TH1 FLESHIRTOB ADTAHCI * <>( ' r PuLii-h'tiH Co. of ' Tor-. ..t.i. (Lul yJ3 Itichin nd Street West, GEO. MITCHELL - '^ ci.n-i'!<.rini; t!;u cjndi- X <**ural bar IE ini; l>uniiiptr .119.1 . M..II.-V -14> " itv&u .Vitt f jr '. IXlK-o cwn JvMffk n w . ' :i "I }U;ti J- I Vicinity CIi'ps Characteristics oftlw Pas Week ur-mi:y 4'ullrd fr the Tl... <j..iuey, M. P. P, C lii witu ho Uii.ily. U. r \ ilaker raiuoVitd bis family .Mf . Chi M, tit Viiciiv*r, B.C., i ti..- gucai i f Mr \t i u B.u-uhouxi. Mr. ai..l Mm. K .bvrr Jj i. H, uf Km .u. iw.d Mr. a:ol Mrs. Piurmll. .<^u iNrtrji OM.m<; /<-.i'j trill _ lt,tr : ir:i ,i *' . >" 'I'M- f' e-rch Miwrriioi. -1 f'/urfion iri/' * ative mve.. :i n IM XJark.U!.- .-ii Tn-miiy, 1'2. ar* < S.miHl thu vk. The dock. c u a A tliipnieat -i{>|. huck-t .l d-xiM ! MOM tire :.:iA- Wl ninved fnrKioh I iiy. you : just cil *"<! pv tlt irtlf nccomit ii;lit away. If y.m !i the iu-iiey :: *n-J Ujrrw it. R I [-' .., .. Ailment .-I Wel'un, Tpevry mul .rpU. ifcMiintiil tiesums "1 > Yeiy low. M. Ri<-liard-oii A ' A social will be h*M at Mr. S. Mo- < '..Hum , Miifi'P(l Road. "U Tuesday .-IIHIU next, under the aui-pices < the Ki.a-i'ita Lay.H* 'f th* huixh. \dmu:.iii 1~> cents. i.f u;. t M . . t PtiiiM, den, I'l.-. vi-:i' at. -:t <-| .v -. - Muling J*. >!"rtn -.. fut-.ti- are bin UfttKam* ! Ati uct^ii salt- of Uirni s;,.i;k and im- |,|.-ui. r,i will Iv- h.-lil !> SainnUy f tl'ls *.-k % Vt i int., mi lut M, con. (i. Aitc ..if a, thf pru^erty . f Mr. 1 f n*id Btt*. >.ile M I [>. in. TI-IIIK c.inh. R ! Mr U J .-|>n.ul |-a.l K ijecul : ir -\- }?rir. .luruay ev.-i.n g. About b.'M lit- iiiik the 1 ii--iii iii.d .i:ti'utn ilie ",t.i.le i>i i'.- t. r bm |IIT. Ho if lutHHlit-o <i...-i irjj tli stiilijc i:imr, lint a i i tl.t r\ery I:u g out Uank until ha auue t<> hiuovlt at 9 45 ai <i f..i.ini him- aui in t!ir |Ki.(<iii.v i Ii tiiv 1 .:> m slill lu h * h;tn i. Th- i.a. k ..f In ' .-^d wa I. K.III 1.1..* , ..I he : weak. ii. y ihni.j . % >:r >, i n 'i i of (lie aiinir IH tl..tlir Ii nc f ...lun while .luu i iu ii, t 1 1* l,y iu, U,-u .igU'.at s me'l ii-x A Settlement Arrived at. TW Urahara U Trial, and Mrs. Urahaai Octa n>nly a Small Fractioa a< UM Syn; Oemanded. \ -. ', i , i,r h*.* ' wii ir' ! .1* in thv ,i -i.. ni. i.i- so. li!h wat to lu<? btfii *n.'<i at O :m^fvi!l- AM.ZTH "H ihe 1'Jiii u.'. N - i Hi. H.. .1 \'t'< ..n ~' i 1 lit, Ctlu . .irtfO- ! .tftl H set t!.-ii tut itli Mr- iii . m i< M a. :<v I'V wlii..-ii. o an- inninin-l, tii^y ' . l.<r fl~4), ''- I ! '-i"r'i l'l | .lte. Tliiw tl.K t.,wii- i itlup-. ,<r i ..i Iv ii-ii .f it .inJ A very j kinitiy tjucniu ii rvuiaina u:idnoideii. Our Village Society. v !'.'. - i -r. ill t* trtd at the :iizoi which i.^.tfii Hi Orai.ijfviilv mi I tlie t'Jtti int. Thi.i cvw i ""e ' whiv-h K. Hoyaocuses Leonard Bis>f tlamirr- 1114 linn. IV.'tli i^.rtwj livo near th:s .