Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1892, p. 7

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TEE WEEK'S NEWS. r A.I *t v. The municipal ux rule efOnllia sud of rnilingwnod -Ti |.( millK. All the i.-heem- in the (took of the K ton l,,ir.l !i~i been e<inlrac:d for at lOc Mri. doseph f'antinal of Montreal used coal oil in her kitchen lire on Monday even- ing anil wu Imrn.'d lo de-it ii. In tli.- Springfield district, nrr Wini.i peg, tlic farmers have realized .'14 liushcU ut wheat tniho acre, ail of tirsl quality. Peaches are scarce in U'IK.M] Hn'ario this year, Hi*- irrupt: crop is com pari'.tively lijjl t ami tin: plum crop IH i ',,-. .il failure. Sir .|..'iii (Vldweil Limit :ini| Hor . i: Foster will leave for Kri)>la[i.l in al.out fortnight. The I'mmer's h-i!lh ia iiiipro., .1. A tire liroko nut on Satnnlay moraine at the work* ut the Burlington giftM works, Hamilton, and .lid damage lo the extent of <4i> iMJO. ! lie wheat crop of Manitoba is estimated at !.' o.ii ten to twenty millions ot Im-'n-ls. For ijuahty the crop will urpa anything ever grown in the pro. nice. H i\-r'. .}. Hamilton, ap ol.l cit./rn <>( Hamilton, son of Hun Jan. Hamilton, from whence tin- i.-ity '.<")k its name, lied th' re Saturday, aged s|. Archi'.i-.-. l.enni, aci'ompani. d l>v eight polio men, went up tn - 1 . i w . ,' LI ite in Toronto, onenijght last we?k. . fd down the fence an 1 "..vil" lln-woik. I'mit r.t.'' T Nri'.'.n '-iiaracti n/< the pro- cecilinga.1 O'.itrtg.'nui. The Provincial Buanl of II .kith met , n Saturday ir. Toronto, an. I pas"'"! *i'vtrtlr-- oiution* relat'nx tu pre.;autiuri.ry nipuiiri-* 'i if taken to pre\.:nl tli- nup<.i t.i'i i^ n.-i ipreail of cholera if Ui.' The < h.nil.ly hotel, an tiM rainthtckle buiMinn in Montreal, was Jeatroyed l.y I re i> Monday inortiini;. Three inniatei ufth hotel were liurm-il tu .li*tli. n 1 alnn.- a .!< ./en were Hcriouaiy in- iff liy jumping fn>in llie wiii'lowi of the li * R. XVMt-ate, a canili.lati' 'or the Me'h.Miisi ni'inatry, ho* liecn place<l in the uylun. >' Nm^t. n, i-.n in.' '.'-: his ruso;i while attending laoolitii-atiou mret.n^H at liioli ( 'reek. At the Asi/e f',,nr' in Hamilton nn ^it- unlay the case "t Tl.oinpxin v. Tlionnisoii was tried, the pUmtitl iiingtl'e .le'ei. iai.i, for lirfacli of prwuue of marriage. M 1 .'iiminu $."I.IHXI Slip hail lived with him moo 1 V..'J, arid in her seventy tir -' \e*r sM had castherotfau I The City C'oini.il of I.nn.lnn, Out., hi* authori/eil the purchase of ante fur acholerm hoapital. tleoice T. l5.-le of Toron'n w on Tues- day t-l-'trj |irn>ilent of the IVii Trades Copgrens, which villnii-et ujty.-ar in Montreal. Mr .lainev 1,-iii.lon. M.A., l'ro f eior in Physics in the I'mvi-t - it v of Torni:' lieen ;i|ip":nt>'it preii!Mit . f tl' n nivi-miy , lucceeilint; the Ute Sir i >ui .1. -I Wilson. Mr. .Inliii <'nrri.'. ilm furr'tiun of Me-sr . .Uinen Hay ,v !'>.. \\.io t-:o.l. while ten.l- 'ni! th<' . ircular saw t the t.i I. TV M Uv, w.in trii<'k in the alMlninn l.v aplank; \. Inch II- w liavk from the feeiiiuu .-arnu. ,>n.l received so neverr an injury thai I e At A. Hereafter the ('. I'. R. teamih: jis nn the Lake Superior Line will make three '.npN per week m>tead of two. K,i-h '..,- ries I, MX) tons each trip, and the three venseU . ontriti'iteabout $1 ,IAJOlo t lie I'mu-d states Treasury per week. i.l:r*T BKITUS. The Karl of SUMX is d.'.