Flesherton Advance, 8 Dec 1892, p. 2

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THE WEEK'S NEWS, CANADIAN. It 1/1 undrlooJ Ihal the (JueVwc Legi*!*- lirftVill nn-ct uti the loih or I'.'tli uf .Ini.u ; .fy. ' Tke t ransfr of th* Domini >n' LMMOB < ill- IUnU oi Montreal will I* eilccti-il in January. Ant'i n> < I II nit, of Collingwooil, Oul., wi>i ns|iliyn*t<i in an hotel t Toronto early the other morning. Mr. .liu'ire Mjrlenuan. of Toronto, hat \erii elected h"iion>ry prc:-l<-nt of <^ii> n I'I.K entity Alma Muter Society, Kingston. I'rrnxtr Cay ley iln-lartil, in an ii-.t<T\ir at U'mmp'V, 1 1, a he was not ir> favour o( .Separate schools in the North-Welt Terri- tories. It IK nUti>.l tint the coHurei) cotton com- qrhich cnntrn'sall th* coloured cotton mil;* f tlir Ifcumnioa with the exception of tli.- I'M ki mill, of St. John, N. II, ho* iecurc'l conn. I of the Utter. An oltl laity named Mrs. (iil.bons, re- tiding at Tuckersmilli, alxml four mile* we.it of S. lifonh, Out, committed suicide liy h ii'iring herself toa beam in nlwin. It lisai.l that fhe wa* temporarily iniane. A Mrs. Dermody, of Hi .. was seized with it til of coughing which continued some i and resulted fatally. Mrs. Thoma* Hall, ot ftnUMM township, Oct., who ha<l Iwcn aflhc'.rl r Ii ni'-iit.il derangement for some months |>at, iruwn- d li. ri If in a ciMi-in the oilier morning. Krv. Dr. liiillin, of Cnrlpli. Out., ha* lirrn aii'Kiiiili- I iraiurcr of the siiprrannua tion fund ot tin- \!i"h...|i-.t < hur h. in place of tin- lt" Rev .ln'rii-s<ray, snl>jct to the rndor.-ati >n o! t>>< i.cunal Confrrence. The u Ml xVpnii nt of cheeae from Mont- real to ir.r i i .. I K'lu'.loiii for the past euoo was 1.IJVJ i.Js )*>, 1',-iin; an in- cruaae over lue aliiumeuls o 1 UI H -m>,'J.~>S bone*. A Montreal ncwpapemtate that in well- it. '..lined cuv!i- i^red willed that i ' Aiia.lian l'i i:i.- Kaiiway Company will jr.-' 1'ie liuvcriiini-iii ;or the fat Atlantic ina*l ncrviie, v d mat the line will probably be r>lal>ll*hrd next dimmer Th* |.mir |il ol the Mo lei achool at KmiiMon I, i- ljrenadvocati<>Kiii)(l'*>"'rnv>n> on >un'!;\ - teacliiiiL' of the chil- 1.1 tin- iti'iiiri >e, m I i ht t lie afternoon of the holy '!> I* ivn iipto re'-n-atinn foi HIOM- who feel i in-lined tint way. Several mrmliers of die vchoul board have taken (Ab- jection to h.s view*. Two boyi, Samuel Ar>< "tt and Will Kelloway. wi rr playing with a gun at K'l larni-y, MAIL, on Saturday. The foiiii.-r wan lookini ilown the liarrel when the latter I ! li.e tnnuer, and I lie lop of Arat-o-.t'* Lead wa* blown off. i ' College. >mi.i- , . . writwr < i hit lit. i m' 1 cription of IIO.ixio to the j-.nd of i ,c in-* tollf, i4ii Ipron.i- i*|ii.-! ulxcnp t .< ni to thi- it $*^*,OICI aic p Mr Kirliird H n-lrr, an employe ol the liraii'l Trunk Kn.iy Coni|ny at Sirat- l-.i.|. Out., waif.iund -lead in I. day morn nc, l e , !ii-i'e went t.i.m iken him. (i. tl.' |>re\ ;.,n> ni^ht lie itppi :in-d to be in hiauBUal health. IJT.I K>'ii'ii;.'i"n hea l< d a ilepiit n Sir t'hur'e* Tup[i< i ' the <lv.nlm"f MilfnT'i H^Mnover Liver- Cl at till- lelinill^l |."lhl III l.ie.i- the prop i i i 'i-.ii line ol fa' tinat! int'c- itramert. 8ir ('Itarloii Ttippi " >al I lie wou!<l uliinit the in tll< r In me 1) ni, i.. i 'ii (iovi rniiirnt. 1'ie ItlaJsUnie CJal'inrt has ile.-i'le 1 that I's' i'ii.i-nc. shall mm un .l,iu.i try 'Jii'h. K.-V. Mr. M ' . i ..-lei, rut.-. 