Flesherton Advance, 15 Dec 1892, p. 3

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SUSPENDED IN A MINING SHAFT. Kim-il.Ai.l- < .Milm-14 Haven ihr Life ofa Mlnr iiprrinti-Bdriil. Aniailor Coi.nty, Col., owns the nerviest man among mining superintendent* in the person of TrascoU, who has charge of the Kennedy shaft and quart/ lode. Trescott is not much of a talker, and among the hoys hetween shifts or when the works are closed ilowi! for repairs is siir.ply a good sort of fellow, but when such an emergency arises as that of a few days ago he develop* a very considerable amount of grit shaft of the Kennedy mine is 1,700 feet deep, anil practically clear drop from tli mouth to the lowest drift nearly a third of a mile ilown in thj earth. Kvery day for months it has been Supt. Trescott 's habit to inspect the timbering of the mine by going down in the "cage," which is merely a platform hung to a drum at the mouth of the shaft by a wire rope. The cage is at belt a frail affair in appear- ance, but is really itrang enough to carry a ton or more of gold bearing |\iarU and docs so many time* every day. Lost week Tres- cott, at the lunch hour, decided to look over the mine and jumped on lo the cage and signaled to the engineer tn " lower away" slowly. 1'he c-igo dropped fool foot down the dark shaft dripping with " mine sweat," and every little way Tres- cott pulled the signal rupe and stopped the e!eiator so that he might closely examine the timbers that seamed to be rotting or note particularly any tendency to swelling ot the walls of the shaft, which might, if not at once stopped by new timbering, result in a cave-in that would bury a hundred nieu. Tn-^oott had gone down about 400 feet ana found the ihaft in good condition, and after a stop had signaled the engineer to continue the decent when the Superintend- ent fell himoelf held by the catching of his " jumper" on a projecting spike, and the cage -I ropped from him. There WHS no way in which to reach the signal rope from A CALGARYMIRACLE- The Most Wonderful Case Ever Becorded in the Northwest- Ml I. I i I iilli-n I. U.-.i-iir.l from Whin HIT rhi -In in- mid Friend* I lumxiil lo In- HIT tli:itlll>ril Winnipeg Trllinm-. CM... AM, N.U.T., Ot. 20, 1S92. For nome time pint the rerdentx of tliis town have been deeply interested in the case of '!j* * Miss Lela, Ciillen, a young ludy, who hail 8 o nearly approached tln< portals of the great unknown, that her friends despaired of her recovery, and who has now fully, in- deed almost miraculously, regained her health and itrenetli. Having read on vari- ous occasions ia the Triliune the particulars of what appeared to ho miraculous cures, your correspondent determined to invi-sti- gate the case of Miss Cullnn, ami now sends you the particulars fully believing that you will be justified in giving them the widest publi<:ation. When your correspondent, visited the residence of Mr. ( ullen, the mother of the young lady, he was courleoiitiy received, id in reply to his enquiries as to whether peculiar to the female system, ami in the casu of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over- work or exceuas of any nature." These Pills are mitiuifautured by the Dr. Williams' Mwlii-uin Company, Hroc-kville, Out., anil SithiiDeclady, N. Y. , and are sold only in boxes bearing llie firm's trade murk and' wrapper, <u .V) cU. a box, or six !" -s for $.>.. VI. Ifcurin mind that Dr. Williams' I'nik 1'illx are never soM in bulk, or by the do/en or hundred, and any dealer who otfers sulMtitutes in tbia ionn is trying to de- fraud you ami should lie avoided. