Flesherton Advance, 25 Aug 1892, p. 4

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FLESMERTON ADVANCE / THE ADVAflCE Kv* It IIL-.UL. .1 v Kaon THI Orr 0( TBKUH 0> HUHSCHITT1ON: I per auuu .i i.u i ai 1 itricilr la aJanc .30 pf auuai.i hu not to pa 1 1. AD\ K1ITISINO It* IKS. nap eol'.mn. 1 ytar, WO. ba'l col., do., Ml j.ttrrol il-i.. fit. TreiittftDt a- f * ' 'fc*-tnul churn- '1 At tl> rat* a( <*. |>r In ' lr Ant inwrtiun ml Sou. par u oil tubaaquant llixirll.,ii W. II. THU11STON. Kditvr and /Voprwtor RETALIATION. Toronto is jut at present in a very dilapidated condition. The streets arc being ripped up from one cad of the city to the other for the purpose of instituting electric cars. King and Queen are expected to be in running order for the coming exliibtion, but just at prereut the aunuut of business done along these thoroughfares is is down to a minimum. TLe threatened blow has fallen. 1'reBiden'. Harrison has signed the manifesto which u supposed to make Canada quail from Atlantic to Pacific. Du and after Sept. 1 a duty of 20c.pcr ton will he charged on all Canadian roight traversing the Sault St. Marie .inal. The Canadian Government ,.ad intimated that the objectionable rebate on Wellaud canal freight to Canadian potts would bo abolished at the end of the present season, but that was not sudden enough for the luighty President to the south, and he Lai decided to "put on the screws." Bo bo it. Wo fancy the Canadian government have sufficient backbone at their command to pilot this thing through without any further degrad- ing concussions to the cormorant, IT ha peei'l* will assuredly stand by uny resistance offered to this latest i.iace of Ktpublicau deinagogery, even to the i'*t' nl of reimbursing our vessel meu for any loss incurred. The proper course for this country to pursue at prMi'iit ia to abrogate tlm Washing- * n treaty, aa it has been directly broken by the Americans, and impose direct tulU on American. vegsols through iho Welland ami St. Glair flats caimls. If tin* were clone tho Great Mogul of American Republican- ism would directly find out that his (services were no longer required in the VYhiU {louse, and at the same time a fund would be raised whereby our own vcsselrnen could be more than reimbursed. The Canadian Government went too far when it agreed to abolish tho rebate, but it is not too late to retrace its staps. To the Edtior of Tlit AJeatux. DEAR SIR : I see by your last week's issue in the Fovorsham cores- poudeucc that tho FariuerB' Milling Co. are desirous of obtaining a tanner for the oatmeal department. I am doing business for the said company, and know that such an article is er- roneous and is not hinted at from merely a sarcastic point of view, but pure umlice because Dougal Archie, a quack tanner in this vicinity, is dubirous that such an industry should be established in the village. The Company have plenty to look aftor at present, but should they dtein it ad- visable to engage in that line they will require the services of one skilled in that profession uud not an expert in dog skins alone. Dougal Archie has attempted to remove the obnox- ious proleid from several ukius in thu vicinity for Mr. Paul and several others, and spoilt d the greater num- ber of them. My ail vice to the said tanner is turn his clumsiness to some- thing ho can make a tist of, for far frcin being a spuciahst in the tanning line he is a world's cirotunferauce from being a rival. Signed on behalf of the Farmers' Milling Co. H. HKITMAN, Feversham. The Milk utter. Tho Americans are at pretont hav- ing a very hard time of it. What with labor agitatious.negro agitations and Canadian aggravation, tha govern- uaut of that country is verging upon hysterics. It is now necessary to mainUin a standing army to protect iU millionaires. Within the past two ituonths tbo troopj have been trotted out throe ijiues to suppress the striker al|H jmoatetd, Cocur D'Alano, aud laul v.eek at Buffalo. This ii a strik- ing comment upon tho "freedom" aud "independence" instituted by the igners of the Declaration. A