1 Kiululi ii'inpcrancu it-loimi i , is dead. Mr William (I linen ilrnuiiin -e Ihrni tion of tenants as u " sordid, wickrd In i- DCSS." It is rumoured lli-tt the llnti-li li.di.in MI\. rnni'-nt intends eslu,hli*!i.i bunk in India, witli a large capital ami a icula'ion. Tnere ha* Iwen a (,'enerul rcMitnplion of tin- ii>i pUt*j iii'lnilry in \V .1. , nnulsiin: Iroin i iten-ivc oi.icrs (roin Ihr t'u.tiil Ktatm. Mr. Knot. Nationalist M. I', f. i \\ . at <':. n, i , MI.-.-I.I many of tlm li.-l. l.inil i'li th" piesent unsettled si n. ..i lh- silver market. Tin linlisli Korcign OlhVe hascomp! > I t Italian ...A' riiiii- ni 1.^.1111 inn '" i lt f k hy l.r IK.III l on Mr. <Ji.y, tin* B'ltuli \' ice (.'omul at MJIII.'J, Sicily. Siiiniiioii.ws havn l-ecn is-in.1 in l.oiiilon. KllU .,1)11, against tile J.lnj.l I I of ,i ..tin, i . ! i i I y < 1 j.' i O" iiip'tiiioni for money, lor 111:1 ingemenl of tin- leU4 ry Uwr. Tin lurch Miasionan *>n \iott that the Umi-li Kist < ><.iiiy nhall it in .in in I ,ii.|.i, in,, | M trying I 'i rauc 14ti,lM O y.-arly to suijsulisc tin ciuiipaiiy. '1 In .t. ini-ni that Sir Wil'iitin Haiconrt, o\\c t ' to ll,' 1 failure of IIM cyr-i^lii, in,.! . il ilrl.iliiy, wa* about to resign, is , n.- jtlialically oi'i. I 'III. ic arc riininnrs in KngliVi fioliticsl I Mr. (ila'lst. i nmy fall upon l^-inl I'.. . rj >. ' , \ i . >ll , n, wliohaii lium yincr, h rrgariioil at, the waiting man. ' . it IK ) I. , i. .Illi'lltV III 1,11,1 suit., . 'toner f, a it liii l i n tie, iiled to o*Uibiisl, a n protect oi a'.e. Mr. .lohn Mor!i-y IIM t ikrn to Duhlin ., i I ; . (ilailstonc s Home Rule hill for iil-'ini, : in to the Irish Imlrri. 1 1 i< '1 that the ; inviiles for :! strrngll, of th'.' huh pirly in the Imperial I'.ulu.i Thf lUv. Cli.ii i oi \, In lo < Uilerol reiJKiistion he lii'tionnce* the run .1.1 in wlinl. Bg the Kilal ., Cln., il .UK liei'ii f,,r forty mi" ycais a plain (Cuglish clergyman, h* ilrolmej to a**oiateil with Koniish I "" M. ^'i. I.' VMI-. tin lirititli KirM ' miBMiniMT of I'l.lili,- Works, ha* promised wnrk for f im- of thr l.oi ,!,,n nnrni|iloyeil l.y llie ileinolitir.n of th Mllli*iik pn*nn,ainl i n <n lhc site of Ihe I, ml. ling to -in lh Tale L. llcliuii ol Mr 1'oolry, a Ixinilaii solicitor who i* ^rcully intcresle,! MI Mii Mayl,ri,'k, wrvin^ t Uf*MO*MM*faf p'lisnnini; her huituml, ha* Uiil a review uf the caw before Home Sscre- lary A>,|ii.ih, al'e^iui; that the trial juil^e was liia**e>]. A ipcoial cable despatch t<i I i.i- M:l aays Mi -. Mnyltriuks liealth is iiy |M>or. IMTBD8TATa<. Detroit has had IvI niurdors during the past yoar. Dr. Scot;, father of ihe Ut* Mr*. I'reii- deiit Harrison, is dead. Masked hur^nr* are itil! operaunx in >;o. Two saloons were robbed on Mon- day niijlii. At Knterprise, Ky., Carl Burnham killed his wile by cutting her throat with a ranor, ant) then committed suicide by shooting. A general strike rn the " L" rod in I'hi- cago is ihroaleneil owing to the iliichaigc of a i,iiiiilx>r of employes. Meyer (trueiibiirp, 10 yrar* old, died in a ,li-iii HI'S chair in New York while having a Ux>th pulle-l. Xacli H'Tiry. the slayer of five men, ha* I just d i-.l in ksnsa* City. In a ti;lit with a , man and his lour conn in Kentucky he (hot li e whole rive, tiring omy six timc-s. Kx Secretary Blai ne' i-oodltion is improv- ! ing, and he is recovering liom the illness of last we, k. A case of choVia, which is pronoun, -,'d to I* of the (j.