Flesherton Advance, 24 Nov 1892, p. 7

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rar. HBBOIMN *r vn \ It l Morr llrrolr Tbav Ilir rrnlsm fBa*. MAD i the stronger ex, umlo'ibLeilly, but nhich it th mure heroic? The very foci that we can nsk this question after i!,a preliminary abatement shows that wmuu it. Heroiim meant U> triumph ovi-r yonr own weaknetn, your own infirmity, o\er the preaiure of circumstance* around you, nver temptations, dan^ei ami ililli.-iillicn. The Jew your strength the greater are tbc t. nip UUioim, tlu daugertamt the.liftirultieH, and ooinequently th greater the heroism. The ailcnt workers, the noLilo nmrtvr.i in prin- ciple, the uncomplaining household ilrudges who sacrifice theinselvea tor husbands, brothers and children, anil doit not in face of an admiring audinue, not to win the plaudits of the crowd; not to be chronicled in story, but simply ami unostentatious- ly in the line of duty these are the true tnnafigured band ot'hcroinpi ; premier than any epic heroes who conquer heroically or heroically fall. yl EKN ARTKMISM AT S\I.AMI. Yet eeo in the more obvious sort of hero- ism, even in the storm aud stress of world- ly action, even as miliur;; leaden, as con- .{oerorx, as potentates, women have inscrib- ed their names on the most valiant pagrs of history. We all hare th stories of \no- bia, of Semiiaiuis, of Deborah, of Joan of Arc. We have all heard of \rt-iiui.i. Queen of Caria, in wlioin Xerxes boasted that he had found Ilia ablest. l>rare>r ronnncllor :\ml chief Mm whose conduct at the battle of Sal- asiia wruiiK from him the exclamation that his men were tx having like wcmen, his , women like men, liUla knowing that in | truth the highent compliment he could pay his women was that they were behaving like true WOJMD. We remember how when Carcas, Queen of Curasaoae, was lwieye.l in Uial town by tlie Saracens, and they .n ; their masculine pride taunted her tor that he sbald be spinning aail not fighting, be throw the taunt into ibeur faces by ap- pearing in their very midst with a lauce wreathed around, diiUtf like, with hemp win, h abe had set adame anil how mglori- onlyth?y Bed away from her. LADY l"l MXIVO.U lIRIMiS BA> It Tll I.ON NUM. In mure recent history a less familiar in stance is that of l.*>iy Uandonald. Her husband, while in command of the Chilian Heel, got becalmed in hi* Hagship under baltery, whence he was assailed will, red- hot shot. In lira f see of Uiat terrible tire the i>uiinni retreated from their posts. Neither threat* uor entreaties were of avail. If the lir were not returned the ship must inevitably ho destroyed with all on Board. l/or.l Uiindonald went down to the cabiu where bin wife lay. " If a woman sets the ciampla," he cried "the men will he shamed out of their far. Il ii our only hope." WiUuut a word she rososuid followed him. As she stepped on deck she seemed to be onfriintcd by a Haminj^ furnafe of tiro, belching out death and destruction. She calmly took a match and tired tlie gun, which Lord DtmdonaM pointed The men were shamed. They returned to their posts. Tho battery was silenced* the ship audits crew were saved. MOKI HKKOK TIMN TIIKIl.M'iPM. I . Oi.i- of the gmateat aoliisveincnts of mas- .ulin<- heroism IIM always lieen held to be the defense of the pass at Thermopyl.r Modern historians have thrown grave doubt upon th? whole episode, 'they doubt that there were only .'HJO, they doubt whether all or even the majority of Leonidas's troops re- mained to be slain. But no historian li.n thrown any doubt upon the st:>ry of tho -_'> peasant women of Switzerland who, during the French tuv.uion of 17!>8, rushed to arms in response) to the patriotic eloquence of aged Maltha '.!