Flesherton Advance, 13 Oct 1892, p. 7

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THE WEEK'S NEWS. CANADA. Ralph M. Black ley, aged 20, a law student in the office of Mr. Charles Ritchie, 1,1. ' '- . Toronto, was killed by trolley cars on Sat- urday. Mr. ami Mrt. .1. liaston, of Kingston, have just celebrated the sixtieth Anniversary of tl'eir wedding. I). Nasniith, the Toronto bicyclist, in a trial, assisted by pace makers, lowered the American record by making one hundred miles iu 5 hours 3J miuates and 9 1-3 of a second. Typhoid fever is increasing in London, Ont. Mr. (leorge A. COT, of Toronto, has don- pled #.i,irti to the building fund of Wesley College at Winnipeg. (Jenrge Johnston, alias Samuel Jarvia, who is serving a term of six yetrs in the Kingston peiiuentiiry fo.- burglary commit- ted in Toronto, attempted to escape from the prison the other morning. He was re- c ip'.ured w,th some diiliculty. The movement oi grain in Manitoba ami the North-west hat recommenced. It U said the Canadian Pacific railway have at present a sufficient nuir.l>er of cars in the North-West to meet the ileuuud for some time to come. The rumour is revived in Ottawa that the Grand Trunk Hallway Company intend t acquiring control of tiie St. Lawrence and Ottawa railway, ss at present the (ir.uid Trail's has no direct access to th-j capital from the* west. M ins O Jell, tweniy-fwo years of age, com- mitted suicide at Winnipeg the other morn- ing by shooting herself in tin- alxlonien with a shot-gun. No cause it assigned tor the tot. Benjamin McCance, having served four years in the Kingston penitentiary for ob- taining money on false pretence*, was re- leased last week. He was met at the gate and arrested on a charge of bigamy pre- ferred in Toronto. The population of Kingston, Out., has decreased by tive hnndre. i liming the past year, and the valuation of property is lower by one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Mr. David Van Winkle a farmer of Shar- hot Lake, Ont.. slipped and fell upon a pointed stake, which pierced his back ami protruded frum the groiu. Ha cannot re- cover. Archbishop FaLrs has addressed an mi poriant pastoral letter to the Human Catho- lic clergy, in which he deplores the rec-nt .il scandals that caused such a senu- tion in MontreaL The coal carters of Ottawa havo formed a combine to prevent the competition of tann- ers, who, after the haivest is over, enter the city with their carts and share in the coal carrying business. A despatch from Lethnnd^e. V. W.T., state* that Mr. H. Surelev I'IMM.TII-. neph- ew of Sir Slave ley Hill VI. 1'., had I wen found dead iu Ins bed on Sunday. It is laul tint he had been shot. The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. will, it is slated, build a road from Uellevilte to Tweed to connect the loriuer place with the mum line. Montreal shippers of applet to Europe are complaining that the railways discrim- inate against them in the III.V.I'T of freight charges iu favour of western points. All the Dominion Ministers of the Crown have btcu invited ID the dedicatory cere- monies of the World's fair m Chi -ago on the .'1st iust. The death of Mr Josh Reamin leaves the North- West Government in a minority in the House. No trace ha* yet been discovered of Letter Carrier Thomas M.-<!overn, who disappear- ed mysteriously from Ottawa, last b'rulay. Kx Aid. Alfred Maodougall, of Toronto, has been appointed solicitor to the Treasury for the purpose of the Succession Duties Act passed at the last session of the Local Legislature. Mr. .l)m Dyke, immigration agent for Canada in Kngland, has arrived in Ottawa from an extended lour through the North- West. He says the crofter settlements arc prospering, and that the crofters are very anxious to have their relatives witli them from the Old Country. A deputation of citizen* of Winnipeg waited upon the Local Government on Sat- urday afternoon to call attention to the re- fusal* of Lieut-Governor Schult/. to sign an order-in-Coiincil ratifying the new city survey. It wan promised that the Goveiu- ment would take action at once to secure the r 11 1 n n fd ratification. President Van Home, of the Canadian Pacific railway has reached homo niter a four weeks' trip to England. Mr. Van Home t.itcd t" representatives of the press that thoie was nothing of special importance I'onni'i ti-il with hit visit to Kngland, and that the Canadian Pacific Railway Company were not taking any