THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE HEALTH FOR ALL. llolloway's Pills and Ointment T HE PILLS Purify the Bloud, correct all Disorders ot Liver, Stomach, Kldn'ya, and llowelu. 1srm<riK.<ralf>an1 restore tn health Debilitated roDsMtvttons. aad Mr* ia com- |llBMaJMMeMa*treijiaJesof aliases, tor rtrfldren end the aged they are priceless THE OINTMKM T a Infallible remedy for Had I -OR.. Had Breasts, Old Wovnds. Sore, and Ulcers It Is (unont lor Uoul ami Kii"jiutim For disorder* ol the Cbwt It has DO equal THROAJ, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS , and all BUn Diseases It bM no rlral; and tor contracted and itif >imt It eats Ilk* ebarm. U0'ilcr,>.V only at Professor HoLUrwaT's Establishment, YK. \ . Oxford x< r r . t ( late S33, Oxford s i r. , i ), London, nd are sold at 1 lfl..*a. M- *. Sri ..111., fc..endass. each Boi or Pot. and way be bad of all lied iclne Venilors throughout the World. I'urchattrt Humid lu-k U !>, hit* I OH the Pott and Bore*. JJ the addreti it not .1, Offord ittreft, Ltnulini, they are qmriout. i! t: I It It's CARRIAGE WORKS Manufacturers of lips i CarriajK, Now on hand a number of Waggons, Buffgie*, Carte and Democrat*. We are also manufacturing a great many more of the latest the latest patterns antl beat finish, wLicb we are offering for sale at the lowest price consistent with du regard to workmanship and quality. 1'oHvwiug sop* rior facilities lor mannfecluring Carriage*, we intend to sell rerr cheap for cash or (pprovpd credit, and bjr so doing we Lope to greatly inmate uur number of tak. All kind* of vehicles repaired at the shortest uotiee, pointed and trimmed if desired. Horse shoeing a |X'iialtv. A first clam wood worker is now in our employ. We want a two or a fonr horse power in exchange on a rig. J II II I: \ Kit. >M ii s. .mi. I. Ontario. 10 Tl\e Vcfy Tl.ACE IS CANADA TO GET A Thorough Bminfu Education. Take a Hound" frip 'S^liul..! Colleaee and t'ouirniir lal Danartiiiuiitii in Canada, tni-n vliit tlii- Ni.rthi-ru IIUflnH> Cnllvmi ; examine every- thlim ii.'.n.ii||lil)-. If * fll to |irnduc<- tliv bioet tlioioiiwh. roinplitc. practical and cztc-n- eHe eowse oTsMd* ; tin- u-*t roi]<-ttt> |it-c*mfHe sod Hi- l.f-t and mot ti>iu|>lt ana mot iult- ablefurnit'ire ami |.rlince. w will Kive you a full i-onnui KHKt Kor Annual Annouuce meut, giving full narticulara, fr. a<l>lri>ii C. A. FLKMINO. I'rJnrlpal. BUYERS (f fluiir, yucerivs. ford, etc., should ex- ainiiiu Wyvill's Stock liofort (iirchasini;. He keeps constantly on hand, .No I Moor * i 10 p. r Mil : 1 1 .1 . UN lw AN the lowc*>(, Miuars, ililln. .ro. < ru . Flour and f' < <l I ml' - In s HMMI alllll <1 I.IIIMlv. f fir.. All the beat goods at right prices, which 1 am anxious for all to test. T. WYVILL, STRAIN'S BLOCK, FLESHEKTON. taken In exchange for foods. SA Y! Farmers ! Business Men I Everybody I Tee mi liU|nd lia> tarteil a nrw earrlace minifix i .1 \ and rnpairliiK nhop In Kluslmrton, wlipie ) on can get your rtjiairi done ou short notice and on rraeonable terms. D. IHcTavisb. HOKSESHOKK AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Mtnufactnrln Dniorrat, Ktr. Horiwi NhnelnR proinj'tlv at tended to. K|irrlai attention Klvvn to contract e-1 or tender ft-d mill I'low 4'hnlim Klantly on hanil. I'ulutlntc. Uepairlnc. snrl ever>thln| In tlie carrlaffu nuikltiij Una. Olfe lu a oil. Hatinfx tiou Kuartutd Shop over McTavish't inith Shop. Block E. T. Hamilton. Flelieitoo, Jan U, INI, Lands for Sale Farm properties, li>rove<l and reperilss. Io "-" Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out ? per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices are lower. Picture Framing done in all its branches. If you have shopping to do and pictures to get taken on the same day please attenc to the latter first. Careful at tention will be given to copy ing other pictures. Mrs. Buhner FOR SALE. A Substantial brtakdwelltng hniuBKitnated ii the