Flesherton Advance, 8 Sep 1892, p. 4

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h t PLESMERTON ADVANCE IHE ADVAftCE it i< . i i Kverv 'l'Iiu-da y, Kaou mi Oiru r TKIISH <> fH'HM Hiri ION. 41 per annum whrii | a, I tr :. lly In Klvanr. t , or aunuiii hr-i i.t * |>ai 1 A1UI.II I ;slS<l k.tTKS. One rolM'tn. 1 ve*r, 930, ha't co) . do.. 0V ajarVrVerco] lr\ ri( rtianttftl at tl< rat. of i. . , . ' .. , t ion aft 1 3te p.-i ttlo cli aul*ee*l.iler.t .i.>i rti..|i W. H THUHSTON, nnd l'ropri*tvr 'I UK MIURUK AND ASSESSSIKXT The Miaford >lirror of Ust week IK.-VIS out "au open challongo" to this jmjKT to prove that the report of a ccrUiu committee to wLicL wo re- {fiTt-il was udopiod i>y tlie County (.'ouiicil and offers to contribute $'25 y uislitutiou wo may name if we can lintl one member of said coin- uiitttc wlio will prove tlml the report . i.ipu-d. We il> not know what ti,.- iViitor of that pap*r expecU to l.y his pugnacity, bnt he evident- ly liuJs that his ammunition ban not i . tTi-ctivc us he wonld desire, aucnt R. T. (i's ability to preserve equilibrium on thai iwo-whteled puln nuitivc aiachinu lately introduced into town, for brave ran he start and fanly ride, we warrant him a "cycler" trinl. A very instructive and deeply inter- i -tin^ address was^iven in tho i'resby- tfriau rliurch on Tuesday evening, the UOtii ult , by Mrs. Jamieson, ou >nin- si in;u v work ill the island of Formona Mis. Juinit'son nsilril on the island f >! 7 or 8 years, lipnce in thoroui;!) r.'ini r.-'unt with tin trials and iliffi- ciiltiei of mission work HIIIOML? the ('lain 'Ki- We L-athcr from Mrs. J.uui'Mjn's remarks that do not have tht; ea<<y time l>y ui.iny, but instruct, a lit' of down- right hard mi'iitul and physical toil. Last Monday CM 11111^' Mr. K>clmo, a native of IVrsia, favored MS with an :tddi-i"<s on missionary work in lYi-u. mill tin- milliners and customs of the prop!, . That the lecture was intense- ly int. n>tiii.,' \v.i^ eviiU-uci-il hy tin- very cl'i.^e atteiiti.ni p. lid by the Iui\'e audience throughout the whole ad- dress. Mr. K.-c In") has come to Ca- . fur the puqtose- of uttendiuL; Kuox College, in order to lit huMelf aiid therefore kin-ps firing off liis pop- _;ui: w:tli tho expectation of blinking down (jaino sometime. We nay tlie oil did adopt the report. If it did n. t. the ri-p'.-rt could not liave> be- .. and if it had not become luw. Meaford could not have fpttkd. \ dd. '. LI this w. have the testimony of a ue-ve aud two deputy roevei who - adopted. We will ..e Miiror to d.mate that 125. It re.iuire-g all it wt;tlth. As for i i:ij,' down, aa tho Mirror accuse* in of having done, that is absolutely . We Lave taken back nothing, ' uivndered nothing. vVo cii.iply iiii.-w when we had -aid enough, and ..<re than tlie Mirror appears to know. lu i i MUSI be highly jimu-id at iii iii.iK-j. The first sun- in it-i arti'-V last week stated tint we had "completely backed . ' The; ve-ry following [sentence ,ii niuark tbat wo had "found i ason to modify or correct any of , i owes expretiscel." \Vliat con- ihu Mirror bus, to be sure ! If tha Mirror wished to prove that we have 1 stated what was incorrect, let blU. gO ftaWawii Mi wllCU this 1'4M recc : 'es proof that it has rnndo any false or ini.