Flesherton Advance, 3 Nov 1892, p. 3

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THE WEEK'S NEWS. CANAUU*. A niziit iichool for girl* m to he upeneil in iv < iei tiou with the Brunt'onl public chooU. I'll.- Bunk nf Montreal hn <lul*'eii Us regular half-yearly divuleml of .1 per cent. Mr* Ail'liaon. a mi. lent of Hamilton, was founii ik-a'l 'n her beil the other morn- *<lie hail Complained of feeling ill on . y. It i again riinioiirnl in Montreal that Mr. J. J. Ciirrui, the memlr for Munlrual C lit 1 1- in the House of I'oniniouH, in horl ly to be taken into the C'alunel. The Montreal Monde pnbluhn* a rumour that <'ie next Llcil'enanl (.uvernor of Que- bec will be Judge Uianchet, of the Court of Appeals. Ten car loads of hay were nhippeii the other day fiom KmiiHtnn to KiittUiiil. At the pretent rat>; of (IS a ton it is :\pec'ed aainall prolii will be made. Mr. James Sutherland, J. P. , ' Mount Brydges, Ont., whose leg* were man^lrd iiii-ti r 1 the wheels of a t-ar at ths ('. I' I!. station at London on Sunday uiglit, in deail. There i* a pleasing anticipation that the lumber trade of the Ottawa tlutric-t is on the eve of a season of uri'-it pro|>'Ti- . Mi. Daly states that hkunw nnthingas yet of the scheme of prepaid pannages fur imin [rants from Kngland referred to in an article m the Lna^oa Morning ( li/nnn-l-, which appeared in th cabin on Wednes- day. A rr.an named OMalley, fn in Button, fell under the wheels of a C. 1*. K. train at M.lu-ine H.it, N'.U'.T, on Tuesday night, aii<i was killed. Referring to the Ontario Uw probi>>iti'<|{ the <ale of cigarettes to i-hiMn-n, the M n' real Monde say* a etron^ movement will shortly be inaugurated to nlitaiu 'i. ei..ict- m<-iit of a aiiuilar law in the 1'ruviuoe of | .. '' & J Hi: David If. Jordan of Kdirumtm. N. Y. Colorless, Emaciated, Helpless A t'un>iilflf < iii-i- by //<>(>/>> M r.ry Hyatt, who cxplaineJ tlial he had exchaii)(etiforahor*t; hewaa aocim.-.l ot steal- ing a young girl with wliom he hail bct-u liv- mi:, was sentenced to two years in thi-peni- teutriry by Judge Kinkle, at \V,jiU'.ojk. The Adirondack routi- between ^lontrea sod New York i-i now coinpleif*. Tiu.re is a sa\ iii); of two hour* by the new rout*. Mr. 1'h.irles \V*d!ey, a wc-M known resi- dent of Oshawa, who was mentally deranged to thu cxteut of continually fearui|I extreme poverty, toimmtteil suicide by drowning iiiiu-i-lf in a mill ra:o on the outskirts uf the lon. The Ottawa rk*rd of Tru.U- has paused a rcsolnti m asking the City ( Xmn.-.. 1 in:t a by-law to the uti/.ein f r a bonus to the Ottawa, Arnprior, and 1'iny Sound railway, winch will conti.leruUy Kh.'<ii the ilmtauce from the \Veat to the sea- board. The me, niters of " A ' Bafti-ry of ' dian Artillery, statioi.ed at kuig>tn, have jimt i-e.lelirate<l the tweuty-tirst buthtiay of the corps. The raiuinisrences of Or. Le Caron, tir- HntMh spy who supplied tnforrraiion to the Knul'i-li (ioveriiiiieni ifPiK-ctiiiji the threat- ened 1'fnian raid on Canada heaiieil l-y t-'en. (I'Veill, have lieen published in Lon- don. He says lie ami I. en ONcill were received at the Wiiite House in Washington by 1'residenl Joltnxton, who told them thai he sympathised with the Kenians and was willing to do :M in hi* power to assist the Fenian movement. Mr. K.mu-r, who is at present in London, denies the rumour thai i anada intuuds to isne a new loan and nlso denies that his visit n conm-clcd with the Atlantic mail service. A report is current in ^t. Catharines that Mr. S. Nerlnn's iutvrt-st in the