Flesherton Advance, 17 Nov 1892, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." VOL. XII., NO 592 FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1892. W. H. TEURSTOff, E01 P T B C 7 Right now we are ready with an immense assortment of Christmas gifts. TLe presents you want at the prices you like are all inhaled in our splendid hn p of Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Diamonds, Silverware, Novelties, etc. \Veofferagreit variety of appropriate presents for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Ve can supply a suitable ;,'ifv for old or yqnng at any price you may desire to expend. Oar elegant holid.iy stock is full of new novelties and pleasing attractions. \Ve are glad to welcome visitors, pleased to show our yoods and ready to make clo.se prices to all. ARMSTRONG BROS I (.,.:. U. - 30 DAYS - AT COST - For tli next 30 days I will sell Felt Boots, L.>i'x' Li-atlicr B./..UI, Persian Lamb C'api, Cloth Caps, Ladies Furs. Mantis Cloths, aud all winter K'md* at cost. As I do nut intend .oiitinuinu these lines you can depend on bargains. The store -MI thu hil cannot be hid. W. W. TRIMBLE, Fall and "Winter Slock is now complete with erer\ con- ccii-able line <<f Mm's, Women's and Youths 1 wear. Boots and Shoes. \\e Imvo for men ami boys full lini-s i,i Ameri- can llulik-rs direct fmm New York, witii S.ix fr>r every size ; also a new thing in whole stock grain leather. Just the tiling for the woods, the frost won't ciack or snag cnt. Call and sco them. Loug boots in kip. whole stock and split. For ladies wiu- ter wear we hare tin felt boot, the felt lined boots aud all sizes of overshoes, robbers and common leather wear, also good assortment for womeu aud children. OVERCOATS and CAPS. We can't say much about these is every man has bis own opinion as to what he wants, still if you are in need of a coat or cap von will find from in- spection that we havo the right goods at equally low prices. For ordered clothing we have a large as- sortment of tweeds, worsteds, overcoating and trowstnnga. We hain't space to mention all the departments Reperati !y- only to mention a few lead- ing linen: I'mlerwear.Flauiiels, Flannelettes, Shirt- ingn, Cottonades, Cottons, Blankets, Dress Goods and Trimmings, Winceys, Shawls and squares. If yon want to buy we can supply you. It you only wish to look around give us a call and we will bo pleased to show you through. Don't forget the place, 'I'lio Store on the Hill. B. G. EVANS. From our own Corrttpondent. A gloom was cast over this neigh- borhood on Saturday last, when it be- came generally known that Miss J> nine (iilray had died quite suddenly the day before, at Thiaileton. Miss \ (iilray, who taught the public school at the aforenamed place, retired iu her usual health on Thursday night, ; but on Friday morning she did not arise at the usual hour and some ' member of the family where she was boarding went to learn the cause, and found her unconscious. \. doctor was > immediately sent for, but his skill was 1 of no avail, and tho unfortunate I lady died about 1 o'clock the same day. Cause of death apoplexy. Her friends were telegraphed for. ami ln.r body was brought houie Saturday, and on Snuday a good number fol- lowed her remains to Thornbun cemetery, where they were laid away to await the final resurrection. The parents and fnonis have the sympathy of the entire community in tli. Mr sad jiiJ sudden bereavement. ; Mr Chas. Devit left on Saturday for Ciwtwi iht to attend the funeral 1 of his ni"' Mrs. Shore, who Las been quite ill, is recoverint,'. Rev Akx. ( lilray attended the funeral of hu sister on Sun-lay. Flrshrrton Station. By ii-ir l.'jmrl'T. Miss Frank Stewart, of Dundalk, spent Sunday visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mark tNiowlou, of Guelph. spent a few day's visiting Mt A!