Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1892, p. 2

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* Thrllllmc Talc ul Ikr ea. II wa- in t I,.- nine*. )>fir ateamcrii had MI]M-I -. i.-.l Uit- jjreat Au.tralian linen imd through hi. glasses, ai;d .le*iring to pre.ent <>i , \ i i in - 1 TO .\ I". 1. 1 front to li in llwai to be. another day without a pull of uir, aud much h.itf r DalrO.t ! Ihe Maritime IT'. Iban the pir.-.-dmg ones. Il wan Ul ./< l< k I Harle) .l *s>ile la when In .aw them lower a small Ixiat from ' I IK a tern of ihe . .-li'ionT anil lour m.-ii enter | her Sin- eiiiin- pulling at a .limit |>a.- ihif. plylDf lietwwu K,,^.,,.d und iin(1|)l few - u o(runr f . M India, I wax a mld.hipi.aii on Loan! an . India pa kot callod t .- - s .- 1 Kiu h '. The . no- Ix-t ae.-ii a nnd.liip.iiau . MI called, i. -I .in .tppit-iiti. .- I. iv i |..rno i w-ti. | Ij ! c>t-..ii mill Mjam*nbi|i tin' fact that th- l lear d n:ivi- .|i..uni !> k. w INI- ill.- latter were lo castle li.uid. ili. ,i. lu work. an. I ml|xd i.i |i>il.'ini 1 1 ii nip , .irii"l Ilir.-r iiiii-ln|> ..... n. ami ..in n |" tiv.- lallier. hJ to pay "'".in mini In pi < tit t l.crc At tint i mi IIP i nulling of .lave car<oea from tin- co .1 "I Africa wa confined i-olely tlui AIU'MI anil tli (Viban", 111111 now l>oar.l <|u.irier. Me!l i ' the .hip !" call*.! the man in the nleiii .heels a. he >t.l up. "Hello! the l>ai' r.-ph.-l ''apt. Hli*on. "\\'e are sliorl of water in the schooner mid bop. \ou c. in spare usa few cask.." " W hat your cargo ?" - - -(. .dd dust, palm. 1 1. ivory, and fun,. We "- .Vv.-nieen thu.,and pound, of 1 J In > . I f> I I L. A t . I >-. 1. i .a UM m.sir 1 J \tfl1ltf o.-u. I ! l nuii.ii.iic Wer*. Judijing from tlie glowing report nl Prof. Rob*rtM(i 'lairy oommianiouer, wli" h.n just returned fr.'in ui ..Hi. lal vuit to the m ui 'i. ne |.r..vu,. ... dairy operatioiiH ar. booming 4own by the ea. In New Bmnii- wirk it 111 proposed to extend the <op> of the experimental dairy Ut <m thin wi it- i . owing In Hit- dei. mud for incrraaed r.x,in. Winter dairying will lie rigorously carried have U,-n up tl I U ..ling ^s I m ,..,| x, ,,,.; N,,, !, v. ral month, on a. We arc bound lor the wade at the .UI.OD thn, 'ninrr I. being "h'l'Mto the Kngli.h market. It,. belie V- "! that net y.*r lwi<-e this i|uantity wil ,,. Th- ,p.'k,-, : w certainly an Amen.-an. ' '" v'l.ible for expor'. rV.nr trav .ut Hi - three . w,t h him were S,,.>,.,.r.U < '.'" r " >i "* '" l" r 1 '"" "> , N>>W Kr "f" tin importance uf ttirring farmer* up to the urceMity of rcvogui/iu^ i " appearance and <;1 un.i-<i til.irt Ui eradicate it Iwtore it be lomea toohrmly eiublishrd. Haad palling where paaiibl* liefore the *.1 form, or .-ul ting !l beneath Ihr collar with a ihi'tl. ip'id w.iul.l of zourae l a iur>- rainu.ly, )>ut the inpply of ace'l forini would '- eii'T mouly rMucetl with inm-li leia labour by imply raowinK o .wu the plant* when in flower. II in-w iti-iiM wvru thrown up from tin- Htainj., lli<-*<i w.ul'l b few, and u thaae H.T. aliKjculo.t, tin- trfii.;iti of the root moiil.l proliably t eshauaUui, an under or limply circunilance all the root! die after the aevJi are pruduced. " iruin inuooii "i Airica w* connnen i-oieiy ...,', , . , l ll, AiaL and il, C :il*i,., an.l now ud hllt . th " "."" """ wlMl hlt " were N''"'""' 1 then * c.ro for am. Month Amen. . port. ! a " d vilU.nou. . iriu a, you ever wt eye \v, M,,-*I, ,,..., .. ,,t i7o nW '> '*' -i '' - ;..'' th '" .