Flesherton Advance, 25 Apr 1895, p. 2

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THE NEWS IB A NUTSHELL THE VERY LATEST PROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. llrr<-.,lii ( I CM. Ih.a tireal Krliaiti Ike Dalles] uir. mmt All Part* oi ike ilek*. (4ea-<l aae- Asserietf fer Itaav sTeadlas;. CANADA. The American Government will establish Consular agency mt Rranlfnrd. A shipment o( trash fish from British Columbia to England has met with a ready ale. Mr. Patrick MoAedrews of Hamilton ii ad from adoM of nuiiatio acid t*kn IB au take. Mr. George Belts of Chatham, blew hii braiDt out with a gun whila temporarily Tb* Finance Committee of th* City Conn- eil of Kingston, Ont., has fixed th* rat* ef taxation for this year at 17 J iriila. The Montreal Building Inspector is de- molishing th* new St. John's French Pres- byterian church, a* it i* regarded as unsafe. In the Dominion Government Savings Bank, the balance on deposit on March 11 was f 17,097,786, while a month ago it was 117. 1 12.739. Th* International Radial Railway Co. gives notice IB The Canada Gazette of aa application to th* Dominion Parliament for a charter. Tne su-amer Numidian, which arrived at Halifax on Sunday from Liverpool, brought 70 orphan boys, destined for Western Canada. Mr. Matthew Miller wa* overpowreed by gas iu tbe King street sewer at London and saifocated. Two other men working with him bad narrow escape*. Twelve of th* meet dangerous convicts in the Westminster, Ii. ('.. Penitentiary have been transferred to the Stony Moun- tain Penitentiary in Manitoba. Newspaper (lot machine* are being tried iii lhe Hamilton streetcar*. Tb* machiu* ooutains a bundle of papers, and aa a cent i* dropped in a paper come* out. Mn. H. A. Davies obtained a verdict at Hamilton for $5,000 damages against Bra- coy Bros., & Co., for the loss of her hnibaad who wa* killed while thawing out dyna- mite. Mis. Mack, a lady from Nsw York, employed a* clerk by Morrison, tn* alleged (tamp counterfeiter, at Hamilton, he* been taken into custody at the instance ef United Slate* (ecret service officers. The Uade and navigation returns will rh-jw that during the last three months of Ih9l the exports of Ontario and Quebec to the United Slates amounted 10 $9.11, (H more limn for the am. period in IK'.M. Aaiwer to the Rritnii ultimatum to Nicaragua has been received at the Korean Uifi -e. It i* understood tuat the reply u so satmfactory that the actiot) which the Government threatened to lake will not aow be taken. Jaeve* W. 8cMt of The Chicago Times Reralil, died f apoplexy at the .Holland BOOM, New York. liver mining proprrne* in tbe Rainy i the war - Tne hioese, on River, Thunder Bay. and Algoma districts h T fi ht t " in President Cleveland has filled hi* income tax paper fer titty thousand dollars, th* full amount of hi* salary. The Nsw York Seuat* passed th* bill extending the time for the completion of the New York Canadian Pacific Rail- way. The Rev. Father Paradis. the Canadian ir iasionary, aud head of the repatriation scheme, is seriously ill at Lake Linden, Mich. John Huffman, arrested at Buffalo en charge* of theft preferred from St. Cathar- ines, will return to Canada without formal extradition proceedings. In the case of Daniel Werllng, of Pitts- burg, IV, who murdered hit wife last April, a pardon is to b* asked, on the ground that th* man was reoderei insane by the Keeley treatment. James Duffy, an ex-steward on tbe White Star Line, jumped from the Brooklyn bridge. H. lurned over several lime* as ke went down, and struck th. water on his side. He never rose. Capu Mahaa, of the U.S. service, whose ship, ths Chicago, is going out of column sion ha* h<*n offered several dunes in connection with the Naval War College in Washington, which h* will accept. New York furriers claim that th* smug- gling of valuable furs by th* agents of a Quebec furrier across th* Canadian border ha* coat the United Slates Government $60,000 a year for the last three yean. Prof. Jas. K. Keeler, of the Allegheny observatory, announces that th* ring Oi Saturn is made up of small bodies, aud that the satellites of the inner edge of tbe ring move more rapidly than those of th* outer dge. Th* jury in the suit of Chaa. W. Mo- Keever, to recover damages for th. low of his daughter's life from the Allan tic A vena. Railway Company, broughl m*a verdict in Brooklyn, N. Y., on Saturday for four thousand dollars. Perry, the noted train robber, with 6ve other inmates of th. Mattewaa Slate Asylum, escaped from the institution at a , late hour last night. Th.y assaulted The tall in .ilv.r, or lh oorreUtiver.se in keeper, and e^p.?d through rt,e scullle. .