>-\. SU'wail on the hills. -. \Ii-i iill and Urooks ;oik an ain: - : .y last.and drove west- Ion t known how far. Mr. 11 I'. I.i- rule ia to be found for ten hours i.ich day at his post at t-.. mill, which he h.n lilted up iu fine stvle. We had the pleasure of i.- shown through '.he mill one day . aud found >\ i\ ;,:u,; neat aud iu order. A li^ht ?kift of snow fell last week, which wa.i veiy Weil used. It was worn away by so much driving. 1' mean .Mint- ^ot on the hurricane deck uf a puiri'f u.ibsli i^li* in i .-.lart- diiiw nawlogs. Say, it must be (.>ini:'_- luoitly when he got such a ntrti- on fi>r las luiuuer. If o.we will be on hai'.l to help him through " if he ask? us." There was an attempt made to stay the progress of tho Fulrons of I:iiiii:!t:-y in this town by forbi.i them tin.- use of the school or Or Hall. Anyone a child" can lock a door and put tho key in their pocket, knowing it is agiiir \ tu bnal> k or litle a pecket, heuce the iiici-i s> i if ilits party. The Patrons ain't to be beaten so easily, but have made arran^itients with M J s Mcfhai. for the use uf her house. ai:J will in. there weekly from tins forward. Fat rons are built of persevering ma: and don't intend to be bau'kcd by a shadow. This qm-^iion will receive due considerati jii in the near future. Wo have been mforuiod by S.mi- that in the still, silent watehes ol about the ji\th hoot Salii'duy night last, a travelling saloon was seeu to wend its way westward, and upon reaching a place where provis- ions were sold, canned salmon, etc., was added to the larder. 1'ic-ine - aud camping parties are rather out of season aud judging from the weary looks of the "big four" on their re- turn they must have found it so. Tin- next lime they go they might ask a few more along to have some fun with them. -O Itch on human mid all animals oun-.i in 30 minutes by >Volf<.rd'a Sanitary Lotmu. Warranted by Richardson it Cu. I .ul > Bank From ONI- own <'i>rmpoulent. Threshing is pretty well over at Lady Dank. Iiikstvr. Osbome and Heron have not aoliit-ve 1 iiny, iiiny like the phenomonal s|>eed IY t.-n iu yo-.u- last ise'ic, but have general satisfaction. The turn out ia also over an average iu oats, peas are not so good as usual, tall wheat is a pretty fair yield, potatoes are not HO AT plentiful as hist year and some are rotting considerably. You have two references in your paper to the Patrons of Industry, one seems to think them dead or dying, the other that they will make the You storekeepers pull long faces. I think from all I have been able to find oat of all the about them that both these object* | are wide of their purpose. Not far J'O U Wm from here {bar lodges are organized. ! The -platform " as expounded by Mr. , vantage C. J. LEITCH'S will find 3. full Ime latest woollens, and find it to your a.d- to purchase your Tailor's ing numbers of the patrons in tins and other parts of Grey and the province seems to point to the future growth of better politics and less parly ism*. The sneers of some and indifference and even opposition of others will not ' slay its growth. It is to begin where ' tin. grange Linli.il and l'-arn wisdom from ita shortcoming. The d- -in- to be nrgaui/.i.-d is -('in-' i:u:iifi- '. and the platform of the patrons can be v. tit ned as the n< i >i limy an.-. It is intensly political no 'loubt.bul neither ,'iit nor tory, but is intended to vin- I dicate the rights of labor m and out Acts direct )y OD parliament and band together the farmer and the laborer. YSPEPTOS YS PERSIA THIS I'KKl'AIl K IK- ii mat io in furt* 1 in ;i ila> . - American Kuruuiatic Cun- lr K!it*umati9iu and Noutal^i.i radii-. illy ciire-j 111 1 to 3 days. Its action u|>n i llm SJHUMU is rtu)irkal*lw and mynterinus. It ruiuovos at once the cause and the , JisvaiMi iiniuethaiely disappears. Tlit- lint duM uiwttly benutiu. 7"> cents, by Kictisnimiu & Co. Ami ii'vmotm tho bealtlijr tition : llwr Mil Hi i 1 l-l ll, For Sale by all Druggist 3 AID Whoisale br LOB DOS Ok O C Co.. Londoa. Out Farewell Coruer, From our own I'.