Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1892, p. 4

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the. FLESHKRtoN ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. bpnbliabtU Elver v '-Thttrfcaa, FtknicHtaOrncB %A~ham StrrH, - - FbAerlo*, Ortt TKRUS Ok SUBBCBIPTION . .I p*t MnOm when paid urletly to advance < e|Mr awo.iiu when odt o |.i4. ADVEKTIHIMO HATES. (Jiff JM 1 . . f . '< ,!, artrertlMmeDti charged at the rat* -^ l per line fur Ant Insertion and .VU. par t-olumn. 1 vr.r, MO ; half col., do., 9T 1. 80.. SIS ch sube*K|uent Inserti W. H. THUR8TON. Kditvr and Proprietor 1'lie English clectioni hav resulted Vi the return of Mr. Gladstone, who will have a majority of abont forty. There are tliON wbo predict another 'ily general cloctiou in England. The . nni r> Boats. The, pul>lic ln-jhw.iTs arc now, id ra.ltiy (lac**, in possession of the road makiiif tienda. Our country roadH at the best are no giKxl They will (HI much wone when the pnthmaitera get through with them. It i* itrao^e th .t when the country bu 1-tvu making progress in ao intny directions it haa never learned the art of rosd-makinir. The spread of intel- lusncsi has failrU to dispel the genera ignorance on thii iu)>ject. We hare been teaching farrorn' sons how to leave the farm and 'ill the professions and biuin occupations to overflowing, but DO one he* tau;ht ur farmer* how to make roads 01 s!;own them the necessity an< mlranU','1 of having g'K>d onea. It man much of the pleasure of driving through bis beautiful country tu see the wretchec condition of most of the public highways There ii po regular or uniform grade ; the sidee of tin- roadi are not levelled and are allowed I" grt>w a crop of weeds and thia tlee ; the roadway is usually full of holes and covered with large round atones. The average [>athtnastor knows little or noth ing about road making. Where there an exception to this rule his work onl; makes) that of his neighbor appear to a greater <liadTantai{o. It is no txagyera tioii to ssy that two thirds of all the sta lute llr put on the country r< thrown sway. One third of the numina value of the work done, if raised by direc (nation and expended undr competeu direction, would produce baiter results It is deplorable, for instance, to see th way in #hich some of th>' r>is>U -j r( , gravelled Contractor^ fe ^hig sort of ockjijliJpnjk. -*taffiTit necessary to do more tlin dump thuir loads in the middle of the rnail and leave the long vifferiiiK public t" ilo tin- rest. Sumo of these fel- lows ouuhl to be arrested for obstructing the public hi|<hwsys. Instead of putting the larger stones underneath the liner part of the gravel, their system of un- loading reverses this order. The recult is that mi one will drive on the now gravel bcil until compelled to do so by wrt weather. The fact is that a great deal of tlie Drivelling now done is wholly unnecessary, nl least it would he if th'- roads were proporlv graded. The road i- .iiM then bu Lett kept in repair, not by putting on heavy coat* of gravel, but by constantly tilling up the holes. Thus the roads would not bo rendered almost im- passable at times during the process of so-called improvement. This is a ques- tion in which the farmers have enormous interests *< taK<>. Hut it is surprising what lit i In alU-iitioii they pay to it. (letter roads will improve the value of property in any district . Poor ones a e a distinct 1. .an 10 tliu community, especi- ally to the f iriuiii community. At some ii-aaons 'he fanners fiml it very difficult t do heavy teaming and are not able to take the I v loads they mi^ht if the roads were giHid. Then the wear and tear on their conveyance! is at present enormous. If an accurate calculation could lie made of the lot* from tliis cause in the county uf Oxford every year it would astonish the public. K>r instance, every young f inner who drives a >>U!