THE WEEK'S NEWS. A protest ha* been entered in the Mani- toba court* against tlieelectiou of ex Speak- ;r Jackson. The name of Archdeacon Kortin ia men- tioned in connection with the bishopric of Uskutchewan. Scarlet ferer of a nuligonnt type has ap- peared in the city of Winnipeg Mr. T. A. ilernier, St. ISoniface, WM not- ified on Saturday ::ight that he had been appointed Senator in place of Mr. (jirard, deceased. Broxseaii. the defaulting Montreal customs officer, has Keen arrested la Boston. At Farrellton.Ont, on Saturday evenini:. a hrakemau named Joe Ki'.', aged -I, got caught in a frog and lost both fet. Mr. F. \V. Collier, Postmaater General at British Guiana, is at oresent on a visit in Montreal. He is of the opinion that an im- portant trade could be worked up between that colony and Canada. A shipment of se dtkins valued at $>),- 000 has jut left Vancouver, B.C., for Loa- don. HOD. John McKinnon, M. L. C. of Nova Scotia, is dead, aged S 7. William K. Keid, founder of the Grand Trunk Sick Bene6t Society. died at \\ ind sor on Thursday ni ht, ac< d 6H. T'ie contract with the Allen line for mails to Great Britain hs been renewed by the Dominion Government Several carloads of silk are en rout* over the C. P. R from Vancouver to New York. The cargo is valued at 96JO.OQO. Mr. SLmner, M. P. or St. John, N. B., has formally rea gnhl his seal ri the House, and a warrant has been issued for a writ for a new election. Mr. Samuel V\ ilsoo, of Whitewood, Man. , while driving to a neighbouring town on Friday uight, was shot and killed by the accidental discharge of a gun that was lying in his buggy. The Provincial Board of Health and the Government of Ontario nave decided not to establish quarantine against New York, but to place inspector* at fort Krie, Niagara and Kingston, and disinfect all doubtful baggage. The Minister of Custom* has sent instruc- tion* to the collectors of Customs through out Canada to exercise the greatest posnihl* vigilance m order to locate any suspicious article in which cholera infection might ex- ist which may he imported from infected lo- calities in the United State*. Several of the director* of the Ottawa Pro tea tan t Hospital intend taking steps to have the charter of that institution *o amend- ed that no person's religion shall stand in the way of his admission to the free ward*. Bergeu, one of the men who Surglanzed the house of Rev. Mr. Krb at Berlin, Ont . a few weeks ago, was convicted and sent to Kingston for 10 years. The steamer Carroll, from Halifax for Boston, about which Uien- hits been some iljnn, has been towed inlo Booth Bay oarbor, Maine, wr.!i her machinery dia- il.led. The Indian* in west Kootenay, British Colombia, arc making trouble for thein*elv and others, and include in their programme of piobabl outrages a threat to wiuck the Baillie Gruhrnau reclamation works. Archbishop Fabre has ad lre*sd a circu- lar to his clergy on the subject of the pos- sible invasion of the province by cholera, in wliK-h he urges all the faithful to assist the civic au'boritie* in carrj ing out sanitary precautions, and at the saint lime to put an end to religious disorders and to keep their minds away from all malevolence towards the Church and from all unjust cnlicuui to- ward* iti minister*. Much feeling ha* been created among the citizen* of Winnipeg by the action of Lieu- tenant-Govemor Sch'jlu in refusing to sign the order-in Council legalizing the new survey of the city. The act ion of hi s H m uur is causing a serious block to real estate business. The story i* told in the Kingston Whig that a Congregational minister in Ton *r.o recently received a pa kage of tracts from Hamburg, and that after perusing them he was attacked by cholera, which fortunately assumed a mild form. He believe* the tracts were sent to him by some Hamburg infidel with malicious intent. screv", the maximum speed to be '27 knots an hour. The vessel ha. already beon nam- ed tha (jigantic. The London (Kng t Provident Rank, a combination bank and building society, ha* | suspended payment. <-rtat excitement has been caused in Man- chester, Kngland, by th? supposed discov- ery of a system of whjleiale child murder. One Mary Anue Hall, a midwife, was ar rusted on nospi ion of being implicated. The London Timea referring to the sei/.ure A I.IUI - "111* KlUt. Prrllssis Prexreu a fumy Thrimcsi a Trva* HII//.II-I! Drw is, Tex., Sept. !'