Flesherton Advance, 15 Dec 1892, p. 4

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HE FLE3HERTON A D v A N C E ranee 'J h u r s f H;it< nlutni SI.. . K'oHherton, Onl. Terms of Subscription : I .tu |r annum him panl ttrlrtly in AiWanco 1 JO per auuuiu whvii nut " |>ai.l Advertising Rates : ,'luinn. 1 yrar. .VJ , lialf col . 1 year. quarter col., on* >ear, $15 7 ly uilviaa tha m livi'liul imponmlilK then-fur to cli'kint (ml ri'tinn aii|mckl\ an po*ml>lr i' tbe i.l.ncunlv whence Ur ti-nipri>ri!) i-m..ii(- *J. ll'>, rer.we inav hope for IK-IUT llniv- CU Ilillll, lllli M me i f i.lir MI.HIH \lillll, are pruviticil with morn pn.tilalili- *in|o ..\ mi-Hi 'Sul.ni liii'!-, , ir Truntiii 1 have nut lni|>ti"V.I on > nr valuable apace, I remain, youri truly. MAO. . . I l-lnT.i'ii Station viMtin ' Trn. I.nt a4vrtt,uiul rhai.i.l at the rat* ( II cua pot line for Ural Inaertion aud 3 cent* _ *cb Mlbaeqiuiut luarrti'Ui. W. II Till RSI O.V Editor aud Proprietor WK. BOLAND IN TUB Fll I 1' The calm of niumciiwl matters wai rudely brokeu into on Mou<lay. when it was announced tliat Mr. lioland liad decided to conU-ft the i-cevcsliip with Mr. Richardson. No one that we have yet discovered lias lid a- word to say against word or deed of Mr.I'.ichardiKiirs.bul it appeaic that at a im i tmg of Patrons, held in the Town Hall on Monday afternoon, that body dtridtd that tin y would liki to test tlii-ir Btrcngtu in this riding, and tl.evefo e die did to invite Mr.Bo laud to enter the lists. Hint /nr.Ii- Olan has accepted, as will be M en by oi advertiMii^ columng. The fight will be a win in out-, i.o doubt, but we believe that Mr. liichardsou will fan leluriied. It would lie mMifntlj mi- fair to turn him out without cause.and simply as an txpciiiiient. As for our- selves we would fed that it was a ra thcr ihort ij,'liU'J act to withdraw our upjKjit fi mi a man \V!KI stands as high in the estimation of the county of- ficialsaa doen Mr. Hiclmidnoa, wl.c i ho announces that he is desirous of relum- ing. Of :unrM we have no quarrel ' with those who hold different views. There is plenty of time for the electors to discuBH matters and decide as to uliicli is the more honorable and ad- vantageous way of dealing with the question. i That Canadians were a considerable faction in thu <' f. utnf the Harrison government, as suggested >n this |> >| ' a coupla of weeks ago, has been iu*>lo <jiiit evident by the following fi^ines as furniohtd by the c< UMIH bureau. The nmuber of Canadians in the t'mlerl Htatcf, according to the 1HUO retifut, is !)80.911. or very nearly one- inilhon. In ton years there wan an in* ao of 2(3,781, or aboutS? i>er cent 'T > II wiud that blown no- body i- od, but in this inrtance good Lax been (lone Canada in two direc lions. The Itefoi in |ui ty has for yearn bit ii decrying tlicir country and the way affuirs were manned, until th,-y Lave really bei^ni) to believe tin m el/es. 