Flesherton Advance, 8 Dec 1892, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I BANKING OFFICE OP GBD. MITCHELL, him. it (lie cost of a postal card or at init a telegram. Ho l<u.us nothing, therefore from being overstocked. Tlie article i* a staple one, fur which there is M constant a demand as fur whoat or flour, and the the Chloride of /inc. Mix well mud ap- ply over the cancer, letting it remain from twenty-four to forty-eight hours ttccoidniif to the time the cancer haa boon standing. Then Ulto off ilio cancer plan- \ ij i In -HIM trsnuaeud ' i iMMlicil at UH-.ml rate* I I * i , afailaMe for lxitiuit buniiiiMs , 1 1 . um t!i of Kiehardsoa A Go's. mrrcliaiit can, therefore, sU it at the I tar and <ln>as with any good llealini; uiiuiiiium ratr of profit. Vicinity Chips. "vrv.r:rrUtlrs of the Past Werk < ari-niUy < iillnl for the Curious. .'.< trill lu- ff r liiif fr I ,riil I" . (o Icani ilreasmnk Ui Mr 'Terc'r mi. Th.-iv will l. Kli.-.itni^ mate!) i\t the iy. Tui-keya, I i n. 1.. run) 1 < .< a tit I in* i I'.i. u. 1'iice .' I r.l furn- iy, an. I an impel in to Imaiura* itbnd M I K i'v.: -n. ca*es will ' l '" A .11 there fii Mr. Win. Clark in Htfent in this suction fur tlio nursery iirni of Brown Bros. It is g.io<l Ijrni Mr. Joi. W.I'HOII mitile) The Advance man a ObrntWM I.IVMI-I i of a tiim in. !! of <I.M nr.-ii id inim, or in ol:u:i Eno iUh ill.' klmrt lirin-fl owl, which is quite. .- oi'iiMii in tl.is dibUiit. Mr. \\iitgiiii I. r.l in .1 tra;i. !t will liu un.iinteil aivl <!i!e<l to i.iir nniiteuiu. salve. In from a week to ten days the cancer will dn-p out. (Don't try to press t out.) Then lieal witli any good salve Auction Sale. There will 1-e an unreserved aurtion ale of farm Itoek an -1 impli'ini-nts on lot , con. 3, Artewuma, on Tuesday, Doc. JO. Amoi.j other stock to l>c sold is a ino draft staUi"ii. Sale at 1 |>. in. ills, i ;,!,. Xolile, auctioneer, Alex. l.ill-y, |ii-.>i.ii'.-tor. - AlUins-m, t.-.Kher at the i s.-lnN.i lill' of I' xt week. .!.}-, the well known El' . .<>*ton, will >;ivo a lleeitnl ., i; , ". U Jan. 4th, id fail c.i liu-u- her aa- ,i sued lalout comes tins way. \\ e wiii ivn'i :!ie Ka m!y HeraM and . i 1 UM S'ui- alinan.io, a Imok of ' \ ,tli map*, .11. J 1 i ' '.. all i'.ir the sum of i.:u- doil-ir and . i-j'ity i m irkalilj i ilfer. New sub- ..-..a nf tlr* year free. wi-.li to * re*re' li |nil.lihe<l an item in lant week's itsuu iiiii-i a ynuni: man I.^MI. .1 .I.-i'jih i for hairii 1 not" ha . 1 1 ' lia hien |i'.i. e 1 before us <li*|>rovir iriil lliHi . f hit _', and showing tl at lie in at j.r. s . n'i Ins In. t!.i-r. \i<>i':.ti/ I'.r ;i hiiuf e n, L' I-MI.I; liny I'.i ' with i lie woiKe.il t \ne5 vvh.it i.t in .i.