Flesherton Advance, 8 Dec 1892, p. 3

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WAR t\ \rill I. A Uaapaijcn That Hw Placed Dahomey at Her Mercy. Klmv rhfiBBla's Ursprrair Mingx!* lo licrpllli rtironr iirlln<-;il Uni Throws 4ri-u.il I li- Kmiir of i In- lin i.i,-. K ti le/r riarr. Ik vuit.-i - m KMill.r Til ri2b Wills Ikr l.rmtr.i rriia;r. lt is over three months since France began her sucond war with Dahomey Col ' ' tho King wi-h all hm reserve troops middon ly appeared ou the soene. The young mm exhibited the most des- p-ratu courage. Probably long before Uoii d rcitohud die neighborhood of A homey , the King bitterly regretted IIIM looiliui.iy reoklessness in making enemies of the I 1 ' ranch. It was too late, however, to re- trieve the blunder. All he could do was l.o tiijht. with tho utmost desperation for hi> throne, aud 1 iiut he di<). lie no sooner re- turned to bis fores at the front than he lent word to (,'oL Dodds that unless he at onco Uodds led into the field nearly" 4,tillb "isoi'. turn (1 diem, mostly .Senegalese and I'orto Novans, With only l-J.'miiles between his camp on -.-. camp on thu com and Abomey he advanced with BACK TO Til,: s(A he would annihilate him. He said he had the greatest canliou, and in the last halt of i '"''* ''"' 1" w ' ir "' his army and the Iwst of his journey the desperate enemy contest*.! \ ki ' <4iip<neut in reserve, and would not nearly every step of the way. Col. Do'lds permit the French to advance another inch ha* always been uoted for careful attention lnto hli co ">"y- This was pure braga- to the well being of bis troops. In one of I l ' oc '"' '-" J '"id', paid no attention to the his expeditious agaiuit Srnegamhian rei'- a few year* ago, ha provided camels foi al hi* European soldiers that he might pare them tiie terrible diacomfort of tramping in that tiopical region. After some 'of" t Vis Then Hehanzin's frantic efforts to stop har.es' rights with the Amazons of King t ' le 'n'* 11 " 1 ' 3 * redoubled. Fortifications bvhaium, Col. Uodds kept quietly in ramp luMl becn erectetl every three or four miles for a day or two to let his men rest. Some- j * cr '- >l tne rotd. The entire^ Dahomeyan times also he foun.l it necessary to halt for ' * rni V was now at the front. ICvory day for a few days) in order that his porters several ^ ve ^*!* tne n tlve rl "y threw itself with thousa if in number, who carried food for '(!" u . tmo t desperation upon the enemy. 100, < I/OK- \u KATINU. Columbus discovered turtle soup. Moore was the only Knglisb epimire poet. .John Baptist ale locusts and wild honey. Locusts are still eaten iu Africa and Ara- bia. Cream ices were first made in Paris in 1774. Calves' head soup is tint mentioned in 327. Dumas attributed Kve's sin lo the love of ca ing. Napoleon'* favorite dainty was blood pudding. The Danes were accustomed to eat six times a day. In l.'iix) the French made live kinds of wheat bread. The Middle Ages were famous for their empty throat, l.ut a< soon as his force andl* ou t >Hi uppliesbad been landed at Tohue he start- 1 Bread was tint made in Kngland witli ed west for the sacre.l town of Canna aud | yeasi in HI.'U. the capital. vicinity of the earth's orbit, would possets a mucli lower teuipent'itru than if Animals were granted to Noah as food, P.C. 'J348. Ices were unknown befuru the seventeenth enluTy. Oliver Cromwoll loved veal seasoned with oranges. In l.'ll.l the price of au ox was 91'.'; if corn- ted |18. In l.'ll.'l a lamb was worth 3s.; two dozen tho Wiiemo RiveT'Thl!! i?the first"i 'h.' f "f P"' ev - C ?.'