THE WEEK'S NEWS. CANADA. Icebergs are still reported in the vicinity of Belle "ale. Nova Scotia is suffering from forest fires. A half-million bushel elevator is to be put up iu Kingston. Tons of wild strawberries are shipped from New lirunswick to Boston. Nova Scotia's mineral exhibit at the World's Fair will occupy 2,500 feet of space. A family in London was poieoned by stating canned beef. They all recovered sifter severe suffering. A by-law to bonus the Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railway f 70,000 was defeated in Braniford the other day. Police Magistrate Creagh has been warded SIOO damages in his libel suit against Editor BraJeo of The Winnipeg Tribune. Two lives were lost and several pas- sengers badly hurt in a collision on the Bay of Quinte Railway, near Tamwortn, last week. Jime* Lewis of Colebrook was shot in the thigh by a revolver in the hands of \V. Lake, who didn't know it was loaded. Malcolm Urquhart, one cf the pioneer Huuton bay officers, was drowned at Fort Qu'Appelle on Saturday. The Toronto Bo*rd of Trade St. John's relief fund closed on Saturday, the subscrip- tions amounting to $10,055. Mr. A. T. Fulton, formerly of the firm of Fullon, Michie & Co., died on .Saturday in Toronto. He was 67 year* of age. Mr. Robert Gladstone Dalton, late master in-Chancery. died on Sunday at his residence in Toronto. He was m practice OTer fifty years, and was 74 years of age. He was born at Kiugstou ami was a school mate ef Sir John Macdouald. It is expected that the first mass in the new St. Petsr's cathedral, Montreal, will be celebrated on November 15th. There is a rumour in Ottawa that Lord Stanley will resign the Governor-General- hip. A company ha been incorporated with a capital of &jOO,UOO for the purpose of maim favouring rolling stock for railways. The hief place of business will be iu Toronto. James S. Crosbie, the youug son of R. H. Crosbie, Toronto was drowned at Kin- cardine Saturday while bathing with his father. Dr. J. M. Lefevre. ex-chairman of the Vancouver Board of Health, who is at pre- sent in Montreal, declares th.t Asi.itic- chol- era threatens Canada on the Pacific. One thousand eight hundred French- Canadians have arrived in Quebec from Mi- ciiigan to make a pilgrimage to St. Anne de Beaupra. A largely attended public meeting held in Vancouver, B.C. , denounced attempts which have been made to prevent quaran tine against Victoria where smallpox ex- ists. The \V eet Faruham Beet Sugar Company, Province of (Quebec, has assigned with lia- bilities reaching to $00,000, sod assets amounting to only fS.OOO. Kdward Morris, a fanner at Silver Creek, Out., hid himself under his horn during Sun. lay, Monday, and Tuesday last to await the abatement of his wile's demre to treat him to a lecture. Rr. K. IV Crawford, rector of the church of the Ascension, Hamilton, has accepted an invitation from the congregation of St Luke's church, Halifax, to become rector of that parish. Stipend, $2, 000. Mayor McCunow, of Moncton, N.I)., has mysteriouslydissfpeared. It isfearcd that he has either been lost In the dense woods or met with foul play. Searching parties are hunting for him. La Patrie has commenced a series of articles attacking the French-Canadian Pub- lic schools ystem, pointing out its short- comings and its failure to meet popular re- quirement*. A despatch from Kington, Oct., states that Mr. (!. Parks and wife, while sailing on Brakey's bay, Wolfe Island, ou Sunday, were attacked by a huge eerpent which suddenly appeared in the water. Mr. I'arki struck out vigorously with a fish pole, and finally the serpent fled. A story comes from Manitolw which shows that U. S. officers are not wanting in gall. Several days ago a Dakota marshal an 1 several officers cam? across the boundary and attempted to kidnap a fanner named Mills one who hod sickened ot Dakota hardships and decided to come into a better country and when the mounted police came to Mills' rescue the U. S. of'.cors tired on them ami escaped in the darkness. Owing to the kicking of U. 3. officers against four Kingston laborers sent to make some repairs at Thousand Island Park, N. V., and their being returned at the expenau of the Richelieu Navigation Company, whose steamers took them there as ordinary pas- sengers, Director Conley, ot the steamboat company, has