Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1895, p. 5

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TH1 FL18HIRTOI ADTAMC1 flanking OlHc3 >I GEO. MITCHELL \ (mteral bantu* t -nine** trautacfed Draft* iMiivl .1.1 -L^.,.. cubed at u.uaJ rmusi lion./ alwayi avalUUl. fnr Irgunati buaiiwa* ulri>ri,,. oflW. two ooor* uoith W fcieJiard- oo A Co'*. Vicinity Chips. < Ii UMrtr ril ir of (far Past W tarrfiillr < iilirj for the a iinciou n.ivm/; lifnU rtU he harijrd <tt tkr rntr of /'* per fin* far aefc inter tiH. A rWwrlum wM bt i fur llfO ititfi or mer. Five or l*<f* g'.i worn] p-.ut.'t*. waillcd. Huheet fTlce in cali. H ' ' VlehTton loat On Saturday ]t Wadt i|*n.tfl. ai'awera to the name of "Colonel." Suitable reward. P. MUD hw. Mr. J.. Blakely r.d family. of IBM ti"g, have take* up thwir raMdeixe ua tSe Dinw.iodie firm er tliii vilUg , which they have lamied. Mr. Andrew Carr reaiJroce.juat north f I be illK, ought fire frtu tb<t *l>v- ! il< "u Friday morning, but waa furtun- auly discovered in t.me to orvei:t much A bai.itTs Kale of a large quantity of tiouaeoold r'nfta, four boric* etc . will be I.eUi at the atalion oo Friday (to morrow) af 1 p. . It took Mr. \V P<Kh aod A. Beataara 'eu hour* to UMT down froea Owen Sound >n Monday. Thia give* ft ifood rdea of Hie te>rible condition of travel, the three aiile an hour. A regular f>piJe*aic <>f cold* ta raging iu ili > ucaiity. The editorial, reportonal, mechanical and culinary department* of tin" paper have all been differing fn-oi u dunug tba part weak. A M'.iux ill b* held at Pricerille on Kr:day evening (to morrow) fur the pur- |x>ee of diacuatia^ the buildmt! of cheeee factory it that point. All farmer* 111- (rrvttad art) ti pec tod u atten 1. Mr. YaiHluaeii haa removed th D.vii..n < irt office tu Claytun'a new block. tixt lor weal uf the shoe *tore. The new |>reiuiM, which ar comfortable ami e> iu m liou. wctv opeavd fur uu-tuea* ou Monday. The Advau:e know* . f one it who iliove tifteen miiet last week to se- cure onie at John liiowu'* bai|(iii, ao Advetti-ed in thu )iaper. Mr. Hrxvn any* "ilicy cuiue fiuui all orrr." It pity to advertiae. were cruakiug before tliu ISJi f M i-ih liut year, and bUokbirda were roud by th 2th. Thus far tli fr.nr' croaks are Mill uiufflxl below a couple of feet uf MO* and blackbird* have not be JD ai^uallel. Mr*. Rjchai i Smith, of tlu town, Jied "i, Tileadsy n oriiin^ after a ahoit iliiu-s.t, .i.-cd 61 yean. Tho fuuvruJ to\>k |>lce. to the Mrafrd Road ceuietery yesiciday The bereaved huatuiui nml children I vy the yini.atUy < lh coiumuuity. Mrmr*. J. McArthur and D. Me*' T- inick, of I'nceville, were welcome cailr one day laat week. Mr. Md'ormick will c uduot a cattle sale ou every fair Uajr at l'rictlle Anyone hAvin^ anything tu tliipoM of tuuuki dYreapoud with him. Mr. K. J Sjiroule viaiteJ n \Vedueiiy f litni week, and wlnle re- turniug lumie liis hone -tumbleJ an<l cut it* front foot with tlw hind. Th cut wa* to serious that tli annual hd to be I 'ft at Mr. liaiuey't. about six iuiU-> from town, for a day or to. A frame I ouae at tba'tM>ii,blon^ii.