Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1895, p. 7

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THEKEISLIA1IUT8HELL THE VBY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. Inlereei I gluau Aaoi rawnCoaalry, fcrr , i run. iaa I !!' Maioa. aaol ui raru of MM 4e>o. < ..dm.ra aa aaoortcol for Baay oaellnc. CAB ADA. I'arl lament will moot oa April IS Hon. John Coitigaa wa* baoqaetad by fnoad* at Kmgiioa. Mr. .Jobn O. l.ynd. C.P.R., baggag*mai> t Guolpo, diod uddeuly . A vory rich find of gold u reported ia tno rUiny Lako Uutrict of Maaitoba, Tho eaumatod xpenditar* for the Lon- daa School B*ard toi* year ar* t92,89a Winnipeg Sootchmoa propooe to erect, a monument to th* memory of Robert Burn*. The Praouor bai donated f 1,000 to th* Albert College eitenaiou food. A boy of tweire year., uamed Charlo* Morru, wa* killed by an *UoUic oar at Montreal. Mr. John Korr of MID to Townahin, a popular yeong farmor, wa* killed by a falling traei OgiHie* ol*vator at Metliven, Man., wun ttft*ae ihooaand buan.U of whaat.wa* burnod Friday momiag. It ha* been deoidad that th* Toronto Civio holiday ihall take place on Augtut 19th. Mr. William Swartz, UM Gnclpa .rnail- "i pationt, ho* boaa diauharged from tbo bejpital cured. At a nxatiag in Montreal it wa* decided to carry oat th* propooal far aa iauma- Uoaal expoaition thia year. It i* auggeitod that the thouiand dollar* turpm* from th* Ottawa oarniTal b* de- votod to th* fond* of th* propo**d fro* public library. Inaaaity will b* tho defence in th* will b* opeoed ia Affriealtval Hall. London, next July. Gonoral Booth of tho Salvation Army will argaaia* the exhibit* of fBadiQ prodooa. Importation of cattle into England from all European oountrie*. Morou:->, Natal, Portugal, Africa, and Zalaland, i* probih- lUd. Th* Fall* of Foyer*, on* of the moot pictureoque *pot* of Looh Ne**, bav* been old to a company for th* manufacture of aluminum. In tho Hriti.h UOUM of Common* oa Fri- day a motion by Mr. Allan in favor of tbo payment of member* wa* pi nail by 170 voca* to 15 Tne British tank 01 earner Delaware ha* arrived ia tho Rivor Monoy, having; on board th* crow of the iteam*r Donao, which wa* abandoned in mid-ocean, after having been oa tire for thirty aix hour*. Th* aroaatwork for th* monnmont to b* roctod m Montreal to the memory of Sir Jonn klacdouald ha* boon completed, and u ready to b* (hipped from London on th* tint Meamer aftar tho opening of naviga- Dr. r*arnardo ha* tailed from Kngland for t Cuban plantora, who wore forcoii, they *ay, to no* ta* country to oacap* oat- rage* perpetrate.! by Government troop* in tho diaatfioted dtatrioU ol Cuba. Tho Government of New Zealand hn a|r*ad to he repraooatod at tbo *ui{i(e*Ud mteraalional monetary caoferenae, and bat alao decided to accept tho propo* . 1 to end dclogato* to the cofnmiftoion which i* - ronudar tue plana for layinK tho Pacific cable. Friday a* th* annivenary ol th* birth of William tb* Fint of Gorman f, and th* | pr**nt Emperor addme.nl doeroo to th* ' Chancellor of th* Exehcuuor hoping that pibvuuon woold bo mad* for tho veteran* of th* Franco- Prnuian war w*<o ar* ia Baft NORTH POLE BY BALLOON FROM THE-NORWEGIAN ISLANDS TO BEHR1NG SOUND Bftr Mz *T, rl AlnBI|> * will leave ia a abort timo for Canada . An interesting Latin inscription has been discovered ftt Kourba, in Tunis. It ! gives aa aoooaa: of ih* defence o* tb* town I in 49 B. C. by Pompa>'t party against Juliu. Cassar, and coot ami ft military ' tsrm hitherte unknown, posMious, moaning a gate for a sortie. W hue the British squadron was wsighing anchor ia ths harbor of W*i Hai Wsi dur- I ing a tierce gale a hoavy s* .wept over ths with two handrod and fi: ty lads ' forecastle of thr flagship Centurion, drown under hu care On* hundred ohildrea from ! ing a seaman named Edwards. During the ihe Straagsway Homo, ia Manchester, and ' oonfnaioa which followed ths Alacrity cams oas hundred and forty Scottish