Flesherton Advance, 7 Mar 1895, p. 3

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THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA, NO LESS THAN 25.000 LETTERS WENT DOWR WITH THE ELBE. stivers se sXarrh far Mall New Ike Ulien Will me irr.ir.i lrBceveresl -Tkc Ben P**i mtt Mare Werk far Ik* r**ial Clerk*. Twenty-five thousand letters a', the bot torn of the sea ' No tewer.au. 1 possibly, twice { that Dumber went down with the Elbe. Of thses at least a couple of tuousan-i wer* regntered, aad perhaps a* many more con- tained money or other incloanret ot vain*. t hough not registered. The damage and dmrtas involved by the Ices of thoee 290 sack* of mail matter may hardly be cal- culated. How oflen do life aad death hang upon th* prompt arrival of a written mes- sage ! Toe delay ef such a communication for s week may cause th* failure of a firm. Drafts aad other paper representing larg* am* tr* in *ome of the missing latter*. Only the other day a man wrote from Cer- saaoy inquiring about a misaiv* containing $4000, wmch h* had sent by pjst to this country. Fortunately, it had already been returned to him, the add re** being defec- iv*. Divers will **ek fer th* mail of t h* Ribs. Presumably only a part of it will be recovered. The *h:p tank in water no 1 a* dsep as to make the .|U*st for th* miss- lag letter lisg* a hopeless one, but some of them are not unlikely to drift away with the current* of the tempestuous North Sea, When the < Tegon went down in the harbor of New York, skillful men in diving gear had no difficulty in fetching up from the wreck iM.'i of th* bag* of mail which she earned. Ther* wsre .">ftS sacks ia all, bat usott of them floated otf ami out to *aa. They were picked up during the next sn month* at various pom u along ths Atlantic ceast from Portland, Me., to Cape Hatter- a*. If M<XA UKD. Such mail a* may b* recovered from the K.be will be for warded immedia ely to New York, where it will b* examined with a view to it* delivery to the address** at the earliest poatible moment. Much of it will be reduced to the condition of papier mack*; wrapper* wi'l have disappeared, and addresses will b* beyond deciphering. What can not b* mad* out will b* treated by expert* who have bad experience in this ear: of business. Ther accomplished wonder* with the ttuff that wa* brought frost tb* Oregon, bat few of the Utter* re- vered failing to reach their intended recipient*. Tb* letter* were first dried by tarnace heat, while the package* and print- ed matter wer* spread out in th. tun. Tb* 0-er.on .listr occurred on March 7. IWstt. Ail but 134 ol her sacks of mail wer* saved r>y jivsrsorrecovered as flotsam and jeiaam. Incidental t.i their inspection of the water naked stuff, u was discovered -.hat the muggling of j-welry and other dutiable at Mole* in newspaper* wa* being carried op to aa extent previously unexpected. Laces, tin* Handkerchiefs, and, more particularly, * loves w*r* being *rnt acroat th* water in this fashion in enormous quaatitie*,ovid*at- ry. No doubt t It* same sort of practice (root on to-day, f ->r th* Poet Office authori- lie* cando very h. tie toward preventing it. It is not posaibl* to examin* every aew- paper snd parcel of printed matter for contraband good*. ANOTIIfR i:R(AT UMB, Another great lesiofmail at tea occurred IB IHSCJ, when, mi the .'list day of January, the suramahip Kider wa* wreaked off in* Me of Wight. Xie earn*.! 