-rrttpundent. weatUer ludicaU-s that winter 'louc.iin^. Although the snow i& not very dei ily has been ii) ing uj have UK- ii i ide. M..M Kate Cald'-r u now visiting her ui-iitr and 'f this> [ , Mrs. Ji'souij Su-piit usou lias 10- turued home after Bending a . Mrs. Huuei i.,'i Mrs. lijjpi'r. M . \Vm. W.nsoa celebrated his daughter's, Dowuiu Whu.uoie's.oirth- utll a l;i''-_;<: I'.n'iy. Everyoui seemed to enjoy themselves. Mis. Laii .. .-i.o- v. i - \;-iling her daughter. Mii. HUM- ;n, laal .Uiis MV,IU \Viuuore and Miss Kinuiii Hell are pr..'patiu(j to go to Toronto foi- the winter. Mr. Wm. I5otlil.il w:w visiting at tue corner lie !>;. Jug and Mi. L'eter Watsoa had a barn ric- in^ ami t.-vui -yuue MfUied to take an iiitt'L-ettL iu t.n; work, for it went to- r in Ihst class style. They had a party in the evening with daucing and music. Quite a number of people thi.ik thai we are not going to nave winti r tor a while, for tiioy s-f-v a blue bird. AiiM Eh/a ^ "i L>urham. has beeu visiting i.-.i -i-'cr Ada, aud Miss .Susie Mi.- Kin noil. Mr. Hector L^uiont has returned houie a^iim and is looking as healthy aud bright as c\er. We expect Mi. Dau McKinnon home 1'ioiu liio Njrthwedt soiu time soon UELLAMY.-On No*.'J.ll<M.Mn. W J. Italia my at >ou. Mr Jaincs Henderson met with a very painful accident at Mr. William Rreoaa'a tliruahilitt last MnuJ.iy. Ha was stand- ing with Ilis dun rralinif upun thu loir- i-r li.nl "f thu bam door while SIDO li.x 111^ < buiiix d>ine t tlio uitchine, uu while in that positinii tli heavy straw carriure full upon his head, the blow knocked Ilis chin off the door top and bnmglit Im ti'>te Jown upon it with su ii f->rc aa tti s;>ht it from iu face. Tli> cartdi^o of the n<>se i.t destrvyud ami the wound will (Jnfi,Mir liiui f,,r life. Hi* head w*s oihorwwo cut and severely bruised xnd it will be some time l)i-fnr he can resume work. [f'Uatswort'i News. T\ . J. )STM \ . iumiM.ri.n- ai in 13. R. Con feyuuerr. Appraiser aii'l M n>- 1 Ursl I'..-t:i:i- HUM Iiiumii<-i- '. t ! . WiIU drawn up and V*lnutiii- ^p .ABC- t.oii >.! allfuilol t in f !). i.'uuiity. .l.iui-y U< l"n r .. . -i ties of iulrl. l. !.. .IIH HI-. J-..--.I to xiih i)runpiiii-i*a HII>! <!e<pntcij. Chatr^C'tt li>w. A|tl.l ("I r I "111:11 i Cheap :ir'..-l- fi"m H.ln ri' : iltti{ow. I.i'iia- It i.r HUT n' tll^ Triti'tj irt. . ...| i ,l : i. l : t. I.M Soutlaud .r l.-vlaiul, "ill pli>a* nk rlH l ^k*- torc pi rcb'umg their tieketi uliewtiers. Ayer'sPiKie. Are better known and more j,-e;Ki - ally u^ed thiin my oihtrt.it!' Su^ar-vX'.itetl, purely and free from mercury or injurious drug 1 , thi family medicine. T!i.Mi',-!i ; and energetic in their a.i.-.-n, tho use of the pills is atU-niL -J wiiii only the best results. Thcir is to strei't^thcn and rejfiilate ll>t' organic fuoCtioaSi bci:'.^ tsf bfiit-lifi.il in the various dvirnn^.- nients of the stomach, live' bowels. Ayer's Pi933 are recommended b - iJin.r physicians, and drv. mo>t prompt and cftcctive remedy for biliousness, nausea, cost; 1 . t- ne--N. i, [digestion, sluj^tjishness of the liver, jaundice, drowsing-, pnin in the side, and sick headache; aNo, to relieve cokls, f.-vcrs, neu- ralgia, and rheumatism. They are taken with great benefit in chills and the ili^t-ascs peculiar to the Spilth. For travelers, whether by land or .e.t, Ayer's Pi Els are the best, and should nover be omitted in the outfit. To preserve their medicinal integrity in all climates, they are put up in bot'.it--; as well as boxes, " I have used Ayer's Pills In my family for several years, and always found them to be a mild and t-\ i - lent purgative, having a goo.l effect on the liver. It is the Iv t pill used." Frank Spillman, Sul- phur, Ky. Prapuwl by Dr. I. C. Ajwr & Co., Lowrll. MSM. .s. J by all Drutfgi*t e,cr>-h;ra. Every Doss

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