knowledge with at the veiy cordial reception 8 i.<.u i,> i LHH, Ferdinand of Bulgaria during his n-cent ''' visit to London, the hrnours shown him I ' having been al.nost royal in thjir character, I ~ le " ,. <lect , thoi wh , " r , " 1 ' 1 work whiia til* i>r, n . ...-., -i.' . . ......i... !.._' the welfare of their adopted country ? France is reported to have taken umbrage i ?, r .. a Uemoc "' proposed its hemg passed, its telescopes and microscopes illumines and lion given to Prince ls JU5t> ri 8 nt - reasonable, will be so extends the field of observation. To rend ,1-1,.,,,., l, two persons think differently one flower is to destroy its single beauty in i>j>vt. What incentive have order lhat the great glory of its hundreds of brethren may lie made more manliest, and that the wonder uf plant life may be made the possession of alt It is doubtless true that the ignorant man, the unm.-ien.iuc m in. may enjoy in a way the beauties uf nature ; but when he would draw a narrow a peddler, was hanged Teun., the other day. sons saw him die. in Marion nunty, Ten thousand per By the falling of a porch in the rear oi 1 1 1 State street, Chicago, Friday evening, four women were injured, three of them so seri- 4.UV UUUIUVr Ul IVlllle llll UUK11UU* VI1V . . . . eastern township, in the recent cyclone ,. that Uiey may die. . . J x *L now placed at three, one child I'J years of age and two of and I'J months respective- ly- Mr. C. S. Hyman, ex M. P. for London, Out., is in Carlton county. New Brunswick. He hoi bought a large tannery at Benton and is fitting it up so as to greatly increase its capacity. Rev. Father Brady > horse ran away at Mr*. Deacon, the cause of the tragedy at Cannes. France, is said to be living in retire- ment at Uie home of her brother, Charles Baldwin, near San Jose, California. Lightning struck two kegs of powder at Somerset, rty , and 5O persons were injured by the explosion which followed. Many, it is thought, will die. A construction train ran into a drove of Woodstock the other day, threw Miss Han- cattle on the Chicago, Burlington A yumcy Ion and Miss McDonald out o: the buggy. Railroad near Galesburg, Ills, and diagged the latter nearly a block, in- were killed and 25 injured, juriug her probably fatally. Dr. Kelley, of the Montreal High school has been appointed Canadian representative which killed between forty and fifty persons on the committee who are to prepare for the "<* Ca"*d n immense destruction of prop- Four men There was a tornado iu the vicinity of Mank'ttii, Minn., ou Wednesday evening, while the Prince a claimx to royally hav uot yet been recognized by the great pow- ers. The German Government is watching with the keenest interest the development of the approaching elections in England. Its sympathies are altogether with the < 'n- itervatives, as il knows the advent of Mr. I iladst/une to power would be directly agaiust the interests of the Dreibund. The cholera epidemic, which is destroy- ing life at the rate of a hundred a day in the Meshed district of Persia, is advancing towanls Europe. The recent horrible murder of Frau Man- /el in Berlin by Wngenschutz, a lad of eighteen, presents a peculiar psychological study. The murder wiis a shocking one, tho woman having been slashed and pounded with fiendish ferocity, yet the murderer is a mild mannered youth with a great fond- ness for puts. They are not horn upon the soil, and time is required before their interests become iden- tified with the American nation. They vote where self interest leads. Il is this winch makes Ihe struggle so terrible between the , circle and say that within lhat circle of the educated vote on one side and the ignorant [ sciences no enjoyment of nature is possible, vote on the other. Our best men abstain he not only is guilty of indirection, liut he from having anything to do with politus ia blind leader of the bliud. Many a because the fear thai the terroiists will brainy scientist, many a botanist has the blacken their character and nun their rep- I keenest love of nature, aud is never more transported than during this glorious month of roses. They can echo Mrs Bron mug's verse as well as lint km and his ilk : " For if I wait," said she, "Till lime for noses be For the moss rose and the musk rose, Maiden blush and royal-dusk rose What glory then for me In such glorious company ? <>au ( iin- * M r. h. . The eft-quoted wail of Thomas Carlyle in utatiun deters them. Are a people) free who Jaru not give vent to their best im- pulses, who dare not raise their voice m favor uf right? Those who would inau- gurate laws to benefit humanity are harassed and terrorized by demagogues and pkce hunters. Kither self-interest must become subservient to the interests of humanity or else the people must admit. that they are narrowing to a despot HIM which is as great as that of the democracy. What is freedom? If