Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1892, p. 2

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THE OLD BARGE, lt> I li as si. I). II.!'., I'HAI'TKU II WITH TII Knm. , the period of this tale, that the bridge wa. .iiuiule. I'.othrrford had stood on the ferry steps, wat :m.g I'o-riha s repealing IK. lil tin- twi'igh: bad hid her n.-m \i. He hsd ill. ng.'iie to Ins I ma' and cautiously rowe.i ,i..wn treai i, with the wind an.l lam driving up ngainct ilia tide and growing i. -uglier .- the nunt fell. He kept cio< under tl,-- b.tnk. out of the t .p- i .t. II intention wa topull aloi i;:,lc (.andncks Iwigc while tiuTo wai mill a ii rain "I Ixoi, inak" fast there, and i email, ali-l-. tl'l .1 l\ !: c.!,. '!!! although tk* prxpect wan any tiling hut promising, een to an ardent lover, l>avul K>.therlor.l 1 '- hl , c<l wlUl '""I" ; " ">J "*" """ V" 1 , E"""* '"', T' noiuaalMMai In those day. the bridge, hii i ninctc. ii u|> nt;> t varynig from tlnrly- uiie fert in the . cut re to sixteen at tin; en. 1s ; i* \\eic formed ot grouj*. of ttmtier pile, witiia.-lcat lici.lway u! tif'een feet under tlie cenlro .pan al high-ualor. It wa. towards thin centre th.it 1. unlink now exercise I all Inn ingeiin 'y to direct thn liarge. No harder task could have lieen set a bargee m broad daylight ; hut it was still pra. -Heady mglil ; only a glimmer of dawn, in dusky gray, stretched scr.xs the sky . beyond the oiieningt under the i.ri.L" An I woul i have gone through a .'-ver, r ordeal j JJ , jc|e wa . l .| 1 ,, ll , K , lfluu . r ., WR * " >llUr >' ing this old and sit ,i,-r craft straight down watch on the-lhamc, under her very , I , , .miracle w ... 1 iw And within door. -a. he judged j , | t |[ by the li.n_ih. w. keeping night watch , Sort, pM.rf Mween Landnck too He.am.rup alongside the baue as, Mm ^^ ^, mnill , OI , Kich WM ,, d hn hi* young companion. Kich wai at hn noiselessly a* poiwib.e in or.ler not t > din .1,1. . pott. Rotberford stood ! tb* foreparl of turb LMdriek, and attaoMfl :u- i>at to the ' thr barge boat, hook in haml, and with a itt i u. where his presence wuuld nut lie sn.- . , "{MM rea.iy if needed to deaden tic pefted. I n i ide had begun to ebb. Rutherford listened intently for the slightest noise. All trit 1'. rha had told him about the w.-.rl midnight voices on the river recurred to him now. The win, ll'li- w boisterously, and in Ihe found heimagine.l ihat he heard whisperings on all .1 Jes ; and he f r roucNlly peered round with a strong conviction that there was a noiseless figure moving about on the barge a black, crawling thing, like a huge : and blacker than the night. So .troll- .1-1 this conuction Income tnat at bv ed to go stealthily on Uiard and sali.fy himself concerning the dark shadow. If u eu'e I only in his bran, so much the better: - Menly the barge began to move move slowly out of lhe creek towards mid stream; and Kolherford's ho'at, .winging i..un I, glides! alter it glides! away with the ebb- ing tide ' Hotnerford could hardly believe his senses. It was like a dream a strange nightmare. Hu first thought was to raise in alarm : but as he opened hi. lip. the thought flashed across him that the figure blow. The old bargeman, with a firm grasp upon the tiiler, looUed keenly ahead. Ha knew tint his cabin home -In. iron Ixix that contained all hi. savings Inn life and Ua\ y * too depended upon such .kill a. he pos- sessed, men as tune and tide were doing their utmost lo defeat. A minute more one more glean, of daylight and a slower tide and the barge might lie saved ! Itut thai could nol fcc : to .hool l>etween the piles at .10 narrow an opening was now im- possible. The barge swung round. Koth ertor.l sl'outed loudly and ran afl shouted to Landrick to let go the tiller and cling to afterwards there wa. a crash; the baige creaked and shivered, and liegau to set'. lc down among the piles, with the water rush- ing m through a leak in her side. .III. tVhen Berths, discovered that the barge was gone from it. mooring., .be did not lose her presence of mind ; she kept a cool head and acted promptly. l'asani with -a dim moving figure now-wa. on the deck, her Untern farther within the creek, and ."l" '.