THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE RAVKI.VG OFHt'E 01 GEO. MITCHELL FLESHERTON. A gonnnl bulking baiarit F>raft UMiio.l and eh.xjuou caih..i t nbual rates Mone\ atmty* available for IfKitimaU) buninu^e ntBrpriu OrricK iwu doon north of Hiohwdson & Go's. Vicinity Chips. Otuu-:u-UTi*tlcs of the Pant Week ;ir, lull . 4 ull.-.l for the <'nnoiit. mitirn among local* iritt be dtargttt at tht ratr of lOe per lint fur in*rrium. A rfiliftitm will be f.i Next Monday will b Owen Sound's civic hulidav. The corner s'-one f a nsw R C. church wit laid MU Sunday afternoon laat at Dund*lk liy Bnlion Dowlin;uf Hamilton. LOST Between Fleshertoii anl ' well, one Udiei black cloth jnoket. Kinder ple;uio lenve at this office, or NY. S|.r..ule'a, Max well. .\ pe<-i;tl anniversary sermon will 1* (irMchfil "ii S'in'Uy cTening next iti the Methodist church l>y Rev. A. NY. r lin.'r, t. the KlMU.irton l>..K-e nf Y. M.P.I \. Her. A. NV. Tonuo will preach t the Uti'iu at.') p.m. DM Sabbath next The change of hour ii made necuss.try owin^ to the fact that next Sunday the regular imrterly and cumin union service will be held in The hay ,-r ;> in thn* vicinity hai had rather a hard timo during the Jpaat week owing to frequent Jitnrtuii, and it not be- ing so well saved as was anticipated The f%rmr find it difficult to get th* crop aafely liouwd In- ! "i^ing tha drops." owu Hatho>te way the other day we SAW aoine beautiful crops of fall wheat completely levelled by the recent licary thumtur storms. The K r *>K <'"ck were bent and broken wotse than ever were the teeth uf a teu year-old curry I.B. Lnras.lMrri.ttrr. MarUtlnU-. haa (lO.OM) private funds to loud on IV m unrtirfWH within thu next fuw months at low-st current rates. *N<> comtiiUs- cm, ju. delays, expenses l'>w. Apply at i.ftico in Itarkdale during the week or at Dundalk office mi Saturdays. "The Citna<lian Pacific : Thenew huli- wmy to the ( trient, across the mouutianp, prairies and rivers of Canada," is a paui- I'lilot profusely illustrated with tnst ex i-ellent engraving, and is worthy <if a place lu any library. Get a copy from any agent. Mr. T. Hall, of Dundalk, who was a delegate to the Epwm-tli L-a^af conven- tion in New Vork.i-avi; a very mtrrettinir lecture in the Methodist church on Thursday eventng lact, portraying in splendid stylf the characteristics nf this, the most wonderful religious convention which ha* ever auembled in any land The Artrinesis. voters' lint has just been iasued from the Advance office, and is now posted at the clerk's ottiec. It makes larje pamphlet with about one hundred UK>re names than it had lait year. Stiil we believe there are many who*e names should be on and are n>it,ami as it it pos- sible that the next provincial fleetion will lie held on these^ litts it would be well to eee that all Much omissions are ma<'. good. A painful accident occurred a couple of weeks ago to Mr. John Osbnrne, broth- er-in-law of Mr. NV. .}. Itellamy. Mr. Ostxirue "< second engineer on the the steamer (iarden City, running from Toronto to NiiiL'ani nnd Lewistun. In s->iiie occidental msnuer his foot came in contact with a crank, which tore off the tide and anklu of his right foot. He is now lying in the hospital at St. Cathar- ine*, and i* recovering nicely, but will always be troubled with a stiff anklu. If the public arc fairly and f&ithfully <! -alt it r. they will come to appreciate it s -mer or inter. This fact is well illus- trated in t'.tc experionc.