*. an I of tin* .M) iirillV "th- ; < , 'iniif nt*< i i i i * ' i \*u i . a--,-.,.,,,.' ,,l ..,m.|. or ill health. ,,..] After a bit of th,,,k,:, b" r-pli.-d ye. now delect it. : the cxpciucl ol which an- being paid by the r'ivinrmUioveniiiirnt. Four hun.lred inert- " hav. already l*en held and theae w;ll StroiiL? tint c\-rv i,....- diuld now delpct It I '"*" "*" 'J '*" '" :-.-, UMM were alwllt J unt.rk'n -nl.nu.-d until th- niidiil. of November. ^ >'"' '-' i^'; '.^,*^* ''"'P^"" miU> - III. expected that at lea,', a do/en new gb. ,i,,d other, .till h.dlx-en "' ""' -> l '"'"l "' " >''"" - '' * ' ,.,. re^m.-nt-. There w.i. ' ft'xiurd of her now. It . a villau on. trade W.-l . oil 1,1 ! ..in. i-i-^nm-iitM. There w aU.i a p-irly ot liv - ,i..i ii.n.-n who bad been " doing " th. jua|)e of Imliiforlwo i>i tur>- y.-ir.. At Cap-- Town we took on . lunty more pa^tenRcr*, and iiin.jii", tb tn w.w another parly ol .p iiUin.-n. -. Im ll.id l-etu up In I ii'- I on i 'rtintiy. \\ .- mil-' have bad a full hundred in. n among the pa-.en^.-i-. M li'-n we left the cape. Nulling out ol the, loiittne ociiirri-d until we were well al.i e Si I'aul .It- l/.tn do and hilf way .n n.- . ll... (iulf of tluin-a. Tli< n we rained a sail dead ahead, which Wa. .tanding to the wc.t, having . udently roint- out from the jr>a*t. We were williin I.MII mile, of her when the- bree/.e, whicb had I ecu l.^bi .11 the i<i unin^ b t.l dn-d ll f. out and left Ixiih erafl heaving on a glaaay tea. Our "til cm Int. I yiven lli Mrmit;. i a h irp lool.mo; ,11. r. and ll wa* the uualil Inou. ..pun m that .he you are in... :.rr i ,.-.1 ,, n ,,.| 1,1 l,k to we every It I. expected that at least a do/en new cli-cxe la.-trir* and creameries will be e.- t.iblmb.. I ir. New lirun.wick next year. The crop, of I'nii." K.lword l.laud are U) be the lighten for 'JO but for'the fir*t time the I'rinc.- Kd ', ,on ,.f you .wining at the yard- > ""'" ', or _ _ . II.,.. rrl out ..f p.tv f,.r the poor ""',' l r.w corn exlen.ively. and black*. I'll .pure you three ca,L*. 1 -ant *" P'"'>ful >' been the .1.. more, (.o back to >.,,ir .rait and Ml *'.'.! > ""P 1 * * l "* r . f !''""" hoist tin in out :tnd tow tiittin hull way." Tin) e\periiiiental dairy I'alion at N'.-w I'.-i ili wu iiippln-'l on the average with '.I. "A ml about t .!> |a\ "N'our inoii<-y ii ac. uned an handle it '" I,,.- .., to, l.la.iKli, waved hii hat ai "i 1 ""tye.r. r ,ft-n h'tudr. -d p.".,,le vu, In. U,.a returned to the * 'tin diinng the I won't """ I'oun.U of n.ilk a day ami tin- out put of butter ii valued at $7. .'HlO very good for a aalnle, .,n k. h..n.-r. We gol ovi-r the ca.ks, lowered a (mat and towed tiiem half a mi e, and Ix-. fore noon th.-y |, ! Ixseu homleU m on the si lioonei's .!e.-k "It IHII'I a >|iitrt apiece for the th'r*ly |H-np|i- iilniaid l hi-i." 1 he.ir.l l r . r.iptain si> t Major Shaw, "and if tin* calm b dd* we are bound to luve a row with tbat fcl- l An ad- dress to I'rof. KoUrtMm, signed by the di- rector*, stockholder, and patrous dairy alation. tc.i li to th>- hign app lion f th. .