THE FLI8HIRTOH ADANCI OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, ito Very Uest PL.ACK IN CANADA TO OET A Tkiriajk insimss Ehcatioo, Take a Round Trip &Vi!5.. m ." - CollagM ami Oowiiiiarcial LtopartiiMnt* In Canada, tbsu visit tn* Mnrtliirn Hull UM Collage , osannne efrry %*!{ ll> iimifhly. II we (Ml to pibJue* Ibs m.i iiioroiiqii, complete, practical and rU*u- Iv* oo.irwuf tu<1y . the bett collogo |>rerales n 1 llw bl ami uio oouiploto auil iiio iui- al>l<t furniture u<i i ||lmnci. we will glv you ,* lull coane Kltl... l-'nr Annual Announce meat. gUloc full particular*, free, addrau C. A. FLEMING,' Principal. Eugenia Mills AffD Carriage Works. Oarrtages made and Repaired, also Placing and Matching, Band Suw- ng. Wood TuruiQg of every des- cription. Planing and Grain Chop ilnati wlnle you wait, for Beaver tarns the wheel. I. U Miinnucr CONSTIPATION <? BILIOUS NESS, r^DVS PERSIAN SICK HEADACHE, REGULATE THE LIVER ONC PILL AFTER EATIN8 INSURES 600D DietSTION. PRICE 2S CTS.TDODft *$ DON'T DESPAIR DODDS'- KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU We minntn Pwl'l'i Kidney Pllli to rnrt my cas*o< Bright'* Dnejie, DiabUrs. I i.nilxtp. DroMv. Rhcamattiin. Heart r>fic.iic. female TrouiiU*. Impure I<|<KX| * money rch'D}sd. Sold by ill deal- n<n nxxllclnc, r>r by null on naipt <* nice. >. pet bun. or Ste bwi* a.>o. OR. U. A. SMITH * CO.. Toronto. PKOTOSTPHOTOS! If yon want (ihtrfus taken go to the FLESH ERTQN PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, hrf nothing but rimt claw work n turned out, mul prico* lower than charged tor city *nrk. Caixfai attention jiiveii to r.i|>yni|{ <ithr pictures. Babii-s' photut a DOTS CORNER. Picture K in all iu branch** promptly and neatly sliSMb Irs, lolnBr S;.BD..ID St. BOOTS MUST-BE SOLD Si<lling I'll ui, reduced ratal lo make i 'Mm for iii-w toc!(. Urcrsliocs. Hn^ber.i nnd 2kIiiccaiuK nt inui vi IIMI.-.IV low pi'ieis. This in A ( i<MMiin<- I 'id lit Fur pin dinners, nnd will only l*t for ri short limo. Call in and let ir.u con- \incc yon > if its irntli. All ii|>* in boots ffuin me nfin tliin nuucu n|i|)i'diH will be sowed up frevof tlmrge. Tliit is an extra. In tilt) rusk hall, Maikdnlr, on Monday night 'lien- aMuinlilcd OIK; of tln.Ke hmull l>ut enlliUKiaalic audience* vrliicli ci>in|*n- le i coming 011 a pc.revntaK are apt to view with dufaror. Hciil the god hunmr of the Meni Pol aid Hewlett and Mia* Annie 1...U.XI- Whitd who c< tupriM tin- c<'iti}>niiy arenild in t in the li-imt disturb- od liy tbvap^iM attcudan^^Tliis is a airong coiiibiiiktion and no doubt would have drawn as large an audience as the rink could accommodate had (lie roadi not Ix-i-n well iiuputaaole. Mr. Ueurfie K"X wlioFu boyish face i* preltv wtll known through the townn and cities of CanatU mid whose repututiiNi a* a yn>liu- Mtmrvvn bvWcr known, was of c'lnr-e the chief UIUWIMK card. HitconnnnDd if this at ouco the abused and exalted of instruiiif ntH i toinothmx marvellou* ; hu|iU)el whule pa>saKcs in harinonie*, tud KUcc-eMitiiis of rapid double to|.a with un ense tliat wa plajful. To hear liui ui lA'Onaid'a 'Duello" (without piauu at- cuni^aiiiiiiL-iit) carry two d,tinct parts and at ihu same nine n.aiulain an rlaboi- tu .K. >:i j..iiHimii! of ricli L-horiln, was at <ntf a lutfUtion and a delight It may be said of him as of Manoau, l.u playii'g is M -Hy, ao graceful and so strong that those who know nothing of the violin inijl.t miiij-iiie that what he acconiplulius U dune mort: by iiatural abilil) that