Flesherton Advance, 13 Oct 1892, p. 2

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THE FARM. I Bruin, i ed up n Capital T. Braitii in the Dairy. II is uiiy industry, conducted with like tap- '.'. any htttei i-.-w ml than that ret inn- ed Viy the dairy ? \\li\l man, wit'i a lew thousands of ilnllars invcst'-il. makes a* romforuhle . living und seem c a more cer- ium income limn the man with tw.-nty ti\c or thirty cows on a farm of MH) aero? '1 lie maniitactiiri-r mint have a large capital : mutt manage hi* husinr's on a scale that cai.ies with it division of laliour, ami tin' economic 1 ! of piece work ami a reserve fund to t>.|f him H\IT a dull spell : the dairy i* unifnrm in its laliour requirements ; there Ma daily demand fur its tiiii-hcd product* ; ili. PI- are an ninny avenues by w Inch produce may I* chej>ciied as m any other business fiit -i prise. The demand ol the t imps has led In cheap- ened production of all kinds. Science has cheapened about all the processes of iron and steel manufacture, and thousands of olhi-r things, so that the article complete is also the work which ihe hone is call- j en upon to do. The thing of chief impor tauoe is to get farmers to discard a part of the hay ration and substitute for this dis- carded hoy at least iU value in the more coti'iriiM-d nutt itiun of corn, oat*, or bran, the reit will naturally follow. Coin has too i oil t) he fed alone. The same idea holds good in respect to growing colt*, with the exception that corn In breeding general puipoia hone* it is very essential that the sire should be of the best disposition, should ride and drive and work well any whcie and the nearer thor- oughbred the better. Them ire should be medium m/.e, si) lull, and have endurance. The general purpose hone ntamls bard work, in the long hot duysof Hummer, much U-ltcr tiiun the heavy draft homes. 1'Vr the show ring a horse should not be too fst should not be fed them. On hundreds of | l>ut should show a little of the rib. The farms are to be seen dull-eyed, rough-hair ' ' furnished to the consumer far In-low lhe tor tier price. As the article is cheapened, the demand increase*. The mamifaclurer, by i "11:111,4 to know all the details if his buf incus, and making a thorough study of it, is enabled to get all the value out of the raw mail-rial, i,r work up the waste into other marketable articles, sutiiat the waste an.', residue ot the past is fashioned into the useful of tic present, and ihesu wastes now often constant-: the chief part of tlie IP t profits. Now has our average dairyman availed himself of all these sources of profit '.' I- he a dairy MH lent, all the tune learning, always makuig H i hanc,c for the In, Her': Are his I i i'n active? Is he alert? Does he com- piel,ei.d the great mystery of Nature with h,chhel.a, tod,,.!. ihiniyutiy of lite. |", ', ."T T il* reproduction and maiutenai.ee? !' at thi. cow,, a ,.,...', " '"'"" IJ " "'"" ureat mills, and yet the inaMermg of the fuii--lioiis, wants and ilenia.-ids of this cow, an, i th inanipul atioii oi Ur product, constitute succ.mful dairying. Han the dairyman found that dan Mug is uivid- *ing up into special lines, and ibe profitable ed, undersized ami spiritless colts whow distended hodieM during the winter seanon (how plainly that they are the victims of too much hay ami too little of the mor- dented and nutritious oats and bum. Tl.ou- sands ot colts are annually ruined that are not worth even the care ami cost of the hay that they consume ; but if a coll in worth raising at all it pays to fully develop its poisihjliiies by adequate mid nntiitious teed. If it does not pay to fte.l any animal on the farm ptop.ilv it it pretty certain that il doe not pay to keep ti.u'. aniin the farm at all, ami the. sooner the farmer rccngnj/es that point the better it will be tor his pocket book. Storinsr Green Clover in Earn*- There is some risk in storing green clover hay in a barn, it bring almost impossible to shut away the air from the fides of the mow, and unless this is done '.he clover heats. The e apiiis; sir inviting the en- trance of trend iiir Irom the oulsi<'o a cur- rent is established, slow combustion pro- \ uled for, and the clover " burn* out just as a heap of horse manure is tire-fanged. To eiir<- cl ivi-r in a mow without previous wilt- ing to eva|inrate part at least of the ap in it, requires a tight mow that is a close ap- li to a silo, so that 'ho air cannot "in.