(fort* of the federal aulln lo promot.- .1 I'rof. Kohertson *ay* the harvest at the experimental farm at Kappan, VS.. wan *e- .-lire. I in KO'..| condition. \\ hile in Nova S.oiia I'rof. K->berlAon secured .\nipl.. of condensed milk made in the province and HUKR.IK, 4 HtTTLR. r'oiir travelling wick, (lela'a Hruh.ii.- De.rrlpiloa .r an Cat-axe '.i. .iiu it- tr.aro t*relae < Some .old. era had already turned back wlitn the colonel threw himself in their way "What, my . lul.lran," he cried, "you will nnt bring this sham* upon me ! You are not going to act like coward. ! K.-member, the One Hn ndr.-tl and Sixth hai never retreated and you would not be the lint to soil our flair. ' Hu pushed forward hi* iorse, bar red the way of the fugitive*, found word, for each man and .poke of France in a voice in which tears U em bled. Ijeut. Kochai was so excited by the scene tbat he fell into a desperate rage, lilted hi* sword aud struck the men with it as if il had beeu a stick. " You dirty dogs ! I'll kick you into the fi^ht. You inu.t obey, or I will blow oat the brains of tbe tirst man who turn, tail." liut thi. abusive language, and the idei of that there c-at'.le. are not gotn ft to allow your old colonel to lie the only one to wash the fact-* of these Prussian*. Adxan.-! Forward!" And he started off. All, in fact, did follow ; pr-jdace by these word., ritrr > The III. n n n.. n ..r wBlac ThU - ,n i nn- . . . .1. .1 ( I In- < allaeal. There are .-veral of theme " claimant." for the Inghe.t lemperalure on the habit- able gi. IH-. The central Sahara regi.ten a m>aii .,( '.>" degree, m July. Central Au- tralia Ui.nt. of "4 degree, in January a meai, which i. attained in South Carolina and inner Arabia in r.ud.ummer. But a r.ceni, report of the New York meteoro- 1. i;i--l bureau tell, ua that a California val- ley between aeventy and eighty mile* to the ea.it of the- Sierra Nevada., miming in a north, northwe*terly and touth auiith- eiuterly direction, Iwlween two mountain range. the Tuueral iii.OUU feet) and the Auiarg.4. HJ.IXJU t'.-ctj hai the higheat temperaturu yet recorded. Thu valley lie. below the tea level at a depth vanonily e.timatwl at from l') to 17"> feet, and lU reputation fr exceaiive h.at and extremely low humidity l. built upon .uch tragic in- cident. .1 ridden death from uolatloo in- curred by thoae who have ventured into it, culinmtting in the tolal extinction of an immigrant party from the heal aud thint ill IS.'-". The latter occurrence, indeed, gave it the title it go*, by--" Death Valley." The re- port above referred to >et> forth that in lour months out o! five during which read inga wer. taken the mean tempera' ure roe 'i detinue*, in July and Auguit ex- ceeding 11*1 degree., while th. mean for the entire period wa. not lew than 94 degree*. The minimum wa. tuually above 70 degree., while an alwolute maximum of llM degree. wa. regutered on tbe three me- eative day. at the end of June and begmiiing of July. On July IK, KJ1, the Sew York meteor- otogiiu had the uncomfortable expcri.oce in Ii.atli \~alley of .pending a day in which Ihe maximum temperature was PJ<i degrees, the mmiinu n '.