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of ail driiegnu or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' .MedKine company from miner address. The price at which these pills are soltt makes a course of treatment compara- tively inexpensive- a* compared with other remedies or meilical treatment. ODDS AMD ENDS- - i she would be willing logive the facl* of her ' .ty daughter'* wonderful recovery, for pnbli- Indelible ink is made from lianaoa juice. Natural shoe blocking ha* been found in a mine in L'laii. The London lewat-e is carried fourteen miles Jnwn t ho Thames liiver. Supper, eaten in a recumbent position, cation for the benefit of other .iitferers; Mrs. wa * lL " principal Koman meal. (,'ullen readily assented. "My .laughter's Tli < irlnton I 'lub, of Ln loo, is tho first illrcss," said Mr*. Cullen. " was in June } richest in the world. It has I, not) iiiuini.i-i.-i. ls!Ki, when she was take* with the meanles. Owing to the contractions of the iron of Atthat time she was seventeen yeurs ,->f ngn, which it i* built, lha Ki!>l Tower i* eight tall, fine looking, and exceedingly healthy, uiriies horter in Summer than in Wiuiur weighing about 140 pound* Al, it: f .-.:..- The fleecell of ,,, the WQrk ( ily took the measles, and all got over them \ , evera) men fof h - - without trouble except Lela. HercaiCfrom tho tint b*JB*)d all the ordinary reiB*jciiei used for tint disease, and as the measle* i!nl not come out, a physician was called in. He administered remedies, but with no better rpRults, and her case seemed to bailie the physic an's skill. After a few weeks my daughter began to improve onu-what, l>ir. THE GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE TONIC -AN] I make a genuine a half wide. did not regain her former strength, and six her* Trescott hunt; on the side of the | wee ks t ftr she was first taken'ill, her Uce, bicycle "hull be ud by all country postmen ahaft. 'I be lumbering cage rattled it* way necki alul | inl |, H 1)rok . ollt m blotches. The for the delivery of mails where the roads down and the noisereverberaUclin thshfl. dolAor wtt , g ain c || e( J in, and siid it was ' will permit. Trescott knew nothing o: f the mea . Iei geuing out of her , yj , UI1 , ilni , , Jne of t|w , fcu j WM which had caught h,s cany*. tl , at , ho wou ld soon be .11 .igtil again ' rocciv ed in HoHUm the olher day from a San andcouli nottel a what m-l The tloctat - t ita tement wa. not ver.ned Franc,,,,, tannery. It is fourteen feet in stant he would be compelled to follow the however, for not only did my dangli cage and reach the l*Mtom a mass of flesh j,,,. llol improve, but r'ne the $pike jumper," Stomaeh^Liver Cure The Most Astonishing Medical Discovery ol the Last One Hundred Years. It is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar. It is Safe and Harmless as the Purest Milk. This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introduced into thid country by the proprietors and manufacturers ol' tin- (in-at South American Nervine- Tonic, and yet ita grout value :is .-i curative niri-n! has lon<j been known by a few of the most learned physicians, have not brought its merits and value- to Ihc knowledge of tho general pnMic. This medicine has completely solved tlie problem of the pure ol' indi- gestion, dyspepsia, und discuses of the general nervous system. It ia also of the greatest value ill the cum of all forms of failing health from whatever cause. It performs this by the groat nervine tunic iiu:iiitie9 which it possesses, and by its <rrrat curative powers U|>on the dig<-htiv organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy i-otnpares with this wonderfully valuable Nervine Tonic as a builder and strenirth- pn<-r of the life forces of the human body, and as a great rcnewer of a .Mhrn/rVsh^wl^yard'and ' ' mtkt ' a l|own constitution. It in also of more, real permanent value in tin* treatment and riir.-of diseases of the lungs than any consumption remedy ever used on this continent. It is a marvelous cure for nerv- ousness of females of all aiies. Ladies who arc appniiv hin^' the critical period known as di.