village o/ f U.I, ,,il,, i, ami at present Is oc rupled liy Mr. John Held. U an aere o ground ; the house Ii In'a ROO.I nit nation ami Ii ii ,-lUtui repair, iNjutessing svnrv convenience, having a well In tlifl wtxi Islml. for /lirther pastisularii apply td v, ,i BBUJUT, Tuwnsttii' Clerk Hoperllle. From our own Currttpondrnt. Your Hopeville eor. Is a little dilatory In [riling sometimes, bat is qaite willing to e forgiven. There bai been so much transpired since ' last wrote to your columns that it would >e iooliah to attempt to tell all, bat I will ,rv to give some of tbe principal Items, which, though a little late may be uew to some tf your readerc.'wbu are somewhat acquainted with the people of this region. Mrs. Vert, an old resident of tbe north concession of Proton, died about two weel ago. Her death was hastened by an acci- dent. She leaves eight children, most of whom are frown np. One of the children of Mr. anil Mrs. \\ m. 3cott a girl of eleven yeart was takru from then by the measles. MKi{ie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M'-K'-lmie, died ou Jane 12th. Hbe had keeu sick for a long time. Mr. II Allan has returned from Mani lobs ; not having been successful in busi- ness there he thought it unwise to stay. The Patrons of Industry have between forty and fifty members in Swiutou Park, an.l the end is not yet. Mr. (teo. !'arslow has started operations at the buildiuK of th S. 1* new school. He had a heavy gang and nine teams at work i Saturday drawing stones. Some of our young folk formed a pio-nic aud droTe out to the Kugenia Fills ou Sat- urday. Tbe Union pic-nic of S. 8. No. 7 and 12 U lo be held on Monday ,'/7tb,in Mr. Mack's woods. (juite MI extensive mat bee was b*ld at Mr. John Campbell's on Friday. Tie young ladies seemed to enjoy tbemselfe and at tbe -am time d . a lot of work. Mr. Dan. McfbaJl sold s bores to Mr. Buell tail week. What uieaui tuts rash of business out north ? T.II. flying hither and tbttber of buggies and carts? Oi., sotue of tbe farmers want iotne new machinery tin- lumnier. that's all. Mr Jan lull l gettlog out timber for a stsble to be erocted beside tbs brick building which inteniln to turn Into a hotel. Hiss Ida McDonald and Mrs. N. S. llriuis, of Hamilton, bave been visiting their |iarents hen, tliss Delia Fergusou is vtaitla* friends 10 this vicinity Mrs. Brims retimed to Hamilton after a short stay. Football teams had better look out for quill* a* tbe Swintou Park bovs are getting a uew football. Mr.Hamuel Mcl.ean, while working on a frauie building, fell thirty feet, landing u|K>n bii feet. Mii Frances M. l.n and Mr. Ueo. Haw, et 'rt Hope, wore married at the bride's home OD June Mb, by tbe llev. I McLeod. Mr. Jos lllack bas got a clever little Bcottltb laisln from(ilavow A brother of tbe girl's Is mi Mr Kobt. HUck. botb<ais smart tutalli- geot 1. 1 ii, :i ProtOII Mai mil. From our oirn ( r>rr./KutVnf. Messrs. Nt-ilson intend ereetiug a barn on their farm and are now in o:u'i-il in taking unt the timber. Mr. Jitiurs White ia on the sick list at present, hut we are glad to b abli- tu state that he in lecovi-unti The i I' K. tie inspectors were en- gag<d iu culling tit s liore last week. A lumeutablu accident befell Mr.W. Wilson while tii",iu.-i <1 in telling s illicit s in Mr. Craig's null. After ut-i>uii f ; in jjuttui". mi a belt which I. in 1 slipped olf, ami h< in),' in a hurry, n-iuH'il over the fiauie of tho nut- cliiin .wlit-n he lost his fooling, slipped and fdl.liis huinl came in contact with tlie saw, which alinottt completely severed it from the arm. Dr. Me- \Villiaiui was called and auij>ule<l th injured limb. We tender him our MI. rt rr sympathy in lht> tad accident that has bt-fallen him. Mr. W. Park's son met with a sad accident by which he had his arm broken. While returning houiw from school, and when crcsaing the cuttle- gard on tho railway track he fell with his arm ou the rail. We are glad to