Flesherton Advance, 3 Nov 1892, p. 6

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KM 'il'KS MI ;'l H! II II l\ MID ill;. Profe'for King, the t<naai. Gives Thrill- intr Account* of bangtruua Adveuturei- I ..111 ; . .. III. H.I.- .111 II. .'I I. 'I >iit I am uot so enthusiastic over air ailing aa 10 coiis:di r an t.n illnyi -d pleas- ure I freely admit : but I have h. vn some- what astonished .i|i'ni I iking A reirospec'ic vn-wuf my nwn doings in Dial line to find t at my marvelous escapes from "muting ccnteiits of flood slid tirn," which al the ti -in- looked ii pons mply a* exceptional canes. hen grmi|ed teg thrr, form a veij startling IWIIHII ot fortuitous events where fate mighi often have tunic. I the table*. I do nut mean to say that balloon voyiti>!iig depends entirely upon chance tor its safety, lint lather, that while mill i* a con-taut ie inn. iiient, good hick is a frequent neces- sity. Captive ascensions, in which the balloon is held by a rope., are coim dried much safer than free ones, hut I bi.d oni o* my narrow- est escapes .lunn.' one of these nhort excur- sions over the cily of Itoston. Tho day was quiet and windy by turns, tin l:ll tnn-s hi n>k! made available for trips of HUM) feet with from six to eight pass ngers in tl ar. DI nii t ' the last ascension made that day he . '"in wm c.inpht in one of thesqti.ills, snd all the powe : that could he a- would not lk ihe rope in a single in. h. TiirM a aliw string it wan drawn, while it w UiriietuTsl an angle of 45 degrees. HI. .1 In. w led Ibmuifh the rigcmg and the I'owei 'ill l.iliooti shook in a tin i.. us ii in i. IT. F.vcry face was blanched wuh a dreid of impending danger. I patina hoop almve the p i->f|igi'l . I let. .My hold HI 2 their livr in my hand. The wind was blowing seaward at a rite thai would have carried us into it in double quick tune, yet Iliad my keen edfvd knife clone to the rope and ready to cut at the fii' i up of any coi .1 , for there win a tremendous strain upon (he tl. w In h iniiilit give way at any i>:nt, and once carted would nut nlip --milca* in- stHtitU i.'..-',-d of the strain until the balloon wenl through it, Kmluiia'elv it held intact until the rquall wax over, and in the follow ii-g calm was ilt.iwn safely down. No i.n.io an 'cimi.ini i \f to be made I In. t day. ii"i until tho net tup.' had l en ari-'nl'}' evainini d. ami the bailoon w.i iiii.vcd for the time bom;; to its I . \i p'. i' form. Imagine n.v fec'.inr,-. when a little later, us I "food safely on the grim d witching Hi resi'c-s niolions under another heavy blow, and saw the ovei t PUM d let t'tvpsrt withaloud. " !<; n u-iip " that 1*. the iinhniii|M red n'ove ifo free. Had tills iK-.'U' red in the air iimtrad of on the un mud. we should all have been u: eternity tne ne.t liion -i-rniiiii. wiTHTiir. WINK \\ i r*rly travel at the rat4> of seventy miles an hour, but wleu n> b a speed i-. reached t lie ri.tint ry slips away over land as fail as water down a cataract . It makes no dilfei #-i..'e up there but I... k out for breakers M ben trying In land. In an asceu- i- 1 ' n fri in lioston Common, blowing more tl.an a mile a nrnute. ihe hallo-. u went In Ipswich a dislancf of thirl v-t wo n.ih s, in tw.nU li\i- niinii'f-4. Iteyon.l Ip'Wie'i wat a stretch of salt irrli ol two nnln in tin' and Ix'vniid. tlmt the "ee.vi A land- ing wnhin half an hour was nf course nn pcrati 'e. I was nu the In .kout for ehanees Inn the I'ddnwirf all too small ; f< trees and houses flew by in a mosl eoiifus mir manner, nnd a) houeh I had a .'..I lapsing . -d ir the balloon, it appeared an utter inipiismhilily to elTect s landing without a ca'sntrophp. l<ei.lent nf Irmwich were expecting the lallnon, iird tired n emnon as soon as il fame in "U'ht, l.nl w -,.r unable to load and fire iii-a'n, before it had passed th. in \\ In n the salt marsh fame in svht, with ita tall ofi graH, and not a fence in the w.v, 1 knew the crnical nininent waa at hand. As soon .is the . sr bad deneended within reach- IIIL' distance, the anchor waa thrown nn the In p me Iniik bordering tin, marsh, and in an instant hail tnken hold, but so suddenly that, as ihe car nlruek the ground the rope parted and thn ballnon went flvine OUT the ma^h. I ci.iiniatiilnlid my-.