Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1892, p. 4

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f h u FLESH BUT UN \ i> v A N C h iw l^fts THE ADVA ACE vcrv i >:-.'. f'Ufturton, On! Ta\RU- r .11 i: 'S 1 p nni w : t> i t.i ^k<4D aw au n at - i i paii i:iU.-i , UATB8. 'M.in 1 > .i, | , i .,|., *. : .. ' ' ., I .Y8M. pel ... W. II. THUIl:- TON, A'tii' 'T ud 1'r i OfR EXHIBITION. Large lithograph J bills hare now b!i issut-d drawicg atteuliou to tbc 1 Grey fall fkir.wl.icli is to be held bere ou 8cpt 'JO and SO, a'o listing tLe n-tcialties and attraetiouB which LY bci-u arranged for. Tbe direc tjrB have giveu souo txc. llvut prizis (bis year for horse- spring, ai1 ^ l' avc al*j added very materially to tho prize list, and it i* cuutiileutialy ex- (octrd that this will distance iu ratnt auy exhibition IT., bo/ore Laid iu the ndiug. \Ve bcl'u.i tl.al the big el. own have about ru u.. -a- course as educators and thai farmers are begin- ii<g to Bee that tiu-ir interests lie i.taxer home, and iu c .:- . 'jiifcuct the Lome exLibiiiou will Ixcoiuc more in favor from this <n;. A wish may be father to this thought, bat we confi- dentially believe tlat the tide has IK juii to rise iti favor of tlio home show us .gainst the Li^u noiiey.grabbing institution*, s'K-li u an in prograss ut Torouto during ill-, [.result week. M Lose be good maxima : Exhibit at Loiu< . 8ee what other* xlii'uU. bpcud jour uiOL.y \v la-re much of it returns to yoa u Tlte Now Orle.un \ .!/. fight which resulted in John I. Sullivan getting whipped "out of lii= uots," attracted a yreat deal of u-j 1 . o- lust wctk, and g.joJ tuen v, no:.. ' would nut credit with lakiii : any iiu- uch brutal i. x'.i.i . . were anxiously eii'iuiring for copiu of the daily cuu- lainiiig > ditailil ii'-cotmt of the jtffttir. Joliu L. ho 1 u 11 un a howl- ing spree ever since: -^ foil. Hy the way, several novels, ai ! n do/eu good i -j,i iiai.i-' et'rrru 1.3 could ho luanu- factored out f .-,....;. i-.atcrial. Sir John Ai i l.r tilth Lai, for some lime, be i. iu a precarious con- diiion, and he lias Ixen unable to at- Und to Inn duties us first raiiiidior. The prt-BB of the country hs been by forfeit li:n: un i ul/ rt-bitfiiutioii hiid ap[ieal tu tin i . .'i . y, but ut a cabinet inn in. 1 : on l-'rid.ty last it WSH decided tu ri i John uot ' Griru choliia i.-: tiiil :-t ilisiri^; abroad with gianl htii li in I ..''I", arid al- Ui'in^h ho has knocked at tin- doors of America bi nili v l>a thus far 1 n pri.-vt.ntod. Inft-i-i.il \.