decided to give the park the go-by in future, much to the chagrin of the Americans who simmer there. CRSVAT DKITAIN. High winds and heavy rains prevail in Kuglaud. The total Irish vote is reported to stand For home rule, 315,329; against, 7*,979. Thiee people lost their lives and n num her of otners were seriously injured in a railway accident near Melton Mowbray Liecester County, England, the other day.' At Ballygaanou, County Roscommon, Iicland, a woman held her three children, head downwards, in boiling water until they were scalded to death. Kev. S. U . Colton of Kildare, Ireland, convicted of cruelly ill-treating children in an orphanage of which he wa* the heau, has been sentenced to six months in gaol and to pay a fine of 400. Trade wa* slow at Islington caltle mar ket lost week. There was a slight rise in price. The Canadian animal*, 1*40 HI num- ber fetched 1 2 to 3-4. At a meeting of the Grand Trunk Kail way din.nors in London, Knglaud, !, was decided that Sir Henry Tyler and Mr. Hubbard, the new director, should visit Canada next month and seek to reduce ex- penses to tho lowest reasonable point. Kar! Spencer, pro, 'idinq at a meeting of the Bt-nhaiiiptoii /jjjncuUural Society on Wednesday, raised a storm of protests by remarking that agriculture in Great Britain was now in * more flourishing condition than it had been for a number ot years. Rev. John Kdwards, at one time private chaplain to Lord Salisbury at Hattield house and afterwards rector of Ksscnden, a living of which Lord Salisbury is {.utron, was re- cenlly accused of acts of gross immorality. A warrant was issued for his apprehen- sion, but he fled the niiiht before the war- rant was to be executed. A special com- ments upon the fact that though this scan- dal was known to the press and to Lord Salisbury's political opponents, no mention was made of the affair until the elections were over. They do things differently in Canada. Lord Salisbury, however, com- pelled Kdwards to resign, and conferred the rectory on the Rev William Clark, a hard- working Kasi ol London curate. fMTD STATKSJ. Flax grown near St. Paul, Minn., has been found to be of excellent ({uality, both for towels and thread. A despatch from Portland, Oregon, says there will lie a great shortage in the grain crops of Oregon and Washington. Right Rev. Thomas L. Claughton, re- cenl'.y Bishop of St. Alban'a, is dead iu New York. Bay City, Mich., suffered to the extent of $1,000,000 by fire the other night. More than 38 blocks were destroyed. A cloudburst near Wheeling, W.Va. , the other day caused the death of five p oplc and great damage to property. A shortage of 8000,000 has been discover- ed iu the accounts ot the (Jenetal Treasurer of Mexico. HOUSEHOLD. Evening Song. Two drooping lidx *hut mil Ilio day, Two tired I'.vn-t foriret the world, Two little hand* but rare uway. Two lililu fool at rest aro curled. Dnrlintf, xood night, O iccntlo xlr.'p, I>c irKturi* of IOVM thy v ijj .is kocp. Qood-nicnt, Hweelone, Sloop nwoot. sleep loiiff. Thy duy i done. Night croon* her itong. Hood-nig-lit ' Uood-niglit! Sofi breathing* tll me rent in sweet. Dear mnile* ronVol dear vlxlonx bri|{ht, Komi prayer* for her I Mill repeat While whixpurinit to my child ^ood-nitfht Darling good night, dear Heiiven guard well. My lovo. (tooil mitht- once more I ti-M. OoodniKlit. -weet child, Tliis kUv my prayer. siccp -\vrcr . Hleep mfld, Nor droiini ot care, Ci.Mil muni! Good-night! O. pillowed wreath of tangled gold, iKwt know the love that guard* thy rc*t I O. little life, how were it told To net tar prove my fond buiiuextt Darlinu good night. Kind angeln *taj In InvinK wata til beams the da). Uoo:l night, good-night, L>nr llttlx girl. Thy iip-.imn bo bright. My precioiiH nearH. Good night! Good- night! - [George E. Bowcn. How to Dress Wall An artist's rule as to color is : Choose care- fully only those tint* of which a dublicate may be found in the hair, lue eyes or the There was a death from sporadic cholera complexion. A woman with blue-gray eye. n,~,i, T.....I... ,.., .-,' ,h. 