steps to secure a fast Atlantic steamship service. BHITIMI. Princp Hem y, of Prussia, brother of Km- peror William, accompanied by his wife, Princess Irene, lias arrived in London. The British steamer G'amiola, bound from Cardiff for Malta, was foundered near the Sell I v islands, off the coast of Cornwall. The crew were laved. The coroner's jury investigating the death of Dr. Herrnn, iu London, which took place immediately after the mysterious poisoning of his mistress, Huby Russell, an ex-actress, brought in a vetdict of suicide while in sane. The Lively of the City of London tin* elected Alderman Knill as Lord Mayor in succession to lord Mayor Kvuns. There as some excitement on account of the op- position offered to Mr. Knill owing to his being a Roman Catholic. Asa result of the recent outbreak of the Life Guards at Windsor the Wai Oilier has decided that the Guards shall henceforward be treated the sumo as other soldiers, and hall take part in foreign service the mine as other regiments. A special cubic despatch ay that Mr. Thomas Spurgeon's chances of succeeding to the Tabernacle pulpit are greatly impriv- i' bj the publication "f extracts from the lato Mr. Sturgeon's seri.n ns, in which ho expressed the desire to be follow id by his IN 1 Tin STATES. J. W. Smith, who shot his wife and cut bis child's throat in Colorado on Kridny, was lynched tho same evening. He thanked the crowd for doing iu A i tiridslnro. Pa., on Friday night, C'has. Iturton, after bein^ drenched with hen/me, was set on tire by an inhuman companion and fatally burned. It is e-itimated that the I'nited States debt statement will show an increase of over -J.imi.iiiKj m tho cull balanie since Sep- tember !. Tho great new university at Chicago be- gan ita work on Saturday without any formal opening. Frank Cooley, leader of un outlaw band, has been shot and killed near L'uiontown, Pa., by officers. The New York health officials have cuas- ed Hi:ung cholera bulletins, there having been no cases since September I'.) in the. city. It is now stated than tlie National Amal- gamation Association ha* determined upon supporting the Home*tea1 strike, and that a Urge sum will be placed at the disposal of the strikers. The authorities at Colon haie forbidden the Pitjitio null steamer * 'oiumhia to enter port on account of cholera at New York. The flitted SI^PS does not like this dose of its own medicine, and there are threats of sending men-of-war to Colon to inul upon the admission of American ve<els. On Saturday afternoon a terrific hailstorm visited St. Paul, Minn., doing great damage . < ir.i Two Brltlkh <irulrr* Wh Wiuiaxril la tin Away from Ihrlr *ulor. A Victoria, B.C., despatch says : Donald M -i ush and Andrew Thompson, two of the crew of the schooner Maria sei/.ed by Itus- ians oif ('upper Island, August .'!. reach- ed home tiiis morning, having worked their passage t i Sni r-'.-anc.is.'o un thu Russian 1'ur < 'ompany's schooner Leon from Pet ro- panlovskv, anil l*een sliipp d t" Victoria by the British consul. They arrived penniless, but glad. The M.ina was sei/.ed . miles off the island, her proximity to land being due to the fact that the chronometer got out of order, ami III'- captain lost his bearings in a fait. The schooner was seized by the ste-imcr Kotn-k. having OX) skins aboard at the time. I'lie crew were im- | mediately taken to Potrouaulovky. Tho populace were afraid to aid Itiem, so they tin ml badly. Met ':ish anil Thomson were fortunate in getting away, and left to, if possible, induce their llovernment to send relief to those left behind. " Thu Russians don't want to lie put to any expense/' say thd escaped prisoners, " .ind they won't keep prisoners if they have to feed them. They uniojil them somewhere where they can't get work and tell them they are free to obtain employment. We heard at Petropaulovsky of one Ummh hunter who attempted to row awiy when oidered to stop by a Russian patrol, lie was shot and the body thrown over without ceremony. Particulars we could not olitun A Kusiian told us too thitt the cruiser Lati- aka had orders to continue si i/ii.g as Ion;,' a* there was a schooner in northern waters to vegetation and buildings. 