-nnina Asiatic type, is reported at Kangely. Me. It is prolmble that the United Slate* will pun hue the Kenan lilirary. which consist* of *ome tvn tlioiiwind volume*. S, \,ii >i., . |,i i-i.iii-n, contineil in the Ilicatur Kaul, (l.i , ni.i ' their esc&ue on Kri- i-v. and a large ruuard U otlend lor their capture. It is proposed to have a health congress in connection with the ('In. -,-o Fair next to which ri'pri'M-ntiitivr sanitarian* ir.iin ihe woole world will be dele|(a.**. Mr. Cornelius Vanderhili'i e'rganl sum- mer residence at New|irt. K.I, wa* <le stroyed In fir.- on l-ridsy. Three hundied thousand dollars is the estimated loas. According to statistics pii'>li*)ied by the Washington ' >IIMII l),-partnient tiiere are >.l i .tii.i'ii.in- in ill- Cnit.'dl State*, of which number .'I.Sii, Hi? are in the New Kng- Uiiil Sutcs. Ceorgn Snutherd, a farmer living near Indianspoln, a mml>er of a religiout. aect that believe* that thu exercise of siilticient, W'll euulile the member* lo perform , in pursuance of his belief han>lli'.l a ra.lt lemiakc, which stung lilm, and he died a raving maniac. Mist K'. a Krear, of Tonglikpeptie, ha^ coinni-n,ed an K.VOH against ;hu Centnl llmi-oii railway for damsi;e* on the gr-,un,l that John Bragnall, to wli'.m shu Wat en nrl, *, killed in an acci- It i.i due lo the carrlrunei* of the railway .Evr.KAI.. Viniina is Cflebra 1 1..-' (h seronty-flrst ninvi nary of the iiide|i:idviice ol theill.- M A !>* 'ui ' ili'euiam fri in Kome says the i ' ' into the tobacco r.'iMin; nuluilry in s i KIIIIIOIIII Willi, .m i- \etv iiiary alNiut th.^ interview mipp ,ed to 'uv.' l-,'ii c veil l.v I',. i > I'.iTTur k to a Krench jourualiil aboul lhc Km* d"pt, li. M. IV l;,.t!i>. lnl,i' prop al licfore th* BriK.- > i " -'I,' ". !> enliaii. e th,- v.il M n! nlver l,y ihi liiinml aUurpt on nf :i'l. OKI, iHI mini i , Iiy .\ K,itopein syndi- cate, is meeting with ^ener.il I ivor. I i \! ' , .. rat .'iilen 1 of The Mail ays I hi I i' i.i - .,i < n u inietingon Mon- >.u\ tight w,u laigcly u. u Keitiwinenl for Sohiii, r l',,rk, und H w.> il,l ) rnln:uloiis to atiacli any i, ; IMIM to tliu vote, win, li w.w careless y lukru C!i 11.1 ,-lior Capri vi is st' linini; every Aimy bill nii'l i< seeking i v.-iy poeal clli.ltc tlio C.i, 'ic, >vli:.-n c,)llllo,il lillo'l v .in.) mil probably decide the late of t...- ni. a-ure. Kni|ieior William lit* w*imly congratu- late I Count \i,ii < ,|ur i II|K>II tlic SIK-CCS* of . Ii in tin- Kri.'!ist*g. 'I In* ileath is annii'i i I of Canlunl l.i\ II-M<', who look sucl, an active n in u. c Mipfuvts.on of the Aaican slave trade. A band of 'J."< dervishes, prrsnin.ihly part i.' 1 1. -i,. i, l> .ni's loi.e. nUacked Fort Taiiicyna. in n lixikir, l,.n were rejiulseil by il. u Ktiyi>ti.,u tioijis garnsoniug the fort. I i:,',ii. it.'d iii I'. 1 1 in I hat tli I i" vi in i..' nt will enileavniir '.o pinvlnuin the MIJI- pott ot t In -I ' i i ' i. iriy lor the A liny bill milling t hi' p.uiiigo ni ,i m. .i-'ur al- lowing the iciin i to IJrrininy uf the J emits. I'm. IIiiiiiarrL, in ixn inlorvinw, refer- i, BII I Hi tt he . i i wur in I^Tnnir tlie pui|iosvt pulh iii^ into tli" tin* and roasting the licmiai, |, M, vii.' i M i.nil lliut the til >l pretext surv"2 his pin I Ait:iur C u., i, ,, MeilOMI inrcl,aiit, 'i .in In, inn. I :c,l u yuM niiu* of luliuloiis wealth, which in M,|M to I... mil, of thi* f| , m ' i-,| sil -I, i .11^-- (.'old SUp- lll'S *x. C. II il 1 on 1 1 1 . i 1.1,11. who is cl:i- ; ;i- 1 with , on i In- !'