-ui'jc in life, should not fail to use this great Nervine Tonic, almost constantly, for the space of two or three years. It will carry them safely over the danger. This irreat. strenglhener ami cura- tive is of inestimable value to the aged and iulirm. because its great euergi/ing properties will givi: them a new hold on life. It will :idil ten or lilteen years to the lives of muuy of tliobu who will use u hall doicn bottles of the remedy each year. In sixty-two years Mexico has had tifty- loiir 1'residentx, one Regency and om- Km peror ; and m-arly eveiy change has been effected by violence. The 1'ustrnasttr General of Norway ha* ordered that ^iftor January and broken bone*. The frightful uncer- tainty as to how long he might hang was unendurable. Tiescotl decide! that any death was pre- frrai'le to long suspension under the condi- tions, and decided to break away from hi* hold uid attempt to grasp some of ihe cross- timber* on tlu opposite side of the shaft. He gathered hi* stren^h, and, by a super- human effort, tore his " jumper" from the cpike and leaped with extended handx : i.iv to grip anything that might stay tlie tall. He caught the sill of the drift and held it with the energy of despair. When he found bis hold was tim- he worked his bcdy up to the floor of the drift and wai safe. Then he reached tie signal rope, had the cage brought up, got aboard, went to the surface told the story of his appalling danger, and then went down the shaft and finished his inspection. His hair is a little grayer, but that is all the chauge nolicable in ihe super- intendent. worse. Soon after she began to swell, first the feet, then tho lini'm, brea.it and length, eight fuel in width, aud weighs TOO gra.lu.illy grew i poun d,. murcst work of * In a certain <|iisiir of London the news puffe.1 up. Another ,,, or tf* *"*& I to *jve a penny a day. was called ii and be pronounced |, ar 1'"-' money IH kept for tli.m in a saving trouble dropsy, re.ullmg from the m^le*. : 1 * llk - * !** wh " dlU .giUarly Ihc doctor attended her ail winter. ttnd j hr month ,s givea one p.m.y although he seemed to do all 1,1 hi. power | " ti . M lnone y- Th b uk u ll ' for bar, she gradually became weaker, aud ! S 0011 wom n - w.-;ik(.-r. She did not eat, and tonics failed I The yesr of greatest growth in lioys is to improve her appi-Ute, and as she grail u- 1 1" srv.-iitn-n! h ; in % -rls, llie fourteenth. a |ly g rew nenktr she lost her couregr, felt | While girls reach full height in ttiuir tit- t nat hop,, o f U | u WM f M t slipping away. In ' teeuth year, they acqnirft full weight at the the spring, the doctor's medicine l.avuiu ,age of 'JO. |k>ys sre troner than girls IT IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF done ner no good, was diacontiiiut-d. uid fnmi l.irth 'o the eleventh year insie d he gave her preparations ot ht-ef become superior nhysn-ally to iron and wine, liypoph.ispliiles, eggs, cream, etc. In fact, stimulants of this kind had to be constantly force 1 upon her to ke<;p h'-r alive and I gave up all hope of her recov- ery, and ill my misery waited for her death Nervousness, Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache, Sick Headache, Female Weakness, Nervous (.hills, Paralysis. Nervous ParoTysnis and Nervous Choking, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of tho Heart, Mental Despondency, j t,|, e WM uow , wea | ; Uiat she i-ould not walk across the floor, and in order to rest her we would lift her into n chair, where he then girls the neven- teeiith yeai, *hen the tables are again turn- | Sleeplessness ed :n;d mini ii so. From Nov. -inner to I April children K 1 '"* r ery little and gam no ! height, bul lourenu weight, and from .Inly "tiitx-r t hi-y ini-reiwe greatly in weight, ' but not in height. Dentists say tli.il th? greitesl ditliculty they meet with in thcirwork in tho < hamrlrrlMlri. With all his enormous wealtli .l.iy lionM, " teeth of tlieir i Ikllcy uif_-;b 1 it 'I III 111.11 1>"II\ I" wmilil 3:1 for a short while -.vlien we would ,,t jaUc teetb witli tlie natural attain place her in bed. ,*he is slowly . ,.,,,t,,,,,,. r ,. -pi,,. -,;, fut rios | but surely dying before our i-yes, and noth- ,| ntista w.th rings upon which are strung who died on the 2nd inst. , at iho ago of .