3H7 sack* of postal ituf.non* of which would hve bee* rave t probably but for the heroic behavior of William H. Mall, thi postal clerk in charge. While the vessel WA* sinking aad nil waicoofoaion, the passengers ttkmg to the boats and anxiont ulv to preserve their own live*, he stood at the post ef duty and got oat th* mail bags, all of which sav* forty seven were safely l.tniieii. hor thi* act Hail received a irscniioiiial from th* tiorman (Government. Two postal clerk* lo*l :h. ir lives ..n board > tin Klb*. The men win. do this kind f a* vie* hav* no asy In*. Th*y are chosen trom tne rail- way mail service, or out*', tinea froniamoiii; th* clerk* who nv. ha i experience at po*l u*tic** in the uaiidling and sorting of for- ricn leUer*. T:i *pac<) allowed fo* them on board ship i* usually ill-ventilated ami vo n>all for eum'nr- - room o\*r ihc crew >.r oppovite ths utevrage ki'ciien. Perhaps the quarter* will measure ^>xlo fcret, with oa*e of ntv 1. >x* for diitnbu- sing .ia.I at either end. I n-ry *hip that rarrle* i.b mail *o > :i- <>can has a Completely etj i;pp*d p<is' ottic*. Though crowded mu> nival I spier, it I* provided witheve-vJiing f importance that i to be found is s B<>*t ottk-eon laud. Th* clerk IB charge i > poeimaeter of th* sea post vtBc*. H* mast n* proof against seasick- Bees, an I it U preferred t nai be shall be unmarried On an arerac* trip he ha* to or* 7XUW letters, and, in addition, th* coasents oi norha|w ally )* of pnnted nau*.. \V:ih nasioly of room and better 4atlilis> to* eeejW accent pi tab thi* task in a day or two, bet. condi'ious being unfavor- able. m*r* time is r*j*n*.|. 1'h* sack*, oa being placed abroad nr *Bip.ar* put in the Morag* r.Hims.iro'n whicn they ar* brought l-y tfeedsek hao i as th*y are wanted. THK IsU mail, aome of which ia not over clean. He must tort hit letter* frequently when the hip i* rolling and pitcning ao that it u difficult to maintain hit tooting. On the her hand, hi* toil u lent hard than that of a railway pottal clerk . He ha* excellent food, and may partake of fiv* meal* a da; if be wish** There ia plenty of jollification on board i f he choose* to take part in it. Every evening there i* a concert and a dance. On thi* tide of the water and at the European end ol his voyage he hat from five days to a week of leisure, and during this lime, he dee* nothing except dodge telegram* whice may oenvey order* for extra tuna. If employed en the Hamburg American Line.hi* board la paid at an hotel in Hamburg wn.le be it there. SOME effect Queensland s New Voting System Chief Justice (.irifnth, of Queensland, Australia, has written to a friend in this country concerning the working of the new i thod of voting adopted ia 1*92, which j provides for minority representation. It allows the voter to dictate hit fint and second choice candid* tee by placing the figure 1 opposite the name of his first choice and the figure '2 opposite his second choice. Then, if the first choice candidate prove* to r,* unpopular, th* first choice is ditre- garded, and the vote I* given, according to the aeoond choice, to aome other candidate. By this meant a great economy of vote* I* Meted. Where there are three candidate* t leait popular candidate would fail of tttien, ami th* vote* of hit supporter* would go to one of the two remaining can* diiiatea, according to the with of the voter. In this way twominorn:** may become a ijority. Chief Justice Griffith think* that ths system is entirely practicable, and says, "The only objection I have wen made 'M it came from persons who are con- scious that they can not command a major- ity of the votes, bat still desire la be elected." Th* sea post erne* on bowl of a skip of th North tiermaa Lloyd Line, *uoh as the Kibe, ha* two clwat. <>u* who tpoakt Kagliah and the other a Cenneo. The Kibe vii her il,-lt.l voysge .