( a Mm. 1'nr.ly, aa builwd to tl.e ground on \Vedneaday niornii g of Uat w-k Ther wti ait tiiMira. ce f f 100 M the building whioh will not nearly . o*r tie low The fir* aa.un.nv.ihtcdly, >ie work of an inowiidiary, a the build- in.- wa Tacaot at the time. Th Turoutw Hooj- & Vnr Co. have lUuled a ch*e bui ntroui(th-ur Thi* i* U the form of a atrip of k^dvftnised II iM v *rrngl that It 0*11 be attached o ft chev*e bua at a ait f > Uow, ai.d pr* v ludva all poaaibdity wf ch vckin^ or ft|>lit- ting. Hhtppei* uf chief proxouno* it ft king Ult want, ai>d tle, c-oipauy will no d ubt Bud a Urve demand for it. Mr J. P. Uttawell, etei n.ry urg^.i>, iK r via that lie bad ui.dcr tre^taaei.t before f l cVi M*mn e*t IB thia winter i three ca*e* i.f erjxit f^tvi-iing in r.ttle, ' but baa heard uf MOM ainc*. Thi ought to (etile the ar.-unreiu of tlioea who cla uied ihtt ihu diraa wan fniat Ura, Su.ce ibr ci >p.-kn of we have rnjoy- el 1 some of the cnUwt weather wer ex- perivncrd in Oiittrns txit (r> -Ut I cat- tle have uoi been hraiH of. Mr E. V.tuxaa>, aiartJe cutrcr. aiet .lli a piuii<>il an<l ami u* accidrtil oa Friday murniiiK b->t, hicl> il confiue nun to tk h.* fr>r*n>u wettka. \X lnl canyinf a c< uple vf |*i!i i.f wjter he lippwl in l:i* own yard aad fell.breaking Ina li-v juat al>..c tl.e auk e joint. The injured limb w< wt and Mr. Vanatnt in trflinc the ctc'ii uvl idlenawi an I punt aa plnl. wi ; hie illy aa ponaible. Van hia the f il. i..-ii in Kia o.if rtune. The uprina; [>t hit the C..|l"-gw. .i Bulletin l>ai wevk with a aic*euiii(( hit. Here u the last ve:se of l.i pora : But !' not apace to toll you all Of Cotlutywouti pre<sy ruw* ; ^ou mait coot.- jrourMlf iaaumiMr tiaie iu tMau'.iM aea. a jingle, an that u>ke* one's teeth cfct'tvr. W can only explain ita appear- ace upon UM htputhea.a that fur a moment the aanie laratal abba-atiou pua- mid Bru. Williania tliat wai chr-'Bic iu the |Ht. Bailrff J..bn Wnglit had a very txuy day of it CHI Wednesday .< hut week oab- eriiiK pnor unfortunate* before hi* hoaor, Ju-lg* Moirieon and kre(.>iD *ileDC% in tb "ouoit." There were no loaa than twenty avveu caar* tu be heard, including judguieut auiuuHxuea. (hit of thia large uumber, huarcTer, there were ao raa* u/ n re than ordinary intercut, all b*Mic ac tioa* <u acouuut* or tioUa. whioa were ef no apectal ititrrrai tu the puolM. We therefore refrain from giving a detailed report Millinery Opening. Millinery opening at M. Kichardaue A Co'* uii Monday, April 1. Stock more rxtn*ire than ever. Spring Mutiner>. Mr*. Tninble and h*i ataiataota ar* very buay opeuinu up new guoda and ar- numui^ I)HMU fur loapectioo. The novel- tie* la uiillinery thu aeeawo an> very trikiuK aad mire to ['lease the uiuat fa* lidioua. Millinery uoenun-, WcdueaUajr and Tboraday, the third and fourth uf April, urdeia recvun.g prompt ttvBUon. Next dour to K. TnuiUe'* tore. !