* uf Messrs. Tuckstt ^ Son with their well known " Myrtle Navy " Tobacco. Throughout the manufacturer* of T. A li. have stood lirmly by their original idea to give the public tlio best article possible, at the lowest possible price, and in the large de- mand fur their tobacco live public have manifested their appreciation. Mr. Alex. Strnchan, who live* near Vixwtll, and -his two listers, nar- rowly escaped a frightful catastrophe on Sun.l.iy evening. NY Mile driving in a democrat down the elbow hill just vast of r'k'bei ton, and when near the Wttom, a bolt got displaced, the tongue dropped and the rig veered otr.sthking the railiug of the embankment. The sudden jlt threw Mr. Strachan and tfce yM; ladies ot over the danhboard upon the horses heels. Fortunately the animals were ipjietea, and fortunately the railing *as in eeod repair aion; that embank- incirt, otherwise the consequences would have been temble to contemplate. As it was no serious dam|j was done. L. O. L. No. 244 held their first meet- ing in town on Tuesday evening. Sever- al visitor? were pieseht from the station lodge. The "goat'' WAS said to be a little fractions in his new <{uarlers, but it is thought that ''his whiskers" will aoon become accustomed to tha change. Boy NY&nted. Geod stroni; boy wanted to learn the printing business Must be intelligent. A I ply at The Advance office immediately Auction Sale. An unreserved auction sale will be held on Tuon.iny.Au;.'. 9th,on lot :),con. Ill, Artemesia.the property of Mr. L. Wil- liamson. A large quantity of farm stock anU iuiplkiiientt. Sea bills. John Specrs, auctioiteer. Personals. Miss Belle Christoo is visiting friends in Toronto. Miss Alice Wells returned home from Caledonia last week. Miss Mary Ji.nos. of Turonto, is visit- ing with Mr. NY. NY. Trimble. Mr. Horluy Luke, <jf Toronto, is the <>u*est of Mr. E-l. KiL-hardsn. Miss Leila Heron, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Lottin A mint roni;. Mrs. J. K. Hansfv rd, of Toronto, is visiting with relatives in town. Misses Lizzie and Annio Uichardnon aro up on a Mackinaw trip this wek. MIM Delia Hend-r>n, of Toronto, is spending holiday* with relatives in town. Mr. NN'ill C'a/um, of Owen Sound, i upcndiui; a few days with friend* in town. Nettie Clark, of Svafurtlv, is with fn. Muls near Kleshurton. Mr. .1 K II of Toronto, spent Sunday and Monday with fnrnds in town. Masters Horace and George Hall, of Toronto, are rusticating at Mr. Jos. Lfgard's. Mrs I). I'. I'.M.nn and chiliiren are vUitinij witli their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Mr. C. J. Leitch, merchant tailor, has been a'jocnt during tin; uaat week on a trip up the lake. Mrs. K. J. Krown, of Owen Sood, is visiting Um wt>ek with her sinter, Mrs. NV. H. Thurston. Mr. I. H. Lucas and and Dr. EX", of Markdale, visited at Mr. J. W. Arm- strong's n Sucday last. Mr. Will Field, of Cincinnatti, on a month's vacation visitiug his aunt and oeusins, Mrs. Field and faintly. Miss Ida I>inwoo<ly,Miss Aggie Gibson and Mr. Archie Gibson are visiting