-il. The Karl "f K.IJK-X in .li-i.l. The Kri'inh Home Secretary hiil dccliDeil to release Mrs. Maybrick (run |:ri<H>ii. The deprcasi.Mi n th.' linen tra.le has 4'Meil two large failures in that trade at Belfast. Incessant rains have p</i!eil ;h harvest in lN- weitot IreUml. l'ta>os are blighted and great disCrcxs is inevitable. Th.' new Cnnard linr Campania, the largest aieamer in the world, . as launched the otl er day at (ilasgow. A.a-of Cholera was divovrred on a vrawrl which airivvd at Dublio lost week lorn llainburg. A bootmaker nanird I.ni{ley w* ki'l.-.l by a solilu-r narr.eil C'lay^on in a r : / ti^ht Nit tlminptou, Kn^Liii.l, i>:i ^uii.lay. Thi- harvest in the \Vt ' i m.!, which nci'iilly prnin'-'d I" i .tl ..i.-lant, hai Livn ri.in|>; -tivy spoile.l r-y inccwant lakM, Dw!i*htL Mooily, tli.' i-v .1 ^.-li^t. delivi-r- -.1 Ins taivweil adilrcu in lk'i:ail on In l.y. Th. inm Neill. al.i- the black- uis*r , wti arraignnl f n U. Central C'IHII- itial 1'i.iirt. l.i "idon, Kn_'.. < n Mi.ndi>y, but .h. oourt atlioui ned the inurdir i-a'ifi for iho session. Th.- r.i .U-. nmre<isat Clan^ow haj< ailopt- eil a resolution lieiUrmi; tliitt an ei^ir. hmir (lay shouM >>e intii' conipulsory , except where :i porlioular liade l>.il!otti'd to be ex- empt. The cou^rt-M hai rrje.-ted a motion to promote a bill in Parliament to prevent Un Monday moming there were -S ocean -. in ,|uarantiue a'- New York from all parts of the worlu. i....,-.;.- 1 : ' ,miit, a millionaire attorney | of Chicago, was drowned m laae Milona, I Minn , on Tueaday while tuning. Kiev. -n cars oi nilgtmix pa-- i through Wateitown, X. V, lh other morning on liie.r way to St. Auni: dc lleaupie. Vear ll.i/el toi:. Pa., in a.|u..irei over the i-Corlnsit ti^lit. A'lib'iny Weed was ki.l.-il by i h ow Ironi an iron liar. Fifteen people were killed and f) seri- in'iired m a collMion near \\eal i ml,i i.i^e. M.i4.,on Saiuiday night. A- Stam'oi-ii, Conn., .lo'm P.rooks, wl.ose wife e|o|je.l while lie was in Mil lur '> shot ! ' ..ther .lay alter muni the woman and nei ..i.il.i. The e.ifon report of th" Department of Agric !; it. \Va4hiniflon indi'-atesa iowrr (.",11 -ition.il the crop than many September since 1 >vi. \l :!,. M r k, a f< male lion tamer, wan prolnlily fatally injured by one of hi r ne' t lal a circus al Winstou, N. C., Satur- day. Jonathan K. Ri*s, the "ifi-d man, so well known aj a d.nie riiuaeum exhibit, ..-.-d at hia home m tne Niagara nvr in N v Vork Blatc. opposite IjueeiKlon, i**i -.. n The oAirication P --art. Six liiiiinetM lioii.es were set on ti overohare..-! el.-ctnc wires durnik.' a - at Blomi.iiinton, III . on Sun When water wss thrown fii.,|,'.-n holding the hose were knocked .1 wn. N -V Haven, (>>nn , in excited over a mi l)r. \'iri ,-en/n Iiehato I)r 1'ir.is ,'iiniiin to tiijTit a .lu>- : . The It*' lans, an* I had - . Italy. Hie n.illenge ha- A- -.. I'aul. Mian. . S.'iii.nJ. A icrn, a i.; lawyer, wirih *.'i*UNi, wa.* c-on noted the other dav of enmioal libel and fcnten -'.-d lo ttO days in the county work- house. Frank (!arvin, a newspaper arti.it, aged 23 years, "hot hi iv. < nr. thr.m,' 1 ! ih" "li Sunday at Pittsburgh. I' 1 '" ' ude wire uiarriedlaslTursdayi.nl the deed was caused by jeali> Sam Sina'd. who has been conducting tciiipt-i .ince iu-''-tni^n 1:1 V . hid. , w ' a".r T'.-achiug his hotel. The revolver wa ducharged through uj.-.li * ' . 'irtown pi- sun. The onsuls and leading i in the fn. 'c. I 'Sta'es hivuisxied a p.