-deiidiii"; ^t.tli nu-nts it will bu only t o happy t') correct tin m , but it decline k > .-. [>t the h > aHgerlicns of the editor of tbe M n > that it has ,'Utd anything false. '1 h.. (iluht- rf Manitoba coircsi>ond- cut stuti-H that very little) interest is taken there on thu question of Boo canal 'oils, a? 'he toll ia consid. r-d too small to h.i\ much cfTee-t. Had I'll Mde-llt '\i n-is ,| i. full p n\i i and i-njKi-ifd SJ I ", thero would have h. r-'i ^ fiiriir'- t'n >v, but at px -cut tin- half out a hii-l.i 1 "ii Mitiiitubit \\h-.ii ii nut con^idi in) \N'irlhy of dise-n for a rniiiister anion^ his own A s.ilistiiutial collection was taken up ijT Ilia benefit. "It is an ill wind that blows nobody goeid.'' During the damp weather of last week onr ston keepers aud black- sinitln did a riuhin^ business. Au unfriendly :,aap occurred be- tween two of ur citi/una la.st Monday evening. No damage was doue of any account as far aa we can learn. I 1 trvcst hands wero in great dc miiiiil last week. Every juvenile that could handle a fork or drive a team was given a job. Our head sawyer received an im- promptu bat'i in the mill pond oue day lunt we< while "driving" logs to the gangway. Mrs. Ciuo. Ferguson, of Detroit, is visiting with her father-in-law, Squire Fen'usem. Mrs. ^looreliead returucel from Cleveland last week, where sho has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. (i i ether. Mr. l.mdt r Miinruo ii spi-ndiug a few days holidays with his (arcuti in I'm haui. The I|ev. Mr. (Utcwcll. of Walton. is renewing oldacipiuintauces through- out this circuit. Mi-.-- Minniu llraihler, who has been attooding the Toronto Woman's Mfdic;il Collfgt', retuiiifd home last Wetk. Miss Gertie McT.eod returned to Owi n Sonnet last Saturday to resume her studies at the (.'oil. Inst. Mi-- Aggie Hull, of I'tulmm, paid a fly inn visit to Miss lillio Host last week. MM. Husbnnd and Miss Uussie ind aro visiting friends near llann!' n Mn. D. K. McAitluir nnd ^fls. I'liriii n. "t II n|'i villr, ;irc tho guests "I Mrs. .Inn. MrArilnir. Mr. Hert Kn<-^ i. turned to his H at teacher in it Kingston Coll. . S ilnrd:iy. Two or tin v> .1 In have at New York with ca.sei of cholera on I iid and are In Id in qnitranliiii' I iiinii, ;i. tti.. n has lit i n entiiely atop i . I. ,ni.l the C.in.i linn and Am. governnienli' are doing all in tin ir r to pn vi lit tho lrt<d <1. g.'limg a foothold on thiil continent. '.V, linpo tl.eir etTurli will nt IT Intile. A L;I nth mini luli'ly over from N. Viik tato inforniH us that at tho I i. -.nil titiul election this fall Mr. ( IIM laixl will get snowed under Veiy ... i P I'nt tl. M thin gentli'inin is a ihlican itii.l Clevidand is I ' niocratio candidati 1 . the ii /nr ii-n ''..nr.;M.( nl Accept our sincere) thanks Mr, I-'., I., f.ir Mini mil M ilioi; ileciiiiln>ii nf Mn ;<-nirt t'lejelher With tho lunil "Itn K tin!'. I pliulo i-ii|;i .uing of tho filN. \\n foul it in i duty to tuko back a certain insinnnti >n v,c ju.nlc last wf-k from onroirii Cirir.M/... in/ml. Kveryoue busy Irirvi-.sting, news Fcarcc, BOIUO thinking of threshing soon. Mrs. Harrison, n( 8in~luini]>toii. was tlin gue-it of Mr. and Mrs. Coiilt.