1 he hailstones ! and to scuttle or blow up any schooner cap were an inch in diameter and many pedes- triiins wre hurt before they could get to shelter. J. Barlow Monrehead, a young man re- ported to lie worth half a million dollars, recently received the gold treatment at the lured t hat could not bo conveniently taken care of." Kngtsnd nail |ilcr:i. Kngland is now in the seventh week of daily and continuous danger Irom the pres- Koeley institute in Philadelphia and was ' ence of choljra in almost every laige city on pronounced cured. Shortly after he relap- into intemperate habits, and ye-terday the lUltic, the North Sea md the Channel, froir St. Petersburg lo Havre. No i|uarau- v York eo'iimitted suicide by shooting j tine has been established, no trade has been hinifelf through the heart. delayed, and no travel has been interrupted. At Bay <'y. Mien., on Monday after- i Nothing has been done by tho Knglish noon, shrieks and groans brought the iic.uii hours to the residence of Mr. and M. Dnvid Lafontaine. It was fcund tlmt both man and wife had taken poison. Mrs. Lafontaine died in a few minutes, but La- fontaine will recover. The Empress t f I lermany has left her bed- room. S.ie is m excellent health, as in also the liiby . A fire in Buenos Ayres recently dmrtroy- ed property to the vulue of ?J,JO<),i (Hi. iilioritieu liut to follow up the few mdivi dual cases with isolation and disinfection. .igUnd boa hail no cholera epidemic. Local sum try precautions have Iweu ample to suppress the diseise in tho few places where It has appeared and exclude it from all other placed. This is the sama exueri which Kugland had from Isvj : , ^s?. In those years cholera appeared successively on the Keil Sea and on the coasts of thu Mi-dil:ir:uieau. It overspread Italy. It found its way all over Spain. There were cities in roth countries which boil some of the severest epidemics in the history of Irurmrn amit Nanururi Much that has been said ill advocacy of the present protective policy adopled by < '.ui.ida, -diows cither ignorance of the coil- -litions under which the farmers carry on 'heir business, or iuditfereucc to agrieul tural interests. A fai iner is as truly a "manufacturer " ab the maker of thosi implements used in tilling the soil or gathering us products. It is Ins occupation to convert raw materials into goods for consumption. Land, fertilizer), seed, sunshine, rain, left to themselves will no more produce a crop of ^rain, or roots, than timlicr and iron left to themselves will develop into ploughs, or reapers. The producing powers, the elements that give marketable value to th---.- Ihings which a farmer has to sell, are skill and industry, working in harmony with, and assisted by those laws of Nature, upon the observance of which, and upon tho co- operation of which, depends the ii uitfulness .it in in's r ul. Thin is nut one jot less true of a manu- i.ictumr, in tne ordinary sense, limn of the grower of wheat, or the raiser of cattle. The main dixlinoion between the enter- prises con .ected with the growth of agri- cultural products, and those devoted to the making cf factory goods, is this, that, the itepcndence of the tanner upon natural laws, and natural torces. ami natural in- fluences, is more manifest, and visibly dnc.-i, man is the dependence of the manufacturer upon other natural laws, foruos, and m tluencef. Such dependence is however as real, as constant, as ,-ibso me in one case as it is in the other. The l.iwi, for instance, that goveri. the production ot stoun by the ac- tion ut Imal upon water, or the creation of mechanical force by water falling upon a wheel, or the transmission of . ower by bells, are just as essenlial to manufacturing operations, as are those laws which enable tlie soil to germinate and teed a seed of >r t iioe laws which cause the sun to i llt \ e t *nltt, will bo apt lo stimulate other TKAMMUIP OM A tin K i In- Mlalr af <.t-orulii la Trsnnlr Iu the (. l;i>m-ii.-e Bel flulllretil AMontiriil d<-spu!ch auv.s : T'II- s'e.un- >lnp Siai of (leorgia, Capt. Allan, met witli an a.'1'idcnt ;it l'i|! !.t Ko :.a ml rveuing which may reMilt in the loss uf the Inp. The vessel was outward i.iiiiini and when near the c-iine ran against a rouk, cut- ling a hole in thu Ixiltom of the ship, let- ung the witer in freely. The vessel did nor t- 'nun on the rock, lint Iwcame almost mi- iredmt? ly free ; the water, however, pnur- < 1 in, and it wan found nuiessary to beach in-r. The Slate of Georgia is nu-v lying on the south shore in a helpless condition. The vessel him netlled dow* at the stern, and consequently the cargo must he damaged to a great extent. She had aboard ."VU cat lie In-longing to .lames F. ikintt. of Port Ii Tin-He were til got ashurc, with the exception of IH,K lii.