/ and tlafended their homes until 180 of them had been killud and all the rest more or lets wounded. These and similar stories show that in t lie more obvious forms nf heroism, in 'he Mii aud dust of battle, women can play and have played as glorious a part as the mostmtrepid of their brethren, nsy, that they have tre quently put their brethren to the blush. r-tUK HKKOI >kS 01 i.K.\Tl.fc HKKUS. h peace also woman's victories have been in) less glurious than those won in w.tr. Tb tories of f>ace Marling, of Klorer.o* night ingale, of sm.-r t ; rtrude are all familiar instances. All these have been chruiucl*! RIM I the fa < i that they hv bern so clirooi vied has made them a perpsHual stimulus to the race, and av an incitement to nubtu aclioii tbc> are among the choicest herit- ages ol the race. A great deed properly re corded lifts the heart to Gotlt it Uruilie.-. aid* the veil of pros* in which our daih life is shrouded ; it shows that beneath the veil lies the poetry, the romance, the awful beauty of the Godlike heart that makes in one with God. It teaches us to think belter f oursulves and better of our fellows wrisui we find that a responsive clionl within all of us thrills at the mention of a worthy deed. TIIK IIKK.H>\1 ol- rlll\ ATK I. II K. Kut what of the unchronicUd deeds 151 rat *r tli ,in even these that have been recorded' Men live before tho world : they lake part in the external struggle of daily life : tli^n deeds do notvo often as those ol women tall "Unnoted by their fellows. But women, who arc even more heroic than the must heroic men, do and suffer in silence-. Theirs i the aacied solitude in which they come fucu to face, not with man but with Cod. Tiain is the true pathos and sublime of human lite. Shall we siug of heroes, or coni|i"-i !*, of mailyrs who have given their liodiento the llaiiie* aud build no lofty rhymes for those lio have uxpeiien (<! UK- .TOM a*d not the crown of glory? Shali we miss the high impetus that is afl'ordwl by I lie chrun- i.-lc of deeds lliat have illumiuaUMl tin- anctuaricof pnvaUlife? To a certain a\. t 'lit we must, 'I lie inner conflict.) that lind no expression through .r.mirlng lips, how otherwise may they lie express! Much of tho most blessed side of humnn life and human experience we can only guess at ; * can never truly know. Knt so fur as wo van know let us put our knowledge where others can share it. Let tin tench tho race that no) only in the past, not only in the storm of action, not only in the high places of the world arc high dee<I done. Let in look around ^aml about us aud see that the chosen are still with us, that the heart that beats to-day under calico diexscs, in hiimblu tenements, in lowly surroundings, is the same heart that boats under tlt-j coal of mall of Joan of Arc amid all the pomp and panoply of war the infinite, >il' en. oin passing heal t of true womanhood. For the Good of Others lift'. Mr. Williams Untruly In- dorxr* Hand' n s ti'mpartlla. We an pleased to preicnt this from Rev. A. A. Williams, ol the Sillsljee street Christian Church, Lynn, Mass. : ' I < no r.-aaon why a -leramian, mur^th:ia a layinan. who kiw-vt whrirof hi- 5|<pmtn, shiiiil.l hrsitat to appnvi- .111 Article of iVIorit -ml m Hi, fruni !m-ii li,- ..r ln< family hv* i .-I'M .i^iuJly Itriu-iiir.l. .-in. I win. MI .unitnritilH- , IllMI Illliy i.-rvi- til I'XIi-ll.l I 1 10 ..Ui.-1-s by iin-ri-iiHiiii; tlii-ir r.inild.-ni-c. Uy wii lias tor uiini| ) u -. iM-,-n sultiTi'i truia ^.- vr^ Nervous Headache for which .!!. foiinil lull.- li.-lii. She h;n u-iert nmny UIIIIKI tlial proinivil w.-!l l.ni \\tr- I.innrrt hull- Lout fall a frlrnd gave her bot- i lln.Mis .>.i,-,.t|...iiiii4. Ii j, run iui|.ii>- ing wlial Hlni|>l\ .MM- liautr r.mi.i nml .lid do tor IIIT Tin- .111.1. f l-:i.: ,.-li,- il^rr.-.M-.l in niinilxT m.l w.- .- !.-,< , ,|,-nl ni th.'lr nu.-n- >lty. whil.