.(. L'p in the Pan Handle, lying on its level plains like a book on the table, Is that freak of world liuildmg, the Staked Plain. Iu eastern edge cuts he*r off, ami the streams of water that rush down it after heavy storms, carrying with them the rich red prairie soil to fling it into tlie sluggish currents of tne Red, the in it an antelope, a wolf, a horseman, a cow, or limply a bit of milkweed, you are strm-K with an am.i/umenl ami admirtlibn. and think he must have a pair of Sam Weilcr's " patent double million magnifying glass microscopes of hextra power ' tor eye* ; presently you find you can do this your K til HOIIt HI MIIMV..- A Pullman coach costs 930.000. I'ji to Jane l.JUO mile* of railroad had been built this year. The railroad dining cars in ilia Stales) of a Canadian vessel in Retiring Sea by a | lirazos, or tlie Colorado, and sen.', them rav Russian man-of-war, declares that Russia ' in,' down over the lower lev.-ls in a " red should be made apologise and indemnify ihe : ru.-," are rapidly eating it westw >r I. vessel owners. On all this vi.t table land of thousand* of acre* there are no streams, no forests, ami, it was formerly believed, no water fNtTKIi STATES. supply beyond a few scattered ponds and lakelets. " The Canadian and Pecos Rivers have cut deep canyon* through its porous and triable formalion, and go crawling long in tins dry ae-ison, or - ',. . . ; , . -ttj'.,unjii niunca v * - 11 . iitauniiiici <Aa '. -i forward during freshet., hundred, o: travel acroas the pU.ns, win. ,. Klniv ifii Im'u KII>- itn. sitoijiiij I I' ii I r 1 1 r*Jl 1 ?. blow it* level ; but no stream! traverse IU surface Bicyclist Ty'er rode a mile in 2.08 1-5 from a standing start on the .SprmgQeld, Ma**., track. Unknown person* sent an infernal ma- chine by mail to ijoveraor Rower of New York ou Saturday. The trouble among theCbccUw* of Indiar Territory 13 at an end and the Coiled State* j troops have been withdrawn. A woman in Nortn ' irolina ha* just pro sentedher husband witn iix children at oue birth. They are all boys and are living. Two children, while playing in the wood* - j u river syitera after all. ..-oncealed like i'^.^" near St. Paul, Minn. ,wre k iled on Sunday the plumbing in a h-iuse but f.nrlv by a panther which had escaped fro-n Bar- available. In short, there lies beneath the num's circa* a week ago. [wBob region a network of underground I self wr.ho it knowing bow nor when you , earn more money than the sleeping ami ' show in one | baggage cars together. twenty-two The railway ompanies of the ' ' Kingdom puy t:t,".ou a day compensation i..iiua.-i, the nnn I new capital of a brand > for injuries done to passenger., new Panhandle county. The wonder hox The elK ,,, eentn ^^ ,,,,, O f the urned upside down, and iu entire j Railway Mutual Uenelit Aatuciation -ras held at Washington last ween. The Wahath road broke its record last week by earning *5O4,IXX>. This in an in- 00 over the corresponding week last year. Tlie gross earnings of the Vew York I'entral .t Hudson River Railroad for the month of August were >t . x.l.HI. I!, an in- crease over the same period last year of $H, m*. :). The Kmpire State express beat the rec- a few days ago, making the trip from learned. We had the win hort afternoon, in a rule- of miles across the plain., from < nani .pital of a contents about us. The necromancers of the plain, were abroad, ami m a wild j humor. It waa the most reckless, madcap, hare-brained performance I ever inadver- tently altende.i. When we first started out at 'J o'clock it ' wa* very hot. The tun bla/.ed down much as it usually do< s in Midsummer ; but the wind, the fresh, sweet, tireli-sa, .weeping , win. I, which makes even Midsummer day. all the way up from tiie Gulf to have a time all over i his wonderful country, and ,,, , . . , . . ,, i fc*ini= ait ocr . inn wuuuvriiu uwituwj. aii'i i - -.jw w^<>, .... ..