THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE HEALTH FOR ALL. s Pilh and oiiilmnit THE PILLS Purify tliu lllooil. correct all IHwnlcri of . ^ i . . in . i h . i\ i.i n'.\ - and .-]-.. ForSORK Tlinn.n, tin ix-'iai>- an 1 rtori' I.. li.'altli I).-|.ilttat<l CuuttltutioDS, and are invaluable In com* plaiutiiiicult'ulal to Kriiial.'>of all ai(e. r"'r 1'liililri-n and the aged they are i>ricrlc THE OINTMEN T M lafftllf bl rmMy for lla<l !,.(.*. Kvl Kn.&ats OKI Wr-mul*. Sore* an>) fleers. It i* ftuiont for (tout to>l Kliouiiiattkin. Kr -U-oi drr* u( the Cbtut it liae tiu tujual , COL'dJlS, COLICS OlaJi-lular dwellings, aui] alWMkln l>iM>a*<-i it lii no rival) an J for contract*.! aud ttifl joint* it <-t like a charni. XUnufactnredouly a* I'rofwior H-iLi.owar's F.italillihment. 1H. N . o v ii.r.i Strrrt < Inlr v:.:. Oxford Ktrttt ), London. tsul ar luij at U Ifrl ,2. W., * f.l . ll . K! . ami :u i cli ]tni or 1'ot. and may be had of all Urd iciur VeD'lor* throughout tl,.- World. /..* if '/o /..iM on tlir /',,/< ,DI,/ /W. // iKt addrtu u no* 5.M, <>sfnl Xfr'.-f, Loiflon, Wiry u i: v iur\ i Alt IMAGE \\oitks tomtoms if Naps Now on hand a nuinU-r of Wi^gons, ]tuu);ie, CurU and Democrats. We are also nianufacturiuij a yrrat msnr more uf the l.itcit tlie ltri-t I'.tt.Tni au>l bttt fiuiih, wLieti we re ..fleiiug for ia!e at the lowr>t price consilient with dtit rr^-arl In workniioihip ii'l .{aality. l'ssing suprrior facilities f..r luauufscturiiiK Carriages, we iutrnil to Mil ery i-hra]> lor cash orspprorrd cieJit, and bj to doing we Lupe to t -r> ,itly inercsjiv uur nnuitcr uf sales. All kinds uf vehicles r.-p.iirrd ut tho tin rti-t i.. t.C'\ i, I and trimmed it iletirrd. HorM> vb.H'iuK a pctially A fjrut elacs wood worker is now in our employ. \W want a two or a four tioitf power in . iclmn,:. . u a rig. J. II II I \ I! I' , OM-II Sound. Ontario. Tl\e Very Be^t Piat'K IN CANADA TO <1KT A ih Ilimintn Education. Take a Round Trip r;^. r ;,';l^ ^^-^ ^^^^^^ < llvdt-a ainl (.Hi, n , i. , l 'l.i-n i-it ' ...... > " tli'iii' Hi <iniijlilt If < (>il to |irixli. . : j.. an I I'.r l''-t n I n. "-1 ' oiu|')' ' > r -'lit ' iruitur.- n I li| lito i - .nil i-i a full >.i 1 >" iiiinii \nii-iiiiict- ttjuill. K.UIIK lull |.rtn uli- Ii C A. FLKMINd, BUYERS (M rl'iur, Kr<>crrius. fec-tl, etc., should vx- aiinii* Wyvill's Stock Ilefuru pimli(,in(f. Me k.-r|.s coiiHtantly on han. I, !No I Hour t I O IMT Itlil 1 . .1-. Its low a- till- o. iln in. D. McTavislL HiiKSKSIIuKIt AM> GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Collingwood Street, FLESIIKKTON, ONT. I o- :i 1>, ... ,. ml. It. Hoi-. -] ..... iui! |.i"lii|IU t >l.. S|,,., >; lt. titi.-n tivrn to coutr*. t . I i 1, feet. >llld Pl.. li.inis . ..n M .mil > ..n hand. Flour and Tcrd in S4-IIMHI. * . _ i .iiih ~. .11111. .1 ...M.K < onr<Tiion<-r>, . i. . All t ln> !",! r- )>lH itt Mu'lit |it wlm Ii 1 HIM iiuxiouM lor nil lu test. T. WYVILL, STRAIN'S itl.'K K, KI.KSHKKTOX. laknll lu riclian(n lor S A Y ! Farmers ! Business Men! Everybody ! T>l. ' h.i ltl t.-'l a i I r . I'tll IM 4 ; -li'.