**,. W J. McKarlti . I. B Lucam W. U.uglaa auJ W. Turin r. MaikdaJe, were in toeiu uu Monday Ml** Millie YaiiduHcn returuet' ou urday fruui ail eltenlttU viait lo fiicntli in Ti<runli>. " Dr. MoNVilliauia, of Duudalk wa> iu town on Tuenlay C'i*ult.u;{ uu a caae itli Dr. Car(er. Urauia. \V. Fetch and A. B nlhatu pent Sunday in O*eu S'Hi.J. Mr A. Mujshaw and lilCo daughter a^eut a few 1^ durn.K t!i [Ktat eek ridting friend* iu Dviihaui. Should Study Anthropology. A Cuuple ut youiu gentlemen tron. near Klrln rt>.n ri.iu J frieuu* iu Sin^luuii|iti>u on Sunday wrck. Aa i* cuit> uiary with oir jfvun^ uii, tlivy a'tcii>iU cliu ch While doWU llulK A!lf4 M/IVICVa Udlltf of the placj tte^|>ed U(> to oue tf our young n. en and mfuruuii Uini to^t he had "belter In 1114 home them bob alegha." Hur youi g man Infuruird the uative that he Kuwiacd lie aai 'inutakou iu the (urty, Mr ," out the natiTH k ot wruthjr and re uiarkd that he "gtM> *d he Lad eyea," "couldn't ti>ol linn, and he "kuew a man lieu l.o aar him," and "II lie knew wheu he aa well <>tf lie would bung huui them bob (leiylui lhat he bad b >rroed. " A iuutu.il fnei.d n.teivttied ahuui thm junc- ture and eJ(p anted tliat it waa a cuae of uiiat ikeu indeutity , that the )uung iu waa fiuui Kleche, ton, aud had never U>r iuid ike i.ati\'aot an^bxly elae'a bub*. It afterward* trau-p.rvd tha: the party ahu bad actually U-ir>ed ihe nativv'a bob* waa a uiulatto, aud ihia it it that Kalla Tommy. Hie in .re he thiuk* ibuut it the madder he i ec*, and th aior* hi* friend* think abotlt it the heartier the* laugh. Tuauujr think* the nau<r of i biughamptoit *hou!d atudy fur a f*w riant. SALE Of valuable (aria pru ...rtr la th* towoahip of Eapliruia aart Utft ute m the Towoahip .( aaeCaanty of Gre/. Then* will bv *old aa Monday tie 8th day of April, 1896, at on* e cloca in die aftamaon at \Iuiishu\v-"s Hotel In th* Town o J LESHERTOX. By virtu* ot power* of >aJ coutaini-il in a MI talu n>ortga*> which will k pi luewl aivbe al* ttw (vtiuwiau propru . PARCES i. Tbo nortli half of lot inni Ixr tn in th* Int aooccwiun of thi towoaaip W Eaparasia, con talma* 1 <> bunJnxi aeraa man ar tea*. Thu f..!...i;i, im(iruv<Murat> arc aaid to be About *5 acrn* cloaj-e i, bavinf mvcta>l thun- on aooeaaclatiaifiturvT fTaoi.lw*llia(.fraai barn, fiau.i tlabla. 1 ur ar* twu*iua..or- eoaxda ou tiie p ropert > . PARCEL a. The loath half of lot T i t'.i* Ma eoneataiuo f Jr aid tewmatp W bujibraaim, nmielaiae; M buiiilrsJ acr^i o>oreor Wat. Tb* fbllowtrg mipiuv*a<uw ar* aani ee be on Ihe proaiMM. About 75acr**cl*Teit. having ervcUd tberaon two fraOM hB*, I mote bam. Tkere an two good oreoattta on ib property. Part* of lot* nnmtMn 113. 144 anH 1*1 in the lilrd of the Toronto and aad ta taw Mid kiwoahip at Art*- .tiial aa follow*: Coa**B*ncimt oa w mirly lia.it at lot 14S at a io.u: S cuaiu. an.i ai link* front the limit between loU IU aad let in UM uurU ran**, north eaat of the Toroulo aud 8y.lanba.iu Boad. and un the waa*- rly liwUt of th* Valley Head, theoce aJ<-a th weetariy aaut of taw Valley 1 oad no. tb M di (raw* ii mm uta* wait. 11 ctoain. and 41 itnaa. chain* aad link*, theaee earth 14 decree* we.tcbain*aa>13o liuka. tuaae* Borth 56 J*. l-rae* aa.l 10 Buaataa weatooecbaia and ? linaa. Ibiani ouctb lTili*Tail1 lannli. ~rm