trii-uds in the vicinity of Duntroon.Stay- n >r and Collingwood. Mr. T. Aikenhead spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. J. NV. Armstrong, re- tu uing to Tor nto on Monday. M si Aikenhuad returned to the city with him. Mr. Ueo. Donald, school teaeker, of Owen Sound. was a caller at The Advance on Motiday. Hn had been on a two-weeks' jaunt with his 'cycle and was returning homo. Mr. R. J. Hannah, of the Patterson, N. -I. .Call, was a visitor at The Advance sanctum. Mr. Hannah learned his trado at the DumUlk Hearld office, but is now doing reporting on the Call. Mr. NVaugh, Ii. A., claioal mastor ef Collingwood Collegiate Institute, hns ac oeptod the priucioalshi|. of Bradford high school. Mr. Waugh is a brother of our efficient lady pustoftice assistant. Mr. A. K. Fuwcutt, the jolly editor of the Strectsville Review, spent several days during the past week visiting rela- tives and friends in this district. He brought hit wheel with him and ye edit ura spetit several very pleasant hours to- gether ou '.hd " bikes." Mr. Frank Coply, butcher with Mr. Glass, has decided to return ti> bis former home in England and shakes the dust of Canada from his futt this week, lie look hi* departure on NV'eduesday, A farewell "S'jeiabihty was given him on Tuesday evening at the residence of Mr. A. M. Gibson, Artemesia Council. The tegular monthly meeting of Arte- niesia township council was hell in the Town Hall oi> Monday last. In the nb- sencc of the reeve Dupty Reeve KulU oc- cupied the cliair. Other members pre- teiit, Messrs. McMillan. 1'edlar aud Damude. Minutes of last meeting were read and continued. The following let tew were read : From FJ. Weber, ask ing far extesMran nt time for Insi Winv; ; from I. H Lvcas. re Donald Black's claim for a horse ; from County Clerk, ra amoant re.jaired to be raised for current expenses and legislative school grant , from S. J. Parker, re certain loU still vested in the Crown ; from 8. J Parker,re lands liable to be sold for taxes in Artemesia ; from J. NV. Armstrong, treasurer, statement of township rooniee on band up to Aug. 1st, ''.>!', showing a balance of $3?3.89 ; from the Clerk, re taxes on park lot F., Flesh- er's survey, Flesherton. Bills were pre- sented aa follows : Win. Davis, 181 loads of gravel |9.06 ; John ^Hargrave, 100 loads gravel, to ; S. Thompson, 70 loads gravel, 3.50 ; Kobt. McGruther,'M loads i$ravel,$4.70 ; Thoa. and George Ludlow, re-pavint{ bridge and culvert on town line Proton and Artemesia, 17 ; W. H. Thurston, printing 200 voters lists, $C2. The following bylaws were introduced : X. 4MB, w levy schm>l trustees' rates ; No. 487, to appoint collectors, viz. .Messrs. Hassard, Blair, John Wright, sr., and J. B. Sloan ; No. 48C,to levy rates for county and township purposes ; No. 488, to re- peal Bylaw No. 4(M and define roadway at the new deviation. These were all read the third time in Committee of the Whole, with the exception of No. 48,and 488. the. third reading of which was left over until next meeting. The following pay sheets were submit- ted and approved : Coiniiiiiwioner Ward N... 1, tflTJ.:. : NVard No. L>, 43.36 ; Ward :(, gHU.::. : NVard 4, ,'?i:!l.