~>ii, n,,' we could do fur her was of avail. Slie ' thin metal ban, oaoli carrying a tooth at Wnrt h Sl4MI(MHl(MMI U'.iH tint :L n,l M r-4lWi- 1- t*/a.aaltllnii tfa<1 nn rtiiil i . it Ii i n if tin* 1)1).'* j ir ' . '1*L St. Vitus' Dance, Nervousness of Fema'.,-s, Nervousness of Old Age, Knralgfa, Pains in the Heart, I'ains inth Failing Health, Broken Constitution, Debility of Old A Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Heartliurn and Sour Stomach, Wi-iuht aud Tenderness in Stomach, Loss of Ap|H-tite, Frightful Dreams, Dizziness and Hinging in the Kara Weakness of Extremities aud Fainting, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Boils and Carbuncles, Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, Consumption of the Lungs, Tritarrh of the I.iin;rs Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Liver ( 'om plaint, Chronic Diarrlnrn. worth 3lOO,OOU,OOU. was not a man reipect- 1 was still pulled up, and nothing tin- doctor* ed or esteemed. His methods of making , < ou!d do would reduce tho swelling. Her money were un.-crupiil- u\ I'm good tilth limln would no longer support her and (he wai:ilways in doubt, and he was ri-gi. ..i only s:t up a vei y .sii'irt timo each with general suspicion and distrust. Ho <luy. In ihis condition bu iiii^preil on un- was not benevolent or generous or pu lie- ' til August, 189', miniu tiftetn moiitb.i after spirited. He was simply acquisitive. Ho she wa* tint t ik<m ill, and while wo gave the Republican party ?."), IXX) in IS^I, , were sorrowfully awaiting what seemed and u is Haiti that Johu O'Bneu, a Keji-iMii- the inevitable end, a ray of hope can bois in Xew York L'lty, stole the whole ! came. I road in a newspaper of a r- amount. It is not known thai Jay Gould ^ able cute tnci. i in- uool Dr. Wiliiams I'ink ever made any large contribution to any IViU for Tale i'co|il", and wliile 1 feared good cause. \ arious stories are told about t! : it 1 hail in-.irii ot tnix womleriul niedi"in Dim. One is that bis tirst ventino in New ! to.* Isle, 1 hoped almost against 'nope ainl York was an attempt to organize a company | sent to the JMftdqurtan of ;he company at to manufacture 11 patent mousetrap ot hir, own invention. Another ii thai when charged with corrupting the elect. n i in tiie interest of the Krie road be was nuked by an investigating committee what hi* politics were and replied . " In Democratic district* I am a Democrat, in Republican districts I am a Republican, but I am an Erie man all the time." All that can bo said to tho crc<lit of the dead financier is that he had 1:0 small vices, that his taste* were for domes! u: en- joyment, and that hi; seems to have loved his family. Jay (iould's life was of a kind>o it* extremity. There ura twenty live of those sample teeth, that run all tlie way from nearly white to a allude that is almost olive. SOIUK at the twenty live usually match the patient's tocth, and, at any rate, enahle the dentist to match the icelh by application at the factory. Brockvtllc, (Int., fur a supply. At tiiU time Lela was uot able lo be removed from hod ; her weight was reduce I to IM [>.