*'.TJ *'."[ i W .T w 1 >g thc water's edge, she came upon 'tub of a boaU ll belonged lo tier falhcr ; and it was one which she nad for crossing lhe river .nice .he was a ' I grandfi used fc he to cry out, hi. boat would be cat adrift. It was (till in hi. power to leap on board thr >*rge and go to Laudnck's aid. A. the rigor, went into the obin, leav ,,,,, The boat was propelled by ing the barge Ui Uke its course with the a .hortoar over iho slern, and screwing ii Udr. Kotherford drew alongside and crept ,-,, talj f,,h,on to and fro. The girl tep np into the stern, advancing on hands .lid ' , mto thu Wt n xe<l tne oar _ aml t^.,, -.- a r,ss the .le,k tow.nl, the little ky work ht . r courw inlo ,,, e rlver . Tnc bgbt His heart throbbed loudly as he , ,,,, have uken , ml oce ,|irection - i -town. Th. cabin lamp, .nil hang Jown stream with Hi- tide. And m that Ihat she had got caught amon^ the pile., .oi'l had become wedged lu between them .o firmly that ll, err was nnhki-liht-od ol her sinking deeper if sin- , oul.l I* n-c >\er<-.l be- fore the tide broke her to pie .:.. The ditliculty proved fuinuaradvely slight. On ihe lolloniu:; day, al low tide, lhe barge was bo ived up and towed La L to lit mi>ori.igs. Hut ll waa no longer habit. , Lie ; there was a great hole in the stern a well M in one side I. sn.lt n k was coinp.lle.1 to lake up his i|iiartrs in the lh.tt.-ln-. I iiouse, and here h< s.ion set tie, I ilnwn. Bunding nets all day long, and it, tin- evening .- .town opposite Mil I. an. In. -k '.i i:, echini irnrr, The iron !K>\ was found upon the cabin lloor, where it bud fallen An, I when IUvi-1 Itothe r.'ord ha. I w M K.-. i in s li ml. :m.i nad h.'.'oine a pirtner ill ins father's firm, he induce. I l.indri 1. to invest his savings n the Injiit.-rman's business, where they proved far moru profit. vlile llian when lying "cabined and confined ' ou Ijoard the old harge. [TIIK i- .] 11. M I i ill :. HI i: t * . H..I rm riiKx KMIVE. The chief preventive of cholera and sim- lar diseases is a'Kolute cleanliness, which n.ures the abai-uce of disease germs. To ie 'lire this condition vat loin antiseptic prep- arations are used. A new antiseptic has recently IH-.-II di.s-overed winch many emi- lent phy.iciaus regard MS superior lo the old preparation.. Lypol, the new preparation, in one per- cnt. solution, posneases high antiseptic jowcrs and in sure death to cholera and other disease germ.. I'nlike carbol and other tanular prepsrat ions, it is convenient for ordinary use and leaves the skin smooth >im : in i i t i i IM i k \ Tin- invention of a self lubricating gear for tiolb-ya by a < 'inVlian is said to meet a w.t nt 1.1 electric railroading. It is said that the Knglish electrical man- ufacturing concern, do not respond to the pro|M>sition for a representative exhibit at lhe Wiirl i's fur. The stability of electric locomotives at high speeds i. said to be much greater than that or steam locomotives, and there is less danger of derailment. Telephotography is now interesting Paris- ians, and .- i-.:se-. the Figaro to predict that "soon may U- . -eu in I'aris the image uf a man smoking m St. I'eteniiurg. " Japan is fairly well supplied with tele- phone, and electric lights, .nd now it is proponed to build two electric railway, of I- an. I 17 mile., reipeclively, m length. Work on the New York A Chicago Ion i \ i I;M <HII i- i - i.it n .if - .n,r r Uu it < 01 1 lu. Feats nugs and Ibr Baby Although the earlie.t ventriloquist of whom we have any delipite knowl>:<lge is I jinn lUrhenl, valet to Francis I. of France, veiitrilo<|Uism i. a very s,u. lent ail, as It U thought that many of the re.ponses of the lireeK and Kumaj oracles were due to veu- tnloi(uial trickery. The Greek, generally ascribed vcuu ,lo.