THE I'' L E S H E K T O N ADVANCE BANKING- OFFICE OP GEO. MITCHELL FLKSIIKKTOX. A -:.-]. -i il ii.rilvi-i'j biii>inM trna<-l,-il 1 .t i>i >! OH-S caHlieil at lutiial .-uu^ :il\viiys iviila'olu for loKitlmto bu tnitrpri. OKf U'K two door* north of Kichanlton A Co'n. Vicinity Chips. Wiar:irtrrl*ll-softl' Past W-ek Carefully 4'ulled for the ariuos. u-ill '" -.. f' ;</,- yrli,-- /<< ,,,.,'....1. .1 rWwcfcM mti-lc <>.i fnitfiu-ti fur I'" 1 Hn'* ... There will he a partial eclipst of the luu on the "Dili n..-t. Priceville fair is bein-j held as we press i Wednesday). A report will be jjiven next week. Mr. M Ui^ian'-son is remodelling tin- front .f his residence. Tlio change will add fery ^fn'!-: t i its appearance. An immense stock of boots and *!: I brand t<> .-h-n'su from at Jos.- ^i. mil's. Mako j-our elioii.e early. Tliero is a case of dihptheria in M.I. iiiln. A yoiiti^ wh" came down in. in Owen Sound last week was taken i nly ill with the disaam. 'She iiiitl.- lair on Monday was fnirly well attended by liolh buyers and selk-rs. and a number of animals changed bunds at good (inures. Four }''Ui'K men drove up to Murkdnle t<> attend a concert i u Friday eveiMii'.- v. i.ich ii'-t coiue 'tl l-'.irroll, the man who was sent to jail last week by -I. W. Arimtroii-,', -1 1' . has Ui-i'ii [iri'iiouneud linam- by thu jail -,.. LIU and ri!l bo sent to an ajylum. Thete ill be a -jraiid c ilicwrt in til e Town Hall mi Thaiikiin:i4 lay. Nor in li. v,-l, -M Toronto talent of uxtranrdin- ary merit wil^bo on h.iinl, oi" which m ; OJIOII. The corpse of a youni' man iisnied Mc- Intyrn, who went from Mclntyre, 1*. I'. t i thu Northwest lam sprinu, wax met l-y relatives at this station on Tuesday snd tlkrll lloim- |,iOs|i|-ey for bllllal. I'-i'i. fuwciift of the Stn-etaville He- view, liu.-i had a i-i.rn stalk brought in in- :i~.a :n ; 1 _' 1 1 . H I iiu-lii-s, and aks us to ''make a note of it." Why, cer. I'.. it that is nothing ; why, Mr. W. Ellis, of KiiuKi-i ley. exhibited coin a 1 , thu East < iny fall fair me.iMUruix' 1'! it >'> in. in Ivli^th. We ai '^till Up l-ead, 1. R. Itch on human and all animals cured in .".'I minutes by Woolford'it 5anit.ny Lotion. ^WarranUjil by Richardson it Co. I.K. lias Sill, iiioit_ML'-.s within the uext few months at loWKst current rates. No coiiuuiss- lons, no delays, expenses low. Apply at Mice 111 Markdali- during the week or at Dinidalk ottice on Saturdays. ? T'ltt Ciai kiburg paper oopiM oov b.-iK y ami tYvi-rh;im ui-ivs without cru- ilir, and tvi'ii lu* tho ..'all to any that it \va fn-iu thi'ir "own correspondent". Verily that |a;ii-r i.t a wore rotk'Ctor ill the stri. tuxl senso. \V would x el| tly hint ti> Hro. li.iker that "st.ili! nowu in no Mr. lluwi-h's will beum in November <;inlititii, a dupartniiMit imd;r Un- attractive title: "A Tiavi-IIi-r frnin AI- truria." Tl.i- who have si-i-n tho lirst two [,rt|>t-rs think they will in in U-rcst and in their wulw appeal to all .-!: I '!< akfasl Table Papers "i lir. I!., in- s. In order t* 1 uive tho iiMc<-s*ary i ''in work, Mr. llowella has turned i ver the de-tail editorial work to Mr. \V,!k.-r. The SteeUvillo Review will all be printed .