- I ^ d ''| l , h;it ! ' 8 . W ^ 1 ^ "Salmon wa. formerly believ.d to promote Wnenie Has been used as a highway by an ulk wlth tne K '" Provided he would first drilukt ., mtJM invading army. The Kings of Dahomey i evac " t '*> defences which ho had er'-n.,( have always regarded the Whom* as defeii ' *' on 8 tne Koto Kiver. llehau/.m retimed 1 tho army, could go to I'orto Novo and re- turn with fresh supplies. Co). Dodds began on Aug. 17 to ascend The French vigorously repulsed each at- tack, ai:d the native* suffered grei.t Ions. A* a result ot llm lieh:ui/in asked sively the'weas; point of their country and ; to plve "P Ul " line of 1<;ft ' n< '' anij next d ' l V they kept it ''"* C "' UT " U g'" n advanced. It had been for grnerataons they CUMKl.V :pt it i u:i>i o. ro unforced by fresh arrivals from the coast, and in tuo.d.iys more it hud captured the ranger might use a as a high- strongest lines of fortifications it ha* yst th interior. It was not until I.>O met on the Koto River, and had also scaled rather Uandm of the French Missions two lines of entrenchments beyond Akpa. Dahoineyan guards and paddled In these later allsirs the French lost eighty- irty mile* up the river. Since the seven killed and woi-.nded, aud iu the tint lives Iwcame better acquainted with the twenty miles of their inarch from the MwKitdt. r'lia \JVfAA-MA sV__ * * I i- i i Wheme the I -reach to** was twenty seveu whites (be VVheme has ucen ascended by veral officials and explorers, including Ballot and Skertohly. These travellers killed and 1U1 wounded. Col. Uodds's forces) were tired oat with e , the tortuous stream to within The peacex-k and swan wore famous old Herman dainties. In Iceland codnnh boater to a powder are used as l>read. The fashion of nerving the fish between meata begin in 1J6-. l.'hinc Noung. B.C. 19fW, taught the Chinese to make bread. Pork was tiie most highly esteemed llnah at a lloman table. liood ceokins; was introduced into Kng- laud by the Normans. called escargots, arsj in Kranos) tweu'.y-rive mile* of Abom.y. and whe. ', ' from C .T h " P *T <1 '"i 8 .'- '"' tr<K>P> * ^ 1MO """P" irero Iir8t lm P rlu<1 iuto Frencn decided last winter S-TEsS ^,, * ^ ZlmoJk' tTs/S considered a dataty. ) orauges we from Italy. For five centuries France has furnished the world with cook*. Hippoeras mentions waters, fruits, cream and cheese as dessert*. thr at, , , TV H' 1 -*'""-- lor hl " Toa,,t , wolin . led ^u over th . hard- won road and ' !. 7 g ,? ,'h w. y ol>l ' at ' on w - 1 down the river lo Porto Novo. A strong to use the Wheme a high- forco o| , oldier , went wan tll<!m ftn Hi, e "8' borl " Jodo , fth fP'^ cort. Uodds did not intend to advance ssSSrSSi'SS =="-' ffraartfa j&araaar SSfSJtrpasrt E&a&sssaiJtB " " - " - - - the boats ; hoary artillery wagons draaged nj,,.,. ....-I,. by natives) went in advance, crushing a road I through the jungle and forest along the river I DKOVKTIIB I:NKHY UCT bank for the greater part ut the eipedit ion. 'of the sa -red town where the bones of a Two or three thousand porter* were aiways long line of Dahomey'* King* are buried. on tlio march between strong detachments Bchan/m now retired to the new linen of ong detachments ot soldiers carrying the supplies ; and other fortification* with hn:h he had surrounded largu bands f earners were tramping to and Abouiey, eight miles beyond ( 'anna. About fro along the road thus made, replenishing th midiilu of November Cut. i>odds befian the minnisflary department from the the ^inie of Almmey. He had fouml . .: aboundiug markets of Porto Novo. in tb* Ut two or three battle*, ciilminat- Col. Uodds had been only five day* on hit' ing with thu evacuation ot'Caiiiiu. the reiis- journey when the trouble began. Tho well- tance ol the Dalnmeyans had become Itss wooded district thrjugh which ihe infantry anil less srriom. They had time and again were marching a Horded thi h*Mt of shelter ' ecn their comrades mown down by grape- for