<e and are well known. Mr. t'. Sjynu-us, who it visiting with Mr \V. llarnli.'Usf, inforiiM t tu*t^ an t-lrctric IIMI i't" railway C.HIH-CI N .ivT ith N>'* \Vetimiiitrr. B. *'., a dialanve of vlevon mil** The luw wirk very satulftctimiy, allhoujjh f nelw.-t' rv ia prudnced by *ton::;. Botli frvght Mid Mr. JcoV> Lt.iwln.vl, of was a welctuue visitor on Mmi-liy. ^Ir ljuii){had ha pur. iim-d I'.t -. cou. 6. .y, frotu Mr. Wm fc.iir..!t. ku.iwti as th^ HudgiB*' farm. : d will rem. tht-rf- . }irii.j: Tl.i l:irtii i-ni.ts.iis 13* :n<i llu- | IK- paid wa Thf bamd j'Iay'<l >vcra) M..-W tlie W|Urv iH Wrdn-dy trvenine <*" !' Af-.^r trt- i it ti-w nunitli-4 ..f ln- U'rnntitig, their in HUH- ha l*t nmie f it . -harm or their lipntlu-irrui UIHK The lx-y ,n- in ^.u.<l f -rni fur a sum in ,TCm| '.11511, tli*nk< tn their uvrn nd Prot. Tuckt* The nliuir i>f this il>r hail a valuable lii>uiid 1 iniiitd mi Satnniny i-ijjht. Kvery ihoit whil" *"i.i' <!.; i kmx L>-d ,i;i a> mortal cull l-y [K i*.m. W- venture tnMiy that there n n .t .i ti.*n ..( u mzo :n llnta-Hi where there l ^' inui'll f thm mistrulile. d>nrd'y. hi-nrtli-M w .i.-; rij>l here in Fle-hert -n. individuals aro no hi. LT ti> th If a tnerchaiit will tkn can- of his ad- verhiiun spiux'. chaise hi- ci'iy. ke.-p it iitsli, and put int.reNtin^ ini:tfr into it. it will be read as asK.duu !y mid an n-ju Uily < the piciet IM: of i >. -\-< i: uevs rci*d.-rm. will the ili-rtler ^et cu.s tuini-rs. Amjivsii-e:i -md r.'i.rtilence .no -KM-ntil in Tuivvi'ni'.i :. Tnind IIK-O I'M no! SII.-.-.--.I It'* t^l" fel o* thltC . ,t>Mi;ht !lK-:i.l.f,.'l <-. ii-ni-e. iftll, ln.nii.l ta IHH-II >i|i hw jK.iot ; , . i MW 111 -*< tloiirmhifs Let t-virv stti-i!-..-ir t . rtactlyahc* n>. . | nt iir*s ill the Hvin/ ben 'el tor>-riect on thi-'Ci the nuinudiate condili.'ii .( <x.'i>rty in uur .1:1 ue 1 have cunc'udi-d 'lut Mime .-f the defect* may be loiiiid'iu thu !'..i l.iui^ |>..inu : Our y"u*fi inarrril [. ,ti,o ilo not iMit.-rtitin the y..utiK I'roplo ; m.t loruixrly adiivnl btfau'y diwi intellect to our aaseinhhfea hut have hvcoiin> * n|,]KHl u]> in their <>*n iiuiued HW circle that a f .rin J c.i'l oociuioiially i* nil thev r true for now. Attain, we lme youiv^ U.lii.k win. HkirU tl*ir iociiU dmy. S<.uie> "f them wit:, am) le nieana aud hi.uae PMIIH aulficidiit. will attend party after party with.*!' over codideriii)i that tlnn f. -rm o( h.pi'aii'y. if a. cvp.'ed. nlniuM tx< returned. Inieeil. nt mir of u* gli.Kjld b alcUMld m account of I- pt>nm>. for I Urely upt-n* a rry piaiiit evening in a liou*e thu only lunch pr>-vulel waa r<rrad and huttrr O'ffev, nd wry acceptable it |Hrovtd. Our ^ jjeiitletnen li..u.d i s.i consider that to accept from ladirs such hospi- tality is to place theiiul>8 under ol>!i Cation to ((ivu their hotra or s.-me "f t'le ineinbvr of her I'.itn 'y ah ev> i.iiijj * en teiiainiiii nt if it iit * in tlieir |".w^r to do >ur c^llinu li'>, t,.