*** ' greal """"r l lh- H"* 1 "'"-' " The names of the mso are Moliuire. ] ol lhe Ult r m ' U ' an . ml soar the total expense of which is expected to be ' IT n DTTT5 T TO T TFP TIT HTITlff A about rJfJ.000.OOii. The bill asking for tbe il U lUilluU Lli 1 fi Ifl UHlJlAi necessary appropriation* will be introduced | in the Chamber early in June. Mr. H. Ii. Null of Brantford, who ha* jait arrived in New York, says that in Havana, where h* had been fer some weeks, tbe situation wa* extremely uncomfortable, especially to foreigners. He was followed by the Goveraso.nl spias, who hounded his every movement. The war or revolutionary moveateat was growing rapidly, and is undoubtedly extending over the whole ieiand, and the Spanish recognized the fact only too well. VIEWS OF A GENTLEMAN RETURN ED FROM THE ORIENT Jas>aner Are a Warlike re*f>le Tsie ; Chinese Have a* Flsjhi IB Tbens- Japsus < !<. Take ikr Wkle I i i T j iniloa. el i hmr.r Knew >.iiiii ' bui Ike War rirlares ef Jastaaese Life, "How could a small people of twenty million beat to her knees a great nation of tour hundred million ? Well, the reason is very simple. Th* Japauee* are a warlike THE PRICE OF SILVER. _ ,d...,, I. tk. l-rlce ef Ik. Wkli. ' "O""" 1 h ' lj M.I.I is k.iaallal a.d K.ceeraa- , P l o- Many private soldiers who are INI I denied opportunity of going to the front Th* advance in th* price of diver will be , *> committed suicide. Two sick gener- wlcomed iu all district* endowed with any ' nn ling theoweives debarred from en- oonnlderable deposits ot silver ores. The B*?'"* "> > war, put ao end to them- minio* operator* and miner* of Nloa, t 1 * 6 *- Tn UwU ohi'dr*" in t streets of Trail Creek, Slojan. Kalso, and other dis- J P* P'/ < *oldirs all the time. The trict* , B British Columbia will be glad to ; WOIB n h displayed passionate ea^er- hear of iu So likewise will the owners W j n * to hel P ""r^s, and in other ways in the contrary, They like iu Ontario. The advance is substantial and b t of ali ** c "l*>* ">' P*che. of land encouraging, being all the way from S0)o. "" P*~=- Tn y " 'thot "> warlike toonjo., or I'Jo. an ouno., which i. 21 per ' nitincU Th *y ntd no commander*, no oeut. of the former price. ' If this advance ?"" ""' lh *y are be tan to toeir ">" *" T* Auetralian by birth. Mr. J.F. bold*, its etlect will b* lo increase produc- | lion in British Columbia and give new life to silver minimi in tn.; Thunder Bay i'is. Iric'.. Despite the greal downfall of silver in consequence of the panic of 1893 in the United S'.ate*, th* repsal of th* purchase Hamilton, who has travelled through a guod deal of Japan and China, has studied the characteristics of each people, ha* mingled with all classes, (speaking their language as he dost), and ho is, therefore, clause of the Sherman Act, and tbe closing bu oonv.ree eauriaiumgly upoa the*. of th* Indian nunts.the British Columbians did not cease to produc* it, as did the miner* of Colorado and other silver Slates On the contrary, the pioduction of th* white metal baa been slowly but STEADILY IKCBCAMNU in th* 1'acitic Province. two curious uati.ioalities, with their memorial customs aud civilization. "I bavsjust corns from Shanghai," said Mr. Hamilton, recc.tly, IB the conn* of a chat at Hi* Windsor Hotel, Montreal, and am going on to N*w York. "Tiie war is over. Japan could lak* th* It* ore* would ' whole country, if she wanted to. OU I If A ut PBilcrTHATB. All were O'Donnall, Quigley and Davia, dreaseii alike. * 'met Justice Fuller, in the United Stales Supreme Court, read th* final dec sum in the income tax case. It was held tkat Ui* [i,',,',',,. tax on rent* or landed investment* or oo possibly be worth working for th* lead , alone which thay contain, though lead ha* Sh* would bave to yield to any demand, alao beta low-priced. But the rich mines of howev*r exorbitant. Japan may have her uitticuay now, wneu the HU it is over. She Kootenay contain high-grade oreenotouly ^ ^ mnch , he EoZm power, ot ., vr lead. Out