-.t h. me after the end >( th nt month. ltr<>. Kxwcett is limed for his auaresuive, original and interest- The Klenhcrton roller flour and saw inil!i, whii.-h havii bi.-eu iiinicr^ i:it{ ro- \\ol Iv --"en for 1'iwini HI M 1 iy l '.'. '!': ai u::ivi:li-nt appeals ill our iidv.'i ( ixiii^ column*. The t'n . - i ' : ' ' :':;ed hands. >;.;n r n in* reconniMti-riiig in the- 'twcit uii-i Mr. A. H. W.itson, for- i Monitor, is the i:ew iiiouiiibi-nt at the Star sanctum. Uev. A. McCillivrny delivered a lecture in tin- T'l-.rn llaM 0:1 l'iiil.iy evuiiin,' lut it> behalf of t!io Independent Order of Mters. The audienca was a small one. A .'-iMiMh which weighs 125 Ibs in on oxJ'.ibiuon in Mt. Forest. If that teblo v.i, ' fall upon a man |-i-i 'M of ten feet ur &o,Wutlldut it sijuiiah Iiiiu ! \V!ie;i tliu hair Infill* to ei-ineoutin .L fh.uvs a wiakncHs of the scal that cull* for in.niediatu iittentioii. The best pre|iration to arres' further l(s of hair and restore the scalp to a healthy lion i A.vvi 1 '" H ur \ i;or. Mr. mid Mm. Ah--.. Stewart, (hack line) took thupii/.o at lHuul:ilk fair for IK-IH-: the heaviest couple oil the i{rouud. 1 1 WA the better half that made the l.iv,"-' r half, however. Mrs Stewart tipping the scales at 231 lla. Mr. Oscar En^lauJ, woodworker at J. II. Hcatd'a, recii.ui! a teleuratu on Tues- day that hia father, who lives at New Hamburg, was dead, lie left for h.-un- on tho. evening tiain. Some crank drove furiously through this town al'i-u' 1 p. in. on uiht l.ut ,v,-, k y< lliii','"lirc" :it the top of his voice. Had the villagers caught him they mi!<ht Iy have soused him in the. inillpond and lUui put out hit lire. (ur KimWrluy parcel went astray last week in "'ino unaccouiitaSle way and no trace of it ha since been found. Wo remailt-il a portion of it so far ax nur spare papers would go and trust those who did not ;'ct their paper will "bless" the mails, and no*. u, aa the parcel was posted on Wednesday, a* unual. When catarih attack* ft person of scro- fulous diathesis, tho disease is almost sura to become chronic. The only efficacious cuie, therefore, is Ayer's Saroaparilla, which expels scrofula from the system and the catarrh toon followes suit. Lo- (^treatment u only a wate of time. methods, ami when he Bays 10 will do a thin'' that thinu succeeds. \Yu ,.!y stating th- plain truth whun we that Mr. l-'.uv.-i :t n -nu- .'f the very an.i in- .t auccesaful uuwsuai)er nn-ii n < tntano. V <. \\". Trimhlu has onu of the neatest little shi-ps in tuwn.iit xt door to R Trim- bio's. It i* very tastily fitted up inside and liana uplemlid variety of Indies' head wi-ir. \\' i-'p'l itisido the other day and were really charmed with the hand- display. Mins M.-Ke.-.the milliner, il a you.i^ lady t!i.non;lily imalilicd t" attend t" t .vim; u;/oii her, anil our lady rt-nJers should in ike bur aci|iiaintai.i-e. ^^-e advcitiunie.nt ill an- other column. hiv pa- !