< II iiiii.h.n ,in. I H hi . i ' . Hi M tinny, rc'iurs 'o i Him 'o Canada Holes* i , instruction* fiom thd n, nt. I Hlll.l.'l \ l\.| kl II -I irilini, Devel*|iBne*ils Made br Drmrr'. Ill' III. I Mr +: , t, t, A Denver, Colo., despatch lay* : -Some stsrtling revelations are likely to be brought to light as a result of a quarrel between try Thompson, of the Colorado Humane Society, and the insurance agent* of ihi* rity. Tho exposure of the grave- yard insurances of Pennsylvania is still nliva in the mind* o' most persons residing in this city, but they will he horrllie.l to letrn thut il ii highly pioluible pracliots similur, and even worse, exist in Denver. Suretary Thompson nver* from cases that have come lo Inn knowledge that a most li.-ii iish practice i* carried on here by certain insurance agents. According to the information he ha* collec'eil, these agents must watch with ghoulish delight lor a dalh in n poverty-stricken family. While the wretched parent* ate bemoaning the loss of one of their children in walks the heartless insurance inin, and, pointing lo tl.e -mil warm corpse, ha* the liardihood and impudence to suggest how much littler "tl they would have Iwen haxl the child been insure. 1, and ends by urging the insurance ni ih" living offspring. Secretary Tliompion asserted to day that he has known of mure Ihan one en, e where tin- parents nrgleclcd n, sick child that wax ilikured in ordei tliat lh*y might nocure the insurance money when it died. "Ten" ciils a week is only a small amount i.o pay, but S75 or $ (XI is a larg" sum to a poverty- itr cken hou-ehold, and nmi v wicked have I ecn commit led for leu* than that, aid Mr. Ih, in, p-, m ; " I had a ce," he continued, " where a woman adopted a con* mptive child that could not possibly live and had it imraed.a'ely insured. Such fates are, unfortunately, by no means rare. Tin- insurance companies aro cri-y to in- I sure, and, ex ; M rtaii, cas s, they ara ready to accept tho statements of parents or guardian* and mak no medical exaimna- ' ii'.'i- .it ull. 'I h facility with which in* | Mir nice I* thus tt ured, act* as an in.l < e- ni nt i - |<arent* rid t|.,'inrelve* o! ilieir children lor the purpow of *c, ur ing money." S-crctary Thompson is still eolleu'.ing facts in regard to this nvrful practice, and aays that he will create a sensation soon by brin^inj; eh ir^'es against certain insurance ciimpant -i ami a mimher of peraoua whose children have died under sosp.cioas circum- stances. ': i i o> MI A II4WK M i i.i. THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN K.IU.I ,.i tii.ieii - I .iiiii.l Him at Ike Killlle Illlie. A bird * nesting adventure that came near ending in a tragedy is described by Capt, liondire. The Captain wa* riding along the banki of Rillitio Creek, An/on i, one. fine day in tin \ear 1ST'.', when ho saw a big black hawk. He followed the bird, und a dis- tance of about live miles from c tmp he found it perched on a dead limb of tall cot ton* rx d tree. On Hearing tlm tiro he discoveied .1 hulky lint placed in a fork 'o .be mam trui.k .md about I" from tin- ground. The m<tto of the hawk which lie hud been following wa.i titling on the ii With the intention of robbery the C.iplain elm. In d up to ihe uel, in which he found a - .iig.e pale blue ,;., the parent bird* | while cirdinii artnind and minifi sling their anger by shriil sen ami. He put the egg, which wa* as big a* a hen's e^g, .iii.. hit uioulli, and wan about to c). when he caught night from hi* elevated p'-i -h of aeveral Apit.