- at the sidi-1 and butt <PII. there Without a can be no . olfre.li wr. u. ;- 'Jo^et the best result*, the clover mow (houl i i- )>' uded close on the sides and floor. The cut clover should lie a* clear of rain, or dew, as possible, and evenly iqiteid over tin 1 mow. When all but two or liner fat on a horse i sure to hide detect* and judges should be very careful how they award premiums to fat hone*. More at- tention should lie given to breeding general purpose horses for they are iiitnimr.Ulv moie valuable, more diilicult to fiud, and are in great demand. It is my experience that a coll takes en lurance or bottom II.MII its dam and it* disposition from its lire. If this could be fully established it would be of vatt importance to ail horse breeders Knglili h u KIII-\S make good genera' pur- pose horses if croi-ed with suilablo Thor- oughbreds. Hackney style is hereditary. IMIIXTKItl. Mil. - America's J.'J.OOO papers have 200,000 em- ployes. A i icrtnan firm is pro luring building Mock* mane from sawdust and acid. They are hard, light, practically nou- combustible and cheap. The latest form of steams!. ip propeller is an Kngbsh invention. It it designed BO that when in motion there is no weight of water on the blade* on the rise and fall of tin- propeller, due llie jiitchiLg of ihe vc- el. The impact water wheel, so much used for furnishing power for mine*, metallur- gical works and electric plants hai lately been improved by a new arrangement of multiple nozzle. '1 he ( 'iirpeiilert' Union, of San Franci* A SOLSVILLB MIRACLE, Another Great Triumph for a Canadian Remedy. n treuuiil of (he Mia>rl>s> and Kelora- IM.II "I rlillaitil. r lltilc ll.ll'lr,. lleil lli.lifi-n ami I. .Hi- tar li. Hi lli. llr. e.itrrr r mi Mil. FMIalile I.Hiillll .u A Kemarkable N.in .iii>- From the Hyracunc Standard. During the past few months there have np|>cared in the columns of the Standard 1 1. MrtsM*Bfl of a number of cures so re- markable as to jimlifiy the term miraculou). These c i-s were investigated and voui lied for by the Albany Journal, the Detroit News, Albany Kx press and other papers whose reputation is a guarantee that the facts were as just stated. That the term miraculous was jiutitiud will be admitted when il ii rcmcinhcp-e<l that in e.vh of the case* referred to the sufferer had been pro- nounced incurable by leading physicians, and at leant one of the cases was treated by men whose reputation has placed them among the leaders ot the world'* medical xi. lists, but without avail, and the patient was sent to his home with the verdict that i lo we >en t to the Dr. from two to four hour*, and were excriviat- ingly painful. I could not sleep, 1 had no appetite, 1 became helpless, and life was such a burden that I prayed for death. Why, my dear sir, the pain I suffered WAS more to tie dr.n.'.ed than a thousand deaths. " While in this . i.ndiM n I wan treated by Dr. Creen, of Poolville, and Dr. Nich- olson, of Solsville, and Dr. Weed, of Utica. They did me no good. I soon be- came perfectly helpless and lost all power of motion, even in my bed." "On the 24th of February last," said Mrs. Johnson, " we had him brought to our home. He had to be curried all the way in a bed. He was so helpless and such a sufferer the doctors gave him up. They said he had locomotor ataxia and that he could not be cured. They stopped giving him medic-ne and said they could only re- lieve the pain, and for the purpose he took a pint of whiskey a duy for throe months' and morphine in great quantities. ' U was while lather was in this dread- ful condition that we saw in the Albany Journal the story of the miraculous care of a Mr. '.''Mil! in Calway, Saratoga county, by the use of Dr. William*' Pink I'llls for I'ale People. We hadn't much faith, but we felt that il was our duty to try them, and Williams' Medicine there was no hope for him, and that only | Company, and got six boxes of the pills. death could intervene to relieve hi* suffer- ings. When some mouths later the restota* lion to health and s'rength of the former Millcrcr was announced il is little wonder We read the .iirections carefully, and re- solved to comply with truni as fully a* possible. We stopped giving him morphine or any other medicine, cut od all stimulants. that the case created a profound sensation | n d KBVI , him the Pink Pill* and treatment throughout the country. Recently the fol- ! according to directions in which each box lowing letter, which indicated an equally ' remarkable cure, came under the notice of I The Standard : SoijiviM.it, N. Y., June 2.'