-J. I'.'diar Dsmuile. That whereas the council of the towuKhip of (ilenelg has given notice to this council of their in tuition to eipeud 8:55 on town line Arte- nio.ii.i nnd (lii'iii-li;. therefnru be it rosolv- that this council in satisfied with (jleneli.' council expending the aid $35 on the n.iul cited in their cnmmuuication, and will give them credit for said amount on ac- count f $51 expended by this council on town line from the south side of the cor- poration of Markdali to 1 10 side road.con. l.NV T A > .It ., and fcJO .00 cxpen.lcu l.y .NIr I' McMillan on town lino between 3rd aud 4i!i rons.. north D. R., the Clerk to forward copy of this resolution to the council of Glenelg. Carried. Moveil by D. McMillan, st>coiided by S. I'cdlor, that Mr. McMillan, coimiiis- Nioiier of NN'ard No. l,is hereby iustrucletl to ate to having bridge over S.iu^nun river opposite lot !>, con. 3, S. D. R. repaired. Carried. Damudu- Pedler. That the communi- cation of I. It. Lucas, EIHJ., re Donald Black's claim, be* laid on the table and that the Clerk notify Mr. Lucas accord- ingly. Carried. JVillei McMillan. That the commis- sioner of NVard No. t arrange to meet the members of Kuphrasia Council on town line and examine bridge nt dcvta- tvwi near 14th concession Aitumcsia, re- ported t be unsafe, and make such re- pairs .is uiav be reeded to make it safe for public travel. Carried. McMillan Pedlar. That the Arte mesia Agricultural Society be given 925, their usual grant for the year I*'.".'. Carried. Pedlar- McMillan.- That the road commissioner for NN'ard No. 3 see to re- pairing road on back line east nbove Little Mill repairs out tu exceed $15.00. Carried. Pedlar Damudo.- -That three dollars bo accepted from W. K. Flusher as taxes in full for I'aik Lot F, Flusher's survey, and that thu Clerk notify Comity Trca- urer to erase all taxes now charged in his books against id Park Lot, ho having !*)i asaoMed on N. K Roll in error. Curried. Damudo Pedlar. That the following parties be paid for gravel supplied to path mas-tors for improvements on roads : John Harjjrave, $500; It. McOruther, ?4.70; Wm. Davis. JM.Oft; S. A. Thomp- sou, 83.50. Carriud Dmude - I'udlar. -That the following accounts be paid, viz. : Thos. Ludlow, new culvert ou town lino Ixttwecn Arte- mesia and Protuu, fo. 00 ; Ouu. Ludlow, repairing culveit,f2.00 ; NV. H. Thurston, printing voturs' lists, $b'2.GO ; Thoinns Kolls, for ecpeiiKcs ultendiug MeaforJ's a;>pi*al two days, SO. 25. Carried. Pudlar- -McMillan. That the Clork correspond with R. P. Legate as to his account of $9.43 for lninher,&c., supplied to Jas. Heinphi!!, tha same not having been authorised by this Council Carried Pedlar McMillan.- That the Peeve and Councillor Damude and the ('I. r'. be a committee to sue after taking bond* from the several Collectors and report at next Council session. Carried. Council adjourned. A Urge assortm-int I hand, a lot of Men's first quality Home Made Boots. Cuitora work and repairing promptly * attended to at HITTII'S, Flesherton Cards, Sept. 15th to 24th, '92 Canada's Favorite Live Stock Exhibition. s .'