* the wci k h I'm 1 Ksl. Mis. K.ilit. 11. i , MI lias been iinw, II fur some time, hut is rt'iMvning. On Satunliiy the 'JTlli, the h.ily of Iff. JalUM BUliing WM placed in iU n ting pllli-e in the cnllletery In ID. lie liad li. i ii in hnshifiy for a long time here and wag funi'l to hi- h- in si and .sinu !:( fn-WiU'd in all his doings. On Suirhiy morning follow- ing tlio Uev. Woeul'ur preached tho funeral ^en:i MI. Tho " Osprcy Stnrs " poom to think Mnxwell caniMt --. e ut niglit. Max \v.'ll could BOB that time all right, and if the " Stars " \vili to plat again, e 1:11- along and the "Maxwoll Hum mem" ean do ymt npn^nin as Iwl'mv. On account of the Itov. J. W. Jones meeting with nn accident, thern was MM H rviee in St. Mary's church Sunday before l.l Meiehunl Fiidd lias startod in new ' MIH. Hiliiiii.il and family retnnud toUhen home in Toronto last week. Mi KM Itlakely, of KlcHherton, np<iit a few d'lyi this wick with her sister, Mm. J. l.ittlu. We were pleaded an well as unr prised to leu th<> pleasant fuce of Mr. Andrew Sharp on lust Monday. He has many warm frind in Maxwell, who would liko to hear of Ins success. little town, ami hope you will i Hue aii. iiml again, as it Ac-cms to have aroused tlie minds uf people in regard to the appeal ance of their suiroundnig!>. Miss Mel'rrniit, who has hi en con- ducting a class of instrumental mime around II.TI-, is almost through with the ipittrtcr, and ln been very BUC- ;l with her pupils. The t'iiiiiri.-i uroiind here are Very busy liHrvestui^'. '1 he heavy rain last week has kept the work back coii'lef- ably, hut some of them are almost through. Some have threshed, aud the yield is vory good. Miss Munroe, who lias been visit- ing frie'iiils in tin-, vicinity, has left for ChuMg't, where she intends spend ing the remainder of the season with her many fiit-nds there. We wish In i a happy time. The spurts of tliis place intend to organi/c- a football team shortly. Tin re is smile apoearance at pres- ent in lliis part of a blight coining upon the potatoes. Our school opened up at the time appointed and is properly conductc/i by our young friend. Mr. C. Cameron. Frverslutiu. From out e/ini ' '>cr< <innulr>it. Heigh, ho ! when the cat is away the mice will play. Here 1 have been taking au outing, and the business men have been taking au inning. Now gentlemen, what is the use of ipiari -eling when each one is doing the best and largest share of business. Why not bo satisfied and let each other alone ? Many and long are the faces to be seen in our town ou account of the past rains. Our genial miller and blacksmith took a jaunt down home. Jack was telling the people) that he likes Fever- sham when viewed from under an ap- ple tree. llev. Mr. Hudson, of Dundalk. tilled the pulpit ou Sunday last, We under- stand he has been engaged for some time. That Milk and Walcr Prst To tht E'lilur of The A-tniuee. DBA* Mn. -Tht. immortal Miakt.i>pearv liai lift it .MI n-cor.l that nouiv men are uoru Kr^at, BOUIU achtevt* grt?atnva, and othftM hato Kio*l MM tliruat njK.ii tht'ui. K A. Tuotuieou U ueitbur ol thiMte ; ami a* lio |>oaiu>a>vi au in euraliluitch f..i n. L.I u ty. ho it Jutvriniueil to luvv^t l.iiiiM-ll with a roi'utatiou for mural in tt-Krit) which (oil roiiM-iuuiupki of iiilcrioritv trachm hlui tbe|>uhllc have liilhurto failed to recoenm.'