--iU in New York harbor am I.. M in qVMMBBM f.jr thu pat Wf< k. On. uf ilit-se vos- IM ha di-vi-lnji. .1 ;i i. ii.iUr of new ease i since she w-n h ! up. Mr. Jaa. TI...V. . M. I 1 ., and tho lato Liberal U'ln|>, iiu 1 t his HOU H tusidence in 'ruini.l'i on Biitnrdny luSt. Mr. TlnW UilH llliHi-Hlu'l tkft> I the last HI-IK rul i i.vtum, an-1 at thu by !< rlion fi.ll')\uni{ Mr. I'lilliiun nicceedwl in \sn ''', tl.i- neat from bun. That Hilk Matter. TO Hit Killlur <ij Th' .llr.itirr. It ii Tory IIIIK illiii.'l) lh.it I Rin r r tu Mr (' H. Stkniut/i Itci-ilmitiiiii*, tint Ihnrv aru <, iiuo^toiiu-iitii In )<ii lul C'ifniiiiiiiic.tlH'ii dm! I let\ cannot, in jinh. tu in\*ll , I . i,li .M .'it |n .,, l.nf. un tli |. iil.hr niiiiiiti. fil. Ir Mr. Stewart ranniit u t tinlk li-ntrr imy Ixttur llitn lie can u*e ti i- IJi^lmli lmii{iia|{<i, he tfj go out of tliu liufiuve*. Is "lie iinm.Ttitl Siitikexpcnre" las inmU-l in sen- tence utructiirt' / Was it by etudyiir.! Int works that he lenrneil to use iit-itliiT, folltiwiiiv 1 thret> Rit.irnatives, Mint several an n nvii.iiiyiu of once . I . unim-nil the whole pr..iluoti.'ii tu the |innci|ial uf yiur publi.' nchnol its nn vxamplo f linw to uae UiiL'iii\^t< mi nt tu conceal th.'Us>)it. or iiw, li. .1 } u li.'u-e n. 'thin'. 1 tO ->>'. t.. say it IT a :in i!hntrnti<>n .'f til vn>l;i"..'i of every I. nnwn ] riiicii'lt* in tlir use if eur in ..tin r t. iipue. Mi S'.-wnrt claims '!iit 1 t'lrii-t )>ret- lieu iijiuti him. I U^ In-. i'.>i.l"ii. I MMf attetiipt iinpossibiiitiee. H. 1 "un ly tine li-eliii^ii" ilul ij"! ] revt-iit him M HI uniiict-iutrily i.. .iiilin.- .. n,. ai.il tli;it ton miller tin- i.-irb uf clu; Miuty. Histyle <if writu.s.' fine anil milk testing an- on a par. | "fm 1)1 rush in where nn<>lf* fer tu treud." "Thoiie who live in ylaM hous. Hhnultl nut throw t"ii'-i ' H. i>eetns if refer to tome trouble re- rd.i the milk two yenn .. nnd tales that I aJuiitteil that it liad 1 cen with. I had iiniilj' tu take hi* w.Ttl for it, and nltlii'ii^h 1 was very anxi.'in that them ihould he a th-ir. .Utfli inTf'.i:;ali"n, I could n.-t prevail on l.iin to tako nction. He prnoiiaed to tmt the milk toijuUrly. but teited it only twice, and then jumped at a conclusion. In n-.-atit t.i tin- present trouble he give* rl.i- tpflt^ on tiiHerent ilityi an H, 9, 10, 11- ami 12 per rent.. >>tit wiyi* nothinj aVniut tho average tierconta'.'o of cream and itnttfure j-ives tha puMic no inoai of ji ''jiiio whether t!:v porcviitage ia lu^li "f 1 .v. 1 uryed hi..i . !i .l.^ireiit occa- t the in Ik ai it oaiut- from t!"