Flesherton Advance, 3 Nov 1892, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." VOL. XII., NO 590. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1892. W. H. THDRSTON, Armstrong Brothers, THE JEWELERS Immense stock, low prices, good workmanship, satisfaction guaran- teed, all work warranted. These are a few of our Qualifications. OCTOBER. -X X X X Eugenia Frutn otir oien Correspondent. Tlie Patrons of Industry have been holding meetings at Eugenia during the past two weeks. A lodge is now about to be formed with somewhere about twenty members. Mr. James Williams, who has been spending some time Toronto, returned home on Saturday last. Mr. Albert Latimer has gone to take a situation in the city. Mv.Wi-l(jy Latimer. of Toronto.has come home to visit his parents at Eu- genia. We are pleased think that all the attractions the city offers don't | win our boys' alegiaucu from their ! old home. Mr. Thotuaa Smart, wbo has been foi some time at Brampton, returned home the past week. Mr. William Gilbreath aud family have become a resident of our towu. We extend them a hearty welcome. The upi'i.- crop was an abundant one in this vicinity the pas', season.! Mrs. Hislop of the valley has sold one' hundred barrels of winter apples and thirty of the early harvest variety. Miss Miuuio Wright, of Markdale. was visiting at Mr. Smarts the week. Overcoats, Long Boots, and Cloth Caps, For the Men aud Boys. Mantles and Mantle Cloths, For the Ladies. These are Specialties for October W. W. TRIMBLE, Strain's Block. FALL GOODS Are arriving almost every day. We do not need to tell you that the qualities are good and prices right. Every one whoever visited the store on the hill knows that we cannot be undersold. We do not deny the fact that any quantity df cheap trash is offered at "lower figures than we can offer pure goods, but we hold that for quality offered, no man can sell you cheaper than we do. All we ask is a call, and we are certain to convince you. +Dress Goods Department* We have a good assortment in all leading lines, from the loc. goods to the best all wool Henriettas linings, buttons and trimmings to match. +Elawl and Staple Department* You can get anything you ask for in these lines. In Flan- nels we defy competition all-wool greys, striped fancy shirting Flannels, and sheeting- Also full lines of Flannel- ctts, Shakers, Cantons and Unions ; Cottonades, Cottons, Shirtings, Linens, Towells, '1 Dwellings, Etc. *T\veed and Worsted Department* We can't tell you much about these, but an inspection will convince that the patterns are the latest, and qualities and prices right, also full lines of Gents' fine furnishings. Gloves, Hosiery, Rushings.Handkerchiets, Corsets, Ribbons, Collarettes, Bibs, and ninety-nine other things. Space will not allow us to mention the other departments, hut if these few will remind you of something you are need- ing we have done well ; if they will convince you to try the Store on the Hill, we have done better ; and if they will strike you favorably after inspection so you buy, we have done best. All are welcome whether to purchase or simply fo haw a chat about the weather. the More oa the Hill B. G, EVANS. bushels of shop, the whole of which be gristed save an hour 's chopping, It id reported that Mr. John Park is dangerously ill in Toronto of typhoid fever. We Lope the report i* false. A son of Mr. Hicks, of the fonrth line, has been engaged ai school teacher for the coming year. Mrs. R. Meldrum has been pros- trated by a very severe cold. She it , now somewhat better. Mrs. J. Cliu- ,of all the ton has ben with her for some time. you will -AT- C. J. LEITCH'S You Farewell Corner, From our oirn I'urrapuiuirnt. The weather has bocn fine and moat of tha farmers are busy thresh- um in this vicinity. Mr. H. McKmnon had a pearing bee, and it was a grand success, for the young peoolii seemed to enjoy themselves BO much after the work was uoue. They gpeut the rest of the uight with dancing and other amuse- ments. Mrs. F. Ilargrave had a quilting bee. The young people met in tli, evening aud spcut a few enjoyuhh- hours, and everything passed olf grandly. The Patrons of Freedom Associ- ation will meet on Friday for the pur- f having a big COM-, r. Mr. 'tVilli.-un Rumage is preparing to pnt a large addition to his dwelling house. Will is getting around pretty lively to get his house finished before the gloomy winter comes. Miss Maggie aud Sarah Margrave, from Proton, are visiting Man in Egtcrnoiit. We wish them a pleasant time. Feverslium. t'rui* oui WITH Cvrre*pouil>-nt. 1 he first of November was celebrat- ed in good style by our local sports turning out en masse foi the h.ippy diluting grounds out north. Con- spicuous among the iminher was Mr. Geo. Mitchell, banker, Fleslierton, H T. McUirr, of the Beaver, and many other good shots. If they get as near to the game as they do at target they can lay their guns aside and Mitfc them by hand. <Ve feel confident that there will be some dear meat in sale cheap. As a sign of the good times we might record a wedding yesterday (Wednesday), the contracting parties being Mr. W. \Vriht to Miss Sinclair. The wedding took place at the home of the bride, Uev. Mr. Hint son conducting thecerein 'iiy. We fetl very safe in predicting a happy future for them, and wish them every suc- cess. A public