'nd a thin neutral tinted complexion is nevermore becomingly dressed than in tin: blue shades in which gray is mixed, for in in Detroit on Tuesday morning, am! the remains were buried at midnight. Fifteen men were killed by an explosion of gas in a. tunnel in the York farmcolliery uear Pottsville, Pa., on Saturday. The Grand Forks, N.D , chamber of Commerce has (elected September ' and 2 us the datek of the International Recipro- '-ity Convention, to which about a thousand delegate* will be invited, including re prewutativei From Ontario and Manitoba. Senator Veil introduced in the L'uited these complexions there is a certain delicate bluenes*. A brunette M never as in cream-color, for she lias reproduced the tinting of her skin in her dress. Put the same dress on a colorless blonde, and she will be far from charming, while in gray she would be quite the reverse. The leason is plain in th blonde's sallo wnesi there are tint* of gray, and in the .lurk woman's there are always yellowish tones, the same ancfl must be your watch-word, 'however 'lie treatment need not be so frequent in hot weather and not more than three times a week in cold. It is simple and harmless, and no physician will discourage what he known to be so genuinely Ixmericial. " Chancier m Hair- Did you ever know a woman's character can be read by her hair? 1'alimstry having gone out of date among fashionable people the unveiling of the disposition may be done !>y a close examination of my lady s locks. If her hair shows much care, being gloaty, well-kept and every pin in 1U place, you may rely upon it that she is a lady born and bred, whether her own or the deft fingers of a maid arranged it. Gloss only conies from constant attention, and the woman of innate refinement if the one who lingers over her toilet, revel* in baths and adores shampoos. Therefore, sign number one reads truthfully. Coarse hair shows humble birth. Brown" hair, as a rule, i Africa diamond . f if of the peculiarly fine character that i In early d*ys the miues were divideotl into KTOBIKM i I III i>i 10 in II Tl A Larky ZsUu Wke tiol *:.VMM fr Ira (IF Ins; a LM! ..- m Working by electric light in the iletwr tot Africa, with power furbished l>y coil < $iiO a ton, was the novel subject dii yesterday at the I .eland by Gecrg D_. Lc> Hi- street, an Kuglish mining engineer. I luring a long residence in South Alric-a, .Mr. . Long- street travelled as far iuto th* nmesrior u Livingstone did, visited a number of " place which have never been aeen by a dozeon f hilt int-ii, .uid in many regions found tlht he was the first white man the natives! liti seen. The control of the diamond inuisui lj> the Rothschilds," said Mr. Longstrceael, ' ' entirely due to the overcapitalization of tbi original companies, Some of thensnirert capitalized as high as $25,000,000. They are now limiting the production of gmvam to the demand. Diamonds will n ever gcr> down in price, and the days of romance ID uuiii mining are put ioortvr makes it seem very thin, will indicate a good disposition. Hair that splits iu the ends is a representation of the owner's ten- dency to quarrel and have bickerings and differences on all occasions. Black, glossy hair shows treachery ; blonde, fluffy hair weakness and vanity, and red hair temper but truthfulness. The sort of hair known a* drab, the kind so hard to mauih, and aw- vuily high priced when one wants a false bang, reads thus highly sensitive and touchy. Either dye your locks or expect to be read of all men, for though the hands sometimes lie, the hair never does. States Senate on Tuesday a joint resolution predominate in the cream colored dress. ;jthorizing the President to proffer to I Women who have rather florid complexions (Jreat Britain, (Jermany, and France, as an i look well in various shades of plum and inducement to enter into an international i heliotrope, also in certain shades of dove- gray, for to a trained eye this color has a tinge of pink which harmmii/es with the flesh of the face. Blondes look fairer and I agreement for fioe coinage of silver, a re- ! duction of -."