the enemy, anil for days hardly an hour shot at the munles of the French guns, and pa seed that th* ambushed soldiers of Behan : hail become greatly <li*huaru-nd. lluhan- zin were not tirim itito the advancing col- '-ill bad a few Krupp ami cnnntrr ^uns uinn. The enemy aid not appear in strong which were bailly served, and *ome of them however, and ware easily forced were Unmb'.eU by tho French artillery. It back. | seemed evident, however, that the enemy Behanzin had thoroughly planned IIIM de- ! would make a desperate attempt lo savs fence. He did not luttnd to offer serious ' their cause by prevent ing th<< French from battle until the French were farmland. If entering the capital. Col. Dodds'n plan ke than succeeded in defeiung them he W B '" invest thi* town of I. l,fXX> people and hoped to wipe them before tn-enforcemenu i w u ' ;llt 'l additional forces were sent t<> him could reach tliein or they <-ould flee to the from the .-o.iitt '.wforu atlciiirtin aggreasive coast. It was not until i'oi. Uoddn hail ail- nie*iin^. C.uitinn is one of his most ad enturUin llis tr.ends. Leo X. was a moat notable patron of cookiug and a faraeus eater. At a lUnvui feast all viands were served iu not h.irintj >iishes. Marmalade, made from quinces, WM known in Kngland in 1 100. Marie de M. dici introduced Italian cooks and oookeiy into r'ran . Tho nas Cosgate introduced the fork into Kngland about Hi 10. Vitellius had one dish which cost 1,1)00 sesterces, over 84 '."U". The bookseller-- lust* contain the titles of ovi>r li'Xi c-ook books. In the seventeenth ientury chickens were served with verjuice. Plntareh says no K.'ynfans save the I.ycnpoliles would >at mutton. TBK to TH SON'S RAYS. At this temperature the molecules of nitro- gen composing our attnos|>lier have n mean velocity ot r.unor leu tliau uue-tiurd of a mile per second, ind tho moleculo.i ot oxy- gen a mean velocity of rather in ro than onu i|iiart: of a mile. Those are Dim- mean velocities, but aoinuul those paiticles art) undoubtedly moving ai a very iiiurh nlower rate than tnis, ana sjme a great deal faster. Wr.en t ere are many ot tnem they art) changing tm-ii- veloeUies mlilio'is of innrs every oeooud, owug to natural cullikiou*. but where ihere uieonly >;ouiparaliviy lew of them, as wuulti be the case, tor instum r, near the oulekirue of tno lunar atmosphere, it won.. I frequently happeu that one 01 tneau molecules pg9,essiug live or six times lur average veiocuy ol the ruat nould uol meet any oilier ir.uluculu in its p. tin to stop it and it would then be carroil uw.iy Irom theniuou never to return to :' ,.^.nn unless brouglit b^ck by the atiruciiou of somu other oui- mde body SMI"I ,114 the e.irlh or ihu sun. \Ve thus -< Uiti even now liio moon must be >uily losiuij whatever aimospheie it punaeaocs whin: u lux uu lueaua whatever ol recovering it." KOI tu. mi ly if thesune thiiijj bo tik-.n^ pUre in tiie Uirreatrul atuioipliero it mmt be doing KO at a very slow raw; indec 1. If in some earlier period liyitio^cn gas w.is more abundant in thulerrostriai atmosphere than it now is, it uuy be thai inucu ot tint gas escaped, bu . tlio oxygen aud nitrogen are not likely Co be lost very easily. For a >oug MIIIU t) come, therefore, tliu earth cams lit- ciioiizli ana breathmg place for maukiud, autl it is probable that the don sity ol tne wrreatji.il atmosphere, will Uil as louij as the liuimn r u-i- d - <I Br Vurasii **/urrr Ihr I blnrse Mosiarrh Wjtlk. The traveler vrtio is strolling about the principal thorough lares ol IVkm is liable at a erossiug oi I wo in mi streets to tind a huge screen ot |ut<-uwork clolh HUpentiiid from poles 111 nuo!i a w \y us lo otutriict the view Irom all sides, only ,t narrow opening left tor carls anil prdcstnaus. 