orpftsa lad* into collision with tho Centurion and wi- ously damaged her bow plates. Both ships drifted dargsrously near tne lee shore, but i managed w get oioar sad iteam out to Tb* Spanish M muter ia Washington ba. ' resigned. Prosidont Cleveland wa* 68 years of age oa Moaday. It u stated that th* expense, of th* Lax- ow Committee investigauca m New York amount t* about 175,000. Senator Fry* hops* Spain will not apol- ogue on account o? the Allianca difficulty, so that the United State* may b* afforded an eicuse for seizing ("aba. Th* team*r Luoaaia, from Liverpool, ftt New York oa Saturday, brought 28*2,000 in goM ban, and th* Steamer Uascogne, from Havre, brought 4,OUO,OU) franca. umi> ITATEB. YOUNG BEAR AT OXFORD. Time i r. College Cam***] BJ m !>< 1 Blesal. On* of th (ftculty t Chrisl Church Col- lege, Oxford.KDgiand.reoenUy bad shipped to him a young bear from Mount Lebanon Syria. Woo* too oox in which it wo* transported w*i opened ftt Oxford th anima. loftpod oat and ran ftt one* into the chapel whoro service was boinf hold. J usi ft* bo arrived ftt ;h door t ho stout _... _. Too Now York grand jary ho rotunod of Bortio Shoriu, the Valleyfield homicide. >>dictaiaoU for manslaughter against tho i verger happsnsd to com* from within, ftnd Sev.ral of lu. relative* hav. .uflered from of the bow. which recency collapsed ,, mtommt . ^ w lb . mpuh-lookiBg ID Orchard ttroel, ftnd again.ltbe e*n tract- or, .nd district loipoetor. | * running into hu domain b* mado b*rg*B .rpeditrasi in IW2 "83, says that UM wind current* ar* favorable during tho BBunor month* fora hi I loon voyage. Tho) only danger ho loan i* that on reaching tho North Pol*, or th* eentre of tho polar regions, ft perfect calm oiay bo found to prevail; bat exp*ri*noe b*o proved that nob ft eontr* i* usually lurrswnded by wind oniTonU blowing outward. Mr. aadra* hu Kuropoan mulatto* a* a smsatialii aoriftl trarollor. Ho i* not aa enthusiast, bat prfteuual, oool- beaded man of icioacs, who ha* mftdo many pan- montal lasts, beatdss man y balloon journey*. In hi* balloon 9v*a la*t November uo lrav.1- Ud from Gothenburg on tho wool ooa*t of ftwwdoo to iho Ulaud of Gotland. >n th* Baltic, ft diotanoo of ovor 945 Kng'iah covonng tho dutaoo* in tiv boon. JAPAN PAYS CHEEK FULLY a i * iiir Bl*ta la the a* MX MCBSS sa4ree* Will Be crate* " Which ataer aeveaaals 8. A. Andr**, th* distinguished Swedish civil snginaw aad scisnutic aeronaut, will start nsit year on ft ballooa joaraey te th* North Pols, under in* auspice* of 'he Keyal Swrdish Aoftdeaty of Seience aad with th* financial support of a number of Swedish Chimerical aa inch aa undertaking seems I* be, its projeeton believe it will b* a racoon with most important results. la a lastur* before the Royal Swsdish Acftd.my recently Mr. Andre, outlined hu plans. Us declared that tb* sauna* of ballooa construction and of steering a bal- loon curing U * last four years ba* advanc- ed *o far i aunoat M solvs th* practicsuili- Ity of aerial navagatioo. H is planu te establish headq uartenal the Norwegian lil oa Ike north-west ooast of Spitabsrgea. Here a house or ihed of sutfioieni sw* to oover ft balloon of 22 me- tres, or 72.6 feet ia diameter when filled j * " * <* * with gas, will be .rected, aad from this **! BVm*Bt find iioslf paying point lh* bftllooa journsy to th* North I Tr*s-ury about tw.nty auUiaa yon month. Pol. will commence. Tb* groatoot sxpsrt \ T- Th* *traia do*, aoi ftppaar te be fe.t a* yet, partly because a large proportwa y r.r War. A oss patch from Tokio sayi : TB* temper of the Japan*** sauoo ha* bsea significantly displayed ia connection wita aa additional grant of 100,000,1)00 yen for the prosecution of the war. Th* ongiaa' war budget paaasd lit-- 'y by ta* Diet in it* extraordinary ssaawa Ua* October amounted W 150,000,000 yea. Two iasuos of boads hav* already booa A further MBB* of 4,000,000 y*a into in tho world on balloon oono motion and atrial