|iiism to the operation dtinons. The uses to which it ha* lieen put in modern times, however, have been eut tirely inii'x-eut, and for the most part amusing. Asa means of eiiler'.atnment i- has been very [iip-ilir in tlie pa.l, especial- ly among the l''rencii, who have attained the Inglitst perfection in the art. Many storici have )>een told of the curious foal* of ventriloquist., and the Mtoiiishineiit they h;ive caused their puuied audiences. One of tlie most woii'lerful ventriloquists I.l lltv . 1 c ft WM .V I II i*-.|E>J IWMK- I , E- I. distance telephone line n being rapidly that every liveU wa* Alexandre, a Jreuch- pushed by a large con.iriinioii force work- ,""" * S*-," 8 rc l "uci-ess in uu m '-lir-e sections. It is predicted that ! London in 1S--3. His most clever trick wu in the early fall ,iot only New Vorker., but ; *" P'y ' P-' ' ' h roguish valet ; he Bosloniam, can easily talk to their friends wuulj "'iitale his master 'coughing, .nd in Chicago rmgmg t hu servant tor lhe latter tardi- ness in preparing: him an omelet Alexandre In the new eli-otric station n, >pr,ngfield, 1|n|lttU . < l i ,^ ,*.,, uf ,. . eotn l ()(| u,I II., the lightning arrester, are so placed the sounds of the breaking and uiix- that, in caau of tlie .urination of au arc by r - ' , ImU*... i . *l..,., k.A ....).._. i ... i... ., * U ^KK*( ****' TUB AIN': or w-ix)B preparatory to making a fire. A chimney heard by the aumence lightning, they con be enveloped in live steam. Kxperiments have shown this to lie a re "8V effective means of extinguishing elec trie arcs. A device has ju.t l>een patented intended to bo used n, signalling along a length of "'8'({ preUyrreuch song away up at fire hose. W.rei are earned in the ho [ *." P /. lhe chimMy. just lef ore coming and m.ulatel therefrom M that by making ' *"? After the tire ,. lighted the egg. battery c UMu'ctions. a fireman from meend U> ^ ln ^ '/>'' ""'V"' 1 ' '" h " r>1 1 J" ""'^ of a line cac .end signal, to the other with- ^ les . of th ' P r 'j" 1 ' ' we *P'. 3 out leaving hi. po.L 7 lhe ""* -d heat in descending the chimney. Then, in an ui.taut, the whole A dispatch from Paris say* that the houw is , an uproar-dog. b*rk, babies AS I ITI- ' IHM.HKA. of :ti) miles acr-MW lhe Allantic. markable ventrilmjuiit but also a g,xxl act ll is said that Dr. Sargent, lhe physical or. He possessed such great mimetic pow- t is only since I,, however that its ,, irector (>f H . rv .rd rnivers.ty. has, lev,,d ers that he could in a moment so alterhi. 'an electrical machine with which to measure face and figure as to deceive the most ci ilic 111 t '..if vi", tr it. 1 1 it t>- An*. I in ttn> .xntiv , ... ....... I ... ... i. ". M<lxr**jLLi|v.\l IMeB' IMIIC W II II M yr.r.t appeared in the army , f , , of Lord HasUnp vrh.i, encamped on ibe , 1er / n . ,,, ow . ,r, s , lU , v banks cf the >iii.|. It wai then taken for a new disease and ges. On one occasion, while the guest A'aller Scoit, at Abbolsford, with .lly sat to b k fth L ' U &.b.*W. t)tS,,ll. van's blow, ll was ofSirVaker Scotl, at Abbol.ford.wilh . found that if his tint left the arm and kept the aid i.f only a wig, he actually sat to a '' *'"' on travelling, it would make* mile m about .sculptor tor an absent friend, much to the "r^rlr* Tv le d Ciirryinif thrce n>mut "- |S35r-ifc.* t w.i*i3i North.- n '' i.- What is i*i.l i... b th l.r,.<.st ,-nntra.