1'iir-iuuii; Ini \v.iy he notices that the enlnmcu f> til the uuny alleys is Inn lc*tieii with ru.'h maty, ind the same kiud of screen i* pU.-ed in tr mt of ruiacd temple* and vacant lots which have been UBod as the places of deposit ol tilth <>i- rubbish. Whunuvir the Kmperor ia about to mako hisexit from the -iiy or is alraut to return criera AIIIIOIIIICK thai fact to the people, who tlien duappear, not to einergn until tiie invisible monarch has pawed, when tiling go un as usual until the next occision ol a like uuture. There are two main buiifliu supposed ti beattskcbed to this characteristically On snial pi-fiecediiiK -it helps lo preserve tho nciion of the Kaoredness ol the uerson Kmperor and ol his Iwing lonu-Umi^ oiii<-r thau aa ordinary mortal, and it is a vn!u<tblc check upon reck lussaiiaaams of the . .. type, whom Chilis would easily furnish in unlimited number*. A third result i Iriital. Aitbu pi-onle see nothing of tho HIS PLUCK SAVED HIM ''Oraiser'i" Terrible lirperisnos Worth MiuUJjfau WildruM<- in ft Four May* ! <nm M< rra, 4lt>Bi- UB<| Dis- abled by * Ai-rldrui Hew llr W:>lr His Way Iv a l.uniiii r ump aad M'a avtiU. A correspondent at (iraud liap'dr, Minn., writes as lolluws : James (iilinore, who i* now limping around Ihe Hotel (iladstoui- in tins city, is the hero of a story of ludonut- aulo pluck aud courage that tins seldom if <-vrr beau oqnaleil in the tumalsof the woods in the lar .Noun. Like a typical hero, (ill- more wear.s his honors mouuslly, aud it i* almost wan dtltiileuce lhat his tew word* concerning Ihu adventure have been told. His pale lace, uniacialC'l imioi and pain- drawu faue tell a most eloquent story, now- uver, o' his [inv.ai'jn and autlering. (iihnoro in local parlance is n cruUer." Two weeks ai;o last .Suuduy he was uu on iin- Hi),' l''iik.i liner, about sixty miles from here, looking over tne umber lor tbc pur- pose of iiiniiiii> u Huiiitble piece and then taking a homtnieatl. He had with him tho usual oiiiiit ol j. cruiser ur explorer blank ots, provisions and gun. U( course a good nnurp ux was mr I lined. Aa he wan u.ak.u'; his w.iy thiougli Home line* undorbriish with llutt iuipluini-nt in his left hand soiun twiiji caught Ihv handle .tint his leg wua thrown .i^ainsl thu keen bit with sneli force astosmk it clear to the bom-, just above tho knee. I.ILMIUIK'S -T<IRV. 'There was not much pain," ho said, in telling iua story lo your correspondent, -'nut my leg rc-fuiel to support u . and then 1 think 1 mum liavc funned. U lien I r-viv .ill, "mi"! niy.eif lyiiif; helpli-asin t hosnow, which was rapidly i/emg . rinnoiit-d with tne blood iioiii my injuied limb, iiy lint thought was to stanch the hemorrhage, which 1 man ged to do by unbuckling my leather IM-.I tiom around my i<ly and strapping it liirnly and closely just .ibovo the wound. Darkness was by thu time fall- ing, the snow eddying about me and the wind was rising. !: ;.r.- p.ick, sack and blankets, 1 iried to ante. T: inr' w.ts a failure, the limb proving useless. Then I realized that I had belore me a struggle against fuartul odds for life, but I determined to li^'hl the grim old monster to .1 ifritty linisii ue way or another. " L'licre I .< miles from any human be- ing or habil.iLiou. \Vhero 1 full, however, tiie brush was |uuo thick. There I manag- ed in someway, 1 Hiirdly know how, to clear, one handed, vitu my ux, a little open sovo in \vlin-h to lie in u*iiy. 1 also . antrived to c-dlect enough wood lo make a little tire, for the uold was telling on me :ind I was) nearly tr --u. \"^t 1 in uiaged to get at my blankeU aud unpack my Rack. Over my lire of oticks 1 was enabled to cook a lit tie food, aud Irniii melted snow 1 made some collee. "It waa nearly midnight hefora I got enough bmshwood tugcihcr by di.igguig myself vanced abuut fifty miles up tiie 'river that mirable charactKiistic*, and having carried everything before him to the gates of the capital he did not intend to risk all in the I'u.il battles without a force to iusuro his . All through the campaign Doddi has t>. on re mi e>Ks.