Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1895, p. 4

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THI FLI8HIRTON 1DVAHCI ESTABLISHED 1881 Ad vance r TlUxir H WKKK.LY AT Till OFTUI. HYD- BXUVM sfKEKr, n.KHHBHToN, OUT. , Y W. II. THfUSTOS. I IMT an mi 1H.-.I rirt I In advanrr Ad vei Using Rates: Oao Column. 1 year. (JO ; half col . 1 year. ." .juartor tul . on* year, IS. Transient aitvertlMunent charged at the rat* f -4MOU |>or line fur Brat in.ortiou taJ 3 cents each lubsequent luxerUon. THE REMEDIAL ORDER. The remedial order in tbe Manitoba school case, as granted by tbe Domin- ion Cabinet, was ugned by tlie Govei - cor General on Thursday last and farw*rded to the Manitoba govern went. The order, after reciting tlie complete case from tlie beginning, and the iniaority rights attacked by legislation since 1890, specifier as follows : "(a) The right to build, maintain, equip, manage, conduct and support Ro- man Catholic schools in the manner pro vidnd for by the said statutes which were repealed by the two sU of 18SK) afore said. "(b) Tlie riht to share proportion- ately in any rent made out of the public funds f >r the purp<iaee of education. "(c) The right ef exemption of each {Ionian Catholic sehnola from all payment or o.iiir. buiioii to the support of any other schools. -And his Bicellency the Governor- General in Council was further pleaaed LI declare and dtcide, and it ia hereby declared, that it aeems requisite that the system .if 1-ilu.ralinn embodied in the t w acla of 1890 aforesaid hall be supplr luenlad by a Provincial act or act* which will ruetore to Ihe Unman Cathoht minority the amid rinh'n and privilege* which a.ch iuin..nty haa been no deprived a* af.*.aaid, and which will modify the said acU of 1S90 so far, and so far only. at may U> n.ima.iry to give effect to the |in>vi.iooi n Hti.iiiiu tin- rights and privi i-yr.t in p4rni!raphs a b and c liercmle I .ir mentioned. "Where.'f ihe Lieut . -Governor < if the r...viii. > nf .Mmiil..lMt for ihe time tiring and tin) legislature of tbe nai.1 Province *iid all |iur mi wlrun it may c HKTIII r. I i lake notion ami iivrn ihuinmelvea ic i ir.linuly (sini) JOHN J. MK;KE, "C'lurk of the l'iiy t'otiiicil." Manitoba has not, at time of writ in;-, lu'fii liriinl from, but iiis |>it'Mim c I that she will ali'-i differ fn.in Mr Juhu J. McGcc t al us to the "re ij-iUc'tenesti" of doing anything of tlie kind I, luted at. although, of course, i is within tlu- region of possibility tha iu- may agree. Hut in the event n In n liihitl the l>iiinii.i"ii 1'uiliaircnl hich meet* on Apnl IH next, will be obli^ud to lake simie further action 01 Ihe question. What will that actiui be? ll in impossible to foretell. Tl i|iietiti in will undoubtedly bo Ihor (Highly threshed out before anvthiiij, i* done onu way or the other. If tin i i|>. i wen: to hazard a guess it woiili bo that tho Manitoba school tjitestion will not i ecfive its >|iiivtiiM this aesaiou \Vo do not believe the govc rninent a at in i mni constituted will pass a law toicing Manitoba to comply. Th I'l.ii.-HUnt majority looks upou th matter as not of vital importance t the Catholic minority, itself, l>ut n Itresting the hierarchy alone, an Uivrcforc do Hat .>linit that it won! bb ail nil-la* en^rviaiug of iniglit tu re tun* such legiahktion. Wo behev tbere are sufficient members in Ih House of Commons who look upon in tlnn light, and understand ilia! th i the sciitioiout ot their constituent)) to prevent the pacsing of suoli Ivgjala- linn at the coming session. Of course 'ui is simply AI) dibm'ial foretast aud mint K'> for wliat it ih wvi'th. There .1 nothing "iiiHpiird" al.uiil.iL It wU)<ta.diflsauli for all lhe.la.wyen in the coBOUf, nliould Ibay eoiubin*. i ta (tuaua^u tlu> isiil.iaiid tik< of tUs ' i *x>pla of Vuiaj;lu. i wliirh, by Uis.way. 14 a largei motor in the matter) to b- thai the SlSUr proMiice of Maul- DC interfered with in her laws by outaid<< ulhor- tics. That would, tliey believe en - hatically, bean undoe exorcising of might of a more glai ing character liun tliat which is now iiuJur coin- laiut. The Dotniniou Parliament ha bocn ailed for the despatch of business on pril 18. The Advance has k-ttiucd that a 'onser va live meeting nat to have rcn held in Durham on Monday last, o be addretscd by Dr. Montague. 