-t was only when he tnrew ofl the wig an.l re- rrom tin. time and i.Ui'e it raduied in . many direction, far beyond the confines , for stationary engine, ever awarded in the , iuined his own expremou of face that the many uiieciioui lat uvyuuu lll coimncs 01 1 I . India, everywhere .-n-itinj! terror and dev- world has just been swured l.y a Milwuukre ' -- mhabi- ^ rm - The contract call, for 14 engines with | an aggregate of -.M.INSI hor^c power, to be | Dls<-OVKrP THE astation, being con.ldere.1 by tin lants as anew and fe.-xiful plague. j an aggregate of JU.UUO hone power, to be I Ventrilo, |U tsM have been known m the It .oon made its appearance in Murmah u1 * 1 l> y OoWy rel railway company ! tait century u, p i ay , rK .k a lne pu blio m and Malacca ami in Sim and ( Vylou. lu ln '" new l ' 1 ^' t "'-'' power station. The eu- such a way as to draw the attention of the glues will cost overf " is-.'! I it rea lied Clnna. in Is-.-.'-'.'.'l Persia. It traveled wrst thtough Kmsi.i. (!er ing in its _ place, wa. burning unghlly. and ,,, . .,, its light fell u|)on the dark eager visage of ,., |, ut .| 1( ,hi noise wilh the oar. .She JohnMorisoo. his figure was l*nt forward. i, itenr ,| and lo.-k.-d al-.ut her. wondering many and reached Kngland in IS3I and to urge the boat, Quebec ami New York in tu 1 his hands no longer employed in mend ing nets weie busily .-<. ipie.i in owning a -, irl over l^ndri, k head, lhe old Bargeman was lying a-1.-. p n, Ins bunk : he as eiiteioped 111 a rough .oat ; and .>.! . tl.erford could l. Had he not ller t |, ftt he woll |j waU . h t |,e m pi on through The deep silence on all side, troubled , her. And even the gle.vn of light that this coat was a ipant.ty of netting. Should , inlo ln e sky only roused a momeu- he awake - , I attempt to ri-e. he , ,, , rraMUranw . Kor th, must become rnlangled in tin. web Tin. , , tlu> , Urk ,.!, l, ro ,,..| lt ol,|.,u.ly the ; .pi.ler. hui.liwoik. ,-, , ho(1Khl , o her ,,, wis . wa. t Kotherford. The intention donl-tlru ' throw I. in In k into contu. ion while he completed his purpose and mad-' hi* .lie I'l awoke .udden terror and despair. She fell lhe danger : and now the gleam of dayl-n-.ik came lo show her, like a beacon where that danger luy. Site could not hide from her police a-ithorities, and ihen having explain- In a recent uddrms before the Klectric ed the matter to them satisfactorily, use the Club of Chicago K wa. statrd that within a incident to advertise their entertainments, year there will be in 0|K-r.,:i,,n five electric An Kngli.h ventriloquist named l.ce Sugg, From i.iuelwc i! followed the line of trarel : locomotives of from TOO to 1'JIX) horse at Kew, once successfully accomplished this by the lirrat I. iked to tnemilit the I'pprr Misiiuippi. In .lime, Iv'i... it a^ain sppeared m New York, l.d in IMS it was tgain intriMluoed ry post* on power, and weighing from 45 to HO tons, liy rushing into a baker's shop, holding "-ich machines would haul trains of 4.V) tons H-hat appeared to be a crying baby in his at .'Ml mile* per hour up a grmle of '.V-tiet arm*. Apparently very angry at the child's to the mile, anil when operate I at a voltage cries, he savagely threw it in the hot oven. into tlie country through New Orleans, , about doublo that no-* used ,-n trolley roaJs, He then tn.-d to escape but wai caught, whence it traveled up the Mississippi and acioss the plains in California, a severe epi- demic having prrvMlntl in Sacrament \\eli.ne bad .everal epu'emi -s in tin. will develop high speed servi -. and immediately presented before lhe towa A street amxmn.vi tor i-leotri,- stren-t "nagistrate. The charred remains of a rag railway car. ha. l.e.-:i pitonteil recently, doll were produced as that of the burned is deecitbrd as a device contained in a habv, tti.d noth it and the situation looked I,, another moment Kotherford wo. stand- ,, t| , al tho i mri!e , wll l, |,,. r grandfather on ing al lhe calm, d.ior. M-I.S..US arm was ly plunged into ih- ciinbnard. A. l sl.ailow fell upon nun he look ed round a gssping cry e ca|-ed him, and the l-oi dr -| p- I ringing and clinking upon the t|., .,-. '] fie man sprang low ar.U K ' more with the intention uf making hi. <*sc.