Flesherton Advance, 24 Nov 1892, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFOBE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. VOL. XII., NO 593. FLESHKRTON, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1892. W. H.THUR8TOH, EDITOR ' PROHRlETCa Right now we are ready with an iouoeoM assortment of Chnatmas gifu. Tbe presents yon want at the prio you like are all included ia oar splendid line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelory, Diamonds, Silverware, Novelties, etc. We offer a groat variety of appropriate presents for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Ve can supply a suitable gifi for old or young at any price you may loire to expend. Our elegant holiday stock is fall of new novelties and pleasing attractions. We are glad to weleome visitors, pleased to uow onr ?oads and ready to make olos* prices to all. ARMSTRONG BROS 30 DAYS - . AT COST For tho nest M days I will Mil OvcrooaU. Felt Bonti, L.-MI; Uathur &M>U, PetaiaH Lamb Ca|w, Cloth Caps, Ladie* Fura,Ma4> Clutha, and all wmlr fncnl* at wt. Ai I d out mi. -mi i mniuu tftoaa linns T'HI can drpeml no haryiiin*. Tka Man on the hil oanuut be hid. W. W. TUMBLE, Fall and Winter Stock is now complete witk every con- ceivable line of Men's, Women's and Youtks' wear. Boots and Shoes, We have for men and boys full lines in Ameri- can Rubbers direct from New York, with Box for every size ; ateo a new thing in whole stock grain leather. Just the thing for the woods, the frost won't ciack or snag cut. Call and see them. Long boots in kip. whole slock and split. For ladies win- ter wear we have Vlr< felt boot, the felt lined boots and all siaes of overshoes, rubbers and common leather wear, also good assortment fur women aud childieu. OVERCOATS and CAPS. \V can't say much about these \s every man lias his own opinion as to what he wants, still if yon are in need of a coat or cup you will find from in- spection that we haw lit right goods at equally low prices. Foi rdnt*l clothing we have a large aa- aortraent ol tweeds, worsteds, overcoating and trowserings. \V.- liavu't space to mention all the departments seperately - only to mention a few luad- iug hue* : Undei wcar.Flannols.Flannelettcs, Shirt- ings, Cottonades, Cottons, Hlankets, Dress Goods and Trimmings. Winceys, Shawls and squares. If yon waut to buy wo car. supply yon. It you only wish to look around give IH a call and we will be pleased to show yon through. Don't forget the place, .l'li- ,- on the Hill. B. G. EVANS. Winter appears to be putting in an appearance pretty early this year. 1 Anything would be better than the sea of mud one had to plough through if he ventmad on the road. The Perfection hoop and veneer company is pushing on the work now as rapidly as possible Mr. Larson returned from Toronto lant week and is fitting up the machinery. Mr. Ben- I nett and Mr. Morrison are expected thin week. The mill is to be ready | for work in three weeks. Mr. D. Wright has bt-on re-engaged ' at teacher in our school for thu coin : ing year at an advanced salary. I I think the trustees may congratulate llienMel*er on securing such an effic- 1 :-iit tutor for their children. Mr. Wesley Pedlar lias returned home from Pickering, where he waa i upending ilw summer with friends. His many ft lends here were pleased j to welcome him home agaiu. Mr. John Hheardown. of the town- ship of King, is visiting at Mr. Joeeph Fenwick'a. MIHS Dale, of Pickering, is visiting at her uncle's, Mr. Saiinitl Pedlar, of Hummer Hill Our popular young blacksmith, J. Williams, Eiiq,, is doing a good busi- ! nets, and you can hear the anvil riug- : ing both early and late. Mr. Richard I'arkb is very happy over a Meent arrival at his li.msr It ii a girl. lav. aud Mr*. Hogg spent the p**i week u 1 iiiH cil\ . They went to at- tend tte wedding of Mr. Hogg fc brattif/. Mre, Williams, who Uas been visit i iin tier dangbter, Mrs. Adam bun-., left fat htr home on Friday last Mias* Maiul Carr rcuinifi from the city M*U>- tune ago. Mr. Richard 'Parks lost a yonii!? horse the p*si wt-i-k. Mnta Delia MelUuuu. of Meafor.i. visiting Mur parents here. Mr. Jamue Woudbura is ' slowly after his long i! UK-MI. Mr. itobt-rt WiliMtiie IMIH purcli:i.