Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1892, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFOP.E FAVuI..' - - i'LLVCIPLES. .NOT MEN. VOL. XII., NO 58ft. FLESHERTGN, ONT., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1892. rM/^ 4 xro OKGA.NS K I O /MI/>. A X"C &C 3 * mon ? ^ fc 18 " l\| i"> ORGANS and no woLdcr wuen -re I ^1 V many of tLern have tL AT- diff . . along w:il; tkij seajon, > owing to wet we*thr. '" : :.- managers of the Oatpow There are many anxious looking Barracks hvr* purcha^ the teau of faces among the farmer! at present, the old Methodiss choroh a: Bucking- TC coui'.ler :La: ban appouiu_ . make* it -' more comfortable than heretofore. grain ir .: - time of writ- . We ar* sjrry :o r. - .ii -ews - ' *' -* of Mr. Jcscpl'Hin^-..>:_ s < ' - ^ay "doming ' . -.-arcity of after a : Lan . - . Man v a sheaf. * -.--.;.: Mr. ii=e'V' ntldi, would Thomu Briow r bid! v kicked in of all the latest woollens, and TT i_ it- Yii i. iu ii 5 " week acd We have secured the agency m Flesnerton for the :w , .... : P bn i ," wm* - ,xkdoau you will find it to your ad- celebrated Bell Organ, and would request the public to call ; l : ^dic - : jf \ ' *j vantage to purchase yoor and examine the specimen instruments now on hand and ; ' ** ordered dot! I the Met- C, J. LEITCH'S You wil ind a full line GUI- our terms before investing. Amstrong Brer Hi. n ard g l C . T Mi i tcwn- ->rpart of the ship of Nottawasaga. stcoud sou of l:ar\ ring the cnttin- of Mr. J. i . . '1.;* r u_ nt . a great deal of the crop a very dim- Reblla'\ Mr. caanl _ ' Isaac . w - ^ ..... ivefiii* iu bolv uiatruxiry ou .n they do ccnje we a: ;L e " residence o? ;L. Jsj Uspr t y. were rton ./*vjr - . oar fanner :' hay " -ruu jLiucs." acd njt . t = :: :L.- i_. day uudcr ;ouie frietk!.. maple tree. early special trains are t gnat boon to the public, bat they Hire a fellow Lu*tl around in the >. t tuornicg. It is really too bad when a \ w goes witlout hi* breakfast. crauis his collar and tie- :n:o his coat ! i\>cke:, and with hi hir^tu'e append- Having removed my stock to Strain i hmrits ou: at a Dreaekneek SY-.T. '' by Rev. Mr. ui success. l-TUi i.;I. * inn., Woodger. We Flr>hertuu Station E M O V E D. Block, I shall continue selling ai the re- caieh e o oue of .. :-e i.\ to find tb t dttCed priC4 llie whole Stock IS dlS- .' :br-nothing piece o: r ^ii.-ar Tot in.l Tr> n; - ' lu llu . v tauv.-. . wuik tli.. *ni.ae curung waid seeriii :o *i;i\ . posed of. Plenty iucco in s. No 1 Roller Flour. $4-00 per bbl. Long Clear Bacon, 9 cts per lb. W. W. TRIMBLE . ue the U*s ex- vo ever '"'i ' " Kfforter. 3Iis Fnnk Srewart spent a few weeks a: her uoui ou ;Le hills. SLe La* ^otie back to Duudjtlk. After a few weciis . - i^-.ly pen; >>... Suowdou k ft f. r lir home in Ouelpb. "Mary jir. the -I'ai'.j that are weary," etc. Owing to the wet weather, there i a lo: of -r:a:n oat yet. and tome put in ic \ery b&u oni. r. m.e; Li i:.-i tliit?:..d. V. \\ur.tiaker ^T 1 aud sou* are doiug the work wuu to thkin4 k f ^b ' RE4 iCROSTK' r\.'i*r,T nl th ir. .* .'. inform TOU M which Th Aift: ! rainiiiar. Uu^r. but t: . ' prtssive . tft. ha. lia." L... AA\ Ti:e 11. .'li'. stale of the gr Jt , has cot LH. ti fav <rabie to tb crop If all r vvt't* arv troe cx[>.". a i :> demand for >s thu fall. , lutpector Campbell pid his semi- ' i annual iCcial u>u to out public sclrx'l U< wetk. and found every tuiDjf iu botU vitr*i'." SIU'.V Mr. *nd :e potato we may . po- Mr Jiui >li-.a ... - optiicd out a aho^ shop in .-ur viiiitre. 4ud u uow tilliug a lou< feh waul As he :.i* worked f>r a bag time iu Pnc.viU, au 1 ii well kujiru to tLe iuot of the people. u will bv sore of ttieir (a:rouae. Mr. R I*. Ix.;;c U: 1,1, ci'come Sal< Kill ll.-;.