Toyafoa, thooalobrftlod balloon manu- factoror, tho lat* L> Uabriol Yoa, of Part*, ia a latior to Mr. Aadno ladonod th* pita at oatualy practicable, and advnwd aim to ua* a balloon of 22 motro* IB diamoUr, to bo uoniiructod of two-fold ulh oovora, and aid that ft hallooa of thi* *iao and oon trucucn would FLOAT *OB THIT> DAT* Th* Civic Fiaaao* Committee of Mont- real have decided to oat otf the Mayor** I ftnaaal allowance of f 2.000 oa the alleged ground of economy. Tn replace the woodea bridge on the Port Stanley R. R. with iron, th* City Council of Loo ion will aik the Legislature for the power t* iasa* debenture* On Monday night ib. City Council of Chatham. Out,, by a vote of 10 to 1. d*- clftred against Ih* pr*uoaal te piutioo th* Legislator* for power U tax church property. An order-ut-Couacil has bawa pesoed sanotioaiog In* retirement of Mr. Samuel Wilmott, *up*nnteodent of fiin culture. He will b* luooeeded by Prof. Prince, ihe Comuiiaaoner of Fisheries. Steps ar* bsinf taken by tb* Dominion Department of Trad* and Commerce to ascertain th* term* on which a direct taamsbip ssrvios oaa b* naiaiaiaed be twe*a Canada and Franc* and Belgium. The Fint Metoodut church at St. It u announced that negotiation* ar* on tromondou* flourioh with hu iilvor wand. foot between t h* General K.si trie, \V seeing- *ad, darting into th* chapel, es^onoed himeelf ia a tall psw, th* door of which b* betted. Tiglaih (o* tb* bear wa* callod), being scared by th* wand, turned from th* hone* Electric, Weotorn Klectnc and other electric compauio* fur the pooling of inter - eel*. Hon. Richard Vaux diod at Philadolphift. aged 74, H* ftchi*v*d social fame by oP' < capered fraatioally about ths dancing with Queen Victoria ftt court i large quadrangle, putting to flight tb* no- ball. being ih* only American, it i* said, , merous parties of dog* which in those day* who ever had that dutingnished honor. . _ _^_._. _ . . . made too spot their ftlternooo reaaesvous. ' I After a sharp cbaae a gown wa* thrown over Tig; sad b* wa* wiin difficulty I-KUT d. th* sxponditares mad* with th* try, aad partly kseensi th* baaks have panted saraostly and skilfully te avert public laoooveaiaaoft. Recently wbie MSB peace .Bvoy* arrived IB Hiroahiaa, in* don** ot Representative* unaaiawualy pss*sd s neoluttoa dealaruig taair beli*f that th* ead of ta* war wa* still aad that they wen prepared te grant ANT SUM or BUJtBT the , _, ry definite, are *ncoaragin)(. The weather "On paeOOU ._ r^LVMr m..r Ik^r4& vu k^.^ &.M J u ooMer, more band* are being engage.), and money la in larger boom* demand. Cotton good* ar* in more active demand, ftad price* have advancod in th* Soath for ooaree grade* of irood*, bat not for th* of bwinoM. Th* demand for wool ba. leoMaod. .Such advance u ,b*r* i* in trad, u ea- noticeable in the eitie. of New ; , Thorns*. Oak, wa* almost completely York. Boston, r'uui.urg, Cincinnati, and Bature report an increase IB the rat** for money, with a growing demand far loan*. Bank clearing* IB the States show a gain over last week, and ft gain of 1.1 per cent. compared with the corresponding week last y*ar. During th* draggle be got one of Ih* fingen of hu new master into bis mouth and began vigorously lucking it, witk that choice kinds. Strike* in tbe textile mumbling noise for whioh bears ar* re- Bulls aad in other directions sre still markftbla. Thus be was Isad bach te th* hampering the development of buriaoss. j .treat's rooms, walking all tb* way o* his hiad logs sad tacking ihs finger with ail hu might. A ooiiar was put around hu Tig became prisoner. Hu good d amusing iricks soon mad* him cenire* along the Ohio river, *ven a* fr p ri m f T onte with tb* undergraduates ; wed a* tb* city of Kansas. Chicago. Mil- 1 4 e . p ^ j f(JWI , wer . mfc j t> atund in waukeo, and St. ."ul tell umiUr *tory, whlcn (lo th , gr ., scandal of tb* dons). b* acooropanieu his master te break fail* and parti**, whsrw h* contributed