Flesherton Advance, 11 Aug 1892, p. 4

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T h t FLESHERTON ADVANCE, TIM-; Ai)v.\i\ci; ii i'ji....i ti I iv-ci"v 'l'lnn-.-da j', Pkov TBB Orn. 7 TF.fcM , sunsoiii : K-S i tl per a i Ij advani- 9 .'jUfv ai >.' pa 1 , A !.- Bran (ML - '" I ': iol., do., tin i . <l cl the rali an I Sete. p- i Trail*, -i.' " 0' he: W. II THUKSTON, 1 r i><i Proprietor f '1 !*! AND THE APPEAL. ' 'HeMeafoid Mirror of last week ^ . mils to ilifuiil the course takcu ' i \ tlu.t tuwn in itb rtccut appeal and liakea use of touie ridiculoualy falo arguuuntb in order to bolster up its lido of tlio question. It fays The Advance is " too ready to jump at couclusions without Blowing to post himself iu the particulars." Unfoi- WuaUly fci Mt atoii. however, we wo only loo w< 11 i/ontcd on this question, and miylit have advanced the con- . elusions audeuiknci an ived at in a mort forcible manner tlmu wo did.Lut diJ uot with to unnecessarily "pile it on" when the lowu bad juU emerged trow inch aii eicec-diugly small-ended liom. We sin 1 tl t- tuwn of Meaford bad lobt the good will of the other jnuuiciiialitks by In i action, aud o he ha, notwithstanding thu Mirror's denial. Sonic of tho Mirror's state- lueut. are ito cous'jicuouily untrue Hat I wo arc foice-d to believe iU ditoi lia fallen iulu the naughty liabit of "jmuinug at conclusion* with a veagcaiicu, or that it ha no due regard for the trulh. It eiLibits a bitter, bilious spirit, which, under tlit circumstances, should, ptrbapi.be charitably ovu looked. Here i> a pccimeu : "The L'lualizatioii Committee unaniiuouHlv ;. 1 tli:it the aie8 U 1 nt slioul>"l I... ivil:ii'.i !, mid thuir d. cikion should iiftvc settled the matter but for tlit- tactics of tlii' repreaeiita tiTt* of the t'jutlu i n iunni:ij>alitie'.-, who, in order ID n lie\e thMMNMI of a iurpliu load uf bile, put the county to the uiiiit-o use of holding a court for tin- In aiin^ of au appeal tvhicli, by tlieu action, thoy tvi'iitu ally admitted wus jns'. and proper." The abuvt in u tissue of iiulen.iliii'; Btatciuents fiom beginning to nd Tin IvjuaH/ttlioii Committee did not uuaiiiiaoubly ngrcc, in fact it was can ltd by n \eiy nanow majority ,and when tho iiialt. i was brought up in cuiinty council, although the recoin- mcndatiou of tho coininittec was adopted, still thi-m vvus a large amount of discoiittnt. It v. :i. i.'pix-Ki-iited by the m vc of Meaford (a gentli m n it ho h> the way in held iu much res- pect i that tlctford hid met many In ;ivy loBsta by lire, and tho mallei was ) .ii.-i.l in council through simile charily on tin part of the members. 1'iider. sucli circumstances the"south- tru municipaliticit" who ar assessed equally as liigli, weio perfectly justi- tii d in < liti nun ;l vit-nloilS protCBt.aild they happily Biiccocdcd in getting a compiomiho without wasting valuable time in Biihniitun^ evidence to the court. Thin in what tho Mirror calls "relieving iluiiifce'lves of a surplus load of bih'." Perhaps it will sur- prise the Mill or to ham that the township of Uspn-y is assessed twice as high for county purposes as it ib for municipal, ui d Artcmeuiu tr.o.'C than two-thiida as high Other tiAvnsliipH wo cannot speak for, but '/ilu \i tlu-\ aic also asseBHeil iu iiboat the BIIIII. pi-i.portiou. The 1 n .tilt ilos-s i."' |'i\i that then p. utiscs, by thur autinii, admitted il,:ii the npi al \vat jrst and pro[cr fai fi >m il. The above quotation proves