'ihe rinll has bet-n a depou illation of tli l'rly Ma this conntrx and a coneyponding increase in the l'i inocralic jui ly to the south. By Our Hifxirter MISH .Ii.^n. .McK< n/it- friends in Osurejr^ Sir. I'M. i Mnir jr. i.s home, ui sending the Hummer in Noilli I', kola 1'etr i> ^iillii^ lo s.jow in.' t':tn- IH I..- how to farm now, as lit- ni.i i. . start to | low lust week, >tml <ii<l jiluw all week. "\Siiv, Mi. tiari*, it | good' and there is ouly 11 inun. snow on the ground. No il.niln tn< \ plow in Dakota wearing NHOW shoo. The Pali ons uf Industry an- iu>ln u busint-KH now. I'mimm linad As sot'iali >n No 1198, had u.i oy-.ii r MI, - per on Wednesday evening lasl. A though the rain show, u-i doun guml and hard, the sciiooi.ioine wan com- forlably liiinl :n,il a v,-i r | Ic as.inl lime spent in tint usual way. Mi Jo ,n '. M.ni'i In-Ill tiir chair doivn with Ins usual ability. Tnc |rc,i >u-u !> the Kchoul wu.s lielil il iwn liv l\vn nilm youths from J'rolon, wlio ili-j" some very sulphuric languagt at in- tervals dining the i \. -uiii.;. TniU. younj,' nun wiionv tally tiamiuv; hail Ix u tietler. should nut HI) fa r I llieiiiM'lvt s, a- lo niiiki theniMflvi s o: - noxious lo any society by ucliug hl>c bun.yuid tiuvage.4. They were not I in n M nn to be a sd >rt . wood, i-r the piii-iviH tl-i Ktation has rot Liet-n -.1 , iu|.t\ of wood in a number of years. A ui^n can g> I lot* of room i | ili wind now. Mr. John K'Hii, our genial stole kn iirr, lias succeeded in Sell.nx' li^e tlin lllillX in ii-liineB for .S.,Mrin,-r ,\ ('. . of New Kumhurg. ThuHe Ini.'linii^ are ^IMI: ,-t.i.-.i ,0. an<l .1 n says he will next m-aiiou si 1 twin- tliai besidi-n l n niiti.b. r tij th(- The Markets. .i i 1 1 1 1 > 'wrrr<-l'l llnrli Wrrk. KI..IU 4JTO u Kail XVI. .iat Whoal Hutter Potatoaa bag r..i Hay Hay |-. r iwr ton 600 a W JO . rnik.f. I'lil. k. -ti> |., rfJail I > I lll to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 3 70 f. 4u >. i ]. 10 Ru 7> UO 1 OU ft H M M) Wool I., t,. I i;iiiiinl 4'lllldurt To Ik* E.iiti>r <>f Tlif .\:lni>'ff. I i. Sin.- (ilanrint; i " ' tl < cnliuuni (if tli Ul ia--u ' I ill- 1 Muik'Ule Slnn.lmil, I fonuH aruiNafrt laM UMM ol r'l ri.i rt..ii u*< |. iiiijiii|.li llml iillr i'-t. J my iilli iitnui anil vi : I !|. r*m ,1- .1.-. i. ii-.l, lim (xritnl I>|IM.|I IH! I.' i-i.niMi'iil in lln !>.*'. I r fl til III-' 'llll'l'l ' I' l!l ''- ' ' Hi I i' ' rf- p.. it-. I 111 ..'.' r'llumiil in n in-Hit iamie, J.i ICMI/ liy UIH at.vn- ! n I d:ir in^ lll< l> >*' '"- v <*vki>, Itli-l It ^i.lllln: ii. r i|,|.> , it w i. .1 ..| I i it tluil the Mun.liii.l i.j. i i* in a '(run haul" (or iU I. nt. \*l.o linn nut yi t .r uf l i,-~> I >- MIN" uu. I inln i !! . ( In on ter- II I., i, i!i ml. tin- "|, nl he .. iui.| In Hi r I n Tim jiivniil- r.. i . I ).... i \.'ilnl Uiilcll at I W Mil I I, .IV,! Ii 'ir,l lll- villi i l!i U ll v. liy itl IIIH ci- ait.. I i'l a "litllr t .n, fi. 4)1. h t ni.t c.in t i-in (or r n.l'i-!.