- In-r tfi-iiri'iil hiMltli h:is lii-t-n im- ITOVil. II. -r ;i|MM-tl!.- lirt, alio Ix-PIl l>ltet >'roni our rxp, n.-m- with Hood's Sarsaparilla I bavi- KII iii-Hiialioii in >-nilor.iu) HOOD'S PILLS w*iB f ! mid oB.-tiro. Tr j a bei ITiuo Be \ Hi II I I' I I. I U II l TK foVnwinir. li|ip< t .l from the '"ilnmn o( (In- >'// Oct. '-".Hji.iiof .lultiuieot iiuporliic \\ ni,!.il.('\\AI)IA\ MIRACLE. An Intnrottins: Letter Proa AOTOM th Atlantic. Mr Junm InurniM Hrllr Ikr >lr\ of Mil Mill. ,-.;. anil V. Ir.l-. KrMurril lllrr Hi. Brsl 0arl.tr.. hurt Palled. The fame of Dr. William* Pink Pills in not routine.] to C'auuila and the United Stales, hut cxlund* also across tin- Ik.. in, ami from the mother land COIIHM * letter from oue who Wrm-d tin- value of this great n-n.ii.ly whili- in < 'mmda --.d who now. :il- llioughlliouwuiiUot inilna awuy gr.ile!nlly lu-kiiiiwledgcg what Pink Pills havn .lout- fur him after medic-al atrl and nil other rein- .ill. * had laded. His letter oannul lull to bring hopo to othvr snil.-n-i s i it ;i.v-nrr3 them that in Or. \\'illiami > Pink Pills they may look for a cure even in i-e pronoun.- ml by the most eminent medic&l specialist.-. M iiicurahlo. Rliiordern, Monmouthshire, Kng. I Nov. JOin. Hill, I To the Dr. \V:lIiHins' Medicine Co., lirockville Camt.la. i i.-ntleiiu-n, It may surprise you lo re- .!eiv<- thu letter from arross the Ocean, hut I wmlil not lie doing my duty dnl I not write to thank you for tlie noble medicine Ur. \Viil'.mis' Pink Pihs for I'ale i, and to let you know what they had done for me after tour years suffering, and wh'-n ill other m.dical aid had failed. My ti "iilile o.-'-iurcd while in Canada, and I was treated by several doctors aud in the Mont real'ieueral liospn*i liy I'm. Smith, iloUon anil Ma.-don.-ll. I firat felt the effect* of the disease, which the doctors pronounced diubetes. in January, 1SSU. I used many i.-inrdie* and tried numerous doctors, wi II the only result that I grew poorer in lioth health and pocket. At last in de- spair I went to thu (ieneral Hoapital for treatment, hut the result wni no better, and on tho :ithot April, IV.II. 1 left tliat | inatitution a poor, broken-hearted, down- I caat man, l>r. Macdonell havmi{ informed me that they hail done all tuev could for mi-. I (intinued lo liveon in inucry until > al.imt the nrddle of August, when I Haw in i thu Montreal Star an article telling the story ' of u man who, after spending huBdndaoi dol- Ian, had tn.-d Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and f.uind a i-'ire. l>rownini( men, limy say, will oaloti t *trriw, and it would he mi- possible, for i) to express the gralitudo I ! 1 :or Uie hope that roan story gave me. I at once bought a lx>x of Dr. Williams' I'ink 1'ill.itiom Mr. Ft. Hrks, druggist, on Mo- Gill street Before 1 bail finished it I felt that I'ink I 'ills wr helping me, and 1 pro- cured four more U>xes. These almost to newspaper rodders to warrant its ropro .luction m llu-se columns . T ilif Unr j'<\, i.'ohr . Sir, I am sure you will agree with im win M ! nay that something ongnt tolx- done to stop the barefaced uwiiwiliug ,110 imiiiur r.-Htor-d me to health, ami through the name will do) which i* goiug on in ci-rlaiu kindness of Mr. (iT.n.-n of the harbor 1 direi-iionsin our mid**, and I liaYena raasssi works, 1 want jiven a light joli on th<- liar- to douU Uial my u*jM-rii-ii.-i; iu thu ity m | M >r wharf, aud wan igain able to earn my the <.-x|jw!euco of other* in many |>aru of living. I made up my mind, however, to m- l.'aaada. I have road noah of the -,'reat turn to the land of my birth, and on the .u .! L)r. VVtlliaina' I'mi; 1'illx for Pi..- ,i h of November, sailed for Kngland. The People ibat f determined to give them a passage waa rough, and I caught .