stand- ing army hold to keep tho turbulunt element in check and protect tbe bloatod millionaires who liavo fat- tened of! the poverty stricken masses How tkem down with miniiia balls if they bccotno discontented. That's tint way, old Slurs and Stripes more particularly stripes. Since reading the article iu last week's Mbaford Mirror wo hare found nn reason io niotlify or correct any of tho views ex- |>rMud two weeks ago. The Mirror ha llroppt il the liiul> school t|iiostii>u with a lew insiK"ilii-nt runmi k, Mid does not attiMn;,t to justify tlie brave we-wilt pny attitude which it assumed. The paper talk* Krainily about having "ils rights irsiuplvd upon," "injuitice," and other aublime nnnense. If tin- Minor thinks Mtufoitl is in a pi>iti<>n to assume aucli a hvautifully intli i>i>i>.l<>ut attitude, wliy let it K" nlit'ad. It is it* own funeral. If it thinks its sarcastic references to ' Isinb-liko and adoiuUe " members from the south will help its cause, then again, let it keep rytit on, vf coursa. We are To tit* Klitur of Thf Advance. DIAU SIR,- - Kindly allow mo to make a few remarks on 8. A. Thompson's letter regarding his milk. Had it uut IK-UII for tin liut rumarki, I would have allowed llu letter to |>aaa. He aay there are only two ooune* upon to me, either to withdraw my insinuation t>r prosecute aocordinn to law. Now, air, I nutcr iiimnuatutl. I told linn his milk wa tampered with, which thu diflereut test* in my 'iMiok will ihew. If I had in- tended making thii a caie for the court I would have toslvd hi* milk on the farm. The act says the teat miut be laki-n within it daya after the milk is found wrong. I had no thoui(iit of mak- ing tin* a nuwipa|>er item, u it can do no good, but if S. A. Thoion wishes, I will give datea and per cent, of cream and let the public judge for theinaulvvi if I have dune 8. A. Thompson any wrong. Thanking you for thi* spaco, CHA8. HTKWAKT. I My. in. i From r.iir own Corretpottdfiil. During the present month then has bi-u a large number of picnics bore Irom all parts of this and the surrounding counties. It is a pity that Eugenia does not possess a nrst class summer hotel. We are sure it w.mltl b well patronized by the public. Messrs. Evans and Dutchart, of M.iif ml. have been camping out litre during tho past week. A couple of the members of a lum- ber company in the Queen i IIT wer in tins viumity during the past week. We are informed that arrangements havtt lif n made for the erection of an extensive saw null, having a capacity of throe to four million feut per year. The mouthers of this company have concluded the water power is one of tin best in Ontario. Mugi-iiia has a bright future, and that future is now breaking tho arell that has bound her so long. The Eugenia board of Trustees may congratulate themselves in having 80- ciin.il the services of Mr. Wright as teacher in their school. Hy Satur- day's papers wo notice, that ho haa li.vn HiiccfMuful in passing the recent difficult tit st class examination. Well d nn-, l>avo. May BUCCOSS continue to toward your labors. All readers of your paper should secure a copy of tho Toronto Satur- day Night aCSOkh in *t. lu it will be found a beautiful descriptive poum on KuxtMiu Falls. The poum spcuks well of the abilities of tho writer, Mr. Llewellyn A. Morrison, of Tho Kims, Toronto. An account of thu location and surrouiuliiiga of tins place is also KI\I n liy tlio idilur of uaitl piipur. Mr. Lutlior Pedlar has secured a situation in Toronto. Mr. John Huxgitt. of Chicago, paid a short vu t to his brotlu i, Mr. Thomas Suggitt, of thix pluue, during t'n! pat>t vo >k. A picnic I'aily last Thursday fn in to enjoy themselves very mu;h. The beat was very great and on young gentleman was "fanning" himself all afternoon, he having a Fan on his arm. Unfortunately they gave their borses too much of the Beaver river water which is too strong for some animals, as they went home at a two- forty pace. It was "the best man first and the devil take the hindmost." Two rigs were demolished, and this cooled their ardour. Harvesting operations are. in