Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1895, p. 1

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3Ctoatux TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRINCIPLES, NOT MI.NY VOL, X1V.NO. 708 FLEHEKTON. OUT. THUBSDAY, MiflCH 2s W.H TEUKTJR Clocks, Clocks, Just arrived, two rats of Inpralmin click*. The In^rmliarn is tLe bc*t S day balf-liour suikir- ckci ui*d. It is s'niing in apjx^raucc, is an accurate time kvepT ai.d one of lire Ut s<lU>is m the amiktt. Price in WALNUT OR OAK $4.oo. WE DAVE ALSO A LARGE SELECTION OF Cabinet Clocks, 8-day Cathedral Gong at $5.00 and $6.00. Octagon Office Clocks at $5, Cuckoo Clocks $6. A ft -\v 1 1< >xtii Xioklo A 1; i rni O locks iit -!.( X ). .-I. 'jr.. .Tl.7."> mid .-'J.< >0. OAKLAND EXAMINE t'R LMUJK V^"RT>1ENT BBK'ORB Pl'RCHASINli ARMSTRONG BROS. Wu. Crr, Beu Wileon. Jaue ArmatruotT, Herb. Genoe, Oliver Turner, Emeraon Smith. Abbe McMuilen. Frrd Pedlar. Vina Smith, lieo. Sloan, A'tc Gor- don, Sarah Madil!, Wa>. Campbell, Alice GiD-tt. Beatrice Walker. IL claM Bella Turner, Norm* Me Mullen. Flora Carr, Evelina SruiiKKdjiar Johnatoo, A. McLean. Ella Pedlar, Ida Bowennan. 2nd pt. CUM*-- Alice Rny, Clinton Ped- lar, Mabel Bowerman, Virgie McMuilen, Mamie Hogg, M. Wiiaoo, Chavt Smith, John Campbell, A. McLran JOB* HA A, Teacher. Our Business Directory I greatly fear ma that we are going i to !. our tlfighio^, indeed it IB on ! it* laat le-rt uow at un ini^ht aay How ever, it haa stayed a KO*H! 1, ug while and ae cannot tay but that Nature haa bevo lavish with the "beautiful" thia aaatvm. We have bt en getting some new neigh- bora aince laat writing. Mr. Wrunt, of Pruion Station, haa removed hia famuly tu the old '-Bail Una," which he hat reoUd fr a term of years, aud Mr. An- drew R gen, of St. Vincent, baa taken piammiim of" th* f*nii which he haa lately bo'iunt, being the property of thf late Mr Enoch Bali. We welcome theae ' new nrubbon to our midat, and hope their -juru with ut may be pleaaaut to all concerned. And while we welcome new neighbor* we are alao called upon tu bi<t farewell t-> old oni-,. Mr. A'leu K 1 . "i i removed his fuiiii y laal week tn St Vuictnt. where he intend* to ruaide, for a Line at leaat. i u D L, i. *. DrrawiT. M cu . March 26 People in Mr. H. Kent lutrudt working h tana . i thu Kate are apecia Iv auhivct to rheunia- hi i aeif ui:a . ason. . I k LI attacked by it and until ;lie intnnluctiou of I>"O>1 Kidney Pllla a few tuonrbt ago, no reliable cure for the utaeane ws ,.b- laiuable. But theae pills have ermd:cated tttf diar*M in every cat* where they *er- naed, aud nobody need tulfer from it while thia remedy can be had fmui every You want * AFffiST-CLiffi * J For Rheumatism. 1 aZMCDY THAT HAA PS< S,; IVT LAUTT BEVAtraB IT M1VEB FAILI TO C >VTC > OC4t, 2 or ptir of P We G u ai'tv n t ee T .lire y\>a them at clnaaat pncc*. C.J. Merchant Tailor. < * Card*. M AJUtLiUE UCEXaVaV 1 an~i dai or nkt at tba Jeweiery Star a 4 a-, tke reaMana* el tae aavaaraicaea. Commlaaianaw la C .J. Conveyancer. Ac. Notary puklae JOHN W ABMSTBOXU. RanXan. Mark'taie. do a (muTtl *nkia bo- aaa. aloay laanail at a raaaouabl* rat*. Call JLf K. HAMMOND. r-o ataater.Kimbertey. Onnmirt*et fo takuiK \rtT( c. Inaarea and leaw aay t lowwt raaea BxeatwLaaia. Deada. Willa M. promptly. ekeaaly aawl ielia>ly praiaer aad Moaey Leader. Kal Catate a- . aud Wilt* a>awva*aa<4 Val'Jailoaa aaade oa iaim-1 aoHea tartaen BaJeaMu4ad to u- aov part Wane Oauaty. Meawy *a loan at low eat ralM o/ Inaanat, CoUcaia atteerfeit tr wilU p-vaa -tiMaa And .lM|wteh Chtnte* low 1an Ivr law Duiaiawa Maaat*aiB)Caa|iai> -fcrrr Uvatata bean rktaWrtM a Umrfool 4>ai(uw. tianeoa r any < tk* Brittah pona Part.0 laeaavlHai W vtatt Kata<ul. cotlaad er Irataad. wBI p eaae aak rataa kWre r*rchaainc tb> Ueluta eleawWiw. f\B rUTTO'*. at. l> C. M. U C. r.