-he Indian* cro.iched il"n in n little canyon almul eitjhty yards' dr<taiil. They were evidently watching hi'li. It was a i- 1.- where the only chance of safety lay In prc-e net- ol mind. Wnliout e \liilniin).' any sign* of having mad the alarming discovery, the Captain piocec.it .1 to .Ii ceii.l in u* I iiurely a inanni r a pos , sail retaining the r^>' in his mouth. It he ha I maniii - i --, n.ptnin* of I emg in > hurry, the iti li.m would have perceived thai they were spied and they would have |H>-II -f.i.'iiii.' f .1 tin- fgg-hnnler itt the lo..t of ihe in e IH-I'.II* In- could get ''own. In that caie death by torture of fiendish in- ' H- iiniiy would doubtless have I ..-,! h fate, i it was, he te.t. Ind the ground m safety, I mounted hi* horse, and tt.uied for lamp. In an instant the Ap iches were after him, and they chased him nearly to the camp uh.iniioi'iiiL: th-! pursuit. He got lien- a'l r.ght, howevei, with the egg in I i* mouth. Il w.i unhrokun. Ownik! to HM I r<e si/e the ('.plain had gieat dilli cully In getting it out of his month wil Ii- out injuring it, b.r he linally su ceeded, ; thougli, us ho i-iyi, his jitw itched for some I tinii- ufterwar . It n now ui'-lndeil in the j /oologl. .U cullcctlOII. Sir An.ltew Ci'itrk hi< often been hend . tint Mm. <-l.i l-ton.' isi|iiiu- an mil -h iiitri'il to the n imo of the lirand (Md \\ .. ii in sst.er evei k >reen huxband ii to that of the l.i.ui'l (>d Man. On .liui.- Mn. (iladlone * ciL'htuith bitihdiy i" md and sb pi-ted the innining in wr.ling letter* to hor tnends in I'M ml , -he ac,om|.ii ... I HiH.oii: wiMimg glas-e* of any kind ai aids to her Ir fuel she IIM never yet. known what it i* in ' . i> I spectacles, Hnd yet her eyes are ni brigl-t as those of a V'lin.g woman. Kvery- iin. ruing pMscd I". M,. u,. I ! . i ; '.. at Hikwnrden s. . 'h i\ I .:, h, nearly thn-i- i|'i v: I- i , of a mile away from the cHiilc. Stomaeht^Liver Cure The Most Astonishing Medical Discovery ol the Last One Hundred Years. It Is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar. It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest Milk. This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introduced into this country by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great South American Nervine Tonic, and yet its prcat value as a curative agent has long hocn known by a few of the most learned phyaii-ians, who have not brought its merits cud value to the knowledge of the general public This medicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of indi- {,'o-ition, dyspepsia, and dine:i*es uf the general nervous system. It is also of the greatest value in the cure of all forms of failing health) from whatever cause. Ji performs thi3 by the great nervine tonic qualities whieli it possesses, and by its (Treat curative (lowers upon the digestive organs, the stomach, the liver and tlio bowels. No remedy compares with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builder and strcngth- eiii-r of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer of a broken-down constitution. It is also of more real )>erinanent value in tlic treatment and cure of diseases of tin 1 Ititiu-- than any consumption remedy ever used on this continent. It is a marvelous cure for nerv- nii-nc-sa of females of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical l>eriod known as change in life, should not fail to use this great Nervine Tonic, almost constantly, for the space of two or three years. It will carry them safely over the danjrer. This great streii^thener and eura.