-ame<l mail not only from Uermaoy, but|a4a* from Norway, Sweden, Denmark. Kuaia and Austria. The British *iutf wa* not <o be taken on i. oe.nl un'il tlie hip r*cnii Southampton, and thu f. i-scaiie'l. li was the business of 'lei Hail to >ort all of the letter* and other material*, niakuw them up in peokage* tor the \ariou* cilie*. so that they Blight be forwarded l>y fatttramtwith- out delay >s tjuickly a* the tUamer ihould arrive aN iw York. Dra c e k of tho **a I . *i nthc* must uet aUmg with a berth in tbernonwh*!. he .' hisw^ik. The D ad air M > U !* by ibe smell of th* Where No One Ever Walks. Th* city ':' Bueno* Ayr** hat th large*t itr**l-car syatem, in proportion u> its population, of any city ia the world. Th* total nuber of tistaengstt carried last year was 71.346,564. while the monthly average wa* j,HJ5,.~>47. The Retort Social. Littl* Mia* Mugg 1 just want you to know that I don't sociate with the Uke* o you. Little Miss H^ckcourt You needn't be sa uppish, jost because your no** I*. Blessings of Ignorance. Visitor Is that cat really so eld as you say ? She pity* around like a kitten. Little Girl Yea : cat* hasn't Iny family Bibles, and they never know* how old they sre. Neatly Done. Gu* D* Smith By th* way, Hoeuinr have yee two five* for a MB Hostetter klc;mnie I have. Ga* I>* Smi'.h Then iend me otx; of *m A Decided Success. l>ora What i* that I). R. A. ..< you belong t* ? Clara The Dancing Reform Association gentlemen dance with gentlemen, and ladies with ladies. Is that i 'lea a sucreee T Yes, indeed. At oer last 'lance no on* danced at all Wa jut promenaded about the conservatories. Ito yon call that a sue CMS Uo I T Look at thu ring. A Little Too Berular. S-. Peter I hardly know wh*-.i er :o let you in or not. Mr*. Veragood You don't '. 1 never miesed a church service, no matter what the weather St. P* er Yes,aad your husband workei hiawelf to d*ath paying doctor'* bill*. Wait, and 111 M* if h* want'* you. A Wonderful Gift. IN THE MIDDLE ACES THEY OPEK ATED ON DIFFERENT SYSTEMS When VletlnM ni- ,i r.i. u e. ike awe* 'rain A4*lniMer**1 * arr*i r ike Aaetrni *ia Ba* e4 * Tranaasililest la a. The trial of th* woman aptly called " th* Antwerp Brmvilliers' culminated in ths only posubl* conclusion. Mme. Joniaoz M **nt*noed to death, being found guilty on all count*, aad if the escape* with h.r lif* and tht ttateno* be commuted to on* of perpetual imprisonment, it i* only be- cause th* present King of th* Belgians never as yet has been psnuadad to ratify capital punishment with hit tignatur*. and practically has abolished it. Belgium hat of late yean been the theatre of several sensational poisoning * of an equally revolting nature, taking into con- sideration the rank %nd status of the seen* ed. Count Vitart d* Bocarme, belonging to a noble family, poisoned his brother-in- law, and diei on the scaffold, while the perpetrator* of the Risk Allau murder in 1S87 aad tb* Peltzer assassination in 1S88 are still in the prison of Louvain. Th* birth and antecedents of Mme. .loniaux seemed at first to be guarantee* ot her innocence, for *he wa* not only th* wife of * high Government official, but tb* daughter of G.n. Ablay, formerly ai le-de- camp to King Leopold I. However, it u an a*c*r?a:n*d fact that when victims die of poison, the drug hat been generally administered by women, the motive being motJy AN lU.li-R OK THWARTIDL