THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE if 3Viirace u i-i in ii.ii> i. Every 2hursdaj' rHOkt THK lifl H' Mrnhnui SI.. 1 1, sh. n.-n. Out. Terms of Subscription : Ma p.<r annum wht-n |.ai.l >tt i.-tlv In Advance 1.SO IMT annum when not ao paid Advcitisintf Kates: i Column. 1 year, SAO ; half col , 1 ye uuartcr col out year. *15. til Cranilent advertleemeiit charged at the rate M HcuuU pT liin-fur flrnt in-i'rtion and 3 cviiti hiih^- JN. nt insrition. H. II TH I UNION, Editor and Proprieto THE AMI- U1CAN ELECTION. Our statemcut last week tliatCle/e- luinl had rwi-|it thfl country has, by lait i ill si>atclicB, been more than ver- ified. His vie lory at the polls Las 1 1 < ii quite as decided as was that of tlie lait Conservative victory in this country. This will give all Canadi- us, irrc8{icctivo uf party, a tingling sensation uf joy. Not that we may look for important favors from Mr. I'll -vfland's administration, bat his policy has been one of a uiore concili- atory nature than that of Harrison. It will please the Conservative party. because tlu-y felt tl.ut Mr. Harrison was playing into the hands of Can- ada's eueuiies and following the ad- vice of traitor epics who guided the operations from Toronto and directed where the blows Hhould be aimed. It will also gratify all fair-minded Re- formers who care an atom for tbo wt-lfate of tin ir country, and those of a deeper political stripe will be pleased imply because of Mr. Cleveland's more mode-rate fiscal policy. ^lu> Aether Canadian*, although they nave no direct iuten-bt at stake, will rejoice as a man at the ovi-rthruw of oue who has dealt so unfairly with them. Iu this connection in-ty wo not hazard an. opinion upon tho result \\lnch Las not yd been noted : \Ve aio told (lint dining Bt-vcral years I j. t thousands of Canadians Lavo made thuir Louies iu tho northern uiul westcru states and become citi- Keus of the republic. May it not be that the lingering sympathios of these have acted us a k-ayen in tho ovtr throw ol the Republican party ? The great upheaval has been in thcso northern and western states, where t-x Canadians are numerous and Ca- nadian ami Aim lican int. n >u com- paratively parallel. If this be tho case Canada is xafu from the infliction of grievous harm by any admijmtra- tion wiiiuh may in future control the UiuMiiry bi'iiches to tho south of u. and thu exodus riforred to may be it-warded as not altogether void of guud ivbtilt.s. The (ilobo clips with applause from a Philadelphia paper an item which eays : "llcspori.siblo journalism does not bluff or deceive." The Globe .should (stereotype that sentiment and hi i p it standing at head of the editor- ial column, until next general election, 00 that it may not forgot itself as Inn tofore. The (ilnliii knows what sliat tered Lopes and unmasked binding if by many a bitu-r r\p< rience. i S|i\ in LiniiiiPiit niinovoH nl! l.nnl, mifl nr callnuiutl Lump* and Kli'iuiilliel fiuiii liiirica, I'loutl S|.,iMn, Cnrl'x, S|i!intH, King Itone, S> Mil1i-h,S|irnini, Sore niu> Swullon Tlirniil, I iiuvhii, iii- #..ii liy une nf ii li-.illi'. \\itrriiiili-d llio molt wonil.iin I;|.