-"clam- atioii loil'iddini; ti:e Chinese to comply with tl. 'i-rm- ..f lh>' i ;.-ary Act. rf,|'iinnn tin-in ogr.tphed. and lobe i :eui ml by two whit* witnesses. The pronii.-tors of ' ' p|H?r mill, at Mass., talk uf sliuttinii dowu ow- ing tu i ID nearer., of lags due to the cholera v.are. The oondttinii -.f Mr*. Htrrinon, wi'e of the I'rvsnl.'ut ol ',.- I'.ulel Sn'e, u very .1. Xo inrtiier !, i '-.is of immigrnn's to iho I'niied S; ite<i,, 1* 'iiade l.y i. fiaiues uu'.u the I* 4 '.1' *-! I h>EKl. The CHSIUII-I hav- ev.ciu'ed the 1'. en. I'respu has finally triumphed in i::.l liie dictatorship has wilhdiawn. HOUSEHOLD. Daiiy'i Lunch Basket "I In. , ini.re tli.' hlt'4) fel Are rushing up nui.l'iwn; A* ul, 'lie ' i weel. \t ic h.-iK'it the li.ne.r town '." How we miss the i.-nil.lri-n *. ,;! va ration ri tiiem " to make tflad th'-- waale places " of country, mountain auii - feeU a;iy neglect cjuiu- as noun a* hit little NUM. o'ii-n i. u^ i Econom? of I i -i liud it an e..'onomy worlii *eep i i.-ir dresnes ill good re- pan, especuillv III.M- whicii are worn urmt !rei(iiently I'romjit a"eiitioii to little re- ^ pair* n. it 'inly III.IKBI 'lie gar-nuul last lonu er, but IT .ook better w.'ule u does last. If : w.th u> in mem. u v, L'ain. and a_a;n, like a swuet picture, lo bightm our day! We never know the n. ini- or im.de, lint tii it it makes tile tweet . nishiite ol si. me home we art-sure. t nt the summer to at.iyers- at home H llie absence of the clnldrer only comfort in it, th.it they are the gainers, in. I with s, ; ptiMi!her they will come home ay, pule and w ,rn from I 1 . w,,ik and ret ini two in.ni'.hs later . ,.i, no brown and rollicking as it bei-ome* frayed. th skirl will much better. And when new bia.d i- 'tin.; put nn, r won'.! not be mil h extra wm to put new canvas in trie bottom .ii the UKsMMUftsT*. Pailful ^. rne. F .rt:.e-- le'aiU .if tn-t hi-s of ibe Anglia .how tnal MKviinaaler w u! nut. !. weA sA fifsjt suppofl edaei was . to anchur in I . .a;mel ii- i near the mot, the Honghly. 1 : cuanuel is that sand heap* are apt to toiiu :-nly witliout warning. Anglia, while slowly turning to anciior, ap- -;i- .. I to have capsized innnedi..!'<'. -ne lav :,.r oine time on her ' e,m ends with htr above toe w . r . . . -. if it was needed. A skirt HI wlu.b the . "'< !;*>. t wo pusengcni ing has l>eeiiinu innp is not ajil to lung well. \\ hen a lxiic war* out under the arum , - J^f- -o. - way of re P a:r,,m , to riptlie eatimand set in a new iiiiiler-arni . Short jac-ket IronU of velvet won ure to cover the defect. Still another j ii ' il - - to <*!. and priiiil. A "". '"'a: I 'Minaged to scrninble to t..e 'ie .-md rema.iM-d 'i..re ' lle y * '" pi'-n-al up by thu bi J ,.,* , ., l /me room wero uu- ery pauiful wav , to sew ribbon on tim bodice in such > c "" e '' by the .urvivtr. and Two rows j '"sciiers. The three sailors wno were sur- u, iii. n. AU th.; " d n't. " and : -riling lii-- ueil being o: heart u.ji-1 ^'nnl i.:,-r ,r. . with the '.altered school -. and they have clmior.d and "tun wild ' alter tu.-ir -,\* n fa-tiinu. Iherearea: lobe consMere.1 u " <i - "ither^tton. .me., , Jt a i.- - i . I 011 the mi'ther's tii journey it: 4 up the l--e VOIIHK a.,d .nn.,:e,,t ,,,brim. 'usy. and tiu ansvtei-4, " Uh, that limc.i ' I , -inn..! be iMt^.-i - will find sumelbing "Bridget" and scinetliinn part of the fronts made o: two tnickueiwes '"If 1 "* '*> ["" ">" for want of proper ^HI,|S. Tlien as tile outside wean . t ' JU ' 8 ' *' M tU-mpt io'.