OVS, and thsir chief object to carry oat their murderous intention as promptly a* poc nble. Nor is this form of crime mod*r*. W* caa tract it to the remote period* of hittory, from the fair and elegant Geeek Pirnia:**, who, when she got tired of her lovers, invited them, wita other*, to a sumptuous repast, and carving some dainty dish with aktife, -.he blade ot which was poisoned on on* side only, helped them to the fatal portion, and saw them die before the end of the feast, while the remaining guests escaped unharmel Cleopatra, an artistic s(iicur*. liantly dropped pouooed rose leaves uu> the wine-tilled CUB* of the enemies she had doomed. The secret of these ancient poison* ha* not been tiaas- milled to ui. It is only of th* compounds qssd by Lacima Borgia that we hav* formed soms accurate ides. There i* Intl. doubt that the bsantilnl Duchess of Ferr- ara employed a white powder cloeely re- s*mbUug *ugai, which wa* an arsenical preparation. Th* famous aqua tofane was only a variation or adulteration of the same drug. In the midd'.s age* the ts.nal* pojsooeri operated on different system*, but always in a graceful and elegant fashion. Cather- IB* de Med:ei* lent death in dainty perfum- ed cloves, and Diaaa de Mertdor m juicy golden oranges. In th* seventeenth cen I between them and iheir guilty love* . It I the latter drag* are safer oo account of their rapid and complete elimination from j the syt*m, they require more careful and subtle handling in toeir adminiatrauooa,for they hav* a decided and often unpleasant taste, which u difficult to conceal, aad which is apt to arouse th* lutpiciona of the intended victim* Vegetable* and nicotine poisons hav* been prim* favorites and the cnief factor* ol most violent death* lately, but Mme. Jcniaui wa* the first woman to use morphia as a criminal agent. SUNSHINE HAS RETURNED. The Shadow] OverhaaiBg- a Mta- irara Falls Home Have Vanished. FUR TBE BUSINESS MAN. A Few BUnl* aa le Wka J Blew le AsIvvrUae. Advertise such things as the ISBBBB *ng- gasu. Advertising is the champagne spar k I- business. Time is on* of the most important ment* in advertising. Once in each aJieritaement is enough for th* firm name. The retail ad that i* froeh to-day is liable f> be stale to-morrow. At the advertiser's *'re look* in but dare* not enter. Hard Times laael Brely Camel f as. fir tmr Pkylriaa *>*>! suit j Tr*at*4 Tk* Case. From the Niagara Falls Review. In speaking te a friend recently w* ' asked if w* Bad heard that little Dorety, the eight-ysar-old daughter Mrs. Docety, Ontario avenue, t miraculously cured ef *t> Vims' dance. Wa repiied in the negative but Mated inat w* would iavc*iigat* th* case and ascertain th* facia. Accordingly w* visited law home of Mrs. Dorety, whoa the related taw fact* as follow*. My little girl ha* hasi a I miraculous experience. It n about tw* ! years aad a half since Mabel wa* tnakati . I with SL VIM* dance 'sasaH by the veak- i Three local physician* were called in a* we "'* ; alto one doctor of considerable repntatMsi from Niagara t'alla, N. Y. . but ia the facet of tho prescriptions of these physician*) an** ta* beet of Tar*. Mabel grew lapidly wstsa. She could not b* left alone an instant sad wa* a* nelples* a* an infant a* she had a*> control of bar umu* at alL She neither walk witnou*. food or drink. At tni* sta^e one of the If >ou have a good thing, you owe it to attending physician* said,. Mrs. Dkrety. i* public to adverus* it. there i* no at* is my coming her* say *a*r*. The advertucment bring* th customer There is nxmng that I know ol OB* i and tne salesman gets tne credit. 