Flesherton Advance, 29 Dec 1892, p. 6

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THE WEEK'S NEWS TA-CAPA. teak thieves infest Belleville. During the noon hour Tueiday iheCana- 41. n espres* office safest Sarnia was rpblwd of $:.<>. No rlue. Mr. James H.trrower, ex-M.P. 1'., ilinl from tlie effect* of a raralyuc stroke at Winnipeg. Twelve thousand Canadian turkeys arriv ed in l.iverp.*>l oa Thursday in prime con- dition. The Grand Trunk Railway Company i preparing 'or the World'* Fair. Uver lw<> hundr.d passenger ear* are being built fix the Chicago traffic. A meeting of the Club National, Mont- real, will bo held early in January to discos* the iiuestions of Independence. Annexation, ami Imperial Federation. Mr and Mr*. Daniel UcLeod, of Writ liner, Pictou, N. S. , have just celebrated tlie aislielh anniversary of their wedding. They have been total aUtaim-rs tiace 1 v.'7. Mr. Me ddangh. attorney for the Grand Trunk railway in Detroit, has ret jrned from Wiishii.gton, and iloei not think any legi* lation liuetile to Canadian linen will be en- acted. There U a war in rate* bet wren the hone i \r and electric ttreet railway companies in Winnipeg. The former are lulling I'.' ticket! for a quarter and the electric com- pany hai not yet met the cut. K'lwar'l Farr-ll, thirty night years of age, a resident of Milwaukee, was struck by a freight train on Friday night while he wan walking along the track between Niagara Valla, Out., anil St. David's on hi- way to lin hiothrr'* home at the latter place. He i* in.tantly killed. The Department of th Interior has for" mally nntitin I the North-Went ranchert that they can now purchane ten per cent, of fh.-ir leatehuld and convert it lulu it free- bold for $-' per acre. .loKti Mclntosh, ten yeari of age, died iiiMenly at Hamilton, Dm. He hail re- turned home from vhol at noon, ami while waiting for bin dinner fell upon the floor, expiring in a few minute*. Heart disease wa the came of death. The factor) of the Toronto Canoe and Boat Company on the F.tpUnade, Toronto, raught tin- Monday night, and the greater perl of it was burned to tli- ground The loss ill amount to abont $'.'."1,1 UN I. of which about f I4,<KD is covered )>y insurance. Mr. ( '. H. Tupper denies the rumor tl at the Canadian Cm i rnm.nl is building war vessels on the licorgian Hy. He says a rouple of imall vessel, hnve been built at l)w. n Sound, which are being used in n with tlie fishery protective service, j Lieutenant C.-rden. of the Uniteil States I revenue marine service, says there is the i greateot i in mint inainf- ed between the ( a Bad tans an 1 A'nri icam on each ude of the Hoo, ami he r"<onimemls the imme<liate huildini: of K'lnhost* to check the Canadiasj o-cblled revenue rut tern. Th jury in the graveyard insurance us>aei 1 St. Inhti, N. II., after beu.g lurked up .ii hoit". were unable to agree. Kev. Sydney Welton wnlki-d out frre, while hii brother mil Dr. KamUll are held on the eimvi "ion in the lint trial. It i* said the juror. *tuod 1 1 to I for .onvi-tion of both the Welton*. BRITAIN. The court in I>MI.|OM hai ile. nle i tliala pnblie examination into the attain of Mi. I'irnell w unnecessary. Mrs, Maybrick is reported oat of danger and the lo.v. rninent has oon*e.|iieQtly with- drawn tin- |<< riuit fr her mother to visit her. The London Daily Chronicle, in spe.king of t hi death of Sir Adams Archibald, pomls out I In- fact that another Father of Confed- eration ha* (Mused away. The New York Tim--, In its London letter, say* that Mr ll'ake, whose oratorical efforts the F.nglish admire, has no earthly i han i- of U >ng Mr. liiitin Mo< 'ai thy's sue- reeanr as leader of the Irish party, U'.,.- S<i iv il Miles' f.niilv were at ilmiii-r at Ijeigh Court, near Hiitlol, on Sunday, burglar* entered Lady Mil*' bed ivom and mole t.Vi.nOO mirth of jewels. The Archhithnp of Annagh ami the Ar h bishop of Westminster have re.