full blast in this district. A good crop is reported of all kinds of grain with the exception of pease. Our entei prising merchants.Messrs. Hogg & Cairnc, have shipped a lar^e quantity of berries this season. The supply this season was not quite so extensive as last. Mr. C'arr is doing a rushing busi- ness this summer. Last week he shipped another car load of lumber. Mr. Uuncan, of the Mammoth store, and Mr. Walker Sloan, arc con- templating going extensively into the butter buying trade with head quart- ers in Toronto. The Williams boys have started threshing. They expect a good ruu of wcrk, as their machine is in first class condition for doing good woik. - lrtcTllle. From OUT oirn Currttpondfut The sonorous whistle at Mr. John McGowan's (lour mill announces the fact that the river has lowered, as a result of the continues beautiful, dry hurvi t weather that the farmers have litt u blessed with daring the last two weeks. A football match took place last Thursday evening between Priceville and Dunncpsan on the grounds of the latter. When time was called the score stood 2 to in favor of Ounues- san. Mr. Juo. McArthur refereed the game in a very satisfactory manner, 1'r. McNeil, of Chicago, was visiting with his father for a few days last week. The doctor says that no one can describe with any degree of exact- liens the magnitude of the prepar- ation foi thu World's Fair. Mr. K McMillan, of Toronto.speut a few days in our burg lately. Mr Williau Conkey is home from Chicago where he has oven residing oince. spring. Mrs. Itandall.of Duluth.is the guedt of li.-i father, Mr. Allan McLean. Mm. Walkcr.of Toronto.is spending a few days with her parvnts, Mr. an I Mrs. A. Krown. Mr. Tho*. Alkin-on, of Chosley, is spending his holitUy* at home. The drug business evidently agrees with him. passed that many and did not think it worth blowing about. What might have been a serious accident occurred a short distance from here last Saturday evening. As Mrs. Clayton and daughter Emma were driving home, the beast they were driving got frightened at a rig driving past, and commenced to kick and jump, and threw the occupant* out and soon freed itself from the rig. Mrs. Clayton and Emma were con- siderably hurt, but not seriously. Mrs. Lachlan McLean, from Sault St. Marie, is visiting friends here. The Roman Catholic* of Winni peg have decided to carry on their aeperate achoola by private subscription. Lucan, Middlesex county, boast* of a brother and tw > gistora whose ages united amount to 270 years. NERVE BEANS HEKVK BEAlfa tn ****+ t aura Ib. VJKtcMd of tT. Lot ngw ud ua: raMMM *) nrai of txxtl or mliid cMlad m work, i.c tha anon or I*. Ihta uluUIj cum tba moat obatiDMa caara wbea all otbar T>itriisl> Iwa fkilad c*ra to ra. .< - <tau M U DOT MckMn. or ail f<* S3, or arat SSMoT.K.'^SSX-n, THl^AMES M LTItTrnniiain. its* Wnu tuc pnn*U* B Flokbarton by Wiu.Richai J'un lYSPEPTOS CURE THI8 PBBPABATION Acts directly on the stomach And promote* Itha healthy action of tba lire/ WITHOUT 1'UhOlkU. For Sale by all Druggists AID WhoUale by LOIDOX DEUO Co., London. Ont There are mor* eatee of ikapeee and death from cliia.Mxl kiiiu> than from ail other idit- aam couibioe-1. It i your own fault if >ou al- low your ki<lne>> to rwualn in an nuli**ltby iiiition when tho cur* i. at band. DcnW t liujy fill* aru guarantaed to cure thu wont can*)*. It CCMU but littlu to i|ia them a tria They an fur aal by all ilrii^iiti aud dJer< or by mail oo receipt of '> ct-. or 6 bozea for Writ* for book called ki.luoy Talk. We do not know ofaoy preparation that hat caui<ht thu public favor in *o abort a time ax Dodd'l Kidiu y 1'ilU.biit whan we consider that three (uurth nf tli Canadian people are af i' t.-'l w ith Kllhtv t)iublt*sin aolue forlu o. tlier. >nil that Dodd'a Pillt are a quick aud periaaneot cure for all these trouble*, the largo and lucrea.iiiu deuiand cau acarcely be ,c.i at. bol I by all dvalerajor by mail on "I price. jU eta. par box. Dr. U A.Stuith & Co.. Toronto. The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week. Flour * 4 30 Fall W Spi ;ritj Ha ley Huttr Mbei IV.rk ......... HT par ton. Ill.ll.