I raabj* and M link*, tbraae north 1 ' cbaia au<l oo rhaia and 3D liukv JUmniuiw a*f i cbaia* aad afkaka, tbuc outh 1 il*(T 4S a*la**n aaat oae chain anrt HO llaaa, thian aeotk JHHM 3O laiuat** >aat one cbaia aud Ol lmk. uicnc toutii T3 Je- cran *a>* f cha.iit an i *) inkm thoace oorth > dacreeaeaatl chain aad tarty liuki. tbnc< B. rtli * dgra aMicoeiaa and ihl).f !iuk. UM two north Jd^rM* aaat I enaia* and t Maka, taaewe aerta IT d fne- weet3cbain> Unit ot Mid lut IU, thence atoastaa the Berth weetarly Uaatt W laid let 143 M ehataa jore or lea* lo UM Mith wwt aa*le of laid M I4B. theaae *Mth *T deicmea <*>t alo* th coetb -rifH 'T hum of taid kit. M cbu and IT Itiiaa. taon or leM. to lb pi c* of bwriaaia* Ah that other |un o hu.d or porttoa of of th. Valla y aidlaailyuKoa 111 iaiiHirryatdw* th. Valley hVoaJ aa fullow* : rnia*n*ilar a* aa aacl at the eaaterl; lieut of ta* ValU. Hoed at a Vallei rterly limit I ehle* aad a eidlj**, I the y linutor ly limit ot the Valle> ro J aertb W oefree* aiiaetee wat OM chain aed 71 Uulu.tneae* *oc*a *aam U arfuet*. wwat 4 coa n. and eV liaaa. idea. >.- aorth 61 daarwa* wwat oae caaia aa 1 N liu*. th.wg. aerth 4 aa*.rm w*a o; a ebain and i north <rm 3tt mina*** **at YOUF Feet DRY* AXD WARM BY BCYIX ; voru FOOTWEAR AT CLAYTON'S. A LOT .F- WINXER GOODS OFF CHEAP. fatn lark ao. Jepairiiifl Primptlj Style, Quality and Prices. JL*aa<l in Now that the cutter aad aleifh *e*aon haa arrived, we wiah to draw the at ; tention uf the public Co the fact that we have on hand a larx *t44:k hioh * are offenng very cheap. We do n .t believe m boaatintf but we bulievn thiU j we can jive you a nrtter article at leu money than y. u can ^et tnvwh-re . 1-e. : We havs no dn-ae* in or hiv, we are all worker* Then again our Imr^e r- jperiefic* ami thorough knowledge of the boaiiiiaa enable* a* to Give you i h,-i j ter article at lea* money thau th.*e of lea* experience can do. A hint t-> rh*> |*ia i* auffioiant. Rcauiubcr w t ok lint prise fur the ba*t exkibit of o*r- jnaeeaat th Vast Grey ExUitxht/u. Shop uppoaiM J. S.aith h-> ahop. I >. Itl . VI Tli Leading Carriage ASKERVILLB & CO. lluk. tueua* _ t ehaia* aad 5 link., tbeae* *oab at decree* U aj.uete. *mM o ebaiu and *0 iiwlu. thewoe weili > .MI* * aiUuu* e* oa* ehaia and oioetv tvo liuai. ihuc wach TI 'l*mi r**t two chain, an-1 niuetr ltnk^tbnc north M. d K m <a*t tliie cbaia* aarf a) Una*, tlu-uc.- . i-*r;ut t iu limit of th* V*!la> IL a Jimct h .. tuutb abwut 14 aeeru* wart a oil the WMterly limit uf W Wright** lau.l ' II cliaint u:ure 01 leva to I be placv t>f b*> irtnuinif. Tho whole Ian I hereby eo.iveywi MM a*; 7iacr*?s tuor* *r leM. fulloaiuK iN.|>r<juiut are MU 1 to be on tlie fr*tuin . About tan aenm ar elaarvd. having <?rvt.'il tborron .w frauie houMaautl a frame bar*. There i. a iui>l i ua the property. TI-.KMS *) per oeul. of thopuroha,u money to be )>ai 1 iluwn rn Jay of -aiu. K >r b^l^uce . Ruwh at fa'e. For (urtber particular* apfly to JOXKS. M U-kKNXlK a.KN 1KO. SJBlic.lon, Toronto trt><*. TOIUIIIU Or to K. J. Sl-K. L'LK. Flhertea. A S K E R V I L L E & C O -XOTED FOR THE- Finest, Cheapest and best ASSORTMENT TO BE FOCXD. o z In every line of oar Business We Carry COMPLETE AND CHOICE STOCK WB HAVB A LARciK STOCK TO i I ' BE CLEARED OlT FOR NEW SPKINC C . VNDSNAI'S ( I I RECEIVES ol R BEST ATTENTION | I I' I ' FURNITURE Q Z lit LI. KlMI SKKMi'K- Bhurt Hoi 111.. ...