I am n slave to drink, Roses plenty, roses plenty, And one nightingale for twenty ?" It is n< ' the little knowledge, morphine or to opium, or to any drug, 1 am , ! but the scientific and comprehensive t has as much a slave as though I olieyed a will other th in my own. The greatest legisla- tors will be those who will free us from per his old age because no one had pointed out j nicious habits and depraved appetites. It ' U a paradox to talk of men ana women gam ing power over social condition woman more abject slaves than those who were dragged about in chains. The ignor- ant maojrity vote in ihe name of liberty, is opposed to the true interests of humanity. the constellations to him in his childhood had in it great justice. In these days of kindergartens and improved methods of in- struction generally, doubtless more children have their attention directed to the interest- ing things in the world about them than was the case when the present generation of adults was young, and yet it is probably the case that very few are taught to observe in a way that will afford them pleasure all their lives. gives the deepest joy in nature and ail it* phenomena. 'iui D...I.IC r, in the railed Males. If ihe rcirn.Liiiing six inontns of ibis ye Heredity and Ea>lr*sarai _____ ____________ r _________ _ Mr. J. H. Kellogg, in recent issue of the Most parents are themselves i Chicago Student, UIHCIISSSS the question of ' so ignorant of the simplest principles of ', tne influence of heredity and environment. natural history and natural science that i He says lhat if you plant a thistle nee I and it is hard to see how they can much enlist- j an orange seed in the same plot of ground eu the minds of their children, unless they *'"' let thorn grow together in the same take special pains to read up for lha pur- j earlh, the same air, the same sunlight, and erty. Three white men, attempting to play Whitccans, entered a negro's cabin at Kd-eiiold. 3. C. , the other morning. The negro riddled one of the intruders with bullets. Through a switchman's carelessness the Twelfth street bridge in St. Louis was dam- British exports to Canada deemed eight Per centring the month of May. Ll &*S&*^S?i k'e i^prf r Z^GrL e t m Bn -*- - P* increased three per . ent, during May, and Tl '" * lfe of Rev - Thomas P.. McClrxin. a thirty per ceut. Uunug the past five Methodist minister at Mai.ison. Ind., has World's Su.iday School Convention at St. Louis iu June, 1S93. A scheme has been initiated to establish a School of Practical Science at Kingston, A deputation from that city will wait upon the Ontario Government with the object of obtaining a grant towards the enterprise. pose. If they think of the matter at all they probably expect the youngsters to pick up al school that fuud of general informa- tion which differentiates) the " practical" person from ihe one who knows little out- side of his own line ot work. But, as the ordinary school teacher is apt to stick close- ly to his task of teaching only thu things found in his textbook, the development of mure, when a corrupt shall duplicate or even approximate to the) l making of man and record ol disasters which have occurred in the first six the year I xtrj will IMS set down M the most fatal to ufu iu the L'nited Stale* that ever hoe been known. Fires, flouda, ex- plosions, mine casualties, cyclones, wind- storms, ligh imng all the elemental forces indeed seem to hare combined with human agencies to destroy life, and to present an aggregate of great disasters in comparison wnli wlncli ordinarily terrible events seem to lose their significance or attract personal attention only. Since Jan. 1 there have been four destructive wind-storms, killing nearly 'JOO |>eisous vi/. : April 1, Missouri and Kansas, 7- r > : May IU, Texas, !."> : May 27. Wellington, Has., 5.1 : June 16, South- ern Minnesota, .V). In the same period there have been four great floods viz. : April Il.TombiKheo River, JM) ; May 18, Sioux City. I.k, .'(."> : May -'(), Lower .Missis- sippi. 31! ; June .">. rite and flood. Oil Croak, Pa., I9H. There also have been four mm- mi; disasters viz : Jan. 7, McAllestor, I. the same care, is inure any question as to what the result would be? Although the analogy between plant heredity and envi- ronment does not hold strictly with regard to human hereilily and environment, it is certainly true that an individual receives a very strong bias from his heredity. Sliong inclinations and congenital deformities of character thus conferred remain, to a eer- the childish mind is generally a matter of ] ti extent through life, just as do inherit- T . , ., ed physical infirmities. Nevertheless, we -"-' must recognize the fact that many individ uals, inheriting badly deformed brims, do, rcouths. been left a fortune of l>y an old lover whom she refused to marry, and who The French Canadian bishops