Flesherton Advance, 11 Aug 1892, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE IS. t. \Kl.\fJ- OFtlCS OM GEO. MITCHELL FLESHBRTON. A. netiura! l>*nUiii:' biminese trannacted Drtfn i :. I .i'i|.. 1'ii'H cashed at usual rato Uomiv always iv.uiumi' for legitimate buBiuws fetsrpi Ovrici'. two doors uortl: of Iiicliardou & Co'a. Vicinity Chips. CSinra<-t<-ri>lifs of the Past Week < ;ir.-iull> 4'ulled for the ii>iti<-''t 'imontj locali will ' ( 'it Hi- f'lt*' <>f Iflr ftr line fur in-' r'l'oii. A rnlnrH'iH uyill lit ../i /"// 1 1 n> line* or owr. WOOD FOR SALE. J. H. Heard. Span good w irking horses for Apply t<> J. H. Heard. sale- Slruw Hats. -A Jew more left to la sold at once. M. Richardson &Co. Mr. H. <;. K.-tfer will take Rov. Mr. work for next Sabbath, owing to the latter being away from homo. The undersigned otfer fire dollars re- ward for such iiifurmitiou as will lead tu the conviction of the party who stole boards from my fences on villain) loU near Win. Taylor house. J. H. HEARD. The public schools will open on Mon- day next. The holidays ha been un- usually short this summer, owing to the first Monday in the month falling on An.'. 1. But wait until next year ludi.s and gentlemen ' The table* will then be turned. I.B. Ln-.-i.barri*tf r, Markilalr. has #10,1100 private funds to lend on farm mortmain'* within the next few moulh.t at lowest current rates. No commiss- ions, no de-lays, expenses low. Apply at office in Mark dale durum the week or at Duudulk i .Mice on Saturdays. The Clarksburg Reflector man says we paid him - visit last week. Never .were in hi* ntlice in < ur life. All the same we should enjoy such a visit, and hi<o to indulge in the luxury some of these days. In the meantime, Mr. Reflector, don't imagine that every bicyclist you run up against is The Advance man. C .iiiipluiiits have been made at this office <>f boys entering people's Hardens, destroying trern and vegetables, etc. Mr. Win. Smith ii. forum u thut bin cucum- bers have stilTerod. It is to bo hoped Uit die b . * who ale thorn suffered vone. In nil seriousness, the boys who amuse thcmsulves in lliU vy had bolter be very cau'i ms, or an example will be made of wiui- of them Mr. Ovar England, wood worker with Mr. J. Heard, met with a serious mishap on Tuesday n><>ruiDg last. While stain!- uiX .it the head of a stairway leading to tlie cellar under the shop he fainted and fell hv.nllong into the cl!:ir. I'pi'ii striking the ground his utilise* returned. Hik he;id and frwu were teriibly cut and it oil l>e ..mi- days before he will be able to rt.ume woik. The Ait van -e had the pleasure of pay- ing a visit one afternoon of lant week tu one of our bent und most successful farm- ers, Mr. John Boland, of Vaiideleur. Mi llohind has a beautiful farm, beauti- ful homo and neat surroundings, and may b classed a* one of tho most suc- cessful farmers in the towimhip. Lung nuiy lie viini IM. hospitable family live to enjoy tho fruit of their hard labor. Mr. Samuel Davis, Back Line cant, had a barn tilled with hay levelled tu the ground and a valuable cow killed. Mr. Jaa. Hill had two hay Htnckg Mown clem across the road unto his neighbor's farm. Mr. Jarviu Henry alio had a barn levell- ed. Rev. A. W. Tonga preached an ex- cellent and well- prepared sermon to the Fleh..rt.n Y. JT. P. B. A. on Sunday evening lust from Luke IX and 30-3", dwelling mure especially upon the sen- tence. "And he said, he that shewed mercy ou him." The sermon was most appropriate and was highly spokan of by the very largo auuien.