-old truil for nerroiM troubles. I accordingly which ' me lutck aocnawhavi, but i a*n went Ui a drug ninn l prssisx a supply, agiin rrgnnui^ itrongth. I Hud thai 1 can- ! On asking the druggist for the pills he took no t get tho Pink Pilis here and 1 want yon | pi ' reded to to send me a supplv, aa under no ..in uin Kin.' said I, .low n a glaas jar and take nut the quantity " l)r. \\iihams' Pink !*il!s are not sold .11 riilk, and tnat cannot I* them.' "O, yes, it is," said tli* dealer '* we always tfel them in balk and sell them that way." 1 ha.! read the caution ol (lie proprietors to tbe elfejt that t liuat- pills weru never sold in nulk. and thinking they should know IM--.I, luc |, stances would I lie witliout UH-III, aud you may bn ur-- 1 will gladly recommend them to my friends both hciBaud elsewhere. \ ours gratefully, T \nr-s IM:K.\M. Ur. YViliiamn' I'inU PillH are a perfect hlond builder and nerve restorer, mring 1 declined takiny them, and left the store. al p.,^!,,,,., loco.noter a My next experience was no more fortunate. ,. dwi , B nerv ,, u , headache, Again Pink I'llls in col.,r w,-re ofTcre.l me ] lrlttion am| , he Urcil f ee | M11< , ] U he, i 1 remonstrate.! this dealer ad iiitted thsvpills werj uot supplied him by :,.- D- rhiifinaliMii, neuralgia, tjutm. St. \ >t nervous proii- tliorulioui, thu alter etfecU of la grippe, .Incases depending on humors in the blood, inch an scrofula, Williams to., butdeoUred that they were ( . hr -n : c erysipelas, etc. Pink Pills give a just the name. And yet, for t n.- -*k n naa i lh . g| ow to n Je and sallow complex- little more prortt he would h.iv.- ImpOMd ,_ l|hi Hr) , iu ,. c jH c f or tho troubles them on me lor tli genuine Pink Pills had I iii-.-n less cautious. As I lelt the storu, 1 thought the repeated waning against imita- tions given by the t\ illi.uua Co. must lie the result of hitter tixperient-s oil their pan. But I did not <i \pec-. 1 would m.-et with throe pe uiiar lo the female system, and in the caee of men they effect a radical cure in all caees arising from meu.al worry, over work or excesses of any nalm . These Pills are mahftfaotand ly the Dr. Williams' Medicine t Ompany, Uim-kvillo dishonest dealers (do you thiuk the term is (>I|l ^ .s,. )ienei . Ul ,l v , X. V., ndaro sold too *troi,g;i in sudessiou. My next ex- , , jn ^^ lle4rjnK ,|,e linn's trademark potien.-e proved the third dealer little 1*1 a|)( , wra p p . Pi al aocta. a box. ur six boxes t.-, than the other two. When I asked for fm ^.M. Hear in mind that Dr. Williams Dr. Williams Pink I'llls he said lie had ,, lnk ,, llb) , re 1|evi . r M ,|d , bulk, or by tho them and then produce., a package whu-h I ( , oy!eu or n , IM(lr ,,,|. , in ,i ny dealer who saw at Riaiiw bet* ano.h.-r imme, and offcr8 !,,,,!.,, this form m trying to wlu.-h he iiu-ist.-,! were just as good. I de- <lo fraudvou and should be avoi. led. Dr .-lined taking then, and turni-.l to leave the store, when the JruKU'"'- olfiin-d to give mo tho genuine pills. Kill 1 did not feel that I ought to pulroiiiw a man who would have imposed something < inc on me hud I been less (Mini .1'-. I. mil d'-i -lined hnymg. I almost .|OH|WIH-.I pelting the genuine I'ink PilU unless I sent to hf.td.|tiartcra ; but on my \ isi t to the foil, th druj; store I wss more There arc . O.UCV uiUMles in an elephant' trunk. Williams' I'ink Pills may be had of all druggisU or direct by mail from Dr. Will lam* Medicine Company from nither ad- drrwi. 1'ho price \i which these pills arc sold makes a course of treatment . oinpar- ativoly inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. Mgtal In Ihe i.ni.m.i Frel. Tho bats aie se'.lling themselves in the treea or under dense masses of creep- su. .