-. * -. \\hat then becomes of ila heavy rainfall.' ,.. Me worth ,; for , he / , l(jre | Albany to Syracuse, a distance of 14S mile*, r tip li* It. . flws T<l B^Pt'l I 1 hi" ktr*>ainfl t.K A I T. t . r i ..> - ~ L- _ .u Iran Little of it goes to swell the stream* that are estmg away iu eastern evcarpment Sut Senator Sparks, the author of the streams, river., lakes, where, held between the constant, reliable plentiful, ererlast- > I"*- minaUM.^ Five miuuu-s were taken ing wind waa noarhere to l<e aeen or liear.i. ' "> the stop at U tica. The Philadelphia ft Reading Railroad opper * ('.juipany u preparing a new sign post to put at. railroad crossing*. Instead of only A the words, " Railroad Owing, ' there The sky waa a beautiful happy blue with , will be added the words, " Slop, Lo ok and Sparks election law, now governing elec- I the layers of its geologic formations, the lions in Missouri, committed suicide Fn- , rainfall is hoarded. The enterprising diy in Worconiburg, Mo., by cutting his rnn.'uman has but to put down hi* we.l throat. ' and put up his windmill, and his water Bergmann, the anarchist who shot Frick. "PP'- V u M ur ? " '' ' b '"hterraneau the manager of the Carnegie steel works at ' r ^,, r ^- OV< ' r - hu bro ~ l P*" tUre Pittsburgh, Pa., has been found guilty md sentenced to twenty-one years in the peni- tentiary and one year in the workhouse. The negro*, in Calhoun county, Arkansas, are up in armaagnn.l the election law, and OVIT hi. I. road of half a thousand feel 'and., under threaten toe<termmate the whils. Several live* have already been taken and more! trouble I* feared. . . - -a l them. This it ia that ha. transtoimed the Llano Esu.-a.lo from an uninhabited desert to one vast pasture, broken here and there by tiny farm*. The fifteen or twenty counties tn*l it in.-! tides are all under fence now. Wells are easily and cheaply bored in the soil of the great plain, and watering places for Stewart, the only surviving member of the itock established. crew of the ill-fated steamer Western Re- | >erve, which went down in lake Superior , with -7 of her crew three week* ago, is sud to b* negotiating with Manager Moore, of Wonderland, Detroit, with a view of going T ' " ver * he , P 1 ""' *? mett m th " clde ' I on sxhlbilioi, as a c"rio. "'"'" "'' ll " 1 f 1 W<)wl n 1 ho i use ' ne r some little outbuildings, a well and a wind mill, but rather more often it is a " half- some rare white clouds ..-arousing around ill it, sort of haphazard ; the mirage* were an about ua, with their alluring sweetness and beauty ; between them, where the level plain reached, unbroken, to the sky line, you could look, as the cowboys say, " right of! into ueverthe'ess. ' Hut uone of these beauties loun i favor m our hot and tired eyes. We wanted some shade and a whole lot of cool wind. We got into a shady plkce just aa we came well up onto the plain proper, and it was very bad in- Here we passed aurnu people in a the ph deed. Listen. An engineer resident in Glasgow has, after nineteen years' labor and experiment- ation. devised an arrangement in an engine l.y winch he returns all tiie Jtaam back to the boiler after doing it. work in ihe cylin- der. . President Ingalls, of theChetapeake&Ohio railroad, has recommended to the stock- holders