**.' decree, and tbe mean of all hour. 1U8.6 degree* : win!, tbe hotte*t .pell of all occurred from thi. day onward 10 .l^y -J4. when the miniuiani never fell be!ow $4 degree, and tbe maxi- mum ranged between 119 degree, ani 121 ll'l I'lll " 1'vt- te. n twenty of il:e Ci.l.an ' I.U.-k- birda ' in my tune, and u nil ' not loaded with nl.iv.'n, tin -n Tin a Idind man.'' 'I In- I '.iptnm agreed that ulie WAS u al.ivrr other* jM-M.-d into tlie darkness and ^uti.U-d i^tiii-t a mi priie. Tbe tilth iii"' niiiij daw n.-d without acloiul or a l-reath of air, and ivc were now ml bin le* than a mile of the avhooner. The .-nr il, as you perhapi know, did more to rent wa. 'riii^; 111 botli to the northraat, S'lppress the .late trade than all other na- or U|K>II the i <>att. A* I *aid litjfoie, lu-in^ tlon. coinl.ine.l. .She had livo cruiser* l<> the larger lio.lv we were driflm the I t-t one ot! llie A t ri.-an .-.i.tnt , and -*lo- over hail I e*t, mid in a couple of lay* more muat over- <d livn lime* an many ernll* as any oilier take the schooner. On tin* day, n.iti. >ii. Hut foi h.i .It. it t- very little would I JfaT LlrnKK MKIN bavo Wen a. .-..nipliHbe.l at Ma. A. soon as the Rtran^'e craft was pronounced a .laver Mr Tlioma* Connolly, (Jovernment agent at Dublin, m a recent r. port to Hon. Mr. K-w -dii.-y uiak. < some oliaervations which tion and ukini: advantage of the lea.-', .he!- The <n< , ^ roWi BU1 , ,, , ljjlrj of a nm(j i)( >tubM() mai u wurtM i U( .|,i, w |,,,. h had to tlie alaver ,ier nnd .lui bail-s .old A KO.M! deal of tin. barley wa, | e ,.l will, th. ground, th aold.er. iwlaled \ on iho market l.y l..erpool houat w |u I|ttleg ,, )U jllIllploK ( .,, 1( . kly hkl . 1(l . Kcl , , M> , lt<t ^ b ',; \ n( , lt) . . Ild ru l, Tbe Uttin*. of the ei,e,,,> ' ,ut a con.iderabl.-., .entity of ,,cme direct l.y a line of iteamer. whict, run monthly . , i.-.i i ti.ir very feel. Tney had lo push '"'"> blown to exclude the light and chaffy ,, ,, lde rt llh ,,f,, r feeti fo / , he j.Jj .a-ii.un and carried a large cr w. and "_ You we what ourciruo i.. Caplain," Kj ' ' ' ''V'.'l r',,",'.'! ! l ""f r >'" Jl ""l- th.-ie were w many of them. ..nvioii. to l*.-ad ui. .-x,,.-diiiou. """ '"'" " in.r a. doabtlewai I uia.U-f.ne who wan that the wild that any mu-i :. n i aerioiia. N .body dr. tmetl of the calm whi. h w a. to f.iilow, allh.iiigli our |Mi-tri.iti Ha* eloeu to the e.|iiatur. It wa> suinint r lnn- in I. 1 ...- latitude*, but not .ppr.--it.-K h- ' I'...! iin.i Ihe name olh'.er approached '" a|.|>i.-ci ited it . tr. -fully dren*e-l and lulli ,. ( i , mm ...I. .11 1...l_aU_l I i>e.nJ..Ua *T. . . . . . , wild h.-r woulil lie "''' ll "' '"" - '' "t...l up and |wiiite.1 to ln< -"a<lf..r f.-rding piir^i*,. In- nil I'l,.. , l.,K,, lr r m a l>l..-,:l,,r.l ' "' "'- '"-rry. ihe drea.ni the color and All the horror* of llio 6eM of battle couM ---- . t e wen them; a wucin<lel ro.\n witoui tit > und has.T.Mnig.'.-:. l. ,..!. Not ,. has .p. cihc gravity are the chief factors whh-h , w .h r . e kin g an.l trying to Uold back his d-'-lM-l .but II. .re nut .1 ' 1-.- .1. - ... !.,!. ... !.,. ,.,.rt. r 1 -r them. You must -.par water, or n..: or, i them will I'uba. " -'.- fit I 1_ .. .V*miUB (Vlllt LI Jilt drop ul tater regulate the price ol lrley m Ui.. market. .,,.,., wlt |,' hl< , w ; |r.. us m.