-eived 1 notifying them that they will he rr.ade swtrdlnals at tin- coming l'|,..l ivnststory. I'MTKU sTATK. Il |j said I'rtwidenl rle.-t Clei.laiid lias (ndered the State portfolio to Senator Mil. Coineiius Vanderhilt ha* given *. r i,000 to the New York i'li'-s Pension fund. It is .aid '.h commercial uperatois will take a hand in the itriku of Hock liland K. 1C telegrapher*. The New York Kveniug Pout say* the -an freight traffic is vety much depress eil. At Du)>ui|ne, Iowa, Tuesday the ther- mometer marked I ft degree* below ten. Orlando Metralf, a capitalist of Colorado Spring., ha* tailed for flOO.IIOO. Mr Itn hard Cruker, says Tammany Hall will ak Mr. Cleveland for nothing In ihr way of patronage or plaiiei. The reporl ot tin treasurer of the New \ nrk litanball Club nhows a lots last season oflsMM't*. The iflebislmi trotting stallion Stamhoul, "071, * "'Id al aii.'iinn in New York to Hanker I) If. Herman for $ I I.OOO TheS7*>,"""*hii h the Chilianl lovornment paid I'n, Ir Sam |nr Uims itri.ini: out ..I the llaltiiiiore affair at Yal|i..i.i|.o. i. no* in i M!I treuiiry " New York. Humor ha* it thai Mrs. Janiet i. Mhtiii,', Jr., i* again to h* Married, the prosiie, tiv,- R.i I, .-.nil the surgeon who attended th > ly in her lait srrtoiii illness. I li report of the Niagara Kails Ke.ierv<t lion Oomniesloner* ihnw* that the annual oast to the utale of N< w \ 'c.i I, for tnKint.un ing the rewrva'ion i. about l.'l.r<r'. Hebrew cir.-lei in William-l, \irt|, \ Y , r* greallv I'lit itr i . vrr tll K'll.ni ol thr f huh ,l.'ol| in <|il-]|llu- r*blii for eating ham. i M i. air. was eieattted 'iy eUftrii-Hy ing Sing Ihroth'T day 4 , llu wai killeil i.- ill- li'i 'in.'k, and life was itim-t in n e. linil'. Ksv. Dr. Tain . mrln in llrnok nn *H i'i' I bv lh "' 'I i.'iFiiilay to h'tj aj f .fl.ldl, ol'tain 'whalf of Alfred Tong, who painted the hurch after the firs in IHs'.t, and has not - . n paid. Tbe biggest load of steerage passengers i. hat ever came into any port in America in one vessel arrived at New York the other lay on the North Herman Lloyd steamer -lultgarl from Bremen She utrried J.'JK.I. At Nelsonville, Ohio, on Wednesday evening, Harry Stumbaugh, while intoxirat- -d, fired a shot into a crowd of children tin! killed two small giris. According to the evidence taken in I'ltlt burg. Pa., with reference to the plot to poison the non-union worker* in the Carne- gie feel nulls, the Knights of Labour were privy -M, if nol principal* io, the conspir- acy. At noon Monday thsre was 4 very di* Tou* fire al the Fort Orange Mills, Al- 1 my. N. Y., which resulted iu aad loss of life While a number of firemen were es- caping from the interior of the building a wall fell which buried several of them. Four were rescued more or less injured, and three met instant death. l.E.SKIMI. Hawaii ha* granted f 1'J.onO to send a band to the Chicago World's fair. I. Esperance, a French vessel, ha* been wrecked on the island of Guernsey, and all of her crew were drowned. The revelation of the 1-oewes having offer- ed to furnish rifles to the French (Government has caused a storm of indignation iu Berlin. The rinderpest ha* spread to five hither- to u-ittfected estates in Mecklenburg and to sevsu in Holsteio. While M. Alphonte de Rothschild wa* hunting on Sunday hi* companion's gun went otf and inflicted a serioui wojnd in hi* cheek. News has been received from Honolulu of the shelling of seven villages on the Sol- omon islands by the British warship Kapid for the. killing of white traders. Twenty -seven naphtha barges have been burned al Astrachan, Russia. A man named Jacnn I attempted recent- \ i" asiassinste President Hyppolile of liayti. A Yalparaio despatch say* another Bal maoedist plot has been discovered and frus- trated. The developments of the Panama -.capital are being watched with anxiety in Berlin, as it is believed they will tend to weaken the alliance I* t ween France and Russia. At the business men's banquet in Woon- Rocket, K. 1., last evening. Mr. \\iman told hi* heaiei* that the annexation of ( 'uiada wa* not possible within a quarter of a cen- tury, if then. Charles L. Cadmitn, a clerk t the whole- sale stamp window in the New York post- nili'-i . hat diH.ippeared. leavnt; a shortage of between ?.