Flesherton Advance, 15 Dec 1892, p. 1

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jtiiranct. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." 70L. XII., NO 590. FLE3HERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1892. W. H. THDRSTOfl, IETOR rof? Right now we aro ready with an immense assortment of Christmas gifts. The presents yon want at the prices you like are all inilnlcd in onr splendid line of \Vtches, Clocks, Jewelery, Diamonds, Silverware, Novelties, eto. We offer a great variety of appropriate presents for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Ve can supply a suitable gift for old or young al ally price you may drfte to expend. Our elegant holiday stock is full of new novelties and pteaising attractions. We are glad to wehsome visitors, pleased to show' onr gocflB and ready to make close prices to all. ARMSTRONG BROS. Prirrvlllr Prom our own Currmptmdtut. NASAL BALM r DAYS AT COST - Pur the n.- t 30 .UVM I will sell Ovcrctmts, Fell Boot*, LHK Leatliur B<Mita, Persian Lamb Ca|>*, Cloth Caps, Ladies Furs, Mantle Cloths, aud all winter Kn.xls at cost. As I do not intend jontinaiu/ thesa lines you oan depend on bargains. The itire u the li il cannot b luJ. W. W. THIMBLE, Pall and Winter Stock is now complete with every con* ceivable line of Men's, Women's and Youtks' wear. Boots and Shoes. We have for men and boys full lines in Ameri- can Rubbers direct from New York, with Sox for L-V( rv size ; also a HW thing in whole slock grain leather. Jnst vhc tl.iug for lio woods, the fi-ost won't ciack or snag cut. Call and sec llirin. Long boots in kip, whole stock aud split. For ladies win- ter wear \vc have tin felt boot, tlie felt hmil boot^ aud all sizes of overshoes, rubbers and common leather wear, also good assortment for women and children. OVERCOATS and CAPS. We can't say much about these is i-very man has his own opinion as to what, In- win!*, still if yon are in need of a coat or cap you will liinl from in- spection that w<- ]i:iv< tlio ri^lit yodels at njnally low lu-ici'n. For ordcn-d clothing we havu a large as- s-)itiuent of twinls. worsteds, u\t>rcontiii<{ and trowst-rings. \\ havn't space to mention all the (li'iurtnientrt sr|n>r:iti ly only to mention a few lead- ing linos : Uinlei wrar.Fianiiels.Flaniifirtt.i s. Shirt, ings, Cottonadi-s, Cottons, Ulankcts, Dress Cioud-i and Tiinnaitiv,"', Winceys, Shawls au<l sqimres. If yon want to buy we cai; supply you. Il you only wish to look around give us a call and we will bo pleased to show yon through. Don't forget the place, Tin- &tore on the Hill. B. G. EVANS. '' m:iy be a dangerous sport but it certainly is the most enjoy- able, healthy and exhilirating recrea- I tion tliat we know of. However, pita- ! sure is ofteu b.njlit vri'.li pain, conse- Siiently we would advice the boys to be careful while enjoying themselves on the steep hill} of onr burg. Tlio Presbyterian S. 8. have post poned their anniversary till Wed- nesday evening the '21st inst. In the meantime an excellent program in li- in.' prepared. A tea-meeting in the interest of the Methodist 8 h. wilt | bt held on the cv.Miinq; of Friday the ! 80th inst. A good tirna may he ex- pected as siren (MUM efforts arc bem^ put forth to niak.' tlte eutertuiiimeut ' It Is certain Mid nMdr r for Cold la UK U<*1 uul i-.uuili iii nil lu JM SOOTHIKQ. CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relmf. Ptrmanent Curt, failure Intpctsjb . .lrni Ij innloim. ' . d ili<ml4 lw** no tltn lu I r.ciuititf botUl ul NIVAL i UAI.M. & MiMfd in um, iKt-Urted eull ID I,.J r.mult. m Cuxrti. M. I<M4 br KmuuiMl * nul TAEAI. it koU bT ul dnu, of wjil b Man. pit pmu, onnmpt <>i I**'" 1 - 'f ' f.