-lf on still hav- | in.' the collapsing cord, u bi.'h cnu'd ) un...| a 4 any moment, nut I m>.i found thai the moment was needed as inn. h as the cm, I. for Ihe laticr I ml its end I'anioned In the hoop over head, and the hn-l ling wind gmn me no opportunity lo ren-li it. Alternately tnmld'-d Inpsy tin vev Ihroinjh lie long grass, nd anap|ied in'o the air like a cracker on a whip lash, it was enough tu bold one's own, without Imthenng win. c.ill.ip-inff cords. lint tln-i was nol all. S'llt in ! -hi" Lave Koine bud breaks in t hem, and this one had a silvery loiter ">' ill uv u Ii it by a meandering black walor Trek. I took a hurried bath ill each !M-IU|. v. >.ii h served to varv Ihe monotony HH well . us I me I the unusually high tempera- | tnre. The ocean wns clone by when I came to ihe creek fur the hint time. Striking. ..nn i wn.e up..n the bank, the lalli.on was, thi'.wn half way round, and I went into thn witter b i..kw.ird. n>v he.id going .. mpldely l.nt. us 1 kin. ok Ihe water nut of my ! s..\v .he i o\f led collapsing cord b uv IIIL' down in i I" .p from I he link of the I, and within reach nf my hand. \ i i..-.i: -n v. i . I knew that the i ink must be fully h,i|f anile wide al i.n- point, and I oi/ed the cord, intending t'i npin the balloon in Ilie i. and swim ashore Tho g, gone in an instant, Im', inste.i.l. f MVIIIIIIIIIU', nip'y h. ill. i. .11 tell o\i I on the oppnMlc I nk. ami I >lvnf>eH nn the hore, iti't \ in. ..ket up aftfci me. My elnthii.. in shreds, hut. 1 was ' none the w.n.infnr In order tnstnr* the hill, on safely upon iU join in \, . , and 111 a'l "olid 111 Wo.-thi r. i' Is |),e, i ii!,. If, In', e an an. h..iaj,'.., to -vhirh a s'ti^lc r> p.- ta.'lifd, tu thai while wini;ii'g by this rope tin h.illant tn:i\ he .. \ . i he 111 li.'iii the. ii ,11111 d i iivM' power, llienal the proper moincnt, the rope is . n oiT. I was l. i.id fur i t u frnm the I > e I ill cii.iin.l- , ,, iho lake ClllcSgO. A W'l.il V,..-, III 'i.r lull xnd IIMl in, n u.i. ie (be I alb. on tu the an. hoi r of the grounds f.i f n. in I In In'.il. lin^s. wiii. -b bad in be cb ..I bug ef MHO J v.re ri-iiiov.d fi nm llir Uh.'ll panted llin UL'"i the . I to a timber in il.e 1 .1 v. , . all I , in the . "'UfJ UJUIC tilAU I. tJU of snd and I stood upon the edge outside of the runes re.aily to <fu the weighing. Tho I. in. In-. I .neu let go at my hiuding, the busknt raiswd aliovo their heads and I aw at a glance that more ballast must h>- n m.. M- I. Inn l.efnre I had lime to givo the order the wm-1 came with renewed force and theoalile parted. Instantly the halloon dashed tuwaul .nhntU'red flagtA!l half way Ixttween the anclmrage and the hifli l.uil.l ing*. All wa* uueeriainty ; I knew, how cvr, that if we nil. k tl> |iol>. our fate wan sealed, fur 1 had noticed that iU top was in exact range with the roofs uf the building*. ioupi- 1 on one foot u* low as possihle, re- solved In drop oil if the ear struck the pole an.l !>y thus lij(hteuinf( the halloon at least save my companion. I!ut the pole was cleared by a few inches, the liuildiugs liy m. .I.-, and stepping ins.de the car I felt like one who had taken a new lease of life. This wan lint the beginning of a yoynge full of incidents. (inr course at first wu but by midnight, it had change I to the northw.'Hwai il. and by 10 o clock win n il out forty n. ili-s fron. St. I'anl, we had overtaken a rain storm. The rain coursed down the lidoa uf the ball'Kin into the car in a in "t nn Mtnfort tlilc way so we con- eluded to ascend above it. At the greater altitude ilio current changed our course to the northwest, though we were utteily ig- norant nf any variation. After some hours spent among the cloud we descended over a swift running river in the midst of a primitive forejst. As nil re.