>ti:idsaiid her lips were blue. You will tint* see how < aniula xn<l l*li in-rni IIUBUI.I \ ili!egrni from London Htatcx that: 'Mr. intrilni-r, i-liairman of ilie 15o.ini of A^ri'-iiliure, lia.4 givmi .t pli-iUi-mi IH-IU.: . ; the Imperial government thatihe rusitriction recently imposed upon i .mu.i:ii cattle im- ported into (ire.it Brilam and ln;lnmi will be removed as soon * I .in.id.i hoa pruv.-d beyond a doubt that tliu Dominion is free froin pleiiro-pneumoiiis. The high contmin- ..,,^ there appeared lor her when ho \ *">" ba. communicated wiih tin- Pominion began th7nw of U. WilliamV 1'ink Pills, aut liontie. to have tho ,K-,-,,.ury ,, After she had laken the Hrst box, ul- .:ough I " 1 " 1 " u " 1 *J** lhe '"."", lrv V" 1 "!""' them 'was no visible improvement, .he 'ty tron, he disea., 8 forwardud to London, thought they were doing her good, and her , Meanwhile, thow interested in the ( .anadian spirit began t u ri-. At th, ,,! of the catlle trade particularly in Srotland, are ing up the agitation to have tlio scho- ol I 'ati.tiliaii cattle u once* r.-mov- 'I'h-'y nuin' tin that uo casoii of pleuro- beg boTlconld noti--e the improv..,,,.-,,!. and Lola -,, v.ry hopeful, and Mt life a ' exert a bad effect on moruls and conduct. It litvnonitrait'd that under the social sys- tem of the Uniti-d States a man may gain Mormons wealth by disreputable imr.ns, and may have undisturbed enjoyment of that wealth in defiance of justice and law. If he has money enough to pay great law>ors j tell you and alulily enough to use their counsel skillfully, he may disregard fairness and right wi'h entire impunity, .lay (iould was tlie moil conspit-uoas example ot this kind that America has offered. It is much lo lie hoped th.it the world will not soon have an- other like him. returning to her .^,. Alter she boil been | . ed ' . taking Dr. William.V I'ink fill, for a month. ?"'""<>'" *p found to Imve exi.tcd m she was able to -ct up, nnd by t.ctober ,he aI1 V ""P'''-e|l laudi. mt il. 1 lie oppon was o well that * he could snpermten.t work , "' ll ' "' '-''H'""! f the .ana, lan export ** r '"" l'wver, idle. 1 1.., t inning about the house. She still continued taking tt.-uut bliv IMJIIWC. .->u akin V.VUVIIIUVU raiuK . , - the Hll. and rapidly recovered all her old ?lnbs are now meeting and ai urging -.lie ,me health. stre"th and spirit,. I own* ] ^ Agrculture to secure t.ie pa ? .ge To Prevent Washouts in Groin i'itl.ls- If comparatively level fieM< ait- sown to whi-at or rye, furrows- should be made that will <|Uickiy carry off all thf supcrfl.'.nus water. Tho furrows should follow the low- ct portion of tlu- fielil, oven if it be a lor- tuoin course. It is best to do Una immo di.iic'y after seeding, but it may k done at any tm:o In-fore the ground bec'imes /in, rn Holid. Of course, nome c>f the grain will lit destroyed, but by scattering. , shovel, the upturned (oil, only tho pi. nils in the -niineili.ilo rli.inm-l will bu lost, and this p:- lien HIIM-H ten times that amount being drowned out or stu:i>i-d in lw places. It grain occupiea the steep hi'lsides, furrows should be niaile from the lowest places leading il.>wn aud bm i/ontally around the hill, thus conveying much of the surplus water to tho direct porli HIS. If the .vs are gradually Bloping, wsHhing will be prevented. If llie hill is ijuiie steep several furrows should be drawn, thus di- verting heavy rainfalls into several channels, with consequent less danger from washing or overflow. lime health, streneth and spirit,. ,,.,,, .^ . couiiuued Mrs. Cullen, " how I a * "Jl'imng tliat.ll tor-np ..-. ' lecniy arateful 1 am for llie wonderful I lg''"''-, ! d at the port of landing, vfl.otlier lueiicine that saved niy daughter's life, j > contagion, dwcaseu r, .ported lo exi.Un You miiV I* sure that both me and mine th<! ' ll " t O' fr " m w '"^ th ?V f P""> r not. I lie Scot oil breeders ajflociniiun, the Smitiiiiclil club and other leading agri- cultural bodies are sharing in thia move- A mm was arraigned for robbing a hitck- in in. He must be a criminal of extraordin- ary aliili'y. IT W.T.M one of Joseph's old dreams that fir-' .ULXeated tho patriotic long, "Hail to go w!io beli'-ve that the world owes i living don't knew how many bad ; ! j u >[ !d ban to shoulder. will always wiirmly recommend it, as we have every reason to do." \\ HAT A 1-linMIM.ST DRI iii.IV! s.