'JOB* for your little girl.' Well, matters No man can talk about ad.erusin. net *"' " lh ** *** '?,' * lt ^ n I 11 "*' ""* paying Ilk. the man wtio ,,a* not uieu it. "? b " tt-c -"r" 1 "' ^ ~ " th* poor child wa* dying. i^T .. aocounti of Sr. Vitwi' of Dr. Williams' not it. < Do not illustrate anything you offer for sale unless the illustration will do it credit. The mo*t important aocrct to know after knowing how u> advertise ia to know how to van. How are peopi* going to know why they nhould trade with you it you don '. teU them. To advertise "Money back if wanted tne uas of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fer Pal* Peopl* aad I .letertnined to try them. I wa* tke^tical as to the in*ct and only tried them as a laot re- tort, bat wa* soon agree* rxy urpnawd ak th* result. U waa- not long before they Bast a good effect and I then telt certain I had found a remedy that -.mid cure my hide- if anything could. In let* '.ban t h-v*r,b M t.dv.rti.ingwn.n,ucnadv.r-;f h r r ^ -^ .. ^ j^^, tiaing is poetibte, ^ tM Jrwi <iltM- ^ ^^ d- . The man who it convinced ths public appeared, aad the pill* were ilsasnuaa- ought to buy what h* has for sale can mak* j *d. In a few monlns. however, see- the public think *o. to*. ; showeu that the symptoms had nt* been The advertiteinent that may b* good to- . entirely eradicated Irom n*r system. -. I day may be poor to-'norrow. Time* change nad her again commen.-) tneawof th* Piak and ads snould be .-banged with them. Pills. 1 feeU* ta n -ftat all trace* W ike All th. bUHBo*. MOM . all th. common "'*' m ^ d * " i: * "** Mra *' *" r *" senae. all tn* advertising sen*, that .an b. *f~*' " 1 BOW %nj w * ?" ^ *? con.ien*Ki into an ad i. -ust what It need*. ***"" .TV" "*""* *^ \V illiamt Pink Ptiis i* certainly a There are bad spot* in th* bsst ads. th* n m-ty and I wo-ild not * witnout tneaa saro* a* th*re ar* weed* in th* best garden*. tt , a , r My oooefcleraiioc, !or I think U>*y i oa caa't cultivate your copy t,.o often. I . .onj, tB eir weitfhi lu <old. a* in try What you v* got to say may have been little girl's :li*y have !>j*u tnij te ail said by others a million tiTM*: th* way you , they advertise. 1 am oely too glad to lea say u is what convinces and counta in ad- ( others who may > unfortunate know *f thi* niiraculoo* cur* through ill* use oi ~~ William*' I^iakl vcrtiaing. People think they doo't want to read ativerussment*. That'* why it take* art and literature combined to make people read them. Not everyone is succeeding m his a>iv*r tiling. I'i fact, advertising succee* is herder now than a few yean ago. Hence th' n>cea*ity of using th* best advertising pneii.l* I- *ecur*. ir you wish to be classed among f.e ta.-csetfnl one*. Dr. A Tramful of Air. 1'ncumaiK' cushion* and inattre**** fer , or direct by oombio*d parlor a^ sleeping car. form the J Mrflaliw lit \Vh*n f.roag irn-i * a :* can be hasi to the woa.lerm' ni-nt* of Pink Pilla, it IB Ir.tl* wonder ta>.t. tiieir sales reach auca anoimou* proportion*, au i tl *y are tho favorite remedy with ail ciaassa. Williams' Pink I'.li* >(a.n th* necessary to give new lite aad ru- th* blood anl restore *ni.teroil Sold in borne* in*v*r in IJB** form by the diuen or hun<ir*d. and >* oubl . are cao- Uooed again-t nnmerou* imitat oo* soM in thi* shape ) at .X) cent* a b >x. or six fewer* tor *M.X). and may be had ot a 1 druggist*. mail tury. an epoch when poison* were freeiy ** a "'one of the mo*t re.