-IMIM)I Ciui' i-vir kimwii. Wurrnhtuil \'j Kiclianlniiii A Cn. Vitprry <'oiinril. Or jin T council met in tho Orangn Hull at Binfhampton on Oct. -. Itli lust, im inlii-iM all present, recvr in l.iiir, tiiiiiiiu H of last meeting read unil ttigiifd. ('iiinin:inicatiooi \\i n 1 1 ml fmiii John Paul, bill of f 12, cnf- tin mid fuiii i nl i \|M HTM fur \Vm (in i n. Council cnnsiili rud thin bill excis.siMi IIIK! tciidi-nil Mr. I'unl l^.i '<) nr a full M t tli iiii-nt ; fmiu itobeit lit ally, iiiili^'i-nt, asking aid. A petition wax pieM-nlnl liy Mr. Allan I't II, bigu.d hy a number of rate- payers on con. 14, asking council to repair townlino of Collinxwood and Osprey, opjxisite lots 85 and 87. The comruisttioiifr of l)iv. No. 4 was in- structed '.ii write to the commissioner of Collingwood regarding repairing the sumo ; from Tims. Utephens, inspector of trees, report for 1H!(2 and bill of |10 for sen-ices ; from Samuel Taylor, assessor, bill 18, fees and mileage, equalizing union school sec- tion'. Hy-law No. 801 authorizing the Treasurer to pay county rate and school moneys for 1802. received its several readings and became law. Orders were issued on the Treas .r- t-r to |my as follows . Thos. Stephens, 10, inspecting trees ; Kamuel Tay- lor, 18, equali/ing union school sec- tions ; the Clerk, 16, and the Reeve and Assessor, $4 each, Relucting jur- ors for 1898 ; J. Paul, JH.colriu and funeral expenses for \V'ni. Green ; I'.i iitiv, indigent, 2 ; the reeve, |6, expenses re Thorubuy bridge ; the C"eik, $8, preparing statement for arbitrators, re Thornbury biidge. Council adjonrnrd to meet at I'Vveishum on December 15th uext. I er-hiiiii. From OMI men Cvrrri#ttuknt. Day is past. Our miller took iu tho sights of Kimberly H ml Jack the Boy tho concert at Fleslu-i ton. Mis? May Hale ii visiting friends in Floshcrton. Mr. John lirown was visiting bis pii ntx here a few days lust week. F. C. I'.mei! n in Toronto this week adding largely to his already large stock. C:ipt. T. Comes is visiting friends in Ki-vershnin. Mrs. W. Colquett has become a fiti/.i-n uf our town. Wo would wel- come her, and also draw the attention of BOUIO of llio men who own coiner lots to tht fact that there is not a vacant house in town. Come now, . put up some neat, comfortable H, and you will make a good iu- VI t UK-lit. Our worthy Mayor got mad one night last week and picked up his grip and inarched off with a look of disgust mi Ins H. unly phiz. Oh, Ted, come back. Mr. H. Milligau is selling out. Wo nlerHtaiiil-Jie is going to Manitoba. Thanksgiving day was not observed In re. There was no service in the church, not even the army drum was In ml, und a great many people came to the mill, stores and black, mith . There should be some mis- sionaries sent out into thin country. Mmforri ttoiul, our oim I'urrmjnmilent. We had visit from Organizer Alexander and County {Secretary I'at- t-iii Romu time ago with the object of infusing new life into thu 1'atrjus here. An old gentleman of venerable up- |i.'i..-uire, acting as a sort of mission- ary, was here some time ago dis- tributing papers on secular thought science. Ho Paid that he wanted to leuve tliem with men of g wil liberal principals. Snow and winter last week, lots uf 'IN- I !ni week. I 1 .. nl weather 1'. r uking m roots. Potatoes nearly all iMlten. Mr. John Paul, of Yeovillc, has been engaged U till tho teacher's chair which will be vacated by tlie present occupant, Mr. Wickhaiu, at the end of the present school year. Messrs. W. J. Holly and S. (iil,ert have launched out into the butcher- ing business. Messrs T.IIutcliinson and D.Walk- er aii ai-"iiiiil winding up the thresh- ing business for this season. Mi. lllair has paid us his annual visit ^iithei iiifj up the dimes for our township f;ii