of that line that as the atitirs of the. ' company are n good financial condition it would be profitable to the road to ailopt a HOUKI. ">' Tlir Be " le th M! *'* ranches there are set- '* or " " -"<"*l " '""g ""*r- T ' " ver * he P 1 buck'board who were yet more unhappy system of prorii sharing with the employ, than we ; for. what little breath of air them , T nls P lan - ln "-" f"> ould was, was following us along northwestward, "3 The strike of null hand* at Menommee. Mich., is ended. The men are to receive i than $1.50 per day. experiment of sending California Dot lea The fruit to Knglaud has proved a failure. The war in the Indian territory ha* brok- en oulafreah. City Recorder Austin, of Belleville, Mich. , and Mr. J. M Anaon. who were assisting in ' ,. hl!f Jugout, half wooden house, near some big ranchman's watering and carried solid wreaths of tine sand from their wneela into their face* and over them they said their ears weie full,, and it we had anything interesting to coin- [ munical* we migni just write it down. We went ahead, inhaling the sand our ponies feet threw up, till we were a* hoarse and husky as the amateur vocalist when asked to sing. My companion and I decided indignantly that we couldn l .land ' it. We each opened one eye furtively to do away with strikes and save the Mm* of the officers of the company being taken up in arguing anil etiimg 'luestiou* ot wages with the employes. At three of the large London railway stations Charing Cross. Cannon street and London bridge as many a* 3'J. '*)'.< move- ments for signal and point lever* have to be made every twenty four hours, tjuite apart from the telegraphic operations. The Cock* Locomotive and Machine Com- set tire to the fiarn. Mr. Anson barely escaped with his life, but waa terribly burn- ed. Mr. Austin was reduced 'o * crisp, his arms, legs, and raos burutd away. Patenon, N. J., recently posted no- _ TT U W..I l|Slldl WUV VJV .Illn.ttJ. I'l > ._ place some half hearted pretense at crop look at the other, closed it again hastily tices in lU shops notifying the men tflat ail making and a tremendou* showing of white over three quarters of a pound of sand, and "nployes, except apprentices, will hereafti headed youugilers. These settlers are th agreed with angry unanimity that nobody | l **** ,^ work "V coui.l stand it. r not at all. This i. m debauce of the Hfty- nve Hour law of New Jersey. The Reading ivitem now controls miles ol railroaxl, traverse* a territory coo- slapped o* a few handful* of big drop* in aces and upon the road, that laid the plain l* a wonderful county of air ' sand and dust inaunter It swept every roads, where there is neither hill nor ght of mirage out of sight, till the plain sort that com* in a wagon across cnuntry from some place that has become too civilu- I Well, we didn't have to ; the wind bav- u .r. .,. *. AM on. wno were aaauung e ;' '" r lhfm . e ' "' oaly . the il ~ W ' "" i ' ot 1U ^"<- " b**M. "> harvest work on the f.rm of Mr. JeromS <>" ^ ***S"*?*1~*Z. *"'. f " ^?t? ,?"? * l> ?""?* Il laining nearly lO.UOO.OO o pouulatioa by mean* of 1,71s locomotive* ami 1 1.VJuicarf, wept every ' nn"Hy carries 4(),i*jO,<JOJ passengers, mov- . e* r*>MW.<*) ton* of freight and earn* UIl*'*ll> "I 111 1 1 (ME*? UllbUl Blkf II k. kill .lie uicKlll a. tat > * i Was raked beTre and clear and level from ut WT.'MI.OI ; while with ,t* .ffi.ia.ed ui ii*uvr*fi> wurn on in* 1 ;arni 01 air. tieromv , u* i ..rl,e, near Bellev.Ile. went to sleep in a f or m *** "*<"*<>"" <="try caunot be slappe barn on Thursday night, A lantern lill and lon wll , houl a ">rifty farming population. our ia< _, I.... 8 Mr . Anton Welv ' The plain l. a wonderful county o air saad a but was terribly burn- 1 . 1D r "* U ' wl "?. th , <!r ' ," "" f l " er hl " " r 8 h "" ' hollows to say the directness ot your mien- was raaxi u_i*> .< v.w -u ,^.