(i<y is losing 95 or 910 a year on it through rough roads. I anyone ilouots tlio t-tiormnus loss lo the country in this respect, let him rail on i ime of our * u"ii makers. Their back yards tll the tale. They show how iniu-h the frmer are paying every year f,,r PM* roads. The loss is vastly more than it would take in direct taxation to make them tfi>"d. A grat deal has been said here Mid in ollxir counties during th paat few years against toil ro.nls. lint we ar* inclined to revise previously ex opinions on this subject. It is l if toll roads are so much of an vil after all. They are usually' the bst oads we have and thoee whd tlriv* Upon a good road should scarcely object to pay i>r the rare privilege. If the toll roads were properly inspected aad the owner* compelled to keep them in perfect repair there would be little reason for a crusade against the toll roads. The real crusade should be made against the roads which are owned by the people themselves. Hut how to get good road is the real prob lorn. They can never be got under the present antiquated system. The statute labor system st.ould be done away with. Ths people should be taxed directly fur roadmakinp : and the money expended under competent authority. If a man breaks his leg he does not have it set by a blacksmith. If the farmers want to make cheese they do not put an inexperi- enced patron but a trained maker in charge of their factory. But when they want to make roads they set men at the work who know nothing whatever fcbout it. And not only this but they hare them do the work under a system from which good results are impossible. A few weeks ago we cited the owe of a county in one of the eastern States which had ixsued debentures to the extent of several hundred thousand dollars and spent the money in permanent improvements on leading -roads. The farmen found it a good investment, although they stood aghast at the proposal when first made. It would pay the county of Oxford to spend during the next two or three years half a million of dollars in road making ; and if it were done and done properly every farmer in the county would after- wards say that it was the best invested money that bad ever passed through municipal hands. Itut what probability is there of the people through their rep- resentatives rising equal to the solution of this great problem 7 Now that the members of the county council have pot rid of important questions that have '.aken up their time and attention for some years past, they should grapple with the subject of road-making. They should devise for themselves and for the people of Ontario a system under which we can have c""d roads. The present system could not be worse. Its result* sre de- plorable. Woodstock Sentinel Review. Auk your neighbors If 'her ne DodJi Kidney PilU ? They stri[thn the oervee. ton* tb v - 1. in. and the mo4l tubhorii caee uf kidney diu*M yield to their Influence. Thfv are < a|iiirocfatt>d by the old. Aik your i about tbem. nmgbbori An Explanation. To the Editor of Tht -A their celebration a grand luccwti. Thanking you for space, 1 remain, yonrt, THOS. UAJIBUBT. Lady Baa* From our own Corrttpondent. Nowi around here has not been in plenty laicl v, bat none it better than bad, very bad. I . Williamson has been Bubject to three attempts at burning. The last early on Saturday morning was sue- cessfut. The clock recorded 12.17 when taken off tlie wall. James Williamson, bis father, was the first amused by tLe fiery disturbance. Many things were got out and no lives were lost, but no thanki to the miserable wretch that lighted the blaze, endangering the life of a feeble woman and sick child. The person who can repeatedly and deliberately Bet fire to an loflamable house in the dead boars of the night should be looked after. Tho" insured, bu loss will be considerable. Dtsides goods he bad $1UO in bills eonumed. The insurance so bouse and contents is t'.OO, In the London Mutual Fire Insurance Company. From our own Corretjxnuifnt. Tbe crops) in this vicinity are good. Borne) fear of rust was enterta>ind,but I tbink it was unnecessary. Tbere is a lot of work and few to do it. Men are very scarce. Mr. Woods is vi-i v much in need of two or three carpenters as he has so much work to do. Mr. Sam. Breadner, jeweller, form- erly of Markdale, made a flying visit to tbe horaesitead a few days ago. His sidter, Miss Allie, accompanied him on bis return home to Parry Sound. She will spend a few weeks in that very delightful summer resort. Mrs. Jessie Dowding has just re- turned from a visit in the vicinity of Orangeville. Mrs. Moses Harris, of Tilsonborg, UNI , spent a few days witb ber son, Mr. P. Harris, of Ibis place. Tbe glorious twelfth of July ii past, but not forgotten. Billy must have been knocked intj the next week ; at any rate be hasn't been seen mice twelfth morning. LATBB. I Silly has shown up and repoits a good day of it. Mrs. D. It. Ellis spout a <<"v '_<* of last week an- 4 . Su-.