-riau m* al IBe tni.-rir.in Mlnllua lu fi-ru. Uurti'H hi* observations at Areqnipa, Peru, I'm'. XV. K. I'l.ikonnji Im* frequently which II'MI.I. KmiiiTor, so ho sees nothing oi tho people, by nr, !i uid lo kn-p the iirp going tho reit He is probably the only man in Chum who of th* night \VliriiIonl down a bush I is unable to form >tny idea ot what tho , made short piocc* of it, and w:tli a pole t'liim-ss are lika or wh*t they aro about, j poked tin in into A convenient place. At What i* seen 111 tli imperial court is no last I dnitgi-d my It up and rolled op in type .>! Cniiia or the Chinese, but it inn t i was >ory wak Irom !on be a literal impossibility for the Boipsjrar I of Mood, 1 could not 'ilni-p mnrh, .ml to get anylliing else upon which to base a would not have dated to any n-av, aa 1 had notion of iin uiiipiu. What dot* thn K:upvrr tliink, how much seen tho so-sailed "lunar twilight, prolong* the cusps of the crvsconl Tbi* phenomenon ha* ben noted by other scientistu. among whom are Schroder, Wobb and <>ruilhoisnn, and I'rof. l'i.-k--r-- ing's observations ol that exhibition of tho existence of a lunar uiino|>hcia have led CAMI-: mils -.1 'IT of the lirst eartii works which the unerny ha'l built crowing tho route aloni; which the invader was advancing If defeated in his ' au j,Y every Ireekor so tmiispatcii courier* to him to speak more t length in i-- K ard to hr-t serum* stand, liehinziii intendv.l to ..,<> \ OV o with despatches lor the ['r.-H.ii i ;..> thin lerial cloak win -h encompasses tlio lies to another line , ;,, v ..,, im -,it. I'r.mi Porto Novo they were i earth's satellite. Tho Aie.,uipa ou*erva tions were mid.- Ui a lirih power tele- scope, aad the lunar twilight was 'n -r 1 across the ste.Ur surface to a distance cor thu lire to keep up. It w.-i- Sumity. I , staid there all ill Monday, tlu-uoxtday. I dors ho knur, what does bethink that he eulat^-d mv run;) i litMt bv .Ira^iMii-^ my knows, ilooi he think at :iil, wli i oil i .un.l for lunl. Sinco Novi-iniier I, spe.Mli.' gnuly of the .UrUnoss in wb.ch he ' and e\<-n e:rii.ir. th it reui-m oi !H-> M pi'rpplu:i;i\ i.o.l.-i .1 I imw miny lx)iitr.iy cred with .n.>w. That Mon.l iv mi-lit was of h^ht reach him ilinu^li 111 1,1:1. pio ov-i- one of tlio wlnti > . I i.u ter thel.i kn i;i ui " K >*ids' r .' This mats tlirrinmneter nhd i down to H) - bel'.,.. and-l>ed .|Uilt theorv ' f ^overnmeii! :< no' ui.l i. i.;n.utn wind. \Vlnl, ironliiu-d to 'In- Kiiip'rur. but runs all the , 1 eiidm >! .1.1 1 luy liirrc -.v.iuii.iu i an.i way tliroUL'b th ranic* of 'illicixldom. The from lou nf blood in ; t . n^u,. I. I .-Sl-llll.! It. lay after the ao- o- L toj 1 vy ini| . . , , | VIU Wl UUIUU V. LIWIII.I VI i^ V* V HIIW W 1VV I V: of fortihcatious and in this way he II.M! pro- le i,. Kr ,uhetl to tho coast. Thvsw despatches pared lor a possible retreat of IIM srmy all havo ve r ry couis*ly jummetl up the progress the way to Abomey. Ihe nearer the French of ,| ie poditiou. The couriers travelled " numerous they wl>il KrC4 V rapidity, and the desp.it.-li from I (.'anna was cabled to l',ns four day* after This however, is uot i|Uite so iboXini') made by Kehanzin's came lo that city the more found the lines of do.'ence. r n/in knew just where lo place tiice ,, WM sent, fortification*, for as "' tho VVheme i would ancend it a* the whites were using f xp ,.aitiou.as i highway, he knew they runnel ,, w ho. s . ..... ,,-,., ,-...,, Ution.