., IsOi * ' * Fi ve weeks ago fathei, (Phil- ander Hyde,) wa very low and not expect- ed lo live but a short time. He was in such agony that we had lo give him morphine to wrapped. The effect waa wonderful and almost immediate. In ten days after father began taking the pills he could get out of bed and walked without asmstance, and ha* continued to improve until new he walks alxmt the house and the streets by the aid of a cane only." "Yes, "said Mr. Hyde, "and the pain relieve the terrible pain from which he was ' has gne out of my back and the numbness uttering. The doctors bad given him up. ' out of my lrg>. 1 have no more chills, my dairy i. no lodger a p-neral pu, ,~ d . v ,, , f j^ co, builds dwellings for members without j x ney ^jj ,,. was no help for him, and digest ion "is so good, and I have an [harge. They *re simple and comfortable , my dear father longed for death as being the lent appetite, "and then after a pue, "Hut, ., house* have Seen built the only certain relief fr->m hi* suffering*. One ah me, I am au old man : I have seen my p. -I year by the union f.,r itsmemlwrs. day he saw in the Alliany Journal an account ( be*t day* and can not hop* to recover my ( Ine of the latest application* of electric- of how a man by the name of Quant, living old vi^or a* a younger man might, but I am ity to mining operation* is aecn in the in (lalway, Saratoga county, and who was *o thankful to have the use if my limb* Meltermck lead mine in Uvlpiun. Ka.-b alllicted like faihe: with locomotor ataxia, and to IK- relieved of those dreadful pains." b-i.-kel arriving at the top of the shaft hail been very greatly twnetited and honed Mr. Hyde has continued to take the pill* an "lcc.li '. and a needle in for permanent cure from the use of Dr. regularly lince he began their use, and wa* fie indicates by a red line upon a re- I Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. On on his tenth box at the time he told hi* Irum the number of buckets brought | learning that these pilis could be had of the , story. ' Dr. Williams' Medicine Company Brockville, | Beside* Mr. and Mr*. Johnson, other he wurm and well ii/' . and water at tl.e door, or is lie yet making hit cows li.inly I. yuld liaim, and a Kreal deal of out- ident Samuel (lumpers, of theAineri- Uot., and Schenectudy, and that they were people in Solsville confirm the accounts of ual as the paper. The object of this can Federation of "L*boVr^s"'hVrd"at"work ' not "("naive, my husliand cent i-'.W for Mr. Hyde and of hi* moet remarkable re- layor ot l-oanls, or pa|r, i* to prevent the trying to organise the 'teamsters of tl,ia six boe* of them. And what a blowing covery, and a number of others for various escape of thr ' * ' ~ ; ~ * '' " l " -^ heated air, ami if the air is 1 1 be no the outside. In ,. mmtry jnlfl a n.,,,,,,,,! Ulll ,, n |,,,, , o (ar na . they have been : Father has taken but four ailments, are I1()t .necked, ai not enough of localities : OOII ' the " 1>lll - He ' no longer mother of A -|,,r. the walsare In .ndg.-,tn,gtl,eU,t globule of cream f ...... n., M.o MM niiik? I. he yet -,,kmg stoie l,,,t,, , "'*;.'' that f-11. upou the surface ,. n.. t bv MIL- ascending current and on.y a mid exchunami' it for groceries, ^ettini; no . .L ...... .. .v surface inches of the silage are all. i led. have so far sent notice t i-a-li, or i hi- making li.m y l.ullei ami M-:i- IP-, it ma butler market? Is he pooiin^ his milk with that of his neiglilM.rs, and than the tune and place lor a convent; > (Jeneral Secretary P. .1. Mil iuire, of the I 'nited llrotheihood of Carpenters and In the rrow win re the sides are som open the entrance of air, can be prevented Joiner* of AnMiioa, submitted a limp a li- ne IIIMI u; with a t the extra poim hundred pound), ot miik llut in the past he ha< li-i-n donating 'n his neighbor who was pulling poor iiiilk inio 1 1,.