\\ ,. ^ 0'ir correspondent then cilled iipsn Mi. .1. (1. Temploton, the well-known drug- .u Stculii-n .iveniic. Ill reply to an ni.|iiuy a to what h could tell me about Dr. Williams' I'ink 1MU, Mi . Templi-ton re- plied: " WJi.it ean I tell you about I'ink 1'ilU? Well I c*n K-U yi .11, they aro tlie iiio.s, wonili-iiul inedicino I ever handled, I li..-l experience with them MI tli'nio) l- fore coming ut hero, and in nil my r* .s a liniKnisl, I never knew any me.ii- cine haveHui.li :i won.lertul diu^iid, or give such great satisfaction. My uxperienre here Ins l-ecn like my experience in ( IM- i, i, all who bar* Mid Dr. William*' Pink 1'ills speak in their t>i-aisc>, and ii I wcro to tell you how many boxes 1 am selling hero , you would be readily excused for ; somewhat incredulous. If 1 am ask- ed to recommend a nuwlieim-, 1 unhesitat- ingly recommend Dr. Williams' l*ink Tills, and my confidence in them has never been mispl'i'-r'l. 1 havn already said that t h. ml for I'ink Tills is astonishing, and they i,i<-a-.'i!l'ly give the Ixjut satisfaction. 1 know this to bo so from tho statements of customers. I have sold here and in On- tario, thousands of boxes, and have ni limi- tation in re.-imiinending them iis a perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, curing su-'h diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, >St. Vitns' aance, nervous headache, nervous prostration and the tin 1 leeling therefrom, the after-effect* of la grippe, disease* de- pending on hnmors in the blood, such n* tcrofnln, chronic erysipelas, etc. I'ink Pills give n healthy glow t > pale and sallow com- plexions, and are a specific for the troubles ment. Four hunters (who have just tired i:n.il L.:-U ly ;t a rabbit ami tailed to hitil) Well, 1 \voinlcr who missed it that tirnu? Hippinnsa is a i)iiality of the mind whii-h is very hard tu doline i-orrectly. \\'hnt in h i|i|)incns to one man is the reverse to an- ot her. That Tired Feeling beuelt wkidh jx-ujil.' .in - '-vive frtnii lio.xl's s.tr- i- The -il clno " uakct Uie \\-\i strung." -1 . 1'. KTTK-I ton. a wi'Li knoii! er< IKIIK <rf Anbnro. X*tnr, sajr<: "Alnrat Irre ycsrs a^o I began lo jiUn witli vetj spvore pain In SOT tsiM'h, Kr.ul ually xrawtun 'vorsc. I took HooO' rllJx lirtigf 'IIIMHIJ o ttetl 1 s, tronhlwl wflh Byi" ' Mr. J. B. . 'inurnmj >i>iutn ami am opitHiiil; IT> imn h batter :iud ferl mom like Ulig. Hood's Sarsaparilla me ri-Jlcf and Kro*t oomfnrt. Ii to any on vuffcllnx : I iil-1." 4>! HOOO'8 PlLLU"' " i restoring ixrltuiltlv a^uou of UitaUxuoataxy c .>n hr anal. Dclic:itc and Scrot'uloua Children, Summpr Tomplaint of lutnnts. All these and many other rmnplaints cured by this wonderful N'Tvine Tonic. If ERVOI'M l>BSEASi:S. As a cure for every class of Nervous Discuses, no re mod y has been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, wliirli i* very plt-tis.int and harmless in all itsi effects upon the youngest chfk! or the ollei and rnont 'li-lii-ate individti.il. Nine tcutha of all tho ailments to which the human futility is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. When there is an iiisulHVient supply of nervn food in the blood, a general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerv, * is the. result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strontr when the ri<r)it kind ot food is supplied; *nd a thousand weaknesses and ailments <>e:ir as the nerves recover. As tho nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the