- OIA<, Mid, if lio wished, tu l.rin.' the ;. - - t- r with him. -in ti.is he did IP.! ii" iinre he took a 1-ottle home with him, wl.i-h he Raid ti-nt"t '1 i"-r cent., but this te, fi'm mnio ne- plained r-?n*on, lia did uot ?ife. Now all theio tettii wire maJe with Mr.St,.wart' tester, nnd >1n> cuntrivaiiee i nut to be iU-jieinle<! upon, an he himv If mf TIIII .1 me, tin' .u K.IIIII dy the rre.mi Vtuuld uot nio in it en .." -i.iiut . i the milk sour- iiiX too ijiiii-My. I emu ' undetatBMd whnt .\tr. Si. inr.ii.'i i i hi* fiitence referini; t the . IVrhnp* "my int-!l-ct it< Ui Sunly h j don not vinh the ;. 1 ' '" I !.-\. that RU ii <.'. i wiiulil e K decUiun and commit hiin^-If by v tbni "the milk was iliamefully i-u.) -Mill ' without h . .. ' -i-il it or h.nii.2 iiei-ii it tvett>d. CHiinila im;lit ir U'l uf ot&cialu uf thi.t l:iud. Tlie public may juili^'. 1 i.f the accuracy of Mr. St-.-Wi'ttS itaUnii-iiM '.y n< ' ilii'. r. ' ill hii K-tvi'r hi) myii t'iu . tho Kith the null: '. I I1A and in nn / pl.tw that it tentud 12J i. thu auin. tiuto , und ul*o tl.-it ID * t! text ' t thu tu.icana ui tin. '.'"'u : i 7 'Hid 14, -ii. d then n-fvira tu il i-lii nn ' i iii^- nil ihtlfte..! Uays. Appnreiilly, in oulur to l--.u. tho . i.:ition with the . . ! .tint the u i. i i i.i. -n thu Unit and Intt I.-' itiL'M ;. in rttr than U renlly \va, hv rites ).u dutei.or, a< ho i . It wou put i:, ktno|iR to thu liainef'il mil ti-rfuire of f.iUifyini,' his lii'iiri'S d.'li''vra'ely or iitherwi*.u, by plaoiii" th" dt>i> uf tho la.st tt-itin,; on the iJOth instead of " _'7t!i. In tlni iiinnteenth ceututy. v-.i'i our l i ii ty, it h .t i in in .-. ' un ' ... .1 i.l. .in.l (hut, ''. word ol I II li -ll'.'h K.1 Ml .V, ' him l.j U). Now Mr. rMit..r I nm vory orry to have i : , |. your c.'lniiiTi.H, I, nt HI tliit nlnndur i- IK-HI'.', i ir.-ii'.iii- I I t. 'i dli 1 IT. ..n to viiuliiMti- inyi.-lf. 1 riied b] t" p;i\ 'i -i' 1 . i i I..M In tl . in i".'i-, iin.i Mr. ',( if I h..,| ,| ,n,. K . it wni'.l KMin have ; - .1 into oblivion, i-"' . inn lion in iv r ; M|. the tronl v . . ,,[ m^Kin^ , t pul'l.' . >!.. 'i 111 . linn. :ILI| i/.'i.-tna <if I. in. .1 ;! "I i ' i-'He thu i i. , I IIM .it I'l int'iit. I li.-iv.. now I'll' I .'ill li'-u.l It to yom n .i.l, -in t.i f.,rm 1'i-ir ...u I.|..III.IHH 'I'l ill :i.;: j'.n for the ft .1 truly, , x -. ^ lit- lily lo llr. Itrnc*'. 7 1 .. " tdttoi / n : i" ' ' ' le i i. ,i|.t t. Tunl . i I I O..II'!. tn, I u n , |a |,, )t (, *"'' ' I it ii4 u fii. M't 1 ,,t inl. auin.iii. ii'. 'i. u i ii. |ii. i ,.,., in III. III. u I H.I I . 4H^"I. .1 I.V I , .f (I,,,, ll, I . . . . . ,1,, I I il| .1 'III. . 0"ii -,iiiiit: null Co. 'I . ,,.!, ,, I Ui I, t.,,. 111111110,1 ill II I i nli.il, v. i Will. ,. t .' , 1 : ' | M If mi Imil li.'mil i ui> I. i I I, ".n i. ii.lt. . 