-e present. This society musters 31 mi'iuhcrs strong, which M vury good indeed, considering that it has only been one ywir in uxistcnoe. Tho members created ft very favorable im- pression aud conducted themsolvcs cred- itably. Tlie base burner stove, the telephone and other improvements of .t like kind have worked a domestic and social revo- lution within tlie last few years. Among these improvements it is not unfair to in- clude the " Myrtle Mary " tobacco. The tin-lit majority of men smoke tobacno ; have done si for centuries past and will continue to do so. It is important, there- fore, that they should smoke the best quality of the article. That is what they are supplied with iu the " Myrtle Navy.'' All smokers who have used it know that its flavor cannot be surpaased, that its quality is always uniform and that the i nily care they have to exercise in its pur- chase is to see that tho trade mark T. & 15. is stamped on the plug. roneous statement copied from an Owen | Sound paper, re Artemesia's expenditure annually for indigenes, which I found corrected in tke following week's issue which I found at Sir Chas.Tuppers' offices on my arrival in London to-day. Suro- ly the knowledge that your paper finds its way in.o such centres of commerce is enough to inspire you to make it the very best you can. Some items personal and local read rather odd 3,000 miles and more from locality of issue. Wish- ing >' u and The Advanco still more, aud more prosperity and success. Tours H. It n u A UPON. Boy Wanted. Good strong boy wanted to learn the printing business. Must be intelligent. Apply at The Advance office immediately. Nerkware. Did you see the gentle- men Vneckties and ladies silk scarfs choice designs in newest style*, at M. Uichardsoii A Go's ? Sunnier Dre** Guodfl clearing oat at greatly reduced prices to make room for fall arrivals t M. Richardson A Go's. Will be "Valuable. Mr. John K.,lan<l, of VanUeleur, is one who is nut easily discouraged. He be- lieves in thoroughly proving whatever he takes in har.d. The Ku^lish two-rowed 1'iirlfj- is hi* Int.-st i :x;'.'rinif n f , and in testing it he lion discovered some pe- culinrities whii.-liaro worthy of niunttn. W i ii ' ninny hn IO1 i became: discouraged with the iir*t .I'teiiipt Mr. Roland has L-ronn it fur thfe past tluee yrnr, mid has liucceedod in i;r"*iii'-! this year about four acres of tua'jiiinYeut grain, m:i:iy of the heads measuring tivo inches in len^t'i. tilled with very Urjo, plump and briuht kernels. A strange fact in connection with thu barlay is that it is developing the valuable sit of ripening earlier every y.ir. and tliis ucasoii is fully ten* days earlier than it was three seasons ago. Mr. Boland :s thoroughly satisfied that this barley will becomo a profitable variety for Ontario. Among our Business Men. Mr. M. Richardson is still enjoying himself in the Old Country. He will probably not return until about the lint week of September. Mr. B. G. Evans is, as will be seen by his advertisement in this issue, still as lively as ever and attending strictly to business. His complaint is that hand- ling sugar barrels is terribly hard on clothing. When we called on Monday he was tenderly examining some punc- tures made by nails in said sugar barrels. B. G.does a goad business and Tho Ad- vance is proud to call him"feller citizen," oa Colonel Sellers would say. Mr. Wm. Clayton is busily overseeing the erection of his handsome new block opposite M. Richardson & Cut. The building is progressing finely and will soon be ready for occupation. It will be a valuable addition to the already fine architecture of this village. It