-araav ', , ihrouiih, the e.l*.-. an -; inied down and ' P"'-" proved no . e h ill the bodice will wear iw much longer before - ,wu the boat* a a hoii; real!y ^how. ' l " l' ul " ""I '" tn " unfor'nnat H for . varnsl.oii!.: -wiied. J. i.our.a>, . ,d eu- ed.eitheroolton.'imeiior wormed a ,-..id gioecr, was the oiiiy orticer loet. Da . . new vearof '"8 l " l: i- the uavigalmn of the Hooghly ,s known .... f or This yarn, -a -.can be bought to "f, II is long since s*i lou* an a - m,Ke,,,, ,, r : balls, a-. I I l.,r. at only a year a^i .- llrr- .littl calUou 'Mamma what :,*:ri,, l { of men's , steamer Duner.. -I, today- .\U,, m41 . wll make them W sun. ope - ' the nver with a - ,.-n,g witii ,'"'' of paMengers, narrowly escaped a iluet 'dar mmonia water, .,_- W ili remove ""ilar fate at almost precisely the same ...h.n, ,,.r'^,, -iiost of the dirt and wrinkles. A vest U V" 1 - *' an ... -r.ta into tlie !rr;ch improv-d by thu treatment, '<> of U. Anglia. the accident wa^ attrib- - -easel striking on a sandbank while a strong li.le was run- essel was 4 u: utable auJ uoC of health are (iieekto her, and sli gives P'"* set in. I hen if tne seamn are preased j can :ind " th inend.!^ wi 1 warc-'y show. and puti it u;. in 1 -,i'> for nnm; tins could oe a i . iiousness of n amnn - ed ill the lltlle, semltl.e . thai is lo eal it of a m. .riling devoted tu the faligue stuily and in ti" v imp'ire air of the t What M tin- " Munelhin^ " thai has .refuge? Brt.| indliutter. But I . . 1:1.111.111,4 a- v--rv bujy, land the .i'.\< 'e were thick, ami the butter al most ei|iially so. The conluhut|.>u from the cake box verv rich, and unsuitable for A < sir T'I" eccentricities of tne <uper-religiou* a , H :or some time it, as soon as the cloth began oil9n m ,.j vel , t , slrani , . look worn, a piece were put aoderaeatb ,. Ilg , ll4r Mav hijl JU; L . Mi .., l ,,... , Jerll . .1 ,Uni-d w.-.h Hue wonted. , sa j em . Outaide of the Damascus gate of the L nxieu'.ined K Hints. than cotton ity is a curious lull, which fromiui remark- abie resemUaiice lo a skuil, the eyes suppli-nl l.y iwo ruck-cut caves, la called the -'. de- scriti. .- 1'undor r WI D ug- " gesti-d tba'- IL '! i'.'. in- tne site of Calvary. 1 Ihe late (jeueral i.ordon. in that cui uus ' .1 r.'iapsodiee i- I mind. Wheu hot grease has l>een tp:iUd the deln-ate stomach denned lo receive it. floor. te lj * l thlll |{ '" Jo ' to throw cold K.-llec -.10114 m I'aienliiie,' noi nuiy accopU Ifnoi .i..e, pi.-, au.l (in wint.-r mince-pie water over ll instantly. This will hardea thu idcntili. ation. bin alsonnw in unevf the as a rule. If meat in added, the manner of ' "P rtf - 'omU-uow known v Gordon's tomb - tu entuiig IH not taken ml,, account, aud the boar-Is. It ,-an tnen he ossily scraped off, the grave hewn out of the rock "in which . . and tho suolscoure.1 wtlh soap and water. Christ was . is another tomb to manaye. Tin- paper t , .-.: A pcuud of sol soda con is ins from four to in the hill about 5<Mft diolair :rom i . irdon s Bi nlget k.ni{i!uiii .1 bi..wu. and i :'iies as much alkali as a pound o! ria-d Tomi. which waa described by Major Con- luncii 11 wrapped and the impa' lent a" soap, and liisreforo it should lie used with dor, and the religious persons visiting Jem- girl departs, with the : mess be- care. Washing loda should never be used salein are now .'