that thi. Mirror i- nut extrenuly l:,t[ py over the l." I , allowing COlu Ir. ; ivoly that tl:o "t-oi-tlieru municiiah- 111 liie.i -:\ to blitf i a little bit ti.o better of the bii,; It i!.. .u niuiiicipahlita Lau oi.l\ jtojd ully by itb their eyes sLul while Meaford rifled their pockets, what big tears of gratitude would havi w lltl down the Mirror's checks! What chunks of fun the Meaford l>eoplc would have had I \\iirn we say the people ofMsaford arc ungrateful we mean every word of it. They now rt-ci ive hack fiom the County nearly one quarter of tbc tax- es which they pay in. For their high school they receive about $676 per annum out of the county funds ! \nd yet tilt Mirror has the assurance to say: "Ihe Advance .makes Rome allusion to the liberality of the County Council in granting Meaford a high t-chool, but forgfts to add that we have had to pay for it, and that the school is a benefit to the whole county. Our people are prepared to pay for their educational advantages, but will never consent to be rojbbrd for the benefit of oilier municipalities." I'repared to pay.iudeed I Concent to be robbed I Thou they should be made pay it. Either they should pay or pound a little common sense into the Mirror, which 1ms shown itself in a ridiculous light. Read up the High School Act, Mr. Mirror.and you will find that every County council shall "collect from the municipalitiei com posiug the county tho sum or sums for which the county is annually liable for the proportionate maintain - ;URH of county pupils, less the fees paid by couuty inipils as certified to tho couuty tieasurer by the high school board." This sum must be au amount equal to the amount ap portioned by the Minister of Kdnca tion for each of such high schools.' And u-t Meaford {>eoplo ire prepared to pay all of this ? What Bublimo iionsciiDc I Clause 8 of the high School Act, which deals with the establishment of high schools, states clearly that "any county may in lik manner discontinue, at the end of the current calendar year, any high schoo already established ." Tiiid county gave Meaford Imr high school, it as sists I.er largely iu maintaining it, am 1 1 o n< s nothing but m^nttitudi' in re- turn. If las wo bt:> .i'ly is the catiui Meaford has not already lott the goodwill of tho nthiT municipal itii-h Mm will very shortly if the Mir- ror is not held within bounds. We do no! so lunch mind that paper ex- l.ihili:if its sores, but would ask it in all fairnctts to "tell tho truth and shame tho devil." And let it re- member that when a readjustment i> made (which would be a piece of mi <sory trouldiM tho "southern municipalities" will decidedly be "in it " They want their asscasnii .1* lowered and will Hiicccul if Meaford docs. Arieinesia. which is taken as the basis of the county ,i .M e.iim nt, is over assessed, and we tin refort bpeak from knowledge when wo ay that a r< udjiiHtnn nt would leave tho financial equilibrium about as it i.s nt present. result three weeks ago. After the lomplaints of the past two years it was thought an improvement would bo made, but it has not. Now lo tin press of this county make it hot 'or the offenders. What IK H.iixlrml ? A dlfieue of tlie sralii that i-auws falll.ig i: hair, railing uf the htlr.lu fact, ilcath of of the cale , . H irritatu" the m-al|i ac..l ml oedematic erupt ..... - M miniltliat Anti Hamiriiir rcinovoa Dand uff wit)' thriM Ippliektloni i.|..