|>e than of .bowing fight ; but l>avy taught him by the throat, flung him down a. lie would have done a dog. and stoo.i ..\. r bun rt.i-ly to rr|Tat the a. lion should hu n.ove. Itut MOMS ui msde no at tempi to rise ; he lay cringing at the ol her', feet, and l rem I. In. g from head to foot. The ringing sound of the iron box, or mote the money in.ide it, had rims*.) l.andn.-k. He surt.-l up on his el- l-.w sn I a!., te.l at the two men a* th <er he were awake. 1 1 - l.oaid, bail probably .link to the bottom of th" river. And in the dead of the night ' It was horn'-le to think of. liut where was 1'avy ? The mere tbouglu of him gave her courage. Had he gone for aid * He miut know what had happened : lie hud feared to alarm her. She paused in her rowing aiid called lo Koihei ford by name r "l>avy ! ' Kut no answer came back to her a.-r.is. the river -not .sound. The sense of lone linen, and dread grew upon her now ; and yel she persevered, screwing \igorounly nt on towards I'-ilteisea g after hei and dancing in Ibe dark e. Idles round her boat, As .he neared lhe l-ndge, always listening with intentnes., .he fancied that .he hcarl .voices a ii'Mig ibe shadowy piles. Hi -r heart beat loudly. She went down on Au.lrmn war. projecting from lhe trolley wlu-nl ita.i lard 'l lil!t ould nol find after this, a hall :rike.s in parsing. The .-onti. t sliov* a '' > h to hold the people that crowded , nioinentarv elei-tii'' current, wan-h ruics a mg'illy to Ins entertainments. III. an e,,..o,,r.g,n .,g n thai popular ,.,,_ c- ,. ln - g . liu . |inoll to lhe ,, anw <, ( \ he stieet next nh.-ad, with itii adjacent mini- IKT, or public building, just appearing in lhe l>.-\ ; as ll:is street or l-iilldlng is r . the name displayed drops aiilcinuticiliy. dread of the pu.-d lo that -.i can not of K't-.', for the nw he com- | lisease M an .>tl-ms nit 1 lii- tlie .,_,,,. tl) , ttr.dgr with the tide r-.n vn. MMHli-l 'l-mly over the other |,-r kue,. and began working like a mad under the dm, light "f t>,e barge-lamp, wa. wom|lll , t lhe *,.,.. | n h . r ^g,,,,,, .,. as startling and unexpected a. any dream t({4 , n ,.,,,. | doul.ledly promoted by mental emo and fears. In Iv'l-J pi-oplo tliroiiglioul me i. mi-e -11^ i-in , <-.i uivio ..i i.'ni.i. ii'.t i i > , country \v . utelv panic stricken. i , i Theannou,,,- -,,t , the .ppro.-hing ap ';"'";-' *> -cc,,-,l,,,g slro.t ap- of llall.v .gre. l ,n,. , wa, ,,,,,,,le I ' K * ri ID lt F~*^ ACallle i.y tin. II|H-I -til ..us, and that class inclu.led well nigh the >...le population, witli pea tiience un.l ini|ii.n ling evil. Men looked up. .n its lull rfnl light wilii dread. The most trinfying feature ot tlie disease was the i.l 1. mi. s with willed II eame an I COLO* 1.1 . MINI - Tbe l-l in or l:\nuiluallon III 1 ..-..- ....I l>,M..r. I'll-- 'Vkrlitmentary Ci-intnuiee appointed The Texas oi horn fly, as already stated, his made its apppearan, e in considerable numbers in Ontario, and farmers report it has done much injury u their c-ttle by worrying and annoying them, and thus prc venling them from receiving proper rest and food. Most alarming and exaggerated accounts have been published of the ravages c.,mtnilled in different parts of the American ; I'mon. One report says that the flies bored with whii-li i: tu.., uglily t.-i iniiutrd in:in(ir<-allt:'itaiiil.. '. xi mine the subject of " lto > horns of the cattle an.l deposited h U ' h - 1 oltt "'"l* "' ' 1 In-. I )a\v was the first to break the silence. Mr (.an. in. k. " said he, in a rapid in u, ner, "ibe bargi> is a.lnft ! Throw that netting .