greatly te the amusement of the company aad par- took of good things, bis favorite viands being muffins ftnd ices. Hs wa* in general ot an smiabl* disposi- tion, bat .uoject to fit* of rag*, during which hie violence was extreme, but a km i Prince Waldemar, reigning Prince o' j word and finger to suck soon brought him Lapps Detmuld is deal. around. H* was most impatient of soli- Th* Danuh Minister of 'he Interior has]tud*. aad would ory for Hours whan left who ar* to pass over th. CftUftdZan Pacific prohibited th. importation of cattle, .neep, ftlons. particulsrly .1 it weredftrk. On on* railway f romTh. \V*t this year i " I ** (roBI lh N.ther'ftnds o*oa*ion bs wss kept in college till after The Duke of Aosta, n.pnsw of lb* King lh *f ' w r " lock < i M<1 lD * f T WM ? o' Itely.wa. formally betrothal on Moods? P;ly > gsltiag him out without th. v.niag to Prince- Helen, of Orleana. , P" r V'' 'JV^"" ^ t>*en a fine of 10 shillings to pay the next It u reported that tho insurgents entered the oity of Lima oa Sunday after hoavy fighting Th* Village of Hollars, Ita.y, was over- whelmed by landslide extending over two-thirds of a mile I'sstroyed by fin on Thundsy afternoon, only the walls ftnd th* tower remaining. Ths loss M estimated at ftt.UOO, oa which there wa* f 15,000 laauraaos. Owing to the report that some American vessel* had been wrecked on Saole island, ths Dominion Government tent ihe steamer Ntwneld then last weak. She returned the other morning, and reports that there wen no wrscki ther* this winter. A special train of Chinamen passod hrough Ottaws on Tueeday on their way te Bermuda and th. West Indie*. They ftn the advance guard of ft large number without rshlling. As sa indorsement of Mr. Yoa'i statement, Henri Oiffard, Pou- snille* sad tirabam, who are well-known aeronaut*, computed that th* balloon would I*** comparatively a small amount of gas in a month. The gas used tor balloon* la BOW manu- factured sad for sal*, and oaa b* trans- ported any distance in cylinder* ; 1,700 to 1,800 cylinder* ar* snfficMat to fill a polar ! ballooa inch as Mr. Andre* will oat and ' can without aay difficulty b* transported te Spitsbergen. As it might ba somewhat dangerous U 611 a ballooa in the opsa air, . Mr. Aadie* will *recl a portable shod te oover in* ballooa whoa being tilled. The ballooa under construction will b* of *uch carrying power ft* to support a I laaaa, itroagiy built gondola. Tbe gondola I will contain a dark room for photographic | purposes, sleeping room for three per- : SOBS, sad will be provided with a system of ails for steering. Tb* gondola will be suspended freas th* ballooa IB such a way . I that in case of disaster it oaa be instantly , There i* no pose* party in J* detached. TBI ixcsasBJ COM An mtensuag feature of the projected I trip u that th* balloon will not rise higher ' by J apt uses tioops al Port Arthur aiiaed over ths *arth on an avsrac* than S23 feet, | th* Japaases more thaa they pained No> steps were taken te punish needed te prosecute the champaign. The Government inbmitted W th* Diet a few day* ago capplemsntary war budget amounting te 100,000,000 yen. Without question or diswueuoa th* budget we* handed to th* standing committee charged with the duty of examining and reporting upon all such measure*. Two day* later th* committee ptsssalni its report. It eurtly stated that enquiries addressed to the Govsrnmeat delegate*, who always attend committee meetings f r the purpose of answering question*, nas established tbe Government reaolv* to conduct tb* war ao samsstly and vigorously as te lasting psaos for the Orient, and coBBsqoenUy, then could b* ao question about the advisability o' granting the ap- propriation required. Whoa tho presided t called for a show of band* every meaiber res* ia hu plso* aad th* budget was paseed nnaniaiioaaly amid ft iterm *f cheorr. lath* upper Ho The Ontario Government ha. appointed the following gentlemen