<i, mi^ht IH- re- vised Mid made to ii clud- -tim; of the old and mbrni, and we miuht tinil it to t'c bread cut upon the waters. I w.m'd like to from imit* of your readers ua the Kwhjcct as I think it would prove J. Yours truly. OftSKKVIi. Honor Rolls. rCBLM- Ciaaa 5. Knnk Irwin. Erue*t Arm Srs\ Sti:. n l'lm 4 Floil-, Mervyn VaiiiMnt, John Hill. Clara 3, sr E;hel Cnxwley.lda Gjerd runi, Clara Strain. Class 3. jr.--Kn.-wil Sinit'i. R mee Munahaw, (jarri.- Kir' Clat i, *r Bert IV.m!,, u-. Chas Sullivan, (.'nrleti.ii Bellamy. Clasut '2. jr. M^iiim '1'liuretoii, Laurie MuiiHhaw, llein u-t. 2nd ) -Fred L->er, Kthcl Wh-tten. K\.t U'Htdall. (.'las* 1, J'. (in. -ni ) -Ma'.'ji.> Mi.i.rv- houne, Ida Sullivan, S: Cr.dt. The !>.-iiiif*ti,r f>>r ,\| r'l i oalletl tho x'/rmi; sniU'iiiiCt nu rt IILII^HT, and i an .i.-it .! '.I-. iii.*t ^>|iular w..inai.'H in t!,o rf.''.ir ^NUf :'l | ntt-!in tliv-U' 1 * tiuu-'y article "n Bicycling i'h illustrn- H,.i,sof l'v*tnme-'. Ait w H nr<-u-.-t all ot the 1,,.-1 '<"' . write* forcibly ' Ty^MUiiMM an Kiiiul.ivn.eut, for \\uiiien ; and >i Milli-i rviiby v-ives inither i..trucH..ti in Kirnkmrtwi IV.i-'niii:. H .* < M^ike 1> ..'.U' HouBts u ! n HI Cr {MJ and ,,. r-i|,-is. ii.w .IP d '> iiln'K'y I iviy deij{ii ;ri> L;I\I- :n \ .iiftr.ii ln>n \\,.ik. Kiuttnii!. r.lli' .-. N-Miny am* ('.mK-lii-tiiitf. and '!'.. <-l-.|'ter "ii Huint !i.T \\ork *\\t illvm'mti. us und in- f,.i-niation of the nwexviry i.. .!- in; |ilfinvii(H.\nd a.'vkv I" Tl'i 1 i,. .kery urtiilo yivos letvipts f. i 9 me ne* IiHlif-H. There M :!" k, * uf'K- .N, v.-C IV... k, . mo liwt run., V Kimorrley public sh-hiiol n-p rt 'o Feb. Si-iin.r lie- 'irti- -lit. Nan-. in oiMcr of men' : < la" V lame* WnlUu., J..|m Mm n .'i... Millie llnr-l. Hpili K-. c! . iit>oii: Koiii . . , . . i"ia IV. r Mi',. Mrl'oiial.l -le^-ie (?ill-it, Annie IJeit.o t'unip o . ' . i Huid. AI.IIIW Wickenit, l,<> ina (iuld I" VI KUo. d Am r . vuii.ii c. .1 1!. II. Andrew . c. U Ltw'uncu, : Kin-it, Will rin|> in. .Mi-ry Koo't. E SO..M. A Hill, \t:n till), ie.. Stuart. T a*i III \ Ai-:i-<o i it-. 1' i Iwi'te'. K. R !i Ki .-it. S F.icci:. I, Rvhill. 1> Mun- >li-ll. .1 . Sma^. H \V-,l'v. K. Vcwen, M 1W-I1. ^ Kir. .V (ii ! it. M. Wai lce. S Fawcett, Kthel I intt. No. , n , mil cP*. nveia-jw .vtrndai,..-.- ''*' Ui-o. t i I'riitiand. tea<her. " ! from imr vim ( '. The r O.K. in ort M b\\f?s!i..m took away a fe*r of tiur. y..ung pwplu on the *n if Tl;f l>eliuti.i- is fl a yer. 0'i'ica tJ c;its. Addies* all or- Mr. .l.i.iiiiili Kiuxhorn has rtu A littlo dmiulror .-anm t Mi. Win. I'lliit >n'.< last eek. It i* there Tet. and we u- ple.isi^l to know bi-th it and Holder io well. Miss Tuck vo u a call last week. Mi \Vn>. Ker'. -u, who hud toen Rilin.' '"I! f .1 ^ s!..'it tinii-, de| ai-ted till* life nil W.-dne-d.y but. He was ;6 y-ar od. in., up In a fe* wok* h s d'th ' p ir> d h. all l-y He leaves a wife and et- chddten in mourn h's 1-ws. The i r*l to*jk jibce on Friday, and was largely tt. tu. a ..F tne i.di-ii tlK funeial of her bn>ther. Mr. Win. Kt-It .