by aeriuus upplicatioii. This is vn y far from ihc case, (IT a man may liar the i^enivis of u Pa^Aiuni a a. I yet wiil:out roi unued UiKiplinu he can diaw nothing but ilm cordant sounds from the four strings. With the piano and organ it i entirely different, fur eren a child lias Uid aid of sight and ihu tingent of txxh haixia to as nut linn in niakniK ihe initruinunl apeak with delicacy and power. H has nlo the breadth of kuys nearly tn inch wide to prevent tl.u haud from slip]inx to mike the note either sharp of Hat. The violiui.t haa none wf h-u accosa- oriea, and be has only four too.-* of which lie is sum. The utlu-is are all made I y the I'Ltciug of the fingrr upon a certain part of the string. L>-t tbi|< itiun vary the width of a hair Mid the t- ne is im peifuct . even let the presture bv uu.-.|Ul and Uiu tone is ruined. Mr. P"X is a Wnlkeifost |..,y and owts hu proticiency to .Mr. liowinaii.of II mill- ion win .in hv derlarra to be the bent U-aeli- er ill Canada. It will b*> remembered that Mr. Bowman w.m also the toacher of thai oiher young Cai.admn star, Mi N..ta C'lencli. Mr. r'..x ^ous to Onna>iy nit sum. to b*Kin a tin re yvais' courau under Ji.ahim, tin- world ieno*iii-d, l>ut will vary In* atuditt* with oca>ione<J lours through tin* country and the Vi.ited States. Mr. H.-wInt cumin not without lu-t rrvduntials to llum who niny rtmember his luiiliiii! iiigmi ]>liy,i t{ at those IITIII oi.-ilil.. Wkdnvday rrnunK roiicerta in Ciltoii St Mcthoili.t cliurcli aome three yvirs Rgi>. tlu 01 < pinDo tolo .>n Mi. n day evi iiinu waa ' h. scms of drlicMCy,'. iiippnu and tt-ikdvi, and many weie the x|inwonH of rfjfrrt that Im waa nor lo appear again in ihu role of soloist ; ihouji in the not lm-> im|x-rtaiit and put ha|Mi larer io)e of an ..I. I.- accom- paniU I.e wiu heard to admnlatfe many linn* duriiiK tbit vrriiilur, in f-u-i Mr. Fi.X woiulm in. it he al.ould play lo any- one else's accoinpuiiutvnt. Mr Hewlett not i.nly occupies his old |>aitiiNi of orgaiiiit in Carlton S'. cliaich >>ut Ma teacher of the piano in tliV CobScrviitniy of Mumo. 1'i-ihii] n the heaviest part f a iidi pro i-imniiii' fell to the lot f (kilts L-.uiitu XYhi'e, of New York, who pro vided no lem than HKIH i-un.'-i-i < IxMidtS snci-ur*. Mina \ II-.H a f.u.'s of tl grand dink type, nn/i;eiitive i-f travn- I oti>.ilni , so one m.tvrcuAtily H irpiiaed lv her \eiRHiil-ty she hunts into fun anil frolic Her two I e*t nunibera wme "lie it Ijjte,' 1 "The Unikim; llee," which lint, r M wiillrn for Accom- panied .>ii i he piano, ohe i.i a'ternntely the old tiildler ". alln.g off' at n country .Inure and i he iu*liu youth or nmiden riiii|>:n..> Ihr lull tilt; tigurm. Bui whrn I any MI-H While m aeeu to nunt a Itani- II KM in rolli(kiii|{ fun. I IIIIIHI i, .1 f,.i .1 her n nilition of LonKfellor. ' "Tho l.i- fi'iol Hoaiitiful, ' whioh fully exempli- lied her puri-ly ariiftic nen.ilulini a Mim \\hro IH n New Yorker for gtiner i i .;, Ii iek, if <.n ni.iv H., Kipro^t it, nml ll u Ii inlly to He wiiiid..|txi nt if nhd U) In ..-. h -nn-lt' jus i i.