<n Dr (Jhriatne'B farm mi Uw torn ut:n . aud thinks of retiring as a IM. ,.- Don't try it, Hub ; it i.< nut good fo man to be alone. Mr. John Walker, of Creemorc, is now erecting a very nice rtmrdcuce . Kiigfuia for hia Uaugiiutr, Mrs. J. C Moan. Tlwre-ia good pruapcct of a building biMiia iu Eugenia nest Hpring, an houses are iu great demand. The L'auons of Indiuary are makm.. atreuuouit effort* lo have a store in this ulac*. MUM Aggie llislop and her Meter. Mis. Kichiinl Gen a, went visiting fiieniig at Stratford for a couple ol weeks. We are ei| ecting to have BODM more aide-walk in town soon. The Presbyterians hold their tea- meeting on this (Tuesday) evening, and at time of writing the Induction of the Riv. lludtou is being carried on. xwell The concerts held lu-rt, tlic wc>k last wore fairly w-ll attcmlfil ( ' * i M.; i,<> illness, M". Uiehardaon, of KVslirrtoit, could not be premnt ; but, the ttev. Duff gavo * very interesting lecture winch filled up the vacancy. We are pleased to know that the Rev. Hudson is going to be with us. The Prenbyteriana had a very uoat fence put aronod tlieir eemtery hre. Tbe work reflect* much credit on tin- contractor, Mr. Perrigo.of Fevernhain. Mr. Sarouel Lioley returned home a short time ago. Sad news reached here last week with reapct to a young man who U ft but a few months ago iu apparout liealth and strength. This message said that David Clark had died of ty- phoid fever while away ; and was, we believe, at this time buried. The friends have tire heartfelt sympathy of the wbole community in this their hour of bereavement. Mr.Alex. Clark spent a few day* at home lately. He has been worki ng at his tradu in Singhattpton. l>r.Hcott and- wife spent a few days in Owen Sound tlio week before last. Mr. W-oodger, Sr . returned to Inn home a aliort time ago, and MM. Rev. Woodgar aooompmned Bin. M' K. Tnoa, of MafkdaJe. *ited her mother, Mrs. Claik, br last From onr mint CurrtipuntUnt. Mrs. Colquet has removed from here to Feverslmm to reside. Threshing ia now the order of the day and machines are on all sides of us. Tho farmers here have purchased a New Hamburg machine and are now busy running hrr. Mitta Lizzie Hale, from bear Fever- sham, has been enitaxed an teacher for Thompson's school for the coming year. Mr. Walter Taylor has arrived from the old settlement. Mrs. Boltoti, from Bolton. is visit- ing witli her daughter, Mrs Shvar down, of this plaou. Old Mi Handy has removed from JameH Little's hnusn, to the IHMIHU lately vacated by Mrs CuKimt. We uoticed itoine time ago iu thu minutes of Couucil a motion by Krlls ami McMillan "that Raid Council had [Mill Tuoiiiax r,tinr- nil they had a ,n-i ; ifii. ui pgay in tl- matter of . -i MU- -MI n.il>{i- last spring." : ! - I-.HH W'IHI. In. v fo ml it going II . I 'ill V Wl t It'll It. > :iiln . if in >ii. tbui of, has .1 - . K ., i . , . i yen-, Thomas - iu 11;- arrived from thu i ',... urkca I :i .-i AT- C. J. LEITCH'S You will find a full Ifce of all the latest woollens, and you will find it to your ad- vantage to purchase your ordered clothing at the Mer- chant Tailor's. lei. J. Sproule, 1>)8T MASTER. Vl^ur ri..n.i: u miu > it 'ii It. (1., L>icvnM4i Auotionwr.CbH . Ap|>riaer and MUM Ixndn ialv tun! iDiarann* Aicut. D**4*. M't. *nd Will* druwti up nut Vtlualiuu* made on hr*i<i uuliee. Aa*- turn dli aUendod tn in any paryofth* I .'mini*. June? to t<n l lowest ratfi of- intrrcat. i ..ili-etu.ru klttBded to wilk |ir>iin|ilD*M .iu-i liaupktab. Cbargrt Urw U-' i fr tbr Dominion StoauMhipC Ctic|. < iekrt from Klrcbcrlnn to Li <i'uK. I.nadvu or nv ..