a commission to investigate the affairs of ths Univ*nity : Chief Justice T. W. Taylor. Manitoba, x-Judge Kingimill, Judge Stik -. K. M. Brittou, Q.O., and Prof. Lain ,:.eil of MontreaL Permiaaion ha* been gnntod by tho i.i'v*rnor-ti*neral to the Ckippewa Indian* to sas tbo Dominion Uovsnment for the An equestrian itatne of St. Wencoalaus, rcovry of 4468 acree^oMand in Caradoo ' w(o was Duke ol Bohemia, and was put to ' town.hip, sad lum of mousy, alleged to hav* boon wrongfully taken from ihom. The whole case involve* more than f l(,- 000. Mr. J. S. Lark*, th- Canadian Commer- cial Agont in Australia, reports to the Dominion Government that trade between Canada and Australia may be developed very considerably if proper repreeeotations *r* mad*, and suitable goods *hipp<x1, though, as bs points out, pri.-es ar* vory does. A valoabl* deposit o' hematic iron or* ha* been discovend in Bell* l.le. Concep- tion Bay, Newfoundland, which is practi- cally on ths lurfftce. and is five foot deep. An arrangement has boen mad* with tbo death in 941, ba* been *r*ct*d in Prague. Con. von Werd*r, llorman Ambaoaador to Ruaia,ha* beeu recalled. It u reported he a 1 11 be eucoeeded by Count Herbert Bismarck. Grftnd Duke Gsorg* of RUMIB, brother of the Czar, has arrived at Algier* from Livadia, wb*r* be will leinaia wmo time for the beneot of hi* health It is npurted thai China has ft aecret ftmngemsnt with Ruseis whsnby the l>ttrr w to intervene if Japan m.uts upon any territorial cession 'he pric* ot peace, Tig we* thenfon tied up in 'be courtyard, but hi* cries were so great that bis master had him brought into hi* room and chained to the bed poet, whn h* retrained quiet till daylight, then woae hu master by licking his face, and presumably put his bind Isgs under ths blanks to. Chinese Scale of Rewards. We *ee from th* column* of The North China Herald that tbo Shanghai Taotai has is.ued a proclamation offsring a reward of 100,000 Tin. to any on* who succeed* IB de- feating the *n*my. causing i\ loa* to th*m of several thousand men, and a similar turn whenever ft Japanese Ton-clad w destroyed or captured, the reward for vessels of smaller sit* being cut down by one-half. A despatch from Ttflis states that the ! The troop, holding an important position Russian military administration content- who succeed in beating oil th* enemy will New Glasgow Iron aad Col Company for pU ,.. forming ipet-ial regiment, out of b,. rewarded with 3U.UOU Tis.. and a simitar th. working ol the proptrty during the th<l Mohammedan volunteer* in Trans- coming summer. raucasia. Mr. and Mrs. T. \V. Hend*r*nu, who livnear th. vUlag- of h.pwortn. Ont.. A d.puiation of Newfoundland church^ h... been am.l.c I on th. charge of mal- """ '"" *"' M B * l " J wlth T " w ' t^ating th.ir daughter, who is 13 year, of i ^ 1 " u " '""*" ' " lh .* B< ' di J '** ige. by tying the T child . hands, and .us- Cnur . cn " d lhe " r%1 ^""^ "' th " aasjajftBj Letter, found npo" th* nbeli captured at th* recent attack upon Bocas del Toro disclos. th. fact that high officials in Nicaragua contributed I'uuds and arms to pending her from a )>*am, and then beating her with a black snake whip and a i saltier trap to which a buckle is attached. It is uadsntooi that Newfoundland will ilemand aa Ihs price of her entering Con- mat Canada build a tunnel ! Advices' have beer received at Calcutta marching to Chitral ba* been attacked by tbe native* and defeated. One officer and several privates were killed The Pall Mall Gaaette lay. that the nnignation of Ihe Spanish Cabinet arc*. DoDiinion, or failing that, the completion of the island railway to Bell* tide, and a terry on ths itrftite to make connection with ft railway teijuebao. urn will bsgivsn in tb* event of a Japan- ese con verted cruiser being destroyed, while the reward for the destruction of a torpedo boat will be 2l>,OOU Tis. The destruction of a ship'* boat belonging to the enemy, and ihe