-.!. t'.ie The Facts. An uxchanue says : He didn't read thu paper* for they hadn't any news. At least they didn't coincide with his especial views. Aud when he came to town one day with criticUins ripe, he climbed to n electric lamp to liuht old clay pipe. He hadn't read the luit he know just what was He simply touched the wiru, and llutd did the rest. That was.i'l how 'twas done, at all. He tried to brush the Hies from off thu coat tiils of a man who didn't advertise. The merchant .struck him on hi* IIO.HH ami mopped the dusty lloor, then diot mm through the colnveb* that hunu acrog* the door. Thu Thu coroiiur said : "rftrani{lud, becHiinn he did not chance to read thu advurti.-e niunts in the r'lesliiirton Advance." ill I nilHWil ujr IVlt.liniUOl'll Utf VyU. I ^fc. _^^v ^"^ ^sVMilB ^ps^lw Lm-as. barrister, Hurkdnh-. '* R (j I) J J*X ,OCO private !iin.Uto lend on furtn ^ L-J\*S\~S I \~J S FORTflFALL ^^ f ^MsW f*^ -"^ J*> J I ( | f- J*N V^/ I I >W f L. \J ^^ 5 -- S To the people who want good Boots and Shoes and every- thing in that line, try CLAYTON f the held in thu lia-i-iiicnt M--' church oil Th'ii-d.iv last wammito an i-n . ' wa a |'liuty->f .,-...(! eataSh *. Mr. M. Ilicliaiil""! i-uve an hour's Uescr:, talk of citien and pl.ioi-s hu had vitntu-d in Kuro;,e. Mi. l: , hard.ion is an interest- ing speaker and his audience on tin - i-a->n-ii Has highly elileltaiiiL-d. Ho se- cund eiiou-;h material on IIIH late trip for n dozen lectures, anl ha* i-roiii;- tell, in the near future, of liin visiL t-- tin- tii-1.1 .>. A neat littlu sum was added to thu church fund*. I' . . i" >lii-rtoii youni{ nion nnst with an ml venture on Sunday Inst. Their horso slued at something out near M uii-'- i-oniur. Tho two yo-jii^ in.-n courageously jumped ("MID their hu^y and lut the horso tear. It 'ore for about seven down into Proton before !>rm_; -*t ippr.l. Tho buxy, when recovered, was muno- what damaged j'ut what you'd notice ! A di>putation waited i-n us Monday to see if tho thing couldn't bo impressed, but it couldn't. It was too fuuny t.. keep. It is beyond all doubt thiit "Myrtle Navy" is tho favorite tobacco with the smokers of Canada. They obtain more enjoyment from it than froiu any other tobacco made and those of them who have uaed it loni; enough to t..-Ht its in -r its never abandon it fur a-iy otlmr brand. The reason for thin prefercnco i* that the ".Myrtle Navy'' i.s made of tho very l ; lu-t leaf which is grown and that in every process of its manufacture tho most vi- gilant care is exercised to pronurvo the aroma of tho loaf. The Thornbury Bridge. Thu result of the Thornbury bridge ar- bitration has been mailii known. The awaru is as follows: 1st The County shall contribute toward* tin* -oust ruction and maintenance of the bridge in <|iK-t-tinii -VIT Beaver river within the said "tho Town ' tilty-livo per cuntuin forthojur- iod of t.-n yean, includhn; present year i -.'_'. Lo bu paid from tnno to turn- as the work and ma'eriala are done and provided. '.'lid Thu County shall pay t.? the Town, on the scale of the Ili^h ' un, tiny live pur cent, of the Town's costs of the reference, arid also tif'.y-flve por ci-nt. of the arbitrators' fues. Tho Town hhall pay forty-live per cent, of the. said u .iiiati.ii' feus. In all other respects each paity shall pay its own ousts. About Flour. An esteemed convspomleiit at Eugenia solids u.i the following aU-ut Hour: Mil. ICnrroB, - List Thursday in To- ronto wheat at farmers' wawn sold a l-n. li.