-koi.ing had hern lust it was thought best lo eftWt a landing near the river. This was done at The tint opportunity, and waa followed by a live days' fast while extricating ourselves from the wiblwood tangle, liut "all's well that ends well. " We came out with great- ly improved appetites, gave thanks and ate our timt meal at a lumberman 'a ranch :> the Klainbeati Kiver. Sixty-live miles aliove I hlppeua Kails, U'ls. Sometin es. rather than disappoint an an iienie. the aeronaut makes a >me surpria- Here is an in- the matter. Right down into the woods the car weut, and through the tops of half a dozen trees, then the collapsing cord liad done us woik. The netting caught in Ihe branches, and the car fell by easy jerks to within a foot of the ground. Stepping out on terra firtna, I caught a piece of the torn balloon that came floating down, and, draw- ing it over my head, sal upon a slump lo wait till Hie rain was over There was lit- tle left of tin. balloon, but the man was just as good as ever. Another thunder-storm experience as- sumed a different form. The balloon did not pi-net rate the clouds, as in the former instance, but the effect came near being much more serious. The ascension was in i.le from Denver. An a rule, the thunder- "forms iherc are not very extensive, but at tunes they are ipt to Ix- quite vicious. Ihey aro mostly remnant" of .storms occurring in the mountains, and seem to be pretty regu- lar visitors on Summer afternoons. At least i hit was my experience, for, out of six ascension*, four bad more or leu to do with them. On this particular occasion I was accom- panied by a lady and gentleman. We rose 10 the height f a mile and a halt above llenver, and floated ofTaomesix miles before making a junction with the storm. I had no idea of entering, and had my hand nn the valve cord, when a collapse in the cloud country, which we had seen, askance the fog, took ita place. The drag-rope too seemed to trip merrily over the trees, re- sponsive to our own feeling, and at lant the balloon found a shelter, where it lay until daybreak. L'pon rising again it waa found thai a counter current had brought the bal- loon back to the mainland. A road was soon discovered and a landing effected near it; when we found ourselves to the Prov- ince of Quebec, near the Oulf of St. Law- rencefrom whose water* we had escaped and on the only road running through the wilderness. Il was a marvellous voyage from beginning to end. S. A. KIM;. t ii >i:i i A Barbar Cue -"Next!" Clothes may not make the man, but suit- make the lawyer. " \Vorkin 1 now, I'ete ?" " Naw, I'*-} doin' a job aroiin'de City Hall. " After all, the best amateur ac' >r is the one who pretends to really enjoy a piano recital. " Does she (hare her husband's bur- dens V "Yes Jack's load* are her chit- f trul." "The only way to prevent what's past,' said Mrs. Muldoon, "is to put a stop to it before it happens." " But, my dear, what has that old man to recommend himself aside from his riches *" " Heart disease." How oon the millennium would come if | the good things people intend to do to-mor- row were only done to-day ! Visitor " What a little bit of a thing your l<aby sister is !" Lulls Girl " Ycs'm it's a condensed milk baby." Korreafer " How time does fly." 1-an- caster "I don't blame ii. Think how uiany people are trying to kill it." " I am incliued to think,' said the pig, which had been taken in olT the pasture. " that ihe pen is far belter than the produced. sward " Kach sheet of the m.tp up to 60 s north latitude will embrace ', in each direction. , '' -" should a girl gel mad if you k is* | The more northern sheets will embrace 10 was not a loot of surplus surface. ! on longitude. Tne representation of the ; was, however, a parachute in the top ,' whole earth, including the tea, will require 1:1 I . HAP in I ;n WOMLK. A i-r.. t n. n. n ! in, ti all iii- Leadlas: VH.I..... , r . i.. Take