-. it is iiliso- l.itrty those .i'i > hare do hiimiii'n with him that he *<s ih<i in any a.iy. ft a;i]<e-ir . I in the farm which he wciUoJ fur !iis Mio'll-T, at: i.-f-.re u: n nijitly i-\ , ry !i't!i- itnn. ; .-i;n-r hns no >'. p.ire any mail's . f.;ri.-.l to. U i- mnkn ihn ex- .', -i.t :n i 0'iuiitry has , , .- f..rfari,ini ul:.- rewards I - k, am oll-rii.-.- si,'""' si. Write ..llli. . r. | '.,-, 1 in tlnw VI- er- !' w Hiiiil'Ur 1 .' ' . I Wi'ek irsou^'i. Mr. E^uiat lh M.I'I. i if has or. ' hail- n nd 11:1,' >n i : ' . il! I ; \\ las*. ''I k '.; u' ; :l, wliow , ' < .\ ^; I ih'wiiiv! ! - '.it., H. ' . .. \V C.ii s< r, i:. ' . RS V. '! Ill '' .!c'll In Lt ll"li K1..1 Died. flPBOULE At .-o.of iinnlin: 'til. l-.hn 1 1 boll of iiL A. (.1 .t w \NTI:D sooib er at M.Kuliard.ion To thft Municipal Elector* of phtiiAtioii of our own fr% will and with- out U-iis:: repin'itctl by any one to do so- \\'<- !;.' :\ iill'.' >'ou L>""k, illu^lr.iled 1.1 i-,inri aiiiid.-v- :i of tilt! 1.11:11- .'!ii-li i'.:n_' ill i.'-.v h i,'. IHU', wlii'j'i in 'd. Kvery nn.i who i* ui'i'Tvs'.e.l in i!-i> papfr, ftl :!. i iKMitior "f I'ainilies in u:,r v-i.-inity who Ink will i!i>niru t'i n--.' an 1 ri-.i.l tlii - Lit tury c<nieeriiiii4 a f.iv .ritu ju'ier. V\ I! i ' .niipaiiioii is HIM 'fill- oil. -it pi- IIT.I ill t!i' .-"iintrv, ha\ i:i.^ II.H-II - 7, ilit "i. I :i'i ni'ij-t vi^'noua <>f all "ii. 1 ; nblic-tli.ms a'ld hai a" six l.'iuiln'.l I Its I i wlii. : ' , 3 1.75 a y-n. on, Miss. li'ir- , (lie k.'U^' '' dn-siiof r 1'i.rj to l:cj' '- a (U.-C'J of supply to ' Ji:> !>"ii in k' > h lir MP. Ki 1 ."ii ..f the P..i;.t:st r* Mr. 1 1 nil i-II. . Lurch UM Suinlay Hi" mm '. I; , \ \v. I .iui> iiai not fu!! cold wh;. ii. nn n in '' I'll' ,i ! ..iilyit . .iiiin^ ami evening. A. StouNiu. iinr.-hai't .'f Mi- joe, .MI MI>III|.I\ Mr. HIM... I'M f a , n i i-xl to-ik u;> his ' \ inl.i im the foil' for <_-..! i .- I hail li.! 'of this Trr' ml uc- II , hiu sin.' tlic xvshinii f coiui'.y ci inn-:! vrhicli cloxnl lu^t .v, .4: 1 li.n-i- in in I tti- mutter sn.l to ni.Mfc.ll a 01 yonr suf ill|'..rt:il|t 'in . t tliu l..:ii!u]i f..r iiiany \VIIIH. (I'.vina tn tiio nppi^al against tiHStib !ast sniu i.y cue of tlio i lo have tli. lid! fur nut'- nyxpKiinittiit. an'l tins valu.iticin will !.. tin- lia inuf uurannfi-H ffilis to i'i me. Tl.< - Kciiernl uobenirt f.ir l!i hi. ,i,; of rni.l mil alto cotua ap at .iiiiaiy scjitiou, ...i I s it ni a ubj lUst h.i- i i. n groniiiM in import nice n. ^iip ..M tli. mi-il, some i..