|. r II. .nl>, I t: \ i l.i|if. m m> around 1:1 Ktily \\n.'x '. Mel. returretl from ou account of . tlv Igary. .Mr. \\. Uivv. tuetohant jf tin* piaoe. lias had a very sore uce from ervjipU*. lie is uow aclo to be jatx.ut ... caituig. and \vait:. nuLair. .: OU;,LU. Mt*ar. Jehu Mtur a. i Malcolm i Ferguson, left ou s.i: ;r.uv Us: for a tiip :o Ciledou. \Vc cau't *y. bui we liave a fluig iu our bonta that ; tueie is a centre of attraction for I John. Surely he am: jou.c to be FALL GOODS Are arriving almost every day. \\\ > tell you that the qualities are good and , ,:. K-.c;y one whoever visited the store (thai we c > lie undersold, We do not deny t thai mtity of cheap trash is offered at 1 r ires thin v pure i;oods, but we hold thai man can sell you cheaper than we do. All we ask 1 we are certain to cominco y ^Dross tiouls I\ . -v We have a good usoctment u s, from the . loc. goods to the best all wool It . 1-uttons ( ' i>^ i* progressing i c Mr K*ohoo. l\rsian n > u instructive au I r.. . :ho Omuge hail ou M ja.Uy . Quite a number of our citizens atv awav to the citv tin* wtek lo see the Ma>ur Archibald IV Mol.-.\l bi;tt-ii by a do^ou his way from school a f-w .U\ * ago. For useless curt iLU place can down .\:iv .>::.-: plaoe u .': : uiembeis . ha\*v out 1 . A i.t\ s ou dows to trr and ? "... . r#. F.very one in some cases .^e family must aid tw imposed with syiue A iw hens and trimmings tu match. s ami Yon can get anything \vi: a-'k for i: 1 . '. -. In I nels we defy competition all- \\vcl grets, sinpod t'ancv shirtiiiL; Flannels, and sluvtr.u' Ah full hnc-s of !"! etts, Shakers, Cantons and I'nior.s ; Cottonades, Cottons, Shirtings. Linens, Towolls, 1 o\v t -lh:-^s, E;c. M v v nn^n" has I ^ ou5 limber ' .i:. mill. - -A.;; i. ,-.-. ainl Depart \Ve can't tell you much ab^Tit those, bv.t an inspection will convince that the patterns are the latest, and ijua'-.-.-es and prices vijjit, also full lines ot </,^ nts' fine furnishings. Sever iu i of iuu hat jJwiton Adrau'w beeu m sucl ~ I ! v 1 .: :va*: l*eat kU !: : ' fcr Mr. . s : Ml': Man has Mb . -i well iVr it. x ' --s Thompson suffered a will- ' attacking dock . -uK < a t'at \-i. It is >.; > Mr. K. t. ft '. in V v Tho t r l*. au.i ,.,. r ,-w ar, b . we have done well ; it they will conv.r.cc \ -.\: to try the' 1 M i \ \ 4 vi* ; ; to I' A> .1 :\ ^nidl - l'v.-|\. . Mrs.J Mr. \\ii-. ' >] M I'u-a :' : ij l"* ? > > also U.N , has reuinuvl ; . -. : U. . . Mr. lludvu. of IKuulaJk. his farailr jr. j;o.xl lu-ahh. s-c. llarTeatiajj kronud l-.cre i rather . . . .u,h I ;< ii >otc< iaTih:n; . .::af lia At The A dunce Office A lk-? <: .i '. ! on hnl whici we will jT.ul ana :' ,ro.h *boal *. - ' M ^ >'-i .'n bay it - wCtr*. AVER'S yherry Pectoral Has no equal for the prompt relief an>isrv<>.i\ ...:>..: Colds. Coughs, Croup, Hoarseress, Loss of Voice, Preacher s Sore Throat, Asth-na. Bronchitis, La Grippe, and other derangements of the thro.it and lut'j;*. The best- known oou:h-cure in the world, it is recommended by eminent physv-ans. and is the favorite preparation with singers, actors, preachers .ir.d tcaoh.-rs. It soothes the inflamed metr:rane. loosens the pi\!egrni, stops coujrhing, and AVER'S (Jherry pectoral Gloves, Hosiery. Rushings,Handkerchiets t C Collarettes, Uil^s, and ninety-rir.c other things. Space will not allow ns to tvuMitio!'. the other de:v\ft;r, ; but it the<e tew will remind you of ^methins ou are net N v | ' M.. '.i a . a T.'. 1 . ' ' Ch Store on the Hill, we have done better; and if f.cy w;!; strike you favo; ably after inspection so you buv. we have 1 done bf.>t. All aie welcome whether to purchase or simply to have a chat about the weather. K>1 Itov. K iiuuilHT !h- Si.in- on ilu- Hill B. G, EVANS. -'" :or cv:- .'. i; : progress Ct" . in the Liter distress ruj n ret'resr- | - - . etO :he :.i<!e. needs but v . . -. arul k ;oe< .- . v ^ ( . functions. A^ .^"v 1 . e\ cry hous ,-\ ;doU wi:h A%or'x >. ll.. v. - - . . -\ Tiv.-- ^ x 1 . .-.-wnJ : lo k Lirx-. v v- , . N - >. \*. i'.. AVER'S Cherry Pectoral 1 . ti H ; . <. ? r<x>rapt vur to cur*

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