is indeed a credit to Air. Clayton s enterprise. Banker Mitchell is kept extremely busy these days. In addition to poring over bis ledger accounts lie has the added burden of seeing after the erection of his handsome residence, the brick work <>f which is now in process of erection. Mr. R. Trimble has lately added a handsome aud ornamental veranda in fr< int of his residence, which adds much to tho general appearance. The Examinations. Purely through an accident wo arc en- abled to publish this week the result of the late entrance examinations held here and in Dundalk, without thanks to tho officials in Owen Sound, who do not see tit to furnish the press with ;i copy of the result. These same officials will aorar day find that the newspapers arc interest- ed in their work, if they are not in the newspaper's. Duly eleven passed here out of 50, and only four from Dundalk out of 20 who wrote. Following are the fortunate ones : FLESH El! I' N Field, Alice. Legate, Hubert. Moore, Allie. Long, George. McDonald, Mnftgie Mclutyre Archibald. Mr. Ttu s. Hill, of Mono Road, was in town mi Monday, and paid The Advanco a 1'lt-as.int call. Mr. Hill has rented Mr. U. J. Sproulu's premises, whicli have 1 vi.-ii occupied for the past year by Mr. >V. Trimble, and will open out about the first week in September a largo stock of gcniral dry goods and r icefies. The AdvaiKv Undcrs Mr. H. a hearty wel- come, and trusts his business relations Hiili our people will be of a hinting nature and ;M' litalile to all concerned. A terribly heavy thunder storm passed wn between 1 and 2 a. in. Tuesday moiiiing- Tiio thunOer and lifjlitniii^ were something terrifying i, an.l tin- wiud blow at a fearful rate. Mr. lUrclay's stable, in the villuxo, was fltruck by li: s hui ; . i'nl b.vlly aplin- ti-rt'd, lull did not calcli I'.ro. ' many pl.icos wero luvellcil, utravT I 'i'l barns blown do-vn. Tlie K>iui w is .i very extensive on,-. .IL ! m ''! ; ;!_ nioro ii)lcnt in the ";i Sound tli.iu it .fat Stone, Ida May Crawford, Firman G. Paul, Edgar. Pritchard Robt. Turner, Isaac 11. Dl'NDAXK. Carey, Mabul Nixon, Mattio M. Kinnell, liessie B. Edwards, Frank. Tie Shoos and Slippers .it prices to suit you it M. Kichardsun & Go's. Flesherton ! APPUCATIONS THOROUGHLY REMOVES Stops (ailing Keeps th* Scalp dtan. GUARANTEED MakM hair soft and PUabM PromoiM Crow*. Early Monday morning the residence of Mr. KoliMi-t Young, lot 35, con. 5, of Gresnock township, Kruce, was burned, | ^ and two sons, aged 10 and 1- years, per- ished in tho flames. Mrs. Isabella Sharp, Cliingacouay township, county of Peel, has received the Queen's bounty of $15, which it is customary to bestow upon the mother of triplets. Flattering. We take the liberty of publishing the following, received from Mr. M. Richard- son, and datod Loinli'n,|Eng!and : "MR. EDITOR. Ou Arriving at Liverpool on the iitli 1 -.\ .My surprised to find the first cii.i.:c;i I called ou well posted in Flesherto!) news u,i to i'.nto of my leixv- UK/. The Ailv.ineo finds its way there. A week later I was in tho old city of Carlisle, aii I > .-Stir-en I cull- ed on ^.i'. : * i up In Ii, a week late? tho locals and Rakud mo what ktud of tea aud sugars we w,- 'at such low piicfi. A : UT on I f.'ii, 1 I VI. ' ,'iinh.: iculh. 