> per cent, in tho tariff duties on textiles, hardware, earthenware and glass. The resolution wan tabled. Under sanction of the Sanitary Board of Detroit the garbage collected in that city has boen regularly carried by boat at night to Amherstnurg and dumped in the river a short distance abovn the Water Works dock. The townspeople protested in vain, and on the '20th inst, night sent, out a tug which captured the American craftandcrew. The prisoners were tried fur infringement of health and Customs laws and sentenced to pay lines amounting to one thousand dollars. The tines were paid. IX CKNKHAI. The epidemic of cholera on the Volga is decreasing rapidly, but the disease is spreading in the south ti Russia. younger in dead black like that of wool goods or velvet, while brunettes require the sheen of satin or gloss of silk in ordor to wear black to advantage. One of the coolest and prettiest accesso- ries ot summer dresses is a waist front of white guipure net him led with'riblxmi to wear inside open jacket waisU Ktou jack- . *U, blasters or belted Russian jacket! of tin* woolen stuffs. This front is a broad, full piece attached to a fitted back of thin | white silk which is buttoned down the mid- dle, and, like the back of other waist- coats, is meant to be invisible. To wear with a mauve orepon Figaro jackot such a Ralisnon Tamed Into a Fad- A distressing thought is the frivolity which some women exhibit in attaching their names to various societies without any idea of performing the duties demand- ed. The band of King's Daughters extends far and wide over the surface of the glol>e, and the little silver badge has become fami- liar everywhere. Karnest women and girls assume it with a knowledge of its require- ments, willing and ever eager to assume the responsibility that it calls for, the pledge of work it demands : hut others ap- pear to look on it as a pretty ornament, and membership an the fashionable thing of the hour. A young lady, in urging a com- panion to assume the badge, recently said : " V ou know it is all the rage, "as if it were the but French fashion or social fad. Such frivolous words, wlulu they cannot injure an order that has done so much good, are in themselves shocking. It would be well if all orders of this kind would demand a definite showing of work, and would drop me.nlwrs who failed lo do their work, or who join societies solely because they are tho " rage." When Woman Realizes Her Age. The day there comes to a woman a realiz- ing sense that a hat no longer is either be- coming or dignified, the same day must bo made the confession that youtli has forsaken her. Some wise persons hold it that the advance of middle age is sharply heralded little allotments of thirty feet s square, and each of these was sold to a corpaunlitiu for $500,000 a neat sum for a litllsM Ia.ui! scarcely large enough to put a. shin >ty 00. I have seen working for one company aid it one mine as many as 10,000 naked Zulu, whose work, oddly enough, win turrz ltd 011 by electric light within a year after But wru invented. luthosedaysourchief ciilficul .tyvs/ai to prevent the theft* of the workmen. . \Yi hau an overseer for every five men, ml yet the beggars managed to steal large sum> ben of diamonds. These Zulm ares born thieve*. All the lales of Kider Haggard, whom I knew in South Africa, I have litsvrd often from the lips of the Zulu*. " The mines are four in nuinl>er, the- Ki in. Iwrley mine proper being but one of them, It i* 700 feet deep, and the Ul.iKWirnra it work in it look like mere pigmies). It urni or- iginalry all one hill formed by svomevooleauit action from below. Long before tliedi. imrxy was dug a few diamonds were wuibedLl Iron this hill into the slreain where they ran discovered. At Kimberley trie diamiiii'li were imbedded in astrange haril mud,* which had to be blasted with dynamite bettors it could be brought up. It had to reur mn I year before the precious stones could 1* se- cured. We could not use urushin0( ma chines, for they would crush ttie dun lomii, "The most beautiful diamond i> ) far thai I have ever seen was the one foissniil at Kimberley by a littie American naiii_iil I'or- ter Rhodes. I paid ."