., two an . It Tiiainma'a kiss. in viinl furin, but should be dissolved m a tic parlies a* lo the relative * When the lunch is opened, i (.> appi aran -e separate vensel, and the solution should be : the con,'i|M.-i used with jjdgui, ir. I remove the shiny look fro n black coat Mid " till- the tombs. A tierce controversy is the re- sult. During the heivht of the dispute an _ Kugluh lady arrived at Jerusalem and " ;e:t uuu.ted. Tins goes on. . , , . . . . . * ere the n*p P"""P''. V decided in favour of Ihe i.ordon after day. ami the htlle enoMU tose llieir O j , |)t . c | otn ,, ol worn oil entirelv, am- t '-' l " 1 > an the true one. - .eaned it rosesaiidi. iindiiesaii i ,,onia wa- nt -. hut if tne" whole d< a thoroughly good .-leansing nee . black cotfce, to which has been add- ITI 1111:1 a IIM.SI ..' The Je , :id irritable, and at horn- and out and passed a who. and inclination there. It is, however, unfor- | tsisiate for this lady and the other pn.ua en- the importation of foreign labor during IM '."04 in its fnvor. strike*. The vole stood -I.", agaiusi nuiJ Leonard Maukelow, who. on August 3, murderously assaulted Hilds Wood, i of Kight Hon. Mr. (ioschen. and Kir.h Philbric'k, was arraigned M the l.ioinley, Kent, Seauous ou Saturday aud coiiiiuiUcd for trial. Sir William Vernon H.iroourt, the DOW C'liam-elloi of the rAche.|iier in M r. 'ilad- stone'a Cal.inet, has arrived at U'n-nbtttlcii, and is under ireatnu'ii' l,y I'M, c.isor Pag- enstccher, a noted specialist, for au alTec- tiotl of ln.< eyes. Rev. Dr. !V-r*on, of I'Mladi'lphia, has been accepted as the pernuuent su. > < of the lat Rev. C H. Spurgooii, audv.ill astuiin. Ins duties January 1, Iv.i Uv the Queen's cxpreas orders Princess Louise is to stay for three weeks at Rath in Ihe course of the autumn in order lo take a course of the waters. The Prim-ess had intended tu visit Alx les-Bain, hut it is Ihe wish of th" Queen that iho should try the Hath waters instead of going abmad agaiu. i snu, -T VTKS The tirst u.V' -nl ccu\fuiion of tho I'.io' iie-rhoo.l of S'.eel K....V.V L.t'|i'fyivw togau ut luili.mi. puhs Uat week. part in the Columbus clein ' ion there. Thevisilsof the C/.ar in.l (V iriua to tho chclera hospitals it .St. Petersburg have evoke I much favorable conrnent. cholera epideiti'.- at Teheran, Persia. haici.-K.eii 1 Tie iieailn in the wh, Versi t since llie out ireak ar. estimated at .('.'"Ki. one half of whi, b were in Teherau. I',, t. . September IO fis otfi -ial -holer* reiurnt in Hamburg showed I.'J, "J3K cases and "I.H.).") deaths. l.in[K.-ror William of l.ermany siyi it i. by no means improbable that he will pay a vi.it to the World's fair al Chicago. The Ci.ivernnient of IVelni'iui declines to allow UM international monetary conference lo be held at Brussels. Count A lalWrt S'.ernl* r.;. aged '-'I. shot hiTiiaelf ..t \ lein - fatal injuries. He had lst' .-tling on races. l',.-|>i>rtH rom tli Champagne di-.lnct of Frsnco |iredicl that the harvesl will be \-v low the average in .|iMntil\, bui excellent in quality. Price; are likely to be higher. \ <. rding lo the new military hill "\ery company in the (.ernian army will in future eiih-t nine lecruits annually instead oi 4"i as hitherto. II. .ivy rain, prevail thri/ii^hont M. llie dcart'i of prune ai tides of food is causini; n.uch .iinerm^- In spite of tin- heavy ,tn|Kirlatiulis ol cui n, the pi ices arc still riMi... While an aRent of the State Bank at Dutanao, Mex.. w*4 couvcynit; SlO.tKN) in gold coin thniu^li the Si. n i Midic picnn- laius, accompanied by .V) inuiinted men. thepnr'v <> itta.'ke.l l.v IT i; inds and all K'I. ,i 'ait one, after a deupe rate tight. !