l-.m At the Geographical Congress in Berne a year ago 1'rof. IVn. k pruposed the publica- tion of a map of the entire, world on a uni- form scale of one in 1,000,000 or shout 1C statute miles to the inch, the various na- tions to tako pan in the production of tne map. The proposition waa favorably enter- taiutxl, and a committee was appointed to take s'eps for its realization. The geog raphers of various nations, on the whole, have received the idea with favor and there close by u* no attenuated the air that our "'ems to be no duubt thai the map will be already overflowing hallo.. n was burst com- p'et.dy from top to bottom with the sudden strain. Matters looked serious : the air was far leas dense than at the sea level, and there There- of the net, and a rapid descent followed. Kallmg from such a height give u lime to prepare for the shock. My companions re her without asking her?' She "Not so mad a* if you asked her without kissing her?" !'.! of ihese sheets, while th* laud alone may be shown on 7<>!) sheets. It is proposed to give attention tophysi- iiiaiiied cool and followed my directions ctt ' d political features. Dr. Ravenstein. ilh t"""oP. Dnr willow basket was the Kugu.h map maker, .ay. the riven w.ll int'ly cluse calculations, stance : ( 'liarloaton, S (' ., was having a "gala day, ' and the balloon wai a prominent tcat'.irs. The weather waa lowering and MM .lids, three feet high, oval shaped, anil had '' '" '>'ue and the hilU in brown. Conuiur . -losely woven willow. 'j" el w-ill I* drawn at elevations of 10X1, SOW, Astride of ihiii, standing upon the upper ' - r> "" an 'l l'-&0 nr.tres and the areas enclosed e !:, we hrsced ourselvea as lien we could. Tin car met the hard ground of the prairie with such unddennes' that we rebounded and by them are to be tinted. It is expected thut sheet* which deal with coun'ries already topographically sur- were shot through the ropes to a diatance i vsyed will be engrave*! in copper. Tb of twelve or fifteen feet We had changed remaining sheets will probibly be litho- relative p<ieitions m mir rlight from the car, , uraphed. and muat I , I m the a t. The fear- I Th <;reenwieh meridian will be accepted l.i.t tl,,. , ..... ,,l, ,-re out I,v7h,; '"1 h'-k ..,! u,allt,, roll upon the for the entire mar . snd all altitude, a, o to the biiildm-. around ground in agony lor a while, but when wo be mai ked in metres. The orlicial upellmg .1..I. .. _., of all countries usiug the Utm alphabel is to be retained. Other alphaltet* ate to b-- translate.) in accordance with % syst -in to be agreed U|rau, while namss in unwritten languages will be spelled phonetically. It is estimated that the cost of an edition Washmif.on Park were a good protection were able to |iik it waa loun, from the wind, the intlati.ni of Ihe Ulloon . '-"'' *" l-roken, and a sprained wei.t on. It wan not half rilled when run i In fall ; still It seemed to make uo n. 'e In the low. I. nhl"ii .-0111111,1.1 t n i . Vent on ai-e.ing the ascension. 'I he < !.!.! wer Hying -iwaid at the rate of sixty mile* an hour, and .) .i'nc Island wut t'.ei.nly intervening land. 'I'., make nutters worse St. Michael's utecple slofid in the uy. jtist across the street, nnd the I. all. '. .n would have to nioinil swiftly to t . the inonieiil after it would diap p -ar uitlnii ihe c.. Mid veil, when pn-p.tr.i lions for a d-i"ent would he in outer, (tut ciMild il lie nii Ie in time lo catch the inland ? Tin, W.I tin Mi'ilneiiKilll i| m-tli)ll. 1 lie . nil"' tint It coll I I IK; dune. A W'.n.ieifnl leip from the ground and the tct| Ie wai cleared; then the valve wait opened w i.ir ; still upward and far int.. lound ibal not a arm, win. h fell to my lot, was the only damage done. M IK\ ' Fortune's favors partake of the marvelous at times. Kewr person* cugiu/anl of the liniiix of balloon endurance would thiiik It and tiut three bags of ballast could be kept alloat for thirteen hours and have half Ihe tin.) lelt, even thoiiga hu rsn life depended .l,,|l ln g. . heel w , (i , , , $ (1| . |int w J^J J^Ffi u p by the 1 the ..ccivaion an'l a drir/.ly September d*v the tune. No one would IIHM- surmised, fiutu the (tart a n Hie clouds, iml it did, neverthelesa. A de scent for reconnoiterm^ purposes an hour patrons. 