- tive is of inestimable vului- to the aired and infirm, because its great eiierLri/ing properties will uive them ,-i new hold on life. It will add ten or liCu.-cn years to the lives of iuauy uf iliouc v/Uw will use a ball* doiea bottles of the remedy each year. IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Nervousness, Broken Constitution, Debility of Old Age, Indigestion und Dyspepsia, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach Loss of Appetite, Frightful Dreams, Dizziness and Kinging in the Fan VTeakiietfs of Extremities and Fainting, Impure anil Impoverished Blood, Hoils and Carbuncles, Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcera, Consumption of the Lungs, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache, Sick Headache, Female Weakness, Nervous Chills, Paralysis, Nervous Paroxysms and Nervous Choking, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of the Heart, .Menial Despondency, Slecpl, ssi, St. Vitus' Dance. Nervousness of Females, Nervousness ol' Old Age, Neuralgia. Pains in the Heart, Pains in the Hack, Failing Health, f .rrh of the Lungs, liroiu'hitis and Chronic Cough, J-ivcr Complaint, Chronic Durrlifea, Delicate and Scrofulous Childre\ Summer Complaint of Infants. All theiio and many oilier complaints cured by this wonderful Nervine Tonic. IfERVOtTS Aa a rure for every c-litss of Xi-rvouu l)isc:is.'<. im rcinody has V a able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is vi-rv pleasant .id harmless in nil its cit'ovls upon the youngest child or tLe'oMest ami nost fldic:iU> imliviilual. Nine tenths of all the ailments to which the btiruan family is heir are dependent on nervous c-shausiiun and impaired diges- Wlicn there in an inniiilu-icnt supply of nerve food in theblaui, a o.'tn r.il siuto of debility of the hrain, spinal marrow, and nen-es is the lesull. Starved nerves, like Bturved mus.-le.-i. l.ei-onie strong vhen the kindot Ibodil rapplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailmt-nts di;i|i|H'ur as the nerves* recover. As the nervous system must supply all the power Ity which the vital forces of the body nro carrie<l on, it is tLe Iii si i^stifffr for want of perfect uutrition. Onliuary finid does not con- tain a stilllcient q-iantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair tli<- wear our prcser.t inoile of living und labor imposes upon the nerves. For thin rc.i-,,n it l mucs ntvcsiaty th.it a nerve food bo supplied. This South American Nervine has been found In analysis to contain the essential eh merits out of which nerve tissue in formed. Thia accounts fur its universal adaptability to the euro of till forms of nervous iio- -' I< , line f I'.i'i ^ ,iiti Iii The ' of L'Uh territory, in hil to tin; 'i'c eriiinc ii' of thn I' I i ', ji .r, i \pn -Hi-d a Ixd'cf that the inrii poly my wa t 1 hy i, *TonnOM. Twelve inonthi' obiervation LI lo cii.inge this opinion, win. h ii i-p, i 'e,| 111 Ilieaiiiinal repo. ll.ituly I at Washington. Tm goiernor doe* rot ilni.U that the Mormon lewter* have 1,1111 . p iji'.iinoiiK mm i i, . , in the yen mi h i i CM>', and hei- that the |iei-pl t lirinielvei linoerely intend to prevent luch man. ages in future. Lady Hin'ki * I. item fail it a Shnkeipcar- ian gaiden, in which tin re ii to bo planted every flower and *hrnb mime. I by thu groat HOI k". The timt *| < wan net out hy llic royal h.unli ol tin i A Veteran's Story Mr. J*rpla Hi m- otcrii d ..... Li .'