10 llV Kllll ( tll.l .III' '..! ..f I!. 1,1,. | 1 ... 1,1 , 1. 1 on,', tucaluituiuiii./ Ir.uu tlio Ml. ...t,. i i.f tlit* r.-jiuliit With i. f.-i.-nc.- tu . |.. ,-it uf uatlnual Jt-i' iii.',-LU|>i..,l for yi-iir^. j iiT far our |mvketi.. - h.. refers to the I. ,11 .luni-it Now. (In-. i-.iin-lui..ii IIM t>*vn ariivnl at fiuiu in. i. K n:nn w.irk. u . n . t..rli han r-r ti..eu taken HI null, tint N o t i HT Iwlil'Vvil thai tile <|..,nk nn,.., .1... AlGI u.ltir. jiit.t liktf our quaik ifinn.T. wa in. pn-l,.u ..f ruiiuinn In- ''.-in. -a, lu.l tli.it a iritl.-l part o/ flnur n. CMIIII. un, I I. mil Ktl'l Mr. llruoo in.li. UlUDt?)* ail. I ol.ll-ln I'.fc-- UlIOUl ..... i ,11 I I tli'.ul.l baabto ti> .;. n-.til.i- '.-Mi-it N..W, .tin-, tot u of cimi|inn . iiava MI in-ti i>:.-l in- I.. tli 1'itH , thai > uidii 111,1 v k> t aii ' iut uf mill without an ... i.i : .t Mr hnMe ualteiMMl] refveee to OOQM le ue fee AM u.li-l, lilll f ;u tlif i. nil Iniii..,!! \ great n, HI,, , .tl.riN ,1.. lik- ui -u it:i.i.ruiit . ' t, t H.iW t all hl!rl|, , t fl ,111, mi- K c.'rrrrt . l'"i t ol inili |.|.. ....!* vMi.ni,. t- tliu luu.ilUk- . .t.- In iit-elf ' my luukill^ a In, .ii tun nt. u lu.-ii ti.i- ,t. p. .11111, .1 i.itli the true itato uf alUjin a very | .table couiliti. in 1 i.ti i on, i.t. oatlin:di ilr|iartaii-n'. jO .lit ki;i- Kt iL- of Whl. II 1 |. II . IIM -. .1 ( , i M i bl II lli^ tni-lll ht.T.) Ill I..- n. tin lliUK a 1 Ktiiri'lii.ii', lit,!.. .'Hull. h:-w..i..i not )ut>tl!) I.... . ifi^),t..n kt I't tln-ui u, ii , Boi . lutt- iin,|>lu evtilcucu to |'i >M thkt n 1 .. i I 'litainixl I'fi iiii^Miiii fi..in i..,. .11... (. .1 .if < !. U .>. tl" -(. . I 1. |'.ii I . . o. It ,a* lii.thlli^ but a \\ I . '1 v ^,.|t. t- ' if tin- I. ml, I1IIK Until it :i. , A!'* .ar t -utl\ Hi. Hru..' I >-". if tin.-, null, an.l tra>. i. L-W dry nkiuM. A- ! i Mi-Kin:i..i - .......t . .,l a l.,a.l ..( uo pur, Imsur 1 tjnc Mi M K.u , ";.. . luiihul, the i M '. for It, kounor .ban ew hiui draw It houii'. au.| xut it (jru-n. I, .-.-. .t in Hour, bran air) ttiort.i, aauie as any itlier patr.m. If wUoat a> ui>t .:.".! M Mr iriicn wuul.l like to aay, 1 am the lu*ur KI..I n.i tlie ('.. Aa for i. ni . .1 i. ..: ; uf mill 1 aui i. -11,^, 1 wilt m; : . :v .f. any time. In I'.un'liiaion w, ^ I" 1'iir*. inali. . . 1. . ,,i,-. ho ift not Iilan- Li..-u>rof tliu Comiiuny. At. fur sub- taiicu it i* aa true .*- Lit !.'..