St. Catharines and Niagara Central nulway has been purchased foi .t'J*X),0(XJ by the Canadian Pacific rail way. A special cable despatch from l.i>ndn says the report for IH9I of the Veterinary l>i-;>artiiieiit of the Board of Agriculune contains some interesting facts in regard to tho American and Canadian cattle trade. Tho total imports for the year were from ( anada, IOS.MI and from the United tit,its, .'U4,s.iS. Mr. David Blackley, of Hanuiton, has ansed a writ to be issued agnmst the To- r.'iilo Street Railway Coinuuny, claiming f -'I..MII for the ileath of his sou "lUloh, who ' was killed on Oct. I in To-outo. 'I'hc dittioiilty over the inspection of Can ai) in grain at New York has lie.cn lettled. It was agreed that the grain <lii|i|i.-,l from Mamtoliii shall )> inspected in Winnipeg, while ijrai'i ir.un Ontario shall be nts|icct <l at the frontier. Mr. \V. B. .leffiic', of Ipswich. KIIJ; . ii>- of tlie larg'-st shikreholdcra in ill" ' Trunk Railway Company, has arrived in klnire:il to make ii thoiongh < \mn of the road and iMmanagemeut with a view . to t he suggent,ion of reform. In connection with the; recent plenro ' pneumonia alarm in KngUml, Dr. Me- , IsMssNsS) of Montreal, says that the disease ' iloes not exist in Canvla. and to bin knowl- edge has not existed in this country except LI I -liii, when it was discovered in the i, ..... bee quarantine in some inifior ted cattle, and it was stani|>ed out at OIK-,-. The opening ccieiniMia-. in connection with Victoria I'nivcrsiiy have beei ...... eluded, aud the new building in n.e i^nceii'.s ]>iuk, Toronto, was forma. ,, ( ,,.|, i'V liis Honour, the Lieutenant l!o%urnor. in Hi.- presence of a largi! and diatiagtsiafasxt asmlil,ii;e of prominent niinrv. :j un-naiid friends of the institution, RKITIMI. Vhe Queeu will sj.cnd the wiiitci inonthi in Italy. On and after Marrh .Sid next the luman lir.<! steamers will depart from and arrive at Southampton instead of Liverpool. Intensely cold weather prevails in S,-,,t laiul, and the lochs in IVrthsliii.- nix- .-.nei ed with thick ice, and MIOW lux heavy on the niu-jiitaina. Sn Ch. tries Tnppcr ha< been *pi 'n:ntcd a BriiUh plenipotentiary th Lord DurTorin to negotiate a roiiunercial treaty between I ran* i in.l I 'itint'U. A noi th of Kn land |w]icr annnunc. discovery of w process of prodiicini; caustic sod. i, I mil oMier chcmicAld ii brine by oli-i tricity. 'I'liu "..ink of Kngland has iulvwu-i d Hi (TJ . i' In ,'t per The .,>!,. wtailic- xvtiuuvi m This Li from Mr. L) M. Jordan, a re- tired farmer, and one of the most re- spected citizens of Otsc-;o Co., N. Y. " Fourteen \v;ir auo I li.i.l an rutick of the gravel, .mil hav si.ii-e l..-eii Iroulileil Wltll 1117 Liver and Kidneys gradually ;:I-OAI:I^ ISJSMM, riu,-e yr.n t ago t gottlmvn s.i |., v;:ul 1 rould .rarrrly vraik. I Iwike.l more lik.- : eoi ].-. Hi. in :i luini; lieinn. Ut 110 :i|<|ielil.- jilrl I",' !.>.' week, I ale ikisjl bin nr. 1. I W :it liaillv eiiu ail, I li.ul no mor ...... lor tliiin inarblr -tiilur. llo,nl s .^;n-->;i|i.ir:ll:i ;j, ii ..... nun. -ii, I. -i| ;u;,| I UMMlCllt I Wi-lllil tf it. llel.ne 1 !l;i,l lini,n,'.| tlie lii-M l.ollle I noti.-.'.l that 1 fel' fered li-ss. tlie isislsiSBSunlina ot the bind. Jf r l.:i,l MI|I.|I|I.<|. tli.- .-oliT ' .--Mil to r.-tiirn to m, !.:<!. anil I b-r.n ! lrr\ husMiry. .UP r I h:i.| takt-ii tin T boll].-, I i-'i-il.l eul aiiyilniiK Aiihout hni'tcii nu-. win. l tot M hungry I'nit I hail to .-al .", tiin,-> ,i ,, i>. 