1HE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BANKING OFFICE OF GEO. MITCHELL, A u^-icrnl bankiim l>'i-i'i--n trtnufted iiwmet casii^-l at usual rite* Ii always Available f >r Icmu.'LAfcj bu*iuw lftt*r|>riae. Or: . i north of h:chrd*on & Co'*. Vicinity Chips. Chur.n i. ri-M" of i!i. I'a-st We-k 4 ;ir< fully Cull-l for the Curuui* .< '. iri/I he ( trill be ,,'.r . Boy -. 1 .::. .Ua printing buiiumu at this .:at ' at once. ;.:aie SuiuUr '. an i>sur la-.- h't i Anises be?an in Owvn Sound I is a lii-Ut one. trout be- gin- .u btfoaun for partr: ibbits. T!> I "iry ':>: : wa a ! uriifil an ^ meet iu I ' "ii Tlr.ir- .- ' iust. Vi t!. < -t '.ion have visit- . this MUMS*. Tlir '(hold up"ii Flesher- . Mr ; 1 : : : il of tha liar . l,hu I'ureh.u- i the Dun- dalk i .' will ii. .1 t'ke poMiou Ul.ti. :-^t TV r -ician . i - :.i. died in V wet'*. The body was .i)t" f .-. ii.;. rra 'ut. 1H to- il. i.. . . . rrinemUT that t!n.v i..niiot offer tlii- - ' T sal* w.i ye.ir which .iui $. r > to ?-">. ie.tr says x irtou K '.lie Klh- .icHH- " v --.bur ! \\ ' - menu ' It !<> :h.> first we 1 j . i^O. I.I ..Iiarr'i.-r. M.irkdalr. rati . . unit ill tlio IV.'lt !<' I' v'.'iiiiuis- \.; v it or nt I' i na'.tvr of 1'ersia, (fare "a | in '.ho Presby- Sand ..t, to MI i* \ i '*uJs r . . i !uj native as a mi .. jii liaTe only U) ust t'u 1 ' \yei S.ir- .. ' ' t ' - il.lhisi II'. . f tilO - ;iiach . Tha MIU in tho inaiuifai' i ' M .Mjrrlf N u\v is i . . i! aroma of f. 1 . i it (kill nil a ii v'.iU.' if v^iy inU-1 : result! attained lire \ . nor to all forms of t!av r i . . N . without r> ' \ .if \ As .1 nt\ iiml ; ve.ly t i."] .ill.', all ;: lariv ... wiU, they liav. , liilfully iucar-i-". . .., aud I , v ' \\. > n. -iv M.H-. St-iyner Sun.- . .itswort'i N.'- for i i. llu-:il >.' t;l.lillllll{ tll>- \:-' ol K K.i i - .: . . . -i lu [Hiblish iliir- iuj; t!u .11 ; u'l .i : the Qui'l! , 'I I I '"'I VilU'V, Wllk'll I KM loin; lm adn in', i'v tourist* f the |>rk'iti>ift' iic* of l.'.ni-c:i; f N'l-iuTj' in (Illt.ll.O Mr. ni ,1 M'i. Ceo M.-ii: met with A n -I'uli rt on Bond*) !i"t. Whilo in ftvm tlm itutioti :!ieir hurst* to 1 fright nt *i'inc I'ik-s .Hiii loltoJ, up- thi- nj. Wr. Sti-wart vtnt Kully -n viul it i thi'iuli: sonic of hia nb.t may lv 'TI ken. Mn. Sicwait suutniiuul a e<iTi' out on the ami, Or. r.uu-r, *ho miMlli'-Uinvtim tuput in iu'voii stiti-hos. Sh wiu nli i sorioualy l-rune.l. TU* tif VM Mr. aud Mr*. W. Eldr hv e th dwp- eit sympathy <>{ tins c<'iiiiiiiiiiity in the sd blow which has fallen u| n thm by the !<! of their little daughter Muriel, whu died at 8.31) Tuesday evening iftr a moat painful illncu of aoine week t dur- atiun. ai{ed ten years. Muriel waa a bright, pretty !it'l ohil<). aiii aii only daughter, which iuikea the hereavement doubly hard. E\i-rythiiij which human skill ciiulJ dn wiu dona to j.v^ tho little life, but all in rain. Thi* fair flower blootu* oo Jar J*n further shore of the [.lace was granted them. The < was nut *<.' large aa it w- uld hae b'en had the cl"udi riot wept so . uly all day. The f ; .ut'g was emeiitially a t..- At the a- 'iieetnig ... -ess>s were slel:-. i Ki-v. J. Waddell'gavo an ly instructive and int*ret:i ,' address i t > the I-!. " TllH w.i- '..- rind to with profound interest and the om- creupou wero highly c> rapli- Death's ilckltf kvo sweep* over ile.l an 1 JingU, Both fluweri i . -t at Uis (( cjai Wbere ttormi t.at not aaJ puns are felt oo i meotary to the speaker. Rev. J. W. j Churchill, of ChaUworth. .vid Mr. W. G. oil. uf Markdale, dealt with the "Sou i - . Sunday school full work." Mr. IV* isdoui and pointedly pat. As a -:ious with the worker iu the school he knew whereof he OWIDK to the 1-ni?