-ent invent on* -vheneotady, S. Y. freei IV. W-lli Brockville, O.T., Fortune T*ll.r You may in IIT* maite a good income, bet you will nv*r be rich. Young Man-Kh T Why not ' You are not taring. You are wasteful My ' My ' I'm afraid that is true. Y >u have a wonderful gift. Hew did you know I was wasteful? You have just waavc.l a dollar g'.:m{ your fortune told. Cold and Calculatlnr She Mr. IkK'ad ha* uch a coi-1 and calculating look. He And no wonder. Hi* landlady ha* quit giving him a are, and b* i* ci hew h* caa gel hi* trunk out ot without paving ni* board bill. Proverbs. used, they were currently called by th* cynical and ironical appellation of "poudr* a succession.'' .Mme. d. Brinvuli.rs and la Voisin used an immense qaantity of this "inheritance powder,'' which place. i many a forluu* within their grains. I he trial ol tb* former taussd great scandal, although SB* pertiitcntiy r*fu*ed to give any explan- a'lou or to betray her accomplice*. " If 1 spoke. ' *h* repeatedly declared "the whole town would be compromised." The woman Yoiain wa* Us* reticent, admitting that to her trade n poisons she nad added the profeasionof witchcraft, aad that "on stormy night* h* *ummon*d in* devil to Su Drays." Mm*, d* Sevigne in her "Letters" allude* .o her trial and asu- teuc*. lli A< BI-B..XT A! l\ > oa the Placed, li re v*. (truggling with i- traordmary oerovnee* again*t the execution* en till the dame* suffocated ner. Rat :t is Mme. Lafarge, nee Mari* Cap- elle, who r*m\ins the modern type of female poisoo*r*. She was th* daughter marr:*d. happy at first, tneu tired of her husband, and madly in lov* with anothsr man. Sh* had by letter* warn*d her hus- band that h* had becom* hateful to her, and that (be would g t rid of him at any Brio*. Sh* mad* h- m eat a p:ec* of cake thickly powdered with arsenic, wa* m*d. found guilty, and condemned to prison for life. However. :n I S.VJ she sra* oardocod by in* Prince I'reeident Louie Napoleon, and died a f* .nootn* after her l:t*> ration, leaving a book of memoir* caile.l Prison Hour*.'' AfuHT*ediB|r it Alexandr* Dumas ih* e.der wrote : Wa* Mari* l'a(i*ll* to illy or not The secret lies betw<-*n bsr judge* aad Hod. She *terually sai.i N r to break silencs tnan -* msnd The law oac* laid Ye*,' a*<l beffH-e his ole amrmaite* all her 4*mah weut for it, The church cannot help yon teu*meiit-hoo*s* lor baaveulv mansion*. Practical wiadom avoid* big word*. There would l<* more mnHere if m*B n*t*.< psnoos aa t*rcioutly a* tbey d* opinions. To-morrow's advertising may b* a day ten late, Nai are never burn**, ne-er bait* aad **v-r taila, I. S. F. RYCKHAN. aathmg. Gailty or itlBOOii, Mwts> Cs*> ' * elle is i<ad. w th the ain**.,u of th. prisoB a*. I th* r**al>ilitaiiun*f the tomb '' Mm*- Ijtcott* wa* more fortunate. Afl*r ' a loBg trial for the same cnmr *he wa* acquitted, l.ydis Kouginw, C>>anta* d* H*oarme, arrett* I under suspicion of hav- ing a**ist.d h*r hiuband in the murder of hi* brother-in-law, wa* found not gui iv H*r telf-cjemniand waa prodigioas. When told that in* Count nai stuandad the scaffold m dress iroueer*, a cambric ahirt, and patent leather hoee, the remark*! reldly : " H* has done well : it will b* a g*od example tor our people," The cushion* and mattresses are *acli con- nected with pipe* containing compr<*sd air which may be turned on or otf by meant of valve*. By mesa* of the** .-alve* th*v MoSsratter*-" Talk i* .-,ip. Mc^wit- ten "Not woe* y>.i .-. . a 10 a jwadco IB cuurt,' 1 Hood's Cured After Others Failed Icrofula In irM Nack-Sunchw*) Const Now. NtMlltea W*ll a, . < ...i r. (. - | are* ) raarverr alia**. -' rlallra la riv* .