Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1892, p. 5

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L S IKE FLESHERTON ADVANCE B.4.VKA.VG OF* Iff Of GEO. MITCHELL FLBSHBRTON. - *> a funeral baukmif busiunu transacted Draft* issued and ehmiim* cashed at uiual rate* llanv alwavs available for logitiaute buiinei* anterpriae. OrricB two door* north of Hickardaon A Co'*. Vicinity Chips, rh.-i r.i- 1 r ri- 1 i > of the Psat Week Culled fnr the ti*tiHt*t notice* among local* tcitt be ekaryed <tt the rate of lOc per line far t*ch ituettion. A redvetion will te .<<< N eontracts fur 100 line* or Aver. The voters' list <t the) township of Olprey in now in the hand* of the Clerk. The statuary advertisement appears in thU issae. The Sons of Scotland will hold * dem- onitntion in Owen Sound on Wednesday, Aug. 3rd. A large amount will be given in prize*. The display of aurora on Saturday evening waa very fi uc. It is something unusual to se a display of tueh magnifi- cence ia the summer season. A. revere thunder storm which passed over central Ootario on Friday Uut car- ried death and destruction in It course, but we hare heard of BO causalities in this vicinity. Rev. J. W. Bell, B D., of Hamilton, will preach in the Methodut church nn Sunday eTeiiing next, aud on Monday evening will give a lecture in the Town Hall, illustrated with lime light. SiUer collection. Mr. John Porteous, while logging on his (ana lately, discovered the remains of a large elk born. A* it i* not known how loog ago that the elk roamed these parts sock a find is quiteaeurioeity. 1 ; u n riew at The Advance ' I.B. l.nr:iOntrrl*lr r. Markdal.-. ha* $10, OW) private funds to lendun farm mortgages within the next few months at lowe*t current rate*. No commiss- ions, no delays, expenses low. Apply at office in Markdale during the week or at Dundalk office on Saturday*. AU thoa* who hare DO* registered births, marriages, or death* oeeuring in their families, should do *o at one* to avoid being called an to interview one of oar J. P's, and getting mulcted into pay- ing t20 and costs. It costs nothing to register. Meawn. Jas. Beat and Burnside made the largest purchase of cattle nn Monday last which we have heard of in this town- hift for one day. The lot consisted of 111 head, fur whu-b the purchasers paid $.,!'"">. Eighty-seven head were pur- chased from Mr. Thibaudeau and 24 from Mr. Ihll. nar Markdal*. A farmer's wifo sold * roll of butter to one of our merchants, which, upon ex- amination, was found to contain a at.uie in its centre. Among the goods purch- ased by the woman w u a pound of tea, into which the merchant weighed the stone and thus considered himself con- iUerably more thai ev-ii. We did net hear how the woman felt about it. Deputy tteeve KelU, of Arteinesia.aiiJ Reeve Gamey, uf Osprey, arc iu Oweu tviuml thus week, tlie causa thereof Owing the fact that Meaford has appealed against her auoajment on the ground of losi by fire*, etc. The appoal was haard before Jud^e Cresar, conimocing on Monday. Report elsewhere. In the manufacture of tobacco from the leaf, nugar or molasses aud gum of some kind are used. In the manufacture of the ''Myrtle Navy" brand the sugar used is the finest white sugar, known in the trade as granulated. This is a sugar in which (here is si-Mom any a<l alteration, but to ttuard against the i t>*iUlity of it, all su^nr used in the factory is submitted t>< careful tc*ts of its purity. The gum uicd is the pure gum arabic. On Monday last Mr. Ed. Montgomery auJ Mr. W. Pvtqh were bringing a mow- in.; machine froai the itotiot), aiid when C'lniius; dowu the station hill the wagon box iu which it was, slid f rwajd od frijjliUued th* horses, causing them to run away. At the oUi ashery Mr. Fetch jumped frm the wagon, but Mr. Mont- gomery continued to cling to the horses until the new road deviation was reach- ed, when the wagon was overturned, Mr. Montgomery falling upo.i tlie stone aud receiving a sever* cut over the eye. Th* twuUry* wheats on thj mower were L lull en. Th* provision* of th* new criminal code with respect to th* tale of firearms to minor* are far mure severe loan most people imsgine. One clause say* : Every- one is guilty of an offsue*, and liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding |50, who sells or gives any pistol or air gun, or any ammunition therefor, to a minor under the age of 16 yean unless he eatabliabe* to the satis- faction of the justice before whom he is charged that he used reasonable diligence in endeavoring to ascertain the age of the minor bufore making such sale or gift, and that he had irood reason to believe that sued minor was noi under the age nf 16. 