killing al ten or more of the crew, will be rewarded with l,n>Tis., and any one presenting the heads of Japanese bandits will b* given 90 Tis. apiece. Jen- rain ftnd Colonels of battalions who hav* succeeded in defeating the enemy will not only be rewarded according to tbs above <cale, rut their uarnee will also be submitted to the throne for extraordinary promo- tions. ORIAT BRITAIN. The Duchess of Leiiistsr is reported to Poor Luckv Poor Relations. rotations hav* rarely had uch a from a ditlerenee of opinion among th* M.Mt.tersfts to lh* method of proceeding , windfall as thftt reported from Bordeftnx. have died ftt Msaton.. j ftgftinat th* nwpapr* which hav* attack- ' It i* *tated that a uiercbant in the laid Much surprise i* expressed iu certain " lh * Mln y- town died intestate and without any direct circles in London that the Prince of Wal.s There is reason to expect that Belgium ,| MO eiidanta. Hi* fortune, .mounting to thoultl bave permuted his yacht Britannia soon will remove it* prohibition of Cansd- o.>,OOO,OUUi., or $SO,(XN> sterling, is ao- o b* raced on Sunday. iao cattle, as the results of Consular in- quiries disproving the existence of disease have boen communicated by the British UovercTirnt to the Belgian Cabinet G*n. Neal Dow's niusty-fir.t birthday was houored by a targe gathering of cieliee in Lciiaon ou lues- messages temperance locieli Uy evening. Congratulstory wore s*ut W ihe veteran. v monster sxhibition of colonial resources cordmgly to be divided among a certain number of humble families, ths m sen ben of which livs in Cognac *ud Jaruao. Among those entitled te shares in the estate are Among the cabin paseengsn who art ived | twu barbers, s cooper, ft shoemaker and at New York on the \\ard Lin. steamer several labonn,all of whom were distantly Seguarauca. from Havana, wen several I related to tb* rich merchant of Bordeaux. Tku will be socom pushed by means of drag lin.s. coostruetexi of cocoa fibre, thui per muting thsai te float oa water. The ballon can therefor* be kept at the maM distaaos from the earth in passing sith.r over los or water. Tb. balloon will alao b. provided with a great number of rtU UAHOIMI BALLAtfT UNW. Th* object of inete is that IB cas* lh. ' bailooB from soase cans, or other suddenly sinks te ft great depth as soon as tb* ballast line touches the ground tbe balloon will be relieved of t corresponding weight sad tbe i sinking will stop before the joadolft touches the ground. The journey, as now planned, will bs IB a ! direct line from Spitsbergen over th* Norlb Pole te Behrmg Sound, ft distance of about | 2,294 mile*, sad will not, it u sxpected, occupy mon thaa six days, which is a i fifth part of the time tos balloon can float without refilling. Geographical aad meteorological obssr- | vationi sn route will bs mads b/ a competent icieatut. Photographs will be taken of the country as the balloon dual* forward, and tbeee will b* taken in doable sst*. One sst will b* developed on board tbe balloon in case the traveller. m**t with accident and have to tak* te th. gondols. Tb* balloon will alao be provided with Davy's safety lamps, and an slectnc torag* battery for cooking, etc. la the polar regions during the month of July th* tun. both by night aad day, u above the horizon, so that the Arctic regions ars peculiarly fitted for a long aerial voyage. The lowest tempera lure ftt Spitxbsrgsn in July, 1*83, was tow degrees above th* xero point. Another advantage of ballooning in the Arctic region* iath* absence of vegetation, and thus the drag-lines will pasi along evenly and without obstruction. Still another advantage u ths absence of electri- cal itorms : no record ha* ever been mad* of lighgiing or thunder in this part of tbe | globe. It has been *ugg**ted that s heavy I snow fall would destroy the balloon, and thu would certainly b* a misfortune. Hut from records mad* m July at Spite. ' osrgen this danger i not to be feared. TUB