a,so of golU snd snver. JJ lnUrT<me . Md there ml/ be more tight ing. "The Chinese are quite without lhe military instinct. Miortly after the war had broke out I was entertained by the son ch for gold which led to lht> larger i production ot si.ver. .l.no.t M ania.i*.tai of Mr })t ^ th . Un ud states Minister of gold mining. MM MrUat. tx,.uu,hi. i. u cbma ^j vhl , R . Bllmmn tko *i me a well luruist^.l will both mineral,. But clrculllr fro|n lhe a.,,, rum ent t^ t Ke gov- while mining industry has developed in ul ^ ,,, ^ broken out it nas declined, so far as ,_, lb , lwo Oo9 . trltf . lh at the Chin the Kooteoay River, between Kootenay Lake and the international boundary line, has arrived at Nelson, II. 0., and report* that the Kootenay Indians have driven off all of the company's men by force of arms. The Board of Trade of British Columbia ba< forwarded to the Dominion Government a resolution asking that tbe sum of $4'2.">, ngs oreaaed millions of Chineaa ku*w nothing what production may cause another ecr lboot , t They .iad not heaide word, reaction in the price. But it is to oe re- Th , Ul , , ot w|ult ^ h ^ r> e(tb , r that .il took the matter up and pitched into th* clergyman as a scandalmonger, and several of the Presi.'snt's political opponent* re- j nleniOKrwl th .t ths cheapness .,f C La^il hV. wuhrawV h,i"Zi^. ' W '"" ' l " oonn cte ' 1 '"' dei: "" lh i th. Japa^i... ire thoroughlY imbned wTtb char..., h lo7,.d r.^^ -K -I**. I .v. en ,t '" W ' * . PO*NI. has been f. Lowe 1 by an increase oi I ,|, | M ^ Tb .y are thoroughly San Francnco is shocked at the second ft. use in the arts. modernuwd. The.r (hips are handl.d as murder of s young woman m the K.nmanusl SOLID .ILVBB.WAKB British men-of-war would be handled in Omi, the amount of damage* claimed by the i Baptist Church. On Friday the mutilated Briush Columhia sea'er* from the United remains of Minnie. Williams were found in is now afford! by many persons who! the minister's room, and yesterday morning formerly usml plated silverware. Probably, the Uly of Blanche Lament wa* found in too, the prue of silver was unduly de- States, be placet! in th. .stimaus, should th* Imperial (toverumenl not advance that amount. Mr. Jnetice Killsm gave judgment at Winnipeg in the matter of a by-law passed by lhe Municipality ot Louise prohibiting the sale of intox eating liquor*. The Judge held tha' the by-law was illegal, and in ordiT was made that it be quaened without costs. This i* iu accordance with a recent deoiiion of the Supreme Court, and some ten muuiuipalitie* in Manitoba are allected. OMAT SKIT A IX. lireal Britain ha* recognized the Re- public of Hawaii. Sir Thoma* Powell Buxton has been appointed Governor of South Australia, to sucoee.1 the Karl of Kinlore. Recently telephonic communication was held between the coast of Scotland and th* Isle ol Mull without the use of wires. It is announced that the marriage of Lord William Bereaford to th* widowed Ihichees of Marlbornugh will take place shortly. Ths British Museum has withdrawn from public use in the library th* work* in its collection of which Oscar Wilde i* the author. A ill-snatch from Ulasgnw say* that William Henderson, the last survivor of the foundfis of the Anchor line of ileanislup* Udeil. Lord Rosebory i* still sunVring from intermittent attack* of insomnia, and his physK lani tontiuu* to adviie him to go abroad. Tin- l'i iniTuof Wale* has abandoned her contemplated journey to Denmark and iusiead she has a family party at Handring- ham. There promises to be a good market for Canadian horee* in Rngland. On Thursday sixteen ('anadian horn s sold from on* kandred and twenty to two hundred dollars dissemiuatinii news ; the people are educat- a small room in the steeple. The twogirls pressed below its actual worth. u account e< , ,,, lule ,t lg . ooe i,l .pre.d. The The London Spenker, which is reputed to be an inspired Uovernment ergan, deolar*( that the French evacuation of Tuni* must pr*cedi< or accompany the Knglisb evacua- Uon of KgypL Wi.at is known as the nurseiy tricycle 1s beooiniiu! common in London. It lias two seat* on. for th* mistress and on* for the nairl and the baby. There are two sets ol pedsli. Sir Henry Jam** has introduced in th* House of Commons a bill imposing a penalty for thn utterance of any fnlse statement regarding