-l. Tho same ilny "strainht roller llnnr" was'iuoti-d i< ,-" _M i iarrl. The same day the Maiiulalo Standard ipioted "llour 8J.80," and on tho .. ..... ilav the Advance minted (lour !?i:!t). VV.'iiM ny of ymir niniicrous > I ..... ih-iiM .1:1 v what really uod llour nlic.iild bo (allotting a fair pn-lii) whnn ouod s;irinu wheat is Hulling at IMC. I like to see our own t'tushrrt'm Ic'uliiit; an.! hope laat week's Hour i|Uotation was "un error. '' CoNM 1 1 > r Ui.Ai'Kit. \\ithreijardtotlio above widely vary in^ i|tiolations we inmht say thai the present iiiiotations ill this vicinity h.iv.- vaii.-d and are l!n>jt natin M>. oin;to coinpi'titiou and otlmr causes, that it n liaid to keep track of and toll what arj the proper figures. Flour sold lien- i week 110 per bbl. TIlW wei-k it has been sold tit all price*, down i-\cn to 9 3.'M). it s,)l!lii ; v. i 5 cts per bush. !?:!. W vvnild bo a fair !!- n,; pure for llour, as it takes slightly ..\. r live bushels L.I make a barrel. K I A<r. aiicej Because his goods are clioan md good, anil has rocvivtd a largo lot for fall wear of Booty, Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers. Also a lot of first class Men's Homemade Long Boots cm hand. Custom work and repair- ing promptly attended to. 1 \VK THE ADVERTIKE IS REASON WHY THAT NVE WISH TO LET THE PEOPLE know where thoy can got the best value for their money. Oar atock IB cit"C- fully and well selected, for wo BUY only what gives thy beat wear. A large stock of Ruhbcrs and long BOOTS will bo on hand for fall and winter use. We have a well assorted stock to pick FROM. Repairs and custom work attended to as promptly as ever. If you waul anything in thu foot line call on JOS. SMITH. What nonsense some p<>plo will talk, and h jw rumors do circulate and f(rw, to bo suro. The Owen Sound Times of last week mill : "A report was circulated last week that a case of Asiatic cholera hail appeared in Markdalc and that the victim wosMiss UichaicNoti of Flesheilon, daughter of tho worthy reeve of Artoniesia. It U said M -- > Ivichardson had only returned fr<nn Europo a few days and wan among tho passengers who were quarantined. This (jave color to tho report. Fortunately it was only a scare an.) Miss Richard-ion has fully recovered." The fact is that Miss Uicliardson has not been in Europe at all. She was taken ill while visiting friends in Markdnlo three weeks ago, and has since been unable to return honi4,b> k has so far recovered that her friend* expect to welcome, her homo this week. As for Asiatic cholera bah! visitnl <'larksburi< Poroonala. . exhibition hmt wnk. Mi S, ,!ney \V. Us is visiting wilhhii father, Rev. J. Wells. Mr. A E. Hradwiu.of Toronto Saturday Nit;ht,was a visitor at The Advance on .Monday. Mrs. J. II. II ar-1 is visiting with her ii-ti-r, Mrs. Heard, of Kuppi-l. Mr. J. H. Heard returned homo on Monthly from a trip up the p.nina.ilii. Tho Advance had a pleasant call from Dr. Sproiile, M. I' , on Mon lay. Mr. Ed. Hichaidson left hint wok to resume his studies in mcdijino at Tor-'ii (.