be able tu report that be is speedily recovering. Mi McGill, of Fleaherton Station, was the guest of Mr. Neileon last Sunday. The Canadian order of Good Temp lurs hold nn cutortaiuinent ut Uethel church on Thursday, which was larg- ely attended. Mi*s Duncan presided at the orgau. Mr. gave a few lehtctions, excellently rendered. The young ladiei anil geiiih<mcn are to be complimented on the way they actec their different parts. Considerable growling is indulget in by some of our villagers in regaix to 'In 1 1 UK! wt uk. They clsim thoy arc overtaxed in thiu respect. Con- sidHi-ing the bad condition of the roac we think it will rmiuire all the work All should turn out and put in their full time without grumbling. Mr. D. Hal-graves, who n laboring in the vicinity of Dolton, >r>cut Bun day with his family hero. Mr. M. Slunk left for Mackvillc on Monday, win- re he intends rcmaimnf Itoyd firoo. have almost cutting their immense.- jtolk of logs and are at present engaged iu oultioi, shingles. i tei i t.ll Ill-Mill ' Prtim or eir/. Correnyoiuitxt. T IM- weather cool juul pleasant, ant e.Very prospect of aq abundant harvest Every one M sorry at Ui of the Kev. F. Thompson,afl be has en- leared hi maelf to every one since he came to Eugenia. The ladies of the church presented him with a beautiful 'tamed addreiis and an album, besides a well-filled purae, which shows the ligh esteem in which he was held. The gard.n party held by the Ep- worth League society on Friday even- ng \vui quite a success The proceeds amounted to something over $11. Mr. Petch has resigned his charge of Eugenia school. He has been a faith- ful, painstaking teacher, and the children are sorry at hie departure Mr.David Wright.who formerly taught Ijerc, is coinir.g back to his old charge, and takes Mr fetch's | lace. Tin Orangemen had a bee on Satur day shingling the new shed which they elected recently. TLc hotel haa changed hands. Mr. Se.uci s, of Chatsworth, is now tbe proprietor. Mr. William Sloan has removed his family to Flesherton The Rev. Mr. Thompson preaclitd his farewell sermon lo the Eugenia congregation on Sabbath evening. Mrs. ,of Toronto, was visiting her Bister, Mrs. Henry Feuwick, the past week. Mr. Hob 1'nrvr. lias returned home from the city. We are glad to see our old friend, Mr. Purdy.around again. Mr. J. i; Hogg took a short trio to tbe city the past week. Mr. McLeash, the evangelist, is visiting bis numerous friends arouud Eugenia at present. From our own Corrnpondent. The following pupil* from 1'iicuvilU P. 8. are in Flesherton this week writing ou the entrance examination : Bertha James, liuby liobertftoo, Emma Robertson, barah McMillan and James Atkinaou. \Ve wish them success. Mr. John Brown has opened out a hardware store in the building lately occupied by Mr. Dougal McLean. Mr. White aud his daughter-in-law, Mi- Ales. White, are visiting friends iu Detroit. Miss M. McLeod, M. D.. lately of Toronto, is the guest of Mr.M.Bolger, of the Crown Hotel. Lawyer Huttou of Huttonville, dropped iu last week to see bii brother, Dr. Hiitton. Mr.David McDonald.of theO.D.R., has received a present from hit brother in Montana iu the shape of a cowboy's bridle which is made of hair and valued at 140. Dave feels justly proud of the gift, which is quite a ciiriosity, School closes to-day. Dominies will have a "sofi snap" (?) for the next 7 weeks. \Tlio wouldn't be a pedagogno ? Say. Mr. Ed., when do piintersget their holidays ? Township clerk Henry, of Mono, has resigned after a service uf 2G yars. Laurier is rxpectvd in Durham under the atupicei of the Vouna Liberal Club about the last week in Juno, accurdicg i<> the Review. FLESHERTON GREENHOUSE A 1 1 1 1 < > 1 1 M < 1 1 1 n t Get your Cabbage, Tomato, Cauli- flower, Pepper, and all kinds nl plant* for spring planting at tin Vlc-shorton (irtenhouse. We have in stock a large quantity of mixed dahlia roots which will be disposed of at low rates. We havd a fine variety of all kinds of plants to choose from. All orders promptly attended to. MKN J.IH. BEECRUFT Kleebcrton April dt. 