2. Everyone u guilty of an offence, and liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding $25, who sells any pistol or air gun without keeping a record of such sale, the date thereof, and the name of the purchaser. and of the maker's name or other mark by which such arm may be identified. The Fire Bug Succeed*. Two weeks ago w* mentioned the fact of Mr. Williamson's house having been set on fire in three places on* night by an incendiary. Ou Friday evening last Mr. Williamson returned home about uine o'clock aud retired. At twelve o'clock be found th* house in flame*. The family had only time to e*cap with- out saving anything. A hundred dollars in ca*b was lost in th* fire. It is now surely the duty of the authorities in offer a good Urge reward far the apprehension and conviction of the perpetrator of this fiendish outrage. In a ca*e of this kind a life sentence would not be too much to inflict and it i to be hoped that the riend will be brought to book. Church Opening. The church recently erected at Buck- nt ham's appointment, Maxwell circuit, will (D. V.) be opened for divine service and dedicated on Sunday, July 24. Ser- mons will b* preached at 10.30 a. m. and 630p.m. by Rev. W. R. Barker, chair- man of th* Colliugwood district, and at 2.90 p.m. by th* pastor, Rev. IT. Wood- ier. On Monday, July 25, there will be a dinner to b* served from 4 p. m. until 6. p. m., after which addresses will b* de- livered by Rev*. H. A. Brown, J. A. Long, W. R Barker aud S. O. Ston*. D. D. Collection* on Sabbath in behalf of build- ing fund. Ail mission to dinner aad after- meeting 26 and 15 cent*. Personal*. Mr. Ted Lei ton. of Owen Sound, sp*ut Sunday with his parent* in town. Mr. and Mrs. Will Moor*, of Owen Sound, visited in town this wak. Mr. Allan Gibaou U spending a week with friend* in Owen Sound. Dr. J. Rodgers, of Durham, drove over this week to viait friends here. Miss Harding, of Toronto,!* rusticating at Mr. Joseph Legard's. Mr. and Mr*. Johji Kent, of Chicago, are viaiting with relatives here. Miss Parker, of Chicago, U the guest of Miss Millie Vandoaen. Mrs, J.>*. Clark ha* recovered from the shock she received a week ago by her hone running away. Dr. and Mrs. Reid, of Horning'* Mills, spent Sunday with parent* and friends in Kleshertou. Mrs. J. W. and Mr. Will McFarlane, of Markdale, wer the guest* of Mrs. M. Richardson over Sunday. Miss Lizzie Strain, of Owen Sound Collegiate Institute, is spending holidays at home. Master Frank Barnhousc, of Toronto, is spending a few holidays with relatives iu town. Miss Hattio aud Mr. Fred Legard, of Toronto, are visiting their parental home near town. Mr. M- G. Cole, grain buyer, of Forest, Ont., is paying a visit to his parents iu town. Mr. T. \Vright, cheese maker, and wife, of Singhanipton, were the guests ot Mr. George SUwart over Sunday. Mr. Jos. Stafford, science teacher of Mornsburg high school, is spending his vacation with relative* in Flenhertoii. Mis* Malvina Wright, who w** injured un Dominion Day, i* still confined to her tied, but'no serious result i* anticipated- Mr. Kurstor, witU the Conger Coal Co., of Toronto, passed through Flosherton on hi* "bike" on Friday last and paid The Advance a short call. H returned on Wednesday by way of Arthur and Fergus. The Examinations. Th* department examinations are over, with the exception of the high school senior Leaving and Honor Matriculation. As usual th* question i>apra aro being severely criticised in th* Toronto Dailies. Th* Algebra and Arithmetic seem to b* the hard subject* this time. At Owen Sound last week 18ft wrote on these ex animation* an follows : Primary (Third Claw) 97 ; Junior Leaving (Second Claas) 58 ; Senior Leaving (Pint Class) 18. Pan Matriculation, 5 ; and Honor Matricula- tion, 7. At the High School Entrance Examination* in Owen Sound and th* different outposts in South Grey there were 372 candidates, as ft Hows : Owen Sound, 187 : Markdale, 27 ; Flesherton, 50 ; Dundalk, 20 ; Hanover, 1H ; Durham, 61 ; and NeiuUdt, 19. There will be a general slaughter among*t thee candi- dates as the examiners intend carrying out the regulations with regard to the mini- mum of one-third in each subject as well a* fifty per cent, on the total. Formerly candidate* were allowed to paa* on the fifty per cent, of the aggregate, even had they fallen below the required minimum on one or more of the different subject*. We believe the examiners are right, though it seem* hard to deprive a pupil of the benefits of a High School training because of his inability to learn spelling or his tory, and, at the same time, perhapa do good work in the other subjects. Thi* i* the vigorous way in which the Cliatsworth News puts it, and it i* about right : The hamlets i:i the north-east of the county are in a discontented mood. Their maws are empty and they want them replenished at th* expense of any or every bxly but themselves. They have been clamoring for government money to build useless harbor*, begging for subsidies to build them a railway, kick- ing against paying taxes and now Thorn- bury ha* capped the climax by appealing to the Lietenant-Governor to compel the other municipalities to build a bridge acroat the sucker stream running through that village. Warden Cochran* has re- ceived notice to that effect, and no doubt has already taken the necessary step* to defend the Co. Council's action in refus to concede) to the request f that small but ravenous octopus. !** General News. There are 30,000 famished people in th* Texas counties bordering on North- am Mexico. The.tr condition U duo to severe drought. Of th* 670 members who constitute the British House of < Vmmens. 6CO have now been elected. Mr. Gladstone's ma- jority in th* completed House will likely b*45. Mrs. Anna Roush, who died in Letart, O. , a few days ag<t aired 106 years and who was married in 1802, was the mother of thirteen children. They continued to multiply until at her death she left two thousand descendents and a great-great, great-grand-child. Osprey i'uiiucil. Osprcy Council met at Feversliam on July Otli ; members all present ; minuteg of lait meeting read aud cou- firmed. Communications were read from F. 0. Bruce, asking permission to put weigh scales on side of highway iu the village of FeversLam ; request grant- ed, provided iai'l scales does 1101 mtir- fore with public travel. From N. D. McKinnon. Lill of $6, postage stamps to Clt-rli ; from county Treasurer, ai rears of taxes on lands occupied in 181)2 ; from Geo- Burke, bill for keep of Joe Miller, LadtMat. A petition was presented, signed by a number of the ratepayers in the vic- inity of Warcliaiu, re keep of Mia. Milne, indigent. A petition presented by Mr. Joseph Brown and signed by a largo number of ratepayers, re special grant to im- prove JO tli gideroad iu couccsaiona uine aud tea. Mr. Hugh Carrie appeared before the Conaoil asking help to fence devi- ation road on Con. 14. Mrs. McLean also appeal fed asking help to improve said deviation rood. 0& motion \Vin. Hiudle was ex- empted from paying back taxes on lot 20, Con. 12 i $10.81 1 owing to bavin his lioiuo and effects burned. The Reeve was instructed by this Council to. look after llie interests of Osprey in the matter of the appeal of tbe town of Meaford against tlie equalization of the county valuation . Special grants were given by Coun- cil to be expended as follows: 15) Commissioner 1'iv. No. 4, $25, to open Deviation Road, Con. 11 ; Commis- sioner Div. No. 1, $20, to improve 'road on 40th sideroad.Cou. 2. N.D R., said amount being due from appropri- ation of 1891 ; Commissioner l>iv. $jo. 5 was instiucted to let John Hannon a job for $8.35, being amount of ar- rears of statute labor on lot 51, COD '1, S.D.R. ; Commissioner Div. No- 4 A larg. a**ortni*nt