lirst to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food docs not con- tain :i suiliriciit quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied. This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements out of which" nerve tissue is formed. This accounts for its universal adaptability to the. cure of all forma of nervous Uu- rsin renac nt. A SWORN CURE FOR ST. VITAS' DANCE OR CHOREA. ritAWKOKDSVIU.K, I.NI)., .luile !, 1887. My daughter, eleven ynrs old, was >evi-ely atTlieU-d with St. Viliis' Dnnrc orCborea. We gave her three and one-half bottles of South Ainerir.in Ner- vine and she is completely restored. I believe it will cure every ca>c ol' St. Vitus" Dance. I have kepi it in my family for two years, and am sure it in (hi- u'n-atx-st remedy in the world for Indigestion and DyM|>c|>Mi:i, and for all tornisof Nervous Disorders and Failing Hi-ullb, from whatever eaun. ,, n . \ J ""- N T - Mlsu - r<i C'l'inii/. , iSiibttcribed and sworn U) before me this June -JL', 1 S >-T CIIA.S. \V. \\UKJH-I-, Notary Public. INDIGESTION AND DYSPEPSIA. The Great South American Nervine Tonic 'Which we> now olK-r you, is Ihe only ahsoluttly unr.-iilinir remedy over discovered for tin: cure; of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and i he \ ast train of symptom* and horrors which are ihe result of disease ami dcbilit\ nf the human stomach. No person can allonl t,> ]>ass ).\ this jewel of im -il- culable valU2 who is a Hoc ted by disease of the blomach, because tli pcrience and testimony of many i;o lo prove that this is the OSK ami ONI.V ONE great cure in the world for this universal destroyer. Then* is no ease of unraalignant disea.se of the stomach which can resist tho wonderful curative powers of tho South American Nervine Tonic. HAUKIBT E. H.M.I,, ol Waynnto^n. Iml., sajn: Mm. KI.I.A A nHATTix. .it NVor Hnim. Tmllnnn. :' :: &r. r ^n::,^;;:^ ">* - 1'ntntriitliin, mid ,i ifiHi.-rnl -liulli -il tTf-il, ttpni-i iln K'mc, win nuiKhiinc ;i.l -.jilt (Inn ouiKlliion ol my wh.ilo nyu-m. Iliwl Biven up UTI blood; nm min> I wnn In the fir-! nngtu ill ti.i|* of getting w.-ll. Had tried tome doc- ..i consnraptton, an labtrltanes hnn.ii.l .ii,n ton. wttb no rMM. Tho Brt botU* ol tn Nerr. iiiroiiKh WVITIII fp'm-rniiuiiii. I IH-KHII tnkinit mi- l'.'nu-!iu|in)vi-.l ini-<ii much ih/ii I won nblc-.u i in- Ni-r>iin> l.<iu< mi.l rontlniMd Ttsi IIIK- lor .THlk Mlxiut. un.l u >w him II-M nir.-.! mi- i-iit'r, I.- .>). m n | x mouth-, nnil nm i-ntln-l.T mi. I bcllevn It In Uie ln-M meillrlin In llie world. 1 . Is the (rrnmlrat n-innlv lor UITMH. Hiumuili aud .-nn not recomrui'iij it too hlRlily ' IIIHKH I h.i No ivraoily rnrapare wild SOPTH KMHRirA-i \>VIM- na .1 rurn fur Hip Nerri. \n rcmoilv T- panwwiili Siinili Ami-rVii'i NITMIH- as a wondl-OISS cnra tor the stomach. N.I rrmml.T will a t afl - itiih Suutli \ i . tor all toniw ol falling hpnlth. It iHirrrtalls i care IndtnUoa ns.l li.\-.|^'|mi.i ii nerer fall* tn cure Chorea or Pt. Vfia>' Oane*. Its imwi-rn to tniilil up 'hf wh.ilr rt>iit>m :ir' \vonilf-rful In Ur 1 i-xf n-in. 1 . It rures iho old. iho vounjr, an.l t Itr inlit- .llf- nRml. It Is n KTvat frieml toiho.-i(p-.l nn<\ Inllrm. Do nut m-nki t tonsethl* iuwloim lnin: it vim Jo. you may roijlwt thf onlv n-miilv which will rt-t/ir" .MHI <.> In iilih. suiili \mi-rloui Servian ii p,.rlivilj- uiif. an. I M-ry pit-annul to i Im taelp. Ix-ld-ni* lAdkf). do not fall t.i uw this irmateon, b*ca**ll -.till put tin- bloom attrvstae** ami tx-auljr upun your lips and In jrnnr ihis. niul quickly drive away your illaabllltlni and wlinseti Price, Large 16 ounce Bottle $1.00; Trial Size, 15 Cents. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. If not kept by Druggists order direct from Dr. E. DETCHON, Crawfordsville, ind. .

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