lu-is. - 1 1 ^ ' - Whnt U l..u.h ml / \ .liinaminf th aoalli tlint rainuiit fnlllnu nf the hair, U.ln . of in lait ilnntli uf tin. hair. It ii i nut. ., thi- -.ut|i anil rauaa Moalva r.iu.ili, i-iu|iliini niniliu-i'H lialilnena Hi'iti in niiii.l that Anti liainliiirr roiiinven Ihin.lrnir wltli tluou |i|illi-iltluim ntup falling In] fuilllif; hit. i to Its iill^iluil oolol. iy druKKliita at 75 ra<lit>|iii|- bultlu. The Markets. < arrtull) orn-< lxl Karh Week. Kail Wheat HprliiK Whoat Hailey nan lli.rt.T I-.I;KI>. friiali. bafj Fork Hav i>r to I SiK>'|>sallia (il'l'^l' I Tnrkev* ( Im kona |.i-i pair I k p. I |iali am At id IK Ii HI ml :< IHI DO 8 U 40 10 til to to to to lo til to III to to to tn to to to to to * .1 :to M (U 40 a IH Hi :> r. m n i K no l A N M) It JUDICIAL SALE OK Valuable Farm Property In the Township of O*pr).lu the t'ountv "l (.rry. In the High Court of Justice, Chan- cery Division, re Saigbon, tiaiguou va Sugeon. Purauaot to tlie judgment for partition nr ftalu n Hie above KIM..M. Ii, aiiiu: .Uti- the 15th day of January, All , IdUS, and t ler for Halu uiade iu aald action, tbure wilt In- old by I'ltliliu Auction, with the approbation f Alfred Frost, Bn<|nlru, l,o.-l Ua-ti r ,,l tint 'oni t at (Iw.'li hound. by A. S \ aii'liii-ii,l-.-.j-iiri-. Auctioner, at UuliMhaw'a hotel. In the villain of K III-IKH t. Hi. In tli" i .unit . of ()ry, on day. thu -Jaili day of November, A.I). DWJ. . i i-lock in thu aftoruoon.tll* followtuK laud* ami iti-iuiMvii, namely All and (.insular Hint t-t-i- .am part-el or tract of land ainl iirfluinvH. ait- late, lyillK ami |.--ii. in tliu TowiiNhip cf Japrey. in tdt- County of (in-y. and |NJ|II p.i-od of thu w.;t part of lot iiuiulmr twelve In ;lio *lith conceion of the aaid Towualnp nl Juproy, and mntaiiiinK liy aduieaaureuieut :lfty aore*. be the aaiiij more or i The aalil pruniiea are altuatv luilm-iliati I) a IjuluiilK the -mi. I village of MalwHl.nml about nine niilea from the village of Flwliurfcm. About tbirty five acre* of *ald land* are cluart'd, ai. 1 tli rt-maindur fairly tin,b< ii I with inncd liardwood. The boil of the laud cleared 1* a clay loam. The aaid IT. mi-..-* will be aold anbjoct to th* dower of AIIIM-* tberelu, ami nubjoct to rewrve bid. Axed by aaid l-ocal Ua^t.-r Hhould thi< pnrr.',a-iT inakn any ulijnctlon to Lbe till* which the vendor ii unalili- or uliwill- ; to remove, the Vendor ihall be at libiTtv to reacllld tin. i-'iliait ami n-tulli tile .It poait > without mtereat, coat* or further com- IHinaation. Tbe Teudor iliall not be bound to produce ai.y abstract nilx r than the roglatrar'a ah atract, nor any dee.U, docuinenta or niuiiinieuta .r till'- nth. r thun tli.iau In hi* pourtnioii The further inuditlomi of laid aale are tb itamlinu conditions of thia Couit. TKUMs Tfii i" r n-nt of tli* purchaae muni-y to ! |>.ti I to tint Vendor or hlaaolicltor* it tin' ii ttl.fnalB and thu balance to be paid llltu Com! t,. Hi.' i ii- lit ' if tliu ranan wilb- n !l.nt> daya thereafter, without Ini- further particular! apply to ltea*r*. \\ i i.-ht it l.iii'l.n) . Karrlatera. Uwen Kouii I . 1 It l.iica. Kaii , HarrUtor, Mnrkdal Hilnt)ir.Y (llivut, llamli Metara. Creaaor Sound. Uatod the Situ day of October. A H . l- M M.I HKI) rllilST. I,.>cal kfaitvr at Owen Kouu.l. WKIIIBT .1- I.IMHAY. Vendor'* Solicitor*. JnoU le ; Meatra ucmorr. and A hmith, llarrutera, Owc-n AUCTION SALE OF VihableTinhraDl Faming laois, IS THE - TOWXMIIII' OF AKTF.MKSli. n I.T and I'v Tirtn* of th* )>owor of aal In a <vitain ini-rt;ai.'ii from Jann" i HIIH..