-h wen-drowned. Steam pumps have 1 wen ordered up from Qiiulwe, und every effort will In 1 made U> save the ship and cargo. The Suite of Georgia was bound for Aberdeen. She was one of Uie suamers of tii Suite line, hut was sold by that company iiefure it wan absorbed by the Allan line. This wax her fourth voyage from tins port this Keu*on. Muuderloli .V. Co. were the agents. Besides tho cattle the cargo consisted cf 10.0UO souks of rtnur, l.tXX) boxes uf cheese, .VH) 'iilia of butter and the lialance mostly lumlwr. The (lour, cheese and butter are nearly all damaged. The ship is being uu- lomli-d as rapidly as passible. This is tho third accident that hat occurred in the -hip channel between here and Quebec in the pant Week. **rlb role ExprilllUiK. The safe return of Lieut. Peiry's expedi- ii.in, liter having accomplished KOIIH- n- ,ii. .1 more or Ics* valuable scien- The weather at Hamburg ii colder, tlie cholera. In both countries and in na-:h city temperature of thn Elbe hviug dropped JO WUC rs the disease sppeared thc-re was the degrees in a week. I grossest sanitary neglect and it sprevl no ripen grain, or the rain to give sap to all v :< table life. A very slight change in the constitution of the atmosphere would stop every machine in the world, jusbaa temporary changes of woalher advance, or retard the glow! of crops. It i. well known that certain goods can- not bu made except where the Wnter is suit- able for cert;. in proe-ws employed in their production. In the s.ime wny cert un crops i -.1111101 be grown in Mim districts because the soil is not suitable. Upon farmer and manufacturer alike Nauru imposes limits tuMcir skill. Iu all the enterprises of man nature demands o/> '/< /i . and ier essential and invaluable en-operation is denied to all who do not understand, or who do uot obey herimperalive edicts. As converters of raw materials into finish- ed products, tor thu service of man, the expeditions on a similar plan. It is not easy lor one to understand the fuscinatiou win. n arctic exploration has for persons of ;i . ertmii ti'tnpi-r iinent. T'IO record of attempts lo react) <ir ^rel near the north pole of the earth is a record of dreadful hardship and sacrifices trim tin- lime of Sir John Franklin's fatal lailur.i to the horrible story of the survivors of Col. lireely's laul adventure. This story- no sickened ih natives that fora considerr able inter val the official tin! public ardor which sustains ventures of the kind was weak. The possible gains did nolappearto lie an adenuaie recompense for the cruel risks. Adventurers were ready enough, lie cause failure and suffering in such an enter- prise confer only less renown than the Inuh- est success ; but there wan an unreadiness to " back" them with the necessary oili.nl a id timincial encouragement. Lieul. Peary '. The r.crman Reichstag will re-open October 'J-J. where except whert this neglect existed. Yet with constant trade and uninterrupted Kmperor William', ear is again very pain- triv " 1 '""'" "'' Kngland and thee coasts and ful ..i,.| it is expected that h will ayam land* there wi.s neve* a time when . have to submit to an operation. j appeared in England except in scattered A fifteen-year-old Berlin servant girl poisoned the baby committed to her charge. Imprlsearil in .1 safe When arrested she said she killed tin- child because she wished her discharge. farmer and the manufacturer are engaged attempt was ma.ie upon i liitferont plan from and that that was a sure way by which il could be obtained. A despatch from Berlin says Minister M new tax oi a halt of one per MM on laud, holism property, and ctpilal inve.t- j~ e "',Ve re "d Terribly 'from 'want "oi air!" and ed in industrial enterprises or tho roads. ] WM not r ,, eaiied UIltl i a ' ate hour at mg | lt; wul, it is estimated, yield .M.iKJO.U XI marks hu fai , ure ^ returll ,,, oau ., a n inyuirv Mr. William Thompson, the ciiy assessor, was the victim of an ux'.raordinary accid"iit on Saturday in Philadelphia. He was in seal di of a document in the large nafe vault ol tn" I it v Hall when the clerks closed md locked the vault and then left the builumg. in what is fundamentally tho same oicu pation. There are however broad distinction. between the conditions under which f'irm and factory inluslne* are curried mi Those conditions seriously affect the position of the farmer as a tax payer to the State. Those en 'mnilances have, wo believe, not been niitti. icntly considered in framing our Protection to present fiscal system ot. n.niv.