> just to look i I. The sight was a liberal education fur I diamond expert. He aftrward> no ! it to the Countess of Dudley for WisX!,**!. It was lost once before il left Afrioua, ami Khodes presented the Xulu wiiu ret tiiucil it v.'itli a reward of S7.">,000. by a sudden appreciation ol wrinkles or gray front is banded with many rows of satin ribbon an inch wide. The first ribbon h ; ir> or wor ,V still, the unwonted and af slarting iu the seam of ihe shoulder jual , mogt blttcr half deference of the young Austria;, principal contribulion to the | * ^ASSA ^a^ '"""" : tal ^ "~" """ " ""' -"> I World's Fair at Chicago will be a represen tation of an ideal Austrian city, which will contain models of notable buildings of all ages. Commenting on the rivalry between Paris and Merlin in regard to a Universal Exposi- tion in 1900, an Italian jouinal proposes that Rome shall also hold a Universal Kx position in that year. ribbon . ihou i,i i,e especially noled as it is , , lival . gent path ^j opeulv" admit herself as The daughter of ox Premier Sagasta, of also used to oonlme tnefull fronts of foulard *rfiig into the eeoond stuue of maturity - ; at : dress w%tM, as, for instance, one of brown | f liarB ,,, the 8wift conviction that tho laid aside forever. .*.., ....... shock arrives, perhaps, one rosettes, and also for the high collar. In this way, also, black satin ribbons are used a second row starts from tho middle of the armholcH, and, like the third row, begin ning below the arm holes, is also curved, while two rows cross straight from the side seams, the lowest of all defining the waist line. The lace falls in a scant frill, three or four inches below tho lost row, and has a finish of scallops. Tnis arrangement of ribbons should be especially noted, as it is The daughter of ex -Premier Sagasta, of Spain, wan ,,,...._, Madrid. The name of the lucky groom is vine stripe* on a cream white ground, with i nftt mu!lt , i, L . ], not given, but ihe fact is noted that the tan-colored satin ribbon for the band and rr> ne aw f u l charming bride received 5*200, 000 worth of presents. Four of the conspirators concerned in the murder of the Bulgarian Finance Minister ,n March, 1891, have been sentenced to death, while a fifth, Lepavtzou, will be ex- ecuted after serving five years in prison. Henry B. Ryder, the U. S. consul at Copenhagen, has been arrested on a charge of fraud. Sir Charles Euan Smith, the British Mm ister to Morocco, about whose safety much anxiety was felt, has arrived solely at Tan- gier, where it is expected the Grand Vizier will shortly visit aim to open treaty nego- tiations. The sXath of i'api. Alain. The Marquis de Beauchamp, a colleague of Captain Stairs and Captain Bodson in tho ill ffcted Katanga expedition, has landed at Marseilles. He describes how the Msiris attacked the expedition and how Capt. Stairssviil Capi. Bodson to King to 1 : A L. L? *' _ _1 _ L;l on many of the light-colored crepous, such as beige, green or turquoise blue. Camel's hair and English serge will be largely used for autumn and winter cos- I tumes, and marine blue, silver blue and the I rich shade of Neapolitan blue will be very p ipular ; also the handsome dahlia dyes, i the browns, both golden and in dead-leaf | tones. The Vandyke and mahogany tints, of reddish cast, and the genuine old rose that is of the exact color of a slightly wilt- ed jacqeminot. Two rich colors will fre- quently appear combine:! in very dreviy cos- tumes, but in more instances all trimming, will be dispensed with, and a plain, stylish effect will be given by the straight rows ol narrow soutache braid " Lank. ' b.S ome lifty years ago, on a snowy D ennv or evening, a homely boy found hi iroli 'landing befor* .1 chapel at Colchestur '.Ersg Ian. I. Although he was 'ory young then was a great burden of distress unu n hu .mind. He had commi'.ied no crime , b>t he had been searching for months, BUI lie said, for "salvation. He wa* like Luther on his return from Rome, anxiously crying out, "U'luiit il righteousness? And how shall I oblai nit '" Tired with his search, the boy it p|-d into the chapel and sat down in an obtnuin seat. In the pulpit a preacher c.inir ODIJ linn, pale as dealh. He was su thinriasi I skeleton, and his deep-set eyas seemned U fix ihrmselve* upon the young slrsssuijer, He gave out his text . "Look unto inee, am be ye saved. " " Why, that's just what I'm .fter,' thought tho boy. Then the preacher turned andgazedBipon him, anil his piercing eyes seemed lo pen* trate his heart. " Young man," he cried, iu a, laud wvie, " you are in trouble !" - . " Sure cnouuli, I am. How does he ~. know morning when a new creation of ' k, lace, ml|rmiire 5 lho , to mmM , ( . velvet, fur, ribbons and flower., %1 charm- v , w.ll ,,. out ] ner wrul k|, and fading tresses with a gal- , ant Rir u f, ve et unconsciousness, who with- out a b]u , h oan re(lllle ^ ^-cept th, proffer- ed horse-car seat of a youug