| s falliug and Mtore* faclinit hair tn in uriKlnni color. Sold >y UruKljUtt at 75 cento por buttle. lYSREPTOS 'YSPEPSIA THIS PREl'AliATION Acts directly on the stomach An.l jiromotei,tti healthy action of tbc I iv.;r WITBOUT I'l For Sale by all Druggists AID Wholtale by LOIDO H DBUO Co., London. Ont Road Notice. Township of ln< inrsia. Notice Is hereby glren that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of tbe ITownnhip ol Artt-meeta will, after four wuelm from tbe flrmt publication of this notice In the newspaper call'e.l the " Fitol.eitoi. Advitnr, ." publiahed at the villatic' of rii.-li'-iti'ti in tin sal I Townhi| of ArtemeaiAftbedate of which nrt publn ati'>n In theelemitb 'lay of Aufunt. A U ' to pass a bylaw f ' and dUposing ol thu nndermentinned nrn;lnal allowance for road. viz.. all and singular all that original al I'-wajn for rc.ail. I-. in, a part "1 I'*) Hlile Hitad in fie 2nd concession S . W. T. A S . Itoad. whicli i-<iuird for I'tnpc'i- i>f eitlicr the ok deviation or the nw il\iatmn. All parties in WL -t."l are hereby re.|iiirert tu take notice and (ovuru themselves accorlini,.|> W. J I>KI.I.A51Y, Township Clerk. Iiatixl at tbe Townahlp Clerk's office, Fischer toa. this lUth day of August, 1HM. ucreaied thin year by the engage me klainlell. to make the daring trlpi accompanied by nor wonderful dog, who in supplied with a itnaller parachute for niakiu^ Inn di- Secretary lirowne here aiMn. if you wiab to jehold tho greatest of great tbiiigi, the Mg0H| >f big tiling*, the cholcuit of choice tluni!". 'I.'- most u>eful of UReful tliini!, the uioat loatruc- tive of Initructlvu tiling*. the moat attractive of attractive thing*, ID fact uiucb of everjtln:ii! and the climax of all the great and good things 'ortby of visiting, and studying, tbe Weatern Fair Is tbe place to go. The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week. 4 50 to 4 50 H.5 to I.', W to 89 'loar Kail Wheat Spring Wheat liailey , late Itutter S*. freen i'utatoe* bag Pork Hay per tou Hide* Sheevvkins Turkeys ............................... Chickens |r pair ................ Huckn perpeJr .................... Wool..... 40 a yi 11 30 COO 60 3 00 00 8 to to to to to to to to to to to to 40 to SO to 10 to 43 a 08 14 8 90 800 1000 3 00 1 00 8 10 v> 80 16 VOTERSJLIST 1892. Municipality of the Township of rtemwsia, County of Grey. OTICK Is hereby filvon.that I bare trsna initted or delivered to the ]>ersons men' tinned in tees. 5 ajnl 8 of tbe Ontario Vote's' List Aot.lNW.the o<,j,ie required by salil saotlon4o \>f transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said act. of all penons appearing try the last revised AKaeesment Koll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote In tbe said municipality at elections for mem hers of Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Kh'-ti'ins. aud that aalti list was first posted up at my office. at r'leabertun.ou the Fourth day of August, IMM. and remain* there for Inspec- tion. Electors arc called upon to examine tbe aald list and If any omission* or any utlier error* are found therein, to take Immediate proceeding* to have tbe aaid errors corrected accent, law, iau((2t W. J. IIKLLAMY. 'lerk of Artemisia. Dated at Flesherton. 4th August 1HD9. The Head Surgeon Of the Imbon MedleaJ Compaqr I*BI>W at lor- onto. Caua.la, rvnJ r.iiy l.o eo'nlte<l lt,ber In pcrvm or by ieitrr nu nil cliroi io J!