--d in relay salons the til they reached Tohue. : , OH a between Abomey and \Vhydah, haru when..-e the only fair road to the capital (. arr i e d his messages to the coast io a *ingle leaves the river; and it wo* necassan lor llay UeUiis ol the fighting have been re- tberrench to use this road, because the ce ived from French officers with this ox pe- forest n very deaso bniween the river and i lol , ' Abomey, and ihe invaders c-onld lake no other route aavo at great coot of time and' energy. C'ol. Uodd'i first hard fight was at the little hamlet of Taku whero bis column grandfather married a l-'ulbo "woman, so was attacked by u .mall force. He captured lhllt ( ' i L)odds has the town and drove tho enemy before him lur o ,f native blood ii as he null advanced ;il.<p tho lefl bsuw, l''iv- more hard tights occurred Mum te in the wara which Krauch has army rcache.l Tohuo, when l.'ol. Dod.Uturn i n S^neual and in Tonkin. oil west to Abomey. In two of these battles the Uiliomeyans In ought at le-st I IKKI >,. ^ ri , s8 [ i ne am i women snl.fior* into aotion if m t-i-ost, ;u..l nut \ lew canard i have becn i ^ the na'ive* was heavy, for the French bad maimfacture.l in I'uri.-i to meet the demand the b<Mt of rifles and artillery. The Dahi'in- foi cyans fought with ihu greatest cum atte. and as th* ( 'ol. Di. l.l.i has been prouiu'od to the of lirigadier-Ceueial for the groat sue- i he ha* achieved. His family for some :itiuin have lived in Soin-g.il, ind his ivi'iv woman, so uonsiderahlf admix turo if native blood in his veins. He i .--. ."D ye.ii.- old, ami Us in.ide a .iplendid record l>olli has wntched the pro- n with the B . The l'rem-h nulr.n responding to sixty i U of ire, or in lunar latitude to about 4 degrees, asagainst tho IS degree* o! latitude in A TBKKK'-nil U. Ttt'll.l. Ai i he almonphen n-:raeli<iii mdiici-d l>y the moon's atmophere is uunul to a diver- ucncu of aliout two seconds Iro-n the direct , " " - ray. it ha* been generally accepted as a ' come to - " nt - lal matter of common belief that lliu density of tiie lunar atm .splicin is r.bout three one- hundredth*, or four oiie-hundredths of that "V.IIIP of tlioso sen-i.itii n d lies, ilegril n urder >; I! '',\ ,tn in, tlio fall at the battle of Doi<1a. where tho Kini;'v of . \boinoy, and the e-;ocuti.'ii or ih* white brother led the charge, thirty of the women men found in l!<.-hin/.iii'i> *r>-ioe, have been w.iirif.'it were killed a'raost at th niii/.xle* cabled to tiiis country, l-'ranoe now has a of tlio (aiinou. Tliny hvla lrv;o nupuiy of once powrful native Africa State at hor Mnmnnitioa, but w;nto,l ihe in.- ,.f ii. fi-'. Siio u: .nd uudoii'itedly will mako 'I' 1 ' ' iry to many leport*. were shsJ oswqsjsjfwd 8trt *) of the most valu- of iiff-iinr <|iia!ii.y, and they were slow in able of hr Afri.;,in p.o loading tin-in. In lirinxthey hold the luiti Loved His Paps- Littlo Hoy--" I mot. Mr. Jones of the weapons under their m ins and blaxed aw:iv, most t.f tlioir shoU whi/.'ii, . the head, of tho French fo, mreetand he Mid hee battles oecorred in the lim^r. about something ami an. I on two occasion* the nilivo, siirpriwl 'walking 1 ei.clopirdia. early m the morning by , u *biii(! Mamma "Indeed ' on this ;e papa papa a the imlu- ilded upon the advanrii <l{ forop. This little pet say to Mr. .Ion I neir favorite mouV of attack. Whpu pos- j Little Boy -" I called him MM* they n,lwnv en Inavor o swiirm in upon and overwhelm an enemy early > Uio (lay before ho had stwred from n, nn . It was rstimatv .1 ,.(),. .'. v i,. u i o! 1 fc>ft tho river and li.. JlU i hi.! ox o, laud n,.rrh to Alinincv. tl-iit. Beban/iii bad alrea-i I of his fiffhtini; for.