^. ....... ' tionnay. I know now that no words can de- horizon to horizon. < pome, raised ^P*"'" ''r^" P' t 1 nj '' l l "J > | t <l " t of hi* bead being ^^ nolanKUllg . p , ctlire , or evell , ug . ,!,.,, head* and pricked up thnr de- of $.>! ..'....'(01) and employ. H.i.'.) wa ge*t it to th. mind and imagmaUon of one jected ears. We looked up gratefully : tne < * rn rm ' m)u whorn " er seen it. Th* lea we get an sky was changing ; it ceased to be blue ( ss I in pictures and descriptions, we | Ijecarr.e a whitev gray, vaporous and agi ""!.'?. r when : we have alway* known tated ; it glowered palely aliove u*, then U and painters, and pieced out rushed down upon us in gieat laihmg sheeu -ln interesting Ired appearance of lakes and . and writhing streamer* of cpaieicent ram 1! .hiug of what the sea would be and hail, which srnole the earth with a . S - | .3 (J V '' , The rapid run of the Nile is earning great ' anxiety in Cairo. Rudolf Ipering, the distinguished German jurisconsult, died yesterday. i ><-tober l-'th will be a perpetual national holiday in Spain in commemoration of the ! discovery of America. Portugal ha* declared quarantine against New York. Inhuman butcheries continue to be prac- tised by brigands in Sicily. A despatch received from Allex, France. gest it to the mio<l and imagination of one jected ear*. NY* looked up gratefully who has never seen it. Th* sea we get an sky was changing ; it ceased to be blue ; it idea of it from pictures and descriptions, we became a whitev gray, vaporous and agi hardly know when : we have alway* known tated : it glowered palely alx>ve ill, then through poets ar ' by tke kindred rivers lomelhiag snapping sound and creamed up again like But a picture of a dead level would not suggest the plain, with it* strange charm, iU hundred* of allurement., lU caprices and vagaries, its softui** and sweetness and terror. Riding out onto this plain for the first time especially to one who has alway* dwelt among mountains is like being sud- , l oll galmo*t level with the earth, and supporting more than WV.'XJI th* c-reot on an ocean billow. A I-KRILOI S IlII'K. The roar of the wind was deafening : I marvelled how my little light pony kept hi. slim buckskin colored legs under him. i inlv the clinging of able-bodied desperation held uie in the saddle. The wind drove the .Veitern of Kngland will send relic to the fair in the " Lord an old locomotive that ran without cruuigr of boiler. The Lord of ih lale issnven ! <auge and wan built for the < Jreat Western in I V)7. At the first. Crystal Palace Kxponilion at London m that year it was exhibit*! as the mo*', wonderful achievement of the century. Sir Oaniel (iooch designed the locomotive and got a gold medal. It wa* run continuous- ly until 1*4*1. H ' rain along aim. say. that one person ws killed an 1 thirty denly turned loose out of time and space into wh en m a few minutes the water was fet injured m a railroad accident at that place, eUrmty and inonily. So unspeakably vast ]ock a eep ., th , horwt . 1 h e.l U into foamy i*it, so imperiously does it beckon your | ltt i waves. The *ky was waler-th* Prof. Koch give* it as his opinion that- | cholera cauuot be transmitted through the 1 post by mean* of letter* or pr inted m alter A Hamburg despatch state, that a strange cattle disease has app-ire.l on seventeen estutus in th* Grand I'uchy of Mecklenburg. It is stated that the Russians withdrew from the Pamirs because the Afghans and Chinese would not sell them any food sup pile*. . fancy and command away your imagination ' e>Tl h w , water w* might have been rid- that they rly out in every direction aud leave ln({ our |, u i e Texa* pome* across the waste you in a sort of pleasant daze. The everlasting sketches spread out and out on every hand, their unbroken silence Atlantic in a bitter gale, th maddened sea replying to the furious skies, the wild wind " 4 i ne " rmg , " m 'u h of the same ;_- and tearing at both, the tierce J jler M |J ur Y ^ tn . To this day. ill Tr r r ill.