|i, last eek. Mr. PMIW. s, the Patron candidate. gn*e a h'>rt .i.l.iieHA lo the elector* here last Mr. ana M;- ' r si.y were in town lat wi-t-k the mueral of Mr. Ker- iua. Frnm ou irtn < 'orrrspondott. Mr. Cairna, of Durham, l>aa purr' 1 ti. H.ii. iuh .<el. Mi. Hinnnu im left ii'v Kt&ti.-u an.) is u-.w resiiiing wiia Mr. il..v, ./[ tli^ Morey ii. me. at the Sft:.i.. is qmt i.rif' at Grain, timber and telegraph ; are !! - ' lilr diy. T!-. i i Mr -Us. M.-Mulltu'* waa 1 . And all wi.u sere p.'e- 8t.-ut report a very plv.mut tune. Mi9 Wii-oi., . f i'r.-1-.i i-. 14 ibe guet of M. Lawrmre und frieii'l from Kimaer ... frietiun U^u-. M - abfeut on a Tin: 1 , to tree- Mrs '.'<iik ban hid her thru it rcry inc- vc.sat a'.'d i-xi'.-i :- ' return Lome el, i (.'uok are c.-upl-tiiiK their lait term at thf .. ii't:-, report the wrions illueM r[ Mr- Weu.i Pr. Carter in ;n a: t-n dance. Mi \\ .. ' - La ti.ij- vit-fk laJtn, u UD ih- si.ilid at ihe > . \\.-.xiei.tlA Lt*ri.v welcome lu Mi. *ud Mrs. While. A Boon to IIiirrmrn. -On* B.ttv of K,.c i : Sp;n i-i Liniment couip ressoved curb from try ht.ri'. 1 take pleasure in PMMiMM*dlMg the rvm.-' it i\;ti wi'll in/'t-ri. ni!< j]i'i.e^ n. the >..! fi. M h<>r--.;< { lisirt. soft i. real- louaed lamp-, iil.i-xl j'.n in, splint*, curb*. s weeny, miitttt and (pratim. GUBUI IioB. Karm-r. Mtikhaiu. Out. &>ld by W. E. Richardtnui. Urtj Heart Ui-a>r Krlievrd in :!<> MlUUICS I 'r. A.M. i **r ur.of th* il - .. I r'ect relief in all cane-* . f tiiinf'.nic in Syi ipath-ti Heart Diaeiwe in 30 minutes, and speedily etfecU a cure It is a peei|t-s. remedy for Pa!p:t<ti. .n. Sl.-.nnrsw i.f ISrrath. SiiL'therinj; Spella. P-.un m Left Side and all nyu.ptont "f a .-<.i Hear:. One duae cum Sold by W. E. RichardiMiD. Time Table. oui.xo ona. Mrkda!tf- C 42 in. 4 .'''.' p. in. Fit-alien on 6.05 *. m 4 40 p. in OOI.M: NoRTU. Kleeherton- 11.50 a. in. ' -1> p. ni. Maik.liie 1^ i>-.> p. w . <.:a t. in If you Doi 'i F-l Well remeiiWr M.n py' "(.Vlery Nerve CoinrH.nud. nh B-of. 1 1 on and \\m<-."i a (.iuarant^ed t. r l>>; erwia. Nervnun*w. Mental . and nil wenkna nn-n ^ fn mi a run down And uxerwoik.d ^tstu. It has t everheen known to f*il. I Jet a h..ttle and be healthy and ha, | y. by all di uj-fist. 3in WHOA! Horse owners of Maxwell and sur rrun il n,' oouulry gLoiild top at ilif tii-y lli t? pi-op- tily !'.- ,.. icii to in alt hues of All Kinds of Bad Feet Carefully at- tended to. Hv--i::.,' timik- arrangeu'-nM witli a i.i-s XVIHV.I worker, 11 jobs in i in- ,1 . i" nei'.ly and at, living pi ice; Remember the place. . Clark & Son. Liberal Conservative CONVENTION. A ci>nnti- o' th I, Ii r-d ConiurTatiT ot Katn.l Cvutie li*y will 6.. hoi. I in ox for the p .t|>o-f "f n>iir.intin'late to coutent iho il'luik* in th.- r.'iuii v el. - W. V, I..H OHICKY. S*.-. HUNT- tuil.v - n> iMiil.l.. i ,' i-.- K.