the character or Conduct of any can lidato for election to Parliament. The Canadian Oatette (ays that Lord H" t>, ry intends to lignafito his return to I'irliament aiier his illness by the intro- dm-'iiiri of a bill lo enable coloninJ juilgis i" sit with the Judicial < ' ( umnit'..f of the IU'll. vcr - "t;-nm "ber, aid Mi. Hamilton, action. Their armies are led a* the German army would be Ird. They have first-ret* daily papers aad the modern methods of lad ben friends. Dr. George Gibson, jaatorot the church, was taken into custody, iiul a young medical student, Theodore Jnrant, who wa* last seen with Miss .aino.it n. ar the church, is suspected, but the police are unable to find him. OBNBHAU Flood* hav* don* great damage in Sonthi-rn Hungary. Tbe Ruasian Government i* enforcing the edict of I MIS against tbe Jews. There is K re l fear that Japan will be ; 111 cied with a cholera epidemic this year. The appeal of Mm*. Jouiaux, the Bel- gian | uisin:r, for a new trial, has I ceu rejected. There are disquieting, rumors m Chris- { Haul a of impending wai between Norwsy I and Sweden. The Hungarian village of Toplitz, a wel'. mown health resort, has boon almost ' totally destroyed by fire, A despatch from Simla say* it i* hell* ved Umra Khan i* negotiating with the British force for terms of surrender. Klizabeth Viererbe has died at Wind berge, Germany, aged 9:i year*. Sh* had been housemaid in one family for 79 rears. Col. Bealtye and three men of th.Chitral expedition were killed and two officers and seventeen men wounded Ik an attack OB som. hill villages. Th. St. Petersburg polu* have discover- ed a plot to astMsinale llovernor (Jerme! von Schouvaloff, who was lately Russian Ambassador to Germany. Li-Hung-Chang, while regretting th. defeat of China, thinks that the oaut. of civilization will be advanced by it in the Kast , and is therefore not altogether regret- table. Charles Shervm^toii, aa Knglish soldier of fortune, has resigned thecommaoder-in- ohiefship of the Malagasy forces, and will leave Madagascar at once for Knglaod. '''he sudilen advent of warm M either a tf.rmany ha* led to a rapid r -> of h* Rivtr* Klb* and ()d*r and their tub ia-y stream*, resulting in In ,11.1.1 a loa of large districts. The Spanish (iovernment has purchased the cruiser budl at Kiel for Chir.a but not delivered because the Chinese (lovernmsnt tailed to pay for it. The cruiser will be sent to Cuba, Cholera hat broken out in the lazaretto on thn Island of Kamarau, off the west! coast of Arabia, in a bay of the Red Sea. Thirty persons havi been attacked, and there are several deaths daily. Architects are already a- work -n Unld- ,ug plan* for th. Paris Ktposiuon ol IU60, of the monetnry ban under wlr.oh it fell. If so, the present advan e may holtl. It must be admitted that the events which aeem to be immediately responsible for that advance do not of themselves seem inffi. cient to sustain a permanent advance. Tb* fact, that U*rm*ny aud Kn<lan I ar* not avrrte to the holding of another interna- tional monetary conference lo consider what can be don. for silver, and the cer- tainty that an immcnae amount of silver will be required tu pay the war indemnity that Japan will exact from China, can hardly do more than give a momentary impulse to tbe sliver market. It is to be hoped that tbe rn* is on* of lhe symptom* and effects of a general process ol im- provement that le pervading everything and penetrating everywhere. FACTS IK FEW WORDS. r 1 1 i. i i. i MM i women in in There are < India. The Bank of KngUnd was founded H. M .nd the Bank of Scotland in 1805. Paris actress"* wear paper lace, which by ni|(ht, looks M beautiful and delicate a. the best of real lace, while it cost* but a tritV. Th. counsel in a recent case before a London court in which th* firm of U>mbey & Son wa* interested WM Mr. Dicksn*, son of the famous novslisl. Euphrates Knolspius Kndyinioii McJim- ey is th* name ef a clerk in the rec rder's office of Marysvill*, M >. He (igns hi* name with a rubber (tamp. Some of th* tops with which Chinamen amuse themselves are as large M banels. It Vakes three men to spin one, and it give* ort a sound that may be heard several hundred yards. IB th* reign of Queen Elizabeth, if bad flab were sold lo lhe poor, th* fishmonger was decorated with a necklace ol his unsav- ory commodity, and