- Medical Culler Mr. Alfred Thurston has severed his connection with The Advance and will tako a situatii n in Tofonto Alf. is a clever boy and a neat workman. While we are very sorry to him our best wishes for prosperity follow him- KhriiuiutiHai On-. -I in a day. S'.uth American Hheunmtic Cure f<T Rheumatism and Nomura radically cure* in 1 to ^ days. Its action upon tho system is remarkable and my.-o-riims. It removes at once the cause and the jiaeatio immediately disappears. Tho lirst done greatly benefits. 7 r > cults. Warranted by Uich.irdsoii it Co. l*la.v i \Vhou tho kliliieyvo out of onlor dalay Is lUiiKorou*. Any ilim-wo nmy follow unit he- ooino no woll sstabUsbcl that, iiinnt.'i* of auff. r- IIIK mav folltiw. A Kt-iitlu tonic liku DiMlil Md- nt-y I'iilK is always acceptable tu tho kiilnoyn and prntoot thorn from ihsoaw. Thoy u-e a kidney food. Carriage Making t Buggies, Carts, Sleighs, Cutters, etc., all made in the highest style of the art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates from me il you wish anything iu these lines. Painting and Trimmin j also attended to. E. T. WHITTEN, FLKSIIERTON, ONT. I|Baker,l a i 1 o i all gannonts of nu-n'n ..,, r at shurt notice. All work u-.inlKiitfi. i . \ ' ( " Fl. KSI1 K UTO \. of '' Ullili ! :, lo d li*g leaTO to quaint tbu inhiibiUutii of lli vl ami xiirruuiniiuij country 1: it h.i baa pin i- Flour, Feed ainl ' Store, froiu Iliihiud IViilur, where ho \\i coiiliiine to !, ' |i mi liaiiii a , Flour, aini iirri i-iu ;.. .t :. mid Sipiin- I'l-nlliiK will be tim .mil r ->f lln- ilav ...t Hl'lltlvrsOlt'-t Ston' \Vu h,,|e that the Old Ci^toini r* will cciitiimi- to j.ati.itiiio us and a spruiK- liiig ol new AUCTION SALE - OF - Valuable Farm Property In tbu tuwnhhlp "f \rt.'in.^ift, in UK- . ouutv of Un-y. 1 tibi'e will 1>tt nold uu Nitty tfMto/ At 1 'clock in tli-- ultri n. ><n, at s Hotel in the ol' Flc>h<>r(iiii. My virtue nf (to- utiiinml ill a oer* ta'n luort^Kiiu wliiuli will ! i-rodu. u.l -it tlm !i-. til-- tiilliinni!; IIO-IPI H - I- "i .1. u llii- Til ..ul!l iI Din Ir.i.i It'iiul, o! lliu !> -i- .|i.]. >l Aili-im on. in '.In- roiiiii> --I <;n->. con- (:iuiioi: M> nri-'K. inoru .>r II'KB, iniil>ord. TKUM -MI ,.f ihu iinrv)iaB a IIKIIIIIV iii in- |uo. I ilnwii on thu ilny ut Hali\ I- or baJanoa trm iil I ..... niJ<- known ai tlio salu. Ki>r fin Him- pin tirulnlh |'|>ly to Joues Bros. & Mack.uzio, Sollcitoi-B, Tiinnito St., Toro.ito. Oi to H. J. Spioulo. Knq.. Klosherton. oottfSt Flesherton Meat Market ChrisMs Block 3, C. ADAMS, . Proprietor Alt kivtlt <>f frtih mvit constantly on. hand, fuh in seaum. ('ir<: u your trade aid be hnppy. Eggs Taken iu Trade. Plewes' auid Fortl a' Flour Always on Hand. Wm. Henderson. QAUTION! Eli'll I'M*. OF TIIK IS MARKED T.&B. I\ BICO\KE LETTKKS NONE OTHER GENUINE Notice- I hnrauy qivo notit-n '.Hut I will not ho rotpon- lilble for n> Jobtn nuntrautuil lioreaftur in my IIAIIIO. iinlnsH iii>on tnv nrittt-u .i.l-i . .IOS1.M1 liAMKY. Maswoll, Sept. -JO, 1H. Maxwell P. O Yorkshire Boar for Service Tho uiHM-riilgiioil linn a uplonJM in)iirOTe<l York<-hirtt UfMD- for nntTicoon lot l:*, nJ K T H H. Term^donar. 3MinHQVm .