-utin.l U-.l 0-' ' rnt *J n .ncir.n API.: \VM.M\R\HOVSK. Keep Your Feet^ DRY AND WARM BY BUYINC YOUR FOOTWEAR AT CLAYTON'S. A LOT . i WINTER GOODS SELLING OFF CHE AP. [nston fort and Bspairiag Promptly Style, Quality and Prices. Now that the cutter a.ud sleigh season has arrived, we wish to draw the at 5 n ni the public " ihe fact that we have on baud a lan< ibick h..'i u ' *re offering rery cheap. We do n it believe m bastm.c but we !>eli< .-He you a better article at less at ney than yi>u can ijet anywhere ele. W <s \\.n . no drones in n*r hive, we are all workers. Theu ai;ain uir :jr. r ex- * .ni. I thorough knowledge af the busiuiss enables us u> -iv y.,u a het ; 'cr aiticle ar less ino'iey liian those uf Ions experience can do. A hiitt t-i the . wine insufficient. Re ! iiber we t ik tint prize for the best exhi'>.~ f car- | :- a.'c-i ir the Kaat Ure* Rxhibitioii. .Shop .pptwite J. Smith's ah<>c- s!. I >. I ? I . \ I U 1 The Leading Carriage Builder. 5- Lruu-ju uuxruuiJTjxi \njiruinrj\f\j\riz\j uvnjvruuu\hj\TLr\hJuinjij-L.-Lru v/u-jCT March. 1895. Furniture, Organs' AND ^Sewing Machines. Our Spring Sleek ctiMtsti of smue very pretty and entiraly^iewdatigca, and entirely new price-, worked out on a new canh INUK ; that mean* I buy fur cah, you set the f ciiwe cash diitcouuu which enable* us tu offer Spring Inducements to Patrons of Industry And all Cnsh Buyers at I P nOTIDP'^ FLRNITIRE AND LNDERTAKIM. U. U. i IV/VtVC. ^7 ESTABLISHMENT. Popularly known a* the FLESHERTOX FVRNITURE WARR(;nM& Ha\ nut so ni out my plauiua; bannoas 'o Beec roft A Sloan, I am now in first cliuxt *hap tu give my wh< le attei.ilon to your needs m thl* my only buvinea*. J. E. MOORE, Furniture l> ui. r aud I ndrrtakrr. MraiuS Block. FLESHERTOV A first class hoarsu in connection ; and being a practical enibalmcr cau eniur fa.-tion in all funerals entrusted to my care. ASKERVILLiB & CO NOTED FOR THE Finest, Cheapest and best ASSORTMENT TO HE FOUND. O z. In every line of our Business We Carry a COMPLETE AND CHOICE STOCK * \\K HAVE A LAROKSTOC'K TO BK CLEAUEU t'UT FOR SEW SPUINC s. \NliSNAPS ARE PLENTIFUL <Sc RECEIVES oUR BEST ATTENTION g FURNITURE LLJ Q Z. BEADY MADE AND ORDERED (ask For Hides! Shi-oi'skiiK a:nl all kiln's .'f fins pur- rlvi. d. ior wlnuh hijjliext inrtrktt prkM will be IMI.I. H. -nii-iii nle vnmigi't en iiand. also- ill kii.di of in. a H. M. WILSON, FLESr'KKTON MJKAT EMPOKU M Knowing onr '(xiiiy tnkdf to bo liirne in tlie-sbove line* all pr*ca'ri'vi< Ii ivo im u ul-n lo Lave HII assoriuii nt uial will stand Hisp^ciiou i.i .jusl.'y. ] i.m> tity Hi-il j'l-ii-.'. . Yen will bii ilo yourst-Ut's justice as well as uto call iul eo tlu>st> | i ' ! ur brvinx- ND Inn 1 of itoods tak.8o nucli money from vou.tin.M'i.nv. you slio*lJ be careful and ifot voiu want* cr.i^iln'.i from iho best n:-trkel. LADIES: \V.< w on il be pleased to give yoo some idea of what w* livo l>c*n a.Hii : t.n yon in I'rtss UtX)dR, 1'iitits, etc.. hui time will not permit. \V will iv)i|<as- c.l to ii.ivi- \.i'i call at any timo, knowiug you will be-surpnsod an.i saiisti- wilh the goods bhowu you Calhoun's Patron Store, Dundalk