'lie Dr. diil nol arrive, neither was he meeting held. We would respect- nil) 1 ask the authorities over in Dtir- n it' tliey would not consider it wise lo mfoi HI the press of the riding \vhen iitiue nieetiDgs of tliis uatnru are to t iTeld ? SLonld tlie iunds of the soocialiou uot warrant a small ad ertisernent, uo doubt the newnpaper men onld good naturedly announce uch free of charge. We speak for urselves. During the puat two weeks Hender- hott and Wello- have been convicted f murdering yonng Hendemholl for he iiifluraace on hia life and senteiiced o be hanged. The Ilyarus brother* e been sent np for trial for tho murder of young Wells in Toronto rom a similar motive. A successful ttnerican diamond crook took in our reeu Canadain soil last week aa a peculiarly rich field for his operations, bat hia very first scheme was snagged hia wonld-b* victim* and be now SDguiabes behind prison ban in To- ronto. Justice appears to be in robust lealtli and still aggressive in this Canada of ours. The "mills of the gods" grind fastei here than they do u Longfellow's free and independent country, as every crook discovers after :e has once placed hiuMelf in the topper. have Jim-Crowed Themselves. "Don," in Toronu> Hstnrday Nivhl, thus drtm.n tin- poaiti.>n uf the Patmiis he undurttanda it : "In some re- spect R I hart* had cmiHidrmble sympathy with the I'iilrmi ur.irr, but it is now ti Isnt that Iney have been atered into the Mowat cnniji Whn M or dmve 'In in intn the folil is uf no i.n|M<rtance. hougli by the diatribution nf ohloi-n later n weaill no iloutit find who xrm thr e. at wlni loilillcil along .ilira.l anil in- '!uced 'he I'nln.ii sherp to lw i easily i-.l Tho ili-fi-t of Mr. Sunn in iaii.1 m n^'ni-siut of the futuro collaiiM- "I iln- .-rder a a political fnctnr. 1 i.'.i both tlie (inli and Turipa keil ti'Ki-tlinr tn oli|il H rat Mr Srnn, ho in |in!uii-s nnn very much of a Sin. .. n anyway. f,.t!i parties liat>> tin- Ptrona, and rliou'jii the Provincial (MIX i-iniiiriit ruliiv ..(,] rlirin at fiiai, fi-r UK tli.-it ihr) misfit need thoir au|.|i..rt, it M . viirni that fiey now de p them and intend to CIUH)I them out nf exit- enca. In (his, of oiuiie (hey will have i In- hourly ttipi'ort nf ilie()|.p..siti..|i, who fii in a ('nnrvrviaivu p.. mi ,.| view ilvsire tin- ni \rini-nt in bo treated wi h con- n-nipt in the |[ri'ral elections which arc a|i|.ro.-i,'linn All thai ii now nt-i-vMory U (.r Sn ln.| Mownt l.inire .irtioes tna few T, HILL I rv RICHARDSON & COMPANY OUR ILLINERY D EPARTMENT, l'nder the efficion: inariagonient of Mun Beon>ft. who wan so Hucceanful in her cualonten last sea* n, will bt open for tbapriug t Jc neit wvk. BEAUTIFUL GOOD5 THIS SEASON Our atock is compIcU .n all lilies of spring good*. prices . Your trad* i* solicited . Come in and eiaminv and gt Highest Prices for all kinds of Prod lire. T. HILL FLESHERTON. To the Public. HnviiiK rviiled Whiit.-n's li It. p f* r n Irrm of years, I BIII now in |>.iitit>n tu latfiinull wntiiK in my line. (ash For Hides! Shi'ppukina an<l nil kimln of furs dim. il. for which b : ghct niarkt-i will be (Mid. pur- Horseshoeing a specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! MiisMgcs I'll hand, also i kindt of mca's. all M. WILSON, KI.KSHKKTl'N MKAT EMI'DKll'M BUY YOL'R Kr a in the bUckiimithin^ line mil on P. A. BUNT |11('1UUI>- HAU1JWAKK 8Tl>KK The Markets. < ; n.ii.lh Corrrrtrd Each Wrrlt HARNESS N0\\ CiOOD WORKII*>HIIIP LOW I'KIt I s , i.inl the whole nhotiii); -match will brcmiid the . .1 |,..-t nf public lcrisioi'. It in tliUi ttiHt iade^H-hdfiit inoVfiiiriiU, which are the reault nf a |M>pulnr rvvolt aitniniit ld guvorniiienl. sntl inti-nse par- tittanhi|i, nfieii bet-on.* thn UughiiiK- ntock nf a community. Without doubt the I'alrnna liavm hern the wooliest grang erm ever brought mln this town. Thry wr cspluretl nnd I., f,.