then perched on a laud in th* uiarket. A nice lit lie snap, In th* way of business, cams to the sheriff of Monroe Co., Miuu. H. followed a man 6,000 mile, to arrest him for stealing a $40 bicycle. After spend- $1,10(1 he caught the man and recovered the wheel. There are no f.wer than 103 cathedrals in th. United Kingdom. Of the** 48 are Roman Catholic cathedrals, 86 Church of Kngland, 15 belong to the Church of Ire- laud and 7 lo th* Bnttoopal church of Soot- land. It is announced that an egg of th* g'eat auk will soon be ottered ferula in England. Two ot these eggs, which turned up recent- ly, sold for 17ft and 20U guinea* respective- ly. Another one WM sold IB London a year ago for 31.0 guineas. about; heir exotnee. "They are oo* irua Before a Eiropean is sent out r .o any bsnk- irg or ineuranc* insuinuon, to any form of commercial life, he is first of all examined by a doctor. If he is strong .Bough and has ether qualifications, all is well; but, stark this, b. ha< to sign aa agreement to tne ffe<-, that if he misconduct* himself in any way, gives way to drink, or to wrung conduct, be is to consider himself dismis- sed. At first, there is n loubl Europeans gave way to license, being removed from the restraint* of Ruropean life. But recti- tude and sober living mark the foreign Ule. both in China aad Japan." THE IDEAL WIPE. A tearek rer ike Meal aVInlllea Jet Nsk of a arecsa A London paper recently offered a prize for the best definition of "The Ideal Wife." Th* prize ha* been awarded to the author of the following : My ideal wif* is a tru* woman, with a loving disposition, on* who can cook yon a good dinner, mend and make, and onra* her hrsband and children when ill. One who doesn't worry over trifle*, or meet 'roubles half way. One who will not b wanting money for a new bonnet every time the fashion change*, and y*t will keep h*rs*lf neat and niee after she is married, just M (b* did before. On* who will live within her hosband'a income, and save for a rainy day. Une who will meet you with a smils and a kiss when you r.lurn tired from work, and have tea all ready in a nice tidy kitch en or parler. Such a wif* I shall call t treasure if I am lucky enough to get her. Another oorrespon-ient writes : As I already posse** an ideal wife, I had better deeorib* her. Without being beautiful, eh* 1s really nice, pleasant and happy. My equal la vigor, health and mind. Not a " new woman," but a thorough domestic bslp- Mika in, whom I have frequently seen, and who rides about quite freely m the streets of Tokio, wears Kuropean dress as do all the the oth'oere of state. Ths ladies were seized with this craze for Kuropean dress three years ago, but that passed away M fevers do, and now you at* llisin in their URAPlrUL MATIOHAL OUSTDMIB, I was at the Mikado's ball recently, an<l out of more than one thousand ladies present 1 did not sse six ilreswd in Euro- pean costume. Tbe Japanese are a tiue, polite, generou* people. Kuropean'* leave the country with reluctance, aud I know everal men connected with bank* and insurance office* who, when they received noti < 'o tiaoafer toother countries, refused to leave." Mr. Hamilton thinks 'he war, in spite of the greet loss, will prove a blessing to the Chinee*. "1 think it will liavo th* effect of opening up the country. What China needs is railways and the strong breath of modal n commerce. She ha. been sealed up for thousands ol yean." liere ii one of the effect* ot this sealing up : >ke IVkin, for au example of what is called immemorial cmii/Uion. There are uot at this day in that oily the simplest sanitary regulations, and as the streets are usjed for every neooMary object you m-ty guess what state they are in. As this is the ractice to-day, ao it ha* been the case for, 1 supposs, over a thousand years. There is uot the .lightest sanitary accommoda- tion, and the people live in a slate of incredible filth. Men have been drowned in the boles in the streets of Pekin. The smells are intolorablr." On Hi" other band, let Chinamen have all the credit which is due : "Th. Chinaman in t> mineral*. HB LI VIM PBACKABLY. He ban one legal wife, to whom he u good, and th. law allows him to take M many olher woni"ii a. he thinks he can keep. The legal wif. he may put away according to law if lhe prove childleu. He simply desires to be