- I K ;..,ke. A couple of items on the pro- c-otiuued and frequent r. : , \: l.a* gram wertf ap* ns U with, owning to th been impossible Nr tLe put t to harvest much grain iu good condition. and during this last work the raiu has , .me clown in l.-rrei.'- .rajn I thr ugh aud through, atid making the ' ijr und so sufr ill touie pans that even I with dry weather farmers could not get I upon the laud to cut staudii.g {rain. Added to this the potato rut is ence more working hatjc. These thing* ire calculated to make us all !V ! blue, but I a l"ii,' lane that has on turn." Let us cheerfully hope :hat the ar.ijle is nearly reached. There are.oays an exchange. nine classes of people who do a town IK> ^ d and re- tard mipr.'Vcii.. : . ,u. . _. These nine classes are : il) Th"*e who go tut of the town tu do their t radio,; ; , Lt tluso hu oppose improvement ; (o/ tb^se wh<> r a i{uitt town to one of puh and -s ; (4) t 1 : whi> _ii. they run the town ; ("., U..UKJ wlio think buii- I can be done lyly without i n i .-.. : | se who deride public spirited men : e who oppose every ioivrovcucat that J"? not orijitute. with thfuisc.ve* : - '..>40 opptisMi every publi: er.Urrrtse . d.ies not appear to . tit theui ; aud (V) those who s*k to injure tho credit of an isidividu.il. Examine tho I list and eo if y. u are to le found in any of the classes enumerated. If y u aw, you may onue to the coticluion th.it the town no g. .>d and retard pro- gress and imprivruent. Tho Advancv liitonctl to j,.nie fan-inat- ing reminisccnc*! uf tho late Anivrioan war on Saturi' ly ;.\ r 1 met in our lanctuiu wh . but then that . ilk r!owi-d at a v..lum- The gentlemen referred t" wore Sir. r'jd T!I-I:I ,- >.i of this town, and Mr. I 1 rhurst.'ii. i'f >\'.irk. X,Y..whiws visitinv his nephew. The Advance wan. Mr. Thurston went tl:r>.-uj;h tho war without ln*ini{ a limb, but nas severe'y wounded in tl-.e shoulder. !!. was iu at the surrcn.'.ei- i-f Loe at Appoin.itox, and saw the flag of ttuc* bn>ujLt in which ivied "Tie .if t! o most sa^ulnary w.irs tli world has ever teen. When the two Id veteran* ,-"t t .-.'I -r perhaps then* w*j not 11 [. nt of rvaa\>n and a tiow of soul '" Mr 'L'hurs'jii returned to his home in New York (tale on Saturday. ttsxtdMeo of lay deU.-ates. At the E;.iv iih League nieetin:; in the eteuiiii: the Revs. Win. H. HIIK-'**. of Owen Sound, ai,-l G. H. Cobbledick, of Dutidalk. delivered addresses of the most luterestins ai.d instructive kind, lioth these gentlt'inen are earnest Kp >rth Lea^ud wutiitn, and were therefore . v competent to handle the subjects *ss:iied them. Appropriate uiuiic WM rendered by a portion uf the choir during the course I t..<; after:. 11 and v. Personals. MU >lary Strain is risitintj fnet: New Vorlf. Miss May LHciuJe is visit: in \Vi . Mrs Pike, of T. rci.t >, is vU.ting .:h her moth-.r. Mrj. \V ; . Mii A^-;i<> Loit:h his rctj: visit. u^ fin: J* in Oweu Sound. Mr ird Mrs. J"s. Strain !ft for thir home iu Minot, D-ak . !.vt week. Mr*. F. WalmsUy, of Tirot;- \iui. witli her aunt. Mrs. J 11. Heard. Mr. W. J. BcU.in.iy was called Ust week to the fuceral inclo uear Brighton. Mr*. Veitch an.', l.cr i';i'.i^hu>r. Mrs. Allan, of t.'.i. '...'. are ...:.: fricn.'.s in th ; s vicinity. R*vv Kichards.>n returned homo t u TuvaJjy fr.iiii his lengthy i . . \.i trip. Mr. J. \V. McParUud, of Mark Ule, ar- rirvd home at the same time. Mr. J. Sullivau Mt for CVliiiiffwo. A <t M.'ll'i.lV I!'. flotice to the o I Have Something tc Tell You : * * Having opened a ger.eral store in Mr. R. J. Sproule's block. Fleshcr:-:i, con- of Dry G;o!