- industries. " We question in a later issun. i lie others, and it- . -.irparative satety in uxe.'iilioii will recommend it to imitation. Me ii.l uot attempt to lake a vessel into latitudes where the chances were against its ever getting Imck. ami depend <ipon getting back in it. His party were trans- ported to a puint easily reached and loft there until sent for. For fuither advance he depended upon the safer land conveyance Tha International Monetary Conference will be held iu Brussels 011 November --'. w.th seventeen powers represented besides the I'm ted States. Private advices from Benito, Mexico, tell of the arrival there of the steamer Montser- rat, with -"><i Gilbert Islanders, sold into almort absolute slavery. Lord Houghton, the new Lord- Lieuten- ant of Ireland, made his eutry into Dublin yesterday and look possession ot Dublin Caatle. He was coolly received. There is a reported difference between i 'b ipcellor von Caprivi and the Prussian Ministry winch may lead to a Government crisis. Lieut. Mickless, of the Austrian army, has arrived in Ifc.rlin, having ridden from I Vienna in three days, one hour and fourteen ' to be mule, which revealed the fact tiiit he w is last in the vicinity uf the \.iulu A visit to hisotlice resulted in the discovery of his captivity, his shouts being hear 1, I but the only person possessing tbecombina- lion lived live milesaway, at Merchant ville, and Mr. Thompson couid not get out until this man had lieen sent for toopen thu dour. | W hen finally released Mr. Thompson was ' terribly weakened by his shrieks und his 1 struggle for air. He now lies at Ins hume by dn^s md iledges common to the country. industries." Wo shall consider ihis - r'ho report he bnrgs buck goes to contiim previous reporls timt (Jrecnbui.l is a great inland Immi'led northwardly by a polar sea. lie arenm lo have reached tho limit ot possible advance by this means. Other, have told of Iwholding this sea. Whether it covers all tho space surrounding the for its op- iu a critical condition. HhorhlHC irrlilrnt "lib lit n inilir A shocking accident, which will pr-lmbly havo fatal results, was reported from a quarry at Oughterard, on the Calway and Clifden Railway. A dynamite charge full. ed to g > olf, and three of the workmen, amed Welby, Walsh, and Dunne pi. minutes. He was the first arrival on either I e d to extract the chatge. They pulled nut side in the loug distance ride. Count Ka'nuky, in his ddre*s lo the Ai'siri.m Delegations, said that the British Cabinet would continue the fornign policy of its preslecessura. This remark created ^rent interest, and led to the inference that the Count had received positive assurances to that effect from Lord Kosebury. The ordinary revenue of tho Russian Kmpire for the first six months of thin year amounted to 397,OOO,U(X) roubles against I'M IKHI, (NX) roubles for the same period in I vi I, und the ordinary expenditure wot 4-Jl>.iXX>,000 roubles against :|<)6,000,OUO roubles for the same period last year. The young Queen of Holland, accompan' ied by her mother, the ,'ueon Kegcnt, has arrived at Weimar, to take part in the gold- en-wedding celebrations of thy <iiind Uuke mul t iruud Ducliess of S\B-Weim.ir. Mr. James Miv.ir, professor at tit. Mungo't Collvge. (jlusgnw, has been ap- pointed profvMor of political economy and itiilion.il history in the University of 'i'.-iii;ii i. In tue inteival previous to his arrival, Mr. J. M. McKvoy, H. A , LU B., will attend to the work of the department. Rev. Ii. M. Wrong bus Ixjun appointed lecturer ill history, one of the the fuse and were r.-.tiimping the roc*, when the charge exploded, destroying one of Welby 's eyes, the tamping bar passing through his neck, wlulo other portions of his body were torn away. Walsh was also terribly mutilated, und his eyes destroyed with Hand and <tcbblea, rome oi which en. tred the h:'ad. Diini.c came. o.T best, as only the sinewsof his wrist aro torn, and he has sustained a few llesh wounds on thn face. Welby and Walsh are lying in hospi- tal in a very critical condition. Wun.lrr* rum Well. On the 7th of July, I.S9U, work Tien en- gaged in sinking an A'iciian w II in Sundy \ u i y. ue-ir Niria, N. M., struck an npen seam from which a cold stream or current of air rushed with such force as to remove a twelve-pound rock that, had been jii.n -.1 over the opening. This current ul air mis charged with million* of small bugs, each having but two legs, no wings and it small red circle on his back. They lived but a short time alter coining into light and warm air. Sir Kdwin Arnold if an optimist in most limn!