-o. Ahout .I.WiO me > :,nd women had licenkilli-l orwnuii'lcd. Behat/in hal been coniB*llod lo ki-i-p * lai|Z8 force on the road between hi* ail- he called And wiiat did my an old cen- tipede .uid throw a stone at him. ' Sufficient Points of 8>3enjblair<; " Darling, don't you think little Johnnie reaa-nblcs you more aii.l moi every day V think so, clearest ?" '* Yes, love. If \ou notice you will find that ho always wants the best in the house ami that he ary torvtiirh !i th.T .^jiital himseU fora fortait'lit to <p....|I a rovoln^ion that l-r.ko oat in lii^ ' i r-op. ni i.nnlo an. I rl lr brother were leader" '.f the molt, anil they and their party lied to the north whoa i.i." he "That will do, Maria." Tho oldest building in Kugl.vid in :'n Towor of l of the terrestrial atmosphere. According to I'rof. Pickering'* observa- tions then** tin'in-i .ire muoli too large. On >t 1_, IH1I.', during the occulution of dupiior, hn repeated some oxpcrimoiits that. hn h id made, iu California during a similar occultutiou, and he now i. -nerves hii be- lief that the density oi tho lima.- 111.1. sphere is surely not above 1 4 r )!H) and may not be 1-SCOOol that of the earth. Tho basis for iision ia that immo.liately before i occiiltation of Jupiter the re d:it.r'.-i. n.njiiirale in Mii>po<cii to be the man that know* iin 'ii.-. r i.-!, url 1 be pre- 'oi i Ilia mail tii:U 'n'iow.-i his preie butlheiie are mere tigurr-n of speech used .\\ i |i,ir--lv ideal wiv. No onoin 'i ! knows less of wliav is going on within its i bound aril's than ilia chief officials ; no one would have morn trouble in finding out what is going on, supposing he really de- 1 sired to know. As a rule, there is no ono who really less to know or who c insiders it lost his business lo know, pro. i. led lint paid ami t.lie people arc " triMn|oili/c 1." It iirli'iiit Inr most (.'iun.>o '.I'i :iaU to i dunes, for the if .son tlitt 'hoy goiier.illy have too little intereil in the matter, ami are in reality almost a* much pinion shackles as the prison, r- v 'hu dour* 01 their yammis wearing woollen platform, about their nc.'k-t, hut xvith th.s dilleruuce, that tho Hrntuii'-i! on (lie prisoner is for a .! n iito term ami cn.l, wliile that ot the oliicial is too oft I only by his life Chinese ofliciaKloin is largely shut, up in t shell, just iu it MO i ^i-iii-iii'iiiii v^o, and if we hear the IMIIUU mi:,' within it is much more 'likely to 1 . . ; ho83 ouisitfo to prevent their breaking in than auell'.irt on tlio ]>.ni.ol bh tmprlsjODtd to [III .IIIA--I I/IIU w*.. H,"VI" " w ..|... .. . ,. . v ...,i produced by the lunar atmospln-i-e et 1 "- -!'>orth thmi. i t -I*. t. -- --^^ ~~~ ~ lid ,iot "X'.-tc .1 on 101 . Tlri ob- servation wa i;aro'iill\ I nd ill prob- ably bo . onliro'ed bv lutun; |iho;oxi'i|iiis of luuar rcfrai'tiou. The fact thu' t ho lunar at- >!.!<. II :\ Kl oil.-N ? A Hell-known u'.toriHiy "i I'e'r..i'. he lirst hun< out. his .sninxle, didn't know less deuso than it anywhere near of mil. Ii he knows now mosphere i-H oven much lia-> i .ci-n Udii-ved to l>e may DOAOOOptodwat leant partially proven. I'or all practical purposes this would i. .- 1'iuar utinna- to bring a null for broach of prom ue. lie phcre at tho surface of the moon of the same asked hcrtotell h:m ull i ue eirciim^i density as the terrestrial atmosphere at and she did. \Vlien her story w,i* finished forty-five miles from the surface of . he shook hisbcail doubtfully. tho earth. H is known that the latter .ten- I "I don't know about this," "he said, sity is siilliciuni lo camu refraction, 10 that " You say he aakod you to bo his wifo !" - ..