- ,,i,,,| |. he keep ing up the fertility of his farm by all known methods, saving n. inure by a lilierul use of "Kf-f fcWeSTLttftS ! ai.,. M . ,c k ,,..i, '":::!. ['.; 1 ,;i i , i h 1 : ^^^*^*.r f the "~ - < i " '- the i '.;:;, ;:, y ^:~:;'^ :,u!":; I" , . la v "' ."' hsy - UiU "i a ' oul "."" "'"";. - l''- ll ' "P'"|? ' -""I""-'- "' the i. alorU.i b the old bay. In cur,ng raking ... . ,.e,,t, pi.,,,,, under.-,,,,, p,,U,,, X ^Wjt^^J*l : i,de' WK.MJS *-: - ^ '" u :",, if , ","- .. " Iwo hoi-c i.,k. K, i in- inn/ ln:..,w the other. report of his trade for the month of August. I'M. lily-three new local hiam ben Mere <li.titied with a merubrrtlnp of Nil, anil ((,IO.'I.SS were the receipt*, wli.le was epended, of v Inch $7,'-''l.'-'."> represent ed the sick and death benefit n.ii.l. plant fiMHl for sncceedini/ crops* H.i h 10 t lo- lls)', and lii.d out all that M traunpu -ing m thi d.nry Woild in w*y of cxpci imenl and ii ' illation, and put the best things his liny n, md tell* him is practical into n-i ! All these points up.- in the line . tii d::ryiii;', and lire at varian. e wiili tin- plans of tluiM- who ,1, hoim, ,- all dairy ad vanci- as 1-orn of book le u nuitf, a< if km.v 1 i-diM- were a 'impirahln thuiir, and all in- pull the wiudion along a few feet. 'I 1.1- cs up the clover that was left I the bottom of the windrow, d makes the p eking of the ground. < naadlaa llerses In Kn ferh. There an some fact* that are not strengthened by conuncnt ; llf such nature is the slory of a sale of Canadiin carriage and saddle hoirs m. Monday of thiswcvk m New Yoik, by Mr. \V. D. tirand. A few of tin pi :.-,-s are quoted : Canadian lie lie. U m. ; O. H. P. lielmont are using the Pink Pills. The _ 'K-l Curtis is using them with o wiinuiit' tiuiig"a ! coi.tined to his bed, but is able to get up satisfactory effects for rheumatism, and veiitmn I without assistance and with the aid only of Mrs. Lippitt, wife of ex-Senator Lippitt is a cane to walk about the house and all u.ing the Pills with much benefit, fur nerv- around out of doors. He has a good hearty ous debility. appetite, his food agree* with him, the pain A further investigation revealed the fact in lhe back from which he suffered so long that Or. Williams' Pink Pills are not a pa- aml so terribly has left him. He has no tent medicine in the *^nse in which that term more creeping chills and he appears and says is usually understood, bat a icienlific prep- he feel* like a new man. The doctors had ] aration successfully used in general prac- pronounced his disease to be creeping paraly- i lice for many years before beinpoffered to the sis and laid he could not lie cured. How publicgenerally. They contain inacondeni- glad we aro that we In-*/ 1 aboul theewou- ' ed form all the elements necessary t'> give ilcifiil Pink Pills, and how thankful we are new life and richness to the blood snd restore for what they have done for father. Indeed ' shattered nerves. They are an unfailing they havu done wonders, yes, tven. miracle ' .pecitic for such diseases a* locomotor for him. ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vims' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous >d d.irv htoiaturo. so that he can kern e ' A,),!,,,,,,, , n ,| ,; v , iov } MV uair . o witi, the cnrreni dairy thought ol ,U "' '' e '"""'' "'.'"'"' J>"- lung easy A |/ ^"mou? ' ' y> " .,.,,,. with no slicking of the groand. " ' I'.li.,' Hil.in,b. m.; II. II. P. Itelmont 1,41,11 KveK n and Minnie, cross matched pair ; .1. IS. Colford 1,150 Protection from Untimely Frosts- A^very slight frost is often the cause of <; or .|oii and Stanley, brown pair ; R. Dudley and Klitu-li, bay pair; T. N. .1,'lieH Favorite, b III ; F. Aihenden Warwick, :-h, g . ; James Illuunt. . . much Ion lo thu farmer. The warm, n:.' wc.it In i U nit' prnpie I by a cold wave which lower* the tcmjieiattirc to very nea*- l.o free/in^ point. A calm, i loudlesn in, !,t allows po inn h he.it to en-ape from 'Cation a Hcheinc of men to get a living around the plirls that the crop* are f without work ! || ihe er..