girl, and cayly assert herself att untouched by Time's cruel hand, must and will always succumb to the bonnet. At a certain point far he it from us lo set the age at which all womanhood must turn the first sharp corner of life's ingly arranged, as is now the fashion, in one irresistible bouquet of color and sym- metry for the head, comes home from the milliner s, with its bill, for madam's approv- al. With a little llutter of pleasant excite- ment, the broad- brimmed, high-towering arrangement of head-gear is donned. Set You will never get out of it units an you look to Christ," returned the preasacher. And then, lifting up his hands in a moat impressive way, he cried out, as nmly a Primitive Methodist could do, ' * Look look, look ! It is only Look '" This phrase, which might nave nrntant little or nothing lo some one elie, . wai Delaines are particularly pretty this year, and run the muslins very close as first fav- orites. There is only one objection to them. When they get even a little soiled, their beauty is almost gone. Of course, they ill clean well, but that process takes a greater length of time than oue can spire her gown just at this season >f the year. It is said Msiri. Capt. Bodson was then himself killed I that if rice be used instead of soap in clean with him. Msiri about to kill when the latter in self-defence shot by the natives. The expedition had been for 'M days without food except white anU and locusts. The Belgian mission was reach- ed just in time to save the surviving mem- bers of the expedition from starvation. Subsequently they tried to reach the coast by way of the Xambesi river. Capt. Stairs ing those gowns, the cleaning will be <lone without removing much of the color of the pretty flowers seen in this material. One the hat cannot be coaxed to harmonize with the face beneath it. In an instant the-truth is revealed:. he has simply grown UK, old 'or hats. With ,., a .juick pang .ha recognizes that the clear , ^ oval outline of her face, beneath a hat-brim , HO had Ixsen ready to KO anywheres out , d Y anything ^utof- th, ,., like P(Hll( fo | vi , ion , Mi experience,; bub the ..,!. 1 thought and the magic word then took* po longer MM*! J55 of hlln . an ,, afterward <x>iilrollw,i l.i. hcek and throat, | ,. fa _ H>a h(j ou , ^ 1(jok tQ chrai , W(M e omehow melt- , . (<> tun) ,. nefcd M(U ^ once so enchanting, is no the sweet curves of her awhile ago so distinct have somenow me.* j fc , y , - t , , d ed into each other ; the muscles, once him , u* "" , -- anil young, arc now yielding, und intricate i l.ii' ilin^- are drawing the soft skin. Merely for experiment, she replaces that hat with a Irannet, draws about her chin and pins the velvet strings, and from this kindly framing, that conceals time's pro- cesses, the face looks out again almost youthful but with ilia shade of dignity 1J1_\.'I1' a TJUt>llUl i/ww v wss OISIBIIW wm -M >K i i i *j pound of rice should be boiled in five quarts ; whicn on , y the to|lan of bonnet string. of water. Set it to cool and when just warm immerse the delaine and wash it well, rub- bing in the rice as you would soap. Then hal been ill for a long time, *nd he died at pour the water off, leaving the rice at the Shinde. One hundred and ninety natives bottom. Rub the delaine through the thick attached to the expedition also perished. I rice water and rinse in the comparatively The Katanga expedition, under command of Capt Stairs, was organized by the Belgian Katanga Company, and was intended to effect a settlement in Msiri's kingdom west- ward of lakes Mackero and Bangweolo. Its ultimate object was the opening up of the Katanga region, wh:ch is upposed to be rich in copper, quicksilver, and gold. It is questionable weather Msiri's country is within the British sphere of influence or that of the Congo State, and the Katanga' expedition was probably intended to antici- pate the activity of the British South African Company to whose jurisdiction this unappropriated territory is believed to belong. That Katanga is a wealthy region p articularly in the mutter of copper mines there seems no doubt. Livingstone, who travelled mucn between the two lakes, B ingweolo and Macro, makes frequent re- ference to these local resources, and the working of the mines has beeu described in detail by several travellers. True