-il 111 tayiiig that tin- urvaliiHt Mdvali:agvH oil ids c-ililinelit me to bo had tli, re She aeenm very 11 pleitMxl by ihu inception Accorded hor l.y Hie i '.in. i.!. mi (ra.ipie in 1'iii hr accooil lour tliroiwh l'..i. win .u. il lilt els the m- af Irving nicid.'iit.s of l..r pi, f.BH...i.l life l b a dmitiag face. Dor >unl> ami IIMrirt. Watch oat for the nanhinK machii.e swindler. Tlivie are thne i r four \n T of lllOKi- rlick men WOlkllllj II different purls of Ontaiin. Their plan is to take the sample machine out to il.e country nnd try to sell an agency lo the f..rmrrs offering tbem 976 a month and e\ jx-nscii paid. As an example they got in: luan iiaiiui I Heart lo sign what seemed to bu all a^iei inenl of some KM t Some PI rii'ii aent woil t hiiu that it waa a swindle snu he and f. ur or five othe s i'ut.le tlie avent ahow them the paper?. It turned out that hia name was to four note* amounting to $604. iiiarrli Kelleved In l to .llimil'S. ""- l""it pull of tlie breath through tlie blower, snppiinl Witli IM. Ii I ..tile of Dr. Agnew'a Cularrhnl Powder, diffuses tin* powder owl the nurfa-e of ihe itaaal paswvjei* FmnleMaiKl ddighlfu- lo live, it ie,l. vira instantly, '(! pcunanl en tly cures Catarrh. Hay Keve>-. I'o'ds. Headache, 8-.r* Throi'. TIM a I ti snd Deafness. U cents. At W. E Richard- son's. A drepa'ch from H.-pw. rth aayit . In- formal n>u waa Uid yua'erdiy l>i f, r,- P. Anderroii, J P., at:.iiil W . Henderf n and hi* wife fr maltreating their daii^h- t-r. a child about 13 y.i of a<;e It a| - pears froni the information laid, that the accused have been in the hnbit of tying the child and wMpenilim: h.r fn m a beam overhead and bintally beatinif l.i-i with a lilaek-htiako whip and a s'M|> with a buckle on the end. Whin Constable C'ru-e vt: veil the suminnna he brought the child to ihu vtlUge and had her ex iiiniiieil l.y Dr. ('itiiiplatll, who iy thai in all hi piac-ticv. be nev. r sw a case of auch bruialily. Tho child U one muss of bruises and purly healed aoie* from thi aevere l.e.itnma ahe has r' The nni.aluial pnren'a were tried before a nia^ialnte n>l rsntenced each !> pay f60 fine ai.d costs and lo serve three months in jail. KrMrf in Hoars l>i*lreaing Kid ey ai.d Bladder rlweusra rrlieved in six hurs by thu " t ireut Smith American Kidney Cure. " Tin* new rvmrdy is a ureat turprwo and delight on account of its excelling po mptnriw 111 rv'iwiiig pain in the LUdUer, knlurr*. back and er-ry pait of the m mar) pa^wiff. n in male or fe male. It relluves rvtvi.tioii of pain in IMifsmg it almost iniineJiuic'v. If you want <|uiuk relief and cur tbia ia vour rriii.-,ly. Sol.l by W. E. Richardwii, llrari li-.-:iof ReHcred In :o MlnsltS- Dr. Acne's ^wr Cur, of lb II. .rt give* perfect relief in all caaea of (iontonic or nyiri pathetic Heart Disvaae in HO minutes, and speedily effecU a cure It i a peer ! t remedy for Palpititimi, Short ne of Breath, Muiothvring Sfiella, Pain in Left Side and all aympron* of a Diea*el Hntrt. <>D done convinces. Sold by W. E. Kichaidi.D. A KIIUII to Horrsnrn. Ont b>tti* f KI)'^MS!I Spavi-l l.llinoi-ll' eirtillilelely removed a curb from in j hone. I take pleaaurv in raooiniiwntling the remedy, us it acln wii'i myiiterious prtnuptnena io tin- i mi ova I from liornm of ha id, soft or ol Voune'l lump-. Ulixid |MV in.aplinta. curbs, aweeny, slides and |nt,ii .H. UEOROB ROBB, Fartnr, Maikhaiu. Ont S-.l.l by W. K. Richanlaon, TMI5 SPACE BELONGS TO SLOAN & BEECROFT Who will irake an announcement next week. WHOA! Horse owners of Maxwell and snr- iniiril n^ ri'iinli V ulioillil stop at the | corut-r ^liiip wliure llioy will be prop- \ t-rlv atleiiilud to ill all llllCB of All Kinds of Bad Feet Carefully tended to. tt- Having; inaile UIIUMKC iii(-ii!n with r fiist-clsus wood woikii, all jobs in tlut lino ilnip iK'Ally uinl m Uviug |nioes. UeuioutlMir the place. . Clr.xk &. Bon. Repairs* IJepairs D. McTAVISH, FLbSHERTON, HOKSKSHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, KEKI'S ON HAND Hi-pair* for Mamry Borrii, and Naxoa. H-nr> nnil Wilkinson Brov Farm Iniplrini-nH Plows: Fleury and Verity on, hand all the time.