-'f you, if you can, .ml get f. tiller Th- fid- s 'ebbing fat. \Ve.lmll I* down on lt.tltrrs.-a llrnlge and brikrn to ' against Ihe timlirr, if yon't- i l-ii-k. I'll look tu ibis fellow . it's all bis work " I.el him go, !avy'" cried Ihe old A I la.l ngui-.li out "I *avy I *..\ y ll wa. hi. voi, e : it came her from un.l. r lhe bridge ami uige.l her to ileath. I'ln- plnv iins ul the (|">1| eni'i I loll IM-I ' iia ' We are here raudfalhi-r and I, and the !>--.. - you .re .. I . i. 1 can hold the txial. ' her ; anil a. lloiherionl reach. let lnni g.i ov-rl>oar.l, or 1 1 and broniht the boat alougsid .ball pit -h him there. Ut him take hi. Urg , ln * K , r , ,,,,,, , f om , Now- ship your oar. Can t you see us now ' ISei tha could see nothing hear nothing. A dm x ness deeper than lhe night c unr across li,-r eyes ; her sens.-s were foisaking hor ; and a> Kolherf.ud reai -In d OMI Ins haml lhe sinking wn tin --insc,.i,is .'ford nliryed. He mpppe.l l.i k u ii.llowMorisoii torise. "You I,ei7" sa'd he. Motisi.n bad heard. He in.li . Ini I. e 1 an I K u .-.I ronti.l with an an ol .|fs|H'raiion. Ih.-n- wa* a <light glrain ',( I ,'i,t in the sky. The day was breaking. I w ti ju.t ligi.; enough t. licatx ol.je.ts ....- '..- tiv suit on either >.ank. lo .lark i. u -iiain oiilhne. 'I hr reared ol.;. t MI. d it was thr one thai instantly Mtqght Moriv-ti i|'n k ey. was II,.; hei ford's ) .' t tlie sletn. He ran afv and flung him nlf into it. A tniinite afterwards he was ,g away in tlix srnu daikness ; and the .riy fl.ittiring of thr .culls up,.|| the Water elpre.Ml tbe Tent'lte's abje,-| fright. . Hd l.an-ln- k now n/e,| theiillrr and I d down Hi ream, "liny, 1 said h*, "thai', hat lei se* Itndge yon-ler. Stand st.,!y. We shall l-e upon her, I'm afeai. <1, af,.ir wr can get thn baige righle.l for .hiHilin' betwren I he p I. n,.| i.-a ly, l-i. and a sharp lookout !" tin ad Ird ; " sy, - ro ki .Lead." Itolhrrfnr.l ttot.lr n., r. ply II" I- ,.' .lown and krpl his eye. lii. 1 II|MHI so. h HIIII otltlllira ol lli<i bridge as wet" II,. li ale. I III . i i. log light. I' was a .l*r K fuss.. uh some do/en ' oil Uiups al e.|.iil ,litan^. s, s|Mi,ning ', This wooden atrti Whl'h , -iiiio. I i-d I h* anil |,ie parish otllst- trisra with 'lid (Thflsca, was Ul object of dins.' lo all who navigtted "al e l.n.lge." I's l,i''..ty s'trfi-hrs hai k a century or iiii-r.' liming I hi* s"vi-rc winter of ')).- Ihn ', br olgr had l-eei, considrral.ly datimg<-'l l-y liu^s bl.M-ks ol ai'<-iiliiiila1ed Ice, thai had I- ', ' f '- ' ii. pil- s, df. wing i II.-IM rudely al ibe me of ibe n.le. Ji tnu i...t until Ihe snd of III. last uvnlury, aboul 111 Ih. .tMI. In a inotiient el ves wit tuned , in an.ino,!: i lly us, !M > , II -ni^iush things ilMiating npoa b ivu.g tliu surround rightly the lly primary color-. deposited upon Li ........ r. in MaryUnd many the .pectrum. ' The test, wen. made with '''',"" and liaU'hed into U.tie.s, irgg,-,. ing. nf dc!!in^ , can ui, i pure, ll-foie great care, under the guidance of specialists """ ^''^''tber whowi scieulitio know.edgr .Horded a guar tin- ic|-..ri that Imre into the born and deposit ei!gs. N.-w Fe^te rtti>4L I ( aew*jt ead irustwortby im'cs'.i j' 1 "' l '''"'''l nam of this Texas lu.rse- lhe | r .lur.iig a p.iruon of gallon. Hi-cause Kerlin wool present* to ">' " ' " '"' ' s "'' s ''". and is an mi- tin- lime ..f Lbl epid.-inu' was .-M.inal hot ,,. Pyc ;l ,,,,, K h an I n.-ii r.-!l,-.-i mg surface. l-r- mect well known in southern Vrance ppltattioM and iniMlard pU.siers, with 'lie colon of which an t heightened nor,' l<- more t hati one sixth in .ii-r*el .-111,1 iin.u we lies* ai.,1 IMI! dniua^e ,,| , ,t. \Vhat.-\er dulled I o . .* Ihe h-hl n, which it'i.s displayed, I" 1 l " 1 ", u-h '" lt>n >! tl1 - "' ' l ..t ,.,,-e was ..-I.