-re Curing the sea-on tbere have In-ensev- cl lwll .,l Wlln h ,. tl, !( ;h. ii will ever aee *** Parcel.- of Canadian N..I ihe.l,chtr,t veine,,.' of air wa. felt , "'"" f 11 ' 1 J" "" '" "'">' for the r.t ..f the .lay. and a* ii.ixs.-d tli- Ol "' !"'" ^""'t 'o reply ihal not biiy-ii, K -hem largely. day aopa.-H-d the night. Next morning it n..th.-r pint . i.uld Ix- |,a r ,-d, l.nl the |ia. wa-H-en thai th. two ,-r.ifl. wei e ne.ir.-r 'iiger afpMlW to hi. .ympat hie* .ml a /nltJ m Ir.-lan.l no I had ...uld out l.y lialf a mi!.- or III.M.-. I wern writer, who .-all tin* inovrineiit of l-c- i-alm.-d \ehM-U n, [\nnetuin. It i .nuplv their drift. Thr lart!>-r one drift, th. er. nnd had we been to the north of thu ii-i Ihe il iHtance vsoul>i lii\<- IH-.-II in >1 I y l.iil a mile, u> bold of ua were .trifling to the north IN AN o. UN < I'HIIKNT. Afl.-r brrakfic-l M'ij-.r Sliaw wanted to pull oil t.i I lit- unk nown on nome .rt of i-rran.l and I bun neilb- her identity, but I apt II.. l> twin wan linn in hi* refua.il. lod.-.-.l, -. lie mil v. \e.l I lie lioriton and consult.'. I the via*. . Ii ...ner n..t mure limn ..' pil. hi- meeting was held. We win.-*, rum, brandy, beer, and certainly spur- nine ivat.-r witn- .timing ounelve*. Sooner than r . parcel.- of Canadian oats sold h.-r- and just now the army contractor* are There are more than required for the ::.i IKMI barrels of winch ,re re<'|iiireil in the lUihlin >li*tri.-t. m.-lud- iiit; th.- Ciirragh camp. The .-oulract i* ii'iially for six mouth, and the contra t fin. e for the current term w I'.'.. Id. per Kirr.-l. for oat. which mint weight . S II*. to Hi.- biHhel. lull the .-.mtra.-tor. are .up- 1.:i.-.l with Canadian oat. delivered at the .air.ick* for I Is. I>1. per Imrrel. win. n leave, them a pr .lit of Td. per barrel. < ina.lian apples are much appreciated ii'e the hla. k* ai-rilicod everybody wa* willing to i; i 1 ,i|j nl...w ih.-e. I'll* rennlt n liial wu imt.lc up '... il J.'i :. i; ulun* of a imMuie of rum amivtater, and tlie .1 .iv.-r !...-. I the .-iiikn away. A- *<mn a* daikne.s cine the .'.-.- p li-ad .t. .-,i,l.tnd >i. it torn w a. found at Ivi t,. I. liaw.-r. wer,- U-n; l . a here and .old very well during the sea>n. , pi- of small am 'i..i H, and wo .0011 had "r up to llie end of April. Since then the lheiatiMa.-ii.iii of kiiowini; that our drift markets have len chully supplied by Tas- wa* die krd. ni.inian apple*, which come in Soxes two dawn of -he ixth .lay showed the I'-et longtime niche* 1-rt.ad and on in a mile aw ay. The '"K 1 '- ' '" cover* ,onil of twt. .nil., a horse who broken. All lir.* fearful agony did not affect them any more, and they sulfere.l only from the torturing I:. -at ot the mi.l.lay lun, which almost broil ed their ii. iiitl.- . "Oh, how thirsty I am!" stammered Maurice. " 1 feel as if I had soot in my throat. I'm't you perceive that s.-oi iunj,; smt-ll, a* if wool were being j l 'ume.l s ' Jean nod. I,-, I h.s head. " It smell like that at Sollenno. i'erhapa it U llie usual imell of war. Let us have a nip. " r><-hin. 1 the hedge they atepped .