>l|.| Ii- Ill* -i In mil,, r i , . - >n ., |i.,iagru|i|i . . ' miilr. l , aiuiK ou III* J JJ%jit 1 1 i. i* Mi"t unmanly l.n* f . ) llic THE F/^CT That AYKR"S Sarsaparilla CURES OIIIIRS of Scrofulous Disi-.iM-s, Kruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, and Catarrh should bo convincing that trie same course of tmitmvnt WILL CI-RE vou. All that has been said of the wonder- ful cures effected by the use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla during the past fifty yoars, truth- fully applies to-day. It is, in e very- sense, The Superior Medicine. li-, > virativc properties, strength, effect, and flavor are always thu same; and for whatever blood ^lisLii-i-. AVAR'S Sarsaparilla is t;ikt.-n, they yield to this treatment. \\'hcn you ask for AVER'S Sarsaparilla 'don't be induced to purchase ;niy of th'.- wi'rthli" s suhMitnt.Js, which are mostly mixtures of the ilu-ap- , i ii i ! ; v::t- , contain no sars;<- p.uill.i, have no uniform standarJ of appcaranc , llavor, or cffcci, art blood-purifiers in name only, and arc offered to you because there is more profit in selling them. TaUe \JCCP \J F o. . y fcati* Sarsaparilla I'n-rurr.l \:J \>T. ), C. Afcr ft C.I.. Ui*ril. Mi M. S .1.1 l.y all l)rii(fKli HlM $ i n b,ill'r, (}. Curcj others, hi.'! euro you IJIdS l'-il: bALE. One well bred Harkahiro b.Hr. fit lor m.rti.u. aliMi ~,itn,- >ouii|i H.IWM for bitH*-iiuK |KirlHMiaa. A ( i|.|y at lutw. S. l> H ,or W. Nil U>S. rrit-.-iilli- IM) B i -I .i.Miuliliri-,! li.-ik-hiH hoar for imrum on |.,t IS' INK. W. T A s K . Art. ... m I . . I .liar, lo Im pal,l u. limp ..f arrvi. > M'.ti.y lefiiiidatl If uot natliifactory. Ja>. limit, proprietor i.\K r'OU SKUVICE. B OAH FOH SKltVh K Vi>rkhir Wlntp lK>r for rvic on I..' UI 1 i-' \\ T * R TttriiK, i,n< ilullar, iwyalik' >< tune of wrrlv. J. A. I-*rer. proprietor. KlmluTton . Nor 22. H OAKS FUU SKKVK'r. I'rinc* Cllrll." a Uuiun B^rkHliiro Boi from th.' >t<x:k uf Sin-!! .V ilro . i- n . . (T.-i. f,,r frrvn-i- mi I'll 1", I'll . lK(.i... I in- i liii;iiiri. unl i.- IIK.I.,. i IIMM|. Ut< Iv |iuri Ii- nu.l nr>t |nu tkor 'at the fallfklin 1 1*0 A >(ii;ni,' Vurk.hirt. nfchltt*. it Cln>-t> wtilli*. air) m ncc'iii'.l UI-K." IturkHlur-. uiuiaN !i lok liuuilMTH of &rt |n !* ft' tin ill f*ir* Toi in-., one .till ir. ' Mm.- of t>r llobl. Koiiwi.-k. Mxiri-ll P. O. l<r\HM FOR SALE. At a Bargain I ..it 1. r.i i. 4. Kii|ihrMv contaliiinii I4f) acroa, Jl a,-ru rloaro.l. H|>lei.,ll.l frame harn IK', i wil.i ntalila uu.lrr. Orclianl. goo,) wm. i franit) kiti-lien IHvJI \l~.ut 1*1 aeie> lit* I.U- fr i |>, i Will IM. nol'1 |ii>m,"liatcl\ '"' iHTl.X lllTMtlfM*. WiiU-toJOIIN 1IAK T. O WANTF.D. I . ,i )HT, IjoldinK tlilrd cl&it* cortiflcat*. for .KIM s.-ti'><>! Hrrtiitn *" I, Artfin*-*!* and Kir t.r^fciB. <lnti< In i-Kiin, ri,-. 'Jn-l Iniiimi . n- v piily to Truftw,uroomiiiiiiiicat>' with J\* STK\\.