1 lK>Uc*d your ci Personals- Mr. Will Moore is spending a couple of weeks ill Buffalo, N. T. Mr. A. M. iiil'son speut Sunday with friends in Owen Sound. Misses Ki.'iiitmd Josio Richardson ire visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and family are visiting in tho vicinity of Ueathcoto. Mrs. T. Wyvill is visiting Mr. NVyvilU parents in Kuphrasia township. Mrs. Cox, ef Toronto, an.l Minn Inni.i, of Durham, are tho quests of Mr. \Vin. Bradley. Miss Osborne, of Toronto, has been visiting with her uncle, Mr. Keefer, for a couple of weeks. Mr. T. Bulmar left on Thursday last to spend a couple of weeks with friends out at Bobcaygon. \\"e noticed the pleasant face of Mr. John McArthur, ef Pricuviile, on our streets last Monday. Miss Mu'tie Clark, who ha beon visit- iatt w itk her parents here for the past two weeks, returned to her homo in Seaforth on Monday. Mr. W. P. Crossley and Mr. W. SI ;ii| are visitiug Owen Sound this week as delegates to the Grand Lodge of Y. M. P. B. A., which is in session there. Rev. A. W. Tongo is spending a week of rest at tiriinsby Park. He left on Tuesday morning, and will, we trust, be much benetittcd by his short holiday. Messrs. Wea. , Joe, Fred and Ernie Arm- strong are camping at Kimber(ejr this week. Tho boys propose spending about 2 weeks undergoing the tanning pxocwss of Old Sol's rays. Rev. Mr. Woodger, of Maxwell, was a callor'at this office on Tuesday. Mr. Wood- ger ve a gentleman of pleasing address, and we are informed that ho is winning a warm place in the hearts of his people on Maxwell circuit. The following Mackinaw excursionists from this section went up by the Pacific a week au, returning; on Monday last : Mrs. K. D. r.L'itar. Mrs. \V. ,1 Me Far- land, Miss Mt;l-';irland, Misses >F K. and t'ella x i ' Aj.i.iyi', Mini- Ni.lie Lrciui, Mews \\ Turiicr, I. 13. Lucn*, J. I Hi v i;. :. . MISF. . ' Flesli.-it.'ii ; >: Mis,=- : I Mr Sept. 15thto 24th, '92 Canada's Favorite Live Stock Exhibition. ; :.oo added to the Prize Lint. Over $1,500 going to the Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs and Poultry classes. Visitors and Krhihitora are proiuifterl more for their money tliia year than ever tnlore. dtnbllug and paeu allotwl ou roci'ipt f in i ...- I "rial attractions will be of an attractive and elaborate km. I. Special excursions on all railways. For Prize Lint and all information apply to apt. A. W.Porte, Thos. A, Browne, Secrotary AUCTION SAUL OF VALUABLE FARM LANDS IN THK TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY. UK ILMil In VII t'.in '>f flic JhiWiT Of EtftlO ill a ovrt'iiu morti;n*) from AlcXKiiilor Me l.Hililnn to tlu- Vniiilini, whirh will ) pi Ihi i"l tit tiino "f --nlu, tiiiil ou (Ihfitutt M iUK : "" ' -i" nu>ntf> ^ will b offsred fornalebv 1'niiiic tuctiun. l'\ W. .). U< ilmiiv. t loilooawr, at M- 1 ui. in ttiu Vinm:, : uf Maxwell, ou nt 1 ' 'ii. tin- following l'roi>erty, Lots tiiiiuliHi-H I-*. ami Ift in tin- s*cond >f thf Ixiilmiii Itua.l, in the Fi-w N-n:p MI i --MM -v. (-.MI i a iu INK W ncrr -*, moie ionit ,|. ThiM pro- l-!-T> i;. xifintr'l in H Mr-i lu:-- farming >)istrict '!' i nit i*i pi itt *i biuiu -jt MI lu.au < 1 for ttw ImianoH tcii.in will hu liberal, and will uu made .t tiniA of nalo. t'i>) further particulnrn apply to BCLLANY & !!i;\UKKSO>. Floshuiton, or to M(IK. UAHWICK A KUANK, VciiiUirn' (xjiicitorn, Toroiito, Datfl sstli .lay of July, 1HW. f:ii,s to Eniilon Iu tho Kstute of Gr.UIlOB DAVIDKON, late of tho Township of Oipi.iy. in tliu County ol Uruv. VOOIDHII, ducoaned. Soticu in horuby MJVUII purBuanttto chapter 110. K. M. 1). .to all crotlitorx anrl utlicr- hnv olaitiiH %4,'aitiHt Iho <wid otftate to Bend l>v i>osl prepaid to Muonrii.Molwrly it BaBOD, oiloAm forMarKarat KiHher, tho Axocutrlx (if tliu latt will ami uiRtMoent of the naid Oeorna David on, docMcod, ou or bufore the 'i<i .1 dn> of Aiitfuvt, IHVI^, a statvu]i*nt of tlioir