- fair*. The " :ircus" element in our Fairs is noth- ing new, nor, if kept within proper bound*) need be an otlence to any man. Centime* ago the chief busmen of ttie world wan transacted at of the same char- tree or bush, no little hill or hollow, no- where the smallest evasion or reservation the eye is in free command of all ; yet no- where that I havo ever been is there so H thiough the riot, like the very, nake.1, u( crowd , { mero hanis from uisuuit marts. venomous teeth of death himself ; the great, ' Q , buyerl from remote towns, and districts, - ever present a sense of mystery. The mys- ovi . r everything, fairly shaking us m our i , Conservative Journals at Lyon* asaert terie* of the mounUms are the mysteries , ...(ales, brow beating aud scaring u* more i CO 1 nf A itftt.ira tli&t <.<tn<*&lfl itafllf from von ' ^ ^ that a military convention between France, aud Russia has been entered into and that ! 7*?jS2 b. noisy, menacing harmless thund.-r, *ffr , nd of mere sight seer*. Canatlian g.jod* ar each little shn.ldermg pause ro.lmg out ^ founj ^ ^j e t ; m;ei v rernot* of travellers. two Canadian manu- Half an hoar of it got a damages before Judge Muir, against a gen- tleman who drove into his wheel on the high- way. The wheelman got into a rut aud could not get out in time to escape the buggy, the driver of which failed to turn out. At the Provincial Synod si'.ting in Mont- i. il. the c|uestion of marriage and divorce was 1 ronght forward, and Re\. Provost li Jv, of Toronto, presented a report and a lam-n on the .iibject, to the effect that in all cases where divorce wai obtain, ai y other cause than adultery nd th.- | . tus mrne 1 ugani. H.'ly Communion should IK- denied them unless in the event of re pcntance and separatum or imminent dan- ger of death. A petition is in circulation in Hamilton, t'nt , an I is receiving manysignatures. pry- ing for the release of John I'allahan, who, on year ago, was sentenced to tw .1 \ the Kingston penitentir.ry for stealing s| :,, i"i while m the employ of the street rail- way company. He returned all the mouey he had taken. GREAT HltlTAIV. The Lond m < 'ommercial Deposit P.uild- ing Society has suspended. The London Standard's Berlin correspon- dent says u is reported that the Kaiser has invited l v 'neen Victoria to be godmother of Inn recently born daughter. There isgreit depression in thcsliip build- ing tra.leof ihe < lyde, where n:t*'i hun- u. .1 haudi ate idle. A special cablegram says that the Anti- Pan. ellites, 'earing that tlie I'arnellites will outbid them for po|>tiltr favour, aro ir^mg Mr. Morley to take steps *.o prevent ivi.'tions during the .oininj; winter. The Kuglish Socialists, after further con aiJeration of tho proposed Trafalgar square demonstrations on November 13th, have appointed a committee on orgnni.-ation, to whom all preparation* have been entrust- ed. UT.i'.e Star Steamship Company have CM'.trnct-d with Harlsi.d A Wolff, of Bel- fast, to biuld a alvxj) ~,W Icct long with Ihrcc I'ICU UUC'O III./IILIIM MEU. C>reat excitement prevail* throughout Ire- land m consequence of the resumption of tha eviction of tenant* who are in arrears for ' rent. The pea*aut* in many places ore pre- pared to resist, aud trouble is imminent. Hi. |-r.:liilo... i. l. in u.. With ihe ultimate aimsof tlie prohibition movement, which are the suppreaaion of drunkenness, and of all in.lulgeiice that ia .ie'.riineiital to health, injuiious to society, or destructive of domestic happiuus*, every IIIHII in his tense* .-.incurs. The point of difference is as to the best way of insuring sobriety. Syinpathi/ing as we do with the temperance movement, of which f..i iii-.ny years w have been strong a.lvocates. we feel all the more free to say that, until the avow- 1 i i-ri.U of prohibition become more inde- pendent, and more iletenniii.