-y will bi- ;..l,.j,ti-..l liu-l actioi i.o..": i' In viow nf tiio imjiortatjue of these nn nl\t- r 'f- ue- i- uiiiiii; up, I Mt 1 unulil li leuco yon liiiTu n-|n -."ii in m. j'iii twi ) ii' :: I . - :'el uiy )nit at so critic. il i ilihtl'IV, nilllllll .'saving b-- i !'iu.t itii.i...-. i in the cuii..t. I'liiincil -siiiji. i'. .IB }n.ir lr|.|i,-l,Lli. i iu th.j unuiiiy cm. ilutiuB -i'i'uateil tu i ! v tl,.!. li.i.ly, ami ii it li i luuy ' . li-WII . to fuT ir me wii.i r. nil. i yi.ii the ' i I mi CI|IM I M. I. \ BOOTS & SHOES \ To the people who want good Boots and Shoes and every- thing in that line, try RMIIK6. i C LAYT O S 'rr:ill.->r l.i-i "i -.<\+ :n ;-li. 'an illd good, anil lliis r.'i'riv. ll ;i lurjjl' lot for fall \vi-nr of I'.o !s, Siloes, Clippers and Kublii TK. Alsr, a lot of liist M' ii s ll.iiiiriiiinU' Long Doota on linntl. ( Jisium v.-.n !; an.l irpan ing i)!0iiii>tly atluuded to. K 1 I-:^ 1 1 IU 1 i MM 9 IN . I Christmas lioots ! For Santa Glaus, or any other mortal who is deficient iu foot wear. I have a .nablc ^nntls or !J^IK{. m<-\\ as s ^cDi.ieiin'u's MiHSfs' and c-iii ; ' i|ilno"< for ill ; u 'iimntity of lutnbtrtiKMi's heavy nihbc-rs ami ljux. !'! |S, la-lies :u; ouictljiug vi : v suii.-i!:!. f .] i 'iiristinaa pro.. Prices Away Down. Custom work, as usual, ft specialty. Cull ai. . stuck itml yon will bi'conic c HiviMCod Uiat it IH to your best int. rests to buy fiuiu JOS. SMITH, - - Flesherton. Carriage Making . J * * * C:irts , Cutters, etc., all made in the highest style of art, and at reasonable prices. Get esti- mates front me if you wish anything in these lin<-s. Painting and Tiimmin.'; also attended to. R T. WHITTEN, FuiSHERTON, I lll/i Ullo* Tin; 1 1-' 1 II .HU(-!v r a trith: ' -.sill h. -.1 .lU'ut the sixtei-irh tin- e.iiiLvr, leavni; l!" 1 .il iiiiivin . \ \. WKOF'-'KRYOU I'll ill" lit-at tloin, M ,,no i 'is "f ^;o. Mix -. .. I? : To LET. rooUrilwitl.ini ..-itnn, . .' n . WIltlT "ll I i ! ilain. : > IhroiiRll . . UbMkk SlHtiuu 1' ll WATCHES- BHIIMINS! FOR- XMAS. v of v B!'^ tllK IIM-I. Hull I'ln. Mll'i llllil :i ' .y >i[ ( (I > n!< < r>;itr<> ' Ilial Un- ling (it lieu '|\M, <cin nn ^>i\j \i\j . m I in.'V in.. , .in .i;i r '. i Illl ' ll.ri : iniiv I'lll-l- . Hunt IIIUVC- i Q nn 1<J u 9fS (ifl "" wu 4 50 7 00 4 00 2 00 a oo Eggs Taken In Trade. Flewfla' tiinl . lour Always on Wm. Henderson. QAUTION EK'H PLlii OF THE Myrtio Navy 15 M 23oo 16 oo I 1 in. it en. r, It. 1 O QQ lo oo ;<iar- rt i , II inlii'KC<wo Ai'i . n.i I ..i \. ,t :i. .1.11. ,ini. ! ft O 7 i win, I Wa:ch. ." ' Tun mi li st Toronto. i| 8 00 8 5o 10 5o oo oo IS K:i;>X2E LLTTKKS NONE OTHEti GENUINE SOCIETIES. B 1 In inn. k A \l HI. i. I in tin? Mn K J S) -.arr.

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