.ii. r. Ui'.tli s: i v. rli.M in volun- tarily. In 1 . of 1 anil long struggle In :.. lusting SOY- jiars, wa.1 dls- ^^^ a* Ini'iirulilo witli t .,. WtM HfTcct'-il ;'li. i ho I linking sonsntioii frrrw i. lit' it, now In yoiKl ueitllh unit cordially recommend* Hood's Sarsaparilla m a ('n.-r.-il l.)..o,l |,uiili. r inn) (ir null. fl, especially lo Ills n.innul. < 1.1 tin (;. A. H. HOOD'S PlLLS "' l.aml msde, and an par- XtttlU CQII', . , . UMll IMl 1>|>1'.U*IK, A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHOREA. CKA vvioiiD.svii.i.K, INK. June ii, 1SS7. My daughter, eleven year< old, vai .^evcrely uttlieted with St. Vilus' Dance or Chorea. We ^ UV c her three ami one-half DOtUtl of South American Ner- V:IH . ml "he is co[n|ili (!> restored. I Iflicve it will cure every eiwe of St. Vitti-i 1 Ihuicc. I have kept it in my family for two yeurs, and uni sure 1 1 in the greatest remedy in I lie world fur Indlmstkm and I>v>|K-p-.ia, nnd for all forms of Nervous l)is .iiU-rs and l-'ailiiij; Health, frniii w'lmlev. T eause. Slate <>f 7/ir.ifi.i'/, \ J( " IJ < ' f - M'hU. ('oini/if, | mid sworn ,o In-fore me this June .>, 1S87. <'IIAS. \\. \\ UKIIIT, Notary Puhlie, INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Tonic Winch we now oiler you, is the only absolutely unfaiUiio icincdy ever di-icc.icred for the cure of Indi^e:-tn n. I)yippcia, ;ir jd the vast train of f'viiipli.iiis and horrors which arc ill, Nnll of disease :,nd debility tif fie hu.ii.tn Htijinach. No p"i-s.-:i . ,r : -.i:or.| t" pas, l,\ iln- lewelol' ineal- riilahle \ahh- who ii ::l!ectci| 1 ,\ dlMftM of (lie Ktomach. In', atise tli periene* and testimony of riany L'O to prove iliat this n the ONK and ONLY i. si: -rivut t-iire in the world l',>r ilii, ni:i\ersal di .siroyer. There taOMMOf unmali;jnant di-i.-:.si ,,f the stomach which can re'.ist the woiidei-t'iil <Minitivi> powers of the South Aia-.-riean Nervine Tonic. :fr '",,,"" ' :own. Init . n> M. I.i i \ HIAVIOV. 01 X*w no**, !cdl,ma i;;:'.':::,,:, 1 ;.";^;;.; thi'flln-tdiir .- Nitrroas Prostration, ami n - .<.! ronitlllon ol inv i>li.,li- HV; , ||.,,1 K ,, ,, : :'!iS ?- : '^ . r ::, .>'r\lne Tonic, tl.v *Tstrm ww romplrMy shat- ti'F<l, appetite join . wns i .inching amlspltlinK No r.'in"l> lompaiva wllh Sorrn Aur.mrn Nmvix,: as aciir tor the Nerves No n>ni.U ron r-'irmwiiu Mouth Am, rl,.-,., Nervine ., a on,lro,m , ,,, tor tl,,. Si , ,,, ' No 1-rme.T*/* I ',,1 i win, South A.uerlean Nertlm- as a run- (,., all f .re,:, ,,| tail, , I,,,!,- it * " a I nmronorS. Vlt,,"' I nff ,. ih* -hoi, .,.., ,,r, ..i.rHli.rtu, I. tin- ,,.,.,.. It run . tt Id ..,' vim,,!. d1h, mid" ut frli'nd to the I,H.*I| and Infirm. Don, , i.. HK.> tli! i i.rwl-iri ! U-KIJ.-I th, onl, remedy which will ,, aS-Tb^iirtSa.' i J ^ I'M J?'^ 1 **?! f 'l lhc '""'" ""<'<' '"<. not tell <> no ihte ; ud'iiffi; y r vr.^" r L ; ;;;r; rj^^ b " uiy u - n > ur * to * < Price, Large 16 ounce Bottle $1.00; Trial Size, 15 Cents. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. If not kept by Druggists order direct from Dr. E. DETCHON, Crawfordsville, Ind.

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