1'rof. Ravenstein lays he sees nothing I't.ipian in the scheme. Difficulties may 1 "' -T- arise a. 10 the spelling of the names and the rl made by th.bal'ooi. .thai It would lake lnlr<(tlllc . Uo|1 , ^ 9 ln , r b the e,nl,al ortheast co,ir,e imnied.a ely on enterri^ ,,,,. ^ ^ Q{ afterward revealed ihe n^ p fact a uniform scale. that the While Watch in Mountains had crosed in the interim, t lie Ion. U daubed the balloon. hand I counted the minutes. flown More there w.it s halt in the bal- j that lbe"grat Maine and Canada wilderm -s lo.iii K irid career. Four, live the valve ' was before us. Il was a startling discovery. 1'hn-e bail : all vestige of civili/atinn lefl behind, aud Thr frrarSi In Dahentry. The pas', few davs have I. rough i rumors of the death of i 'id. bu.l.U, iuiniii.tii.lt r uf the Kirnch trixipi in Dahomey, of heavy rains "'I ' the si ill open. Six-th" . !..u.|spi,t ; the i,Und but we hsdmany adv. -ntuie. togeihei l*f..re. tht d 'y_ in lj ^" "P^ il . ion " y J" r ^' appears, with the -< i juni U-yond ; the and naturally determined tu mtke ihe best anchor drags in a mMi'ii field and the . situation. l.i[i-ii..' .. 1. 1 ti ps the lialhmn just in tune Ni^ht was upon us when ihe balloon I did not nun. I lli- pouring rain as I stood hovered over l.ake I'mbagng, ii|mn one of upon the shore, looking mil upon the briny the lunds of winch gl<- mmi some hunu-i dee|i and congratuUling myself thai tln-ie had hem no mistake. IV THK. Mll)r of \ Till MlKK.-T.inM. Of all imaginable balloon . >) i, ealbe ni"-.T lerrllic IS to be found ait lull the limits of ii violent thunder-!.. i m. I. ike iieisi others, 1 I ebete that a hallo'. n ..i.ilil easily rise above ii.h a trilling ihmg ss that ; M> one day when tin- good folkso! llurliiiglun, I i , tinned out and kis>ed thiir hands aud I'm t.ii d thi'ii bund IT binfs as my balloon rose in Ibe face of a tasl approaching Sturm. I was lint nl all culicel lied anlo the roll- frequences. camplire. rnfortunately U waa out ol our reach, and the best that could U< done was in the French al ihe town of ('anna, eight mile* from Abom-y, the capital. We do not know whether these reports are true, but it is certain that almost to the gates of A homey the r'n-nch have had a rapid in and brilliant success. King rWlian/inlorlifi four lines of defence, three on the Whetne to bring the balloon down lower ..- , hopes of m.ding i.lheia, The drag ropes , Klvrr ndone in ihe huiestretch ofcountiy trailed oer the Irees, until the balloon '-'<*"' the river and bis capital. Three of Iheselines fellcasily >nto the hand* of mvad- r wbose loss was small, while tbatinllicte.l, . .popped Iwlnnd a amli mountain, where it Hi .. i,..,. a | mr ,i. This WM an excellent op poituni'y tf> maku a landing, as the llluon upon the natives was severe. The Ama/"im, nnglil l niiK.ied lo the tries, and we nm'.d " r "m-'U fighters, have, as usual, displayed .lid,- down the r,,p... Hut what then ? ' the greatesi bravery and many uf them I hu little l*-kd ot prov iiions would have i scarcely a single day. It seemed like i . Iness to go further, and yet it was death \id to stop here. ,.,.' H...-. ' Half unr ballast was already then, could we h.,,, , get i of lightning showed plainly enough w In. t M w..- .Lining. Iliooii l.e, ,.- rtpparriii thai > .. .. , lUslien ' M1| o( , he ,. roat wildcraess with wlial re- n, lt WB Helcrn.incd to experiment with and by eking out the sand to have fallen, during their reckless charge*, almost al the muur.les of the French gun*. I anna, where the French are now report- ed lo be, derives a sacred character from the la.