\is .. i i\v SK l:t\k- kave beea guillctmeU for cimilar oriBM. ** j kattily and clumsily *-xecnted. A lew y*ai* I had to **v*r* an attack of .- tic* in ' ago. Mm*. W*iss, a U.lv by birin,poiaon*d May, '!M, that I could hardly walk 1 j her hutbaml, a public tneclionary in the U-i by (<. W.Spack'naa.iiruf- province of Orni, with the "Fowler liquor," keeping her promise to M. lloche, h shot nimaelf oo hearing .r the murder. Mme. Weiss took puiisuu neratif in her cell on th* dsy following herseatencr of death. To-day arsenic is *<ploled ; mo<l*rn science hat mad* it too easily iis.*overabl. a the bodies of the victims tin fact, mineral Hitt, to use South Americau Knr.matic Cur*. I followed hn advice an I wahin live day* wa* completly cure.i. Tnree y, kr * before when troubled with *ame com. plsint, it took doctors three 1.1 nubs to ju e me." S. K Rvckinan, Hamilton. i>:i' Vlie tint do** of South American Kheu- matic Cur* Rivet relief, aad a'.<*olut* y 1 cBn ce* that a ear* it certain. poisoas are ooljr resorKni toby ih* iguo >u or by passional*, reckless women who hs* not th. p*i:*nc.- to wait for the slower may l>e in dated or collapsed and compactly ttored agiinot the aide* uf the car accora- ing to tne daily or ntglilly ret^uireineBta of th* car and it* passengers. Boih cushions aad m- tresses are ma.1* with loldslike an acnordion and immatlialely wnen th~ a:r vent i* opend they are drawn with their collapsing tram** againtt the side of the car by "Mans of spring*. Under each section is a place for storing blankets, pillows, euv The new arrangement n<akes His cars much, more cemfertabi* for either night ir day us* and muoa more sn.;a-\ as well. Incomprehensible. 1 Wna' is tn voung man wnunnkM ail th* IXMM on the tnird floor trying lu do asked the boarder ho came from the country. H-'s -ul-iva'ing his voice," replied th* *:*r '>..! Ur 'Oo*:i ' I dent see wliar .1*'* doin' lhal for. 1 snoui.ln't thiak ht' i want u to grow. " Found an Anrel Huat>*n.l iJo: a n*w girl, I a**. Wne Yea, aud she'* aa angol, too. How can you knew that She haan't been her* half a day yet. True, but ah* t*ll* me that she once lived wrii yu.ii mother, and stood it for three weeks Sympathy. Wiiat'* thi<' asked Li Hung i 'nang. It'* a piotosjrapn, sire, of aa Americaa sottwty lady in svoumg costume. t'.xir ti>mg ! How .tceply m royal dis- fvr *h* mut. i. . she appear* 'to hav* lull almost as miicii wardrotw as 1 have." A Negative Aceomp'.ishm.>nt Ha* Mi** Uildiagby any accomplish- men- ? a*k*-l 'he younj man 1 (linu .i ) ia, rep i*. i h rn "in atic adin rir. sue caa r fuse t.> uiay tne piano and s:ick D i:. 'C. I. Rood&Co..T.owvlL M (Jrntiemeu 1 (rci that I caaoot tkyenougk !..> or ol HinM> sor<at-*rilla. For Ive year* 1 ha*be*>nlroui.:r.i vuiU s.Tutula In sy neck uJ 'hr<>aL Several kiiMls ul nwillcniTS winch I tried uiii nut Uo :> au> (ooJ. auil wtaen I oiai- kc..^ed to take II.* <i's Saraasarilla taere were arx* bua -livs on By neck w tur* Uat I ceuli* Hood's^ Cures ' -t bear t !> sl.j:net tout h. When I bad taken .* bi'Kle o.' this ptrUirin*. the toreae^s ha*. tx a*, and Iw.'ore I had Inl'hril the *?** tka burrbe* had entirely disappeared " KLA.VCB* ATWiHtu. aiiceni!h>. MaJu*. >. B. If vuu decide to take H*o>T 8arsa*a- ;:lla il nut l lii.ii..-*-! to buy any other. Ho*X' PUto rurr . .HisUpatioa *v rests** as tlm I,TI v altie vtion of to* aa*jeetary caawh FOR TWENTY FIVE YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND > a.*!-**-! S' t IW

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