1 have Uuvv lully rei-ovi-n-il. thanks to Hood's Sarsaparilla T feel well uu4 am wrll. All who know iue nuirvei to >o- I.H- so w-il." H. M. .I..K..A.S. HOODS PILLS - issli t tUsesttoii. .-un- l . i..,. r 1111*, with t r.-ai severity, nnd ihe poor in the cities are suHenng. The Fenians Mullen an I l>ouhn^. the former convicied ol complicity m the I'ho-. uix park murders ol IHS-J nd the latt,-r found ki.iii y of killing a policeman, ure to be released. London Truth suys Tennyson destroyed a ma* of his letters ami manuscripis a tew years aj;o in a tit of alarm, caused by ins readi.iL' l-ioude'a" Kemiuisccuces of Thomas Carlyle. " Canadian expeits doubt the Canadian origin rf the cow that was slaughtered in I-'ifeshire on account of pleuro-pueumoiiia. Lord Honghton. Lord- Lieutenant of Ire- land, has refused to r.->-ei\e an address which the Irish Methodists wished to pre- sent t.o him. Mr. Itladstone has abandoned I. is inten- tion oi I. M \MI_- KIIL- .ni'l this winter. u> the dr.innhtiiu' ot the Home Rule bill will de main! all lux tm.v Sever.il thousand cotton operators of II, -\ wi>od, Lancashire, have been uutiried by the in'll owners of a reduction HI their wages of 5 per cent. A strike will pi ly res lit. After live minute* deliberation the Lou- I n Miry that has been hearing the evidence in the LiTiibeih poisoning <-a*eu bvosufbl in a verdict lin.lini: Thomas Neil) guilty ot the murder ol M.'n.li ' 'lover. Judge lltwkms r, .i \>-illtobe hangeil. A .l.-pnt.ition from the Bi i'.ish nnd Kor- eii;ii Anti-Slavery Association waited on Karl Kon.'Kery tu urge that the (lovern- nun' establish * pi i ,.,; or. tie m cr I'ganda to assist in putting down the slave trail,-. Karl Rosebery said he could not pledge the action of tho liovernment in the i>i .-in ises. A letter from the Righ! Knv. Mr. Tuck- er, Kislmp of Equatorial Africa, in * hi, ii the pulley of the Briiish l-overnment in the I 'unnila matter is severely criticised, will soon be mvle public. A special cable says tin- N-tiei is likely to cause a sensation, and its cfle.-ts will doubtless be to slreugt- en the sentiment in favor of the retention of I'ganda. STATIU. from Amst -rdttm, and was on hi* way to join Ins ton m Milwaukee, was inn over aud killed by a (J. T. R. tram on Wednesday nielli w ile i rowing a, bridge near Port Huron, Mich. Mi an, I Mrs. Matthews, of Columbia. S. I'., desired to attend a religious serv .-, .tnd mat their four little children whom they I,-.' l> -hind might uot do any mischief, they tied them up in s room and locked the door During their absence rhe house camjht fire and the children were burned to death. mButv. I'rince Alfred, the eldest on of the Duke of K imburgli, entered the 1'irst Regiment of 1'iiissiiin l-'oot (iiiarils yestenlay. The Yaijiu Indians in Mexico are on the warpath, und have eh-aied a detachment of liovernment tioops, besides massacring sett'ei'S. China intndr sending a special commis- sion to S'. 1'etnrslmrg for the purpOMt of negotiating a Ilnsso I'lnnese commercial treaty. There is no doubt that cholera exists in the district of which Coblenz is ihe centre. A |>ecial ..able despatch from Berlin says dentna iro-n Hie discos are known to h.tve tnken place in that city and m Menu, and it is fn:.red the inala.lv i* on the increase. The cattlemen in Southi.rn New Mexico are moving off tlm ranges, tho long contin- ued dr nii-nt having ruined the pasturage. I lie 1'iiiiceof Montenegro is showing signs ol mental tumble winch mamlest-i it.sc'.f in al despotism. Tin: C/.ar has been pen- Honed to try aud induce the I'rince to ab- dicate. It is expected thai the French force under Cnl. I'oil.is will aita.