* 8,Ot., Prtc'vlile. Raaldcnca aa>d oiBae one door ww* ef tae Moth odtal Church.Kiarea* Bt. Omeedara.Tu*eda> aadSatUKiaya. T\K .' IKTKR M T. r. A B., Oat. rhyaician. Mrson. etc rteahoru-e oaVi Straiaa k av-a. tx^ideaee- Maatbaw'a betel. M IS8 EDITH EiCBAaUMOX. Bob*. Makr. ef IWrt.. i.rm.nr. Mr*. ItradUy. at Tonaa Cuaenea7 Hiuie. (Toieeealtarvl. Pro*. KerrUoo. la*> ot Toronto. iP-aw4 will reunve wiuila ui SlMilSU. VIOUX. PI- ANO 4 OBOAX. Mr. John Clugati n Ltd a wind or-e i n Thurxkty of last weak i nd a party in the evening, bu'h of wl-tch were well aiiruuod. Mr. Ab.- Kuutt liaJ a wood-bee Friday, aleu followed by a party m the eveum -.at which a pheasant t.uitf U reported, (at the parry we meau.) Mr and lira. R Howel!. -rf Proton Sta'too, vuitedat "Be Buru Place" Suu- da, Miaa Hrnderwm, of Flwahervo, ia vitit bar ai.iter, Mr*. Wria;ut. Kraaer Gilray ia around a^a.n after kit recent eeveiv illneaa. ffgal. FV- frw/ <Mr earn f vrreaaxmoViii. uf aprinf an? to b* aaen aluf-at in every direction fioui thia oy little fr-anahiag village. S'Uie rubina were eei. laat wee/k m the ^ardena and nai<g the apple trve*. The public ivadnnru a aort of noud. script cuitaiatin^ of anw, mud, tand and water : Mill tannai are tu be *ren harrying to and fre) with the ap pea ranee of a mahiug buwineaa. All the i: tl'a here are ruiminK now. Veneer CV*., Sl>ii end > on the conrnent. Ther<u.n they cure u that rheumatitm ia due to kuiuey* or impmirvd action ot orgaua By atak.'K theee urgant holt-, the cauaa) ia riuuved and the heuiuattaui ipeedily duappaara. Garden Seeds rroatl hailetta*. I VCAS * WRIGHT. Ban-item. So icitnn. Owvn don ad. On.1 W. H WW.WT. X .- every W. etc.. Maitdale, Ont. I B. Loraa. Bank tlntla" kinq Pi aclwal a^aaWtakara. Strata ktace. riaaker- loo rtnt caaaa kceraa. lew raaia. lalialae- livo r>a>aa>tol, aa weaawe Bad yeara' - i 1if5. A(VUW.-aiiiirr <rt ao.1 third Mon <ia> o. iwca Mooih. |ii thoir lo.l room rint je." Riook. Kl.herton. at < u. m A \l iiib.on. M.W.; W.J. Hellan.Y lua^er . W. ViMliias BreUwru iuH:. The Tillage ia receiving a veritable b>ea. We have two atarwa belon/ina! to Meean. Hoga; and Cairua, renpectirely. and another bmildina; ia being renovated f>r a *ti<* i<> be mn r>y a Mr tVburn. and if rwptifta be trtM there it still tu other atutvkeepar Iwfcinx for a atand to bauid a lar<e buck trorv ami dwelling. We are tu have telephone c\*nnecttoax ie of tlie uolee aavw beam taken out ud ['lacvd in positiun, Jknd an eaectrir railway ia tb latent thing under conlein- platx'D. Kuterpriae aeeuia the order ot the Jay. Mrs. Sloan, ar , ho haa been artia>ly iV for H4.me time, ia now recovering <ideT thr treatment of Dr Cartor. Tie ch-tr .