-!, und he includes in bis optimistic re- red vacant Wilson. .ry, our i of the positions gft| .d',,ot only Japan but tho United States. by tho dcth of Sir Daniel To a f^i w!lo annouilo< What a blessed privilege it is lo bo a farmer ! a rel tanner who farms, we mean. To be solemnly assured by statesmen that the basis of the country's prosperity is suc- cessful agriculture, to hear governors and members of I'.n liamtnt tell how little they know about farming, is the ha;.py lot of the tiller uf the soil m these cattle show days. To be a farmer, then, is to be greater than a king, for if the farmer can believe what the orators tell him and they are all honor- able men with " Hon." befoie their names be is a king maker. Not only is his vanity exquisitely pleased, bill his sens* of (minor is delighted by the subsequent spec- lade of a govei Hoi's astonishment nl the si/i of tho mammoth pumpkins, and stafT officers' attenr.pt* to preset vo ni.uii.il dig- nity while leaning over tho edge of a por- cinarium or pig pen to gil a belter view of the point, of a porker. Verily the po!iti.nl pleasures of the cattle shows more than compensate for the toil iu the harvest field. young triuiul who announced to In-n a pi oject for entering uuo:> a new business venture. Sir Kd win enthusiastically exclaim- ed : " I'm glad to hear it. (io ahead, my dear boy. You'll succeed : of course you'll succeed. You'll make money : everybody makes money in this wonderful country. Kmperor William's threatened attempt to reduce the number of liquor shops in ( .1 , many by increasing the taxes imposed on them seems to have been abandoned . but 'here was ample reason for carrying it into effect. There aro 10,913 places in KIT lin alone where wine and hoer itre sold. In one htreet, the Kriedrichstrasse, there are o!y '_'")! houses, but. those contain *>.'l lii|ii.ir shops Win lithe liquor shops have increas- ed to the number ot 'JniHi m ten ve.us, tho tea, collec und chocolate rooms and soda WH'IT booths havo decreased in number. Tli'-ic IK . v ni reioi m in this mat- ter ; but the b.'cr drinkers appear to be too with. *r. (.1 ..UI.IM. - ri.iii. So man/ outlines of Mr. Cladstone'i plans have been cabled from London recent- ly, only to bu contradicted Hi" next day, that people over hero have decided to wait : north pole, having SiU-ri until Mr. (iladstone himself breaks silence before trying to form an intelligent opinion ot what he is likely to do. Of .ill tho writ- ers on this pona none have given so clear an exposition of the possibilities ol the situ- ation as . lustin McCarthy, and his exprsss declaration was that Homo Kiile woul.i not bu postponed. The wish was doubiluss father lo tho thought with him, but he is much closer to the Liberal leader thnn to tli >e who are now trying their hands at predicting and is cone.|iii;n'ly more likely lo have known the lalter's intentions. With all the talk that there is conceining the Radical dissatialaclion il is not likely that it will be half as had as Mr. Laliou- chere seems anxious to have it. Mr. Me L'arthy's idea was that there would be in posite shore, nu one knows, nor has any one Men able to explore it in a vessel. Wli.--.h- -1- any Mirihcr iieliii.te knowledge of it will ever be gaintil is purely a matter of .11- jecture. That there is enough faith and il irmu in the world tocanro many attempts to be made in future lime may be safely assumed. Hut what useful end will be subserved by tinning out. whether or not there is an ice- bound, uiiinhahitalile island between 'iroen- land ind I tie next known shore on the op- posite side of the pole? Does it 'natter either with regtrd lo thin world or tho next? What will be the gain to all men that will m.ike it worth tlie sacrifice of a man's life or wen a dog's life T What boots it to ascertain how cold it may be there? trodiictd in Parliament, comcidently with Wo know ilready that no human beings or immediately after the presentation oi the can omluro it eioopt under artificial sondi- Home Kulo bill, such reasonable measures tioun. We know by mathematical cttlcula- aa would katisy eveiy practical Kidicalmid t -on how long and how far above or below thus