-k the lUhonieyans in about ten days, und it will be endeavored '> m.tke it Ihe deci.iiveeugageinenlof the cam- paign. Chancellor Caprivi's Mi'iUry bill, <-a!l ing for an expenditure of ."..MMI.INN) marks has been approved by the Kaiser. The Cham-fllor i-. eni|N>wei-ed to dissolve the Reichstag II it should fall to pass the meas- ure. 'there is a movement in Rome to erect a wormy monument to the memory of Chris- topher Columbus. A special calile despatch says the International Commit! i-e having the matter in hand h.i- de. i.l.-l to issue a < in nlar to nil existing Columbus t'ommit- I te^s in Kntope and America witii a view to ' universi'l i-o-operalion. It was also ib- -ide.i ;o mvit Roman Catholics throughout tho win Id to oibni-ribe. The striking miners of < 'annum held a meeting on ^und.ty at which a resolution was a.l.'|i'eil 'l.-.-i mug tlie t ioveriiiiieni 3 o:!- r .it arliiti-ation ant) declaring in favour of continuing the strike. It is staled poKinvcly that a I German firm has been uippiying the l>uhoineyitns with quick tiring rilles in exchunge for slaves, who were snipped under the personal super- > isiou of the Gci man consul. Diphtheria is epidemic at Columbus, In. I ( 'ounterfeit <_' Moniinion notes are m cir- culation ID ltlll!:i'o. Further aosaiills on non-union workmen >rlel from Homestead, I 'a, Mayor lit ant, of N'uw York, has declined the pirsidency of a distillery company with a nalaty of 340.0IIO a year. The Western I'mon TtUgf^ph company have Jeci. u-d to increase their capital slock lion. si:<,S(Ml,tlOt to SIWI.MtO.OOU. I. Olford and Miss Xulu J. Pvvore, of Columbus, (). ,werc married in a cemetery al Asblaud, Ky ., by the side of the grave of the hri.lc'i sister. Kive. cases of sinall|xix, were found in one house in New York city the other day. A win. in Mi'terng fioin leprosy tins I.een discovered in I'lnladcipliia and sent to tho hospital. The strike on the Denver and Rio C.r.mde r.iilway, which at one time threatened to iiHHirne large proportion^, luis becu decl i:, d off. Capt. J. \V. Lawlor, who sai'ed from Boston in a twelve-foot boat on .1 tmn. \ luntio voyage, haa been 'given up by his friends as lust. A ti!ini|> ii ui" 1 .l.'lm Uoo,l ha been ar- i lli'-hin>>n.l, V.. whosayshe Icnows who coniiiii'led the Bor.len murder, that it w is not LI//IO llorilen, but another relative, whom he refused to name at pres- ent. A sea lion was discovered on Monday at I.iidiiiglon, M:ch., and a laige crowd witii all manner "f weapons, tiHuisto.l l,y a a of 1 1 ,*. ,; ve chase, but without avail. The aui >al is tlxjiighi to be the one which cs- cauetl from Chicago a short lima nfo. Tho outl'r.-ak of ]>'.< :uo pn. irir.niaiiinong l"i tc.l -i.ites cjtttle on tlie utramer IMI^. l.n.il ill llepi.'or.l K''"' pi'.stjx ..... s tii.- of I 'n:lc.l Slut,-,, slock to I'.ritisll ,i IM \inei . .in i : has been n:ioriL;ly urging UJKJU tliu new i of Agi unit lire. M1. .). Illl II !", II'. S,".l" r' t Of age, who has rccutly arnvfi in N a rnt. 11. in. * V- . bent,- Heinz Kvnltril Which will Milk.- IbP Imr tpuenr Hiire I > . u I > nud Urni-lil l\< rt'm.l* lien. \'on Sichatl in Mayn.-e, who is a ' lersonal friend ol th.