o* hand, also lot of M., , first quality Horn* Made Boot*. Flesherton' waa instructed to let Archie Mclnnca a job for $29.47, that being amount of arrears of taxes charged against him fir 1 jt 38, Con. 8 ; the Gommiuioner of Div. No. 3 was allowed to expand $50.00 on north end of Town Line of Osprej and Artemesia, should the Council oi the latter demand the ?ame Orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows : George Bark, 9 10, keep of Joe Miller, indigent; N. D. McKinnon, $;, post stamps to Clerk ; Archie Menzio, $15, keep of Mrs. Milne, indigent ; Thoa. Scott, $4, for making statement of amount expended on bridge in Osprey for the last ten years and forwarding same to County Clerk ; Thou. Gamey, $'2, deputation to meet Melaucthon Council ; Robert Beatty, indigent, $'2. The Clerk was instructed to write to the Home of Incut ablas and Old People s Home and ascertain the cost of keeping a patient. Council adjourned to meet at Mo- Intyre on Aug. 16th next. M *i>prcittu Anti-Dandruff from th fact that it not oulv tboroofhlr ramotM Dud- ruff with thi-M application*, bat (top* falliai of ihu bur. rwtirM fadiug hair to iu orikiual color, aaii mafcM it (oft and pliable without luavin* au y indication of a 'treiuDg buing aMd. Clear an crvntal. cluau to UM. it la a vataaM* Is:::,:: 1 ; Ictin to Utoa In th EataU of UKOBOK DAVIT>8OW. laM of t,li Towuahip of Uipnv. la tbe County 91 dray, veuiiian. (lnciait. Sotica i hereby inen panaaatlto chapter 110. B. 8. o..to all creditor* and otbera bavinf claimi imnniKt tlMiaiil wtaMto end by pott prepaid to MMra.llobrly AOaaion. Solieitun tor MarfiiKit Kinlier. tlla Eucutrlx of tb latt will and teitanieot of tbe iaid Oeorw David- on. deceanvit, on or before the 83nt day at AutlUHt, lift, a ttatemvot of tbeir claim* with tin it- name- and addreoeei and particular* of all aeouritiee. if any, beld by tbem. After tho said date the aiecutrii will -li- tribute tho aaeet* of tbe aaid dvcaaxxl aiuoti(*t tbe partiM entitlxl thereto, baviua retard only to the claim* of wbiob notice >beJl bare beeo receive*! ts aom-e rei|uired Date.) thin litb day of July. l*Jt, Ad<k*M. drawer 213. Colllniiwooil P O. MOfcERLY A GAMON, Solicitor* for tb Kiecntrix, SljulyM Ma_-Kii Viaber Voters' List, 1892. Municipality r theT*WBklp f . <<>ii in > NtJTICK i* hereby iveu. that I liave Iran*- niitted or delivered to tbe penon* men. tinned in Sac*, s ami 1 of tbe Ontario Voten' Lint Act. :*<tf, toe c>'pi"* required by said eec- titm to IM) *o tran*iiiitl-otl or delivered of tbe ];->t, inn ir pursuant tu w,ld act. of all poreoni ii|>eoi-lni;hy tt> la*t roviseil A*w*nient Boll of tho tuid tutiuicipality to t* entitled to vote in tbe said inunicipality at lwtion* for ineiu- H.M M <>f l , KI . lt . v^ v>f-nil>: . tad at Municipal !-..i-ttn/ii and that nnl list waa flr^t p^eted up at MI v offlce. at Mclntyre, on tbe Ninet*ntb day of Juh,l*ni, and reinaiuR tbuio for iuapec- MM Eltfctnrii aro called upon to *xaiuiu* tlie aaid list Q'I if any omiMlona or any otber rrore, mr fouiil tbortiin. to taku luiiutidiato pruceetlinyt to bare tUo said errors corrected according to law. 21july2t THOS SCOTT. Clerk of Oeprey. n.ite.l at Molotyr., 19th July, Executor's lotics to Mian, lu th o matter of tbe eetate of JOHN K EK TON !ato at thu Tillage of Maxw*il, in tbe townabip >( Oi>]>rey, In (Uu county of Gro*. gtntleiuan, deaeejied. Notice t* hereby given. In pursuance uf B. S. i< USf , ooap. UO, tee. at, thai * freiliton and otberm lu*Ttn^ any cli*iiueordeiand.ai{aiii*t tbe t'-i*t* uf Jubn Kerton. Into of the* village ol .Maxwell. Ill the town*bip at Oaprey. lu the county of (tri'y. K!iitltfiiian. dvi'i'a.(M;d, who died on or ahoul ). ITth day of April. A. D. 1HM, ar* rvquirod tu eund by j^j^t . prv*|aid. ou or hwforo thf third nav of Auguitt. iiffA to Iticba-d Heron, P. O.. Maxwell, Ont.. ouo of tbe oieoutor*. a fttatetiiunl in writing of their obriatian aud ear ui>mt! swladwIwaM*aad tho full particular* of their claim* iii.i >luiuau<lD. aiid the uature of their wuiiritipn. if any. bold by thorn And uotici] i* further MVII that afUir tile uid laat niaiiti'jn.'