|- in MM *'-t VUl.r It |IIIH 'Ivlll' "U Bll-'lt I'nrrlriK* 1 TrlinniiNK. fwmtlng, lt-|alrlna. an 1 i . II . rr. . . I|U <HT>II, ! kit, .'.i. ..... iu,t\nl.. Shop ovor Mi'T.iviMli'i Hlnoli Illllltll lill'.Ji K. T. ElaiiiiUoii. Lands for Sale i l nn.l null, i ,,l , !.. l *l'l'l J. W. AKMliTUONd, 1 11 in. i. ruN p.o Camo Astray. i a .1 ll ..... i i. ' ' ...... la*!, on* ,.-, uiii. ^ < UA Mr, pay IINUIWS anil Is - awav k. , . Is fully c<|uippcd with re- quisites for turning out 9 per- fect class of work. All kinds of pictures taken and finished in a style equal to any city work, while the prices aie lower. Picture Framing (In in lu all Its brauches. If you have ihoppiog to do ami pictures to ^ct taken on tin- saint: day please attend to the latter first. Careful at- Ii ntion will l>c Divert to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. For Salo or to Lot. IV) admin. I mll.ln l . i,,.l. - . l | :, |, nil,,,,. l.'i |..iwi't i.nll i . lull. U| Hi,' I'U.-i. . fl I, ..I , f . II..' 'it li.-l((l,i .4 tl.i' .lain \\ill l.f. ..! I Hi I l.luok. <v 111. null wl,. l,- ,l.. It. .,, I Hi., laiiil In | ll> floln .HIM K,-in ii|m>.i I - nil imtrliR^fl. Tim \ !!. \ i nH'l run* l hioii^li Ilia wtioln length of tlie |'U<1 'I 1 '.'. i "|'|.. .rtiltiltT (or (oi!li.^ t.. K, .'in. MMitl! In. n i. ! I* IMi al in. laoi "i| L'.'. ' Tutuil 1I*I*J. .!) ' * M Ho. .(I l nertvu Matiou 1' (.> < oi N M AM> It is i i: i i The editor of the Meaford Monitor M uff oil a trip to Iowa. One of the parties who sold liquor at the II. C. I'l.-mc at Mel.incthon,was fined $iX). The tine was paid. Atx.iit TiO c. mil. m l.alls were broueht U|> from tint liottoiii of iln- Detroit Kiver by tlie Dtiminion (iove/rnmeiit dredge Ontario. They were Unded at Amhersl- burg and were eagerly sought for by relic hunters. Fire bugs are said to l>e at work in the vieinity of Meaford. Mr. Jas. Lemon, uf \Voodfurd, and Mr. E. Wright town- line nnd St. Vi net- nt, each had a barn burned, together with the con- en ts. Whilst leaning against an iron pillar luring .1 thunderstorm on Tuesday affer- niK.n, Chief Dealy experienced n sliock fr.nn a flnsh of lightning nnd was com- pl.-ti-ly |.:irn'y/.fil for sonie moment*. [Mi-.iford Mirror. John Kargrave, hotel keeper at Walde- niur. after xpcndmu a day in a drunken ni .iii.i!, dii-il instantly while sitting at table eating liis up|>er. Tin- body n- niained in a sitting posture in the chair until 10 o'clock a in. iiext day before it was removed by an undertaker. A neighbor not far here observe-! a large eagle ascend from a |x>nd in a field an.l wh.n it had men to a great lii-iulil it closed it wings aud fell tu the earth. The observer was somewhat sur- prised, when on examination he found a wt-.tsel concealed undi-r its King, sucking it heart's blood. Wluttield cor. Orange- Advertiser. Two we.-kt ago Mr. ('has. Mclnnes, uf \ covil, f.iuuil it necessary to confine his wife in an asylum for the insane and in company witli his wife's brother, deputy- n-.-v. Swaiiton.tnok the unfortunate lady to Orilla. On Thursday last word was r. o-tve.l that in an attempt to escape from the asylum she had l.ill.