- <..Mtn..n Kinporor, and is said to have the Ka... r - harking in his enlerpnse, is auilatin^ th movement for a new division ui the year's calendar. The genei:il proniMinces it foolish and unbusinesslike that si-vi-n months in the year have .'II davs, four months .'Ht days. and one mouth 'JH days, or '.". days rospoo- tively. " He says " It cause* much con.iision, anil it is entirely unreasonable that a certain dale should ad vance with every year one lay, and with every limp year two day* "Could it not be so arranged that those days were lixvd on certain dates once for all? ' asks the gein-i al, and conlinues : " One year we celebrate Kaster in tho mid, !! of M. trull : in another year we cole- | hrale it in ihe middle of April. There are hundreds and thousands of people m every city m \\if world who diude their business year according to the dale (Caster may fall on. " I* it not unreasonable that their year's division should bca different onewilh every 12 months '' Rv the same unreasonable reckoning, the schooling seasons aie legu- lau-.l In one year the child has a month s time longer for preparation than ill another. ' I his may be greatly to the disadvant- age of a child that Is ripposed to pass his or her examination within a stipulated period, uot a certain mimlier of month* or w.-. Li. ' In some parts nf the world, in Ciermany for instance, five holidays o.-cn. -n . .-sive- ly within 10 ordinary dsys in all year* when one of the Christ mas holiday* doc* not chance to fall on a Sunday. " All this proves thai tho modern divi- sion of the year does no longer fill the re- quirements ot a busy world. This is my proposition for a radical chant;. " l''irl The year is to bo divided into four seasons, the first three season* to have til days, the first month in each season to .-ontitin .'II. i lie other two monlhs to contain .'> days. The fourth season shall contain !_' .lavs, an i in leap veins the second season shall also contain !fj da s. These two exlra .1 , , , -'ial! I n added to liie last dav of each D, Deci-mbei-and-lune, respectively. N. ,.,,n I The first day of each season, i.e. . the 1st of .Iami.tr v, the I si of April, tip- 1st of Jnlv, (>nd tiic i-i ol Hirloher, shall always fall on Sunday : by this arrangement, ^t .lay of each second month of a sea- son falls on a Wednesday, the first day of mid m, .nth of a season fall* on a l-i'o.ty. This makes Deo. 'M and .Inn.. I 1 ' full on Saturday every year in a r.n-nrv. The .Slst day of He. -ember ill each year and the .'t!t .lay of Juno in each leap year are to be called extra days and leap days respec- tively : they are to bo added to tho w.-.-ks closing 0:1 the .'Mih of I >i -comber and the'dlli of . I nnc as an eighth day. Tim - 1 K.aMer shall always fall on the 1st of April, Whitsuntide on the I'.llh of May. They are to be tixturcs on those dates. Christina! to to be fixed forever to fall on DM, -M. "Fourth The beginning of the year, .Ian. I , is to be dated bitck 1 1 . : . -. it is to full on tho shorte-il ibty of the year. Ry this siTaiigcmont tho beginning of spring or the lirst, day of spiing, occurs sunn ously with tin's 1st day of April, tho first day of summer falls on .Inly I, and the be- nt autumn on l ' "Kurh In order I o do aw ay well tin; 1 1 days the nine exti.t 'I tys nnd the two leap l.o omitted in the first nine years i ne adoption of tho new calendar. The n. w calendar is to begin with the ye.ir MOL" THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVLNEJONIG Stomaeh^Liver Cure The Most Astonishing Medical Discovery ol the Last One Hundred Years. It is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar. It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest Milk. This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently b*pn introduced into this country by the proprietors anil manufacturers of the Great South American Nervine Tonic, and yet its ^n-at value aa a curative arc-nt hua Ions; been known by a IVw of the most learned physicians, wh<> have nut brought its merits and value H the knowledge uf the jrcU'Tiil pulilic This mcdii-ine has completely solved the problem of the cure of indi- pi'>:i'iii. dv>|M-|, : .ia. anil diseases of the general nervous system. It is also of the jrri'uti-st value in the cure of all forms of t'.