~..IXMI and ?HI.I"HI. Ho i* the .<n of Judge Csdman, ot Columbia county. The London Daily News, in commenting upon the adjournment of the Monetary Con- ference, say* the A man dollar i* in jeo- pardyon acc-ium of tbe natural competition for butuiew on a gold basis. The Berlin Pout, the organ of the Inde- pendent Conservative | arty, strongly advises MI ,o I internment to withdraw the Army hill, as, in face of the additional laxea re<|iiirrd, U will be surely defeated. There will shortly ne a gathering, at Seville nf Orlaanist princes, in, -hiding the COIHT de Paris, to iliscuss the attitude of r lu W I HIM.- n I I I I I Kll I I I A stesm dynamo is the latest. The celebrated high electric light mast al Minneapolis, which ii ii." feet high ba* proved ineffective for lighting purpose and is now no longer used. Storage battery oars have been a failure iu Kugland, and all have been abandoned excepting ibnse in London. New insulating devices for trolly wires have been recently io vented, tbe character- istic feature ot which U that the solid sheet mica is used for insulation. A iiiigni-t at Wi. let's Point, Long Island, i* considered the largest and strongest in the world. Il ii made of two fifteen inch Dahlgreen guru, wound around with eight miles of cable charged with electricity. The Westmghotitn Company will soon place on the market an improved incandes- cent lamp. It n. covered by a large num- ber of palenti and does not infringe ou the K In-ou lamp. They do not require any platinum and are a grel saving to the con- sumer. One of the latest applications for heat Tod-iced by electricity u the drying of umber for planing purpose*. J. A. Kan of the Chavdu-re. Ottawa, Out. , i* having electric kilns, the invention of T. Ahearn, placed on his premises. There are being floated in New York f7,- UOO.OUO, first mortgage six per cent, gold- bearing mlertit bonds of the electric rail- road thai is to run from Chicsgo to St. Louis. It is expected that Ihe road will cost $S,UOO,OOO and that it will be in opera- tion next year. _ The Ford-Washburue Storage battsry Company recently gtve an exhibition in Cleveland, U. , of their new battery for tra -tiuu purposes. After the trip the car wa* ran to the factory, and several severe teit* were made of the car and batteries. Mr. \\oilihurne short circuited the batteries for several hours, '.he ammeter showing a very constant current, and the batteries were not injured in the least, but after recharging appeared as good a* ever. A company has been formed st Sal. -in. Mass., under the name of the Msgnet F.lectnc Company, and incorporated under ! tho laws of Virginia, to e.jiup railroad* with tbe Brown system of electric traction. Tin- , method consists of a centre rail laid in short sections, snd containing a conducting wire. Two section* only and these under the car are pul in circuit as it passes, the power being niivi-y.-d to the motor on the car* by | two brushes of ileel wire, which are suspend- ed from two magnet* at the inidulu of the car and close above the centre rail. Tbe experiment* have been successful, and application* for equipments of several roads haw been received. destruction ( disease germs. One of it* dye product* i* alizarin, and the discovery of its artifi.ji.il preparation from the waste product* of tar ha* destroyed a great agri- cultural industry which flourished in Tur- key, Holland, Alsace, and other countries, in the . ulnvation of the madder plant. An- other product, aniline, is a fruitful source of coloring mailer, some of its besl