-I an tothv Veoiloia, wliii-li will lr |>rtxluct<<l at t; aale. anil on .lifk'Jt IH-II-K ninil.i in tin- pav- i.ii-iit i.f ttn- iiiuncya thereliy Kftir(*'i. tliMi!l In. .illi n I ("I -nl" I'V I'lllillr Allrtlnll. I'. A,S Vnn lui ii. Aui-iioiifvr. at Ucl.i-an' llnti-1. in tin. ii!lri;.. nf I'n.t.iii Station, on Turxlav. tha ii -. .,f Ni.viiiiiiiT. 1*2. at 9 o'clock ,tho followini; l'i.i|i..rtv. : Lot niMiilitirn 'M. .'i .mil *'. in thu third i-iiiu-i'**tli>ii ,| tin Ii iiliitni Km. I. HI llio Townnliip cf \it- inma, containing tosethor 4U) ai-ii-a nmre or liM>ltaart>iuililtoliaTayx>-ti||i>iit tunl i-r i. mi'l arc in i '. -- |""tllnitv In I'riiliin -M.III in ..n r I 1 II AnrHtila-K finnm . M mill to ! on tli -10 por cent at time of ule, an<l for l.alani-i- t.-ini- Kill Iwllboral, in. I will bu inaJu known at liinuof palu. F. r lurtln-r partirnlara apply to Mumm. BKI.I.VUT A BBBMOWM, Hi t i KID-IK it IT-. Mo**, Hiawic A KaA>K. Vendor Solicitor*, Toronto. Datml 7lli ilay of NOT., 1808. AUCTION SALE or A Valuable Improved Farm, IN TH8 TOWNSHIP OF ARTBMESIA A( . i - Tlmre will Moff^rr.l for aale bf Pnh.le Auc- tion, liy A S. Yaii'liiiu'ii. Kn| . auetloiim-r, at MuimhawV llolrl. FlrUTlon. At !! p in . tin- f. Mowing valuable farm, nain 1\ l/ot7J .7:1. l'oli., N 1> KnJ. Art. i ..... i.i taint; I' ...... more or lea*. On tlie farm nm alii to 1 10 a frame liarn ami franiu ilw.-llin. . K oo.l orrliHr.l. !! waii-ro I. T'I ai-n . i-ll f> in . l.ii.'i"! "Lit of'i>nvi.|il"lit toiiclii"<l. i ln.ii-li .in I inaiki-t anil.MliiK-.i'il ill a it nmt i- 1 it** famuli-- 'ti^ti K l. TllHMS 1 Tun p n cr'il nt tinm i>f m ' fcr thu tialaniTii tfrini will b libfral am' mil Ini inailo known at Him of aale. For further partirulaia apply to III I.I.AMY A IIKNOKKHOS. Or to Kli-nli. rii-u Msttna MOM, lUiiwi'K A. FiisNta. l i Patvil H. lli Nov. 1>U5. DrUINTONS.. i D .tf<wrr -*> IV \ 0^ FLUID Indigeitlon, DytptMia end Bon iieaiiH ,| 1.. l In u.,. i firm, in n i! I ln< ra> lg n ntkvr tin' foofl ilo> _.. .. r Bjou*** - - inlti'l inriiiriitatiiiit on all orgahilfl i Inuit Im I <whioli ' h..ulil l>i* iliut Mti'il i ami tint T I. Ill I Vl. 1\ t-r- **v,.., In.f |.|.- II I- IM -in i tliu iinrven, dlaorcaiiUiiiK the vil" an I IM oiliiciiiM variiuiH M\ in]iti>inH nf .li-i n iili\.' ^ Ini. I Inn Illi - tlii- nli nl u li.|i ni.'ti- -h -.- .11 "i Kiid aHniiiiilatinn of fno i.trw- . I.. . 1'iiiniK a liaaltln riuii'iit of blooJ. Vow nalu liy all DrngKlaU. Mv. \ l.uu. I. II.;i >.l>:in l-i, r. haa $ld, (KX) privalu funtla to lend mi fumi iiioiti:nt;i within the next fuw nuinth* at I.IM. ii current rnti<8. Nu .-..-111111 .- linn, no delays, i'X|iunium low. Apply at ntln-i' iii Mnrkdalii durum tho week wr <>t DiindHlk dltice mi Saturdays. A Chicago iK'|i:iti-li Mtyi tho loss to shi|i|iiii|{ by SjitiiuUy s'unus mi the lakes will reaoh $1,000000. ITcw Goods Arriving Daily at Hill's. Varied qualities and quantities of seasonable gooda have been opened up, and the price is bound to sell them. Tweeds, and other dress floods,! weed Suitings, Panting , Kearly-made Suits and Overcoats for Men, Boys and Youths ; Boots, Shoas and Rubbers tor Mm, Women and Chil- dren ; Crockery, Sets dishes in stoneware and china, Gro- ceries, Tea, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, Can- ned goods, Cheese, Biscuits, Lard, Bacon, Cod fish, Coal oil, a quantity of Hardware an i Tinware, Tea