\ inn anil V'lien of Italy and l. ( *> '.tleinleil a urand l-all in the inunici- at i.t-iia on Friday night in honor of the Coluinlm< "i. >,i it ion. The er..vid was so great that dancing was nn poraible. The spectacle was the most bril- liant ever seen in (ienoa, The Standard's Hamburg correspondent i. iy tin ! w:e i'.-ii,.ri-,l Nln fresh ch<dora oasei. -'",7 death* and 47."' in- terments, and on Sunday 7'W fresh cases, ill saml 4!h!interTm>iit. I he ejidem- -reasing in liannbek and Alst-rdorf, l.ut m ;v'>ating elsewhere. The aveiage fa- ta, uv n tvv.iou-. of rive. ' edaTew drops ol .mmoiu.. and spuuge """'*" that ll ^^is prove.1 that the Urnih i. k woolen ' ' ' I'tie tnuteugh rnuiug of all china that P- -P ' ^ '* h j ^ u^thouM^an' in^SS P" week 'or mil'; scbolas'ic months in the \ , liHcovery it was full of 'ones. The cnuse. . 'HT marks found in it are th.e ui the twelfth century, and the i-lann ma.ie for the iwelltn century, ami llie - ^"l h *rt^^*^^* SS3 +**~'~' 4 HM-IM.| lriin.'n^riartl H iindeuiablv ni't ancnv . t ' t -JU'IS. r l IMII inm it vi:vuiit w .MI.WII, for , beforehand, to manage Ireqoenl , ^ k , ^ . .-es ,n the menu, and U, put ,t ,, P , I J~ by-the-wav w ,11 ;utVd^; .^"rr : i H: >u - r - tukeu. i. not lra S fer.Me. Mamma must J ' burl.o: IV,.. recently experienced oneof the do by Dany a, - wish M be done that -.-vaporation aids ,n t e mott ,.,.. , , r j, ,, , u ,at have ev y. and she would uol eat Budget , lunch ' h strict preparation M n. . I. for it bv way of mar- keting, etc., and is ii"t Ki.Lei * way, but th.. L of the bv, an * . '. r nch clo ' h . . , . slartied a human being. On awkkening herlf. The luncheon at home i. under t-r l"cbeon economy in tbl, '<h".ay from her slumber, on Hatur-lay mor.. strict rules oi h ,uhol .nageinent : " ^"^'""'^^ w hornried to tind thai her l,u- use of large bare l>oard Four of them are usually em- ployed, laid so that one corner of .-.i.-ti is a grea pride and pleasuie to a lltlle ^irl with re lined taste To be attra. t, l' Ulc - "^ <n " ^J Ih " c .eap baskets, it need not 1 - \ little duck of tine willow M . . a ^' *' lh ' "" r<1 "'P ma - v ^ U<M;d treasure to a >"" **''>""' <"' *''* llie i ii v v of her mrl iriiudu H \v ffoodcvATT- ...... ...... , tn.ng tasted fr t> in > BV] , polish m.x*! with alum water -. and wh , j , , to ta paid for it. To-day it stands in i. pla honor, m the pn-tty home ..! its owner no longer a little girl, but a and ' ml her baby call* face had turned completely black during the nijir.. Panting with terror, the woman hastily ihrew on her clolues and ruahwl, c laid at. ei.'h Commissary ot Police. There .he astouisl- t on the lable ,,} a memlier ot tne force by shouting in hi. plainest ^ ....,, quickly ! My husband has been turned n ui a negro during last iu<iu s I storm !" Tl.o iwhceiniui, rega:d:ng Ma.lanie cold, with stove .\Urtm as a i . -.k her to the Com- irticial she also related the transformation scene, but in a and ll ud p., uot polish the stove nnii, '.11, r ,f.. ct .v ,-4>l aud collect*! manner. The . ,..mg to put then, aw.iv duT ing c | erk th,,,.,,^ ,ter all that some phenoin- Ihe summer, but i ui\ ir 1 coott na j happenetl through the agency of v er wit i electricity, put on his hat and accompanied -IX or *ii<h'. \| 4 .j. lm . \u ,, '..i.er domicile. There th. lUslMinl was touiul wide-awake, bullo, -> for in the child's .