let alone. "No man can S9* the Rmperor of China except a minister of a foreign power, or a man of equal rank thereto, ami even then it is under such reitrictions a* make the interview humiliating. The government of China i* quite apart from th* people. Th* people hav* no share in it, take no interest in it, do not know what it will do, what it has done in short, there i* no public life in the country at all." Mr. Hamilton thinks tbe war may im- prove all this. "It will let in a flood of light upon the Chinese mind. I cannot but think it a blcasii.g in disguise, although a blessing well disvuissd." A word M to the life of Kuropeans in the Kasi. Mr. Hamilton has heard stories As our family is large, her economy is great, and her skill with the sewing-ma- chine marvelous. Hsr voice 11 melodious; her affection and faith unbounded. Ms* oaa discuss thsnswa of ths day xiually well with tb* last new bonnet. If I win the guinea I (hall give it to her. She deserves it, A postcard is too small to enumerate her virtues. Still another writes: If I marry, my wif. must be tall, well mad*, with small hand* and (set, auburn hair, violet eye*, penciled eyebrow, long Usbee, a well-shaped nose, perfect teeth, and peach-like complex on. She must be able to play the piano, harp, flute, corset, banjo and guitar. Sns must b* aule to speak French, German, Italian, Kussian, Spinisn, Greek, Latin and Kuglish Sh* must be able to rid* a hirse, bicycle and tricycle. Sh* must be abJe to shoot, fence, box, row, punt, scull, swim, dive, scat*, play golf, cricket, foot ball, team*, quoits, billiards, whitt, nap and cribbaxe. .sh* must slug wsll and be able to whistle, She must be able to cook, sew, make pastry, scrub, sweep, chop wood and light ires, make bed* and other domestic duties. A fourth writes : I liks a feminine wo- man, and in these day*, when th* genlls) sex compete for honor* at the univetntM and what not, it is lime for men who want wive*, in tb* old sense of the term, to raiea an idsal of their own. Almost daily we hear of ladies taking degree*. I grant tome m'n would like to marry a f*maU M.D, I am uot among tb* number. Give me a womanly wife who will sym- pathise with me in all my difficult!*., who will cheer me with Her honest advice, who will begin!* m* with her affection ; not a inly woman, who would bore me with argument, *eary mo with her politics, or boas i o' her degree. Patriotism Carried to Extremes. Th* Japan Weekly (iasette rela'.ss an incident that throw* no little light oo the peculiarities of the Japanese mind, aud proves the intense and somewhat savage patriotism lhat dill exists among the peo- ple of that Kmpire. On Feb. 3, it says, a telegram datwt W*i-Hai-W*i reached the wife of Major Gen. Otera Yasumumi at her home in V otsuma, near Yokohama. It announced lhe death of her huabanJ, and added : " H met an honorable fat* ; you have nothing to regret." The woman read the dispatch and said, simply : " No, I feel no regret*. A *oldi*r must expect to , die on th* field of battle." She showed the message to her husband's mother, and she, too, read it unmoved. " What !" she) exclaimed ; " is Yaautuini dead ? We can never o:ler enough excuses to the Kirpsror that ray son should have been taken away In-fore he could be useful to tbe State." If heroism of this kind is common in Japan, it would seem tbat the old samouri indinct survives unchanged by tne lulro ducuou of railways and telegraph*. Siberian Prisons. Mr. Harry Ue Wiadt, who ha* travel* xens veiy in Siberia, in lecturing recently on " The I'riMins of Siberia" in L/ondon, said thit there are about vi.iO prisons oi that country, two-thirds of which are rest- ing places along the great post road to the Pacific. To these about 17,000 persons s v ar have Iwcn sent from Russia during the last 15 year*. I h* (ilver minee of Nert- chmck, near the Chinese frontier, and the only ones where convict* ar. em- ployed. The prisons there are clean and substantially built ; the food and clothing good and surnoient. Th condition ol the mineis is substantially lhe same a* that of Knglish miners, except lhat they do lest work. His Motto. Jinks There's a man whose motto r Pay a* you go. Winks - An excellent motto. Who U he? .links-He's a railroad president, and ever gives parses.

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