^iso all kind* of [iii n for tiir same. \Ve manufacture WflgJJis, Uuggits, Cult* r, Sleighs, etc. tlorxcaiioeing prompt!) attended to. Special titteutiou to teudti ontncted feet. Loggiug nJ Plow Chains eous'.nntl j on hand. Pointers CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS. GEXTLKKEX, Aa ll * i aten of innw U apnr<.a< hiu?, we droire to ilrmr your iitrniii'n t" ni utoek of Cntt'in wl irh in now eimij-l.-i". I, nin" large Hock to sel- ect iroiu. mi ill- np in * roriity nf ly|r an<l Hnislird m tli- tim-l -iv) of nrt and at pr:res Iliut .'try nniuif tiiion. In -l-i^hp we ar. prepared losnit Tun lu liybtor bfavy. A 1 work n-i'lc i.f il.e hest urtl* rmt. Kitilli fe ui .t <nl aivl b j.r own )ndg<-.. Sceiin is i>< li ting. Ton i.l flud ii to jour intt r. at loe.,1. ..11 . \Vhittcn Fleshcrtoii. "I TELL ALL MY FRIENDS." A. Lady of Shelburne, Ont., Permanently Cured of Indigestion After Using Two Bottles of South American Nervine Glad to Let Every/one Know It, to tic A. V. GALBRAITH. With indigestion it i* not only that ; one suffers all imaginable torments, physical and mental, but more, per- haps, than anything else, an impaired digestion is the forerunner of count- Jess ailments that in their course leul to the most serious consequence*. Let the stomach get out of order and it may be said the whole system is dis- eased. When the digestive organs f.til in their important functional duties, bead and heart, mind and body are sick. These were the feelings of Mrs. (lalbraith, wife of Mr. A. V. tJibraith, the well-known jeweller of Shelburne, Ont., before she had learn- ed of the beneficent results to be gain- ed by the use of South American Nerriae Tonic. In so many words she said : " Life was becoming un- bearable. I was. so cranky I was really ashamed of myself. Nothing that I ate would agree with me ; now it does not matter what I \*. I take enjoyment out of all my ms>ls," Here are Mrs. Qalbraith's words of testi- mony to South American Nervine, given over her own signature : " Shelburne, Ont, March 27, 1894. 44 1 was for considerable time araf- ferer from indigestion, experiencing ,,aM the miwry and annoyance so common to this complaint South American Nervine was recommended to me as a safe and effective remedy for all such cases. I used Only two bottles, snd am pleased to testify that these fully cured me, ami I hare had no indication of a r el urn of the trouble since. I never fail to recommend the Nervine to all my friends trouble ' with indigestion or nervousness. " MBS. A. V. OALHRAITU." test iu. on y of this lady, given freely and voluntarily out of a full heart because of the benefits she ex- perienced in her own person, have an, echo in thousands of hearts all over the country. South American Nerv- ine must euro, because it operates at once on the nerve centre*. These nerve centres are the source from which emanates the life fluid that keeps all organs of the body in proper repair. Keep these nerve centre < sound and dii vse is unknown. There is no trick in the business. Evt-ry- thing is very simple and common seute like. South American Nerviop strengthens the digestive organs, tones up the liver, enriches the blood, is peculiarly effioaeioos in building up shattered and nervous constitutions. It never fails to give relief in one da v. i-'or u!* by Win.