'M. Sinoi SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This tiKEAT colt, II CMIK.tlumocon- folCONSIMI'TUiN CTJRK, i without a parallel in the history of incilioine. All ilniLjciHU ure Kulhnrizd to sell it on * pK- tiv> gnarautec, tost that iu> other our* nn nocifiilly stand. 1( you have a t\>uli, Sore Throat, or Bn>nrhitis, iue it, for it will cure yon. If your child has the Croup, or Whoopiug Cou^h, use it promptly ,and n h.-f ii sure. If j .in ,lrrd that iusldioni diaase CONSUMPTION, DON'T FJUL to use will c nro yon or ooat nuthlnK. Ask ynnr Drug Kistfor KHILOII'S (.(UK, I'riee 10 ots., 60 ets. snd 11.0(1. II yi.ur !^n(;t are sore or Bath, laiui.iss Bujkih i rro VUater, Wt. AT mint; AGAIN, f hare now dot mjr new premise* ftttml up in |rre]>are<l to do all bulnem in mv line with eat IMM au'l (lenpalch.andam In better ponlticH Imn ever to atteu.l tn the auta of mv custom- . Aft-rowing business show* a Knowing cow irieuco. Get yonr boots aud shoes uj&de at tbe tablikliiueut of W. f N. B. We guarantee satisfaction. Scientific Amerlcti Agtacy for TRADf MAH. _JIOH PATKNT* COPVMIOHTS, oto. > and tree Handbook write to *N * CO, M BBOAIiWAT. NSW VUHK. j tmrewt for seevftn* patent* In Amertoe. err patent taken out tr u* i trouttbt be/ore I public by a notice given free of caane it tbe Scientific American lisrsan etroolatlnn of any Klentlfle pepr In the wind. Splendidly llhutruol. No IDtWUjrent an ibouTd be without it. Weekly ~ {as: ILet fix jMMba. Address Ml *T- fli. Weekly. t3JHr Ones MOTTO* OQ. urn Jim rail. Kl Broadway. MBW Xoik, Good News TO MANY I desire to call the attention of the public to the fact that I Lave opened A General Repair Shop In connection with the Flc-sherton Woollen Mill, and am prepared to do all kinds of -Iron and Wood Turuiug Patterns made, and castings got on short notice. I have not space to mention in detail the variety of work I can do, but anything you have in iron or wood that requires mending, bring it to the Fleshertou repair shop, where you may depend on getting your work done neatly and substan- tially. Having emery wheels suitable for I will make that a specialty for a few weeks. Charges low. but term* strictly cash. Yoors truly, W.H.FLESHBR CONFIDENCE The confidence of the public i something every tutu must get before he can successfully serve the majority. Last Tear It was my one great object to pat inch workmanship on every garment made to gain the favor and confidence of every wearer. My Ambition This year is to turn out two suits for every one last year. My System Of cutting is such that it guarantee* a lit every time. No ueed for alter- ations ; No need to replace by an- other suit for I have faith in iayslf to be able to give aalisfactioii each and every time. Bring your cloth, merchant, and es- tablish a clolhing trade for yourself, never before known in Flesherton. Uriug your cloth farmers, try me aud y ju will return satmticd. F, A. Baker, TALLOR' Farm for Sale At Bargain. Lotl, ron. , Guphrania, contaluInK 148 aoree. TV> acres cleared, H|> frame barn Uif. >. with (table umlvr. Urcliard, goott water, II>K bonte, frame kitchen 16i90. About GO aorea titiuaitlr lor reaimr. Will be sold linuiediatol* at a ftcrinc. Any portion dual ring a Kood place Ac nld Investigate. Write to JOirN MARTlS | Mugenia V. O SOCIETIES. SONS OF TEMPKUANCK.-This S<M meets In Dr. Dnrlstoe's Mall pvery We.! y oreniiiR at II p.m. Vlttitiug bretbei n Inv liiMiiHiu .- ill connection. R~ OVAL TKUPLAR8 OP TRMPEUANCB. Hogniar Council meets every Turmlay evvsi Ing In Kproule'i block at It p.ui. Brlvct J (tnHtiranoe) inuots moi.lhly, t'lo \Vtjn preeedloK tbe <3nd of each month. 1>B1N( K ABTIU'B LODGR NO. \. A , I A.M.. ineetlu the Uaaouici Hall. Sum block. riwhertoD. every Friday on or before aJImooit. A. 8. Vandutei, W. M.; K ' Ifc I -