TOTAL i1-*T of the expenditure will be about $40,000, and this amount nas already been lubscrtb- ed. King Oscar of +wrden takes a great interest in tbe proposed hVloon journey, and will BO doubt materially aid Mr. Andre*. Baron Nord.nskjold, tho fan.oua polar traveller sad discovenr of the Northwest Pftsaage, has strongly recommended the expedition to the Royal Academy, and ha* .tated th. practical way of reaching the North Pol* is by means of balloon, from his large experience of polar ftnd arctic { meteorological conditions, he is satisfied that Andres's plan will be successful. A* thedutanc* from Spitsbergen to the North Pole u only about ssven hundred miles, with a .oulh wind, the expedition ihould 10 a few hours ee more of the polar regions than would be discovered in several osnturie. hy old methods of exploration. Ih-. Nils Kkholm, probably th* best informed meteorologist in Kurope an I one of the member, of th. Swedish Spitzen- Karopsaaa, th* *s4dion or isgiad. the gsasrahv Such thing* oaaaot b* dene in urn* of bat tie. Th* ealy praetioabss way of rs.ssnring the world was te show teat tho same soldier* could control the passion of reveage under the aam* provocation, Wei Hai-Weioffer- *d the *iLissiry opportunity Ia Sban- Tuac, as in th* Lao-Tung peninsula, the Chinese behaved with pitiless savagery. Wherever they caught Japanese they tor- tured and mutilated them. On on* oooasioo, surprising a parly of .10 Japanese laouta cooking their midday !, SOU Chinamen tied up any that retained signs of life aft*r a seven struggle, ftnd tor* from thoir bodies everything that could b* torn. A few boxrs later the main body of Ihe di- vision te whioh th* uatortuaate men be- longed, marched by and saw th* terribly di*tigur*d corps es.but there wss no attempt at retaliation. Not tingle instance of cruelly or needle** slaughter i recorded against th* Japanese On th* contrary, we bear of common toldier* treatiag women tenderly, sad of a captain who carried a baby IB bis arm* through th* tb ck of a oombat. What u more, tho principle* of uivilued nations in waifaro are evidently obtaining recognition tbrougb- out ths whole Kasl, owing to Japan*** *z- am piss. Using- Wire Fence for Telephoning A short item o* ths as* of th* win fence for telephoning on sheep farm* in Ansiralia, which has beer going ths rounds ba* slioted so many inquiries for further information that K. Aeggir. who hat boon a pioneer in tho utiltzfttmu, has written from Australia to a scientific journal telling just how it is dons. On his property there are about 600 pools te the mil* of tsicings the wire of which is run tnrough augur hole in the ordinary way. The rust that form* on th* wire make* a istficeotly thick skin to insulate it from slight moisture, (Th* climate is very dry, the rainfall being only 8 to 9 inches. *o that insulation i. not of tha vital importance it would bs in a mouter climate. ) At th* straining post* the ruit is filed off the wire at eithr sid*. and a pieoe of clean wire u tightly screwed or keyed on to carry the current srouud the post: at knots or loop joint* a similar connection is made. Th* ordinary long- distance microphone transmitter is used ftt either end, with magneto call belli aad receiver.. One of the most admirable points about this simple service i* thai by mean, of a portable iotrumont a connection can be mads by ths heruer when out on the run, an I nisssag.i can bs sent direct te th* homestead. On the farm mentioned by Mr. Aeggl* tbo longest sorvioe is mteon roil**, but on* run has a continuous service of twenty-sight miles, and there is no reason why the lyitem should not bo worked on much longer stretches. Mr. Aeggle found the cost of hi* telephone service to b* about 60o a mile, and linoe L* showed the way many hundreds of miles of station fence* throughout Australia hav* boon brought into requisition for tn purpose.

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