-, t.,1 :,., testing' the or - wlt . h f ml vellowish t .lark ash it ray col- jthat siib',t,.ice was selected for tesling" the ] or ' Wlt ," * '*"" V*" *" 11 "'K' < . ihoiu-h to mm Kiom amis'ellan.'om heap of .k.-ins *J " r ,'.'.'* 7, ' >ll * l ; v '- luey appear black. -Id LandriHt I. ad stepped into the boat and Di\y- ' o, but not it m . o,. n' |..o soon. U. ,,.. I'onl ha.i s prang t.ken lhe oar and p-nr.i t'..- l.oi cl.-ar of u-o.Hlwoik mi lei to" budge, when lhe r.nl. .1 upon it !,r .ki u suit- and went 1'Wn st. TII foremost. Th tide swept .n.-r it, e. I. lying and gurgling among the pile.. ''lioiie ' < r.e.t l-ni l'i k with a groan, llotnii and savings t-w, Davy, all .wallow I np. I'm a mined man." lUitberfoi.l answered angrily: "1',-tne, une, Mr Ijnidrick ' \Vlial alu you thin'.- lug about? If It had, i I been for r.eill.i, we should have l..rn swallowed up ion l,ok to youi grand .laughter, sir. Mon'l you see she has fainted ?" "Ay, ay. I'oor thing!" and bo beut down over her. Kolhaifoi.l, setting the hoal'lhead agtinst the tide and gel Hug f me on the bndga, si. end loward. Ihe ferry steps whele. ha and Id rlha had met in th.' Iwilight ou lhe pi \ lous (.veiling N'.lhing tool .- waa sven of John M i i .,.n I'oil C'-lhei ti.nl alli-rwanl.s leal, led that the notorious Ked lions, lav.nn in Kallpiifa I o I Is in those days a den of gamb ei s and thieves bad Imen his fa otiiile lesorl. ll Ihen l-c. ame nvidenl. even to the old hargo- man, that the net mending was a nine pre I.- l lor dis. ov ei ing lh bvsl means of gnu ion ,.t thr- iron !HI\ which l<nndn. k ii'. w, lint ondilion is iinspoakably .up.-ri-.r of various colms the |H-rson siilnintlmg to a lo that of sixty yr.rs ^KO, and hei, . i. -i our unproved surroundings, the incresir of m.'dical skill and tlie unpr,-ve,| intelligence of the people th,-ie is no had guarded day and mghl in the l>arg cabin e,.-, .1,1. r I,.- had tak. n up hi. m. KM nigi l.i side the that, hed house. At low tide when Koiber/. id rowrd I. a k with I AIL In. k under llallr.ea Itrnlg !<> <-x'\iiune the spot where th. bargn hftd sunk, tliey were not a lillln smpri . I .. tin. .o. i H LI craft lying half nut of w Ivr. Upon closer insjii cliou, ll was fou and ii|Uli I It Ml Ik,' ol l.|. bite thin shinti.il cattle by piercing them with their iiroU>sci.. which somewhat re- tnl-les that nf a mosi|into, and thr.-iigri which the blood of the animal is sucked up blind "nd transferred to the stomach, \\henthe iuiiuii lor n.s >,. dis.|tnel oui.rlvrj in vai.i ,. ui green was next in frequency Simv """ * rtl numerous they areexlretnely annov- over ex) led epi dumu 1. l.-t everybody i ei|..-t uncut has pi.-ven Ihat red and green '*' ltl "' ' '' | i shrinkage of milk .Md rteh. keeplu. pi.-.ni i-s , I.- >n. AMI I,- ih,. city I rB t|, B two . i.lors found lo be most Irusi woi thy f >r signaling purjosex, ou account lest was re (-in el to select approximate in I'.-M.-I for certain lest colors. It was found that hhndnfs to re, I tin- most ."in -non lot ui ofdeftoiency , u' i. oi MI. do their duty an 1 there it little lu fear, i "in \ I |. !....! > . II, -Mil.!,,. Ills I !lll,| I I. Mil ii.. nttlr "i Mis i. r. ,11. mi .in. i I'eiioii .Ivspatch says : -Napoleon W lls ki'lnappi-d bi. little HOI, and inu.le Ins esc I|H- m ii coiipe Ix-binil a gallop MIL; h"i " at tlio coiner . Inn. led till in occurred .f Howard an.l Knit sli.-.-ti last evening, when th street^ were full of |,.- ,ple g.'inu home from work. Thr Hlory n that U .-Ms, who travel, fora San I tan , is,'o toba,', o IKIIIX-, nnirrird in Kngland a daughter of Mm. It.-oili, who now lives at ..ii Howard street. The mat ri.ige proved lo I., .in null ip;-v one, nn.l Mrs. \\ ells secuiod a divorun and lhe custo.ly ol the son. They I iv. I at Cinciimali, but last May Mis \Vells and In r inotlii'i came I,, li.'it.ut In a short lit, I,- hn mart led M l . Stei ling, of Tot .