win their combined support. This the hori/.on the sun will be. Theo-plora- wonld lie more in accordance with Mr. Gladstone's habitual methods than the schemes which are now being attributed to linn. His position me.ini Home, Kulo if it means anything, and he is much too far along in life lo wait until '04 boloro bring- ing iu his bill. Lion uf habitable regions where there are human beings to be enlightened and elevat- ed and various novel forms of life to be studied, or hicb alt'ord motives of com- mercial intcresl, is intelligible. The curios- ity about tho heavenly bodies ami the movements of the members of the solar system of wln.li this earth m a part is not uiiniM. liable. But the exploration of the north polar n-ijioii bcyni.l limits alr-ady at tamed pi-onuses lo IK) no barren of useful rruii.-rlM In Irrlnml. So much is said and written about "poor old Ireland " that it is refreshing to learn that tho Irish census returns, only recently ^"ilsan''! is fraught wit"h Tiich VondiTroiis m.idc public, are qotss (atisfottory. fa b* ,, f u lllul jt , ears to ,. ,,. ,,,,,,.1, lwt . sure they show a continued decrease in p. p ,,,, , huu ;l w ,,.k e j , n j.use of human energy illation but, men- i-c. I i. .. nces. I he t able, valuation shows a gtin fnni II.'!. *!''. iRH) in Ixst u> ill,0.'U,W<> in ISM. There is n >t so much land in crops AS there was dm iiig the preceding de-adc, but there is and a waste of noble amhilicn. -:i... I.MI; i.T.ilrln Irrlanil. On Sunday morn.ng n w. m.in. named nn n., TIM .ed acreage of grass und a consni- Il.mniui Roche, was arrested 1.1 Wiiturtord :i-ablo g'lin m the mimlx'r of cattle, swine. I O n a charge of having murdered In.r !um- a^aes and poultry. Within ton years tho Jbnnd. <>n SuMiday in lit >lie jn i:-oner's biislwnd, a laborer, and a son, aged !.">. r- t in in-. 1 hume, and finding Mrs. Uocliu out w IMII to bo.l . It was nearly twelve o'clock when the vs ile returned, and it. is alleged that, she flung a lighted paraffin mi lump .it. hens have increased by nearly a million and a half. There is a handsome increase, too, in tho amount of Havings bank deposits. The population in the ten years decreased from .">. 17l,s;;ri t<> l,7"4.7 (', and while it is pleasant to Unow, or at le,st Ui hnpo, that those left in Ireland are better oil' than they wen! ten years ago, Ktill one cannot help i>e- lieving Ireland is rich enough in natural re- sources and strong enough in the genius, enterprise and industry of her people to support in comfort a conHidcmbly larger population than she now has, provided the l.ic.il conditions were such thalshe could do her best. The Ireland of forty years ago, however, was too densely populate. I 1" Is 17 the estimated population was!l.."ilH>,0(X). The co. nit i y is little more than a sixth of tho size, of Ontario having an area of .'!'_', 7 1.'! sqnaro miles, while Ontario has about. !>!, SIMI. Yei even no v Ireland's population is about the same as that of all Canada. A Spanish lady has succeeded in crossing the Andes in a carriage, a disUnco of .'I'M mi!c<. Tho journey was completed in U days, ll'oii r ;li nearly a mile of the road had to be built for her use. .Sir K. Watkin is still very sanguine at to .timate results of his discovery of onal in Kent. One ditli'-iilty, however, is in tin- way not less than 40,1100 will be required to Sink tho tirst shaft. bor husband's head. The hroUc, ;uid llochc was onvelopcd in llamcn. Tbu boy M|>rang out of the bed and escaped, but Roche died in a few hours after. Mill'. -ring dreadful ironing. The, woman was arrested and remanded pending tbc holding of an inquest. Tha Internatiinal Transportation Com- pany, mure g-ni-rally known ns the Innuiii i.iiic. has awarded . ne cuntract for building i: flvo now steamers to William <'rn S .us. a.'t oi A -cording to the requirements ot the ('"ii^ii'Hi these niu.it be tirst clnss ships in very respect urnl nm -t be held sub- ject to use by tlie ^overntnciit in riiao of -,iy an auxiliary 'iruisers. They will be built witli this possible use in view, and are expected to ci|iial, if not. surpass. sister nhipsi of the same line, the "City of Paris" mill "City if New Yoik,' 1 limb of wbioh will no m bo transfer r'.l to Au.i -:ic,in rcgidtry. Thene vessels will cost. ii between J-IS.'MII'.IIIKI and Tins tlcet of ships will swl IIII.'HT in Hi." an 1 will lw nmuned aj wslias uwa- ed by AUK i icitus.

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