and priests , jj e j bachelor who left Montreal about a month ago on a I u u nQw nfof ^ t ^ chauncey M. l>e|fw will be mode United Si.ttex Minister > (-'.upland, and that Robert T. Lincoln trip to the North-West have returned, nl express themselves well pleased with the North- West as a home for immigrants, and will recommend it to the people of Quebec as preferable to the United States. will lie recalled aud made Sccietary of the State. chance. One boy may by mere accident havu his interest aroused in some subject aside from his ordinary lessons with the result of becoming well informed 1 not only upon it but also upon numerous kindred branches of learning, while another, who is equally fitted by nature for serious study, may from a lack of the original incitement go through life without enjoying the satis- faction which a well stored mind gives its possessor. The universal interest iu mechan- ical science leads most boys with any natur- al taste for such matters to acquire inform- ation upon them. When a future voter sees a wheel going around nu is quite likely to step and ascertain the cause of its motion. But the same curiosity is not aroused by the 10, Koslyn, \\ ash.,44: May U, Butte, M.inU, 11. Three tires have Iwen unusually disas- trous to life vi/.. : Jan. '21, Indianapolis , , irou in me vi/ : .fan. 41. inuinii.iimiiB under favorable conditions, develop very ... ; , Ingtitul , n Feb . 7 H otel Itoyal. different characteristic, from what they Ne Y ork. : A,,nl-_>H.the.te r ,PI,,ladelpn,a. would under unfavorable conditions ; but a . , u u , rJ. Beside* these thero were ou March Jl an explosion at Jordan, Mich., by which 10 person with good heredity and one with bad i . an explosion at .Ionian, .iicn., uy WIMCII iu Fiereditv cannot p.*.,),!* develop equally I the explosion at under thc suuie environment and condit, on.., the M ^ ,,,;,, Nav y.y aril wmoh kll ,^, 15 : and Juno l.~>, the fall of the bridge over Tlie question uf heredity also involves that of individual responsibility. Look ovur tho inmates of any State prison and you I. irking Kiver by which .'>'-' lives were sacri- ficed. These are the principal disasters of r^r j ;:r\^ 3tM=WrMw.i growth of a plant, thc flight of a bird, or the gre.-U majority of race by themselves. Most of them have small heads and deformed skulls, the mi- of the skull unequal, and hut few of them are in sound physical health. The Ou Mot-day morning a lad about I'J years Port Junction, N.J., was found dead the of age was found on the Toronto Island other day iu the woods back of his house at breakwater, gagged and bound hand aud foot Wastportal, with four bullet holes in with strong cords. Ho had nothing on but ' head. Il is believed he was murdered. his a new night shirt, a pair ol woman's hose, and a pair of slippers. He told an extra- ordinary story of being kept in confinement for years, then fastened down in a colh'n shaped box and chloroformed. and that when he recovered consciou.ness he found himself gagged and bound. UKaUT BKITAIV. Earl Spencer intends selling the famous Althrop library next year. Hon. C. H. Tupper is likely to remain iu England at least three months. Rioting broke out in Tralee, Ireland, the other night on the conclusion of a federa- tion meeting. The Unionist Council of North Lambert has adopted Henry M. Stanley a. a candi- date for Parliament. The London Trades Council has decided to run a labor candidate against Mr. Glad- stone in Midlothian. Lady Elizabeth Louise Monck, wife of Lord Mouck, formerly Governor-General of Canada, died in London, Eng. , the other day. Lord Hannen and Sir John Thompson have teen appointed representatives of Great Britain in the Bering Sea arbitra- tion. It i. staUd that Lord Charles Beresford. now commodore of the British cruiser Un- daunted* will again enter political life. At Carson, Nev., * pair of infants have been presented to Harrison Breed Love, who is 70 years old, by his wife, aged l!.'l. They are believed to be tho oldest couple on record who have been favored in this way. A powerful search light will be plaood on the top of Mount Washington. It will be the highest and strongest in the world and will be seen from portions of Maine, Massa- chusetts, New Hampshire Vermont, New York and Canada. IN UENEKAL. The Czar has been appointed an honorary admit al in the German navy. King Humbert of Italy has taken several journalists with him to Germany. Heavy hail storms have caused groat damage to vineyards in France. Prince Bismarck was awarded a monster reception at Vicuna last week, on the oc- casion of tho marriage of his son, Count Herbert. The King and Queen of Italy arrived at Berlin week, and wc.e accorded a very warm welcome. The harvest prospects in Russia are much worse than they were in the early summer of 1891. Thc yield of wheat in France will be vast- ly superior to the crop of 1 Mill, but barley aud oats have tuUeroa sevsrely. ^n-ijatc of !KK) lives. Adding u> this total the sum nf losses by minor Occidents we have the following sod and unusual tecord : i By fire, 876 : by drowning, 1,364 : liy '.