-m.i uolhing unreasonable iu I'rof. Pickering's conclusions. Why the moon's air should be a i . is Hill an open question. It may bo takna lor granted that, if l be moon were once a pan, of the earth, tho oriuin.il lim.u a'tno*. plicro was at least l-10'h as den.i as ilir " Tiieoilay, llie 1 to ;;-y ; . nii|i. My wound had become temples xrt r>! throbbing like irip-hniiun. i , o:y linger-* wore lionmni.od and my feel slightly iro.it bitten. I commented f use. * utiil tun In r. In rtky pack-sack was a iuil o! txvine, u> ail expene.i. .i w>. > i . and picker* always c.irry for omuigeni-.es. That I incosiire 1 into three . uni i.iiyilid I .. -iid ol ouo vi is tjril t i my nil-: that nf another lo my |>a. k, and ;li : ; md to my bundle blankets. With tin lose end* all.. i t.. mv well log I would crawl 'no I" : ' uid then draw tho ar ely to me. only to repeal ;imo and kgainthonroosjMof kh> b .liousmur. h. During t li.it d.ix I iiiiin^ed to 'nake about . ainl.it nijj'ut found mv-o'if at the banks of small fro/on mream. I in a camp MM- i:n as 1 had thn two infills |l|. V.OUS. " During tha 1 niijiit I-olve.l I'n . .ii pio ling further. With my uliaqi .M | oiio|i|io.l i nun. :i tor H rude sie.i, ;,i I wilh the i!ord that had ,!.,..! no i. > Ii I !.ili.- 1 tlio parts to^.-; her. I o i. >li. I on my pjck, blankets ami ^11:1, r, i mynelt, ui.l wilh mv |ii',,ri .i H;.I'| I puabod my-fli iiiin- iniloi along ihiit s'.rea'i) on liie ic.-, goinng with- ill a iiiiartor of a mile of a damp, win. hi my night, the fourth li'iii. " Tin-re wa< n.> one there to give my m- about the mysteries ol t ho profession. ' lional droning, but bn tirnoi,. voimi! "man who wanio I . "on- ,(npli.-d .,, i i ii- IL-M day, on the Lot- loin of a xpringless camp supply wa^on, I iii-lj-in a .sixty-mile riilo o mroy road. That w.w thn most. |iainfnl part of , .md it took 'lie three days to get hive to lir.ind Rapids.' When UilmorO got hen- lie -v .nnnpluloly ited from the joltiim ho ha i >x n, lo iiif iiij:iri!il limb w.ts t \iolleii to twice its natural .-i.v. I.i spite of all that ex- posure he isgaining ilrcni^tii and (hn wound m healing ni.'cly. No one here, ho. KM any d*J*lre to oxpcn nco his iccurd in these great, wood* of thu noi tiilaad. present terresti iiu .; nio*phre. That grown at leant Mil times OH rarelic I i a strange ciroui'uiuii';.'. bub one t hat admits A' . in the pi-en- pUusiilo explanation. Piof. I'ickeriug's thociy . ( .i,i. i, ...-OIIOHIV. with *u ii".!onnt you to be his wife '.''' " And you said you would V " Ye, sir." "Then he loft and didn't come back any nioro'.'" " Yo, sir.'' " Uiii-um," 'lesitnted tho aV.ornev : " did you aak him to be your husband '.'' "OfOwsUM I didn't." " Diil hn promiexi to be T" "No, sir." " Pi.l bi> .,;iy anyihing fiuther than !>: of hi* Aroquipa observations, the lot* of, doiiiii 1 v in tno luiiiir atmojphore has uol. only been goim, p oti si:. '- the mo >n wnshoiu into space, but ix being continued to-day : "According to thn i o:-,. uulies of Profs. r*nx!ey and Very, the temperature of tlio m. M. n s surface may be taken at aHuut 3 i-oiitigriule. There is no reason to SM|. thai, uiy particle situated in thn imnicd.ato No, sir." " \\*.'ll, my dear mis*, I don't sue where was any braooh of proniise, do Tho fact i, you were careless, nml I don't ne how you can win thin ca>o. You'll have to bi m.ii'O pirtic'ihir m-\t lime. You " liu'. shi) didn't wait to lirai of hi* aovice ; she l>ouii H'd out and got another attorney. \ U'auili-rrul ii.-rnni. Wats, a Hrintol man, tho discover, i of tl-o {irosi.iit mode of ma'ting shot, owed hi* tiirtuiiii to a dream, which led him to wondT what shape molten lead would ot- suine in falling through the air, and, finally to net his mind at rest, IIR ascended to tho top ol tho M-npl of a ,'hun h, and dropped slowly and icgulfirly a ludlefnl of m. . ,ioa< Iwlow. I>ecoudinir, hn took 1 1 oni ';. l i.i.'. <f t lie -iiillow several hui.d- .hc i'i.'t perfect shot h* bad vur MHIi

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