-..nroi p. C'.iiiar to r.nir. ftfcri, jourg. oUI.'T mlo01r-Ag<wl, w. ^ und tl.cmsolvt-* r.vrvnuii.wr.''U nnd nzhaust* J. who dru brokin rt<in from excess or ovtr- work, resulting i. i r any nf tin- f.il* Avlng sym- pi Ui< Mori'.al -'irriv,.J.i, )U . ( r r).]-.. ur o old . Ic "f vltrxlity. lo.i? of ri<*ni.'ry. ed di rniui fl d.m'iciu? ; :.:it. i'.. i(a>jn or Ino li-4-t. cm Mion. lack of energy, j-ai:i l:i tiic kHnej-i, boa/Uclio, ;>i.ir, '..'. or. the fai-u ..r j i.ly, itcbiag :r str.natioii ilxiu', t!'<- -ci >tuui, w.if! Int o.' tlio or n -on>, itUzineu, rprcls U'faro '4.1 eyr, twi'.ckiug of t'.ie musclo?, eye Uds. and Iwwji-i*- I. .. Lfnlnw. difositn iu tbe urlce, o*s of w.'.i povcr. I, !nlcrn*^ o' the rcalp ani sp'n . !; an.l f\tL\.\y mrti!o". :'. Tiro to !'*P I 'I ro*UMl l|_v slf ; - [ : i utioi , t ;ilt- -- >f r-,ir.iVvt ff ( ,r ><illtnde, - r.nl liny nfit-mpor. ranken *yo suriouudod fxnr.M nnrz.r. Mly lonkii'K sUr. pte.are all v-'iptomi! nf mirvoui debility tli^: It-ail tu in-*nty an/* ilcsxh nnlof croi. The rp'r^i 01 'H%1 torce harln^ lo**t iti t^n.-lon everv ii-u vane* i*- ri>Qii0|'ie)ic-. Tbo**who tfiruu-.?!! aifi-i eoniaHISNl in i^noranr*. irny b- p. T nti- i-'irM. Sen'l your aililr.j^H for book on all rii-i'tr." JM rnliai v*. !i- tn }i'.okn *vnl frn seal- a\l. M 'art thvoae. tSe symptoiiw of wlilcb are faint !><:"-, :>'iriiK I!,K, i.'.'-r . palpisevtlnn, Skip b-U. hot HUH>I-. rukh of blnoti to bea-l, dull u*in :ri th" tiffin \*- rayil smltrrei;nli>.r.lh*eer'Mri i,.Trtl than th- nnit, p*ln aUmt l.- ' i -ft can i-oi!'.lv..'i\ b cure X <nte. b>Mkt aajn .. cure Benil I or hook. A<1 lro M V <iooll Arv-'Coroato, Caaa-lA. . . I.ChOK. M iW M N OOIIE & WIL80 Manufacturers am 1 I'^c-alers in all kinds of Building Materials. Rough and dressed lumber al- ways on hand ; also all kinds of Moulding, Scroll work, Balusters Nenell posts, Hand railing, i'cnce pickets, in fact everything needed in building or repairing. Always om.iiill o Defrf Jon start at work. A lurgf i|niinity of scasout'tl uorth ihorc pine ; alno pine l/>tli uLinglrg at In digestion . _. arc caupu>l by the f -ill of fernMX Iia and Soar Stomach ft ri.. entii i: all o-tatjtic matlrr *>eoujpoae the food ) ana from t that produce pre aiilziuK the srsf'iu, ,nl prniiuring various HNinptiiuis of ilim-asc. rii>- "('in ati \ e t hud pit rifles the utotuacti pnt- motne dlK<tlou a.. I auiiniilation of fiMKl.tbere- l>v cr..atiiiu a healtli\ cntrent of blood. For ale by all DroeRists, 5Oc. A tl.OO. st prios. F.tiinate given. Sir Daiiifl Wilson, 'tho venerable president of Toronto University, the world-renowned philosopliur and author, died at liia homo in Toronto on Saturdiiy last, aed 70 years. It is hut spcakniK weakly to say that the univusity haa Hiistained a loss whicl it will ho liiinl to replaco by tlio death uf its devoted preiident. Tho newspapers of this county have been bothered to no cud during tho r-ftit two weeks by expectant candi ilntLh \\lio wore anxious to know whether they had passed thu (intranet x.iiiiinii'.iuii or not. Pupils liavi 1 n lii l.l 111 Husponsc for three weeks longer than they should have been owing to tho incapacity of the ofliciaU in tin.) county. It in the same ol. your after j< >', ami it has no\v mo such a bugbear that mi iiniiri' "f relit f slioi'U bo taken a uncc. ifore c 'in] 'i ut men shiih in, np-iuiiiteil. Ii. ij irit only (I hard ship, but a il -\\:'ii 'I't shame tha pupiU ait .-latiiui ar not : ,'t.tlK" ', n iii.