|inetly for a minute. But the brandy, instead of re- I liemn; their ihir.t burned their stomach*, and tlu taste of burning in their mouth was torturing. They were almost dying of lumber, ami they would have liked very m . ii to have bitten into tlie half loaf Maur- , ice had in hi* knapta -k Only, wa. it pa- siUe Ix-bind llie hedge? Oilier men were coulinually .oming, who pus i.-.l them for ward. At last with a l-.und they pushed over the Ian .lope. They were on the " I I., -ii.uit.- . i ill is it si. t\. -r, and ha. n . .it.-.. ulMid. In order to carry a* many .e* a* possible, they fjgurn .-lose on water. If >his calm cnniinueii at.otln-r day we .lull have a visit from him. I ran p. i. linn u .-.uiple of caiki, but not tnor.v 'I li ,*.- limy d.i bun : if not, he will attempt to take a supply by force. We have no ctiin.m, but wi- can raise- at lead liN) firei- arir* ain'ing mi, and I |iropo*o t.. right him off" When daylight cam.- tb.-dnit of the hadxlmriened the disiancii again. Tho. lav ii 1 1. 1 not lo..k lo Ix- ii\ . i half a mile away, but In r actual ili.lance wo* three uiMc.lhat Imuie. The xenlinela had be.n I ipie-r muse* from li.-i due. ti..n aiii-r nudnight, itnd "iir p.-opl.i tii(uie.l that (hey hai h.i. I gang, of iKigrot'N on deck ul interval, anil lux.l uliii.-ed wat.r ..vt-r thfxe in Ihe hold to save them as much a. poe*ihlo. If there had Ix-.-n any doubt of her calling the odor that camti to us alxnit .uuriso woiibl have di. |xil..| u Many could not dei.-ri ,|, l.m llu i<- w. ic ill l.-t,t itvi.nl y uli.iud who got the imell, thoiiuli not thn sligntent bn.illi of air was stn i ing. The udor uf a CKT^O ..t black. U MKTUIV., ll.'l.ltlhl.K. On ono o.-oanion, alter tb.' rupture ol an Arab dlmw by a Itritiib ci i. i.-> . 1 u tr on * ship which eroased then wak.- tit, mil. , astern, and yet we uot the ojor so strong that aomo w.re mane . k After break f ml llie I'apl un r.-.| -n HI ml .,1 1 CHenuels In |ilo'n. n.lile I he d.--k. kn.K Iba the ttarw was inspecting u 'V nn . He did not a*L if any mini- could i- Hp.n . i, but .<.iiinin,le.l ',pi. l|,,U..n In hmi out 'I"'" h " e lM> " ie llmt wllt> " be ee ine of I'etei.im, Siniih or Siuunoniion \ 1,1- l '.'liHiil., autl C'on.ular AieaUof either their ai 1 1\ tl tin- . i-k w.in l.oi.'i.-.l inn uii.l rilled cl. in , mi. I liny wci.- l-i..k . ^ for si". n. I \tltt-nllio out of M|(lil. N l^lil Mi-i-lned to c.il . and a white .i|Uiill broke with the acream of tliuii.inid lo.i.in..ti\.-. ll aa ihe for.'i mi n.-i .if ft burnt-line whi--h sw.pt n- u to ip. V.-r.i and . r ill nulej beyond. N..I on.-. if the. boat, reucli.-.l t b.' >. li...iner. Tli>- cr*fl IH-M. ll ll.-w nny l.ef'.ie u into tb,- tlilckni-n*, but half an hour later, when the kyclcared before tin- bin i i'-ane, n-.i an .-te 'iil.li ier h.-r. Sdo had gouo dow .1 w.th all on bo.tnl i was .iid.leiily bloiu-,1 A person wil'i a i.ldsli he.irt i* like n fiuitl..-> li'-c, ,i . uiuln-rer of the grountl. HiKol ry i. a corollary of I^IH. i am-e. I i. mtai i.iliiy an ut tribute of xntall mind*. The ilc.'p a'!e. lion ol t he Itindre.l ml for il< .iiiipl.-iiient -<"il l. tin. only tiuo 1 -t . > tun nli^loii l* not very good VnkM y.nu hune* ' nj' V the Innttit ..[ ll. h, .- will Ix- of gVeat mil-rest to agn.-ultur- Ihe iiieiii.iiaiiiluin i< wilb regartl to a Weed clii|illled about tt '-1111111.11111; weed" prol-aidy .IK in ihe caie of some olher ciuci- 1. 