^-- r'- FULFORD ft CO , Brockvlll. Ont. NEVER F/MLS. The !!cv. Mr. Davoy will pn-acli a netmou in tin- interest, of inismoniiries, in the Methodist churn next Sunday Miss Ectur of Kuril. mi has been engaged as teacher in the Junior dep'. of niir public sceoul. We are pleased to see that Dr. Mutton ID able to be around agaiu af- j ter hi >i severe ifltieis. I ) i- roll Mill. Pram aa rcruisstiZ f Vnvrijwiiifriti Mr. John Park* hus rotarned from i Toronto looking fuirly veil after bis recent severe illiK-sn H. T. McOirr is attending court in Owen Sound this week. Ira lVii.,"i and John Mc<j i.inie an- repairing the church shed at Mnx- w.-ll this wick. The Hinging school is ffoiug slow. Mi. (xallaway cannot Tnoku thing* boom in that line liere. 'tin- item in last week's Advance said II. Ilciiinan wu not manager of the Milling Company. We said it ou | the strength of one of the directors, ' but we since hear that he is man- ' #er Wo did not mean any slight ou Mr. 1I itimn.lmt I think he dismissed tin' miller with very little ceremony. It" 1 have made aay mistake, I am willing to admit it, though I thought my authority was good. R. J. Sproule, I )HSTM AHTER, FleHhcrt>jn,Commisgion- * at in B. R., Lioensed Auctioneer, Coil veyancer, Appraiser aud Muuvy Leudei. Ilfiil Estate aud Innaranne Agfiit. Deed*, Mortgages, Lane and Wills drawn up aud Valuatious made on nli(ir'.ot DotiiM). Am- tiou 8uls attcuiie'l to iu ruiy pary of tb Count*. Money to luan at U>wet rate* ol interest. Colleetioni attended to witb promptness anJ despatch. Charges low. Agcntfor the Dominion HteamsbipCompany. cheap ticketK from Ploiberton to LiverpooA, (rlaagow, London or auv of the Bntisb fiirtt. Parties intending to risit Knt,'lii\d, Scotland or I;elnd, wiJI please ask rat*sb- ore pcTchasing their tiokets elsevhere. USK'TILEKONE If tiTinblcd with I'II,K>. A remedy of highest merit Endoraed by the - - MKDICAL AT- C. J. LEITCH'S You will find a. lull line of all the latest woollens, and you will find it to your ad- vantage to purchase youT ordered clothing at the Mer- hant Tailor's. Cards. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. FUUIIEUTON, Co. GllKT. nivisioN roruT CI.BHK.COMMIPSIONFR * Ip B. K., Cunwyaaixtr, Ac. Agent for purchase aoJaeJeai laud.. ApprniM-r for C. L. C. I oni. UK! I- P.B. * 8. 8ocity . lloiiay to Lou, on tlr. MONEY TO LOAN. The undoi signed hns a large amount of money tu loan m So/o on towu or form property. 8. DAMCDE, Fleihertcn. W. J. BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk, Artemesla. Conm oncer lufwrance agent, ,-ic. Dredx. muring*!, leases, etc.. prvparnl and prnprriy X.TIII. i MMM nffit-ti-tl in first elans companies Uouey to loud at lowest rale*. M., u ii i !!. from Corretpntidntt. Lomlmi. Ont, April ,r), 1RM. I hvo found th* SBpfjosHavyptvyMVi b Mr. W. T HirutiKofKriHit aHMhiaiiroii) linmorrhoiiii. It is the bast local |>i'lu ntmM I livn used. I'L T C*Mi>iiri.i. M. D. I.iimlim. Out., May Ulli. IHM. I li>v uu<l W T. stnuiK Pllnkonn for Ttiml an vail as internal piles, mul K*i l>tti nulU than from auy otlmr remwly Jj* usod. A < uiASiv. M . D. Price l|l For dale by druggists or by mail on ri'wipt of price, W. T. STRONG, " ..... - '^w. 184 Oundas Street, London. Ont. Oorge TlKimpxon, sr , who was by falling off a scaffold in Ins barn, i*, we ire glad to state, recover 1114' nicely. Miss Ilellu Thompson, who hasj been making a lengthy visit with fi it-mis in Bruce, has returned home. j A singing school is ID be aUrtoa in the school-house on Thursday evening next. The Patrous of Industry swe pre. paring for a concert about \inns. A wood-bee, followed by a dance at | night, took place at >(r- Jeremiah , Taylor's* a short time since. A (v.i>i- tal lime at both is repurtud, \\ . .1 Hi-iui.'r-ioir* children, also J. \\ .I'.ark's little y;irl,uve having a hard time with \vlioupin*; cougli. A very fi!j>iyublo tea-meeting was held last Tl tirsdny in t! o Orange hull QII the fourth line, for tlie b*>n"fU of the Sunday MlbOM there. The speak- 1 ers Were Ui-v's \\'. milder, llndsun, (liiunell, mid \Viulil.