- I to enforce what law exists against the illicit sale of liquors, the cause they favor cannot .succeed. Take an illustration. At a city in a HUM- tune prosiucc an active worker for prohibi- tion won recently challenged to. -nt. T.i saloon to witness a person call tor * glass of spirits at a bar, the Scot; Act Li-ing in force. At that bar the sales r-'i.-!i *" per week, in I some do/en others like it arc openly selling in that amall city. Although thua challenged he refused to enter for the purpose of laying an information against the saloon keeper. Whothen can W..TI.) -i it the Scott Act being a Jead letter, if its chief promoters shrink from taking the m- -cssiry stepa to havo it enforced? Apr.. would likewise be a dead letter, unless perpetual watch wvr maintained over pl.i. es where liquor might be procured, and a sufficient force of informer* were maintaino.l t.* bring offenders to punishment. The r.uliculty of maintain- ing a prohibition Ac' ia f >roo against the wishes of any considerable nu.rber of ci'i- zens, is'V diltiou!ty in tlie w.iy of securing a prohibitive V t, as t lie most zealous t of temperance believe that % cry serious CM'J would arise fr .m iiaving a law iKv/n'W/y in force, while prii'ifally ignored. The rev- olution that has occurred in the. 'nn'oni; habits of the people in the life tune of mil- lions now living justifies the hope that tr time the reform desired will be accomplish- I* It i* a wonder .how, a ride across the plains. They are only a vast level of soft green brown earth, infinite sweep* of short, tine gras* ; but ou this open stage tho wiz- ards of sun. air and rain can juggle till the most trusted of your five sense* is ready to g>. out on a strike. TUB M1HAUK OF Till PLAINS. I had always thought the mirage a phe- noni. noli H.-. aMoualTy observable on the plains. I had no idea, and I am sure other i not acquainted with the subject have not, b..w iini\e.rsalan.! ever present a feature it is. You ride or drive out onto the plain*, sped illy on a bright warm day, where you aie fifty miles from any living w.iter no means of watering cattle except bored well* and windmills, and yet there is no p|x-ar- anc.' of dryneas : very much the contrary. To the ri^-lit, to the left, ahead of you, cool and placid and imiling in the sun they lie, and open out and change as you move .ly shores, bluffy i and green, heavily uniNrud mleiaan.l where sliout you tin sweet idea of wler. A mile or so away there i* a settler's little house with one or two tinv outbuild- ings ; it stands in a mirage, anil looks like one of tho*! little const house* or tisln-r's huts around New i'rleans. on Like IVn chai train, on ull stilts, with little Iv.ut houses and fishing uheds built about it above the lapping water; while out be- yond, to the hori/on's rim, stretches the sea. Only a few humlrcd feet to one side of your course stand a bunoli of cuttle in pretty liitle lake : you see thfir shadows in its surface, yon ee them spt.ish the sil- very waters upon their sides as they walk. Objecta are so magnified m this atmosphere that a corral i.wntv-five feet long with lit'l.< sheds and bits of fence, setting in or on tho edge of a mirage, will look an immense Summer hot-1 on the beach, with all iu txthing houses and pavilions about it ; a bit of broom weed twelve inches high is agrcit cedar, a glimpse of whitev ge biish not bigger tlian y.