known derivatives being maave, magenla, and ur aniline. The great industries ot dyeing and calico printing have beeu revolutionised by the new coloring matters obtained from go tar. Hitherto the cost of producing artiri C'al indigo has been loo great to allow it to supplant the natural indigo, the cultivation of which is one of the staple industries of the Kaal Indies, but its cultivators tremble lest they should find themselves in the same position a* are the madder growers by a cheap artificial production of indigo blue from gas tar. So with many other things. The brine* and skin* of rats are wrought up tor dainty use*. Horse shoe nail* dioppcd in the street* arc carefully collected and ippear a* swirds and guns. The main ingredient of the ink with which we wr'te wa* probably once the broken hoop of an old beer barrel. Tbe dregi of port wine which are carefully decanted by tbe toper are taken by him in the uioiuin^ iu the shape of a seidlil/. powder to remove the enVis of the debauch. Tbe offal of the itreets and the wasting* of coal gas reasppear carefully preserved in tho lady'* smelling bottle or are used by her to flavor btanc mange* for her friend* And il ii strictly true that our daily food contain* the ma- terial* of previous generation* of animals, including the human race. So all our srti- ficial thrift of material is kut an imitation of the economy of nature, which knows no waite. F.very thing has its destined place in the processes of the universe, in win, h there is not a blade of grasx nor even a mi crohe too'ni'ieh if we possessed the knowl- edge teapply them to their tit ting p irpo*es. Man aims at the acquisition of this know! edge, and as we attain it we are always re- warded by important benefits to the human race. And this knowledge teaches us that there i* nothing coni'nun nor unclean to the law* of science. What may appear to ns a* dirt, and therefore not only useless but a positive nuisance, i* simply matter iu a i M _ place. IIHUaltesi f Waste I'r-..! iri. One of the most suggestive articles of the year I* that by the Ki^ht Honorable l.von Playfuir m the Isleil number of the N'ortb Amen, -tn Review It is on the utilization of waste products as a most hxneficui, retult of i-ientific study in modern time*. Nsturc knows no waste. The effete m%ttrotone organi/ation h* cones food for another, and i even the .lust blown by wind* from pla.-e to place 1 ha* it* uses in helping to produce ,-lou.ls ami rain. Ihe history of manufac- , lure* is one ol di- ovrrmjj uses for. waste. ' 1 he refuse of tbe p.od ict of hi day may be- .nine the chief source of profit to-morrow : snd the application of this principle has pro- ceeded so far, though but newly applied, that there is scarcely a single article of use Despite tbe. -mpK ni protest of the Papal Nuncio, the H'.hop of Madrid, and th..u- ..iidsnf ariatoentu- Unman Catholi -s, the I'rolestant church was conseerrted in Mad- rid on ^niiday. It is re|.it<-l Uiat a syndicate of Ameri- <-.<n .-apitalists has anoiired \ irtual eontrol of the IsUnil of San l>.v, inyn by the pnr- chase of the right to.olle.-i the Custom* ievrnii.' of the country, which an- prin- i pally derived from the tobacco monopoly. A land. >f mi Urn. hav been arrested in Umlierir. Aii.it... t-r hiving starred to death 41 illrgilimat* rhtl.lren. A uperia by intlutiit.al families In suppress legal pro- ceeding*. A meeting of advocate* of free trad* wai held in Mellxnirne, at which a t evolution offered b> Sir Henry IVrkes. rongrat ulaling thr Heino-r.it* ol the United Si itrs upon their recent electoral victory, was adopted I our U- ml 1 1 ill Jem. il slave*, presented by the Khedive to the Sultan of Turkey and pi .red 111 the Im|ieri*l harem, were found a few days auo dead in lied, having been poison. 