Kettles, Steamers, Boilers, etc. Any quantity of Bu- ter and t'^~. taken in exchange. No trouble to show goods. Come in and %et my prices. H\ 1)1 LL Eleshertoij. News KK1U THK ABOVE ACIIOSTIC |ii-iljr and the initial* will inform >mj a* to tlie kin 1 .f job work which The A.lfum-c tuinn out. Cift yi-ur Salr Bills. Kill HratU. Noli HcaN. I.elli-r Me;ilN. Lien . in the Printing line TO IttANY I desire to call the attention of the public to tin- fact that I have opened A General Repair Shop lit connection with the Fleshertou Woollen Mill, and am prepared to do all kinds of Iron and Wood Turning Patterns mudf, and castings got ott short notice. I have not space fc> mention in detail the variety of work I can do. but anything you have in iron or wood that requires mending, bring it to the Fleshertou icpairshoy. where you may depend on getting your work done neatly and substan- tially. Having emery wheels suitable for At TA AJ nff KAAV CJHTMMIN'Ci- A I I He A UVanCe il/flCe I will M^ tbat a specialty for a few wi-i-ku. C'liargrs low, but term* stiictly casli. Yours truly, A large ftock of d'aiinniTy on hand wh cli we will ptint anil luiniali about u cheaply an you can buy it pi. Illl IM lll If. WH.FLESHER Furniture, Furniture I UA r/.V(7 purch-ittd the Ixuino* of Mr. Afc.Ven / will offer tptcitil baryiint t all iilti anil nfir t\titmfr>, at nn intrmhutu-n. Ilrtn<} rjeptrieuce, e.initul ittul titrryy, tltftr <i uf rutnmanii "/my cuitomrrt. STOt'K /AV'/i'ft'.l.v/-,'/) AT ' IS Kl'KRY ' //IIPI'II.; hail a laryr u./ firirU <-j-|x-ri'M.-f in this lilt' I /nl conri't'nt that rrtrythwj iiitruftnt to my eurt \rill bt dune to tke nttirr tutiifaciiun / all intrrettttl. Luye t,-k <>f r,ulcrt.ikin,j nrreattritt. Pint clou <\d<dt Ile^rte, ani f jT c \Urtn I AJM *-i-nrrt< a hatubumt \rhitt heart*. /'/i /('/>' I. nil; E. HARRISON, Fleshorton. Notice to the Public ! ' The llesherton Milling Com- pany Having purchased the rol- ler flour and saw-mills lately owned by W . K. F testier, are now making all necessary re- pairs to put them tn thorough condition for turning out first class icork,andjor that purpose we obliged to close th'. mills for a tinit. They are now open and are under the management of Mr.J. W . Ford, a first class miller of long ex- pcriencc,who respectfully solicits the public patronage in those lines. Highest cash price paid for wheat that the market Kill i J, and custom sailing done as usual. Chopping done every IVednesday and Saturday. m mmm mi to, Wanted. POLES Fi >iii 25 to 65 feet. Highest prices paid. CASH OM DELIVERY At I'll slu i ton Station. For Purlieu- lars BOO Jno. 1$. Egan, mcrcliaut, Flcshcrtou Station. J, D. m>K. i v To The FubUc. Having renTxxl Whitten'a lilackumltb bop i"r at.-rm ..( v,.in. |ui now MI a JKWitiou tuuatertoall wauu iu my line inj a Specialty, For anything t'.i tke backsmuhu,a lint call im F. A. BUNT, Ol'ponitu Kicliai-ilHuu'i Hardware ttor, Flesherton Meat Market Ctirisloe's Block J. 0. ADAMd, . - Propri tor AUki>-d.i nf freJi mtit tottttiinfl -i tn hand. fr'i.ih in ftatoit. (.live u.i yom '.ratit and be \Vh<in th* kidneyi are clongtMl, ijooil he *i U ail UUpOCSjUItt* ; but wlii-n ocikiii^ p > rl/ the revorno In tlm caae. That dull ha. k i " I* the kiilui-}- 1 oty tor relluf. If Uculil K iue I'illd aiv usiwl the ri suit will be innrvv l'-u, -haticllv itutu tbat we bave . vi r Known acaHu *i( kiilnov iif*i*<iaHo iViat a |n- -aiat uut ui v at U^J J'l KUuvy Tills will ul c-'^r^