-:, Ready M C' ' ' -'-ips, Gent's Fur-..- igt t Boots .ind Shoe-;. Crrckov.-, Hardware, Wai: Papers. A;;J a fin t ck vt Teas and Fami'.y Gi -'. My r you good Go reason- o prio.-. L' v rr.e in and see n:e. I want acquaintance. I - : be our mutual . -.'-.ler the place : SI ;ULB'S OLD STAND. BUT TCREUGS& CASH WANTED T, HILL. Flosberwii, Si U i i Monday morning t.. see hi* * n Will. **. hai never met ., ;. i y .; tl) . i: i wl:h typboid fever. i t> ""'* no dMta * Dcl Mr. J. H. Hi-Mil, a nephew ,-f Mr. J. J f 1 f^"-'- ll M. I < A".: -at. Hr. Trim^lo i< in the city thin wevk lior st.vk f.-r fill uul winter. Mi-K -i in tho wholesale Ili'USO fiT 'III' I 111 H. O'N trllllUllll? flT Mrs. Trinil'U' * t'pvn. look out for so mo tin n^ new and no!>!iy. H. Hi Toronto last wrvk by an rlectric car. Mr. John Brown, i:wrch-inf if Trice- was in t"u i'ii Kiiii.iv u his Comet pneuuiatio Lioyle. He and The Aitvv.ce uiiiu took a sttx.ll out to I! i ^cnia fill's tu vi.' . the wonuvrs there. Mr. Fred Lvi;.-h hsi Kon v'sititig with hU parents during (*.:& \-\: week. Mr. Leitch lei. - to d.iy ti attend tha M trod tV 1 --!. . : il ixi'ie;.. 1 . During the put i"uryoar Iw IIM taken an avern^v < per eent. on very ; . ot iu the prepartt. r>- course, la.--t year t:.'ing first o',.i*s ni.n'm for Orvek, h. :ui!etic. hoim- lutio exvteies and :.:. TV of Meth.'diMii, tiler subjects ex- cepting I'O;H''S Thei-Lujy. Ho vurpo*es 4 up the S. T. l ciiurse. . Com A . New link! r, B-C.,d M.Tiu 1 . .ilniit. I'ut . for <o\.-r d term* :itdiii of the county if .'-..-it eouti ly, eor.iiiiitti'd suicide in the lli- left * Vt :er :th IT. ut f r .-\ r.'\v and swim aslioit' i'r> m tin- river. It he did nvr nr: son.r. v the str.Min lie juiiHKs.1 o erlv\id. .11 i to lay ho did uot sink, but whoa I atu-e -irrited ho was ' doad. Tho *rai i A IK-, -i. Mr. A .<onii ; M -i ' i< on ' . :' t ' ! proini'irnt men, aivullir. pi'htie.il'y nud rinan '.:e county of Urey. He lo ( . his fiitiro fi-rtiii:" < M in . . <; ecu- 'atiiis anil lint'ti 1 west i i:s city, where hi' w Ixi.-kLeevor \'. th Queen's hotel for two yoar*. i .$ set down as tha c.iu.10 of tho suu- do. _ I V,. .. District Meeliiii,'. Flel:oitoil :< t.;kcn |-osses.iiiin of on Furaday by tho Methodixt clenetl grntlvuirn of this district .u dthe freedom - . . BOOTS & SHOES THE FALL > To the . vx'. Boots and > .i every - that line, : V Y T O N 3 m Ik'oauso Ii '- and Las received a largo lo: f r fill wear of I ' - *;iil Kabbtr*. A : .-o . !>; .-!ass M.u's H- i>io Loi;4 Doots on hand. Ci> . v . jug ; KLKssii i-:ii r rt'. Estray. Twocn!rccMli' int.' lm |'rrinl* ef M I M. oil 01 i':u T l ti ,:j,.'.,t to 1 . JMV CO^l^ ll 1 t k.' II .-I: AW\ \ i'..'.' ; VllMVR Fall l'air>. v I i.l.-n ll'i-inl; lYntrtl N s : iiniiv St \ouviit \>t. >,.-! > . - . iti.n M.-V.ll ill K r "i i ' ' :.i . .? STSO *: n tttl lV-t lilt . 4 .. " 4-1 illi; REASON WHY \VK ADVERTISE IS THAT WE Wl>Ll .0 LEU Till'. PEOPLE know w'liti-o [icy cao get the btst value for their money. Oar stock is oarv- y aud well stlcctoii, for wo BUY euly v^-hat y ves tlso best -....-.i-. A large stock of Bubbert aud loo^ BOOTS t-o on hand for tall aiul wiuter uso. We havo a well assorted stock to ; FROM. i :o s promptly a] ever. If you ^au: ..i y .!..; | call oa JOS. SMITH. Carriage Making f * * * ies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all maile in the hi^iu-st stylo of the art, a:ul at reasonable pMCv.--. Get esti- 1 m.i:cs from me it you wish anything in these lines. Painting and Trimming also attended to. R T. WRITTEN, TLESHERTON,