'I The Sultan is deeply enraged, and three Mi*|>.',-'e,l rnnii.li* are being ex- amined with t he application of torture to induce them to insko a full confession. An or.liiisnre ha* IM-I-II 111110,1.100.; in the On,-, go .'ity Council piovi.l'ni; that every railroad company hiving terminal* there Khali lie required to elevate it* traoke It) feel uliovo the street level within five year*, subject to a penalty of f'JOO per day afjer that lime for non compliance, llatlway men are much disturlied. n ,Miri ll.iane. Daniel llo. n<<'* liones rest m hi* bnloved Kentucky, but the house whi'-h he built For a home and in which he pa*icd Ins lost day* Is aland murk near St. I 'h tiles. Mo., whsie it slid stands ill a good state of pres- ervation. In the littler day* of the old pioni ei-'n life hei on-upied the. atti: of the MM as b.iln sitiingriiom and workshop, and bnsi.it himself making powder horns a* souvenir* for friends. Here, too, hekspt the i hi ITVW.MI.I eothn ho. hai Uxlnon, ,| with bit own ban. I*. Not long Iwfore he ,ln-. I be used tn .u in thocolliii sever tl times a d'.y " |iiit to try the fit of il," as one of hi* old n.|ii.iMilal|,-e< 'iys. Tile bonne wa* ms nf the tint en ,te. I in St. diaries coun- ty, and Indian*; w .it- hod its building w ith in tores t. f. H... net i n- io. , . ,i A horse i-<> in the inuni.-ipal court of 'ly turned on thephiaso " w ,i 1 K.ti-l horn., to ho free ttoin dr, .!. -.' Vfemlaiil's lawyer filed a demurrer nin.; th.it he never nimrnnir.-.l t',rl,...e would livn t.iit-n-r. The pUinliil '-> ait.uney 1 1. .) to ssy mat I mesnl tu write but his brother lawyer nrg -d that as . o i. . di .--V the iilamiill < .ierh.intii.n wata II marl (ji . Inatc, he knew vlm; he < anted to K i lie when he drew the pleading. lildg. ,'-.! Ihi.t I 1(1.' demurrer wuiild hold, ml ilmtaii ,111. "I ill'. 1,1 :.,!, This nrnu'gi ment tt a* dually first purpose. Ixml Palmerston is cn> lited with the hippy remark that "dirt is mere- ly matter in a wrung place." It is no longer dirt when we find a use for it. Phosphorus wai di*. -ovi -re, I in tho eighth ,'entury, then forgotten, and ro disr.. \i-r.-l in Iriti9 by Brandt. In each case it wa* obtained from li.|iud humni refuse after that had l>oeii changed by keeping. Now phosphorus is extracted exlvnmvoly from old hones, and im.-e it* lint use in making matches, in IK.'CI, its employment has become so ex ten- live that the average human being now saves oflio eighty h'liin. per ve*r out of the tune, fi..m the old fashii-ned tinder hnx. The I lii|ind ellete human matter 11 yet allowed to ' run to waste, though chemiits have demon stratod that if properly applied in agricnl- tnir every |>iin,l of il will produce a pound of wheat. It must be thus utilized in the fut, ire. For many centuries amnmnia wa* mail* out . f human lofnw, and even now J.'Ji'it ton* are daily taken from tho ceupools of Part* for con- virh>ii into it. Fossil dung (r- pnilites) has been used largely for manure, though now heinu ur ersedod by the ois,-.. V ery of m moral phosphates in the rock*, and am- monia is nia.le on a more extensive scale ' from the refuse of gas works. Cntton and 1 linen rag* form valuable material for the pitporinskcr, and woolen r.tgs pasa thiough several stages Iwifore reaching the final one. dressy rv*t off clothe* reappear in pil .t rlothi, heaven, mohairs, etc., "which mod rrn dandies wear when they consult ei-on- omy as well as out wai. I appearance." When | loo imi.'h degraded for USA by the shoddy- | maker t ho woolen rags are mixed with other degraded waste, such a* shavings of hoof* and horn* and blood from the slaughter- houses, and arc melted in an iron pot with ' wood ashe* and scrap nn. this pro**rssgi\ ing Ihe mall-Mai from which Prussian blue is made. Sums pi-ilmn. -s ne really mlsaiid ethersexlraeird fro-,, tin- (lower., hut other* are made ailitii-i tilt , a.ul most fre.jiiriitlv out ot Sa.l .smelling ,0111)1.11111,1* The fusel oil, separated in t he >!i.ul,,t i-n of spirits, I. as i peculiarly Hu-k'iiing odor. After 1 1 eat mcni with a 'id* and nxidi/mg agents it _ is iis.il I.. ui..k> the cil of apples itn. I the..i, ! nf pears. Oil of grapes and oil oi J IniK 1 in. .re thn fusol ml largely .lilu'ed. Oil ul pineapples, largely used for making pineapple ill", I* best made by the n< lion ot {mil id , boe.e on n.;ir or l.y .1i-tilling rancid .iiit.r with alcohol ami nil ot vitriol. "Many a iair forolioi I u -o I to IM' damped witlie, in de nulletleurs without kn.