. lifiuo ln innaiiei ruh into |>riut. In Lie ca h illintrattvl tbe |>rovib that I....N i wh. r. itn^f U (citr t.> trtja-l.' ItUri'l^it: Haul to my fevlluifi tolay baru tu public itaie the inwanl ilvforuuty of thia man, but I'ir.li.- notice ilfinaiiiU that I ulumUl uow make a I'ul.lu 1 a\wal if that wliu-h nuul.l uihorwiae i l.av |.a"->t>J into tin' -ili u.- u( ..l.Uvi.iii. hail it in .1 tK-fU that ' un-ntnree waa thruit n|. "ii inn " by Mr Tli'>iii|.>.iii > wantun Ktt.uk vi|-t.n UK. throiiKli your coluuiun. Ur. Thoiii]' oli'n Miri'U . I i . k lia.l u,n taini'i-iiil Hitli ., lal crl..n- Ix'forc Him tinu' I then (Mfejblln |>livalu notion i. f tin. lU'ft-il hut. ha.l I i.. i .... in. ,...-: in.iiM.I. I would have '.i tin' in|.n-t..r to ti-t hi i4-i 111 a 1-1 lliinial t ril'illial. 1'ilt. a 1 illtl not tlo ao hi* fui-ll Ml II, ll..l |-l -. . lll'.ll Kill I.'|'H> III) Ivuluii.-.. itli (>.'.) >tiiiae. At lU-t In. .Ii. I iii.t .U'ii\ that thv lullk hail bvwil tatni-ii. I uttli an.l Mit&t'fttwJ Mv^ial inodee by whii-h ll uuJit h t v. l>. . u >l"in '>u.' of thu nu|>|H>kt<tl villain* I.. -in-; tht* wurtli\ ^.iiili.niaii who canu-.l tlu< inllk. MiaWotlli* mother, ^OOil lull that ahe in, caiiu* t.i iiu>, nn. 1. wuh tvar<j in lu-i o>e \..i. I that the fratiil waa unknown to I.*-. . that il. ii hail nn aii.ilv.liienf tin' |>er|>i>tratuiii ti..i .liin\in>: thi'Ui-t. hiiwvTvr, luit that I, 'I .ii, I I n.l it all to lii-rriiin., .lay. 1 true! tun I'll-. Will HOOll AM IVt< | (or tilt) IflHMl latlf'B naki'i anil llliKlitt'ii th.> i.l.tiisi. ititwlli'i-t ..f h.-r wavwAr.l non Mo make* it'ft'i oui- Ut a cane Ninillar ti/ hUtkwii which occurrf! IUK prior to in \ in. iiiulx-iirv at tin' factory, an. I toa* olu. wlni'li Mr Thouipiioir* r.-frroiiCi. to It wouM llliiitratn that "a fellow fwllng uiakm ua him On thfon<7wing WeJamday and Thure day, tba 1Mb aud 1Mb. It ;..-J to 1 .'i and If per cent, re* pc lively 1 ak the public In all fairnuaa, coul.l 1 bar* aelaii otherwlae than I hare 'lone, nnlma I had taken tbe arbitrary wa) of calling In tbe lu*pctor aeoure* I waa uriwilhiiK to puriue if tbe caie could Iw reiiiudlod by mom civil uieani. Toprertjut Ur. T. to aeud hi* milk at from a to 5 per cent, below that which la cnnoldnraxl hoavat milk. woul I have l>ti AII unjuittinable dliretcard of the iuturwti of vvt-ry other jialron of tho factory. I put uiyaelf to unnt-cnaaary trouble aa well a two luinniun ao iu thu oaiue cause. witb the aamu patron Lat Saturday the inipector called upon me. and reft-rrod tu lliu |iruaent dinjiutt'. The tu wure ithowu him aa above given, when be rtiiphatiinlly duclarud the uiilk hail been nhaiiu-fully tampered witb. aud were tufncieut proof to convict without other evi.lui.oe. I re- urt tho cauw which baa lad to thta lengthy statynii-tit Had It been OIK- entirely my own 1 would have treated air T. and bit perveralon* of fact with silent contempt, but aa it i> one iu which tin- bntr porti.<u of tLe conimuuity whoae aerraut lam. i- i: -.reeled, I lay the candid facta before tlu-m for their approval or .li-appruval. ThoM) who have occupied poaitloua of truat will rccouii<) the unutterable fet-luiii i'pent-:irt?.l wit. n offlcialduty couipela yon to reprimand an i.ffviider with whom your trust bring* you into contact Thanking you. Mr I. liior. for tuia *|>acf. I have kvun uuwillunjly roinp-llt;J to occupy in your valuable coluuina.Iaui respectfully your* CHAS. STEWABT. the his Koh Roy. /'. .in unr ."Hi ObtTMJMHltml, \N i- hunrtily tlntnk yon, Mr. ICditor, fur tho slmrt visit you paid to our To linn <:i' InimU.'