*.- w- - - r ~ , plosions, 313 ; by falling structures of van- niovcmeuta of an i:,sect. If, however, some | '<* evidences of degeneracy and a low , J k u .,., ? min Ailat ^ ygg . b _ type of chai-actc In act. the type is so | wind .. tormilf ; WO , ami bv lightning, IVO ; .tmctly marked that we have what ,s , , ^- The t'oUl lo-of life by known as the "criminal class. We cannot i_... ^^^ the who!-o| ^ VWkr J wTE. Kane, a Lehigh Valley operator at ' olll r person would take thc trouble to point type of character. out the wonderful provisions of nature lhat lie behind these cnnimor. phenomena, the convicts show iu and their low! childish mind would m moHt case* rind thi-ni quite ox entrancing as thc steam engine. As il is, moat boys grow up with a fair un -r standing of such recondite matters as the power which drives a railway train, but densely ignorant of the simplest principles of agriculture and natural history. For some mysterious reason the interest of girls is direclcd away from mechanic, with such care that they never learn which handrail to grasp in getting on aud off a street-car, in spile of the boasted practical sense of their sex. If the kindergartens succeed in teaching young and old that the common things of life are as full of beauty and wonder as those about which people go to great expense and trouble to inform themselves, they will con- tribute much to the pleasure of existence, to say nothing of thai elevation of mind and softening of manners which a contemplation of tho ways of nature ought to produce. A curious incident occurred in a recent English cricket match. While W. H. Mar- tin, son of the Captain of the Cobbam eleven was batting ho played a ball just beyond mill on. A dog, anxious to put himself in e. id. nee, m, uli' for the ball, and before the fieldsman could get to it was away with his prize in hot haste to all parts of the ground. Meanwhile the batsmen were making iho beat of such a rare opportunity and twelve run* were put together before the ball could he recovered. The umpire decided that the lll was dead, and allowed only four of thc runs to be scored. anil IWII was one of the most destructive years en record was 3,7(1'.'. So it is evi- determine how much human beings are re- sponsible for what they do. If a man steals, !^J^-^-r2=,=Tf^^;s^ , M . ness is small ; tor a man whose moral organs j , .., .,(.,.. , Ji ^ B ,.,..K , are small and who has large acquisitiveness i ble" ay more ns e o wo ' in the straight line of honest v than Moths? j ln Eg?)l to nad thc "".<> ^ ed aud man who has inherited some def i. limtai. responsible for not of sponsible to a certain degree for their acts, but just thc degree no one but Cioil really knows. Our civil laws, however, make no diilereii'e in their judgment of sucli, and of those who. with good moral development, allow themselves to descend in the scale until they lose all sense of propriety, and the rights of property and become thieves. . W " u '" P rev . IOU ' ** ' b Ull! ' The subject of heredity and its ciples and influences should be prin htly advantaged over other outdoor spurt*. In A ciiiles ami influences should be rightly understood by every parent. Children have a divine right to he well-born. An exchange says that " one of the sights of the Bois de Boulogne in Paris i. the spec- tacle of thc Knglish ambassador, Lord I Mi! ferin, on his bicycle, accompanied by his _ . sou and an escort of attaches of the embus- I arc exercised. A lacrosse man learns to be) smaller ones that little attention was paid to the latter. So now the great catu< iymis so far eclipse the smaller oues that, the lat- ter, though they would )>e considered as shocking and exceptional in auy ordinary time, are now hardry_an_liour's wonder. Canada's national game is making great- er progress in the (.'lilted States than my other field game except basehall. Says the Ncw-Wrk 7'imit: "Lacrosse han many pla 'Hick' and a running suit are all that is necessary for tho plnyer. Theie is no other game which gives so good an all- around development of the muscles. Arms, legs, back, and in fact all parts of tho body Emperor William and Emperor Franeio Joseph will give pn/es in a match between I Austrian and Prussian oflicein, who will ride from Berlin to Vienna, a distance of cool and collected, to lake in situations at a glu'oo, and to act with rapidity and pre- c'' on during most ex. -I'lng moments. It is fascinating to players and spectator alike from the moment the referee calls 'play' , 4(XI miles. Kach officer will be allowed only until the umpire calls -goaf.' Lastly, it is % one hoise on which to makaliw-juuiuuv. i'"' for Kenlleiiiuu."