-..mfort. Pap-." napkun " Ilv " 'V 5 ' """ k "" " ' * ll eMlcr i as if he had beeu carefully lamp b.acked he- ar, a good substitute, and at the ,Jp.i ' fore going to beil. I stores are ..! 1 in pa,, k i^es, containing a I'li.-n n har.lly a labor-aaring ' . ind it WM ascertained Mat Madame Martte, hundicd. 1 a v.' iv ^,w puce. jof any sort but what 11 able t>, do ITS work who is a devout Catholic, had. during the Let the lunch be tii -t wholevmc. and then 'precis.- i W'Uiderfuliy . i: ,jr. p.-rlv night ot a terrible tiiundert..rm. flung the pretry and tempting in i-K'K \ i '-nt handled. In the h.inds of manutactiiiei - ... nis of what she considered to 1-e a c | u ;,, . hg. ihe little things whir or roll ur bob up and ; liuttle of holy H..ICI on the bed and on her |,,-Klli,. r ;. . , , ,- U .when down for year*, without a hitch, \\hy- lni s : and 's :,ve. thinking thereby to drive al home he had and mother, and her bahy calN it the " duck ba,kct.' Napkin, get lo , t "'<UM,S. from ru^ng. in sp.te of care, but ll- v are so ' kfr-sen*. \\ hen po.i.h.u i dr., 1.1 of turpentine added cheap that the ia nncc is mnre than atoMd ,'... i.. . '.comfort. Paper napkins . litulv, and at the .lap,. appetite. I'liey *-e l!ecust>, in tin- tir^l place, every w ikinan ,i n T ], lightning demon. The bop. very t l, . ,.,,l i, c .l withbaliy ' ""w usi- them before be U paid UiaM ear IM - 'he nietara- H .:> resolvr.i to pro' Ie for his work. In th.- -e.'u.-,e orphosi. in the ongioal Cauoe . ,.r of ],,., ,,.|, w ,. j, A , i!,i,,.,;i. N took ' "'' [1 \'- "' mechanic 'is upon them ; au ex (orll.i'v. Thu inaiiv .Ulica-- I -i -. * wtll > knows the v . the pi eacnttiTiie an- a great convenience hy belt, a loosened scrt- w. a ! . i what way ot variety, ('old meat, sliced very not, attends to them. Thirdly, be. ause lliey thin, placed botwecu carefully pn-paie'd are kept clean day by day and houi by hour. and luiUer, almost all children e. im mlm I Fruit is always a.-cepial.le m its .teaaon, t'le-ll. ..Illl III Wllltl'l . are a treat and am prise in turn. Chicken ..r turkey, especially if the wings and tne wi'iliiy M. M .r n which so startled his spouse and cause 1 her l,> invoke Ihe aid of the police in her bewilderment. MI...... I. -> TovtUrr lor In- II. i. After a lone n'g!H Ixird '. '.'cjin mander-in-jh'if of the British forces in I India, has succeeded in inducing Uie war j them office authorities lo furmih his troops with night we . ,.\. U'en furnished withsome , hid >inokeless powder .itridget. The %> epur'.H and 'aii-.u.- tr.'i : , bul, while in dKatinga vei \ ItralttK^r of Ihe /.ui|i-i l.tr. The proposal of the dra.nage of the /in, in /.i".-, which Was spoken ot for ihe tirH ti'ne 111 IMS In HoUsIod au.l ic.m 111 I IvW. 1N7.-.. md lsv_ v . haa once in.. re U-cn revived with the support of several politic*! 1 auocialiocs and cha;nlvis i.| . n..i. .-. whoie nii'inbi'i-s have lorwarded petitions to (thi'lVivciuiic'it in support of ti c scheme, .and unking for its thorough exainiiiation. l The . lil lisho* s.mio interesting details on the subject, and states tl.at the total cost of currying out the work 1 would be IDO.WU.UUU florins. TI-U ia ex- clusive oi the expense which would be en- tailed "ii I)..' W.ir IVpirtiiicnt. aa theunder- I taking, ii earned out, would, it ii said, bring about a complete change iu the present ys- tem of defence in Holland. It would al*o . have the effect of aJl).' 