.l my iluty 111 not niaVlliK an iilIU'inl in. pun . mi i Lt that oinikalon t ;a\i' Mi r an "i p..i tumt \ 1.1 nuilii. a ilt*nian.l now, Whli-h In- .lii'a.l, .1 at Iho til.. I'. Ml. I'linln-itt Hi. Hi hiiimi'lf itn. I hu intlii<i ai-ain.ti II'.IKI I tlml the milk hail I..-IMI taiu|>ril with. Lit thai it waa uukiiowu to them. Till* dan raw No I. On Juno tin. nli of tlitu M-RI lila milk -i I III I'. I l-l-llt .null u "I.. 1 .. |.. I I Kill, nil tho IIUIl jn.r ifii t . mi. I .. ii t In- nth N JUT i-i'tit I tli..u w. ill tu IIM ii^i.h iu'. aii.l infoinio.l hiiu that tin- I'.'i i .nt .-[ ,11 am waa tint low. lit) aiteiiiiuitl HIII j. 1 1-,. an.i I ( i tlm ci%ii*ii uiltiht IH from hut-own I'antuiiiiK on the uiarahy lau.l. II.. ankiHl inn if 1 ai K..IIII; lo lko a *aui|'lv of tin. milk, wln.'h 1 nouUI hatn ilouu. hail thero n<>t I ...it utranifi'iM in the yanl.hilt that 1 wouhl i-itll aiialu After Ihle lila milk rai<e>l to 114 por ..nt ..n tin. I -ill. .u. I .MI tlio i.'t 1 . I: p. 'i .-..HI I li.l not ai:ama|i|ilt Ih.i tnet until tint .Vlh t\)i,-ii ,,iii. i-an tt~ti I It PHI font an. I the other 7 I'.'I .'rllt (III 111," HAIIIII f\i Hint; I rtjIA.ti Vlmti'il lulu ami t.xplaiiiwil tho atiaiiHi* ooutraat jtttt ii.fi'i ir.l t hot% tho aame hi i il of cowa . .ul.l lout 7 per rent, one ilay, ami i.n (h.. I, .11. . wlnic day U pot relit. He vnilvavora to nilaleait liy .I)!UK thai h I|||<|K>I| a ( w,ll full ,MII I Hi. . nn nlni-h u.aliHl only T |*'l cent, aftor havinii >|IH>I| otor nujlit The truth IP, ant I|I|.|IIIIH ulilcli waiilonx waa at tho itauil, aiti-i I... int nun. llr. I t>n a wliet'lharrow a ilUtaiioo of anntu two hunilitil tuiiU. w) u-h w.Miiil t lioti.iiKhl V i't'in..te the t-rt'Aui an.l milk lielore lunu .ll|>|>ml funu one ran to the other llm n-fi-i IMI. ,- to a n. iiililnii M milk n tlio -nnu' ilattw la a aul'terfiiKr unworthy an (lioiieet man with an hoiieet cauae. On llm Mill Juno Mr Th.<in|>'li milk nt.nV I'orcoul, Una bvliujllie Bial time I The Markets. C *rt Cully Corrected Cacb Week. Klour .................. Kail Wheat rinti Wheat ........ lla.ley ....................... 1'eae ...... ......... flutter ........ KKK.. ireeh I'./latuc. bag f>urk. Hay per ton Hay pe II.. i... SueelMkiue ...... _ .......... - ...... (fCC.se ....... _ ..................... Turke>. ..................... Chirk, un per pair Wool ? i - 75 TS W 57 15 * 8 W 3 00 SO 6 iO 1* -. to to to to to ia to o to t to to tO to to t to I H 45 lo :J 6 'JO 1QU> 100 1 CO HT IU 16 M N CORE & W1L80 Maiiufacturerg aac* Dealers la all kinds of Buildicg Materials. Thr II. .1 1 snr;. ., i Of tha Lnbon Medical Company U now at Tor- onto. Canada, an 1 may U> eonanlt1 rl'.hir In peraoo or by letter on all rhroulc dlaeaaea pe- culiar toman Men. )ouug. old.r mlddle-acnd, who find tnemewlvee norr<>ua.weak and eifcaiut- d, who aru brvken down from axoeaa or over- work, mulling lu ruaiir of tbe following ijwi- ptouie : Mental depreaeiou, prrmatnre old 4|pa, loaaof