\KI 'iv.ut KnniM ii. -\ r <> Lands for Sale 1 -MUM r"1"->ti nii|>K>v,-.l ah.l .... * J. W- A I< MS THONG, ftJi SIIK K.-K-N IV HA7E YOU BACK- ACHE DODO'S KIDNEY ^ILLS- WILL CURE YOU "Backache meant tht hid- ntyt art in troubla. Dodd i Kidney Hilt glut prompt relit f." "75 per cunt. of ditoata it jffit eauied by ditordered hid- ntys. "Might at wtlt try to haut a healthy city without fewer- a<lt, at good health when the kidney* art elogtjtd, they art tht tcavene/trt of the tytttm. "Delay It danytrous. Ntg- / acted kidntu troubfft retult in Bad Blood, Dytpeutia, Liver Complaint, and the mutt dan- gtrout of all, Brirjhts Diteate, Diabettt and Dropty. " '' about dlattt < annot tiltt ivhtrt Dodd't Kidntu Pillt art ttod. * Sold by all aValcra or arm by mail on rorrir* of price j.> crnu. per K.i or au lor f>.ja l>r. I.. A. Smith ft I . TuMMo. Wnu L buuk otlled kJny Tik. ED. McTuvish, lioltsi:siKii;i{ AMI JENERAL BLAttKSMITJ Culiin , . nil hin-i l, .-LI'SllI-KTON, ON MaPiifarturliiiiof \v ] i II.. .'iii-iiii' pit in) lit r I i i.tl i til t-i, .. 1 1. i, t.' , r. . nml I'low 4'lialRH ion- NlHMll) oil IllUltr. YER U lluiir, x'" ft.'., hlimilil Hlltllll' Wyvill's Stock ,'Kifnri' |inri-li.iiiii'.' Id' K.-I-IH , im ! I Hour $:(<> |><r T-;i>. us l lit ill >, dillo. I'linii- n:i:! f' Ft lll.lN ill Si-;isin fccvtakleii Canned <..nis. >. > All the boat , righl . blCU I lull IIIIX10IKI )c:l' ,ill 1 t T. WYViLL. -TKA1N S Hl.OCK, K ,KS,IK UtU Krs takeu lu exchtntfo lor Bargains ! For the Ii.il.tnc3 of 1892 URGAINS In men's Fur Caps and Coat*. La- dies' Furs, C'UI'H, Muffs, and Storm Collars. Men s and boy*' cloth and imitation Fur Capo. '.AUUAIN8 In Men's and Hoys' Overcoats, KcuJyinade Suits, etc. IUHGAINS In I toots Men's and boys' Sto^as, women's kip boots ai $1.25, iniMSex' kip boots 1 1, warranted not to rip. BA1UJAINS In Uverslioov Men's, women's, mis- ses' and chiMren's. \V onion's nh I., is. 8>c a pair. BARGAINS IN GHOCERIE8. Teas.for excollcnc'i' of quality aul price, cannot be hciti n Canned tomatoes, canned Siluion.iwas.corji, etc. Figs, 6c por Ib. Di^by chk ken, 2()c >x;r box. Hrooma. 2 |)r J.'.r Other linis coiuimratiretr low. DOLIAKS COINT. rtinerabfi. Hill give.s sp-rial vitluea and special diMcouuts for every 8 wortii of goods V')i purchase for c.ish. Butter etr'_'s. liidos, sheepskins, etc., taken in exchange. T. HILL Furniture r_liSHIISMIPnrnitaM I A lar-^c stock of all kin-is of furniture can now be found ac the old stand opposite J\Vhittcn's carriTge shop. Kindly call and inspect stock and prices. No trouble to show Repairing neatly an-: promptly done. ricture framing ia all its branches. _ITlDERTAgIlTcl._ A full and complete Hue of cofflus.caskets.robc'S, crapa.etc. kept constantly 011 baud- Op3ii ni^ht aLd diy.. Residecce over store. yours tiuly, HEALTH FOR ALL. l.o!