-.il, so that they may p, l.iiico at opening of hi^l tchoal. t'lliCi cjuntica iitiblisheil '.ht Tl' alnivf cut irpr..iit'i the larpo fair post- er iesned by the \Vont.Tii Fair Association of undou. wlih I. is I" hit! i "rted up thri'iic-iotit ntarl", railing the attention of the public gen- erally to tbe dates on which this greatest of atia.l!an l.lvc Stock. A; i'-iltnral and In. In*. rial Kxliil'itii"!' will i 'i- In. .1 this year, namely. September l'.:h to Mth. Cm- of the principal licmg to educate the nssssi and stimulate tin m to higher alms and I'I'K'r vtT'irtK.aiid make thin Fair hi(|ger^;ran<ler mil I'ctti-r thmi unv of [i . 1.1 *, which i !, if tl . | ) - f In taken ti> tile lr-der and Aviricultiiralislii of this bigly fax- >red country. Tbev enjoin u|>ou iiiti-ii-!inK exhibitors to be- ;ln early In prrpare for thu Fair. ami make their inhibit* as comprehensive as poi<iulo. Chaiiipi.ni H|M.i'imous of every pure breed of uiiiiialv of which Cana.la is uote<l. will be at he Ksliilti .n. \Vell arranKed stables, stalls nid pnns have been provided for their aecoui- inxlatioii. The commendable leal of the Directors and "thorn. <ii:<tt he: with the increase of M.OW.OO In this year'". I'rlso 1.1 t. in an a^inrance that tbe Western Fair of 1809 will boat all former eibl hitlons. Thu Directors recounts* tho fact that the \V tit-tern Fair nhould aiwsyn be In tbe lead an an Agricultural show, at the name time look to It that the amusements ami Special Attraotio for the pleasure of exhibitors, should not be lacVIng, and haro, at great expense, leoured some of thu hint that can be had. Aincng which wo notlro : Ma. lain Maranti-tto, the lady oquen. Ii Ian of tlif world, and her horso, Filemaker, known fur aud near as the king of high jumper*, havliiK won this title by heating all competit- ors. Including IloFeherry.tno Canadian favorite, at tbe Live Htock show In Chicago, lat year, at tbe enoriuoua height of 7 feet 4| iuthes, a night of Itself win tli Hie t. ip to London. Woodlawn, her senntiimal park ami kaiUlle horse, wl Ich ban hei u tm, .lit 19 distinct gits, is very inter mttng to witni'.'-i. The little pony. Jupiter weighing only 4.*i poundi", has earned for him- self the tilin i -f litl ' w.'i.'ht champion, having record of I foet Inchui The M-nUin also has tho v. r -r lli.no Tandom Ten Whirl UUIUWUlUUt and ast< 10 (.rontesl Trier in. MI jn earth, ednoato.1 IIXJ.HII! anything :iooroatioD. illusions Is au ex llilill.-.ll Ui'H V., VI ol.ni' - < lo be icb In rtalltv ' . .e.=o Wire ilona an I parao). , . Sash & Door Factory, MOORE & WILSON. THE REASON WHY WE ADVERTISE IS THAT WE WISH TO LET THE PEOPLE know whrro they can t;et the best value for their money. Our stock ia care- fully aud well selected, for wo * BUY only wLat gives the best wear. A large stock of Rubbers aud long BOOTS will be on hand for fall and winter use. We have a well assorted stock to pick FROM. Repairs and custom work attended to as promptly as ever. If you wank anything iu the foot line call on JOS. SMITH. Carriage Making I r Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. . R. T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, ONT. TO THE PUBLIC. rented 'Wh.ittan'sblackamlth 'bop for a term of yoarg, I am uow iu a position to cater to all wauts iu my Hue. C A U T I IV. EICH n,n; OF THE Horseshoeing a specialty. s.i i faction \N\TIIIM: IN TIIK LINK CAI 1 NAVY IS MAKKKIl F. A. B "J T. - IX URU.\/X LETT ECS. ;V(9/V OTHEl! GENUINf

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