-nt,,, and M -.I --i.l iv when thr kidnap]. inv o -, ui led I hey were in Toronto ariaiiging to move tbere. I'm- ,",ii|>.- wbicli.imtitinr.l We I la met Mi lto >ib .in, I Hie litlleson on hirst streel. \\ rlln slo.ut. ,| lo 'be driver to stop, and in an in. 'a, it be had nn/oil Ibe child The ol I of their snpei i.ir luiinnoiiily and iheir VIHI Inlily al considerable disiancos, ihe fact that these are the Iwn color, which color- blind persons are most apl to mistake is a matter of tin first in>p..itancr. The commit lee found that persons in re spon. ible posii u ins in lhe marine and rail- way .ervice, wher.t accuiacy in detei mining color is essential lo safely and elli n-ncy, c.iuld not I* frusi-d to read lb iigiiala cor rectly. This coi,.lii i..u of thing* |H>iil.|y 1'he eggs are dep.ite>l upon manure he^ps and freh cow uiiiuue. and hatch into little footless maggots about three i-ighth. of an inch long w lien mature, ami of a dirty vrl- lowish whit.. ,olor. The c k 'gs hatch within two or three days, ami the insects make the full round of life from ,--x to mature Hv in two weeks. I'ro). .lohn It. Sinuh, of the New ler.i'y Kxpernnent Mation (omul toliaivo |H-w.lcr silted into the h.ur U'twecn the horns, along the hack and at thr root of the tail, would kill liie flies as they enier the hair lo bite. Also that fish oil with a lit- funu.hci the explanation of many disasters , " carlmhc ''! mixed with it ,s ex,-ellenl oil sea and land which havn hitherto IH-.-II *" * preventive, the oil to be nibbed lightly deemed inysteriou. ; and It certainly nidi | " v " r " lp nimal with a sponge so as to oates the necessity fora tbiirougn test "'oi.ten the emlsof the hair. I5ul the hiwt ol 'the eyes of engineers, pilois. signalmen, and ithers who are mtru.led with i..\<imenl of Irani, and water craft. As to the cau.e of color blimluess tho committee report thai in the greater num. Let of instances ll proceeds from congenital defect, that can not be icinr.lie I; bu 1 . it is |.ie\ .'tilivo is to destroy the eggs by spread the '"' th * ''*'' 'Iroppmgs of the oatt'o so ihey will dry. This should he done a. often as every second day. The egge cannot ha cli or the voting maggots live except in niomt- substances. Manure in .tallies should be .prinklesl freely with land plaster, which 'IV lull* uii IMII ll. -I w I ruin I iv 4 , l-u > IV1S| .' ' |..., n lre<|iieiitly the rrsull of excessive use of to. w '" 'iMtrov the maggots, and add lo the l-a.-co. This is a hint worth i enu'iul ring value of the manure. Like many other on the p.rl o( those who may l-ecome a ware P's it can only IH. exterminated by Ihe of lli. it iiuibility lo ilistniKuisb colors. Aseveiydayin ilu ywr -s am" veiy day In lh year thuiihaiidR of nd millions of dollars' worth of prop. l ii i i-n is, in iiiiiiM'ii^ i| i|ii||.\(t Wiirill UI lady sis., b.-hl . bun, snd \\ ells t hereupon | erly , ,1,-peiidenl for safe keeping push, d her lii the ^lound. In another in '.nil he r>s n tbei '.-I|H< and out of Sight. ' I l.p oflicen c.nuot local, bun, In sax-my slHiul . -v.-nly per cent i.fthe, workingmen earn less than $\M per yenr. IpOII the accurate rcailing of colot s l-v p. i s,.,n employed u|xin s;ramers, ships and !.-ct>mo. IIMS, the knowledge, of Ihe nk nivult-.d should load to thorough examinaliou and inr weeding out -I lii >s f, ui, id n, tin. par- ticular lo ha>" .h'l.ciive ryosiglit. unitod .union of all rtablc owners in t try where it exiitt. K 1 Sco-l. on.' of the .ilthii-it negroes in N'lr.^nna, went to Clifton I'oide sc\eral yeai-si u/o nli.>ut a dollar. Hu now owns i" k li ern bo isi-s and lots, a hole) and a !. . i'101-.enieni h'M and M piittin^ up a latge bu.l i.og .11 Mam street, lie also l tins a wcoj and coal yard.

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