\vo, that its essential ingriidlent wan i;..t fiom tlm dr.tmiDg* nf cow hoiinc*. thiiugb n citii l>o obluinid ohi'&per from one of Ihe ronstuniMits nf ga* tar," The mitlorial la*t named wa* till nv-.-ntl, one of the most n oiuoment of waste ma- terial.. It could not Iw thrown m;.i i iv.-is. li.r It pnllute.l them foully. I' eo, lid nol I.e buried in the earth without d*tii,\in^ vegetal ion all aioiiM.I. Not hint; ml.) be done With It C\i0|'l Io burn It, il ,-tlly |,y muliic with iMitl. Now g\. tar '-, the raw material for prndti. -IM I. .uiilul ,l\ , omn .i oor mo>.t value. I it, ,!i, in- , a > li.innr Mi'sum-e tin ,-e Inindru.l limes sweeter than s,*r, and the best diiinfectaiits for '.he T* Kee|illlr flvoer' Aa a part of thcGermnn government '* plan for increasing the strength of the army, striM^-i-ni measures are to bo taken to pre- vent the emigration of young men of the age for military service. Lads bound out as spprcntice* are also to be kepi al home as far as possible, and persons under contracts of whatever nature will ho denied the priv- ilege of leaving the empire. Agents of foreign companies in- individuals will not be permuted to pay the f^re of Germans wish- ing to emigrate, anil other restriction* will be put upon the departure of young men from lierinany. AM of these barrier* are to be considered as non existent, however, when the person desiring to leave the coun- try is a cripple, the vi.-tim of an incurable disease, a criminal, nr one who, for any rea- son, would reudci t'u C,erinsn Fmpire hel- t'r elf by reaxm of his departure. It is this feature of the proposed law for the re. strictioii of emigration it im < iermany win. h is of grim significance to the people of the I'mted State* and Canada all ki*. Ihincou tipent will doubt leis . >ntinue lu receive the grt-U bulk of tierman emigration, and hither the refute of the would-be emigrant* will he ure to come when the police begin to lift out and detain those who are wanted for army service. The i|uesli.jn is whether we can afford to have unloaded upon oui shot, s tin ineii whom I ifii n.iiiyt* anxious to In- rid of, wMIe > are dei, 1 the pin .>^e of re. . tli- ilow.-r of the ' .,-1 u in ymith who are nol free to follow then ow n inclination. In every seme the pohry of Kiiropcnn govern- mem-, nx.udini; emigration is unfair and unfriendly to America. Tlie great nations of the old world have n.i-.l tins continent as s place 1 1 send criminal', paupers, the crip- pled, and the hopelessly diseased, while they have, in many rase*, tried to prevent and discourage the emigr.ili.in of their h-*t \oung men and women. How long shall thi- sort of treatment bv submitted to with- out measure* of Uriel supervision being en f..r.-' .1. The lateit idea of the Kngli.h plnl- anll.ro|i *t. m to ship tbe unemployed of London to Catiadt in shiploaila. A more undesirable class of emigrants a* a whole cannot possibly be imagined. If they were good mechanics they would find work at home and as they are for the most part shiftle** and have no knowledge of atrrici.l- ture or inin.ug, it w.mld be years before they would gain suflicient experience to warrant paying them enough tr. maintain their families. v . %n- .'apan baa 13,000 cities. The (iatling gun was invented in 1761. 1'aris has J.'KK) daily and weekly papers. 'r*/il invite-i Chtncsr ;?