-i-':'. "I am n itlii-r iLiiuer or link T." b .1'iiin,' a little at lu' latt. r and all he cell of founor. Mr. ' ia uvitlii-r tinker. UUIK-I uor uierolntnt. . -l'iiulit iu linn. I. n,; iv. -ry ' . i iin -- uttier than 1 wn Thankiii.' v .u fr viir -: - In your pnj'cr m. -I !.,,(. uot to IP ,.i> )ou Iu fuc., ) our J. etc.. U. i .! '.n O. WhittitT, the jood^iukcr [)tt, died at hia home in Am. luiy, .Mas?., last week. Vlii'.tior wai cue tlie wni Li's bent p .!.. and \iii of "Snow-bonnd" ij a classic. M purt's ii:'. . 85 jcavs. ( fn-nt our urn Corrrrpntultiit. \ -iiccfB.^ful te.i-mertino; W:IB lu-ld in tie Kp(iiii'.r Mi-ihuiiin oimrcli nn Monday evrtiini; last. '!' 'a was lirut- cliics as ia .1. ,. \ tbo c iso nt I j und was enjo)i'il by rll, nfti r w'.. e waa ^iviii \ty Iu v. l>i\ Fiusei-, 11 niiil'.uii, HI liiit '! i. , . '. from 1 to .Jeriisali'in. " '1'ln 1 loctiuo w:n interesting ui.,1 instfiic-tivi!, nnd .-.* tuucli tnjovr.! by all. Mr. W. J. A. Carualtaa, ofMoaford, \vaa jnvst-nt and sang tlnvf -nljs wliicli wore luni'li apprn.-i'tiril. 1'rocceds of tliu t-iiter- ient (t 18.4ft) are to bu i. -.1 in ending a fuut'o ntotiud tlio cluucli ..lit. lU'V. I>r. FntFi-r. tlie gOBtt of bik> tuolo Mr. . iy. ill ' . . !' Mi ,ll 11, Si -.lOil lit Mr. ti. .V- 1, ;..- last wt-ck. Ml News. Tlio fuuwal of the lain John <!. \\ ' tin- t. .1 |.laco itt An.. il;iiry, M.IH. , nn S.ii uiliiy . Tin. i.', rarnment cases against 'II: Md ;,-, n -, N. :-, i ,,,., , ':. , \ , , v..,'r,,i lint iili'l ntluMi .nil .-..ni'i u_i :i( tli.- \ .1 -.-^ in I MI.I,I t'n-. v Til. iniiiin i' :il t i\ r.it .f ',''! i ' . I 4 , .kill I "f I' .I'm 'V ' .il 'J.'l | I III I 111. I . ' ' . , ' r 10 H .1 rlinliTil II ti'il.iir ; sli'.wi' I I'l.'.MS i-.iii-t i ,| BinperOT \V.l!' u,i ,f '.', niriny :i\ , i' ii l.y i n in. .in ii'ij i .' J.I. (lint In' wll (:iy u visit i I " i :v^ S^ f'*** > . (. ''>-; jBaikcr,! r V: '* lTa,il<>iv m. . &',;:! l.ik.m all|arm< , ,., ii >( , ' woik Kilaiu-iti'. I \ : I F. A. MKLR, i i i .:n I;H. It i. . --.rilii CwM m UM li - . UMM. SOOTHINO, , HEALh.U. Instant Detitf, P?.-trr.r.ent Curt, Faiiure / Man/ *>:!. J !*^.'. r<. - atl.i. 1*1. ,ji '. tlfc.e. LAIIB. . bu::. any '. ..ur !,.., n H.! I kwl i. NA*A!. 1 v : . The Markets. *'arMiill> C'orr^flrd tai-h Wt-rk. .*!('! to * I tO Fall U . to .1 t.. ft !> Vi > fj r i s '.' to IS ... HI I.) U) , nrf .. ' t.> H : C if H.i. |'.r :.m.. ........... > 10 J : '> to kini . 1 CD B , i I .ui ,K | r|iair \\, ! tft M 0011 E & \VILSO N ( Thr OfthoL'ib -I \-. ,. .-.jritnnw at t<#- ' >lirtr l 1 I >rhv l.'tUT .n all uhronlo 4iMM i- i iirUjumti M. : .1 And lt,rl.|- . uui vn ia.vcuk an 1 exhault- ii . wh ) aro hr from ut v.>^^ or ovr- wrk. rciultluiilii u,any of the Ml.'wiof "yio- ru ol I iy*. ' ,, i -U.JI1 Of taw boa" - |<aln In tin- U-lue,f, tu.*.latl.". }!. ln^ of tli-' pritun*. .lix.-inuatf. r(>r<-)ii boff. >-ea. twitclnni; i.f tlio ".irl.. .,-.. '!.'