-n from the t"p of a verandah, three atones from the ground, and received injuries which re Milted in her death. On Kriday Mr. Mc- lnnes |-r.. -,..!., I to Orilla and in the evening ruturnud with the remains. On Saturday the funeral took place at Ye<>- vil. Deep sympathy prevails throughout this section for the husband and family of five childrfii, and utber friends of the di-i-eaaeii in their sad loss and terrible Hltlictioii. [Mt. Forest Representative. The M , -, i i, Fair- riir VJ.OOO tnniTioN TO rnr rni/.r. LIHT 11 A\ IMU A noi> Rrrr.cT. -THE tsiHit H AW\ IS 1'V IM t "I I l-I \KA l-l - 111 ATTHAlTIONS. Thf Si-i-r.-Ury an.) I'lreriorn of Canaila'ii Kavoiiu- Kxliibiiiou are liusy arranging all tin- prrltmiiuiit-s for the r. ii'in:- fmr The . -x !iil> it pr.'iiiistH Ii Ii,. lar^.-r ami bitter ami more iimtriirire than ev. r l't[oro. I in CM/I", in III.' h|n . .liiij; i-.-nl.itii liavi- bi-i-ti iloiil'l.'.l, nii'l tin- PH.. i. .i, linv.' t-'.iUNit.. tln-|iiizo lift. Thin itrp. Ihi-y frit >va iin-pKMirv to .-tir.iiirai.-.' tlic fmiu<T ami I i i Ins. who go to Krcat <'X|n-im<' vvorv '.i I.. ^,\\r<- Hi. u -.took xnil piixiuetii. HS n. .Ill in,- Imt tb.- lineHl -... .U an.) l'i.-. ,iiii t ' it. rk niilisl* tin | i. s.-nt i|, in, u,, U 1 Ins Ki'lion mi till- | III I Ol III.' I'll, '.'I, Is Ills ||H,| Us K ,,o,| . if.-, i. tin MI' 1 1. 1. 111 the llvr stork tlrpart- in. ntx i ^ I. ii .in. I itwav ali.-inl of U-t y. r in iiiiiiil'.'M. Siiur.' in all taki-n up in tlir main buit.linK an.l i tli.-r I'nil'iiii^s. I Ii.' piouniiiiiiii' .'( tin. >|H cuil lAtrsctioiis IM-.-II isn, ,|. mi, | if i'fi>ritliiii)j in i-arnvil ..til ..- Mitt. '.I tin r. in tlir I'liionn ..[ the fair willl.aM- ru.. . nl. rt iiiimi'iit. Ainonu tits 1 itttr.ii tiotiK. w.- ii-ti.. Mii.Uin,- Miir antrtl,. ami lici liorHs I.MUH Tii.-L tl\. n, i .1 0-i-li^lra. Tnl.iliiir ( lutiu- H.-I1-. H, n.l" foiii|..-,iiv of Oyiiiii.isls. , u- . Hull,. n As(vni,.iis, I n,. \\nrkH, CIOKX cut Sawing ronli'ulH, I'm-" conl. >ti>. Paltu-i- of lllnsi,.iis lln i| a lot of ..'.In is 'Ilii- s.'.-n ui \ niio inn. IIH tnat .'ti'.oin .1 o'i |'l' I oi.-i . .' II.'VV IIIMIIJ; III III out fl'.lll till' olli... s ..( tin' ,i.!i.;.'ii mi. I fun I.,, luul ,n appli.'ul ion. Tin- ilnt- on nlin-li tins (.-imt r\l i,.n will be b. I.I in.- fi'.iii S.'pl. I .MIi t,. '.Mill. i. a. hi- U <-*i ..... | !.i sii-k kiiln. \ Kl.lii. 1 l-i '' ml! i. -lii"l.- il Hi Hi.'-r inn-iilinr ll.'ll.itl nil III. I, I ', |>,|l t l\cl II M I i-n.-ni tin. -\ si .-I, i l.i (.in if tin,: tin I.I, w. l v-u rniim.l Inn. < ki I- 'l.'I.MIl' I M.t.-MI'.- -I'-l.. ll.U l||.,>|| tll.-ll imt'itt.l . .-H. lu.. .11 ili.-i n- tl .-ML.' HI Ht.-ni. .- Millliii il .n-. 1. 1. -I r.'snlt^ in kl.ln.'l | f <ll. ni.i.-li IH III i -lit H illti'ati FOR SALE. tan* More and dwelling, ) Kl,lu-iion -<i tlOII I"' '' I ' I. I III I'HllVl LI .nil l.< III. .Ill nl. .1 II . Is .111, .Illll,; 1 tliiT Iliallll.-l us n, in ,11., IHTKIH! - ini' .1. ilii-i-ciiaki'i ami n. illii,. i Vii'U 10 \N MIK.II .I'fll I I,-, hr It., n Sli.ll. .n IV IV Floshortou Moat Market J. O. ADA MS, Proprietor Ml /MIII / <tm( I'r .fnnli infit ,;ii:\t,inliy I'll a, , i , 1 1 y DR WILLIAMS' . . A KE NOT a For- \"- gativw Mvir .in.