-t llial it contains ihe royal lombs, It is said that Hchanrin has been very ant The il. under growled, and d ,, _ ion n tin- ballofiii was ho', ml t . meet the st haif way and y, I u was rmr.g . f.,t that r^U->i"^"'* hopi'."f wVdi.rmiTbe' h 'w.-v.r, that il the French get posseM-on 11 ""' I sine I,, K o desr. Hut s h ,,v h( . %( . ,(,., . Bi f er |, ar |K,r muhl be reached. I "' ll "' 1 '""" ll W|U ' 'he signal for the How grudgingly the sand w.,, U.mwn-way, I "plte oollapse of iehanr.in s power, as and, in cnnstquence, how slowly the balloon lous to avoid a bat lie at (anna, for fear that i"'h an event would involve llie destruction ' tl> funeral mnnnmrut.. It i probable. the hi.'her clouds reached nvrr and tiu.k the hallo., n m out of "ight. The . biinlH tlnslied moinni!arily with . rum .11 tire nnd the Iblindei i I.. HIM wen ixinmillg like the can nun's roar. The barometer still nhowrd i". lei-iii,' iK'ight, lint I I.egun to feel nil- ia-y iiiid kept Inuking upward for a break in tin cloudH, uiilil al liii it began to grow lighter, kii.l I lliouglil that in a moment mute the balloun would bo souring high aliuve the dimmer. There was junt then an ominous stillness in the air, fidlnwid l.\ mi ip|. . thing exph.. sion tliat strenkcd thn cloud with blnnling elctMri ' til e, at d "iiat died t tie I ial loon a way at c.iiiin.n Uill speed slran^athat it was not I.. In In tla^lnen'M. Tin' nir Wn* rinilllli;, toswing, and tuning' it about like a leaf ; Mn I nig I lie . Hr (rum side to side so violently that ttieie n.uually MsMMd to be danger 01 itH being tin own clear over the balloon, and 1 hastily ciin.,'lit al u hanging rope and tied niVM'll in. To nd.l to thu misery nf Ihe -itu it inn, the " ' I . .1 at tin' M'l \ lir-t t.i ,.\ i i flowing, and uinlim ed pouring down ,n Mil. nn.K li|in.i mv held, I li.-bl the \nl\e open fun ntaiitly, I nt it -eenii .1 t.i h..\e m. nnl f.ii awhile mili.h-ixl HIII seenie.l al iniizl .1 I I I'll. 1 I. .111 the n.nlnelil nf the liral ' i ne theru won in. n -pite : one explosion lulloHi d aunt In r in rapid ,'. .'.ion ; e\ ei \ nn. t... nl ii,. e'. 'i.c ll..ida .1 u ' IIIL; hilhei and 'lilt her, Hhilee.'ii|ie fioir tire wit h "n.-b . li-idy ..f llilliiniui.ihh gii.. .i eiiied impnifihle. All el!., rt. to escape pi ...I'rl iruitli -", until n nil. -|. 111 of the ci. nnl i. . "in'. I Unme Uate- Iv lAeiheiid, wliru tin- inrritnt of rain car i ' I thu hallo. .n down with it. A h . ' i i "i - IM :l. \ IK\T. I ' lion to the earth wns u ilisluii. i nl twi inilcn. llniu^h / Ibe l.alli'on i.wi'1 i >toim kboTt, htn I!,,. HIM lose to the clouds ; but above all with what ne " ow " eta "" hli ll ' rone cll " !ll > '> Vlrt .Ion 1 in w hilt lines all about mo wan the only apparent movement during thcdi It wan a restful! lull after the fuuhttnl , ,.,, fnsu.M, but 1 k.iew there was inoie to . ..nn A raging ten. pent in m.t il,e Lvmlt-m oon dnctiir to a enfe hailnu, si. i . loud< I a aigln met my eye thnt waa n..; ,,i I W'.i pit. I IIU' | ell II.. 11 Hit,. a fuieit thai wai thn-l.nig wildly in th, ' wind and r.un. 'li.wr *+> UO I. iluu^iiul II..1.-- l-lun ah^ul of the religions prestige he en joys. Abomey, astonishment we saw it halt in us *-ent. ''"""ver, i. said to be itrongly fortified, ..! ...utenlto remain in company witi, '"'"' ll v111 * *** '"rne*!. as nearl> clouds. contir.ue, poised, hourafi.-r hour, al ****** lnl 'O'ti'ss. itant height. There waa no overflow- ing |jaj, nomoiu waste of (-and and we knew ill <t we weie (lying o\er tl.e u-icat wood* with the velocity of the ac.-oinpanying -'..i ir. Su Ml. . I hi. Mere oil I ale At one uf the largrel shipping niliccs, as must ol the clerks I etnle in distaut suliurbs, h a marvellous feat was this, > . | says an Kn^lith paper, a certain amount of fat outdoing any previous experience, thai grace, in nll.