-ur hand a coyote, or a big grey "loafer wolf. When you first aeo someone accustomed t" .;... plains look out at the horizon at a laiv speck, moving or stationary, and tiud instant of sin-no paaaion of f'urv draw* in his breath tu plunge into the final outburst. We <|iiailed in our saddles and walled for the onslaught, but it never came. The storm wa* really over. The wind only blew enough to tear the ma*e* of misty clouds, or cloudy mist, otlihi- face of the selling sun, when out leaped a torrent a surging sea ot pale fiery gold, and rio.xled and illuminated its rent and tlyn^ edges, swept on and through and over all, till the universe of vapor, dispersing and reasaemlding arvuud us. was one living burning splendor. We ourselves, on our dripping ponies, were the onlv reminder of a real world, the only objects the eye could fasten upon to guide the imitgin.itu.ii back to earlhly life : .mi Ihe wii'e plaiu under our feet, all white and gold with water and re illumination, and sparkling with living gems of hailstones, to the palpi laut k>.ry of shifting radiance moving about it, with the great sun himself pouring forth hi* seas of psley tire, like some awful aud dtv.n foun- tain, all waa a dream, or fairyl.ti n. Tlie sun wenl redly down into the level earth, an.l the last, ..rimsvii stain of hu> tires died out of the world around us : the win.! went ra.m s ' gaily on it* way .is gentle and playful asa kitten, and wu rode into Dumas as cold as a very poor ^ . of worldly charily, our garments drenched with the moisture and our souls satu with the splendor of glorious storm, for we iiaJ no "slickers'' on either of them. who came from all parts of the civilized ; world. Naturally these great g ithcnng* of visitors drew companies ot persons who 1 catered to the love of amusement. Time hangs heavily on the hands of sn.'h visitors, as the whole day cannot be spen t in Damping His Ardour. Mr. Ni. cfellow : " All, how do do, my little man ! Been helping your sister, I sup- pose. She told me she would be bosy for a huli: while with some household duties. " Little Man : "Yen. I tried to help, but I \. -n t much use." " I suppose not.' 1 " N'o. >hc wanted me to carry some water, but I couldu t carry much at a turn-, and it takes a lot to get ink out of c specially red ink." " Ked ink?" " Ves, Si* always writes her letters to Mr. W.timhe.n t in red ink. Ho say* it re- mind* him of the way she blushes wheu he kisses her." i the demand for diversion at ouch place*) to make lime pass pleasantly. I Old country people remember the Sta- tule Fair* where there was always a collec- tion of wild beaat shows, and other attrac- tions. Thoaewho object, as some do, to the . rnont department of out Fairs, are. i we fear, kicking sgaiuit a cu*tom which is very ancient, the survival of which, after I hundreds of yoais, shows that it arises ouc ; of a natural taate tor recreation, especially - part of visitors to a large The utility of this piovisi.m tor amuse- ment is undoubted. Spunduig a whole day in inspect. lit: machinery, or goods, or works) of artistic ingenuity, ia a very exhaust ng occupation to holh mind and body, and would not be repeated, as it ii>, bv thou -an. Is i.y veil, iinlesa some reli*f wa* found by watching "speeding in the ring,' s of cattlf, and horses, shows o' tumbling exhibitions, musical pel etc. etc. The monotony of tilt labonou", mewhal lonely life, of our country . needs to lie l.rokt-n now and again. I !....- who condemn uiiri emcnU as) "childish." we, in all charity, say tin', when the r-hild heart is dead in man or w.inun, ki ire, or selfish r vice, or morbid, gloomy notions, or dings of tho future, life has lost much of tl. mess. winch give powe: -' impulses, and of tlie strength which -ill need fir so- cial an - duties. Those who enjoy .nt amusement* should da'.ly thank: their Maker for so blersed a gift. "All work and no p! . dull hov, ' i* very old, and a very wise saying. so." what is called the "emus'' clement in ..ur t ins. serves a highly useful purpose in ; the life of rhou<, whoae nrlhcn is carried all the t sicr lor tb h.uigc they luive liad or that \i u-.-'i the*; ird to, by sharing m "th* fun of the I