-. TI..-T ar a Hi. .-ill llt'll.l.Hl. TOM. and KKOI.M- STurcroa, as flu- T |il> lu a w.n.lenMxt n thu ffabatauces tually needed toeu- li tlie Hl.KXi, curing AiMuaMtHi COIDIUK mi I'OH and V>' .1- iir hLoon. CT from 'ITIATTD HritoBs In In. BLOOD, aud alto nviforatu auil licit. n .i- tbe HLOOD and KTITKM. when broken down by overwork, imutal worry dite&te, eicraatu and luducte- tloi,s. They have a >>.. inc ACTION on 1 1. hVKTBMOf tl: ii., -ti and womeci. wtoring I.ONT noon aud correcting all iM.uiniKK auj |l I'l Ki,lv>N. Wbn flndi bit incntaJ fae- i. or hl pbrsftsJ power flsMiiiK. sUooliI take those FOR ALE EOPLE EVERY MAN i^ < dun or railing, or ..! pBTSMsJ power* AaKgirR. SUODliI take tlioae FILLS. Tl.. y will restore Ui* lost euexjiiee, both physical aim luvntal. ClfCDV UfUMlM "hnnld take them. Cf Cnl ft UMHn 'lii'-v .-are all tup- pr.nsioii* tud irri-Kularitlet, which inevitably eutailiKkui-Mvliva tf^ttttt, VnilUe UCII sli n. 1 tke those PiUA TUUHU HER They oill cure the n- tultt u( youthful bad babiu, and itreugtbeti tho i/ttem. VniiyP 111 AUCy -L"M YOUNG WOMtn TI.C take them. .jo Hit. in ft u.. I .r uUliyalldroKirixi. or will bMint upon reoM|<t of price (JOc. ]'< r 1 .. .\ ,. by atHrtnauig AVER'S Sarsaparilla Is superior to all other prepara- tions claiming to bcblood-purifiers. First of all, the principal ingredient used in it is the extract of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla root, the variety richest in medi- cinal properties. Also, because Cures Catarrh l!;:^ raised expressly tor the C'ompanv, is always fresh and of the very best kind. \\'ith ec|ual discrimina- tion and care, each of the other ingredients arc selected and com- pounded. It is THE Superior Medicine because it is always the same in appearance, lla\or, and i-llect, and, beinj; highly concentrated, only small doses are needed. It is, therefore, the most economical blood-purifier in existence. It makes food nour- ishin^, work pleasant, sleep rctreshin^, and life enjoyable. It si-arches out all impurities in the s\ stem and expels them harmlessly by ihe natural channels. AVER'S Sarsapai l!a jjives elasticity to the step, and imparts to the n^ed and infirm, renewed health, strength, and vitality. AVER'S Sarsaparilla hv Pr. J. C. Aver & Co.. Ixnrrtl. S.J.I In ull LHi.Ki:" 1 * : Frfci $i ; HI bk<tik-.. $j. Cures others, will cure you BICYCLES" " TIIK A<;\l\ TO 1 1:1 IKONT. tu tin' Kifal nil.-r i-luli i a.-i- nt Sutton on July iV II I'. .mil, ,-t Vnrora. !u> < nioiiiit. I on a I'.iMI. r look HIM I'U.-,'. .IOITK thf .li-tan.v. U'4 MIlll-KIII .. llllllllt.'s Kll.l .ifl Sl -|- I \ l.'Ml.l itUo won tlir '. mil.' ru.-i> at tli* >anu. |>l.i.-i>. Tbo Comet is without il6ubt the best wheel ill the market Comet Cycle Co. 24 Adelaide St.. Toronto. \V 11. Till |;STHN. Ai.vnt.KIn.h*rt,. Note Lost. li"sr \ |,i,.iiiiori not.' of *-l\ in.-i I.' Li Will llllllll.i I-. I. Ill I .1 ..... 1 I,,'I.I.'M SllllUt.fltll mif .In,' o. t lt, 1WJM. havliifl I..-, n los.. is i,,.t II.-K nil.) nil i.' li.'i'-l-i limn.. I not i o It i nl null l, I not, IH it In lost I'l.'i 1-1 00111 H>.