1- I.--- l-:v the Trench or ttink weed, many Ni-.-'li* Ljerininile in the autumn and the plan'.* (lower early tbe next .eaaon. A-. to me. in ot eradicating ll \t , Hi. .nt e\ ninniiik! pcinoually ll* mode .-f m the ;. , jlu> , 1 can ouly n '. i y found. In* surrender or re*i.>ratiori my be d.-, . yi. I unlil lln- propel tribunal before wl.'cn thu case alutll Iw uemling. .T in iv b > . otit;n.*alde. .hall have pr...i'in,-e.| il.-i sen till..-, autl the sentence shall have been cur ri.-d mi-- e.'b-i'i. 1 1 it ui: lei Mood tint the ot apply t the t>r vitKen* "I the country K.-re tlie dcxerlion shall take place. and muted to be abundant on schoxd sec! ton -'(>. IS. I'J W.--.I .-.e.oml N. \V. T. Although il is unsatisfactory t of pi. nit* without leeine siiecimens, I iui Horn the.i.t..rm,.ti,.iig^e'n in the Ml "In,.; M:pul.it ,on shall shown me and It : .lion with IV. t ' Macoun lliat tbe pi fit lelcncd to under i'ie name of tuniblini; weed is the Kuropetn Sis\ nitiriiini KIII .p 1 .- 1 . rum. or lliin^tii.n he.li;e mmtard. 'I 'In* pl.int h.ir. been Icun.) in vai ion* places alo'iij the \ii'.es of rail- .s i in i .maiU. I'n.f. Maooiiti <le'-nbe. it a* exceedingly prolific (one plant Imn ^ been known to piodu .-.- n.. less than -Jli'Ml seeds). Hi. .tatt-tl to Ix- nnaiiiui.il, but The sunshine i. never mare lifo giving tli m llu IU.IIIIH of a loving coiiiilenance. Tho .uiirii.wrr i* nu>*t nnp..-i peamncr, but it i. uot known m in ap like the niotlcat >io'.ct. Not every flower cover, a leed pod, nor e\erj .ittriictive xunmii-r lM>iinel, a A nol'lt- life, c-tiwned wnh hc-roic death, u In lit.--, ihe pri.lo and .iii.l inigliUcsl empire ot tbe tar.h .CttlieUU Tbe rainfall during the live month, reach- ed a toial of only 1 40 inch. The wind., on the other hiid, were of greil force and/re- .|uei.ty. thoev from the south prevailing ei-TV three or four >Uy*, while their v.loc. ity would n*e from ten mile* an h-iar to over forty live mile*. Such gales were of but briet duration, but one of them, on June 17, lasted from I'Miia. in. till 6 p. m. a* "one hot conttnaou. blast," the leuiprratur- of the day being ir.'.ti decree*. I besc high wind, aniume the character of the .imooi) of liie Sahara, the touae, friable ami con- tributing eiou.U of land, whi -li often con- ceal the kurronuding mountains. Wbat with the heat and llie nature uf tbe coil vegetation wa* extremely .canty at the bot- tom bf the valley, indeed, well nigh non-ex- Klent. Animal life wa* hardly to be urn ; the >liug:ni;gnal by .lay. autl the snake, tb* li/ard autl borne I toad by night were it* only representative:!. But for one tiantie.it UncH ot blackbird, no winge.1 creatures were to be *ecn by the New York observer*. It mu*t be remembered that the plague of cholera in Kuaiia wa. preceded by an epidemic of typhui fever, or "hunger feve.-." .in I that thu a^an: wa* prece.led by an (ludemic of the inrtueiiia or grip. All theei destructive plague* ha\. M-;-. 1 thr Jzar's .-ii.pire in.-e the .pring of last year, and each of them ha .wept away his subject. in number* that we have no mean, ot putuig. If there were any way of obtaining the fact.