-f the Preabyterian church have helJ a aucial in the h* L Pi<.ada or |8 ( XletaV Th* aafe m the C. P. R atatioo At Brampton waa blown open. but the crac^- attii ubtatned uothin^ fur their iMuble. Threw pnaoiien under aentenoe in gual it Woodativk. awajtiav trauafer to the Central Pricoai, a&adwadraperale atttBB4 to escape. They threw Mr. Canteror, the xai-ler, down, and f>t aa far aa the yari. where they were cauxht and over- powered. The Durham Chatawrth mail line haa been let to Mr. George/ McFarlane. who formerly ran the atage to Fleahertou Stat- 1011. The contract price ia aouiw>iat in advance of the old ogure, but the ta<e receipt* have fallen off considerably tine* the exteoaion i-f the G T. R into Uwen Sound Chronid*). I r. ,h C.trdru M-rd> jut rrvrn ral Ferrie's .Seeds Steel Bros/ Seeds 1 h, Bed , ,hr W*rM. Catalutftie* at all mdaajao in Kck rr<>ai wUich ywa can make selavtiuna .f W. Richardsao, - FtesherUm. n f\f\F^r\f\nr\t\f\f\fm TBMI > BB.\NCr. Rulr I'uuoril ruaeta *orv Int aa.I I > OVA I. TKMPURS ^ Rular I'ouoeil meet* every tn>H TiM*U> evening in aaeb innaik In Kprevla'a keack at 8 p in. Select de*rva . moethly. th WdaaJaT *of rack uionth \> OF TKMPRRANCK.-TkU aoilety ni^ola In Dr. l^ri.to* Hall every We2 JOHN A SCOTT. M B. ra Invited. lnuianc tu OOIIWCIK-II Matuker ColUKtrhraia.* Banteowa. Ontario OraduaM ta Uedivlue of Toronto l"uivrri:v K.ilo.itip Mploina. feat Graduate >!>-licii ehoi>l an.l Hvri'-.ial.Ckicaca. Diiaaan ot are. tr. aoMai.J throat aawially trraWJ. Heal- aiwell, iit r'aeeraatal Thrda\ I- J F.OITBWK1.U Votm.aary Snrynxi Qnitriiate of Ontario - .tl' of U. r'* p. an in( factory. J K. H \LSTKAU. M. 1>.M I.- 4 s.. On t. practical Kim < n-ev;. MAKV M I1BAMOKU X. l>. f. M.. M.I'. T. * S. t i (Mi-.- ".l real. *. oi>po*ii Hatwr*' H %.-:. all* micht or IKVIT. >IMUIUIV xtaiiuml. \ : . w u . . >IMUIUI 10 to 11. J P MARSHALL. UO S. M D. H. Daaaial Vtuta Marklal. *i. ut aad .ml Wedavaday ef aack wioath. f.^aaartua-Uaaa arty ea l*aea, .. Y' r. B. A, meat iu their kail. HKx-k everN Critaitd tblrj T>rada> ia each UHMUk. at. Sharp, Maater. T. Clayton Ljniscu AKTHI-R LOD;F. NO.M. A. r * M mol in tho Vanonir Hall Strains llixr, Klwhvrtou. .very Kri.lav oil or befare h fell u H <oii. Dr. Carter. W. XJ , K. J. Hproul*. Secrvtart . |\t KKKKIN \' I*;. l'> Of. 'la>u>n'ahallarj TUM. '' v nin M o'cliHk ltl fenthraaeo diaJIv iuite<l. A S. \AM>!fcv Vkii Mouac. c. Time Table. ^I'TB. 6 42 a. ui. 4 :U p. m u G 55 t. in. 4 40 PS. in. UOIMU NOTM n II .V) a. ui. !.D p. ui. Maikdole r.' W p. w. 9.33 p. m. TO KKNT. From mtr vtrn A number of our cttiaetm are moving away fiwn thi* ncnrhbovhood, but our lot* wili be another 't fain and we wiah them pro|.*ri'y. Mr John Clar* Mid BBBjafTrnry Wright have moted to th tictln'y <f Rovklyu Mr. James HWkbu n to the Iiuenrthf Protuu Station ; Mr. Oe<>. Pevil.r to Mr. Somera' |>!a-e ; Mr. Ama Dur<e, of Kleshert.'ii Staii<n. U coming t<- Mr. Pedlar'* place, and Mr J..hn Carr i* ui-itinit to .Matwfll with hi$ family The anci.l under the aueptous of jhc league wan, although not Uivvlr attviidotl, a tuxveaa. Pr>eeda abt ut |8. Miaa Liliic Roas ia *|<rnd!iix a few day at homo th a wek. Latin;. IH-, or a l*d .!.!. hat been po ii'U the r\'Uud here lately and uuuietvn* have hven the victims. M.M'OT Ficd aud Earneat Murray at- tended tl.e tXtnis., re eutry t., Triin'y College, laat week. Mia* Sinclair *|>Ht a Connie of day* with friend* here Ut week. Our y< un^f men art, be^r.iuiuj to trek otl.cr (xrt* f. r work. HonoTlR>IU. Following it the hnor roll for Ku*Tu:a I* S. N-tuio* in orvlejr of uient. V. olaf* Imiav Turner. IV. Ua^a Geo. PUi.t. Marion Bell, LaurA \V. !,,, Book> Tu.iier, A. W Ma dril. HI. etaAi-t.