|,.,l Wfnre thry ttiit their shces and Hint-kings off the nrt night. Il is iry pinlmblv, ii.d%vd, that Km In r Mowat knew wherr they weiolc- fure lUy ol here. It u painful tn think how Ihe pvople on i he conce*ion linwa nd crossroads will regard ih nianu r in w Inch they have bevii tunctwd. All thn t now minima la for somebody t<. blow i nt thagas on tlie while crowd. AI..I,,,,,. inqusst would nol then b* m>cvaary. for limn who Uv* bran ucb flaia wliils alive nt nut woith the eipena* of aa inquMt fwr they are d<ad. Tt I t.Hi.ve taev wi re lii.nrst in Ihnr liitentioiis. Thry N pi-iiihin^. ot t... i.iucli aUIsmaiwhip; lby tlmutihltkry ware lou SMitH, and kbu taulios hvben *> in* that they ha.s aiinnu jnu CIUWM! Ui. inaelvet ut "I Klour F..II Wheat Spring Whi-.tl Hurley Oitls Peaa Uuttur rC^xa, fresh l'.iint.>et bay 1'i.rt The Nwfiiuiidlainl dlatiun tawa lu d acua* the tvi nis ul oonfedvratiou IMM Uvn a|i|M> 3 10 t.. f 3 to 56 to 55 I'M to f>fi 31 to 31 't*l ti 'i4 ':.:. to 57 U i.. 13 I- 10 \i 60 to M) 5 00 to 5 1" Hay per ton 00 to 10 OU II,. I, , 300 to 300 K> tn 26 6 to A H tc 8 -r. to 40 40 to 60 16 l 10 Curry Comb*. Hriuliva, Harneas SI,-i K li Itell*, (i.*t ami Kob<K, Axle Ciease, Blankela, and everything in my hue cxiiHtaiitly mi lini.il. \Ye arc opening up cases ,-f new Sl'RING GOODS every day. NEW Prints at 5, 6, 7 and 8 cents. NEW Challies at 5', and f>c, NEW Seersuckers at 5 to 10 cents. NEW Crepons at 15 to 22c. NEW DeLaines at _'o to 250 NEW Tweeds at 28, 30, 35 and 40 cents. NEW Serge suitings, cannot be torn, best wearing goods ever raai!e. NEW Hats, including all new st > les. NEW Boocs for men, 750, $i, $i 25, f 1.50 up. NEW Boots for \vomn. 750, ?i, ?i..'5. $i 50. NEW Boots for boy-", cheap- er than ever. NEW Boots for girls, better than ever. NEW Dress goods in endless vaiie y. NEW , M.mtlcs, not all in yet. NSW Millinery. Piles of it just opening. A bright, new, fresh stock at priors that surprise and delight customers. M.R.&Co. lli.li-i hhi-|iakius i ;. .i.- ..........! Turkeys Chicken* per pair I lurks bi-r llr .... Wool Loore orders irly * w* arc always riulit'd in the fall aenatiii. W- Moore - Hancssmaker FLESMERTCN. !: i'i'< ROLLER HILLS Art now complet and art running regular. CHOPFHTG I done ivry afternoon aaual. eney, U. & A., HMI Dio, Osil., aajps : "Shiloh's (.'.tartar. Keinmly ia tli lint meJiciue I Ke wr found that w ..uld du m* aay jood " r>i M ct als. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In It e matter ol the MMte d !> M late ul the Towubip of ArteniMis. ID tin County of tlrer, larmnr. rlecvawd. Pursuaut U) tbe proThlnBw of the Reri Rtatutes of Otttai l>. C'hl.tr tlO, notice l IIH by Klveu that all the creartoi anil parvonii IT - Inn olalroa upon or ealiMt tho ttiif th* Mid David Jkinlewn. late at Ihe Tuwn.im. of A. t.- lueala, ID the 1'ounty uf (trvr. fiu-tiMr, who tUot' on or about Ibw eevvuth ilay of January. A P . IMN. are herebr raonlretl to deliver or .n.1 ) - 1 prvpaltl to any ol tbe un<lmt|a*<l ruton ot th* ileceanert. on or hefor* thenrmt.Uy of Juaw. A 1> Itew. a tcnn.nt lu rMluc of their nawMe and addraami. together with fall particular ot their c'ftlmi n I Ik* uature f MertltUe lit v) held by them. And notice l> further slvea that alter tbe !.! Br.i itay at Jene. ISW, tfce wi.l eueiitars will to .1 l.lr i buu tke asaeMs of in* >aM de> nianx trie pereene eitUtM ikereto. Hurtixvaro rMard only to the elalm of whleb no ties (ball have beeu lr aa bedire reuird. an tke aaM eaeeeten will not be liable for the aid aaaette or any part thereof to any pereoo or per*oD ot who** slalm nr elalma uoiloe ball BO* t>&*e beaei reeeived by them at the lima afoi *MM WM. Harraa, r.oiii duo MBI.HIIVM. Ro ma. . Roy HBNBT Wmi rat Kv Kaeevten of UM saU rt.otaai i DateAM senU thw ib J. j >f Mareti. A.D.Tdi. JUST OPENING UKAl TlFl I. NEW Wall Papers Pout buy nulil yon sec them. Window Shades AM> - ( uriain Poles JUKI HI i ivl. \Yu liavc sonic pr i-ial bargaius iu llktra. If Von Bn't WkJI paptr ou yotu walls, you use AlabnsCin. TLe nicest wall fiuiab maJe.

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