>\ved them fur arnviug in the inv luiiirtde in. it- than once expressed the 1*1'. f that a supernitural power was s|>eci- ally aiding u*. \\iiS II V WAITING. - houra bad been passed over the inky bay after leaving our m. nut. mi shelter, w hen Ihe warning sound of breakers reach cd our cars, even while we Ii began lo die invny in lh distance, leaving the awelliiig tea as our only irfuge. lugL'ing at the valve mined the balloon downward and just then wo rejoiced in Ihe possession of a ding tf|. ulnh |t. .iti\ tnroilgh the water. murniiig. They are. however, required to explain on a list specially provided for Ihe purpose thu cause of their iinpunclualiljr. The lii -t to make hi* appearance always h . ii. nit with the words. "Train late," " HIII tn.i-."< down." or as the i-e may I"-. and to thin the other clerks invariably say. A new dread WM upon in., foi "Ditto." So a.- -nitonied have ihey become Blintene.1 ;l, tf .mnd of the ,n I '" ll ' formal procedure that they hardly hin^ high and dry a'mve the heard leaving thi' cor i\ 1 1. All In pc was nut I., i, l::id as was tin- jn.iipect, but ;i md id In. tit, n on the land, even though it should Imve been in nnd-wilderuesB would have been letter appleeiatcd. Thrni weie n.. legrrts, I n i e. er, at the coiirto pin sued, and we wait id |. nn ntly fin the ne .1 tuin, whatevi i n nn^bt he. The rope's length allowed the car to float cm a level with n gray lug that ho\er.-d I... i the water. Leaning over the edge nf the Cfcr, with heavy eyes we tried to keep watch but frequently fell aaleep in spite of ih" I In i it. mi; ; 1,1111.111111. Mow far the balloon would drift out t.i ma before day Inr t wa nil nuiici'tnic. n-nl we (rid tioidea i.f tinding relief I.elure seeini.' human beingn or being Kepn by Hum. lint auddenly, above Ihe ti . j fog, a nai row black lino ap- peared, Which tun ati n. . I In lilt r.'ept t llO i ever take the trouble to see what excuse heads thu list ; this is just where the joke IU. I he other morning the Hist airival con scicntiously pencilled in the words, "Wile ill twin*," and, to the utter am i/ement of the chief, thil extraordinary explanation was promptly "dittoed" all the way down. Nor was his astonishment diminished when he discovered the office boy s name includ- ed. It will lie n lon^ time before the clerks hear the last of those twins. balloon. It pii'/led us greatly for, while it almotl Hi'h n teach, it mil kept nway ; >et n .n gr.,w ing i.ler ei.iy m.. mint, till at last ill naiuic became appar rat, Then thn gi iv mixt slipped away from .ill our led and luo black wooded The ugricultural nituntion inllreat Brit- ain shows no improvement. In the last mue of Ihe Mark l.ane Kipreis, Sir -lolin l.awni, a noted authority, (Climates the British wheat harvest at 7, 4'-'S,4s:< quarters, one of the lowest ever published. The price of Knglish wheat is slightly ii. favor of the seller in the provinces, but has ceased to be ao in London owing to the fid that the pressure of the ch.ef foreign wheat and the increased qilan Uiy in transit from both N'urth and South America have discouraged holders Mid caus- ed an increased readiness to sell. The best PIICI'H in London are .Sis. for California, 34s. hi tor Oregon and S3s. for Duluth. The re- ceipt* of foreign wheat inae the harvest havu been at a rate which, if continued for a year, would etceed tiie ie<|uiivineuts by 4,.~>UU,IHXl quarters. i Among the most blessed of all the con- trivances of Nature is that which prevsut* a man Irum being disturbed by hi* own snoring. Milkman" It's very strange. The milk ii genuine, so is the water : but a* soon ss you mix 'em tiiey charge you vvitb adul- tery " " I hope you will like my friend," he said. " ne is a versatile fellow. ' " I know I shall," ihe replied; "I limply anore ' poets. '* ' Named your boy John alter yourself, Mr. BarroT" " No. Mrs. Thoroeon. We have named him James after a prolonged family row." There is a young man ir Toronto so care- ful that in calling he si ways knocks for fear il he came with a ring she might, consider it a proposal. If the little consciences of some men can make coward* ot them, think how a wild broom with a mad woman behind it mual make them quake. She 'at the art