1 ?^ lit* J.<lv\l'K to 1 tot Pay. U*a. legs of the f'.wls are given them, are enjoyed because they can tak in llieir h'ngeis and pick the _ A molher who considers thi school troops in India still carry tne M .. lunch an important point in child -life, puts Henry nrle, and because the new Thu tirsl knowledge that we got if the of iM iav:v_ rn Kusxia was when TMH-.I lint tile ' eminent had pn.hil.red the holding of the great annual fair at Nijni- Novgorod on ac- coiiul of it. was full of nigrufi- an< e to all the world. Dining the pant fort- up each \ , f tiny tumblers of Icllv. >'i.l "." in the lunch basket is always powder wai epeci.iilv demi(ned t"r tin new Mi.iK i.'ine r tie, the \V.u DlHce at tirst would not listen to an . ot m en. nient intheMart.nl il.-nry. Although llierc was uot Ihe least doubt of its great super- iority, ll has I veil decided at last that a million round.* of the cordite cartridge, shall be sent to India, and this instalment will he followed soon by a lull supply. Lord Roberts thus can ies hi p.'int. which -... s ..>, -, v .-. ... -. - , is ini|>ortant in view of the fuel that con I happy obedience, and hcncefoith nuhoJy I siderable time musl elapse before the Indian a KUI prncali'1 pl< uuie. approval ou maninit's part A t.-n.ler. judicious mother will provide a varied menu i,.r this mid day meal, and the roses will not dim or tlie little cheeks grow l-ss louuJ. luHv . ' liable. will The school work will be ihcer- -'iiii'li^lu' I, mid the cl.iss rank cred Impatient words and h-vsty tetnpei w..y for the return of a pleasant, will inquire: " Wiiai ills the bright, merry lillle gill we c'll I'ai-v The wholcsomcness of the lunch is junt an important for Daisy's brother, but h will i.-l.,| at the dainty accessories that are al important to her. H will, after awhile, in Ix.vnh slang, call your best endeavors in his behalf "g r u!'," but he will ca* it just the same and thrive accordingly Make no mis Itke ; h>e, too, pie.'ers mamma's way, and army can receive the new Lee-Metford (maja/me) rifle. It appears indeed, that a large proportion of the native regimcnt* are still armw 1 with the .>ld Snider ritle, now regarded as obsolete. When the tirst hatch of the new rirles reaches I,:.'i tlu-y will get the Martini- Henry, now in the in the handa of the white troops, but it is not e-.pe. u>- ti .it this exchange will be el- fecU-d before ApcU. tality there, the) have been nniriisi worthy and nnsalisla. U>ry. From Ku.Mia at larv/e v have lia 1 no return^ i any well- assured infer, n ITI l.e Imwn By c dint- ing such tinmen as have Ken given out, and l.y study. n,; such statements as have .-ii made m ire London / . "1,-je that in M. I'etersl-iirx and other .:;.* of n ll'i.-sia !.n>re than oin. 1 h; 1 .' ih., IK. in,! i -i-pli li ive fall, n vi. i tins to the holera during the past iw>, months \Ve annot even mak, 14 lo h..w ni.-.uy more have fallen in the vast region between the Caucasus M. '11111.111 - -all: piov. inces. It will proiukbly IK* yeam In'fore we get credible ntati.ilics of the Russiau mortality by the A'.iat I.', holer* in I v'li It may bedoiil'teil whether such slaUst.c. will ever be obtained. Tl < seventh ohild snu !:?( danglitcr of ! K.muivss -it Ceimauy WM boim oil Tuved vy.

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