.l ilate thu Executor*, urnlor tlu> la-it will and toataiaant of thu *>id 1 niaanil will procoeit to diitlibute tho auwtx of tlie Mid deeeiwt*il atnoiiR the partie* entitled thereto, Iiaiini; roitani nurv to the claim* of which aald, Buoators ahall than have bail notice, and the -aid r'xeoutor* will nut be responsible lor tb* aawt* or aiiv part thereof to any poreon or parson* of whoea tlaan notice nball uot have b.'en recuived by uid Lxocutort at tb* time) of distribution. liutod at Owuii Sound Oth day of Julv. A. D., 1W. J. W. r'KOST. ;iily7 t Solicitor for th* >a.i<l Bxvoutor*. For Sale or to Let. IjO acrolanil within two mlleof Fletberton. an excollont water power mill ite at Ldttlv Kail* ti|xin the place . :46 ft lud of water ou the when! at pn-Aunt lioight of the dam. Will be *old In 1 block, or thu will ute by itaelf, and thelantl in parcel* from on aora upward* to uit purehaawrs. The Valley road nion through the whole Inngth >f tlie piai-f, Tr)l [ a a>oe<j op|K>rtunlty for faunliue to secure amall bimie tteiul* with abundaot lupply of gcnxl wtter Taruia liberal. Apply to WM. HOOO. Flvtberton Station F. O. (Turds. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. FLXSBIBTDN, O. OBIT. COUBT CLRM.COMM1RB10BFB ' in B. k , Conveyancer. Ac Ag*nt for purckac* and dala of lantlt. Appraiser for C. L. C l'< m nd F.P.B. it S Society Mnnny th Lolii nntli* moat reaaoDkble terms UBI Kh or UAM'.UUH UCBMBa. NOTABY PUBLIC. MONEY TO LOAH. The undersigned ha* a large amount i.f money to loan at fio/* on town or farm property. S. DA-MCDE, Flrahertcn. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk. ArtemenU. Convevaneer Insurance agect, el. Deeds. nn<rtk,-. K . . les.ej.. prepared and properly executed lui-uraurv affected in first clans eomoauies. Money tu leuJ at lowest rates. iHfdirul. DR. H[JTTON M.D C. Si., M.C. P. AS, Out., Wee v:lle. Residence and Office ons door w*st of the Methodut Chureh, Kinross St. Officn days, Tuesdays and Saturday*. DR. CARTER. M. C. P. A. 9., Ont. Physician, surgeon etc., riasaMrton. Office Strain'* block. Miuuhaw's hotel. DRS. SPROULE A EGO, Markdale. Ont. Office Manly s ding re. T. 8. Sprunle, M. D., Ktc. Angus Ego. M. D.. Etc.. late of Tottenham. Ont. 1'r Ego will be found at tlit MarkdaJe Houtm at night. J. P. OTTEWELL, Veterinary .Surgeon. Gruduate of Ontario VuU-rinaryCollcge. Besideuoe First djr outh .-( Letoh'a tailor shop, Flesberton. Jrntistry. J. P. MARSHALL, L. D. S., M. D. S.. Dentist. Visit* M.nk dale tbe 1st and (r.l \\ . .in. MJay nf each rnuutb. Flefherton Each trip on the day olluwicg. J.W. FROST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc. FletthcrU.n ofBce Next the pott ottict-. Sproules building, on Thursdsy*. Ontu Souul oflioo Frost's building. P. McCULLODGH, Brristcr, 8oliciU>r, Etc. Offic* uver Mo- FarlmiJ a store, Marktlale. Money tu L. ..n. WRIGHT A LINDSAY, Barvi^tom. inliritnra, etc.. Oweo Sound. Out. Klwofitini oititi. M Miuhfll B iMuik, Wnine*u*y of each wuk. Muue\ tu loan at lowest latea. W. H. \VJUUT. 8. E. LI>I>I.AI R. J. Sproule, vJASrKR, FU-uerlon.Coniuiii. i^- * cr in U. B., LtOfiiaed Auotioueer, Con veyanovr. Appraiser aud Muuey Lt-n.i. , . Real Kstuto aud Innuraune Agont. Deuilx, Mortk'agcr>. Leases and Will, drawn up auJ ValtuitioD8 made on blmi'.usi notte. AHC- tion 8ai attended to iu any pary of il.e County. Money to Ian nt lowest raten t I interest. Culleotious atteudvd to illi promptueAs auJ deopatcii. Cbarg< s ln. Agent (or tbe Dominion Steam8hi|iC'unipaby. Cheap tickets from Fleabertou to Liverpvul. Ulagow, London or auv at lk Brilich orts . Parties iuteudWtg tu visit England, Sootland or I.-eUad, wiM ph-ua ask rates be- fore pi txhagisg ttMw kiU alaewhere. DRESS MAKING. MHH. II.IRUDIII'M df.rue to aanounce |. the puoi'lf i'f Flenberf .1 and > iciuity tbat alia Iftpiepared to <lo dreiaiuaklnK to tbe aatiifar- tlon of thiwe who may nDtruet her with tbeir order*. Tho Inteit fashion plate* alwaya ou baud SMin r a<'ti"ii qnarantet-d. Very reaaon ar>l i>iic --H SILT and reaidviice over Mitch,.]) - Bank. Kifliar<l<>n '.lock. Kleeberton. luntrur- tlonKiouiu tliUn B and cutting bjr

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