> migration. At Denver oyster* cost forty ecau a iniart. The British M\ueuni hai thirty-two mile* of aheUes filU- 1 with books. fncandeiceiit lamps are ridiculously cheap in ^wedan, the price of those with all voltages cp tu U" bv.og about twenty cents. A Frenchman is mid to have discovered a new and etlii-i> ut prncea* oi obtaining while lead by electricity. The action i* electrolytic. The very tiueit ipecimtn of engraved gem now in exixu-nce is a he*d of Nero, carved on a first-water diamond by tbe brothers Cestanzi in the year ISflO A. D. If the atmospheric pressure i foarteen pounds to the square inch, a* nasally reck- oned, the n. .n of average ii/e is constantly subjected to * pressure of '."S.OdO pound*. The glowworm lays eggs which, itii said, are themselves luminous; however, tue young hatched from them are not pos- sessed of those peculiar properties until after the first transformation. Amoug the c>acliinen of Kerlia are Mven retirwl orb'cers, thro* ev-pastore, and BIX- t. .n nobles. London even bra, U this, fer her *' ctbbie*'' include a marquis, a baron and an ex-member of Parliament. Among a number of thrifty trees ou the estate of the late Lord Tennyson, at the Isle of Wight, 11 one which was planted by (iaribaldi. The venerable patriot WAI a warm friend of T>-r.uy> >n, ae.l one* when a guest of the poet plained tbe tree with his own him!-. He named it " The Tree of Liberty, "m grsteful commemoration of the service rendered to b-s cause by the poet'* music, A Xulu chief when you enter hi* hove), remains silent tor some momenta, and seems ijure unconscious of your presence. At length he says, in a tone of ^rave dignity, " < saku hona " (I see you), to which you reply in the same way. The longer be take* to " * you " tbe grater man you are supposed to be, and until you are thus " seen" you mast keep silence and appear as much as possible nol to be there al all. 4|i... r Wat l ..II. ri n Still There sre novel features nf life in the present day which are well worthy of nolii-e, if not of praise. As an example, we may refer loan incident which wa. reported in the newspaper* the other day. It *p cears that in the city of Haverhill, Mass., * a man of the name of IngalU, who now keep* a livery *table, but wa* formerly an iin.l.rt ikei in a recent Satuiday night two small coffins, containing the INI,! i u " ni' ,ni . were f.innd m a hayloft in lliv.ih.ill. linpnry ->on develo|x-d the fact that these bodie* iiad U-en deliver. I to In gitll* for burial, lie |>h -ml them in the cof- a I iiir i in .-'itlins in liMivihtr until hi. bill should liepitid. .VT Inn; t i hi* slate ment the bill was i.nt paid, and so when he m ive I from the pi <<inii.es almni a year <o, be put the coffin* and then cnnten!-. in tin- Imylofl when- they wore found. According ,|es|>atcli from which wo take these detail*, * |>eriod of aUmt tin,' \e..r*had I line* i he liodieicitme into his hands, and the relit i re* of one of th, , In', lien in sis't that thn bill was long mnee paid. We are not oentorned vvnh the inont. of the controversy between the niuler'aker an I his rustomois a* to the pnynit-nt of hi* 'b.n;e. What i. interesting i the state of society in whirl. ny one enn !> found who th-.nk* it rigl I ui.l |il,i|ier and I tw:nl to keep tbe de:l Im.li.'s nf hun>ai> being* unbiiried for years a* a means of exacting 1'ivin.Mi' f ,i id,- o'lini in \\h- Ii !hr corpses have been placed. \\ e have heard a great dial about the k.'iiMiii<M of the IMgrim snd I'nritan character, but . ei Imnly nothiug in. ue unin ..r ghastly than thisprot, can easily be re.ll*l. All tbe j.tinni; not s ,,| lif,. I'lcn.ling in a psalm. And ll tlie atigolsof it* .'