.ooo added tu tbe Prize l.i-i. i )V,T 91.500 going to tin- Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs and Poultry classes. Visitors ami Exhibiton are |'rnnonj.l more fur tUuir IUUIKIV tliii yuar tlian vnr before. Miil.luiK iiii.i |mou ullutcul ou receipt of ml attra>-tioii( wilt be of an attract, \u anJ c-iiUjuratu illi.l. Special excursions on all reulwiy3. For Prize List uucl all intonuti<iu apply to Capt. A. W.Porte, Thos.A.Browno, Prliliit. Becrutarv JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. FLKSIIKKI ,,:,-, Co. QUII. nivinioN cot'HT CLEUK. COMMISSION! u "iu U. K., Couv)aucr. Ac. Acout tor imi , i--.- andsslcof lamli. ApiuaiKcr fore I .< < T: tiiii K.l'.H. * s hi,M t ,i y Honsrjr so Loan on tba most reasons)ble tetme. KM i:n or M.\i;ui.'.<it LICKN8EB. NOT.UfY 1'UKLIC. MONEY TO LOAN. The underuignud hn a larac amount <>1 muii,.y to loau at Too on town or faliu property. 8. DAAlCDE, AUCTION SALE. or VALUABLE FARM LANDS IN T1JK OF OSlMtEY. UNHKK amll>) virtue o( tlif |HJWr of *!e in n curttu:i ii-urt^H^n fnnn Alt'Mui.lrr M- l.iu itlrui io 1U- \umloiv. wlurh will i ]M'h;i'i.i nt Turn- ' salw, H-iil iiti default :i-!f lit jm\mrlit . v- :i.. ,.--.v 1 . tlliTM Will lM) "IlfH:i| I'll Mtlc \i\ pill . : >iiction. lv \v. ,i lltilUuiy. Aucti<mt>er, at Ma dill'H Hotel, 111 tin: \ lil.i;;-' uf Mn.XWi'tl, Ull Friday, tkillttby of tnpst/32 At 1-2 0'l'1<M:k linoii, tho followillK Pr-.i naniuly -Lot* nuuibcn 11 and liiintn, --ion Snii'.h ,i| tin D'nlmi.i lluitii. in tbn ToW".|iip ,.l iituinoiK IKIuci'-- ulll to bt) l-h'IIM'.l. Tills ]'lo 1 1. 1 1 is ,11 uii i,-. i 111 it iii-st slasetarmlDg dlstrlot Ter ih in ji, i ,-4-nt ut tiniu of snliMiiuHoi- thu balan i.ti-iin il! In: liberal, and will be made known at turn- of italu. For furtkor imrtio.iars apply to KELLAMY & HE.MERSO.\. Floabortou. or to MOHO, II.MIWK K ,v KIUNKI*. \ , N. I<M ^ Solioitor*. Toiont - Uatwl Ktb day of July, kffli Holice t: !;,:;:::;. In tlu' ICSSSS OfOSOBOl 1>A\ IDSON, lato ,>f tin' Towiihlnp of Oaprey, in tlie Coi. ity of (Jrev. vtMiniHii, ' ,-'HM!i. N.t.,. i~ ,.'i>i nn.'ii piirnuaiit to chapter 110, B. sV (X,to all erefitors umi utn>-ri. having olaims aflalnst the ssM eseats to i'n.| t.v i>.i-i lurpK 'iiiiirriy A UaiuoD. Bolluiton for MArKarnt KiHliui . 1 1'ti Kxcrutrix of lb last will and tuMtaiounl of thu oaid Uuuii:<- Dnvul- noil, deceaaml. ijn * l.i t->r tlw ^u<1 day of ViiK''-'. 1".W. a stat< . 'lit of thuir rhion- wild their iiHini'H and a<l<lii.Hu aud particulars of .i.l ' in int.-*. if an> lu-i t !r. tin-in. After the said dale tin- uxucutrlx will di- trilmtc t)i<- n -i - -it tut.- *ai>i deoeased amoDgsl tln< |>aiU<<<>iitJtlad tin eto. kuvina rKard ouly to th i-l>iubK ot which notice shall Imvu bucu reci-ivoil us .ill, n.. i.- M . I L)Ht.t tin- l.'.th i> ..i u. 1H92. Addreu, drawer 813. ( .Ilingwood P.O. MObERL-X &CAMON, Soliuitorb '01 the Executrix, 21j>, Vlaritaret Ki-lu-r For Sale or to Let. 130acrelnrd within t-o milcKof Fleohnrton, an excellent water power mill aiAa at Littlu Kalli uprill t!i>i plni'i- . .Ui It. niMMl uf wuti-r ,;ii tlii- whuel at proHtrnt lu-inht of the daui. Will IM- ,>li| in I hi<>i-k. -it- !lui mill Kite by luelf. itnd thu land in im.i-ils n,,io 0110 acre upwatdn '.o 0uit purvhaHern, The Vallm rfa-l runn through tho whole leiiKth of the place. Thin IK a opportunity ' - to sucurn Hiuall holuu- stcuiN with ebuu'lant Hupply uf i;oo,l tvator. Tunu libtl. Apply tu \VMlltn.ii Fleshertou Station 1*. U' HAVE YOU BACK- ACHE GOODS KIDNEY .PILLS, WILL