-4 ..... Bhaeptkins. ............ OeiM ........... .. ....... Turkey* ...... ChickMu per pair. . Ducki per pair ...... Wool ..... 7 71 U 27 47 U JO 'JO o oo oo S to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 40 to SO to 10 to 74 Ti r. i ixi II 10 *) t <x> 1000 s oo i oo 10 so i 1C M N Dytpfptift and Boar Stomach are rau*e<l by t bo (.>.{ fVi mwntiug. toe re- Mult if fruien( atioo on *H ointic in''v mutt b mcul riii* tlecoiji'>tto tli * wluch rtioiiUt be di^ctiteO) aim from that <lr ooniiHwittuu TolveBaji that proluca \nvt- urvou the nvrvmi. diaorgaiiUing tho v.t--in, and producing varlou* .'pt-in-i <>f .IITB\N- Tl]"i'urative Hunt |>urtMf- thv toinarli i " itiutai dtgMtlon an<l aiaiunlation of fou<l by criMiini! a healthy i-urreut of blood. Kur aJe by all Urug^iaU. 90o. A * 1.00. OORE & W1LSO Manufacturers anc? Dealers in ail kinds of Building Materials. Rough and dressed lumber al- ways on hand ; also all kinds of Moulding, Scroll K'ork, Balusters Newell posts, Hand rail ing, Fence pickets, in /act everything needed in building or repairing. Always Puii.tiilt o> befora yon start at A Urgf '[lUvnUT of seasoned north pine ; also pin< laih and ibingles t k pries l.-t.-n.i'.. !i BIT en. Fleskerton Sash i Door Factory, MOORE & WILSON. Proton Ni.n HIM. From owrutru ( orre*po>uifHt . Mr.Editor.nuticiug that our village has not for some time been represent- ed iu your columns wo thought we might in a measure fill tho vacancy, and have aroordi-gly jottod down a few itt in . Mr. Morgan, of Dundalk, has for some time bi-un busily engaged in loading telegraph polos. Mi Craig lias removed his shinglo mill out iu tho vicinity of Vfarehaui, and is now clipping the shingles off at a lively rato. airs. Howell has beau very ill for soiuo time, but is now recovering. Dr. Uproule, of Markdale.is iitjatteudaiice. Mr. Mitchell has sold his threshing machine to Mr. Outson, of Muskoka. !'. 7.1 Urns, have shippad a large number of poles during the past week to tho Boll Telephone Co. Horn. Tha wife of Mr. Andrew Drown of a sou. Me. J. llowull, who has been em- ployed in tho vicinity of Churchville, returned homo. Mr. J. bull met with an accident wheroby he had his ankle badly spraiuod. Hope to soon sea him uroinitl again. \\ i believe Mr. Rcddie is entitled to tho hcnor of having tha fitst thresh- ing in this neighborhood this season, llu thrtiuhud his fall wheat lint week. It turned out to be a Tine crop both in quantity and quality. Mr. J. Hext shipped ft carload of cattle to tluy. THE REASON WHY WE ADVERTISE IS THAT WE WISH TO LET THE PEOPLE know where they can get the best value for their money. Oar stock in care- fully aud well selected, for we BUY ouly what gives tha best wear. A large stock of Rubbers aud long BOOTS will be on hand for fall aud wiuUr uso. We have a well assorted stock to pick FROM. Repairs and custom work attended to as promptly aa ever. If you want anything iu the foot Hue call ou JOS. SMITH. Carria&re Making 1 r Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable'prices. Get eeti- mates from me if you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R. T. WHITTEN, FLESHERTON, ONT. TO THE PUBLIC. Mrlutyre, ' Holland U nire and vicinity /'I..IH <!< oifi Tho fine weather of late is hurry - ing on the harvest. Wheat and uoase are not as good as usual, but barley anil oats inu an ixti'd crop. Tho Osprey Council uiet hero on lti:li iimt. Tho correspondent from M \wi U says 1-e lulieves tiiat tho M i\\voll school iii tho only school in the town slnp that passed two candidates at tin- recent entrance examination. Such uousunso. Molutyrc school Having routed Wliltten'tblacktmith ihop for a tonn of year*. 1 am now iu a inxitlou to eator to all wautu iu my line. Horseshoeing a specialty. CAUTION. E it'll nn. or NRTIE NAVY s,i 1 1 .!.( l. IMI <.iiac.iinrril KOK ANYTHINO IN THE BLArK- sMlTHlNO LINK CAJ '. t'N P. A. B U B T. Opposite Uiohariltju UarJwavo itorc. T.&B. IX UKOXZE LCTTERH. riONE OTHER GEHUINE

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