.. and OllV'Wtirn'. '. i :r'ua, ' ' * .Ip sii-1 fa ' . H.loJ * : ,t. i.lr , ^.ra ' .w i , n ; ;. A 1 (o I' 91 -tt< ; ; t . MI-.IFC 'U, . ... .., i>t 'rnv Mill* ." hmutaciurers an^ I), tlurs in ail t T f . i ' ' ' 1 ' ' . i, cua.1*. r; . .". .n. r r* U To Preserve -., color, :. of th- hair, the gre^te-nt care i; 'i.- hy tho use of s drL's.in^rs. To ha sure of a fiist-cbss artirlc, a> 1 . .' >l or p^rturncr for Acer's Ks'..' Vi'iOT. It is absolutely sup. other prep.-iraru'ii of tin- '..'ml. It reetore* to ha.r which h.is become tl. ; , f.ul.'H, or gray. It keeps tin- w-'lficnol, moiht, - ii .i to THE HAIR a silkc'ii tirx' 1 I'l.-t.- of nil h.iir-ili-os*inf. M y '.,-.. i ' H - .-' neo. I ll.iir I it 1 .. i A !!.". I ill. K. J. i . iris. "Over a yrur ajfn ' -' flavor, ' ' ' .' t\' rvnui:i- . - i >':f -u .'s, bin ui' .1 lv(.'..m to '. . i I ",nv my I ii is I lo ilH i ' ' .--.. 11 I ' ', \-i-i ^ flir VifiDf for :u irK nn.l inv I. ii. . - MIO -t. .11 :.n v- ' .'o i't ii .1 n. I Bin lorn \ i. < .!.!, .1. ,1 li.n i ' f-vi-nfi -h . .- ' > Mi.'' Ott AMat ' iKiB> ' il, ' N\'\,.i-'U' \Vyo. A y e r ' s . , < I . -. j i-f H:iil ding M.i.:. anil J;-essfd lumber al- .i\s bii hand ; also all kinds of Moulding, Scroll work, Balmten Ni ; -.v, //,; 'ing, 1\::.\ In y\ thing in bl ^r n fairing. . -t.irt at .i >rk. A I rti' i.i-' . t h _- ' . s At I. \v,-sl prur- __ Inn Fwlirj. ~M('JUE & WILSON. SHILOH'S I CONSUMPTION- CURE. . Tlii 1KI . i.-cese- fill CilN-l ' :. - ..,ut a l.ni.i'.l '1 ill tin 1 ry i ! .All ..u a \oii- CaU . '%'b, it will > T ip, r '.V! ix.niuK ' t proi 'lie/ : : i jea* t will v I'rtife il f. r HiHl.iill J I RE, Prfc r laiutMH.' SuiK'l. - iS*. V.iluablo Farm Fur SaJo. B'll ' , fill W i Va\ IP , . lam ui f Ui* i in-i!. . iu , i ni-raa L barn !*tCT further -' i.N. -. HAVE YOU BACK-ACHE DODOS KIDNEY PILLS Will JREYOU " flu BMSBM . trouble Kidney fiiompt i " 15 i > 'f o ' "f , \\\ ' : "Mi- try t,i haalthy c H y .without r ni/f, an h.hitth u ii-n tha kidney* a ro tf>0 . /jrt of the aysttm. It Ng- troubles in Bail Blood, Dytptptla, Lii-i'r 'tint, (intf the tt'iist ri.tn- gerp'.i of all, '< MMBU*J Diabetes anil " Thg af>evt cannot r Kidnta Pillt are used. ' r i Hvnv.il. I'r. I.. V . > \Vr To The Public. JA I Whlttvo'i blMkimltb i i I. in "I v. in.. I am now u a ; I " iM.'ii t . ,-i.u 'I.. ,.ll WHUU In lily him a Hor^Wnf) a Specialty, I I I -I. K I I, HI V Pur iimitliinj in Mi- : <l F. A. BUNT, i'l I'.'iilu l.iL-hai.li.'u'i llni.lwaru time. Q A U T I O II.K; or THE Myrtle ITavy 1.: M T IN BKOM7.K I M I TK. NONE OTHEN GENUINE

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