meeting is to be In Id h> n to-morrow night, (Friday), conducted by Mr. Alexander, for the purpose ol forming an association of I'atrons of Industry, their object being to do away with big profits and the credit system in general. We intend the scheme to be a success. No ; doubt the store keepers will draw a 'a long face, but tlieu every man for : himself. The mill has now so much in do thai the miller has sometimes to run the mill when he ought to be iu bed. To give you an instance, onr day last week he received into the mill 128 bushels of wheat aud over &Ur Maxwell Frviii oxromt Correspondent. We were reminded of winter by the recent snow. Mr. J. II. Alexander has been suc- cessful iu organizing for the Patrons here. Mr. Alex. Clarke 1ms btuu working in Siugliampton lately. Mr. Wm. Wright leturm-d home from Parry Sound en Suudav, the J.i.'l ult. Mr. Alliston's brother, sister and mother gave In in a call last . On this Friday evening a concert will be given m the Oran.;..' Hall here, at wLicb, amongst other spra!(- KS, M. Kichardaou, h.s.j., ot Higher- ton, will give a lengthy accouut of, .:< trip to Europe. Admission ouly 10 aud 15c. The Misses Scheniman returned home from Si nghampton last week, and on the Thursday evening of the same wi-ek had a few of tho young folk al their place where an enjoyable ' evening was spent. Mrs. Maiwell and daughter visited { friends here a few days lately. Un last Friday >jv>.-niug Mr. and Mrs Wm. (Joints gave a patty at their home here, before leaving. The quarterly religious service will be held here ccxt, Sabbath luoruing. A business meeting in connection with tliu Epworth League took place on Wednesday evening. Miss Aiiino Scliemuian left for 1'arry Sound on Saturday. We are pleased to know that onr present teacher, Mr. J. L. Wood, is engaged for 18-J3. will find a full latest woollens, acgl find it to your ac-K vantage to purchase yotlr ordered clothing at the Mel* chant Tailor's. Indigeition, Oyipt-ptia cad Soar Stoma^i iro CM - .'.,,! i,-i tiH<utii>K 'I In* r%- < i nil in UUP Mr mutter *i'lil ! . 1h>*.t H tile . ' I Th "Curative ! lui-i . eaJtt by all Drnjcgiiti milt from tl'at C*H i h. prmi- rn . ,tf. iMiro- lUiilnIi-'ti of r %, , , For c. A *l AT BUM! '.GUY ilmvxnow prmoiMi fitted up and ...... 'ptrad todoU buKlnaMlii m\ liu -*itn -: i -'I ;m in iH-ttiT position tlllll HVIT Ifttt4-llll til lilt! Wtllt- "fill'. 'liM-illl- 1 ' ' ' -llows tt 1,-rowiui; c'tn- vfiiir I ..... is .,.,.1 . n,,,-s :im>lu t th From niir oicn l.'t N. B. We guarantee satisfaction. i- Your Epping scribe has been tak- ing holidays for the past ftw weeks. . Hut as we have strong suspicion that we are one of the two cors. which ye ! Editor confidently expects to see bios- 1 jiutm out iuto iii A.-y.ipi r men," we thought we had belter get dowu to, practice again. \Vi.' did have very nice weather for a couple of weeks, but last week it rained again aud lias been raining al- ' most cunUiiuallx every since aud the roads are in a horrible state of lilthi- iiess. We tliiuk the council should s ppl\ our towu with sidewalks, street lamps or a street railway or some- . thing. A branch of the Epworth League lias been, formed here in connection with tliu Methodist church, with the | following officers: President, John Eaton; Vice- President, Johu Ma-' the wson ; Secretary, J. McCoimcll ; ; Treasurer, Annie Black. It is to bo ; hoped that the young people will do their best to make this a success aud i that they will liud encouragement in tiie oltler ones. The apple packers are still busy in this neighborhood. The apple crop in this vicinity lias been unusually large. People sometimes linJ it dif- ficult to get barrels. Mr. Hugh Knoll, from near Kiuiberley, oue day last week, being uuuble to procure barrels in Meuford, went on to Owen Sound and brought HO at one load. The steam threshers are getting in some good work now and their shrill whistles oau be heard on all sides. Uev. Alex. Gilray, of Toronto, vis- ited Ins parents week before last. Miss Milligau, of St. Vincent, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jos. Dulcy. VVe understand that Messrs. George aud Jos. Smith have goue to Mus- koka to work for the winter. Success boys. THE F\CT That AVER'S Sarsaparilla CURE* OTHERS of Scrofulous Diseases, Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, and Catarrh should be convincing that the same course of twatment WILL CURE YOU. All that has been said of the wonder- ful cures effected by the use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla during the past lifty years, truth- fully applies to-day. It is, in every sense, The Superior Medicine. Its curative properties, strength, effect, and flavor are always the same ; and for whatever blood diseases AVER'S Sarsaparilla i* taken, they yield to this treatment. When you ask for AVER'S Sarsaparilla don't he induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes, which are mostly mixtures of the cheap- est ingredients, contain no sarsa- parilla, have no uniform standard of appearance, flavor, or effect, arc blood-purifiers in name only, and are offered to you because there is more profit in selling them. Take Sarsaparilla Dr. J. C. Aver ft Co., Lowell. Ui. ruffKUU; Price ft ; u boilJw. Is. Cures others, will cure yott

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