-eaifiil, and was .it once handed t! genuine Ur. Williams Pink Hill*. No doubt. Mr. Kditor. my experience :.i that ol nmny others, and no doubt luindreiis lens cautious are constantly l:oing deceived. I think the ] er s, making mouse-like Hnrpings as they newspapers ought to do something tow.u .Is i | la ng thcmselvvs up in their plavur. Here protucting their n-aders from frauds of thin a ,,,i (here a lumlwring nioih, looking on! for kind. We fre.|iien!lv iei<l "f r porters do- j a B ,ife retreat until evening, is fluttering ing clever dt-t.-ctr.-e work, etc., visiliug la/ily along before retiring to rest. Thu hnrches in the grb of the lowly an I then ,, w i ;,|,J goat sucker slit ink before the light, writing up their reception. Heru is anew and nUo hurry oft' to their hiding places, field for them. Let some clever reporter making room tor the brilliant families of travel the length and breadth of this city in ,| av hnds which are calling and duipiag hun.blu gume, and see imw man\ ilealersure f ro m the treetops. The weird voice of the honest enough to give him what In- asks for howling monkey now hortiriw the stranger, without trying to impose u iihstitu-.e upon tilling him with wonder and recalling slorie* him. of banshees and ghosts retiring at couk- It-list Mr. Kditor. you will give this a . cro w. Then a Hock of parrots or macaws is place ia your columns, aa it may serve to | heard screaming fur overhead, their glorious plumage rlasliing in. \.-nt some one else from being cheat ut*. A LADY KKADKR. Toroii>,e, Oct. _'.. The Kin? s Qnast- The King rode fan!, tbe Kiug rode far. "Now, by my crown,' 1 quoth he, > If I In all tho land shall find A icai'len of contented mind, Be she of high or low dugree. I'c, pagan rite or I hi istiaii signed. My consort she shall be." Km wh-n lie li.ui. T.| tlie maid to meet Hn well coil toot WSD she She would not wed, hut dcai and blind Went o* her way. " Alaok : I find Tin caught in my own wob," quoth fce. "Ibis maiden ot contented miud Is too content for me." The Mistake Was Kind of Natural. Looking in ' a se'-oml hnnd store " M mdy; how do you reckon limy km ever sell .idi broken up chairs as them '*' Mainly -" Law, .losiah, F nup|>osn them's the invalid chairs we've heariiaoout, and they hain t no trouble get. in rnl of 'cm to iollu that's ablu lo take j*re of ew. _ in tli morning rys in metallic tints of golden yellow, green, and crimson. Thn dm would l>e almost unlxmiable wore the birds close at hand : but as they rarely fly or perch low, their voices ar mellowed by distance. Congregalhig o:: the houghs of the highest trees- -far beyond the reich of tin- Indian's gun or blow pipe they take then moriiHii! meal of fruits ami nutn, chat- teriim awsy like a lot of rooks in a clump of old elms. . Here and there a tcucr.n makes his prei> ui. known by yelping likea puppy, l^ook ing up, you see the rich colors on hm breast, ami wonder why his 1 ak is so large and j apparently ungainly. Krnm the recssea of ' the forest comes the ting of the campanero, | sharp and clear as a bell struck at ni.nln I ately long intervals. Oilier birds utter . their characteristic notes, most of the ho- I ing qrttnt Mid curious rather than musical. The birds of tli tropics nro brilliant in their plumage, lull are alinnst wantinu in their IIH l.xly, there being nothing at all resemb- ling the chorus which makes the Knglish woods so delightful on a Summer'* morning. _ Longman's Maga/.mc. THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERMTONIC Stomaeh^Liver Cure The Most Astonishing Medical Discovery of the Last One Hundred Years. It is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar. It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest Milk. Thi* \v. ,nil>rful Ni-rvin<> Tonic baa only wrrjtly hon introrlurod into tliis country by the propriolors aud uianiiturturiT* !' tl' Great Sniitli Amorican Norviiic Tonic, :uul 3'ct its irrcut \:iln<- as a curative u|;otit li.