valor is like honesty it enters into all that a man sees or does. A (lorman man of science says that tho lands iti Germany tic-voted to grains used clear water which you have just poured olf the rice. Ordinary water plays no part in the process. As much water may he used as is found needful, provided that the pro- portion of a pound of rice to five quarts of water bo carefully kept. Ood Liver Oil as a Beautifier. A young woman who has a beautiful rounded throat, with lovely neck and arms to match, attributes her beauty in that di- rection to the following simple course of treatment : "To begin with, you must be prepared for a somewhat disagreeable odor and the ruination of your nighlrobe ; there- fore, put aside your oldest gowns and go to work by yourself and you will work won- ders iu three weeks. The process is merely aiinointing with cod liver oil every night. Pour a little in the palm of your hand, and commence at the bend of the elbow, rub- bing it well in with an upward and circular movement from the elbow to the shoulder. Do not pour out much at a lime, as it must be well rubbed in. Next ticat the armpits the same way, then the bust, the abdomen, the groin and the legs down to the knees. It will take you a good half-hour, but you in beer production would suppoit 50,000,- will be repaid by the beautiful effect it will (XX) people. I have in a remarkably short t inie. Perse ver- give*. Her critical eye now notices that from the bonnet there projects uo brim to throw shadows on the face that oan no longer stand on increase nf shallowing : and as she is sensible and discreet, she quietly lays the symbol of you'll away forever, and makes a wise but silent confession of her years and dignity by the assumption of the Hoy, sad or stately bonnet unvaryingly held in place by it* strings. Moth Preventive. A very simple way of preventing moths from laying their eggs in a bureau is to un- cork a bottle of chloroform a few minutes in each drawer; or, better still, drop a few drops of the liquid in the dnwer itself. If a garment is properly brushed and well wrapped iu newspaper moths will naver go near it, as they seem to h:>ve a greiat dislike to tho press. Tho little black cricket is more destructive to clothes in the summer than is tho moth itself; moreover, he cats anything nnd everything, and as he attacks one's everyday wearing apparel it in impos sible to drive him away with powder or bad smell*. A street in Germany it paved with india- rubber. (ionnan scientists ar now making an ex- plosive equal to dynamite out of common jute. It is called uitrojuto, and is prepar- ed by treating jute with a mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids. This wan the way in which tho preacher Spurgeon was led to hit, work :. He himeelf said that the word " I.iok '." t~riir<l for the first time upon that stormy eves: mnn, in that obscure chapel, wan the spring thai moved the great sources of his pxjwer. Most nf us are trying to tinil out the meaning of a religious life It seems as complex as a praoWer/ in higher mathematics. But insxltttl it is not so. Look at the exampLsie o the Master, and accept His teachings^. An earnest Christian woman lay ipot her deathbed in a Boston hospital. Sh> had devoted herself, body and soul, too iti unselfish life, aud contracted the tliseucathis caused her death in spending her lifer! fr others. Tho niqht she died, she mid toh attendant: " I 'lease raise the curtain." There, on a great church, opposite trie ho pit. i). flooded by moonlight, atom! sTJIior w.ildscn'v statue of the Master. Long 7 inl silently she gazed upon it. " What do you see ?" aakcd her ir- ieml, gently. " Don't drop the curtain," the pleasailed, "I want to loot at Christ." Our doubts, our sins, our tro>ubleg, our perplexities nr all curtajns that falll be- tween us and the true weaning of aii mpl Christian life. Raiso them ami loo -k at Him; the ono teacher whoso wisdom none can question; t!>3 ono Saviour by whoi uuiii mortality is assured. Silence holds the door against the s ttrifo of tongue and all the impertinences *fiille conversation .[James Hrvy. An Indianapolis man has invented SSB pro- cess for " aging" violins. Hei'laiiniitrtiM in two weeks' time he can impart to ncr j or- dinary violin all tho fullness anil of louo possessed by a Stradivajrni*.