\ KMAUr 1 IK. I'.'ili \n . Itcj Farm for Sale Al n U't I cm 4. Kii|ilnn-.i,i i-olitnlniii); I |s H.-IW^ IHHa... -ri, ;. ii l ftitiii,. ham With Nt4l.|.< un.lir Ou-tlHI.I, I'o... I H-it.i I M I. .'111.-. flUNI' kit. ll. II I' >' \l-Mt I'll A.-rAI ' iM, f.-i . ,' i|..-i \\ ill I..' at M Nrt.-i tn.-.v .\nv i ,., i. ill . lin i.l 1 . l \\ ilt tu J>JIIN MM.IIJI 1 1 liamiowKot my Dew priuieii fitted up and am prvparud to do all buaineMt in uiv lin*' witb neatnant and de|>atch. an<l afii tiiln-r-- ; than over tuattcli'l to th want> uf in* tit ul- IT- AitroWliiR buiineae >how a growing con> rt<li*nc>t (it- 1 \rur bootj aud *uoj made ttt tbe ntabliiihuieutof IF. N. B. We guarantee satisfaction. Good News TO MANY I desire to call the attention ' *. tlie public lu tin- fact lliatl have u[-Ufd A General Repair Shop In countctioii with the Flesherton Woollen Mill, aud am prepared to do all kiuda uf -Iron and Wood Turning I'ttt ru a made, aud castings ^ot on short iMtR't. 1 have not space to mention in detail the varutv of work 1 (Mil iii). but anything yon hav. in irou or wood that requires m. tiding, briii}* ii to the Flosherton lepairghop, where you may depend on :. tting your work done neatly and sul>tan- tially. Having emery wheel? stiituble for Ci tT >A M 1 >' C* I will make that a specialty for u fow .v. . ks. Charges low, but term* strictly cash. Yours truly, W.H.FLESHEE CONFIDENCE The confidence of the public u something t-vtry man must i;. i b.-tore lie can snceessfully serve tin- iu.i_| >uty. Last Year It was my one great objr:i to put such workmanship on every garment made to : mi ttu fnvor aud routideuce of every wearer. My Ambition This year is to tnru out two s.-.:.s rbr i \i iy one last year. My System Of ciutiiij,' is sueh lliat it a tit every time. No need for altei- atious ; No m ed to replace by an- other suit for 1 have faith in myself to be able to give satisfaction each .ind < \\ ry lime. Bring your cloth. merchant, and es- tablish a clothing trade for yourself, never before known in Flesherlon. Hrhit.' your elolh fanners, try me aud > .HI will return stitistied. F", A. Baker, -J-of v 'UK llllil.T>i.;lll.l U-j;* lfTO tO M. .|iiiiu llu- iulibitant!i.'(l-'leslii<rloti ami^ country that h* has pi. liMi'il the Flour. Kc.-.l an.l 1.: *. s, SU'te. from Riohanl IVdlar. h.Ti- h {U >" illume to ki-.p on han.l a gml tuppl.v of t'hoii-e l-'luur, Feed aud (ircri>rit',al Lo*it I'riiTK. t'ourti-sy anil H.|iure l>.-alinj; viil be tlio . i.l, r of the .l.iv at llrll<lT>on'<l S|or". \\'i' hop,, thut the Ol.t l'ut..uri> will continm- t.. patre-uUe us and syhnk- Taken in Trade. riewi'3 1 iut I-'ord;V Flour Always on ll.uul. Wm. Henderson. SOCIETIES. Ri>\ M ITMI-I \KS ,ir II Ili.-.-K .'loi l Till-- U, .!. Ill Sl'l.'lll,'-. l.llH'k ! S f 1,1 s ''''''' ' l niliti till. \w,in,.s.ui |weo*dln| Ih* Wad of r.<h in SUNK r ITMI-, K\s. ' ; no-.'! . Ill II: I 111 1st".' II ill , . . \\,.,l ii vii'innu ul N p in Vi^itiui; l>r,'tli i.rn niiitv.t liuui atii-ii in CIMIIII*. ti.-ti 1>UIS. K Mil-Ill H I.OPCK Ho ui V A V M i'i.i,.| in tin. Mm. MIL- II til Slilu> . , I I.' -Itorlon i'i.'i 1'iilrii on or il'v full inus'H \, s Vaadusea, \\ M M. J RprviiU 1 . Sroii