^ WJkMa, P.olt EeU MORTGAGE SALE Of Talnab'e Farm property m th* Town ek*a of Artemma in tne County of Orer. Iheie will be (old on MBday tin 8th day of April 096 at one o'clock in the af teraoon at \Iunslu\\v's Motel. Ia tLe Town of KlesHerton. By virtae of power* of inwe coalaiaed in a crrtaia mortxaxv which will b vroitooeU at th* ale, the following proprrty : Parta of lot* )4t. 1 M an 1 145 in the tLird rang* north *a! of the Toronto aad Sydaa Lm road in tl * Uwnrhip . f .trttBrua, in t hi- county >f Urry oefcribed follow*: i. ommcu.nii; ou th touth ^enterlT limit .-f t number 143 at a point 4 e)..ii>.* and v linktfroiu tbrl'mit betwe. n I >U I45<i I 4 in ih th nl raoce i.orth vaat t f the Tmenae and S-d. nham roati and oa the aaatvrly limit of the YalUv ina<l. tWnoe al >UK the aat rl.T limit of ibe V I i roi I north 33 >le- gre>* 15 u in i Us eat ' I ehaum and *,"> liak*. 'hnc lurfi H Ji;ree* 30 m'u it * raat ^'i* in *nd 88 link*. I hence no th U tta- grrea et 6 cbaina k>. turnee | (!-TIU.' the limit of tlnr Valley r. aji in a .I'n ct line north about Ili 'i-.Tea .it 14 cii:u. more or w*a. t ibe a>te-l\ limit of tu an^l oa the Vallev .not number* 1 * j menuremeiil nnmber !> on copy of survey 'of V'l y road, thence al. ui thu raaUrly limit of the V*;|^ p-aJ ooitli J l Ui-grteo et 3 cl.in ami H5 Iirk'. tl.enc* u.'rlh 3 |4esre< rtet 4 chains and > !rik<>. ibence north 17 ilegreeii wv*l 3 chain* ant) Sri .inka, il.erc- n.-rih I i !-<, raa; 6 chant and (9 b'ak* to tli north raatmlv limit of - i i I- t 14.1. thence fc'U'h 4? Jenieei .jt .'v> chaiiiK anil M link*, morv <>r ), along llie ihe uortli rns'i tb |:ni t if mill I :< to tl- m-rth cat aiiK'.'nf ,.| l.ii I4.">. thfuct.aoe.th 43 ilfgrw* Kin! >> in nniaa at along IB* ..uib ea^trnv 'iin.t ..f wiJ K< U.~> .>0nain. uavr- or 'e, to tiie aiMith el Anfi'o of nttd lot 145. thenoe north 47 ' wral 4 chain* an>< S. I uk to the |>l*ee of Win- uiti.- roPlaii MIX 75 aeic, mvrw or Ira*. j TKRMS li per cent. ..f th* pnTliuir in. n. tu b* laid down o the da\ if .i' , i K.I l-a'ti leima will be made kuowu at I lli* axle. For fattt'.-r partiea'arn applr to JoNK!i M kv'Mxu* at I.Kontar, Toronto Sirwt. FIESJEJTOI IH:BT. I dan ."(tetx-d MB a ewmplate ateam laaae>v in Kl<rh<>rt*a and am invpt d to iat in a-. . | |ii; til. of iaim Irv w 'ra at luw>r priemi tba t arr cba/gvi iHewheie. t havo put lu lua la *- 1 an r l luont ituprovwd itiactui** r v to that **,n . hi-'.iu KIT Hta a call. Kutu^ vatHi Mrttj.i uleed, ami p. icw. low. Una. UKO. Uoonuovar insi is. Lit For Sal.. ay toroaa ia h.i. k .llMaa<. wut For (ale eheap aad ou >i<ln.lM lanr. naa4atoawaawa>aiaaiB hovea. alro (end fraaMi i'l. krtak I* <inxMoataaaatwoanpili>taiKlK<>Kl yuui orchard. IwaiiQ* Hoax ad u-o-ii.di>.K v ..titis %)! aHimlioii al very wuv tutl; laldewV Apply** V..I Or t K J Sra. >,-u. Fkanertoa. 4 arr.l in < uMi A.iiercAo Ktif><-at M.I Cure, tar Kheuui-itiam aiiJ NeejiiJ^u, radtualN aatrea m I tu 3 Java, lia actiou epua\ ta yateai ia remarkaklv and ui)eie.-teja. U renioveaat oooe tbwoauei' aavi UM) >! in ml lately <la*pH^-r The kt (rr^tly benajta. 74 W. B. RiciaMaituj.

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