-., tbe world might he astounded by learning tli.it far more than a million KUMUUI live, have in-en lost w ulun two yean by these three ml.v-.iojs und grievuu. diwaaea. Col. Robert Ingersoll, tht wonderful word painter, thu. write* if ihe laugh of a chad, and who uliall uy that he ha. allowed l.ii imagination too full awing . The laugh of . child will make the holie.t day more a red j.till. Strike with the hand of fire, O weird nm.iciau, thy harp itrung with Apollo . golden hir ; till the vast '.-athedral ai.tli t with ym t )liouiei sweet and dim, dell toucher of the organ key < ; blow, bugler, blow, until the silver note* do touch and kias tbe in.Kinlit <iave* aud charm the lover* H.indt-iint; mid the vine-clad hill*. But know your sweeten strain* are discords all compared with childhood's happy laugh the i t- h ihat till* tlie eves with light Mid every heart with joy. O rippling river of laughter, thou art the Messed Wmudary line lriwen beast* and men, and every way- vt .id wueo- thin.- doth diown some fretful tiei-d >.t rie. O laughter, rose-lipped laughter of joy, there are dimple* en >ugh m thy cheek t to catch ami hold aud glorify all the tear* of grief. On.- of the mo*l remitkahle phenomena exhibited by tbe Uniunl KlngUtim Jurusg the pr.-.eiit .-entury i the growth of Soot- '.in. I lli-.i-.itie moicstiiking becauseitha. <[*>! neoui with the decadence of Ireland, who*- population is now only about one-half of what it was before the famine of ISU>. Ihat not only is the nuuilH-r o! inhabitants lucrejamg ui North I'.rit.un. but that the condition, of life are) under .- Ur improvement, l* prov- e.l in u i .-IK. 1 1 .:' the Kegiitrar-lieueial, in winch lome interesting result* of the rt^-eut census aro cm'" .dic.1. According to theeu- umetm'ion made on the 5th of April, IS'll, the nu.iilh.-r or' mhabitaiiti in aWthM amount* to I. (>.':.. i;7. Ten ycurs belora llie IH>|. uiation wa-. but S,7?9,573 ; il,*re lia* thin In-en a to'.al increase of '. > '.m.ii74. AH, however, the . \ct-ss of registered tle.ilh* in the juiine |)cn.Kl w,n ,7, !_', ih I ... inhabitant* due to ill. exce** of eim^raiiKii over immigration IIA* b.t-n 'J17.4IK. The rate of increase, 7 77 per cent., i* lower than in any pre^-eding deoaile. with th. ex- c piion of tbat ending in |sr.|, when it was six percent. \\Y may, t trefore, ai- < inr that the present rate of increase will continue, m w'u.di ca*e the population of Scotland will double itself in a little >ver ei<hty-ninc years. \Vo may add that on Ihe lay of cn-.iiiiri v.iim there w.i* a prupor- In? - female* for ?vry lUU males. Tin* i ui io it the II.W.-H: ihat h.ui j*t been i- x pel u- 1 1 -ed since I vll. when tli- ratio wu thai ..! 117 ii fen, ale* to tvcty li '< n.alea. I' 1 i- i. ..poiii .n .- I -male, to male, varie. con-id r.ibly m di'Vcrent c.>unli les. In tlnee tin- in ilc* an- in ex.-ess : in one of i !, l.in'.ithgow , there ai- | M.M fe- male. to lUOuiali*. On the other hand, m r'or'ar, to ex. -iy li" 1 male, there are rjl.oO females : in Kute, TJ4.I4, and m Shetland, I.:.'..:). I'lie cxtiati'- liniiy t \.-< -, ..t it 1114 e* in ihe three last nu-nti m- 1 counlir. i-, nf <-.-iir*-, dn.- t" ''i- .,ct tbat tbe j. nu:nlii of euiigiants ate ablt UoiUeU u-ita,

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