-is Idii.r Upon known by a li-w of tho uiuHt leurnoil physiciaiiH, who Uuvi- not liroutjlit its meriu and value lo the knuwltHl^e ol tho gi-ncral public. This medicine- has complptol}' solved tho problem of 1 lie run* of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, ami dis<':i*ps of the general nervous system. It is also <if tlie op-catiftt value in the cure (if all forms nf lailini; health from whatever cause. Il performs this by the great nervine, tonic i|ualilicn which it possesses, anil I>V i!s p;r<':it curative powers upon the digestive organs, the atomacli. the liver and the bowels. No remedy compares with this wonderfully valuable NVrvine TOBH- as a builder and Htrenuth- ener of the life forvt> of the human body, aud a.s a great ictiewerof a broken down f>ontitiiiii)ii. It in aim of more real perniunHnt value in tbe treatment and cure of diseases of the hint;* than any consumption remedy ever used on tliis continent. It id :i marveloiiH cure for nerv- ousness of females of till :i^es. Ladies who arc approaching the critical period known :IH chautre iu life, should not fail to use tliis j;Teal Nervine Tonic, almost, constantly, for the space of two or three years. It will carry them safely over llin danger. This peat si ren^t timer and cura- tive is of inesiiinalilt- value to tin- aged aud inlirin. because its K r( 't enT<4i/.iiio; prnptrt u'H will givu ibcm a new hold on life. Il will add ten or ilftecn years to the lives of uiauy ut' tuubc wUu will uae a half dozen bottles of the remedy cacli year. IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Nervousness, Nervous Prost-ratiou, Nervous fleadache, Sick Huadache, Female Weakness, Nervous Chills, Paralysis. Nervous ParoxyBnw and Nervous Choking, Hot Kl.-tslu-H, Palpitation of the Heart, Mentul Ui-s|K>nd;ni-y, Broken Constitution, Debility of Old Age, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Heart burn and Sour Momai-h, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, LORS of Appetite, Frightful Dreams, IM/.'.'MC-SS and Kiniiinz in the Kan, Wtiakness of Extremities aud Faint injr, impure MIX! IrnpoveriBhed Bhod, :uni ( 'nrbunclcn, Si, N'iiua' Dance, Nervoii.snoss of Females, NervoinioesB of Old Age, Netirrilipa. Pains in the ITeurt, Pains i a tin- Hack, Failing Honlth, Bctoftalout Swelhnps anil ('iinmiJiiptiDn ul' the LIIII<;S, r : it:irfli of the Liiusjs. Bromrliitiii anil < 'linmic Cough, l.iver < 'HIM |. hunt. f'lironic Diurrluua. Delicate ami Scrofulous ("hildren. Summer romplaiut of Infants. All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nit-vine, Tonic. \I:KVO * DISEASES. As a cure for ev-ry class of NVrvoin Dim-use*, no remedy has been able to compare, with the Nervine Tome, which i* very pleaaunt and harmless in nil itsettWts upon the youngi-ol child or the nlile^t ami most delicate individual. .Nine tctitli^of all the ailment* to which the human family i-* heir air ilepeudeut on nervous eziMuvtun aud impaired diges- tion. When there i an insiiMlcii-iii, Niipply of ner\e fiiml in t h- blood, a. general tal of debility of the bi-Hin, spinal marrow, ami nerve- in the result. Starved nerves, lik< Hlarvetl mtHcies. become strong when the right kind ol food is sii|iplu'il ; and a thousand weaknesses and uilinenl* disappear MS tho nerves recoxer. As tin- nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the bodv are carried on. it ia t(iB lirst to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- tain :i siitticicnt. quantity of Uie kinu of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living nnd labor imposes upon the nerves. For tliis reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied. This Smith American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain tho essential elements (int. of