|. r,,uld be protected dm in" this All t lieu are vital questions: the contrast one hoit (iee/e. it would I* sain to plant Caiml!e7 b.'m. ; ~1." fogg. . lieiween success and pi ores.md t Im l and- them in the earliest wain hprin^' weather, ,J,..,ter, ill. g.; lien. Amasa .1. Parker still conservative system thaliuti. and mil. h | < til , ould l>e Lainrd dim ML; 1 1. U hat l'ii-ines, a'ler nil, docs pay Ule warm weatli.-r in t he 1*11. The |.!a!iki t '' '' on in, tii m than a well-appou.ud ing f cold-ftames and of seed beds in lh ki.<i c, nilm ud dairy ? 1NJO 77.-. 7-T) 'lhe Laird, b. g ; Mr. de \ cam 1'owe! .Vi't Ci.nnaughl, br. g. : H. Walla -k SiKI ;,( it i MM ,. -tei. eh. g j M. S. Km roll. Ci i'oi , |.i g. -, I'. A. Watson Henpoctfully jonts, MU-S. Wll.lJAM .I..IINS.IS. The above letter indicated a cure so re- headache, the after effect* of la grippe, pal msrkable a* to be worthy of the fullest in- ' pitation of the heart, pale and sallow - vesligation, and The Standard determined ploxions, and the tired feeling resulting to place the facts, if correctly stated, before from nervous prostration ; all disease!* de- trie public for the U-netit of other surrerers, i pending upon vitiated humor* in the blood, M.WO | ,, r ,f unfounded, to let the public know it. *uch as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. With tins end m view a reporter was ' They are also a specific for troubles peculiar tnt to Solnville with instruction* to | to female*, such as .iifpressions, irregulari- tine the facts of tho case as he found them, lies, and all forms of weakness They With these instructions be went to Solsville build up the blood and restore the glow of and on Tuesday, Aug. 'J, ISlrJ, called upon health to pale and .allow cheeks. In care I Inlander Hyde and learned from him and of men they effect a radical cure in allc<u>e* from his relative! and neighbor, and friends arising from mental worry, overwork or ex- the whole .lory of hi. sickness and his ' ceases of whatever nature, terrible suffering, of his having been given j These Pill* are manufactured by the Dr. up by thr doctors, and of his cure and rapid Williams' Medicine Company. Miockville convalescence by lhe use of Dr. Williams' Out., and Schcnectady, N. Y., and are Pink I'll.'* for Pain Peepie. j .old only in boxes bearing the firm's trade It may be of interest to the reader to mark and wrapper, at SO eta. a box, or six know that Solsville is a postollico village in boxes for $'.:'><>. Hear in mind that Dr. Madison county, N. Y., *'>out.'tO miles from Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, I in i, on the line of thu New Yoik, Ontario or by the do/eu or hundred, and any dealer \\i-itern Railroad. Il i* the station at | who offers substitutes in this form is trying ,100 .V ftUO Who will say after this that it does not wnich lo get off lo Ro tl) M a di,, m Lake, the ' ^ ,|efraud you and should be avoided. Dr. awrver no l< o ttaii 'i tin- Utter, ou nn ik . do vastly , i I, i , rule a'i, ntmi, < to fro n and are fed too roininouly wit....i.t nxnd to a I . ,i., iiij nt tin- ration. I-'arm ho, .nvariably eat loo m-n-h hay, wl;,ii distends the sUmiach wi, , , ,:,k.-n'm I..,-.,. I' 1 "'" ""' '" ' Hi... piev.-nt. i -,. ,;,", :-r vapor in the .n,., I.-., No , its full duty, and makes the bones dull ami !' "V" , .'"" ' ' ' ' "Y lote heat which would warm the air, j p.i.i- On tho calm, clear mornings of early adapted for producing hiijh clasi stock than , more work in a year than the hone iiiioii : "'" ; " " ,''" '"'"f" t-i tl.o west of the ,|, M c.,,, 4 d.i of our. All thai U required ... The.,,,, I ,,f the n.a.t,-, |e '"'''"' l -' Ul '"' l ' 1 " 1 ' 1 "' 1 ""'" Kr-winc -Top, mtelligenco and enterprise., not Faim horses re, , w1 "' ft '"""'e' 6 "' ''"' " mKe from burning niony, in chousing lhe piruuU. pihsof wet straw, green Wco.li, u-;d tar. I lie densii cloud of *mok*t and \\nt.