-iilino; health from whatever ruiise. [i performs this by the fireat nervine tonic qualities which it possesses, and by its .Teat curative powers upon the digestive oro-.-in*. tlie stmnch. the liver and the bowels. No remedy corn pares wi:h tliis wonderfully v:iiuui>,<- Nervine Tonic as a buiMer and strentflh- ener of the life forces of the human body, and a.s a irn-at renewer of a broken-down constitution. It is also of more real |H-rmanent value in the treatment and cured' diseases of tin: lun^rs than any consumption remedy ever used on this continent. It is* a marvelous cure for nerv- "!' females ->f all air-s. La- lies who are approiichin^ the critical period known as <:h:uiire in life, should not fail to use this jjn-nt Nervine Tonic, almost constantly, fur the space of two or three years. It will carry them s:ifely over the danger. This trreat strenijthener and cura- tive is nf iuesti.'nablo valuu to the a'^eil and iulirm. because its great enero-i/.in?; properties will ^ive them a new hold on life. It will add ten or lifteen years to the lives <>f many of. those wliu Will utw a hail' dozen bottles of the remedy each year. IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Broken, Constitution, Debility of Old Age, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, II >:irtljiirn and Sour Stomach, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Frightful Dr. MIIIS. DizzUMM and Kinirirt:* in the Ears Weakness of Extremities and Fainting. Ini|iiirv and Impoverished Blood, Boils and Carbuncles, Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache, Sick Headache, Female Weakness, Nervous Chills, Paralysis, Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous Choking, Hoi Flashes, Palpitation of the Heart, Mental DcNpondency, Slce|ilesMlr--. ^ Vitus' !):;. Nervousness of Females, Nervousness of Old Age, N uralgia, Pains in the Heart, I'.illl 4 ifl the II. Failing Health, SiT'ii'iiloiis Swelling and Ulcers, Consumption ol' tin- I.ungs, Catarrh of tin- Lniii:*, Bronchitis ami Chrome Cough, I.ivcr ( 'uiiijilaiut, Chronic I>i:inljii-a. Delicate :niil >'Tofulous Children, Summer Compl.-iint of Infants. All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nervine Tonic. NERVOUS DISEASES. As a cure for eve rv cla>s ol Nervous Diseases, un remedy has beta able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and harmless in all itselleds upon the yiungest child or the oldest and most del;calc individual. Nine tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. When there is :m iusullicient supply of nerve food in the blood, a general state of debility of tho bruin, spinal marrow, and nerve* is the result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the right kind t food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailment. i disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is tLe first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied This South American Nervine has t>cen found by analysis to cont-uii the essential elements out of which nerve tissue is !'"rmed. This accounts for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHOREA. ('KAWM'unsvii.i.i-:, I MI., June >i, 1*87. My daughter, eleven y<-nrs old, w;i severely afflicted with St. VittirV Dance or < 'lioreu. We gnvr lu'r three and one-halt' bottle* of South American Ner- vine and >he is completely r -stored. I l>clieve it will cure every case of St. Vitus' Ihitiee. 