-ll, aim) ,1 1. Woiids. The sidiool tok a very cred- itable part. The proceeds amaiinted to over 417. A social in connection with the above was held at Mr. William M Kec's residence ou M n;l.ty night. Miss Liasia Helull is homo from Toronto. Mr. J. T. Wnlracc u viBiting his pnrents here- Miss Esther McNally.who has been attending model school in Durham, returned homo last week. Mr. Samuel Shnardown has bought a handsome Bell organ. Best Cure For All disorders of the Throat and Lung* is Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral. It has no equal a^ .1 cough-cure. Bronchitis " When I was a boy, I haU a lurmchial i r^iil-Je pl such a persistent ,-i\d stub- born character, that th ^o<;lur pro- nounced i\ incurable witU ordinary remedies, tut recuniincnJc-d ^11) t !ry Aj'ur'j (^hs;rry Pectoral. I Jid *o, and pnq Upttla cured ;pc, F^f lb U> lifU-tMi years, I have ux'J this pn-paKtiii-ji witli ^ood effect whenever I take a ha j cold, and I know of numbers of poople who keep it in the house. ;ill the linn-, not c-onsiderinK- il -"afc to be without it." J. C. WtKxlson.P.M., Forest Hill, \V.\> Cough Little Current, Gore Bay and ailjao*>n t towns on Mauitoulin Talancl are uow iu UleKraphic otmunication with the rat of the World. The projector of th* scheme, Mr. A. P. Kilgatnau, a tender- 4 a bani|uct at Little Current Monday night. " For more than twenty-five yr.irs, 1 was a sufferer from liin^j trouble! al- ii-iiiieil witli i -oiiKhinfjf so severe at times as \o cause iMmorrhagv, tin- ;-.;roxysms flwqucnlly lasting three or tour hours. 1 was iiuiueecl to try Aver s L'herrv IVe- toral, anil al'tur t.'ikinj; four bottles, was thtrou){lily eiirotl.' Kranz Hoffman, Clay Centre, Kans. La Grippe " Last spring; I was taken J\vn with la grippe. Y \t times I was completely ircd, aud so difficult u.i. my breatbinjf (hat my breast secmnd ns if confined in an iron uag. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I be^an taking it than relief followed. I could not believe that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete." W. H. Williams, Cook City, S. Cult. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Prapwxl by Dr. J. C. Ajwr * Co., Lowoll. Mass. Sold by all ONTO**. rVin fi ; mi bottle^ fa. Prompt to act, sur to our* DR. HUTTON. M.D CM., M. C. I', 4 H, Out., ree 'lie. Resilience aud Office uu door wat <.f the Mcthodut Church. Kinross t. Olfice days, Tueidaya auil Saturdays. PR- CARTER, M. C P * 8 , Out. Phv,loa. . etc., Flesh^rton. Offlee-8trai w 'i Soel Itosidenoe Munshaw's hotel. DRS. SPROULE & EGO, Markdale, Out. Office Manly's drna I. re. T. H. Spronle. M. D., Etc. An K nS fD, M. 1).. ^t?., lale of Toltenham, Ont. Dr. KBO will be found t tin Mnrkdale UOUMI at Dight. J. P. OTTEWE1L, Vetcrtnarv Snr^'on. (iriuliiate <if Untnrw, VetorinaryColU-ge. Rosidouoe- -First door south of Letch's tailor shop. J. tf. HAL8TEADT M. D., M. C. P. * b..Orit.,prttcii OP g H t Kirn- orluy. Itlii iiniutic disessoa a '' J. P. MARSHALL, L. P. J... M. D. S., I) -ntiHi. VisitB Maik- le tlio Ut iin.l .lid Wi-ilnrsilay <if . .. Ii iniinth. 1 -'It-s-ln itou Euoh trip ou UK- day J. W. FROSP,- Hiirrister. Solicitor, (',n:r.'v H i>ct r. 1 U-. rl.ill ,.rtlr- N.xl fhf |ii<Ft SpriMilii's Iniiliiini;, "il 'I'linihila; ^. Ceu SuUlul ullii'i- |-m>rs huililin^. P McCULLOUGH, linrrifctor, Solii-ilnr. Kie. Ofliec i>v r Mr. ?iirland's store. MnrkiUle. Munejr to I .m. WRIGHT & LINDSAY, llturisl i ..... ii, I, <>nf Klovllurtnii >l!n i,,i> Mil. ii. II ~ Imiik.Wwin, f i nvli wi'i.k. MIIIIUV to luan at loweul lat. s. W. H. WHIOIIT. 8. E. LIMWAT. DOGSKIN ffiiTlS First class Dniinklii Mitti on ban or mails Iq ordor. llrlng alonii >our skins. Cistn loot an. Skniiiliiit) Doue ae iioual. Haiisfaotion insrant<l, W BKMIul SK . Mcshrrlon. Kevlj opposite tot Town UaU- / v

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