-i vapor lymi-i ihn cupdicx not allow the w u oiih coming from th mil to pass the Th r vapor in the smoke alno nn; musl i tubs of wan r in a cellui ale fio/eu I Many fanners have no regular ml ion for ll I throw d'.Hn a lorklul .,, In. i. si every time they enter ihe liarn. Asa result, miny of I line horses nrc caim,; b iv from inoiirng till night, to the main naadvanlagr of Ihe haymow and lhe ' ili.a.UuiiUgi>, also, of iho horu-n, whose l.odiis he, i,ine distunded, skins dry midconts rou^h, while Ihe diguiiive ,, ui. ii,i.,wu 01, t of gear, so I hut the ui hole i-yxlein liemin-s impaired. The faimer dechires that he cannot afford to t..d such a 1,111011 H. is fed to horses in city tnblcs. Well, t In- value of the hay t worse than wasted, wl.cn fed in tin II10I1S qtllllilllii'y Ilielltlolie ', if expended foi grain, would make a vast imprest m. nt ui iiditn n ui,, I i>ppi 11 am -u of the horses, and Would mvolvi- noi-x-.rn i up. i..,, wl )- This in a point that farmera ought to ',' i , r- i i n it hir,i(cs a horse's measure of i-mciem-y in doing his work well. A small ration of hay fed wilh regularity three tunes a day und a suitable graiii ration, caii-fullv iucor|ioratrd with it, with water twi.-e n day, and llion,-;,, 1 ,, gro,.p,, ing, will make n! a spirille**, rough horse with diiti-mlid l,,.l\, m four ca*ea out 'if tivo, a in i, hatidsomer un I vastly more ,. ,| I I , qr-nn M l.u!i!d he of HI "' 1 i i .it i,in, the grain Ling i with the hay so that tho hay and grain will have to Inj eatn together, as it i> .- Ii in found that in this way ll c L.I un i - n, i h la ,iu lul.y digested. As lo the i> mount of grain that shall help make up a ,1, i', nd on i ir, Minis' , , ot ll * o**r lo piovidu lav miilnr anil (he Tt urlil l.-ilr. It is evidently the intention of the nun Y!" aijerh of thu 'in , ," . v|i .-iiuoii begin*. pc op!e ,iii|mi ent to see lhe buildings, are tl,e \ - L'i'' lilill f. 'Hi- III |>, In lhe harmleis while fronts, thu water of the air is the only thiii^ fro. .n. Prof. K. C. ked.'ie, rccoiniin nils Iho dun, h ing of gardens and orcbaids wilh water on ih ..ppmali of frost, to till thu air with moist UPC. 'I he stirring of lhe moist soil be- tween the row* will make the air damp. A thorough sprinkling may thus save straw- 1 ami I gupcs iu blb..oni. In tho .rid ' ' ll " ent , th " *" t u ' l 1 ' e 1 J'" ';"'';'" "'"1 "-o irrigation ,.f Ihe , , '' < _" t "_ "' ' ^.P''^ 1 . " .'" V to the grounds each on the pavment ot twenty five cent, apiece. ! itlecu liioii'.-uid was the number on Sun- day of last week, and the advocates of Sunday opening point to the receipts as an argument for admitting tho public on that day. When the Chicago lobby de- -,.:,.!, iip.in lougreiw next winter to agi- tate lhe repeal of the Sunday closing en region., a tfiorough irrigati may *avc it from i flooded. To prole, ! fu Id c.opa, a smudge cf damp materials and tar i* the IIKIII available. Place p Its of straw, May, and weeds ihrougli (iardcnsma'y bC ""' for nti ' tho The argument is fallacious. pr.i Most of the persons who go to Chicago from a distance to attend the lair will enter the grounds a* many times during their atay with the thu field in moUneM for thu lirsi frost. Watch Die cold, 'li.ir ni^hu and, ll Un- wind is not lilowin,; at iindniu'hi, dainnon - -, , ,- the piles and kindle enough lo make a Mod ri " ; , <la V will He apprecmt. .1. the oeldeel ' time is from two " rk ">U P*-' ! 1 ' 8 . l '""8" " siuudge. As I lo lour in the morning tlmu must then be a good cloud i.i smoke. gate* closed on Sunday a* if they were open. Ixioking over the vast expositi ,11 m going to bu very tiresome business, and llie A* to thu vicinity, it The Uoneral Farpoie fiona- A general piirpma horse should l>e soni.d, srnsitile, free from vice, medium si/o, about o to li teen hand* high, weighing alioiit l.'nio pciunua. not too large f,,i ing nor loo imall for work, should carry his ... II up to give him style, should have sloping shoulders, should carry his feet n". i !.,_ il.ii to in ikn him sura-footed, sho.ild i nlu MI II und drive well, should h n e an easy mouth, should work well lo plow on. should dnve with sin. ihiuhlu uiiis, and above all should not be is to be expected that such a sentiment will prevail in the city that employers will r, it her vie \. ith i *eh other in giving holidays to their employes fur visiting the fair than venture to them opportunities of attendance on week days. A Sunday -pent ip tramp- ing through miles of building*, jostled by a , i ,1, would he a poor rest from the toils of the week. Seeing lhe fair a* it should bo seen will be more work limn play, and it will bo no hardship lo dusisl from it one day in seven. We are speak iuf hero of a material phase- of the subject, and in considering that phase the manager* will do Moll to remember that Sunday opening would divide tens < f thousand i of iuti ndm: pit i on. to stay away from the fair alto- gulher. Yes," said h. "I am William Johnson, and Philander Hyde, who is tny Iue 7 Were on tne Ma "' wife's falher, livt-s with me in that white One day in my ramble* among the bill* I house over there on the side lull; that's camo upon an old fellow hoeing corn in front him sitting on the pi:/,/a." i of his house, and in the course of our tulk When told that your reporter's errand he told me he ha I five sons, was to interview Mr. Hyde and to learu "Thai's a fine family," 1 remarked. " Mostly," he responded briefly. " Are they all at home ?" " No, none of thorn." " They are all grown, then ?" " Yes, and has been fer a long time." " What do they do farm?" "No: Kill, he mane* shoe*; Jim, Ii makes staves ; Sam. lie makes tinware -, ami Thomas Hciny, he make* pille. " " Do they all make a living?" I asked, following out the "make" idea, but not noticing that he had skipped one of the live. "Yes." " Do any of them make money r" I con- tinued. Tho old follow flushed a little I thought. " Yes no," he hesitated, "that is ter say, II i un, he mad) money, but he don't no more now sence they sent him to the peni- tentiary .'cr counterfeit!, i','' and there v. n such a look of pain oil tho old man's face that I was ashamed of myself for having unwittingly made, the father disclose the .skeleton iu hi* closet. The Human Body. Few of our reader*, perhaps, are aware that the human body falls asleep hy iimal und to aboul his sickneas and alleged cure, Mi. Ian to mve to Sunday I Johnion laid : " That's all right; you c,,> i uh: over to the house and see Mr.' llydi- ! and my wife. I will come over pretty soon, and we will bo only too happy to tell you all aboul it." " Will you walk in ?" said Mr*. Johnson. "Those children (wi o aiy playing alimt tin- p.. K. it aiciny twins, and this is my father, I'lnlandei Hyde.' Mr Hyde walked into the sit'.iii|.' loom and taking u .eat said he would willingly lt-11 lhe story of his sickness and cure, and had no objection to i|s hemc; published, a* n miijli! bo thu mean* of helping to relieve others whose sufferings were the same or bimi'.tr to what hia had been. His story was a. follows : " My name is Philander Hydo. I am nearly 70 yeai* old will lie 70 in Sep- tember. I was born in tirookfield, Madison county, where all my life was spent until recently, whr-n, becoming help- lees, my con-in law was kind enough to lake me into his homo, and from him and my dauuhler I have had tho kindest euro. My life occupation ha* been that of a farmer. I was always prosperous and well and strong and rugged until two year* ago last winter, when I had the grip. When tin- grip left me I had a scniat.oii of numb- ness in my logs, which i;i initially grew to be stiff al thx joinM and v -ry painful. I folt the stiffness in my feet first, and the pain and stilfness extended to my knets and to my hip joints, and to the bowels and stomach nml prevented digestion. To move the bowels I was r,.inpllod to take k'i i u i|iinntitie* ot castor oil " While I wai in this condition, cold According to M. Cabann, a French physiologist, the muscle* of the legN md arms lose their power before those which support lhe head, and ihese lost soow than the muscles which sustain the buck ; and he illustrate* this by the cases of persona w'io deep on horseback, or while they are stand- ing or walking. He conceives thai lhe sense of S'ght sleep* first ; then the sense of laate ; next the sense of smell ; next that of hear- feelings would begin in my feet and streak ing ; and lastly that of touch. He r.iAiula n* up my legs to my back and would follow , also that the viscera fall asleep one atler the whole length of my hi,<kbone. These another, and Bleep with different pells, which o uiiu . daily, would last ' soundness.

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