-laj witb friends iu, \ anueleur neighborhood. V.S7 Allow me to thank you */- -fer-^bur able report of our eelcbiation icre on July l'2th iu Tbe Advance of he 14th inst.,aud also to give a short explanation an to the apparent slight of tbe brethren of Artcmesia District and the Flesherton brass band. Tbe programmi referred to was gotten up by a private party and bur- icdly prepared from ths best informa- tion to band at the time of preparation to that tlie brethren here are not 10- ponsible for any omiflBious, if mob occur, but I bold that they do not as the klaikilalu I'm'nct is n fi mil to iu two difTitirnt columns and placid first in each instance, as follows : " Meet tin- brethren at the train at 10 o'clock" and " Markdiilu Vomit; Hiitoni with other lodges from that District." Tint only xhowa that the writer was not well posted in the name of the District or" tho Y.M.P.U.A. of Flesb- erton. Now, in reference to tlio Flcsherton band, it seemed impossible to got any information as to whether they were coming here or not for the very good reason, as I was informed by Mr. Wm. Sluu i>, "that they did not know tlinin- selvc'S until the day bcfure." It is therefore patent to every person that no slight could be given, and if any further proof of this were needed, it was given by placing the Flesberton luinl to lead the procession by tbe ('oiiinii't ( of Management. And take this opportunity in behalf of the brethren of 1 >undalk and vicinity to t'lank tlis Flesherton band for the very excellent music they gave its and I trust they may bo long spared to play on many such occasions. I can assure you, Sir, that no sligl t was either given or thought of by tbe Orangemen of Dmulalk to either tbe M Hi-Uriah) District or the Fleiliertcn Band, and we were so anxious that the Markdale District should celebrate wi h us here that we sent a deputation to their District Meeting to invito t 'tin to be with vis, and they mmir- m nuly dccidod to do so. Under sncl icmustanccii any slight on our pan is out of the question. And I ma] f n tin r state that whenever thu M:\rk dale District have a celebration, 1 fee! sure that tbe Orangemen of Dtuidalk and District of Proton will return the compliment and assist th.jnj iu making I MM ii u. bed raised and completed. It is a (jninifxlious one. If r. Thos. Kflls attended tbe Farm rs' Institute picnic at Grirneby Park. Messrs. O. Pritchard and J. Brodie pent the glorious twelfth in Durham. Our teacher, Mr. VTickbam, and amily, are spending the holidays with :icir friends at Walter's Falls. Hay-making is now the order of tbe ay. The crop i& a good ono. Fall wheat is looking well and is till free from rast. Frum onr ou-n Currttpondtnt. Tbii week we bavs still another Wth to chronicle this time a young man just iu bis prime : Kobert, ton ol Mr. benjamin Smith, wbo died on Saturday morning after a long and painful illness, at tbe early age of 26 years. Tho deceased has been ill for well nigh two years and, at times, sufTered severely, but be bore it patiently, and during all his long nick ness was never known to murmur or complain, but was ever thoughtful for those who ministered unto him, es pccially his mother who was untiring in h- r devotion. Mr. Smith was young man of many excellent qualities and had gained many friends which was i-vinced by ths very large uuiubei of pcopla wbo followed his remains to Thot nbury cemetery on Sunday after noon last. His sorrowing telalives have the sympathy of all in their sad ln'ii iiT.iin ut. Funeral sermon wil bo preached next 8uuday evening in lli Kpping Methodist church by the Itev. Mi. Brown. We are baving splendid weather now. Farmers are busy with their liay ; fall wheat is coloring fast am promises an abundant harvest. Cher riea arc catching it this week ; rasp borrifS will soon be tip.i and every body from grandfather iu infant wil have to go picking. Nearly all the young people and i giodly sprinkling of old people wen 1 1 the orango celebration in Meafori o i Tuesday of last week. \V think t toy should settle down to a goo luinmei a work now after so mud holidaying. Mcnford Road. From our men Corrttpondent Mrs. Devin, who has been \isitin for some time at her father's, Mr. W Hntohinson, returned to her hom near Woodbridge week before last. Mr. Oeoixn Warliii", his bacn ou no ir Pricevillc erecting a frame ban for ex-ltaputy R.