vliidi nerve tissue i.s formed. This accounts* for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms ol' nervous de- r.iuircment. A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHOREA. I'KAWI OKUSVII.l.K, 1\I>.. June 1^, H -7 My daughter, eleven years old, wa- severely afflicted with St. Vilim' Dance or Chorea. We nave her three ami one-half bottles of South American Ner- viuo am) -he is completely n -stored. I believe it will cure every caw of SI. Vitus' Dance. I liavi- k-|il it in my family for two years, and am sure it in the ureutexl reincily iii the world for IniliKeitUiu ami Dyimpsia, and for all forms of Nervoui biuonlei-s and KailiiiK lleulth, from wbalrver cause. JOHN T. Mi^u. Slate "i Iiif/Hiiui, i . Mniilifinnnrif l\>itn/i/, i Suhscribcil and swum -o lu-fore me (his .lime _1', Iss7 CIIA.S. \V. \\KII.III Notary Public. INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Tonic Which we now oiler \oii. is Ihu only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion. l)ys|>epsia. and I he vaM train of symptoms and horrors which an- the result of disease anil debility of the bum.-ui stomach. No person ran afford to piisw b\ this jewel of incal- culable value who is affected In disease of the stomach, because the <-\ periencc and teslimony of many ;,"> to jro\e that this is the ONE anil ONLY ONI: ofi-at iMirc in the world for (his universal destroyer. Them is no ease of unmali^nant disease of the sloma<-h which can resist thu wonderful ci'ralive powers of the .South American Ncr\ine Tonic. H tRKlKT K. HAI.I.. ot WoTnUown. Iml . WITH: Mn. Ki.n \. BIITTOV ol N>w ROM, InilUnm I urn. m.v lilt- to iho (fn-nt s<,uih \mrrkiui | ^j... .., ,. Maot rl|irnu , i,,m mm Ii I onr to DM ^ru^o, 1 ^^:^,::,:;^::^;;::;^^;;;;: - ..... > ...... ..... -p"--/ "- NITVOIM I'nnlml Ion. mill ' m-iii-rnl Hlinltrr.-,! I- -n-.l. iippflilB SOW. wan . .iu K lllDK nO iplll!o contlltion o( my \\li.jli- -t\m- ID. ir.il ;;IMU up up hi.,,..]. MIII mr** I nni* hi llu- flri.1 Kl.mr* fill lio|M*)t ot Kttlll|t wi-ll. II A. I trie. I tlin^.lo.- ol ruiixnnipl ion. an InlH-ntaii.-- hon-li.l nown lont, irilh 110 n-llpl 1Vllll Ixilllr o( Hit- NIT- llirou||ll i->M-nl Ki-ni>rnOon> I Irvmi mkllK tnr Ionic tnipnir.'.! mi-Mo niih-li tlitit lwiiuMi-to ll- Si-r%iDt- Tonic, anil <<uillMii*-tl iln nw for walk nbont. ami n, tew luilllcM ouri-il in< entirely nboui li momlin. nml inn pniln-ly i-un-d. It- . . . I In-Hex- II In t hi- hmt m.-.llrlnf In tbe woilcl. I , ) thr Kranilrat rrun-ily fin urrtm. moiuu. Ii aod rn not r-oniinoud it loo lunlilv " InnKH I !IVH BTI r M-. n " , N.I rcnip.lv rompnrM with Sorrn AMFTIIIA!* \KIITINIC na a cur* for thr N>rr. No r*m'lv r 1idrr\>nh south . \IIIITI < in s.r\Mi.- i* a nondroiw "irr lor ili Stonntrh No ram!? will at all rompl>- *l(ll South \m.Tiriin N(*\in.' :IM .1 r^ir*- tor all toi-iiiM.it fnlliliK l'Hll It ii'\.-r f.-xiU i< rilr Int1)r/ltou .-mil IH|>|>R||> It nt-vrr Inll* to . ur Chor- or St. \ it u-' lin. IIH povr.ru to tnuhl up itw nhol*- svKlrin aif wonilrrfiil In th^ f-xtmnti. It < iire4 thf ol-l. lh^ VOIIIIK. nml UH- nml- .III- niP-il It inn Bcrriii In. ml 10 thi- IIKIM! anil inlirin. Do not nritlrrt '> u-o'tbln |.r.Ti,,n-. I.....M It you >lo. ynn may nr-K.i-.-t i hi- oulv r*mrdy whkb will nntorH \.t>i to ii.alili Soui.'t \m. rt. m Nriviu.- i jMTfrill> Hat.-, .iiul vrry piriuuinl 'to the tnnlf ii.lhnif IJI.II.-M. ilo not fail to urn- flu* nwu i urr. bo-mine It will put thi- luooni .>( in-nhiipM mi.l brauly upoo .1 our ll| uJ Iu your . hi-k. ilnvr .iwy yuur tlinuliihiH <tud wrnkni'*M. i Price, Large 16 ounce Bottle $LOO; Trial Size, 15 Cents. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. If not kept by Druggists order direct from Or. E. DETCHON, CrawtOi usvuid, 2nft.

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