exposition* " What ir the title of that p.. lure of a boy being spanked by Ins mother T" He "I would call it ' Whaling in Lapland. ' " Mr*. Hicks " What possessed Columbus to go Bailing alwut trying to rind a new 1 wurld ?" Hicks" 1 don't know ; U seom* be waan'l aclually a married man. " " Sue " So ihe Bishop baa made Cholly Dudekin and Mai el man and wife '" He "\\eli, Maitel is certainly Mrs. Oudekio, but 1 see no chance in Cholly." P., inks- " 1 hear the cabmen are going to strike for shorter l.ourn. ' Miuks (who sumelimes ride*. " W hy, goodness me, lhir hours are not over forty minutes lung now." Maud" Now, when I am asked to sing, I never ssy 'Ob, 1 cau't :' but I always sit right down at the piano.' Mamie "I presume yuu let the audience find that out fur theinselveaT" I'r'inella " l)o you let your beaus Hirt wuh other girls?" I'nacilla "Oh, yes, un- less they sre good looking. I saw you and Jack together last night, bill, aii I toM him ibis morning, 1 didn't mind." Little Boy (with a bad tooth and a swol- len face) "Oh, dear! I wish I was grandpa, orslse the baby." Mother" Why ?" Little. Buy " (irandpa'a teeth ar* all gone and baby 'a hasn't come y*L" "Young man "Tommy, do you think your father is plea-ied with me?" Tommy "No, be thinks you are too long. He told sis lhal he was going lo lei you down se.eial irches' the next time you called." Mr. Fargone "Oh, doctor, 1 would give half I'm woilh if you could only tell what is th* matter with inc." 1 >octor " My good man, don t worry about that. I shall make a poat -mortem examination." Williamson "! hear Jagman was so drunk last night that several of you fellow* bad to take him home on a shutter. Did his wife think he was dad ?'' Henderson " She- must have. She was certainly laying him out wli'-n we left. Jnnson " 1 tell yon wbal il is, old boy. You ought to see Dr. Cnreall about your case." Si.-k Fiieiid "To b* frank wuh you, I am a 1't tie, afraid of doctors. " .limson " Oh, you needn't h afraid of Cureall ; he isn't a regular doctor." " llridtiet," said Mr*. Hardcastle to her new maid-of all work, "there i* a basketful uf clothes in the.-lo-.el which you musl soak early in the morning." " Soaked, is it ? In- dade, mum. ef it is in sich straitened cir- cumstances thot you be. it's a mighty schlim show that 1 huv fur me wges, so Oi'll bid you gnde bye ma m." In a " Review of the Trade of India in ^H J," published by the Finance and I 'uni iiei.'i' Department of the (lovernment of India, Mr. .1. K. Oi'onnor, ('. I K., pro- n. Mini es a eulogy on whisky, rejoicing over the increase of its consumption by Anglo- India. Says Mr. O'Connor : "The Meady mid oiitiiiuo'.i* increase of whisky is dne to its own merits. 1 1 is n clean liquid which makes a H.M..I comhiuation with iced soda- water ; it is cheap, and goes a long way with poor and sober men.' A laudation ot' thin character by a (iovermncnt othcial i* somewhat out of place. Nolwilhstanding, il i* quite true that whisky drinking i* I'lnu niDUHly on the increase in India. Some alarm has Iwon cause.1 in I'.ngUn.l by ihe reporlcd death from pleuro-pueu- inoniu of a Canadian cow on a Scot 'h farm in Kitenhire.. The cow reached l>und- e at the end of September. The Hoard of Agri- culture has ordered the slaughter of a hun- dred animals within the aret of possible contagion, but (he order has been suspend- ed. The case is undergoing further im;j:ry, and a final d.viMoii has nut ycl been reach**). This Incident, coupled with the pleuro-f ncu- moniacasein.hel'nited Statescaltlc,is>pcci- ally unlucky at the preaent juncture. How- ever, there is ample reason for believing that the conclusion that the cow had thedrea led disease wss arrived at a little too hastilj. The animal probably had nothing moraier- ions than what is known to cattle shipper* as "Canadian lung,' a kind of pleurisy aris- ing ft. nn a cold that is no more coiitagtuu* ui infectious than a broken linger.

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