<evo McArthnr. Mr. J. I. Graham is having his bar moved and miaed np so as to have tin eai.mt nnr) stables uiuWueith. Mi F*wcott, of Colling wood Township, i doing tlit work. Mr. J. M. Davis has bia drivin From unr inn* ' The O.F.M. Go's miller.tir.Pearsel, turning out first-class flour and otbing else. He bas also a few bos. f smut for sale taken from the ma binery before he started to grind. Quite a serious runaway took place ast Thursday when a mare belonging to Mr. Malcolm Campbell, of Colling- wood townsbip.brcame frigbtened and ery soon reduced the buggy to atoms. Ir. KnufT, leaving bis own horse to cuder what assistance he could, soon ound that be had a runaway of bis wn ; fortunately, bis horse kept on a traight road, and although running about three miles did no serious dam- .go. Nobody was injured iu tbe racas. Some of tbe big gnus of the Salva- 100 Army bave decided to recapture he beautiful town of Fevershani next Sunday and reduce it td a state of ubjectiou.l Mr. 0. Wbiteoak and household are ejoicing over the arrival of tbeir oungest daughter which occurred ou iuuday last. Mr. W. J. McGirr was sojourning or a short time witb the "old folks at home" last week. The Head Of the Luboo Uedloa.1 Company U now al l onto, Canad*. and may b consult*) either imreon or by JeUr on all ebroole riueMe* fi culiar to man. aCto, yoan, oM.or middle wbo flnd tbeniMlTM Mrvoui.weak and eibs _ ed. bo *r* broken down from * or ow- work. rnultlDRln roaoT of tbe following sjia> ptoma : Mental depraelon, premature old ^s>. loeeof vitality, loss of utemory. bad drcMeM dlumewofsiaTfat. palpitation of the harf. su- selone, lack of enermr. paid ID the lido***, baadaehe, pimplci ou tha face or body, itehtov or iweollar amaatlon about tha ncrotom, wakes iug of the organs, diiKlnea*, IpWtg befdr* tb4 eye*, twitching of ilia aaaaelea, eye lids, and elaewbere, baabfalaaas, dvpotlts in the orla*. o*s of will power, tendanMs of the icalp ploe, weak add flabby mnacles, dnire to s)cr> (allure tobe reetedtry <lep. coniti|>ation DOIII of lutaiind, lo 01 Trrlco.dotirr for . eicitablllty of temper, Mtokep eye* orroandad with LKXriKN CIHCI.K. oily looking skin, etc , arf all ayniptonn of nervous debility that lead to lu>autv tu.l deatb nnlMs cui1. The uprlnu or vital lore* bavioi; loht iu t.-u-i .11 every fane- tion waaeeweoDMquuno*. Tboee who through alme cornmitted iu ignorance may b perniao- ently eurrd. Beud your addreee for book on air <lif eae prpaliar toman. Books Mnt free ae*l- ed. Heart ilife-ue, tht> symptoms of which arc (int spells, purple lipi, nuniboeu, palpitaASM), iklp beate, hot fluibri, rush of blood tb UM head, dull pain in tbehrt with beau strong. rapid and irreular.thv >cond heartbeat qaieksr tbau tlui Drat, paiu al-out b broaet bone, ete . can poiitlVely be care No core, no pay Sond for book. Address al. V. LUrlO.X, 14 sUe- douell AT Toronto, Canada. 7Jiily 98. Mantiftuitnrera anc^ Dealers tn all kinds of Building Materials. The Markets. rurally C*>rreetxl Carh Week. lonr (130 to $ 4 U Fall Wheat pring Wbeat.. la)ey Mutter 'SB*, fresh 'ntatoei be 'ork. lay |>r ton I idee heepekiul Turkey*. _ Chickens per pair Durki ixrpair Wool .... to 85 tO 40 tO *7 to 57 to 14 to B to SO to 100 to 00 to t 00 to 90 to la to 40 to 50 to 18 to Rough and dressed luitiber al- ways OH hand ; also all kinds of Moulding, Scroll work. Balusters Newell posts, Hand railing, Fence pickets, in fact everything needed in building or repairing. Always console ns before yoo start at work. A largf qiuuuty o( seasoned north ibore pine ; aliin pim lath snd shingles at 14 lowest prios. F.timaUs gives). ao c M loot s os i - 16 & Door Factory, MOORE & WILSON. THE KEASON WHY WE ADVERTISE 18 THAT WE W1SII TO LET THE PEOPLE know where tbey can get tbe best value for their money. Oar stock ii care- fully and well selected, for we BUY only wbat gives tbe best wear. A large stoek of Rubbers and long BOOTS will be on band (or fall and winter use. We bare a well assorted stoek to pick FROM. Repairs and custom work attended to as promptly as ever. If yon want anything in tbe foot line call on JOS. SMITH. Carriage 3Iaking Jr* * Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R. T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, ONT. TO THE PUBLIC. Havinc rental Whitten'a blacksmith ihop for a term of year*. I am nuw Iu a poiittou to uater to all wants in my line. Horseshoeing a specialty. Satisfaction Ciuaranterd FOR ANYTHING IN THE BLACK SMITUINl! LINE CALL ON F. A. B TI B T. Opi-otiU Rich.\r,lson's Hardware store C A U T 1 \. E it'll PLI'U OF THE t TOTLE NAVY IS MM hi M T.&B. LETTEE& WNEOTHEti GENUINE

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