(o\vay\s Pills auiri Oiiiluient THE PILLS Purify tlie lilnutl, correct all Diordor cf fjiver, '^ i . -i;i -!, nncl tjioy invi^omtean I rKHturi, tri health Doljitltatrd ronMitutiuni. anil are luTaluable In apiu- plaiutomci .mta! to Feuialoa of all agea. For ("hil<irn auil tb afte<i ilu-j arv priceloa* 'J Ht- 01MTMKJST an lifalllbl reiiuMSy f. r Itn I !,,., Bail Hr,-i.tv Ol.t Wo-mda, Hore. and I'lceu. U la faoioo* for (tout m. I itoiHiiuati.m. For ilraorden cl the ('bent it baa uu ixgual for SOUK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUC11S, COLDS UlandnUr!iwvlliD|*.aadall Skin It ba* oc. rival; auJ lor oont:*caed and ttlff acta like a charm. U*nufacturtl unly at I'rufeaaur HI.LOWAT'H Katabllub inrnt, : v \ew o M ni-,1 M r. . i < lair 533. Oxford Mrrrt ). London. Dd ate (old at la. I'urduueri . M., 4>. M . 11 . > . and IK each Hoi or Pot. aud n.a> bo h . of all Had i. in,. Vo>lor tin iHit:lii. nt the World. intlil !<,<Jc r< >l>r IsiM <m thr I'oh 'tui Hurt*. 5S.1, Oijuni Strtri, U'inUw. t.ity art Ij the nddrest it nvt Kaniilattiiriirs ! Wajjois & Carriajis, Now uu hand nuiubvr of Wn^mn, Km-^'ios, CartiRiid Dvmix;rati. \Vi. re Him i inniHifrti-liiriiii; a nrct many mure of thu Utr.it i Im Intent |'itU'-iiis anJ bent finiuli, wl ioli we ro offetinii lor aale at tliti lo.tit price cuimisUiil itli due t, -.ir.l to unrkui*ulii|. nml .]ii .1 t. l'oi>r lying Kuprrior (ucilaii n (,.r mnuufactiiiing Cnrrugfn, wi- inieml to Brll Tny clirap for cash or oppiOTrd cre<lil, aii'l by no do'iig we liopf t" i"i ,vtl\ inrn Ki our uuiulier of MI|I-K. All kinds of vrl.ii ! < r. I'.nr. ,1 at llu' ilioiteHt uotioe, (utintud Mini ti uini.-.l if rlemircil. II,,-.. nbuiing a i $ n|i<viiillv. A lirnl clara *ooil worker u now in our employ. We want u J r two or a f.>nr home power in exchange ou a rig. J. If. HK4 Kl>, :>OOOC I OOK K WI LSO N EUGE1IIA PLAITINQ MILL ! M ,i.u'",i tilli'H Hliil llr.ilrrs in all klli. 'ui.liliiii! matarials, inn^li anil ilrcttneil nUy* mi Imiiil ; alm> all kiutlt in ii!,|-.ni;s BCfi'li w,i|l\, lulutln -. i,. il |n..it.i, liillnl KllnnjK, frll.-r |Hckl'tH,lll < tiiytlniiK iiucilt'tt m building or i> .in.);. Alwii.vi o >liult ua hrf. i. \ i it nt work. A hiriju <|tintily uf K,- n ii i, .1 t.i imif jiiiio ; IKU |,ii iliii.^,..- at luwcst |>ricua. I n l ,lfnir<> ti> inftiini tl . that 1 uiaiiul.irliiii- mi -I ki'.-i. in (took ii M lu)luiug : .li, floors, rrr'.srd I BaliiNlen, Hand iuiil.nir, i , ritrr lillM'kx. I ||C ln'sl i I S|>ru- Lal'ii. No I ,v sh clos, Stork Ktiiu^lc.s.Vi r.--i!.t:i 1'iiHls. Veniudu H-'itlinj;*. r .. tinea. 'esksttn Sasi & Door Factiri, MOORE & WILSON. Tni'uicgs of all kind, tloiie to 01 dor k-n.| uf M. ir.liiiK kv| . 01. Inn, I. .1 fasiln;* I., i in -Killv. I .. tin' l-il, II -.uili- i'. II an. I HIM IIH l,ff,.i.- ). i : % your Hi'l'in/ i irwui ii, IH'-I i i . j,at- , , lam },.ini ti mi, .1. It. SI .4 V X <|uantii> of ><>. i Spruce on li.uul, Mitlti .1-1117 uf us i;ti\v. I

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