vitality, luw of au-niorr. Dad 4rau> I dunuuaauf algbt, palpitation of the lieart. eru- aaiona, lack of envrgy, pain In trie ki-lneia, heailaclio. pimpli on tbe face or body, itching or pocutiar nenitation aouut tbo acrotuni. woi'l ln of tLooriiana. rtiaaineaa, ipeckj before tbe> yne, twllcliln^! of the muaclea, aye lid*, and eliM'Wbiir*. Ixubfirtueae. dur>U In tue urloa, oee of will power, toudernoe of the aealp and pluu. weak and flabby iun*cli<. ilralre lo I'-'JX fa .ir**tobti reatMl hy alee|.. conatl|'atii.>ii. 'lulV n~- >( heartnu. loae of vulre.. Irene for . lituje. ei. -liability f temper, rauken eyee anrrvuuJe4 W.M. i.nES HRCIJI. oily looting akin. etc.. ara> all >n I't' m of li.vou debility that lra.1 to lu-'itv and death mileae cuieU. Thu iprlug Of vital lorce harlnc loat ita tenrlon nurv fuue* tion waaeMo ri>ue|ueni-t. Thoee who lUrou^ii at>n rotnmltte.1 in Ignorance may bo peri.. a tnli i a ired Sn<1 your a>1.lreaa for tiooaon I di-iHtae* peculiar to man Hooka aot free i e>l Heart dlaeaae, tbe ayruptorua of which arc faint apella. purple llpa. nunitiueati. palritatloo, iai;> brata. not flti-l ne. ruali of Moinf to UM b^a.1 dull pain In llihe>rt with Ovate tu.'UeV ra^til auil irreeinlar.Uie conil heartlNMt ifaieawV than tha am. pain atxut li" breatft bona, eaax. ran rvaltlvely br >-vir* No i-cre, r.t Sum* for book. Aitdreaa M V.LUHON.aa .1 -.iM Ate. Tdcvato, C*tia.la Rough and dressed lumber al- o Artwa* ; /50 all kinds of Moulding, Scroll icork, Balusters AY:,, ell posts, Hand railing, Fence , in fact everything :t: building or repairing. Al t > te/ore YOU Urt at work. A l.tfo qtianity i>f scaa.'tiej nortl^ | !I'H ,t!.,. {i;-;.. Iqtij . tll ,J !;j||jle at loweit prirej. K-limateii giren. Sash i Oooractory, MOORE&WILSON. TRADE MARKS* DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, tc. II-.-: 1 ' .-k wrli.- - .il>wT. !*1W Yuajt, ra*enr1n patent* In America. very patent taken out ! u* la troucht hetorv tto public by a notice, k -ivu f tee of onaflru - toe) rorlnf Tr-.st'. n in! f .< I ML'K.S * CO, Ml Bl.i Oldart bnreM fora*enr1n . ^e^. UaV Laiw5t rtrmlatl'* of any world. S|,lendidlr Illnetr dan ah. m.d t> without it. paper In THE REASON WHY WE ADVERTISE IS THAT WE WISH TO LET UJE PEOPLE know whore they can set the best value for their money. Our stock id cari; - fully und wull selected, for we BUY only what gives ih best wear. A large stock of Rubbers and bug BOOTS will be on hand for fall and winter u>i . \V, have a well assorted stock to pick FROM. K p.tirs and custom work attciultd to as promptly aa ever. If you wan*, anything in the foot line cull on JOS. SMITH. Carriage Making Busies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me il you wish anything in these linos. Painting and Tiimming also attendeil to. B. T. WHITTEN, Fi i:sm KFON, ONT. TO THE 1TBLIO. HaviiiR r.'litdl \Vlillt,.n|ilarkinltli liop for it t.'ii.i of voar*. I am now in a i-iill.'n to i ati-r to all want* in in\ 1m. C A I T I \. Kit II IIM. or TUB Horsosboolug a specialty. NAVY Is Sit 1 1 -I art I on (. ii ;t ran I <<<! KOU ANYTHINt! IN THK IU.ACK SMITIIINC LINK I'AI'. N F. A. B U K T. iu Rleliarilaou llai I atorc. T.&B. IN IIBOMZE LETTERS. MHE OTHER QCHUINt

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