clainm itt their liana's nii<) adi}niH<iii and iiarticulan ol all ttacuritioH, if any, li lil by tbuiu. Aftfr thu Haul ilato tho executrix will di* tribute the aaaet* of tho naid deceasotl aiuon the partioo ontltlnd thuruto, havlnu regard oulj to tho claitUH of wliich notice aball havu boeu received a above required Dated this l.Mh <lay of .Inly. 1892. Addresa, drawer 113, Colfinxwood TO. MOisBRLY & GAMON, OljulyU Solicitor! for tile Biocutrix. sfamaret Kinliur For Sale or to Let. l.'iO ftcri.K Inril within two lallonof Klcxhorton an oxci-llitiit. wntft power mill siui at Little Falls upon ttm pi 'il ft. hewl of water or Ibs wbsol as prsssD* hslgbt of tho dam. Wll . i in 1 lilock ur ih. n ill h .f, am Oliu Rorr milt. ( !'h,: \ n.li-s roivii r.iil^ throiIRl plaoa. Thin in *. good opportunity for fauiilfe lo aoours smsJl ho HH-H.I!) with abundant mjilv u f x"<>'' "il. i i \VM. ll.l(i( i '- DR2SS MAKING. ' announce to :iitv that sh ' til 11 tl . urs, 'I I >. by ItlH) IH "Uagi JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. Fl.l SIIKUTC.N. C<). QllET. l VISION COUIIT CLEllK.CQMillSBIONFU in 1J. B., Osavsyaaetr, A-c. \K<>ufor IMIK Imta 111,1 hi of Imiiii-. Ai>i<raiM,r for C. C. C. Com. ci I' 1' . A s. M,r.,.t\ Mi.iu.y to Loan ontlia I-: rsMonaUs tanas. lsn'i:n or ' LICKNSIiS. N(/rvKY 1'LJil.lC. MONEY TO LOAN. The unilcriiigiied kas a lar^e amount of money to loan at To o on town or farm ropeity. s. DA.MUDE, Flrsliertou. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk. Artuiiit-niu. Convex aiiccr Insurance agcct, etc. IVt-Js, mortKB^ea, lfe, ct., prepared ami properly rxecutwi. Iiiniriinoo ii'frct.-.l in nr^t rjusa OouiDSuiet, Moucy to Inutl ut lonvot rates. DR. BUTTON M. P. C. M., M. C r. A S, Out., Price v:lK). Rfhidi lire Mi.,1 oiijc,. ,,iie Juor wct >f tliu Mialiml^i I'lnirrh, Kinrou St. Otiica Jays, Tuesdays auil SatUM.. DR. CARTER. M. C. 1'. &, S., Ont. 1'liysivian, surn<iD. etc., Fleslierton. Ufficc .Straiu'* liloci. Hfsidoiice .Mu' DRS. 8PROULE & EGO, drnt ' MarkJnK', l)i:l. "l!!i . .Mnuly's store. T. ti. Spioiili), M. M., Elc. Bgo, H. D., Eta., l,.t. ,,j l'i.[i,i,|iain. <iu i 'i Ko will be found at tin Murkdale lloii^ at uiglit. J. P. OTTEWELL, \oUrinuiv sj,, , uau . ,,f t R,.(iiii-ii.-.. -lirt ,.( Lutcli's tilor shop. Plsslirrloii J. F. HAL8TEAD, M. I'., M. C. I'. .1 S.,0nt..pnic;ioes at Kini- burlny. Uuuuniatiu disvaws a |iciall\. J. P. MARSHALL, L. D. 5., M. D. S., Initial. Visits M dale tlif li-t iiu.l :i-J \\'i-,liiesday of month. Kltjilitrtuu fiucli trip ou tlie olluwiug. da J. W. FROST, Barrister, .Solicitor, foiivcvnncpr, Flesburton oilli-e- Ni-\t Ik* MM Sproulu's buililiug, ou Tuursdsys. Souu-1 office J-'ronts building. l-'U-. P. McCDLLOUGH, Barrister. Solicitor. Ktc. F arlund's store, Murkdale. Oflio* over Me Monty to Loan. WRIGHT & LINDSAY, Burriiitorf!. olicitor, etc., Owtin Sound, Out riMbtrton .itin tal Mit.^hi.ll s i.ni.k. \\,.,ii of each wcnk Mouuy tu loau at lowokt u. W. H. \\IUOHT. a. K. U.vj Rs J. Sproule, 1>OSI MA:-. I KK, Klfsbcrloii.CdiuiniKbioii- * er in B. R., LicoiifHi] Auctioneer. c,,n veyancir, Apiirnisor and Money L( mi. \ Heal Ksl:ilu and liiFi-.innne Afint. 1 i Murtuaaes, Leases ami Wills drawn u)> .1:1 J ValnnliMis !.. n; on :-ln,r'o8t nolice. .V tion Siilns a'.ifiiiU'l I., in any \it\t\ Couuty. Money lo loan at kiwcst r:. i.' 'i to : ! '! i':ilc'n. Cbargrn Agontforlhp Iv/.: njisl.i|,i ,,i,. Chcai' t> ..(-- ..in 1 i, Imton to Livn |. I, Olas;.'.. 1 indoi or any of the 1> orls . IV.: i'ng to visit En^ 'II ]>>RSO ask rat' ' .

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