1 have kepi it in my family for two irw, nnd am sure it is the urcaicst, remedv in the world for Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and for all form* of Nervous t)isorders uud failing Health, from whatever eauw. JOHN T. MJ MI. Slate <>J liulitniii, ) . Munl'l'iim r// I'liinili/. i' iSubscriLM.-d and sworn M before me this June 22. 1*S7. ('HAS. \V. \\Kiiiiii, Notary Public. INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Tonic Which we now oiler yon. is [he i u!y :il'sc>lutt-U unfailing remedy over discovered lor the cure of Indigestion. I >\ -.pepsia, nnd the\a>t train of sv!iipto,ns and horrors which aic the result of disease and deluiity of the human stomach. No person c : ;n ailoid t.> |i:iss by this jewel of iiaiil- ciilahle value; who is affected by disease nf the sinmai-h. because the ex- perience and testimony of many <> to prove that this is the UNK and ONLY ONE jjreat cure m tut' world for this universal destroyer. There is no case of unmali^naut disease of the stomach which can resist the wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. II IHHIKT E H ii.l.. of Wayn, t.ntn. In.l.nv< I owe tn.v h(r to Hie limit Siinlll \in.-nra ..v. ..I N>w ItiMii. luilisns, >H "I ciinnot i-xpn-wH how much I o.%t> to the *rvin- Tottlr My >v Mt,-ni .1* . "inplM ly Niuit- n ot my whole *>l--ni H ,.| :i*-i, u,> n< l.loo.l. im sum I WAS tn the flrM sta^.-s I i ..imnniplioti. nil Inhn itan, .- hrtinli-,1 down .ll Mini tiieil Ihnvilo I !lf tirHl tn.l'lc . >f t ( ir N.-rv - llir.nn:h -t-v.-ml (O'lierrttlons. J id,- Ncrviix- 'I. ,ni,-. and .'"n,>nne,l IIM nw for nho'il H|T niMiitliM. n n. I nin fitilrrl.v cnn-.l. I' Is Hi" ^r. in. lint reini..lv Inr uer\n, stomach dnil hlnus 1 liUM 1 all lnj>. * of I.M-K, v. .'il no relief In.- I on n" I'uprovisJ me -<o m neb that 1 wim ahl.- 1 o walk ahoiit. itit'l it f. v h..ill.>-i nir.xl n iillrely l IM-IH-M. n Si i'i.- IH--I Dwdkdns la tb* world, 1 can not nvoiiiiiii-ud It too bluuly." N .r.ni..,i> oinimmi with Sorrn Avrr.irAH Nit'.iviNr: lut n. cur lr>r the Ni-rrm Ni> rem. . n-iih south \in.Ti.aa Niriii. is a Bondrous euro for the Stomach N., n-m,. roiii|iar,- with South Amrricnn Nrr\ lnr ni n cure lor all f -MMM..! fmlitu: hi-nllh II i..^ . r! run- In. liitmllou anil ]'>|-|>in li II.-V.T t.'i.ln to .'.in- I ' A or St. VltM' Done* lisp.... bvUd up UM Whole system t il in ; tn- ex t rnu.-. It run-* th" 1 1,', ill.. > ..nnff. an.) iti.- nti.l ill*- atfi-,1 It Is a nr.-ai fiii'iit] l.t til.- a^'-.l "nil Infirm. D ' llfl |.r-. K.tif- II v .HI ,1... v.ui in i\ n.-tjI.T t the <>n!> , . n.rily w hu:h ill n- -t-.r" \ o i t-> li'-.-llh S.'.i li \nl*r 'in >.-r\ ini- Is |H*rlrt-tly srU. k . iiu.l TITV pi. afjint lo the .a-!, I'.ln.r ..I f.-.-l . ... K-ri-iit rur.-. because H i;i put ihr i.io.un nt fn-KlinriM an. I Ix-anty upon your I||IH and In your nil.) ipilrkly drive awity your tllauliilit ies am] \v. ..knrsw -. Price, Larsre 16 ounce Bottle $1.00; Trial Size, 15 Cents. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. If not kept by Druggists onk-r direct front Dr. E. DETCHON, Crawfordsville, tnd.

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