CURE YOU "Backache meant the kid- ney a are in trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills giua prompt relief." "75 per cent, of disease is first caused by disordered kid- neys. " Might as well try to hint a healthy city without tcwer- a'/e, as good health u'hen the kidneys art clogged, they are Sold by all dealers 01 of pric 50 ivnii. per Dr. L. \ Smith tt i buuk tailed Kulucjr 'i the tcauengert of the system. "Delay It dangerous. Meg- lea ted kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and the most dan- gerous of all, Briqhts Disease, Diabetot and Dropsy. " "TM about diseases cannot exist where Dodd'l Kidney Pills art used. ent l>y mail on receipt In-x or aix fr Turuuto, Vriw tof W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk, Aitvuioia. \ancer Insnranee act etc. J,c(,ls. ni,,i if,,,'!. -, leanos, etc., prrjr r,:,l an.l projipily . M<-,H,U Insurance afftcti I in lir.-t clusK 'oouii Money to lead at lowest rates. DR. HUTTON >f. P. C. M., M.c. p. A . s.Unt., I'riei! vile. HesideiH'i. ; Ollh-i' OIK, Uoor .- of thii MftUiKliht chureli. Kinro>h St. Office days, Taesdars and K DR. CARTER. M. C. 1'. &. S.. lint. |,, M , ,;,, .,, - . . , etc., Fletdi.rtMi. (.llM'.-st,.,,,,-, ,|,, t . k . Hewdcnco Muiitlmw M uuti-l. DRS. SPROULE & EGO. Maik.lal-, Cot. OUlr Manlj , ,),, . ^ T. S. M. n. j;,,. A " K^o M. !>.. Kle., late, of Tottuilm.n, Out. Dr. Ego will be /mad ut tl u Mnrkd-h ll u , ltu at night. J. P. OTTEWELL, \ i-lennary Siirp.,,n. Residence-First J Jur south of Letoh's tailor shop. Klesuerluii. J. F. HALSTEAD, M. D., M. C. 1'. i S.,0nt.,i>i,u'ik*.s at Kiui- berlny. HluMimalic ,li-oah,s a .-jiniullv. J. P. MARSHALL, L. D. 5., M. D. S., iM.tist. Visits Mark dale the l*t and 3rd \\'cduct,day <,( tuck, month. Fluthei tou Each Irip ou tlie daT allowing. J. W. FROST, Barrister, Solicitor, Cuiiveyuucor, Etc. KleBhcrton offlc-Ne X l the ' post Spronle's boildiiig, .,n Tbiirsilava. office Frubt 'g P. McCULLODGH, Bnrhstr, Solicitor, Ktc. Farland's store. AJarJtdah). Oftio* over Me Money u. Loan. WRIGHT & LINDSAY, Harritrs. solicitors, etc.. nuii 801111,1. on H| u >iru>a office t Miicli-ll's W,- ... of each w.k Stouoy to loan at lowest iu.. W. H.WIIM.HT. .s H. R. J. Sprcule, BTM ASTER, er iu B. B., tact^iea Auctioneer, Cuu voyanoer, Appraicer aud M,,nej Lende. . Keal Efitate and IiiBiiranc, Ay&. Ueeds, Mortgages. Leases ami Wills Jrawn uj, au d Valuations nadu on uhorU-Ht noli.;,.. ,,.,,-. tion SaliM aUttidvd t., In any |.r.\ of ihe County. Money to luan nlluwekl rate-* of intereet. Cvlloetiojis atteuded In with promptness aiiJ doHpatcii. CliHrx^s low. AgentforthelX/uiiiiiou Steajashijit'oinpanv. Cheap tickets from Klosiicitou to Livi>rp<>nJ. Glasgow, Loudou or auv of th orts . 1'arties inU.inrliig to >ieit , Sootlaud or Irolwid, will please nkk rutrb bu- fore |>ircbaicg tboir tickets ebewliere. DRESS MAKING. MHB. G.IKllliUI M ,l t ..,r*i. to HiitnnniCe U thu puuplenf Flohliurl' ., itml MI imt tl'ut sh. in pieuaruil tu rto drvnsioiikinii to tlin sotis:^, tion of thoiu) who IUAT untrue! hi'i \>,ili tin n ordora. The lattwt fa^luo.i platen ala>>> on Imiul. Hatin'auliou Kiiai-Hiitovil. Vmv IMAOII .1.1., in ii'.-s. Kliop iin.l i .n-i.leute ovr Miuli.,11 . .. MOM f)iru lu fUtiDg aud cutting by