- tSh it H <rn inn M-. ' 'lollar. be uuiiiuU 0. *i>f! > i'<( to Hull fjr i'KiW c can I' MIL KOIU>tRVi('K. vj ili ;r**>l Toll* 1 An^u- TVU- on lot Js! c'U. tO, \rUHii***!*, ft> iiiiuu *v*vn>n. iv* if im to TlM abo|> lately ooeH|)i>.l by Ur. llaker. aa tailor hu|>, (or #.'*) ,( \i *i.i to oi.ilct ! fau b tnovetl uil llto lot it tau.i^ ". or ground la**4 * f .r rent *ja uiuuln. <i't'l'" \i M. BVHNHOCSB. To Smokers T* awet ta* wt*ae* < tawlr cwatwaen Ta* (too. E. Twcfcett A $e* we., I tJ. rtaatiltoa Oat. . a*v* placed ** the atarket A Comhnatun Plup of SMOKINti TOBACCO March, 1895. Furniture, Organs ANU Sewing Machines. >ur Spiii.t; Ste>k conaM* ' f " e ei y pr>r-y and eutireJv new Jeij;i..i. ai.J entirely IM.-O i rKj>. w.iikv>t i u on a Deo . that menu I buy for ca*h. you not the )K-I eat ot ifaee caali dim.x>unu li:th vtuibta* 119 1.. . tfer Spring Irducements to Patrons of Industry And all CixsH Bviyers at JP riOODP'Q FIRMRRE AND UNDERTAKING; . C. I 1WIVC *^ E5T ABLISM,nENT. .rl> km.wiiMthe FLKMlKKroN rTRSHTRE WARERooMs Havirg *okl out my plain, g buiuneaa 'o Keecroft A lo*n, 1 mil now m first clam shape tu give n>y wb. Ir aitvi.iu.n to \..ur nee's in tlua my nlji buoiuo**. e e e vJ. E. IVIOOR E, e a * FartUtBrr Uralcr auitl I drrlnkt-r. Mlraiu's Ulo k. I I 1 NU I.U ' o> A firat clasaliearae in connection ; and bein^ a practical emrahncr can enaure faxiou in all fuuvra!* eiitnutteU to mv ctre. CLOTHING, KEADY MADK AND ORDERED: Tlii upp'io* a loug tv'l want. iog .tli*> cou joiner ou SO cent or a u-n sent piece or * & cent | u-c* , uf ib fktnoa* -TAB" brand of i |>ur Virginia TobactM.'. Knowing oar 'piiii", tit'Jv to belaav* in lisa above lio* til prcauUou* liar* bceu taken to have au assortmeitt. ;ba* wiH stand iuavactioa in t'uUl/, quaa> my tn<l.|irtct Yen enH but <to youi ftfl-.e* justice * well as u* to call and bee iliea* gocxli b<*>re hiKinj;. N line of <od take *o maoh money from foo.Uie.ivfj.-v. Lu ilJ b careful aud i^-t your wauls ?.ipliJ from the best rn.trktk It U an inter>.*Uuf a*trou.wuical faot laat on Uood Kiiday, April It, tb* h*a- tnl) bodhM which gravitate aawdnd id* *uo will be ia eiaet*y . taw ** paaittoe that they occu|>i*d in tba tain i meat ou | the day that CkrWl died IM. taaxcn**. It willl be ili irat tiui* that edk a thia^ j U,a occurred fur l,9K Tit ta t.f "T i B" is pirn. SMALL FARM FOR. SALE. ma raaa- *i K k boue (or y-lwo aere* Trvm* J. Aai;aj ti-La a. LADIES: fih.tja We would be pleated to give yon some idee, of what we have leva lorn , be. you iu I>KM Uooda, PiinU, etc.. bin unto will uot permit. We will be pleavt- ed to hate TU call at any Ume. knowing you wall be ewrprtMd aad mittia' i with Ui good* eliowo you Calhoun's Patron Store, Dundalk V. .

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