( ib- ri- I'trtun inUudiiiK lo iit Sv''.iaiii1 or lfrl4>i). will plmar k rnlrt >- tin' H >rh kii>( !h*irtiekthi-lwi>lira. i- i -IK i,..* 'i oy the 1'ic .'in: |>i*l Mr. i i Vli.il 111. i . I't(lli9. i>l ...... .iiurtu Vis . .- -i .iiiiiit* rt<N>r I I-.. 1 I.I .V..-I.K--UIUV in- . .t i.jtl .,. ui., uti arimi!. i-<- i .iinl i ui nut, tailing \> i !><'. liu. ii-llitl Hiiot gun. K i.i . . .iff. > went in . < . nl H- liar i Wiien i i ." . -i- IIKJ, ne noticed . -..i-. i u ., P'l^u tin- win . i.. ,;.i i' IMI by a iniitch .>ini .. ..gii: > .i.>ueU and the door xi^iii.K. <! . liuKei --1,01 Hie gun in I..H- ini > c tun nl iiiu limn. Mr. Bttkei myH . " I ' .Ji.i.1 WAA no Mjoucr Hliot ai t.i.ni iii' i*. i iu luy din utiou, ex- k!, 'I'll have you now.' Not wliat arms tin* intruder pos- slnlted my [NMIUOU aomewliat al ng tut; fence, aud he passed out of the gate and up tin: lanu towards the i roa>'. 1 had no idea whether the Mini had struck thti iu.ni or not.as he uiade no couiplatut." After lea /ing liaker, iinl wiiiie pssaing the little side gate, I Harry Liagford, Uakcr's hired man, ' challenged the decung figure. Get- ting no answer he fired his revolver, which discharged a shot cartridge, and getting no auawer he repeated the shot. By tins lime both men vpre on the road. Lingford states tliat iiiri I had fired tho 6econd shot eartrtdsje Uiv mau turned aud made for me with his hand extended, as though taking aim at me aud he it-marked, 'I have you now.' Think- ing it simply a matter of speed,! fired again, thin Uiue with a bullet cartridge. The mau exclaimed, 'you've dono me' and full to the ground." Baker and Lingford cautiously went near and discovered that the man waa dead. County Constable Decker aud Corouev ! Batcmau were called, when it was found that the body was that of Wil I ham Palmer, whose n''t au.at fault was | his appetite for liquor. The Coroner issued a warrant for an inquest, aud Baker and Lingrbrd were placed under arrest. Much sympathy is felt iu the tragic affair. The Palmer family are among the most respectable in the township, whil* the prisoners are both men of integrity, aud of high moral chaiautvr. Tbe jury has not arrived at a ver- dict op. to the time of going to pitas. AITI .ri'tn )t4iilf< mill ' . IIBI.I rhi preparation ail* (not nii low fwlt *it jNui>i( tit.i^*. win, KuiTi-i from pilM. n l n . .-:!, -I v iif tlu, iilitliiutl nturit. '-iTfM tl >I rnliKhirt. *n.l ha more than mrt the nticip llnin ill thiMM pb\i*icini> who liftv n*d it tlinlr irx-ticu 1'IJ.iKuNK IS A I'OBITIV >'l It '. winin nthvr tri-atnixou (til to mllt rmtllu--HllKlKf.irDII.hMl. Pri.-rtl for ! ilrilkKl'tii or by illkll uo rocl|'t nl price W r .iTH:iN(i. MauutMiunnc I'lmm Oiimlk* trwt. ].<jniluu, Out. That AVER'S Sarsaparilla cum*. OTHERS of Scrofulous Diseasea, Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia.* Rheumatism, and Catarrh should be convincing' that the same course of UMtment WILL CURB you. Ml that has been said of the wonder- ful cures effected by the use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla during the past Afty years, truth- fully applies to-day. It is, in every sense. The Superior Medicine.. Its curative properties, strength, effect, and flavor are always the same ; and for whatever blood diseases AVER'S Sarsaparilla ia taken, they yield to this treatment. When you ask for AVER'S Sarsaparilla don't be induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes, which are mostly mixtures of the cheap- est ingredients, contain no sursa- parilla, have no uniform standard of appearance, flavor, or effect; arc blood-purifiers in name only, and are offered to you because there is more profit in selling them. Take AVER'S Sarsaparilla PT .rd by Dr. }. C Arm ft Co.. Lov-ll. U Sold by all Dru(|i*u : Pnc* %> . u twilitt. CWM others, will cure - > .

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