.rite Slow rounding into citlis THe < silaan I* hl Tbe recent arrangements for completing the Cbignecto ship railway which has been surlering from a Inck of funds, may bare important bearings on more extensive en- terprises nt tha' sort. It is a abort ruad, n. it ex -ee.lmi; twenty iniim. running aero** the Cbignecto Irthmua between the t.'ulf of S'. Lawrence and the Bay of Fund, . The terminus ou the i >r:ncr is a'. Tidnish, Bay Yerte, while thenti-er, on the Chigneclo Bay aide, is near the mouth of La Blanche River. Tbe un-Ki taking wa* proposed more than ten years ago, and the action of Dominion (iovernmeut iu granting it a liberal subsidy was very prompt. Several year* elapsed, however, before advantage was taU-n of the propossl, and then the i.il ,<idy WA.H increaurd, in the form of guar- auteeiug the interest on the bond* and capital, and conditioned on the performance of the task as agreed upon. A good part of the money desired was raised in Kngl.md, and now it appear, that the remaind- er of the funds required has been provided for. Tim project call* lor hsLillini' ships ot I.IMI tons burden. but it lias been i.td that a lift oonstructei; for the Chi^necto Company will raise shipr- of much heavier burden, and with a gooi* degree of rapidity. Apart from the leca interest in the tral'ic w Inch thui expect! t< tin.! a shorter and more sheltered route, there would be a general ad vantage in ten ing by tin* comparatively inexpensive scheme the pracii ability ofship railway*. There i* mot er enterprise, much more costly, m contemplation between Cieorgiau Bay and %*ke Ontario, to avoid the long tranai* by way of the Detroit Kiver and Lake Kne. And tb-i. ISA far more ventunome project afoot iu Mix .... the revival of Kads'x T*> huantcpec ship railway. To these scheme* the ex|ivnep.( .Urni-,1 in cimstrucling and operating the ( '.ignecto railway may lie in- valuable. Not rnlv i* tbe line ot the lat- ter short but apparently it has no grade* p'eseutiug en^inr. ini|r .li'li 'iilties of conse- quence. )le*cc it i-:n he .-ompUted without much trouble, mi.l th>u the real question whether ships with full cargoes can be rais- ed out of the water, carried long distances on a tiuck or cradle, and set down in the water suain without injury, will be prac- tically ilrtei mined. Make yourself an honest m*n, and lhn you may be lure tl.crr is one rascal less in the world. W* cannot iiiip.. -.- toostrong'y upon local Miuity .in. I pro\ iucial health authorities the necessity for tbo utmost vigilance during the coming w.nU'i a-i I p trlicuUrly on the appr.-ach of ipi'i.g Ch.der* may no' ously artV-.-t Cm . l.t. I, ut then again it may. Weintfe red very 'oiisnler.tbly from the grippe and it i* said wln-icvei- that pestilent c.iiu- plaint wits most prevalent nn the continent of Kurops* the mure .In- id dis.-ast) caused the greatest .-vivo!. Atauy rate wb*> her chol- era eomrt 01 llu 1 . It hehuMvt us to I* well uii H<i ir.l to e lint oui -irf.n, our sewers, ,,-ir dr.tin. our liouses, our lutck yard*, oar fiont \ai ds, oiiroelvot are kept clean, puru and h,>l.--.i-n,' Tin) manner in wii- ! .1 iv Could .li.|io*ed of hi* gre*t i utr has given rue to a good deal of advene criticism. It ha* cume to beas'iit ..' .'oitx eiiM.in .1 . iitotn lor iren who bav<- .nh.. MII n> .lispusiiiirt to h olence in their life to leave, upon their demise, some pi.Mion of their wealth to huity, and because the Croat New York millionaire did not follow this conventional y some newspaper* utter exclamation*, of surprise .111 I pi.it.-*' There is, however, an aspe.-t of the <|'iesiion which in this case, ,n,l in til ni,l.i cases, appears to have boon ovor-liHiked, M/ the fact thai the mi. in '_v whuh a m.m gtveaaway atlus d'Mth ui* hut thai of his heir*, and il'i;..nl:i had bei|iieathed Inige portions of hi* wealth he vtould virtually lioen forenu; his , hiMreti to make ; " himself would not make. l*fes pahlio CTlt<e4ssji a> tn the dis- nonal of Mi t;., !,l ^ es'if trtnil be t i to hii i-hil.lrcn, if uny critlemm U onntable stewards. Ho himself his passed to hi* acvonni an4 is Uvo>n,i the power nf ernicumi -,o afltct ha act* or their conn-queue*!, \

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